Publication: Massive Modularity: Understanding Industry Organization in the Digital Age — The Case of Mobile Phone Handsets
Digitization is transforming the organization and geography of industries. Once digitized, information can be generated, collected, stored, monitored, analyzed, and processed in ways not previously possible, and when common standards are used as modular interfaces, data can be transferred and put to use with greater ease across organizations and geographic space. An important effect of digitization on industrial organization is the emergence of global-scale modular ecosystems associated with specific classes of products, applications, and technologies. The modules and sub-systems in these ecosystems can—albeit with significant engineering effort, because they are complex—be reused, connected, and layered to drive innovation and deliver products and services with immense complexity at scale. The nuances of this transformation have not been lost on the field of technology management and innovation. The primary focus of this literature has been on how to capture value in modular ecosystems, mainly by focusing on how to companies can influence or leverage industry architectures and “win” in an era of digital platforms. This paper makes three contributions to these literatures, as well as to literatures on global value chains (GVCs), industry standards, and industrial policy in the post- “Washington Consensus” era: 1) it develops a broader view of modular and platform ecosystems than has been advanced so far, highlighting the overlapping and layered nature of digital industry ecosystems; 2) it focuses on the multiplicity of standards that bind modular ecosystems together; and 3) it draws attention to the geographic and geopolitical implications of what it calls Massive Modular Ecosystems (MMEs). The case study of the mobile phone handset industry reveals three paradoxes associated with MMEs: 1) they allow for extremely complex products to be produced at scale, unlike more traditional industries; 2) they simultaneously feature high degrees of market concentration at the level of complex sub-systems and components, and market fragmentation at the level of the industry overall and at the level of complementors; and 3) they are concentrated in geographic clusters, but because MMEs integrate work carried out in many specialized clusters in many countries, the system as a whole is geographically dispersed. This leads to a fourth, policy-related paradox: MMEs generate strategic and geopolitical pressures for decoupling when placed under stress, but the same set of circumstances also creates pressures for maintaining the business relationships and institutions that have come to underpin global integration.
Link to Data Set
“Thun, Eric; Taglioni, Daria; Sturgeon, Timothy; Dallas, Mark P.. 2022. Massive Modularity: Understanding Industry Organization in the Digital Age — The Case of Mobile Phone Handsets. Policy Research Working Papers;10164. © World Bank, Washington, DC. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.”
Other publications in this report series
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The results show that 92 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa’s groundwater-dependent ecosystems risk overexploitation if photovoltaic water pumping is implemented without proper controls. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems in Southern and Eastern Africa, particularly in South Africa and Namibia, are found to face higher risks, while those in Gabon, the Republic of Congo, and southern Nigeria tend to be less at risk. Comparing these results with populations relying on unimproved water sources highlights regions like southern Nigeria and South Sudan, which could be prioritized for potential photovoltaic water pumping system investments due to their higher groundwater development needs and lower risks to groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Conversely, areas like Namibia and South Africa, with lower groundwater development needs but higher risks to groundwater-dependent ecosystems, should require targeted investments and very close groundwater monitoring. 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Higher minimum wages may result in higher earnings for affected workers but fewer job opportunities for others, including the demographic groups they are intended to help, such as those with very low wages and skills and youth, so ex-ante evaluation of potential employment, wage, and distributional impacts is needed. Over the past decade, Romania experienced significant real growth in the minimum wage and a rising minimum-to-median wage ratio. However, when looking at minimum living standards, the analysis shows that the statutory minimum wage is higher than the living wage needed to cover a consumption food basket estimated by the European Commission under the European Reference budget network, but not enough to include non-food components. The microsimulation results using administrative tax data show that tying minimum wage to inflation or the living wage could lead to a slight short-term wage increase for some workers but may cause job loss in the long run, especially for younger workers. The minimum wage increase could have varying impacts across regions and sectors, with the accommodation and food services sector and those living in the Suceava region, which has the highest proportion of affected employees. Moreover, male employees tend to be more affected than their female counterparts.