Senderowitsch, Roby

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Governance and Institutions, Coalition Building, Political Economy, Transparency and Anti-Corruption, Citizen Engagement, Organizational and Institutional Development
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Last updated: October 25, 2023
Roby Senderowitsch currently serves as Adviser for the ECA Region of the World Bank . His most recent assignment was as Governance Practice Manager for ECA West. Previously he has held various positions, including Manager for Leadership, Learning & Innovation; Manager of the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA); and Country Manager in the Dominican Republic. His work in the Bank included a strong focus on political economy analysis, building coalitions for change, anti-corruption, and performance-based management of public institutions. Currently, he also manages 3 communities of practice on Open Government and Transparency, Anti-Corruption, and Citizen Engagement. Before joining the WB, Roby has led an international development program in Cuba where he served as the Country Manager for an international CSO, he has been a lecturer on nonprofit management and public administration, as well as director of educational programs and community development and HR management in the private sector. Roby’s publications include “Building Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions in Europe and Central Asia,” “Democratic Governance in Mexico: Beyond State Capture and Social Polarization” (with Yasuhiko Matsuda), “Performance Informed Budgeting and Trust in Government” (with Nick Manning and others), and “From the International Financial Crisis to Inclusive Growth in the Dominican Republic.” Senderowitsch holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Buenos Aires and a Masters in Policy Studies, Public Administration/Nonprofit Management from the Johns Hopkins University.

Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Building Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions in Europe and Central Asia: Lessons from the Region
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-06) Boyce, Daniel J.; Arizti, Pedro; Manuilova, Natalia; Sabatino, Carlos; Senderowitsch, Roby; Vila, Ermal
    Countries around the world are facing the need to build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions. There has never been a more important moment to tackle this agenda, as countries grapple with increasing fragility and migration flows, more complex service delivery requirements, and greater demands for transparency and inclusion, all in a more resource-constrained environment. Moreover, the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic crisis has provided new evidence of the need for effective, accountable, and inclusive government responses. Governments’ capacity to respond to these complex challenges is understandably stretched, but this has not limited the rise of citizens’ expectations. Instead, it has often increased tensions and, in some cases, has affected the trust between governments and their citizens. This publication builds on the World Bank’s vast engagement across ECA and on the 2019 regional governance conference. It consists of six chapters, each corresponding to one of the governance areas around which governments across the world organize their institutional functions. Each chapter contains background and analysis by World Bank specialists, complemented by country case studies authored by regional experts and policymakers.
  • Publication
    A Collective Action Approach Against Corruption: The Case of the Dominican Republic
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2015-03) Kaufmann, Daniel; Gallina, Andrea; Senderowitsch, Roby
    For almost a century, the Dominican Republic has faced considerable governance and corruption challenges. High levels of corruption were present long time ago, and still prevail today, even if their characteristics and manifestations have changed. Rule of law has been weak for a long time, and generally government effectiveness has not been high. By contrast, the country has performed better in terms of progress on fundamental political and civil liberties, and thus relatively speaking it rates satisfactorily in terms of voice and accountability. Civil society faces an enabling environment within which they can operate. Against such background, the innovative and participatory anti-corruption participatory initiative (IPAC) to improve governance and combat corruption is assessed, taking a relatively broad governance perspective. The paper does not attempt to provide an exhaustive evaluation of all aspects of the single initiative, but its aim is to contribute to the analysis and debate about the benefits and challenges of participatory initiatives promoting good governance and anti-corruption, in the Dominican Republic and elsewhere, while also concretely identifying possible follow-up initiatives. The first section provides in brief some of the general antecedents on the evolution of governance and corruption in the Dominican Republic. The second section discusses the IPAC strategy. The third and fourth sections present authors views on IPAC’s achievements and shortcomings, respectively. The concluding section provides some follow-up recommendations.
  • Publication
    The Political Economy of the Middle Class in the Dominican Republic : Individualization of Public Goods, Lack of Institutional Trust and Weak Collective Action
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2012-04) Sánchez, Miguel Eduardo; Senderowitsch, Roby
    This paper tries to uncover some of the hidden factors behind poor public service delivery in the Dominican Republic. By looking at three sector cases, education, health and electricity, it is possible to observe that in this setting of low quality of public services the "middle class" is opting out from the system and adopting private solutions to collective problems. The combination of this opting out behavior with low levels of institutional trust, especially among "middle class" members, fragmented interests and clientelism, among other factors, results in weak collective action and lack of effective demand for improvements in service provision. Some of the tentative policy options to break this sub-optimal equilibrium are i) to build capacity in civil society organizations and help them forming a pro-reform coalition, ii) reduce the gap between the middle class and the poorer by trying to improve the provision of public goods and enlarging the welfare state, and (iii) increase transparency mechanisms and introduce e-government formulas in order to optimize the allocation of public resources.
  • Publication
    Results, Performance Budgeting and Trust in Government
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2010) Brumby, Jim; Arizti, Pedro; Manning, Nick; Thomas, Theo; Senderowitsch, Roby; Arizti, Pedro; Brumby, Jim; Manning, Nick; Senderowitsch, Roby; Thomas, Theo
    The book identifies four categories of performance budgeting, namely direct performance budgeting, performance informed budget (PIB), opportunistic performance budgeting and presentational performance budgeting. While the Conference papers often refer to performance budgeting broadly defined, much of the book focuses on PIB, the most common category of performance budgeting adopted to date, making the argument that this is likely to be the most applicable in many Latin American countries. The book combines two seemingly diverse governance topics, adopts contrasting analytic styles to address these, and seeks to draw out their inter-connections, with particular reference to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Latin American countries. The first topic is PIB, which is discussed largely from the practical perspective of policy makers and practitioners, reflecting that it is a major public administration reform that has been underway for several decades. The second topic is the trust of citizens and firms in government. This book is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one provides an overview of PIB, building on two decades of experience and lesson-learning, and sets out the key themes that provide the basis for the discussions in the subsequent chapters. Chapter two introduces the concept of trust in government, particularly in OECD and Latin American countries, and explores why this matters for development. Chapters three, four, and five explore key dimensions of PIB, including the institutional foundations, the production of performance information, and the uses of performance information. Chapter six considers the impact of performance improvement on trust in government in OECD and Latin American countries. Chapter seven provides a guide for practitioners on PIB.
  • Publication
    From the International Financial Crisis towards Inclusive Growth in the Dominican Republic
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2010-01-01) Tsikata, Yvonne M.; Senderowitsch, Roby; Senderowitsch, Roby; Tsikata, Yvonne M.
    During the second half of the year 2008, the world experienced the worst worldwide economic crisis in over 70 years. The effects deriving from this crisis can still be felt over most of the planet. Low or negative economic growth in developed nations and emerging economies, high levels of unemployment and millions of persons below the poverty line, are some of the starkest examples. In the Dominican Republic, the effects of this international crisis are manifested in the reduction in international trade, the drop in tourism and in remittances, and an economic growth rate lower than expected. In this regard, the Dominican Republic asked the World Bank to prepare nine policy notes which are presented in this volume. These notes focus on the following topics: 1) long run economic growth in the Dominican Republic; 2) ease of doing business; 3) logistics for competitiveness; 4) access to financial services with emphasis on financing for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs); 5) the electricity sector; 6) climate change and the Dominican Republic, 7) the health sector, 8) territorial development, and 9) accountability and performance system. The policy notes presented here argue that an inclusive development is possible in the Dominican Republic. However, great challenges must be faced to meet this goal. From the analysis presented in this volume four challenges emerge which must be faced head-on in order to achieve sustainable and inclusive development.
  • Publication
    Institutionalizing Performance in the Public Sector in LAC : The Case of Mexico
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008-07) Manning, Nick; Arizti, Pedro; Senderowitsch, Roby
    Mexico, like other Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) governments, is committed to improving the performance of the public sector. An important first step is to gather objective information that enables governments to measure progress towards achieving their policy and program goals. As well as potentially improving decision making by politicians and civil servants provided with higher quality information on the performance of departments/agencies and programs, this information can enhance transparency and accountability to the public and the legislature. The Government of Mexico (GoM)'s new results-based budgeting initiative is anchored in a new legal framework, establishing the Performance Evaluation System or Sistema de Evaluacion del Desempeno (SED) that will provide data on the performance of publicly-financed programs and organizations as inputs to the budget cycle. These performance data include consolidated data from program evaluations or other sources on the outputs and impact/effectiveness of public expenditures; and data on the quality of public management, which is the focus of a new Management Improvement Program.