Financing Energy Efficiency : Lessons from Brazil, China, India, and Beyond

Energy for heating, cooling, lighting, mechanical power, and various chemical processes is a fundamental requirement for both daily life and economic development. The negative impact on the environment of current energy systems is increasingly alarming, especially the global warming consequences of burning fossil fuels. The future requires change through the development and adoption of new supply technologies, through a successful search for new, less resource-intensive paths of economic development, and through adoption of energy. Greater energy efficiency is key for shifting country development paths toward lower-carbon economic growth. Especially in developing countries and transition economies, vast potential for energy savings opportunities remain unrealized even though current financial returns are strong. Activities included specialized technical assistance, training, and applied research covering the four primary areas of country interest: (a) development of commercial banking windows for energy efficiency; (b) support for developing energy service companies (ESCOs); (c) guarantee funds for energy efficiency investment financing; and (d) equity funding for ESCOs or energy efficiency projects. One clear message from the experience of the three country Energy Efficiency Project is the importance of establishing and maintaining practical, operationally focused dialogue between the banking community and the energy efficiency practitioner community.
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Taylor, Robert P.; Govindarajalu, Chandrasekar; Levin, Jeremy; Meyer, Anke S.; Ward, William A.. 2008. Financing Energy Efficiency : Lessons from Brazil, China, India, and Beyond. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP);. © Washington, DC : World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.
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