Journal Issue: Development Outreach, Volume 13, Issue 1

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Why Aren't Children Learning
(2011-04) Banerjee, Abhijit V.; Duflo, Esther
We are five years away from 2015, the year when the Millennium Development Goal of universal education is supposed to be achieved, and the school attendance numbers do look good. In many parts of both East and West Africa, and almost all of South Asia, school enrollment has grown rapidly, with primary school enrollment now exceeding 90 percent in many areas (UNESCO 2009).
Demystifying Success : The New Structural Economics Approach
(2011-04) Lin, Justin Yifu
It took a Scottish moral philosopher with no training in economics to set the course of modern economics and challenge researchers to answer what is arguably the most fundamental question in public policy, namely: what is the recipe for growth, job creation, and poverty reduction?
Participatory Development Reconsidered
(2011-04) Mansuri, Ghazala; Rao, Vijayendra
Over the last two decades development policy has touted civic participation as a magic bullet for solving problems at the local level from improving livelihoods, to selecting beneficiaries for public programs, providing housing after earthquakes and floods, or improving village infrastructure. The thinking is that involving village or urban civic communities in decision making will improve accountability, reduce inequality, and ultimately alleviate poverty.
Participation Makes A Difference : But Not Always How and Where We Might Expect
(2011-04) Gabonventa, John
In their article: Participatory Development Revisited, Ghazala Mansuri and Vijayendra Rao outline the high hopes for participation over the last two decades, yet conclude that participatory development has become a "tarnished silver bullet," perhaps another in a long series of development fads that promise more than they deliver.
Beijing Consensus Or Washington Consensus : What Explains China's Economic Success?
(2011-04) Yao, Yang
China's remarkable economic growth is often attributed to strong government intervention that can mobilize large amounts of resources to clear any bottleneck to growth or institutional change. This approach is often referred to as the Beijing Consensus (BC) as compared to the Washington Consensus (WC): the former being a model of authoritarianism and heavy state involvement in the economy, the latter a model of neoliberal and market-oriented doctrines. But these characterizations are inaccurate.
Development with a Human Face
(2011-04) NdunGabonne, Njongonkulu
Archbishop Njongonkulu NdunGabonne is Head of African Monitor, a pan-African nonprofit or Gabonnization that monitors development funding, delivery, and impact and helps bring African voices to the development agenda.
Demographics and Development Policy
(2011-04) Bloom, David E.; Canning, David
By late 2011 there will be more than 7 billion people in the world, with 8 billion in 2025 and 9 billion before 2050. New technologies and institutions, and a lot of hard work have enabled us to avoid widespread Malthusian misery. Global income per capita has increased 150 percent since 1960, outpacing the growth of population. But we cannot be sure that incomes will continue to grow.
The Politics of Development
(2011-04) Levy, Brian
The numerous tectonic shifts that have shaken the foundations of the development paradigm over the last halfcentury have had far-reaching implications for development policy formulation and implementation.
Education for Education...Or for Skills?
(2011-04) Hanushek, Eric A.
Countries in the developing world were led to believe that education would put them on the path to becoming modern economies�and they responded enthusiastically. Education for All was a powerful message that has led to a veritable transformation of schooling throughout the world.
Cities on the Prowl
(2011-04) Campbell, Tim
Cities in the modern world are beginning to share some features with the city-states of millennia past. Now, as then, cities are important, even critical, to economic development. Unlike the walled cities that harbored flourishing trade in medieval Europe, today, cities by the thousands all around the world are looking outward in search not of silk and spices, but rather sources of finance, global talent, and most of all, good ideas. But the search for knowledge isn't always easy.
What If We're Not Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) : The Opportunities Ahead for International Development NGOs
(2011-04) Glenzer, Kent
International development NGOs (IDNGOs) have both flourished and been objects of cogent critique over the past twenty years. The populations and budgets of IDNGOs continue to grow even as concerns about accountability, quality, and cost persist. Meanwhile, major inroads have been made on reducing poverty, driven not by official development assistance (ODA) but by market forces.
Zombie Economics : How Dead Ideas Still Walk Among Us
(2011-04) Quiggin, John
John Quiggin is an Australian economist and professor at the University of Queensland. He has also held academic positions at the Australian National University and James Cook University. Best known for his work on utility theory, Quiggin is among the top 500 economists in the world according to IDEA S/RePEc. Quiggin authors an Australian blog, and is a regular contributor to Crooked Timber. He also writes a fortnightly column in The Australian Financial Review.
16 Things You Didn't Know About Africa
(2011-04) World Bank
The largest population in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is 151.3 million in NIGERIA. The smallest is 0.1 million (100,000) in Seychelles.
Pathways To Development : What We Know and Don't Know
(2011-04) Nallari, Raj
Sixty years of development experience tells us that the pathways to development are varied, guided by different visions, different strategies, and different definitions of progress. If sustained growth is the measure, then progress has also been mixed. Between 1990 and 2008, the developing economies have grown nearly twice as fast on average as the developed countries. But over the past six decades, only a dozen countries have sustained their growth for twenty years or more because of frequent shocks, redistributive conflicts, and difficulty in sustaining reform efforts over time.
The Greening of Development : No Growth Without Energy
(2011-04) Carraro, Carlo; Massetti, Emanuele
Economic development increases the demand for energy. This is true for countries at all income levels, although as economic growth progresses, the demand tends to increase more in the low- and middle-income countries than in high-income ones. But energy remains a key ingredient for economic growth at all stages of development.
Industrialization and the Land Acquisition Conundrum
(2011-04) Bardhan, Pranab
When government officials are involved in land transactions the scope for arbitrary decision making and corruption is large, and the land issue can turn into a political football among rival political parties.
Development 3.0
(2011-04) Devarajan, Shantayanan
Shantayanan Devarajan Gabonve a lunch talk at a recent conference of civil society and technology people orGabonnized by the Tech@State folks at the U.S. State Department.
Technology and Labor Productivity
(2011-04) Jorgenson, Dale; Vu, Khuong
Worldwide, labor has become nearly twice as productive over the last 20 years and even more so in the developing countries, with Asia in the lead.