FROM PROMISES TO RESULTS 37451 AFRICA DEVELOPMENT I N D I C A T O R S 2 0 0 6 from the World Bank Africa Database THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. Copyright © 2006 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ e World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing September 2006 1 2 3 4 08 07 06 e findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this book are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. e World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsi- bility for any consequence of their use. e boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this volume do not imply on the part of the World Bank Group any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. e material in this publication is copyrighted. e World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant per- mission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. 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To order the AfricaDevelopmentIndicators2006, e Little Data Book on Africa 2006, and World Bank Africa Database 2006 (Multiple- user CD-ROM), please visit the publications web site at For more information about the Africa Development Indicators and its companion products, please visit our web site at You can email us at Cover design by Michael Diavolikis of Communications Development Incorporated. Photo credits: front cover, Curt Carnemark; top row, left to right, Trevor Samson/World Bank; Curt Carnemark/World Bank; Scott Wallace/World Bank; Eric Miller/World Bank; Curt Carnemark/World Bank; back cover, small top inset, Eric Miller/World Bank; large top inset, Curt Carnemark/World Bank; bottom, left to right: Scott Wallace/World Bank; Eric Miller/World Bank; Curt Car- nemark/World Bank; Ray Witlin/World Bank; Eric Miller/World Bank. ISBN-10: 0-8213-6537-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-6537-3 eISBN: 0-8213-6538-X DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-6537-3 Contents Foreword vi Acknowledgments vii Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa-- From Promises to Results 1 Notes 20 References 21 Indicator tables 23 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 1. Basic indicators 1.1 Basic indicators 25 2. National accounts 2.1 Gross domestic product, real 26 2.2 Gross domestic product per capita, real 27 2.3 Agriculture value added 28 2.4 Industry value added 29 2.5 Services value added 30 2.6 Gross domestic product, nominal 31 2.7 Total consumption 32 2.8 General government consumption 33 2.9 Gross fixed capital formation 34 2.10 General government fixed capital formation 35 2.11 Private sector fixed capital formation 36 2.12 Gross domestic savings 37 2.13 Gross national savings 38 2.14 Resource balance (exports minus imports) 39 2.15 Exports of goods and services, nominal 40 2.16 Imports of goods and services, nominal 41 2.17 Exports of goods and services, real 42 2.18 Imports of goods and services, real 43 2.19 Gross domestic product growth 44 2.20 Gross domestic product per capita growth 45 2.21 Gross national income per capita 46 2.22 Total consumption per capita 47 Contents iii Part II. Millennium Development Goals 3. Millennium Development Goals 3.1 Millennium Development Goal 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 48 3.2 Millennium Development Goal 2: achieve universal primary education 50 3.3 Millennium Development Goal 3: promote gender equality and empower women 51 3.4 Millennium Development Goal 4: reduce child mortality 52 3.5 Millennium Development Goal 5: improve maternal health 53 3.6 Millennium Development Goal 6: combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 54 3.7 Millennium Development Goal 7: ensure environmental sustainability 55 3.8 Millennium Development Goal 8: develop a global partnership for development 56 Part III. Development outcomes Results framework 4.1 Status of Paris Declaration indicators 58 Drivers of growth 5. Private sector development 5.1 Business environment 59 5.2 Investment climate 60 6. Trade 6.1 International trade and tariff barriers 62 6.2 Regional integration, trade blocs 65 7. Infrastructure 7.1 Water and sanitation 66 7.2 Transportation 68 7.3 Information and communication technology 70 7.4 Energy 72 7.5 Financial sector infrastructure 74 Participating in growth 8. Human development 8.1 Education 76 8.2 Health 78 9. Agriculture and rural development 9.1 Rural development 81 9.2 Agriculture 82 10. Labor, migration, and population 10.1 Labor 84 10.2 Migration and population 86 iv Africa Development Indicators 2006 11. HIV/AIDS 11.1 HIV/AIDS 87 12. Malaria 12.1 Malaria 88 13. Capable states and partnership 13.1 Aid and debt relief 89 13.2 Capable states 90 13.3 Governance and anticorruption indicators 92 13.4 Country Policy and Institutional Assessment ratings, 2005 94 Part IV: Household Welfare 14. Household welfare 14.1 Burkina Faso household survey, 2003 95 14.2 Burundi household survey, 1998 96 14.3 Cameroon household survey, 2001 97 14.4 Côte d'Ivoire household survey, 1998 98 14.5 Ethiopia household survey, 2000 99 14.6 Gambia household survey, 1998 100 14.7 Ghana household survey, 1998/99 101 14.8 Kenya household survey, 1997 102 14.9 Madagascar household survey, 1999 103 14.10 Malawi household survey, 1997/98 104 14.11 Mozambique household survey, 1996 105 14.12 Nigeria household survey, 2004 106 14.13 São Tomé and Principe household survey, 2000 107 14.14 Sierra Leone household survey, 2002/03 108 14.15 Uganda household survey, 2002/03 109 14.16 Zambia household survey, 1998 110 Technical notes 111 Statistical references 147 Users guide: World Bank Africa Database 2006 and Africa Development Indicators CD-ROM 151 Contents v Foreword Making headway against African poverty and picture of development across Africa. e meeting the Millennium Development Goals book is designed to provide a set of key indi- are raising difficult challenges in most African cators to monitor development outcomes in countries. Despite pockets of success, nearly the region. It is an important reference tool half the region's population still lives in ex- for those who want a better understanding of treme poverty, and Africa still houses about the economic and social developments occur- three-fourthsoftheworld'spoorestcountries. ring in Africa. e tables comprise a selection But Africa is today a continent on the move. of key development outcome indicators from Average economic growth remains strong, ex- 1980 to 2004. ey offer detailed informa- ports are increasing, and many countries are tion in areas such as the Millennium Devel- making tangible progress on delivering better opment Goals, private sector development, health and education outcomes. trade, agriculture and rural development, Africa Development Indicators 2006 is the HIV/AIDS and malaria, infrastructure, the latest annual report from the World Bank Paris Declaration, governance, and aid. on social and economic conditions across e Little Data Book on Africa 2006 is a the continent. It was revamped this year to pocket edition of Africa Development Indica- better report and monitor the challenges tors and is intended as a quick reference on and transformations in Africa. Africa Devel- the most recent key indicators for users of opment Indicators has evolved from a single Africa Development Indicators 2006. data book, and this year consists of three in- e World Bank Africa Database 2006 of- dependent but complementary products: this fers the most comprehensive database on book, which brings together an essay and key Africa, covering about 1,200 indicators of outcome indicators for Africa, e Little Data macroeconomic, sectoral, and human devel- Book on Africa 2006, and the World Bank Af- opment variables, with time series of many rica Database (CD-ROM). indicators going back to 1965. e CD-ROM Each year's essay will discuss a topic of rel- also offers country at-a-glance tables for all evance for Africa. Starting the new series is African countries and map tools for Africa. an essay about the Year and the Decade of Af- Despite the rich data reflected in this fam- rica. e essay takes stock of how countries ily of products, the lack of data for Africa is and donors performed during 2005, which still a major impediment to monitoring de- was marked by meetings of the UN Millen- velopment progress. As users will notice, nium Task Force, the U.K. Commission for many variables have few country observa- Africa, and the Group of Eight Summit at tions and underline the need to improve data Gleneagles, Scotland, and culminated in the collection across the continent. UN Millennium+5 Summit in New York. e I hope that this new series will contribute essay reflects both the magnitude of the chal- to the way countries, development partners, lenges and the strength of the response and analysts, academics, and others understand also sounds a clear warning on the need to and design development policies in Africa. move from promises to results to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Data in the book have been assembled John Page from a variety of sources to present a broad Chief Economist, Africa Region vi Africa Development Indicators 2006 Acknowledgments AfricaDevelopmentIndicators2006waspro- Catalina Gutierrez, Katie Heller, Lawrence duced by the Office of the Chief Economist E. Hinkle, Stefan Hochhuth, James Keough, and the Operational Quality and Knowledge Mohamed Khatouri, Jean Michel Marchat, Services Group of the Africa Region. e De- Sergio Margulis, Celestin Monga, Anna Mu- velopment Data Group of the Development ganba, Jonathan Munemo, Francois Nanko- Economics Vice Presidency collaborated in bogo, Benno Nludu, Essama Nssah, Sonia the production of e Little Data Book on Afri- Plaza, Francesca Recanatini, Ivan Rossignol, ca 2006 and the World Bank Africa Database Francis Rowe, Pieter Serneels, Sudhir Shetty, 2006. Stephanie H. Tam, Mark Roland omas, is book and its companions, e Little Robert Townsend, Dileep Wagle, Naoko Data Book on Africa 2006 and World Bank Af- Watanabe, Elizabeth White, and Yutaka Yo- rica Database 2006, were prepared by a team shino provided inputs in the form of com- led by Jorge Arbache and Vildan Verbeek- ments, suggestions, background notes, and Demiraydin, comprising Zena Angesom, boxes. Xiao Ye helped the team in preparing Francoise Genouille, Rose Mungai, Joan tables and charts for the essay and provided a Pandit, and Christophe Rockmore. Mehdi box. Cecilia Briceno-Garmendia, Arnaud Des- Akhlaghi provided technical support for e marchelier, Vivien Foster, Sudeshna Ghosh Little Data Book on Africa 2006, and William Banerjee, and Kavita Sethi contributed to the Prince provided technical support for the infrastructure indicators and a box. World Bank Africa Database CD-ROM. John Communications Development Incorpo- Page, Chief Economist, Africa Region, pro- rated provided overall design direction, ed- vided overall guidance and supervision. iting, and layout, led by Bruce Ross-Larson, e essay and Africa Development Indi- Meta de Coquereaumont, and Christopher cator tables benefited from contributions Trott. from a large number of people. Ivar Ander- Richard Fix supported the concept and sen, Jorge Araujo, Demba Ba, orsten Beck, production of e Little Data Book on Africa Misha Belkindas, Harry Broadman, Karen 2006. Staff from the World Bank Office of the Brooks, Derek Byerlee, Michael Fuchs, Mad- Publisher oversaw publication and dissemi- hur Gautam, Linda Van Gelder, Delfin Go, nation of the book and its companions. Acknowledgments vii Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa-- from promises to results In 2005, in what came to be called the Year nounced that it will not recognize gov- of Africa, the region's leaders reaffirmed their ernments that come to power through commitment to achieve the Millennium De- unconstitutional means. velopment Goals by accelerating growth, cre- Many countries have increased exports ating jobs, delivering human services, and by more than 8 percent a year since the late fighting poverty. ey also challenged the 1990s (indicator table 2.17), despite falling international community to support their ef- prices in some of their primary commodities. forts. ese export successes--in cut flowers, vege- Why the Year of Africa? In the view of tables, and clothing--show an Africa capable many Africans and their international part- of both diversifying and building a construc- ners, 2005 marked a turning point in the tive relationship with global markets. region's evolution. Progress is also being made in human Africa is indeed on the move. In contrast development. With political support, e with the 1990s, conflicts in Africa have de- Gambia is advancing toward the Millennium clined, economic performance has improved, Development Goal nutrition targets, and in and some clear "high performers" are be- five years, Niger has gone from being one of ginning to emerge. Since the late 1990s, 14 the worst performers in expanding primary African countries have had average growth education to one of the best.2 rates of above 5 percent.1 Across the conti- Some of the fastest growing countries nent countries are advancing in all spheres of have also done well in reducing poverty (in- transformation. dicator table 3.1). Since the second half of · Growth for all Sub-Saharan Africa, which the 1990s, many low-income African coun- averaged 2.4 percent in the 1990s, rose tries, including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, to 4.0 percent in 2000­04 (indicator ta- Cape Verde, Ghana, Mozambique, Senegal, ble 2.19) and came in at an estimated 4.3 and Uganda, have lifted significant percent- percent in 2005. ages of their citizens above the poverty line. · Macroeconomic indicators have im- While in some countries growth and poverty proved, with inflation down to historic reduction have recently declined moderately, lows, exchange rate distortions mostly many countries are still on course to meet eliminated, and fiscal deficits dropping. the income poverty MDG target of halving · Progress toward the Millennium De- poverty by 2015.3 velopment Goals (MDGs), while slow, Despite this progress, a lot more has to be improved in some countries (indicator done, especially in areas such as governance, tables 3.1­3.8). Cape Verde, Comoros, civil society, private sector development, Eritrea, Guinea, and Mozambique have and human development, to make economic recorded significant reductions in child growth more sustainable, less exposed, and (under-five) mortality. In education, more resilient to shocks. Mauritania has made progress in increas- Drawing on the indicator tables, this anal- ing the primary enrollment of girls. ysis takes stock of how countries and devel- · ere is a growing awareness by govern- opment partners performed during the Year ments of the need to be accountable to of Africa. It then spells out what countries, their people. e African Union has an- with the support of their partners, are doing Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 1 to transform their efforts into the Decade of the capacity to trade--within the region and Africa. e main message: Africans and their with the rest of the world. ey are also en- development partners need to increase their hancing the capacity of a rationalized system focus on supporting the drivers of growth, of regional bodies to provide regional public sharing participation in and the benefits goods--such as cross-country transporta- of growth, and building capable states. For tion and power sharing, coordinating the shared growth to become a reality, the De- management of pandemics, and protecting cade of Africa must be about results not such regional commons as the Nile and the promises. Great Lakes. And African enterprises, too long marginalized, have begun to show that TAKING STOCK OF THE YEAR OF AFRICA they can connect constructively to world markets, with pockets of export successes e year 2005 was marked by the UN Mil- outside commodities. lennium Project, the UK Commission for More African states are choosing demo- Africa, and the G-8 Summit at Gleneagles, cratic arrangements, with elected officials Scotland, all culminating in the UN Mil- in charge in many countries formerly ruled lennium+5 Summit in New York. African by military regimes or authoritarian gov- governments committed to improving their ernments. In addition, new arrangements economic and political institutions, accel- and new spaces are being created to enable erating economic growth, and achieving citizens to express their views and articulate real progress toward the MDGs. Developed their demands. Some African civil society countries pledged to increase aid to Africa leaders, for example, are studying Asian ex- by $25 billion a year by 2010, more than periences with citizen report cards to assess doubling the assistance to the region, to the quality of service delivery. An invigorated open their markets to African products, and mediaandcivilsocietyaremakingthemselves to forgive the debts of 25 of the continent's heard, often leading the drive for greater ac- poorest countries.4 e Multilateral Debt countability. Relief Initiative for Africa would reduce e average scores on the World Bank's debt to the International Development As- Country Policy and Institutional Assessment sociation (IDA), the International Monetary have been rising, as has the number of Af- Fund, and the African Development Fund rican countries with scores above the good by $42.1 billion. performance threshold of 3.5 (indicator table 13.4).6 African governments are taking more control of their destiny Recent economic progress continued African leaders are increasing ownership of during the past year their development strategies in new ways, In 2005 higher oil prices did not strongly helping to end conflicts through the African affect economic growth, and real GDP is ex- Union, and pushing for accountability in eco- pected to have grown by 4.3 percent, com- nomic and political governance through the pared with 5.1 percent in 2004 (indicator Peer Review Mechanism of the New Partner- table 2.19). Oil-importing countries did well, ship for Africa's Development. After a peak in with their economies growing by 4.5 per- 2002 the number of African conflicts has de- cent, above the 4.2 percent seen in 2004.7 clined from 16 to 5.5 e transitions to peace Economic growth in the main oil-exporting include some of the longest running civil countries slowed somewhat to 4.7 percent wars, such as the 21-year conflict between from 8.4 percent in 2004 and 6.2 percent in North and South Sudan and the protracted 2003, mainly because of constraints on oil wars in Angola and Liberia. supply in Chad, Equatorial Guinea, and Nige- African governments are also taking ac- ria (indicator table 2.19). tion to improve the region's reputation by Also in 2005 the recent gains in reducing certifying good practices in governance for a inflation were maintained, suggesting pru- critical mass of African countries under the dent macroeconomic management during Africa Peer Review Mechanism. ey are in- external shocks. As expected, there was a creasing regional connectivity to improve pass-through of high oil prices to consumer 2 Africa Development Indicators 2006 prices in both oil-importing and oil-export- excess of 4.5 percent (table 1). For several of ing countries. So inflation crept up slightly to them--including Ghana, Mozambique, Sen- 10.8 percent, from 9.8 percent in 2004.8 egal, Tanzania, and Uganda--higher growth e continent remained vulnerable to has been accompanied by diversification terms of trade shocks and the negative effects of their economies and exports. Excluding of exchange rate volatility. Because of the oil the oil-rich countries, the fastest growing price increases in the first half of 2005, there group of African countries has had an aver- was an equivalent, cumulative loss of around age growth rate of 5.5 percent. ese coun- 3.5 percent of GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa's tries host 35 percent of the region's people. net oil-importing countries.9 And nonoil e 13 slowest growing economies, by con- commodity prices, while strong, were subject trast, have seen an average growth of only to volatility and could be an area of signifi- 1.3 percent, with some having near zero or cant vulnerability in the future. negative growth. ese countries--many Private investors--both domestic and for- either engaged in conflict or having recently eign--were still reluctant to invest, except emerged from conflict--host 20 percent of in minerals and some services. World Bank the region's people. Doing Business surveys show that the con- Increasing macroeconomic divergence is tinent continues to trail most other develop- also observed in other dimensions. e stan- ing regions in starting a business, registering dard deviation of the average annual growth property, trading across borders, and access- rate in Sub-Saharan Africa has jumped from ing credit. 2 percent in the 1980s to 4 percent in 2000­ 04. e standard deviation across countries Fast and slow growth countries remained has also risen significantly over time for ex- on divergent paths ports and imports, value added of industry, e development pattern in Sub-Saharan Af- agriculture, and services, and other variables, rica has become increasingly diverse over the thus reinforcing that Africa is becoming in- last decade. Since the mid-1990s, 16 coun- creasingly diverse. tries have had annual GDP growth rates in Table 1 Divergent growth paths Average annual GDP growth, 1996­2005 (%) Little or no growth countries Sustained growth Average: 1.3 percent Slow growth countries countries Oil-exporting countries 20 percent of Average: 3.4 percent Average: 5.5 percent Average: 7.4 percent African population 16 percent of population 35 percent of population 29 percent of population Swaziland 2.8 Nambia 4.0 Mozambique 8.4 Equitorial Guinea 20.9 Kenya 2.8 Zambia 3.6 Rwuanda 7.5 Angola 7.9 Lesotho 2.7 Guinea 3.6 Cape Verde 6.5 Chad 7.8 Eritrea 2.2 Niger 3.5 Uganda 6.1 Sudan 6.4 Comoros 2.0 Togo 3.3 Mali 5.7 Nigeria 4.0 Seychelles 2.0 Madagascar 3.3 Botswana 5.7 Congo, Rep. 3.5 Côte d'lvoire 1.5 Malawi 3.2 Ethiopia 5.5 Gabon 1.7 Burundi 1.2 South Africa 3.1 Tanzania 5.4 Sierra Leone 1.1 São Tomé and Principe 3.1 Mauritius 4.9 Central African Republic 0.9 Mauritania 4.9 Guinea-Bissau 0.6 Benin 4.8 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.0 Ghana 4.7 Zimbabwe ­2.4 Senegal 4.6 Burkina Faso 4.6 Gambia, The 4.5 Cameroon 4.5 Note: Data on growth rates are not presented for Liberia and Somalia, but they are included in the denominator in the calculation of population shares. Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 3 Table 2 Debt service relief under the Heavily Indebted and indicator table 13.1). As of March 2006, Poor Country Debt Relief Initiative the debt service relief committed in nominal $ millions terms was $50.3 billion. e debt relief initiative will have impor- Countries that have Estimated total Countries between HIPC Estimated total reached HIPC completion nominal debt service decision point and nominal debt service tant consequences for African countries and point relief completion point relief development partners, allowing treasuries to Benin 460 Burundi 1,472 retain general budget resources that would Burkina Faso 930 Cameroon 2,800 otherwise have gone to debt repayment-- Ethiopia 3,275 Chad 260 and placing greater responsibility on African Ghana 3,500 Congo, Dem. Rep. 10,389 governments to build honest, efficient, and Madagascar 1,900 Congo, Rep. 2,881 results-focused public expenditure systems. Mali 895 Gambia, The 90 While there is still room for optimism Mauritania 1,100 Guinea 800 that the Gleneagles pledges can be achieved Mozambique 4,300 Guinea-Bissau 790 by 2010, the Organisation for Economic Niger 1,190 Malawi 1,000 Co-operation and Development's Develop- Rwanda 1,400 São Tomé and Prince 200 ment Assistance Committee and the Strate- Senegal 850 Sierra Leone 950 gic Partnership with Africa10 both estimate Tanzania 3,000 that much of the increase in development Uganda 1,950 assistance to Africa between 2006 and Zambia 3,900 2008 will be more apparent than real, con- sisting mainly of debt relief and emergency Source: Indicator table 13.1. food aid. e international community had Progress by the rich countries in bringing mixed results in living up to its financial the Doha Round of trade negotiations to a commitments successfulconclusionhasbeendisappointing. Because of their performance, 14 countries Trade barriers need to be dismantled to level in Africa are already eligible for the 100 per- the playing field. With the end of the Multifi- cent debt relief initiative agreed at the G-8 bre Arrangement, World Trade Organization Summit in Gleneagles. is number will members have yet to define the nature and grow to 25 as countries reach their comple- extent of preferences to be extended to the tion points under the Heavily Indebted Poor least developed countries and the role of "aid Country (HIPC) Debt Relief Initiative (table 2 for trade" in the multilateral system (box 1). Box 1 Africa and trade reform Sub-Saharan Africa would see a $4.8 billion While Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole would increase in real income thanks to deep, mul- gain from multilateral trade reform, some tilateral reform of global merchandise trade, countries on the continent would lose from according to new World Bank estimates. Al- preference erosion or, in the case of net food though small in absolute terms, this increase importers, from higher food prices. Losses is significant relative to initial incomes and from preferences, as with benefits, would be trade flows. Two-thirds of the gains would less than expected due to strict rules of ori- come from reforms by other countries (includ- gin and because they are highly concentrated ing other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa) and among relatively few countries and products one-third from countries' own liberalization. (mostly those with quota rents, such as sugar). Reform in the agricultural sector would ac- But even relatively small losses can pose sig- count for an estimated 78 percent of the total nificant adjustment problems for some African gain for Sub-Saharan Africa, of which 12 per- countries, underlining the need for increased cent (if Southern Africa is excluded) would assistance for domestic implementation of re- come from cotton. Although reform in cotton forms--"aid for trade"--to support and com- trade would contribute a negligible amount plement trade reform. (0.5 percent) to the global gains, the sector is very important to Africa. Source: World Bank 2006b. 4 Africa Development Indicators 2006 Box 2 The World Bank Group's Africa Action Plan The World Bank Group's Africa Action Plan, · Leveraging the IDA-14 partnership through launched in September 2005, is a results- more effective collaboration and harmoni- driven partnership strategy with 25 priority zation among development partners. initiatives designed to support African coun- The World Bank is supporting shared tries in implementing their national strategies growth by enlarging investment in African to accelerate growth and reduce poverty. The infrastructure from $600 million in 2000 to a plan is the core of the World Bank's commit- projected $2.4 billion in 2008. It is working as ment to supporting improved development part of the Africa Infrastructure Consortium in outcomes in Africa. bilateral and multilateral partnerships. It is also The new replenishment for the International significantly increasing support for regional in- Development Association (IDA-14) is projected tegration and regional approaches to support to increase resources in 2006­08 by an aver- national development strategies. And the Ma- age of just under $1 billion a year over IDA13 in laria Booster Program is to be expanded by 2003­05. Under the Africa Action Plan, most 150 percent in 17 countries by the end of 2008, of the increase in IDA will target strengthening meaning that a total commitment of $500 mil- Africa's development by: lion to $1 billion may be required over the next · Ensuring that development support is five years. implemented, monitored, and evaluated The Africa Catalytic Growth Fund, estab- within a country-led results-oriented lished in March 2006 with a grant from the framework. United Kingdom, is a key element for lever- · Increasing the rate of shared growth by aging the IDA-14 partnership. The fund allows developing infrastructure, fostering re- the World Bank to increase support to invest- gional integration to boost export com- ments that: petitiveness, and improving health and · Ease the constraints to growth in well per- human development, so that all citizens, forming economies. including the poor and women, partici- · Lay the groundwork for sustained growth pate in and benefit from greater economic in transforming economies, where dedi- development. cated leadership can strengthen eco- · Building capable states that practice nomic reforms. sound governance, transparency, and · Support regional programs, where prob- accountability. lems of collective action and donor prac- tices result in too little investment. Source: e suspension of the World Trade Organiza- term challenges. Realistically, the work will tion talks in Geneva will hit poor Sub-Saha- be done over a decade or more. And as in ran African countries hardest--and the talks any region, the progress of economic devel- may well not start up again until sometime opment among African countries is bound in 2007 or even 2008. Now entering the last to move at different speeds, depending on decade to achieve the MDGs, Africa and its countries' initial conditions, their historical development partners have to move from legacies, and the impact of weather and other promises to results--from the Year of Africa natural shocks. In contrast with past decades, to the Decade of Africa. economic, political, and social outcomes are more varied, with more positive and negative MOVING NOW TO THE DECADE OF AFRICA aspects sometimes coinciding, sometimes in opposition. e Year of Africa focused global attention on Both Africans and their development part- Africa. But rebuilding infrastructure, tackling ners need to focus on ways to address the key the disease burdens posed by HIV/AIDS and challenges to progress by: malaria, addressing the potential impact of · Supporting the drivers of growth. avian flu, and building competitive export- · Participating in and sharing the benefits oriented businesses are all medium- to long- of growth. Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 5 Figure 1 Nigeria and South Africa account substantially reduce income poverty. Africa's for more than half of Africa's GDP slow growth is due mainly to much slower $ billions, 2004 productivity growth (box 3). Accelerating Nigeria, and sustaining high growth rates in Africa Rest of 72 Africa, are major challenges, however, and there is 234 no obvious or unique recipe for success. e region's economic activity is highly concentrated. Of Sub-Saharan Africa's nom- inal GDP of $526 billion in 2004, South Af- rica accounted for the largest share ($215 South billion), followed by Nigeria ($72 billion), Africa, Sudan ($21 billion), Angola ($20 billion), 215 and Kenya ($16 billion) (figure 1 and indi- Source: Indicator table 2.6 cator table 2.6). Of industry value added of $116 billion in 2004, Nigeria accounted · Providing the underpinnings for shared for $21 billion and South Africa $42 billion growth by building capable states and (indicator table 2.4). And of service value improving governance. added of $182 billion in 2004, South Africa accounted for $92 billion (indicator table Supporting the drivers of growth 2.5). Because most African economies are One major international development objec- fairly small, a regional approach is required tive is for African countries to increase their to achieve sustainable growth. growth to the 7 percent a year needed to Box 3 Sources of economic growth in Africa--an international perspective Africa is the slowest growing region in the Growth accounting shows that growth in world. Average per capita output growth in physical capital per worker in Africa has been the 1990s was negative due mainly to very less than 0.5 percent a year since 1960, far low growth rates. But what explains such a slower than the world average of 1 percent, performance from an international perspec- and was negative between 1990 and 2003, tive? Growth decomposition is a widely used suggesting low capital investment in the re- tool to assess the contributions of changes in gion. The contribution of human capital to factor inputs (human and physical capital) and growth kept pace with the rest of the world and total factor productivity to economic growth. has increased lately, mainly as a result of rising (Total factor productivity measures changes in average years of schooling. But the main con- economic efficiency in the use of inputs and tributor to Africa's disappointing growth is total changes in technology for observed output factor productivity, negative since the 1960s growth.) and ­0.4 percent between 1990 and 2003. Sources of growth--a decomposition analysis, 1990­2003 Growth in Growth in Growth in physical capital Education Total factor output output per worker per worker per worker productivity Region (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) World 3.09 1.88 0.93 0.27 0.67 Africa 2.48 ­0.09 ­0.05 0.40 ­0.44 Industrial countries 2.31 1.55 0.84 0.22 0.49 China 9.70 8.51 3.32 0.29 4.72 East Asia less China 5.24 3.12 2.05 0.47 0.58 Latin America 2.61 0.33 0.14 0.34 ­0.16 South Asia 5.34 3.10 1.29 0.40 1.38 Middle East 3.64 0.61 0.20 0.51 ­0.11 Source: Bosworth and Collins 2006. 6 Africa Development Indicators 2006 More than half of Africa's foreign direct Developing the private sector Figure 2 investment goes to Nigeria and Sudan What has been missing in most of Africa is a buoyant private sector. Building the African $ million, 2004 private sector is crucial for growth and for fostering a national consensus for growth- oriented policies. It is also critical for reassur- ing the African public that a growth process Rest of Nigeria, Africa, led by the private sector is one that everyone $4,409 $4,227 can participate in and benefit from. Central to this effort is improving the in- vestment climate and enhancing the capacity of African and foreign entrepreneurs to invest. ere is considerable room for improvement: Sudan, net foreign direct investment in Africa was a $1,481 mere $10.1 billion in 2004, 1.6 percent of glob- Source: Indicator table 5.2. al flows, with more than half going to Nigeria and Sudan (figure 2 and indicator table 5.2). e payoffs can be significant. In Madagas- Improving the business environment. Ac- car a garment exporter estimated that if port cording to Doing Business 2006: Creating Jobs clearance were reduced to one day, it would (World Bank 2006a), 6 of the 10 countries cut total costs by a sum equal to as much as judged as having the most difficult environ- 30 percent of the wage bill. ment for starting a business are in Africa. It Africa has not attracted many foreign takes an average of 64 days to start a busi- investors because the prevailing business ness, ranging from 14 in the Central African environment and the market conditions Republic to 155 in the Democratic Republic failed to attract even domestic investors. of Congo (figure 3 and indicator table 5.1). Fundamental obstacles remain throughout Enforcing a contract is no less onerous, run- much of the region--economic and policy ning an average of 439 days, ranging from barriers to new business entry, poor gover- 154 in Botswana to 1,011 in Angola. Invest- nance, limited property rights protection, ment Climate Assessments in more than a weak market institutions, undeveloped in- dozen countries point to specific changes that frastructure, low technical capacity of firms, governments can effect to encourage higher low skill of management and workers, and levels of investment and faster job growth. size of markets. Figure 3 Fast starters--and slow starters Time required to start a business (days) Central Africa Republic Rwanda Sierra Leone Benin Ethiopia Botswana Angola Mozambique Congo, Dem. Rep. São Tomé and Principe 0 50 100 150 200 Source: World Bank 2006a. Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 7 e private sector's participation in policy formal financial sector. And given the small matters is increasing. Investor councils in size of many African economies, a regional Ghana, Senegal, and Tanzania are showing the approach to financial sector development is benefits of a constructive, problem-solving in- needed to increase competition, cut costs, teraction between government and business and lower risks. in tackling inefficient customs and inconsis- Closing the infrastructure gaps. Africa has a tent tax enforcement. New councils started in major infrastructure deficit, slowing econom- Mali and Uganda will add to the experience. A ic growth, reducing trade and international more engaged private sector in Africa should competitiveness, and retarding poverty re- be able to push for regulatory and infrastruc- duction (indicator tables 7.1­7.4). Nearly 40 ture changes that will make Africa less of a percent of Africa's people live in landlocked high-cost, high-risk place to do business. countries with high transport costs and poor Strengthening financial systems. Improving trade links.11 Transport costs for intra-Africa the performance of Africa's financial systems trade (including trans-shipment) are unusu- is also high on the agenda for enterprise de- ally high, estimated at nearly twice the levels velopment. Despite numerous reforms over in other developing regions. GDP per square several decades, most Sub-Saharan financial kilometer in Africa (excluding South Africa) systems remain weak, with Kenya, Mauri- is one-tenth the level in Latin America and tius, and South Africa among the exceptions. one-twentieth that in India.12 Little savings are mobilized from domestic or Improving infrastructure is thus central foreign sources. Credit to the private sector to the growth and the development of the is limited and costly. Many national financial private sector, especially of nontraditional, sectors are dominated by a few banks provid- noncommodity sectors that require more in- ing an uncompetitive, small range of services. tensive inputs of infrastructure and logistics. e assets of banks exceed $10 billion only in African enterprises can be competitive in Nigeria ($22 billion) and South Africa ($219 factory floor direct costs for the production billion) and are less than $1 billion in 24 Sub- of manufactures, but their indirect costs, es- Saharan countries (indicator table 7.5). pecially the high costs of poor infrastructure Financial reform programs anticipated an services, are a major bottleneck for firms.13 initial increase and then a reduction in the Surveys of African firms indicate that in- spread between lending and deposit interest adequate roads, inefficient ports, and power rates, but the spread remains large in many outages hobble African enterprises in their countries. And since liberalization, many push to secure a place in global markets. For financial systems have seen high real inter- example, clothing exports from Uganda are est rates. Financial deepening has also been an estimated 80 percent more expensive be- lacking. cause of transport costs. Rwandan farmers, Although Africa has about a dozen stock who are making great strides in exporting markets--several opened in the 1990s-- coffee, receive only 20 percent of the price they have been inconsequential for economic of their coffee as it is loaded onto ships in growth and investment. Simply put, there are Mombassa. e other 80 percent disappears too few opportunities for sharing risk, trad- into transport costs--a combination of poor ing shares, and providing liquidity. Except for roads and administrative hurdles--between South Africa, the stock markets are by far the Rwanda and Kenya. Kenya loses the equiva- smallest of any region, both in the number lent of 9 percent of its output to power out- of listed companies and in market capitaliza- ages--compared with 2 percent in China.14 tion. ey are also highly illiquid, seriously Toachievethe7percentgrowthratesneed- constraining their ability to contribute to ed to halve income poverty, Africa will need economic growth. to invest 5 percent of GDP in infrastructure Tackling these financial development chal- and an additional 4 percent of GDP to cover lenges will require enlarging access to finan- operation and maintenance requirements. To cial services--particularly savings facilities. reach this goal, Africa's infrastructure invest- is will require strengthening links between ment needs will amount to around $20 bil- formal and informal financial systems--be- lion a year, twice what the region has been in- cause most Africans do not have access to the vesting.15 e road sector alone accounts for 8 Africa Development Indicators 2006 about 40 percent of total investment needs, (indicator table 2.17). Imports that year to- with the energy and water sectors accounting taled $144 billion. for 20 percent each. Expanding and diversifying exports. Enter- While private capital has contributed to ing new markets and diversifying into non- infrastructure finance in Africa, it is con- traditional exports can spur productivity, centrated in a few countries (South Africa innovation, and competitiveness in Africa. accounted for half of total investment) and Asia--particularly China and India--with its sectors (70 percent went to telecommunica- rising incomes and consumer demand, offers tions). Furthermore, private capital flows new prospects for growth in exports by Afri- have declined steadily since 2001, reflecting can producers in markets for tea, coffee, and a global trend toward disengagement from cocoa. Global competition in mass manufac- emerging markets. Total annual official de- turing is fierce in some of Africa's existing velopment assistance for infrastructure in export markets, such as textiles and cloth- Africa has also been on the decline, account- ing, where competition increased substan- ing for an average of about $826 million in tially with the expiration of the Multifibre 2000­04 (indicator tables 7.1­7.4). Arrangement in 2005, and some footloose Because of its magnitude, financing infra- investors left Africa. On the other hand, structure requires concerted effort from all exports of services--including tourism and funding sources, both public and private. e back-office support--offer new opportuni- GleneaglesG-8summitemphasizedinvesting ties. Indeed, new World Bank research on in Africa's infrastructure. It agreed to support Africa's trade and investment relations with an Africa Infrastructure Consortium--led by China and India suggests that countries such the African Union and the New Partnership as Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania, among oth- for Africa's Development and including the ers, have the ability to compete effectively in African Development Bank and the World certain global services markets.16 Bank--to mobilize infrastructure resources To be sure, the prospects for boosting and to both national and regional projects. diversifying Africa's export flows depend sig- nificantly on improved market access and Creating an export push and fostering reduced subsidies in world markets. e regional integration benefits of preferential access provisions cur- Global trade has increased at unprecedented rently enjoyed by African countries would levels over the last three decades, and the be far greater if they were more certain, not world marketplace has become ever more subject to burdensome rules of origin, and competitive. Yet Africa lost market share in applied more uniformly across the continent. traditional exports and made little progress To this end, reforms are called for in the U.S. in diversification of exports. Of the region's African Growth and Opportunity Act and the exports of $128 billion in exports (in 2000 EU's Everything But Arms initiative. prices), only Angola, Nigeria, and South Improvements could also come from fur- Africa had exports of more than $5 billion ther multilateral liberalization that opens Box 4 Information and communication technology improvements in Ghana Ghana suffered from a very weak investment ment, the World Bank financed the formulation climate in the telecom sector in early 2004 of the National Telecommunication Policy and due to international disputes in telecommuni- has been deeply engaged in policy advice on cations, a lack of formal licenses for mobile current reforms related to new legislation. The operators, and an outdated regulatory frame- Bank's Africa Aid Program helped accelerate work. The result was a low fixed and mobile the preparation of an "eGhana" project aimed telephone penetration rate of 5 percent in early at creating jobs, diversifying global informa- 2004. Today, there is a 15 percent penetration tion and communication technology services, rate, and all telecom operators are investing and providing more efficient government ser- heavily in the sector. vices delivery through the use of information How was this accomplished? In partnership and communication technology applications with the U.S. Agency for International Develop- and public-private partnerships. Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 9 Figure 4 Intraregional trade is small but increasing nomic integration in Africa is not an easy task because there is limited economic com- $ billions plementarity among countries, and they are potential competitors in resource-intensive 150 products. But as African economies are too Exports to Africa small and too fragmented, regional inte- Exports to the rest of the world gration can promote internal and external 120 economies of scale, encourage product dif- ferentiation and diversification, intra-in- dustry trade, and a learning-by-exporting 90 process, which would help make local firms more competitive in international markets. Effective regional integration is particu- 60 larly important for landlocked countries. Currently, intraregional trade generally amounts to only a single-digit figure in most 30 trade blocs of Africa (figure 4 and indicator table 6.2). It is African leaders who will build and 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 sustain the regional economic alliances that African economies require to compete Source: International Monitary Fund's Direction of Trade Statistics. internationally. e New Partnership for developed country and other developing Africa's Development has regional integra- country markets for specific crops, such as tion as a core objective. It is encouraging the cotton, sugar, and groundnuts, and for pro- continent's multiple and often overlapping cessed agricultural products. Improvements regional organizations to define their roles would also arise from a reduction of barriers and responsibilities and to focus on "open in nonagricultural sectors, especially in other regionalism," regional (rather than national) developing country markets. For example, trading agreements, and greater competitive- some countries in Latin America heavily pro- ness in global markets. Similarly, the Europe- tect their own garment manufacturers and an Union is supporting the rationalization of other labor-intensive manufactures, reduc- regional bodies to spur progress toward more ing the opportunity for African products to competitive subregional economic group- penetrate those markets. ings. Most countries are now giving more at- But even if there were significant reforms tention to regional integration as a means to in market access, reductions in tariffs and sharpen competitiveness, expand trade, and subsidies, and elimination of nontariff bar- accelerate growth. riers in overseas markets, for African firms Successful regional integration will require to be able to effectively exploit the export better regional customs arrangements, lower opportunities created, significant changes tariffs, and much improved infrastructure must take place "behind the border"--that is, and logistics to speed the movement and within African countries themselves.17 One reduce costs of inputs, goods, and services such precondition is speeding the clearance within subregions to facilitate trade outside of goods through customs. Moving goods to the region. and from African countries takes the longest of any region--60 days on average to import, Participating in and sharing the benefits 48 to export. Regulations in the typical Afri- of growth can country require 30 signatures to import, World Development Report 2006: Equity and 19 to export. Development (World Bank 2005c) showed Integrating regional markets. Equally im- that inequalities in income--and thus in portant to African trade and enterprise is opportunities--waste much productive po- a framework for regional integration that tential and lead to inefficient resource allo- will foster competitiveness and promote cations. Such inequalities impair the devel- economic efficiencies. But promoting eco- opment of institutions that might lift the 10 Africa Development Indicators 2006 Box 5 Growth is central to sustained poverty reduction Like other developing regions, most countries tribution of changes in inequality to changes in Sub-Saharan Africa either have negative in poverty in the region is similar to that in growth rates and increasing poverty or posi- the developing world as a whole. Together tive growth rates and declining poverty. Sub- these findings suggest that poverty reduction Saharan countries have a median per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa has been disappoint- growth rate of 0.8 percent a year, substantially ing primarily because of its slow growth and lower than the overall median of 2.1 percent, low sensitivity of poverty to growth (holding and most are above the regression line, indi- constant the distribution of income). This low cating lower poverty reduction performance sensitivity can be traced to the region's low than for a typical developing country with simi- incomes and high inequality (Sub-Saharan lar growth performance. Africa and Latin America are the world's most There are important differences across unequal regions). countries. For example, Ghana's annual What are the implications for policy? At a growth rate over 1987­99 was 1 percent and basic level, growth remains crucial for reduc- Uganda's was 3 percent over 1989­96, but ing poverty in Africa--all the more so given their annual rate of change in poverty ranged that the region's low incomes imply a relatively from about ­8 percent to 2 percent. Differ- low sensitivity of poverty to growth. More- ences in the Gini coefficient and differences over, the importance of growth as the driver of in the change of income distribution over time changes in poverty seems to be even clearer may account for these results. over longer periods, suggesting that growth Sub-Saharan countries tend to have a low remains critical for sustained reductions in sensitivity of poverty to growth, and the con- poverty, though it is not the only factor. Source: Adapted from World Bank 2005d. constraints on people's economic pursuits ral development are essential for the broad and improve the way markets work. And it growth needed to achieve the MDGs (indi- is precisely those weak institutions that per- cator tables 9.1 and 9.2). Agriculture still petuate the unequal distribution of income. dominates the economies of most African ey are also bad for the investment and risk- countries, accounting for about 17 percent taking that underpin long-term growth and of the region's GDP, 40 percent of exports, poverty reduction. and a substantial share of employment (in- e poor have been ill equipped to par- dicators tables 2.3, 6.1, and 10.1). In addi- ticipate in and benefit from the growth that tion, agricultural and rural development can has taken place in the region. Women in reduce poverty more than in other regions. particular have suffered from the inability A 1 percent increase in crop yield in Sub-Sa- to own assets and from discrimination in haran Africa translates into a 0.7 percent re- economic activity. In short, growth alone duction in the number of poor people, more will not be enough to achieve the MDGs in than the 0.5 percent reduction in East and Africa. South Asia and seven times the 0.1 percent What is needed in addition? reduction in Latin America.18 Agricultural · Making agriculture more productive and growth, important to all the MDGs, has the sustainable. greatest impact on poverty and hunger, and · Connecting poor people to markets. empirical evidence for poor countries show · Enhancing human development. that it can be an engine of growth.19 Find- · Getting services to poor rural popula- ings from countries with significant poverty tions, especially to women. reduction achievements suggest that agri- · Using natural resource rents well. cultural productivity growth may be respon- sible for as much as 40­70 percent of those Making agriculture more productive and reductions.20 e challenge for Sub-Saharan sustainable Africa is to commit to policy and investment With poverty largely a rural phenomenon improvements that will have explicit produc- in Sub-Saharan Africa, agricultural and ru- tivity-enhancing outcomes. Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 11 Figure 5 Rural access to transportation networks varies widely... Share of rural population within 2 kilometers of an all-season road (%) Nigeria Tanzania Niger Benin Congo, Dem. Rep. Burkina Faso Cameroon Ethiopia Chad 0 10 20 30 40 50 Source: Indicator table 7.2. Productivity growth in agriculture is Connecting poor people to markets linked to higher income, increased employ- Interventions to connect the rural poor to ment, and improved well-being. Growth in the modern economy through investments productivity increases production and low- in rural roads, electrification, and commu- ers food prices, which in turn holds down nications are central elements of the shared urban wages and encourages industrializa- growth strategy. e share of the rural popu- tion. Increased production also creates more lation within two kilometers of an all-sea- jobs for the poor both on and off the farm. son road ranges from 5 percent in Chad and Agricultural production growth of 1 percent Uganda to more than 50 percent in Madagas- typically leads to agricultural employment car, Mali, Niger, and Zambia (figure 5 and in- growth of 0.3­0.6 percent and nonagricul- dicator table 7.2). Rural access to electricity is tural employment growth of around 0.9 also low, ranging from 0.2 percent in Burkina percent.21 ese growth and employment Faso and Niger to more than 20 percent in effects have proven most powerful when Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria agricultural growth is driven by broad-based (figure 6 and indicator table 7.4). Infrastruc- productivity increases in rural economies ture is important to integrate markets and dominated by small farms. therefore essential for poor people to be able One reason that African agricultural pro- to develop their businesses, get contracts, en- ductivity is far below that of other regions hance the value of their assets, have access to is that the percentage of irrigated area is new technologies, and above all, benefit from very small--less than 4 percent of the total the growth of the economy. cropped area (indicator table 9.2). Govern- Lack of access to credit, education, raw ma- ments will be expanding their efforts in water terials, goods, and public services also isolate management, using lessons from successful poor people and expose them to emergencies, irrigation programs, both small (the fadama poor harvests, health problems, and econom- projects in Nigeria) and large (rehabilita- ic crisis. If isolation raises the costs of obtain- tion of the Office du Niger in Mali). African ing education, for instance, the accumulation farming can also be improved by employing of human capital becomes economically in- environmentally sustainable farming meth- feasible. One consequence of low integration ods, including appropriate use of fertilizer of the poor to markets is that poor people, and improved seeds, better soil conservation especially those in rural areas, usually end practices, and longer fallows and rotations. up hostages of intermediaries who sell them 12 Africa Development Indicators 2006 Figure 6 ... as does rural access to electricity Share of rural population with access to electricity (%) Nigeria Côte d'lvoire Cameroon Ghana Comoros Burundi Central African Republic Niger Burkina Faso Chad 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Source: Indicator table 7.4. provisions, seeds, and domestic utensils dur- ferences have implications for the flexibility, ing the planting season or during the produc- responsiveness, and dynamism of the econ- tion of some agricultural or other product omy. A study in Burkina Faso showed that and who then buy their entire output for a shifting existing resources between men's very low price. e same happens with mon- and women's plots in the same household eylenders who take advantage of the poor in could increase agricultural output by 10­20 urban areas and take possession of their in- percent. Another study in Kenya concluded come and goods. that giving female farmers the same level of Building the assets of women and connect- agricultural inputs and education as male ing them to markets are essential for shared farmers could increase their yields by more growth. Much of Africa's economic activity is than 20 percent. in the hands of women. Data from Uganda suggest that women contribute about 50 per- Enhancing human development cent to GDP and that women and men are not Half the population in Sub-Saharan Africa is equally distributed across productive sectors. between the ages of 5 and 24, indicating that Time allocation studies throughout Sub-Sa- the population will continue to rise well into haran Africa confirm women's preponderant the twenty-first century. ere is a substan- role in agriculture. tial need for future scaling up of human de- Because men and women differ in their ac- velopment, notably in health and education, cess to, and control over, productive and oth- which can only be met by high and sustain- er assets, economic capacities and incentives able economic growth rates.22 If this large co- are gender-differentiated in ways that affect hort requires massive resources, the increas- resource allocation within the household, ing working-age population can potentially labor productivity, and welfare. ese dif- contribute to boost economic growth. Box 6 Scaling up support for education in Ethiopia has large payoffs In 1991 only 30 percent of Ethiopian children sectorwide education reform program. One of attended school. Addressing this challenge the results has been a rise in the gross enroll- has involved mobilizing communities, training ment rate to 77 percent in 2004 thanks to an- teachers, and obtaining financing for the ef- nual reviews and a good monitoring system. fort. Development partners are supporting a But improving quality remains a challenge. Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 13 Box 7 Responding aggressively to malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa The Booster Program for Malaria Control sup- cies and countries are moving the work pro- ports country efforts to deliver concrete and gram forward rapidly by focusing on results measurable results. Currently targeting 19 and strengthening donor harmonization and countries, the program has a 10-year horizon, partnerships, including the U.S. Presidential with the initial three-year "Intensive Phase" al- Initiative for Malaria Control, the Bill & Melinda ready well under way. Four projects have been Gates Foundation, ExxonMobil, the United approved--for Eritrea, Democratic Republic Nations Children's Fund, the World Health of Congo, Niger, and Zambia--and prepa- Organization's Regional Office for Africa, and rations are proceeding rapidly in nine more the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, countries and on a regional project. Strong and Malaria. collaboration and partnership with key agen- Africa's human development indicators distribution of the burden of financing. Yet have traditionally been among the lowest in in too many African countries, these issues the world, but they are on the rise in many have received inadequate attention at best. areas. Gross primary enrollment rates as a In the meantime, conditions in post-prima- share of the relevant age group shot up to ry education have deteriorated. Enrollments 93 percent in 2004 from 72 percent in 1990, have grown, public budgets have stagnated holding the promise that many more Afri- and private sources of funding remain un- cans will contribute to and benefit from an tapped. Moreover, post-primary education expanding economy (indicator table 8.1). tends to be poorly diversified and typically Indeed, the increase appears to have already leaves students unprepared for most employ- contributed to a rise in literacy rates from 50 ment opportunities. percent in 1997 to 65 percent in 2002. A fur- Many African national health care systems ther challenge now is to improve quality of are under stress due to weakening human primary education. resource capacity and financing constraints. In most countries, however, retention Solid evidence and best-practice examples to the end of the primary cycle remains a show how sectorwide approaches are among problem, and the result is to undermine at- the best options for ensuring that strength- tainment of the education MDGs (universal ened public and private health care systems primary school completion and gender par- are mutually reinforcing with disease-specific ity in education--indicator table 3.3). In programs. It is necessary to scale up policies 2004 primary school completion rates in to address the systemic constraints in human African countries averaged no more than resources for health, which include the dra- 62 percent, up from 51 percent in 1991, matic brain drain of physicians and nurses and in only a few countries did the rate ex- from Africa.23 ceed 90 percent. Success will require, among Despite the recent progress on treatment other measures, improving the quality and and prevention, HIV/AIDS remains a major relevance of schooling services and encour- development challenge in the region, par- aging parents to let their children, particu- ticularly in Southern Africa, the epicenter of larly girls, complete the full cycle of primary the epidemic. It continues to reverse life ex- schooling. pectancy gains, consume savings, dilute pov- With progress toward universal primary erty efforts, erode productivity, and threaten school completion, the number of students economic growth.24 aspiring to post-primary education has been Malaria, a completely preventable and growing rapidly, and the pace can be expected treatable disease, has taken the heaviest toll to pick up in the coming years. e magni- on Africa (indicator table 12.1). Each year, it tude of the expected increase poses major kills more than 1 million people around the policy challenges regarding the resources world--90 percent of them in Africa. Every required to expand capacity without dilut- 30 seconds, an African child dies of malaria, ing the quality of services and the reforms making it the largest single killer of African needed to manage costs and ensure equitable children.25 14 Africa Development Indicators 2006 Box 8 Investing smartly across sectors Water supply and sanitation investments have school attendance and the use of health fa- important implications for health, especially cilities. And health and education investments child health. Nearby water and school latrines have clear complementary effects: mothers' can dramatically increase mothers' ability to education is strongly correlated with child care for their children and can increase girls' survival, and school attainment is directly af- school attendance. Better roads improve fected by family illness, especially HIV/AIDS. Source: World Bank 2006b. e disease takes a high toll on house- accountability and that raise performance holds and health care systems and increases closer to formal standards is the place to poverty by significantly reducing productiv- start. As incentives become better aligned ity and social stability. e annual economic and internalized and as administrative ca- burden in Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to pacity grows, more advanced reforms can be about $12 billion. Although the disease is be deployed to support deeper institutional preventable and curable with available tech- change and scaling up. nology, coverage with effective interventions e rural-urban divide can be enormous. has remained low, particularly among poor In Kenya the share of the population with and rural populations. access to an improved water source is 39 per- In Sub-Saharan Africa 38 of 47 countries cent in rural areas and 86 percent in urban; fall short of the World Health Organization's the share with a health center less than an standardofatleast20physiciansper100,000 hour away is 65 percent in rural areas and people.26 e March 2005 report of the Com- 98 percent in urban (indicator table 14.8). mission for Africa called for a tripling of the e male-female divide can also be wide. healthcare workforce in Africa. Africa will e different roles of men and women in need to train an additional 1 million workers the market economy are coupled with their over a decade in the health sector and provide equally different--and unbalanced--roles in an improved workplace environment (salary, the household. In addition to their promi- equipment, supplies) to make that happen. nence in agriculture, women take on most domestic tasks: processing food crops, pro- Getting services to poor rural populations, viding water and firewood, and caring for especially women the elderly and the sick. Providing women in Since 1999, when the Poverty Reduction particular with better services could enable Strategy approach became the key policy them to be much more productive, and im- framework for development partners, many prove quality of life. African governments have been consciously investing more in pro-poor service delivery, Using natural resource rents well especially in health, education, HIV/AIDS, Resource-based rents are widespread and rural development (roads), agriculture, and growing due to new discoveries and favor- water. able prices. During the 1990s, 65 percent According to World Development Report of all foreign direct investment was concen- 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People trated in oil, gas, and mining, and 45 per- (World Bank 2003), the biggest payoffs to cent of exports came from the oil and min- service delivery are likely to come from a few ing sectors. ose figures have substantially key actions: spending smartly and predict- increased in recent years. Between 2000 ably in line with priorities and coordinated and 2010, $200 billion in oil revenue will across sectors; managing decentralization to accrue to African governments. Estimates reap the benefits of being closer to clients; of the value of the oil price windfall to Af- developing and deploying administrative ca- rican oil- producers in 2004 range from 9 pacity to take sound decisions at the top and percent of government revenue in Gabon to implement them well; curtailing corrup- to 56 percent in Equatorial Guinea.27 Min- tion; and learning from success and failure. eral-dependent countries in Africa tend to Reforming basic incentives that strengthen have higher poverty rates, greater income Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 15 Box 9 Governance is being tackled in Nigeria Nigeria has long suffered the effects of mas- of high-ranking officials, and forfeiture of sive corruption and weak governance, making about $3 billion in cash and assets to the it difficult for investors to do business in Nige- public treasury. ria, wasting public resources, and impoverish- · It has introduced a new Virtual Poverty ing the average Nigerian. Today, all of Nigeria's Fund to help ensure that the federal gov- governance and corruption indicators show an ernment's $750 million in annual savings improvement. on debt service payments go to the right How has this been accomplished? The uses and are tracked and monitored. government has embarked on a comprehen- · It has moved to open and competitive pro- sive effort to fight corruption and improve curement systems. governance: It is conducting independent audits of the · Its targeted anticorruption efforts have oil accounts conducted under the Extractive yielded about 40 convictions, including Industries Transparency Initiative. inequality, less spending on health care, Providing the underpinning for shared higher prevalence of child malnutrition, growth by building capable states and and lower literacy and school enrollments improving governance than other countries at the same income Without institutions that can deliver basic level. services, the rule of law, predictable admin- But mineral-exporting economies can istration, and responsive regulation, Africa's share growth. Chile, Indonesia, and Malaysia plans and ambitions are not likely to gain have all used natural resource wealth to pro- traction. Support to the drivers of growth vide a basis for a more diversified economy and a focus on strategies for shared growth in which poor people can participate in and must be complemented by a stronger focus contribute to the process of growth. on governance. is will require a strong e Extractive Industries Transparency civil society presence in order to make gov- Initiative (EITI) aims to increase transpar- ernments more accountable and to allow ency in transactions between governments them to actively participate in building their and companies within extractive industries. country's destiny. Furthermore, countries It shows what African governments, devel- must identify their greatest shortcomings opment partners, and private business can and challenges in order to find entry points achieve when they act together to improve where reforms can make the biggest differ- the transparency and accountability of ence. A country that has already dealt with natural resource flows. Revenues from oil, electoral reforms might focus on tax system gas, and mining companies--in the form of or state procurement. And the private sector, taxes, royalties, signature bonuses, and other an independent media, and civil society or- payments--can be an important engine for ganizations can help build demand for good economic growth and social development. governance. To date, 14 African countries have com- mitted to implement the EITI, twice as many Developing institutional capacity as a year ago (indicator table 13.2).28 In Capacity development is a regionwide chal- many of those countries EITI programs are lenge for Africa, although countries are at for the first time involving local civil soci- various points on the spectrum from weak ety groups in the direct oversight of natural to strong capacity and from low to high ac- resource revenues. e resource flows that countability (indicators tables 13.2­13.4). To could be overseen by the programs are stag- varying degrees, African countries all face the gering. Nigeria's first EITI report, released task of mitigating the brain drain of highly in early 2006, reported an average of more skilled workers with incentives for capacity than $15 billion in annual payments to gov- retention and utilization. ey have to re- ernment by oil and gas companies. Compare vive failing service delivery systems to help that with $4.7 billion in IDA commitments achieve the MDGs, promote a competitive for all Africa in 2006. environment for private sector­led growth, 16 Africa Development Indicators 2006 Box 10 A vision for capacity development The World Bank Task Force on Capacity De- The focus should be on strengthening the ca- velopment in Africa's September 2005 report, pabilities of the state. This means strengthen- Building Effective States, Forging Engaged ing the skills and professional profiles of the Societies (World Bank 2005a) highlighted the public sector, increasing organizational effec- need for African countries to implement home- tiveness, and developing institutions capable grown, fully owned strategies for capacity de- of supporting change management. Many Af- velopment as an explicit part of their medium- rican countries are still far from taking strong term development programs. They should leadership in programming and implementa- take the lead in determining their capacity tion, but the experiences of Botswana, Mauri- needs and set priorities for implementation tius, and South Africa, for example, show that in line with their poverty reduction strategies this can be done successfully. and other national development strategies. Source: World Bank 2005a. safeguard their people from civil strife and in assessing progress in the HIPC Debt Re- crime by strengthening the rule of law, and lief Initiative during 2001­04 and further use open decisionmaking processes to in- refined by the Public Expenditure and Finan- clude the voices of civil society and citizens. cial Accountability initiative.29 Capacity development efforts need clear objectives and should not rely on fragment- Reforming legal and judicial systems ed, project-centered approaches. ey need Early reforms focused on adjusting legal and time to be institutionalized, require follow- regulatory frameworks to facilitate economic throughbypoliticalandtechnicalleaders,and development, such as protecting property. must be supported by appropriate incentives. Regional economic integration triggered To be sure, training, equipment, and techni- reforms of the regulatory frameworks for cal assistance are needed, but they should be commercial and business laws. An important provided in response to clear and effective issue is the relationship between the formal demand so that they can be effectively ab- judicial system and informal conflict resolu- sorbed. e successful cases--such as com- tion mechanisms. Many African countries munity-driven development in Malawi, per- have a well functioning system of village or formance management in Tanzania, public community courts where decisions are made financial management in Burkina Faso and by laypersons in accordance with traditional Madagascar, and decentralization in Uganda rules. Judicial reforms must appreciate the and Ethiopia--rely on strong leadership, use role and importance of these traditional sys- flexible and programmatic approaches to fi- tems for African societies and their relevance nancing, and match existing capacities with for the judiciary. global and local knowledge. Improving public sector management Strengthening public expenditure e public sector is critical for good gover- management and financial accountability nance and development. In many countries Sound public financial management is fun- civil services are overstaffed, overly bureau- damental for effective use of domestic re- cratic, and inefficient, with limited motiva- sources and of external aid. In most African tion and user-orientation. Well functioning countries expenditure and revenue account- administrative systems and a motivated, ap- ability remains a challenge. Past efforts have propriately sized civil service are important addressed regulatory changes, the rehabilita- for efficient service delivery and optimal use tion of existing systems, the establishment of public resources. To address existing dys- of internal and external audits, and procure- functions in the civil service, countries are ment reforms. ere has been progress in the reforming civil service with differing empha- development of an indicator-based approach ses--in Nigeria and Zambia, improving the to public financial management system as- operational efficiency and rationalizing com- sessment, evolving from the approach used plex bureaucratic structures; and in Mozam- Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 17 bique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania, tries have been buffeted by droughts, locusts, pursuing bottom-up administrative reforms and other natural disasters while frequently by building demand for change and capacity lacking economic cushions, such as large for- to implement development programs and to eign exchange reserves or insurance markets absorb aid. is also includes cross-cutting to protect themselves. Terms of trade shocks, institutional reforms aimed at comprehen- for example, which tend to take several years sive decentralization and capacity develop- to dissipate if triggered by export price de- ment in the context of far-reaching political clines, have very significant negative impacts reforms, as in Ethiopia. on growth rates. Weak capacity to manage terms of trade volatility has led to fiscal vola- Strengthening local governments tility as country authorities find it difficult to Recognizing that decentralization is a politi- shield public expenditures (especially public cal choice made by many African countries, consumption) from shocks. governments are addressing the political, reg- Negative shocks very often lead to in- ulatory, administrative, and financial impli- creases in poverty. In the absence of stabiliz- cations of a decentralized state. In Ethiopia, ing mechanisms, an "input shock," such as a Lesotho, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Tanza- drought, very quickly translates into an "out- nia, and Uganda governments are developing put shock," leading to a fall in consumption. or reforming the system of intergovernmen- Since adequate social safety nets are usually tal fiscal relations. Multisectoral public sector lacking, poor people are hurt disproportion- operations complement community-driven ately, often being forced to sell their meager activities, especially where linked to local assets to try to maintain consumption. governance development. Community-driven development has National strategies for the development proved an effective means for rebuilding soci- of statistics eties emerging from conflict. It addresses ur- Without baseline data and good information gent local needs and restores collapsed trust on trends, it's not easy to put a target-driven and relationships. By engaging people in development strategy into gear. Yet, with addressing problems at the local level, com- the MDG time horizon of 2015 rapidly ap- munity-driven development can yield an in- proaching, many countries still do not collect valuable peace dividend. Rwanda created the the statistics they need to track progress. In Community Reintegration and Development many Sub-Saharan countries, policymakers Project, which largely emphasized decentral- do not know how many people are living in ization and encouraging local government. poverty or whether the number is growing or To involve local people in decisionmaking, shrinking. community development committees give Building a sustainable statistical system an active role to local governments and voice that can produce and disseminate statistics and influence to communities. Citizens have to manage development results has been a more decisionmaking power through an ap- focus of many countries struggling to meet proach that links community participation demand for data. Recognizing the impor- with local management of resources, making tance of strategic planning to guide the im- both citizens and politicians accountable for provement of statistical systems, the Mar- results. rakech Action Plan for Statistics endorsed by developing countries and development Managing the impact of shocks agencies recommended that all low-income Low-income countries in Africa are dispro- countries prepare a national strategy for portionately affected by outside economic the development of statistics by the end of shocks, in part due to continued heavy reli- 2006. is recommendation was further sup- ance on primary commodity exports or large ported by the Reference Regional Strategic swings in world prices of important inputs, Framework for Statistical Capacity Building such as the significant rise in oil prices and in Africa, which aims to help African coun- other minerals, which has had adverse effects tries meet the data challenges of the results on other sectors of the economy thanks to agenda by 2015. the exchange rate appreciation. ese coun- 18 Africa Development Indicators 2006 MAKING SHARED GROWTH A REALITY to African products. Meanwhile, the signifi- cant growth in Asia, particularly in China For shared growth to become a reality, the and India, opens new opportunities for in- Decade of Africa must be about results not creased trade and investment. promises. In the final push to achieve as It is critical that the global conversation many of the MDGs in every African country, about the challenge of Africa's economic the ability to track progress is of enormous development continue. But it must be more value. For example, the share of the popula- than a discussion about how much aid or tion lacking access to safe water has dropped market access wealthy developed countries to 42 percent, from 51 percent in 1990, but will offer--important as these considerations an accelerated effort is needed to reach the are. It must also focus on the quality of de- goal of lowering this to 26 percent by 2015. velopment assistance and on the resourceful- e basis for realistic optimism is based ness that Africans can bring to the challenges primarily on changes in Africa and in new of building honest and capable states, and approaches among the continent's global encouraging competitive companies that can partners. First, the African leadership--in generate jobs in agriculture, manufacturing, government, the private sector, and civil and services. Without Africans' own invest- society--is taking ownership for develop- ment and leadership, outside efforts--how- ment on the continent. Complementing ever generous--will falter or worse, create this initiative, we see a new international new problems. In short, Africa's future will commitment to increase assistance and be most significantly determined by what make it more effective, and to open markets Africans do. Moving from the Year of Africa to the Decade of Africa 19 Notes 1 Throughout this essay Africa and African refer to Sub-Saharan 29 The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability initiative, Africa. The 14 countries are Angola (6.4 percent), Botswana started in December 2001, is jointly financed by the World (5.8 percent), Cape Verde (5.9 percent), Chad (9.9 percent), Bank's Development Grant Facilities, the European Commission, Equatorial Guinea (15.5 percent), Liberia (8 percent), Mali (6 the U.K. Department for International Development, the Swiss percent), Mauritania (5.3 percent), Mozambique (8.4 percent), State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, the Royal Norwegian Rwanda (6.2 percent), Sierra Leone (6.7 percent), Sudan (6.2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the French Ministry of Foreign percent), Tanzania (5.7 percent), and Uganda (5.7 percent). Affairs. The International Monetary Fund and the Strategic 2 World Bank 2006b. Partnership with Africa are also partners. A steering committee, 3 World Bank Africa Region Poverty Studies. comprising members of these agencies, manages the initiative, 4 World Bank 2006b. and a secretariat has been set up at the World Bank in 5 Tcheyan 2006. Washington, D.C. 6 The Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) assesses the quality of a country's present policy and institutional framework. "Quality" means how conducive that framework is to fostering sustainable, poverty-reducing growth and the effective use of development assistance. The CPIA is conducted annually for all International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and International Development Association borrowers and has evolved into a set of criteria grouped into four clusters: economic management, structural policies, policies for social inclusion and equity, and public sector management and institutions. 7 Data on GDP growth for 2005 is preliminary. 8 These figures include Zimbabwe, which experienced inflation rates of 350 percent in 2004 and 237 percent in 2005. Removing Zimbabwe from the calculation substantially reduces the average inflation to about half those rates (IMF 2006). 9 Bacon and Mattar 2005. 10 Established in 1987, the Strategic Partnership for Africa is an informal association of donors and African partners that works to improve the quality and increase the quantity of assistance to Africa. For more information, see 11 This figure includes the Democratic Republic of Congo, a coastal country whose population is virtually landlocked. 12 Eifert, Gelb, and Ramachandran 2005. 13 Eifert, Gelb, and Ramachandran 2005. 14 Tcheyan 2006. 15 World Bank 2005b. 16 Broadman 2006. 17 Broadman 2006. 18 Thirtle, Piesse, and Lin 2003. 19 Tiffin and Irz 2006. 20 Thirtle, Piesse, and Lin 2003. 21 Mellor 2001. 22 World Bank 2006c. 23 High-Level Forum on the Health MDGs 2004. 24 Haacker 2004. 25 WHO and UNICEF 2005. 26 Page and Plaza 2005. 27 Page forthcoming. 28 Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, São Tomé and Principe, and Sierra Leone. 20 Africa Development Indicators 2006 References Bacon, Robert, and Adib Mattar. 2005. "The Vulnerability of WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF (United Nations African Countries to Oil Price Shocks: Major Factors and Policy Children's Fund). 2005. World Malaria Report. Geneva. Options." World Bank, Washington, D.C. World Bank. 2003. World Development Report 2004: Making Bosworth, B., and S. Collins. 2006. "Economics of Developing Services Work for Poor People. Washington, D.C. Countries." Brookings Institutions, Washington, D.C. [www.]. ------. 2005a. "Building Effective States, Forging Engaged Societies." Task Force on Capacity Development in Africa. World Broadman, Harry G. 2006. "Africa's Silk Road: China and India's Bank, Washington, D.C. New Economic Frontier." World Bank, Washington, D.C. ------. 2005b. "Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Eifert, Benn, Alan Gelb, and Vijaya Ramachandran. 2005. the World Bank and the Donor Community." World Bank, Africa "Business Environment and Comparative Advantage in Africa: Region, Financial, Private Sector and Infrastructure Department, Evidence from the Investment Climate Data." Working Paper 52. Washington, D.C. Center for Global Development, Washington, D.C. ------. 2005c. World Development Report 2006: Equity and Haacker, Markus. 2004. "HIV/AIDS: The Impact on the Social Development. Washington, D.C. Fabric and the Economy." In The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. ------. 2005d. Global Monitoring Report. Washington, D.C. High-Level Forum on the Health MDGs. 2004. "Addressing ------. 2006a. Doing Business 2006: Creating Jobs. Africa's Health Workforce Crisis: An Avenue for Action." Washington, D.C. Background paper for the Second High-Level Forum on the Health MDGs, December 2­3, Abuja, Nigeria. [www. ------. 2006b. Global Monitoring Report. Washington, D.C.] ------. 2006c. World Development Indicators 2006. IMF (International Monetary Fund). 2006. Regional Economic Washington, D.C. Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa. May. Washington, D.C. ------. Various years. Directory of Trade Statistics. Washington, D.C. Mellor, J. 2001. "Reducing Poverty, Buffering Economic Shocks-- Agriculture and the Non-Tradable Economy." Background paper prepared for Experts' Meeting, Roles of Agriculture Project, Food and Agricultural Organization, March 19­21, Rome. Page, John. Forthcoming. "Strategies for Pro-Poor Growth: Pro- Poor, Pro-Growth or Both?" Journal of African Economies. Page, John, and Sonia Plaza. 2005. "Migration, Remittances and Development: A Review of Global Evidence." Paper presented at the Plenary Session of the African Economic Research Consortium, May 29, Nairobi. Tcheyan, Nils. 2006. "Revisioning Africa outside the Old Categories." Paper presented at the University of California at Berkeley, April 8. Thirtle, C., J. Piesse, and L. Lin. 2003. "The Impact of Research- Led Productivity Growth on Poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America." World Development 31 (12): 1959­75. Tiffin, Richard, and Xavier Irz. 2006. "Is Agriculture the Engine of Growth?" Agricultural Economics 35 (1): 79­89. References 21 Indicator tables Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 1. Basic indicators 1.1 Basic indicators 25 2. National accounts 2.1 Gross domestic product, real 26 2.2 Gross domestic product per capita, real 27 2.3 Agriculture value added 28 2.4 Industry value added 29 2.5 Services value added 30 2.6 Gross domestic product, nominal 31 2.7 Total consumption 32 2.8 General government consumption 33 2.9 Gross fixed capital formation 34 2.10 General government fixed capital formation 35 2.11 Private sector fixed capital formation 36 2.12 Gross domestic savings 37 2.13 Gross national savings 38 2.14 Resource balance (exports minus imports) 39 2.15 Exports of goods and services, nominal 40 2.16 Imports of goods and services, nominal 41 2.17 Exports of goods and services, real 42 2.18 Imports of goods and services, real 43 2.19 Gross domestic product growth 44 2.20 Gross domestic product per capita growth 45 2.21 Gross national income per capita 46 2.22 Total consumption per capita 47 Part II. Millennium Development Goals 3. Millennium Development Goals 3.1 Millennium Development Goal 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 48 3.2 Millennium Development Goal 2: achieve universal primary education 50 3.3 Millennium Development Goal 3: promote gender equality and empower women 51 3.4 Millennium Development Goal 4: reduce child mortality 52 3.5 Millennium Development Goal 5: improve maternal health 53 3.6 Millennium Development Goal 6: combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 54 3.7 Millennium Development Goal 7: ensure environmental sustainability 55 3.8 Millennium Development Goal 8: develop a global partnership for development 56 Part III. Development outcomes 4. Results framework 4.1 Status of Paris Declaration indicators 58 Drivers of growth 5. Private sector development Contents 23 5.1 Business environment 59 5.2 Investment climate 60 6. Trade 6.1 International trade and tariff barriers 62 6.2 Regional integration, trade blocs 65 7. Infrastructure 7.1 Water and sanitation 66 7.2 Transportation 68 7.3 Information and communication technology 70 7.4 Energy 72 7.5 Financial sector infrastructure 74 Participating in growth 8. Human development 8.1 Education 76 8.2 Health 78 9. Agriculture and rural development 9.1 Rural development 81 9.2 Agriculture 82 10. Labor, migration, and population 10.1 Labor 84 10.2 Migration and population 86 11. HIV/AIDS 11.1 HIV/AIDS 87 12. Malaria 12.1 Malaria 88 13. Capable states and partnership 13.1 Aid and debt relief 89 13.2 Capable states 90 13.3 Governance and anticorruption indicators 92 13.4 Country Policy and Institutional Assessment ratings, 2005 94 Part IV: Household Welfare 14. Household welfare 14.1 Burkina Faso household survey, 2003 95 14.2 Burundi household survey, 1998 96 14.3 Cameroon household survey, 2001 97 14.4 Côte d'Ivoire household survey, 1998 98 14.5 Ethiopia household survey, 2000 99 14.6 Gambia household survey, 1998 100 14.7 Ghana household survey, 1998/99 101 14.8 Kenya household survey, 1997 102 14.9 Madagascar household survey, 1999 103 14.10 Malawi household survey, 1997/98 104 14.11 Mozambique household survey, 1996 105 14.12 Nigeria household survey, 2004 106 14.13 São Tomé and Principe household survey, 2000 107 14.14 Sierra Leone household survey, 2002/03 108 14.15 Uganda household survey, 2002/03 109 14.16 Zambia household survey, 1998 110 24 Africa Development Indicators 2006 Participating in growth elb 1.1 Ta Basic indicators Total net GNI per capita official Life Adult literacy rate development Land area Average expectancy Under-five (% ages 15 and older) assistance per Population (thousands annual growth at birth mortality rate Gini capita (millions) of sq km) Dollarsa (%) (years) (per 1,000) coefficient Male Female (current $) 2004 2004 2004 2000­04 2004 1996­2004b 1996­2004b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 726.4 23,619 600 1.7 46 168.2 .. .. .. 33 excluding South Africa 680.9 22,405 397 2.0 46 172.2 .. .. .. 34 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 552.2 21,494 390 1.9 47 166.4 .. .. .. 41 Angola 15.5 1,247 930 4.6 41 260.0 .. 83 54 74 Benin 8.2 111 450 1.2 55 152.0 36.5 48 23 46 Botswana 1.8 567 4,360 5.7 35 116.0 .. 80 82 22 Burkina Faso 12.8 274 350 0.3 48 192.0 39.5 29 15 48 Burundi 7.3 26 90 0.0 44 190.0 42.4 67 52 48 Cameroon 16.0 465 810 2.7 46 149.4 44.6 77 60 47 Cape Verde 0.5 4 1,720 40.0 70 36.4 .. .. .. 282 Central African Republic 4.0 623 310 0.3 39 193.0 .. 65 33 26 Chad 9.4 1,259 250 3.6 44 200.0 .. 41 13 34 Comoros 0.6 2 560 ­0.1 63 70.0 .. .. .. 42 Congo, Dem. Rep. 55.9 2,267 110 0.0 44 205.0 .. 81 54 32 Congo, Rep. 3.9 342 760 ­0.5 52 108.0 .. .. .. 30 Côte d'Ivoire 17.9 318 760 ­2.4 46 193.6 44.6 61 39 9 Djibouti 0.8 23 950 0.0 53 125.6 38.6 .. .. 82 Equatorial Guinea 0.5 28 .. 0.0 43 204.0 .. 93 80 60 Eritrea 4.2 101 190 ­3.4 54 82.0 .. .. .. 61 Ethiopia 70.0 1,000 110 1.3 42 166.4 30.0 .. .. 26 Gabon 1.4 258 4,080 0.3 54 91.0 .. .. .. 28 Gambia, The 1.5 10 280 0.8 56 122.0 50.2 .. .. 43 Ghana 21.7 228 380 2.4 57 112.0 40.8 66 50 63 Guinea 9.2 246 410 1.0 54 155.0 .. 43 18 30 Guinea-Bissau 1.5 28 160 3.8 45 203.0 .. .. .. 50 Kenya 33.5 569 480 0.3 48 119.5 42.5 78 70 19 Lesotho 1.8 30 730 1.9 36 112.2 .. 74 90 57 Liberia 3.2 96 120 ­2.8 42 235.0 .. .. .. 65 Madagascar 18.1 582 290 ­1.5 56 122.6 47.5 77 65 68 Malawi 12.6 94 160 ­0.3 40 175.2 50.3 75 54 38 Mali 13.1 1,220 330 2.3 48 219.0 .. 27 12 43 Mauritania 3.0 1,025 530 4.0 53 125.0 39.0 60 43 60 Mauritius 1.2 2 4,640 2.9 73 15.2 .. 88 81 31 Mozambique 19.4 784 270 6.2 42 151.6 39.6 .. .. 63 Namibia 2.0 823 2,380 3.2 47 63.4 .. 87 83 89 Niger 13.5 1,267 210 0.0 45 258.8 .. 43 15 40 Nigeria 128.7 911 430 2.7 44 196.6 43.7 .. .. 4 Rwanda 8.9 25 210 0.3 44 203.0 .. 71 60 53 São Tomé and Principe 0.2 1 390 2.3 63 118.0 .. .. .. 218 Senegal 11.4 193 630 1.6 56 136.6 .. 51 29 92 Seychelles 0.1 0 8,190 ­2.3 .. 13.5 .. 91 92 124 Sierra Leone 5.3 72 210 5.3 41 282.8 .. 47 24 67 Somalia 8.0 627 .. 0.0 47 225.0 .. .. .. 24 South Africa 45.5 1,214 3,630 2.2 45 67.0 57.8 84 81 14 Sudan 35.5 2,376 530 7.5 57 91.4 .. 71 52 25 Swaziland 1.1 17 1,660 ­0.7 42 156.4 .. 81 78 104 Tanzania 37.6 884 320 4.6 46 126.0 34.6 78 62 46 Togo 6.0 54 310 ­0.7 55 139.6 .. 69 38 10 Uganda 27.8 197 250 1.8 49 137.8 43.0 77 58 42 Zambia 11.5 743 400 0.3 38 182.0 42.1 76 60 94 Zimbabwe 12.9 387 620 ­6.2 37 129.0 .. .. .. 14 NORTH AFRICA 150.5 5,738 1,784 0.0 71 32.8 32.0 .. .. 19 Algeria 32.4 2,382 2,270 3.0 71 40.0 34.4 80 60 10 Egypt, Arab Rep. 72.6 995 1,250 0.0 70 36.0 .. .. .. 20 Libya 5.7 1,760 4,400 0.0 74 20.0 39.5 .. .. .. Morocco 29.8 446 1,570 3.0 70 43.0 39.8 66 40 24 Tunisia 9.9 155 2,650 3.4 73 25.0 .. 83 65 33 ALL AFRICA 876.9 29,358 803 1.9 50 137.6 .. .. .. 31 a. Calculated by the World Bank Atlas method. b. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. BASIC INDICATORS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 25 elb 2.1 Ta Gross domestic product, real Constant prices Average annual growth (2000 $ millions) (%) 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 222,703 269,422 317,026 324,192 334,895 346,453 358,273 372,971 391,961 1.8 2.4 4.0 excluding South Africa 127,255 158,478 192,437 196,664 202,061 209,994 216,776 227,280 239,766 2.2 2.7 4.3 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 97,330 126,079 152,452 156,242 159,937 166,568 172,685 178,445 187,999 2.6 2.8 4.0 Angola 6,746 8,464 8,584 8,862 9,129 9,416 10,768 11,139 12,378 3.5 1.0 8.1 Benin 1,084 1,412 2,036 2,131 2,255 2,368 2,474 2,571 2,650 2.7 4.7 4.1 Botswana 1,130 3,175 4,631 4,881 5,251 5,526 5,804 6,193 6,494 10.9 4.7 5.5 Burkina Faso 1,263 1,750 2,399 2,560 2,601 2,754 2,875 3,062 3,182 3.9 4.1 5.2 Burundi 559 865 722 715 709 724 756 747 783 4.5 ­3.2 2.3 Cameroon 6,339 8,793 9,262 9,669 10,075 10,530 10,952 11,393 11,815 4.5 1.3 4.1 Cape Verde .. 303 459 498 531 552 577 613 640 6.3 5.9 4.9 Central African Republic 730 809 899 931 953 967 959 886 898 1.6 1.8 ­2.0 Chad 661 1,099 1,398 1,389 1,383 1,527 1,655 1,902 2,463 6.7 2.3 14.7 Comoros 136 181 195 200 204 209 213 218 222 2.9 1.2 2.2 Congo, Dem. Rep. 7,025 7,670 4,838 4,625 4,306 4,215 4,363 4,612 4,925 2.1 ­5.0 3.7 Congo, Rep. 1,727 2,765 3,068 2,976 3,220 3,342 3,496 3,524 3,651 3.8 0.9 3.1 Côte d'Ivoire 7,706 8,274 10,618 10,786 10,425 10,436 10,266 10,095 10,261 0.7 3.5 ­0.6 Djibouti .. 608 537 549 553 .. .. .. .. .. ­1.7 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 248 934 1,322 1,341 1,361 1,600 1,835 2,019 .. 20.7 11.8 Eritrea .. .. 729 729 634 692 697 724 738 .. 7.9 3.6 Ethiopia .. 6,241 6,986 6,161 6,528 7,104 7,239 6,972 7,904 2.1 4.0 3.7 Gabon 3,265 3,904 5,154 4,835 4,932 5,055 5,055 5,187 5,259 0.5 3.2 1.6 Gambia, The 213 305 375 399 421 445 431 460 484 3.5 2.7 3.2 Ghana 2,640 3,267 4,597 4,800 4,978 5,187 5,420 5,675 5,959 2.6 4.3 4.6 Guinea .. 2,113 2,920 3,054 3,112 3,237 3,373 3,413 3,505 .. 4.5 3.0 Guinea-Bissau 115 186 186 200 215 216 201 202 206 3.8 1.4 ­1.5 Kenya 7,087 10,557 12,348 12,630 12,705 13,262 13,314 13,683 14,276 4.1 2.2 2.7 Lesotho 400 614 846 848 859 887 918 946 976 4.1 4.2 3.2 Liberia 1,391 433 363 446 561 577 599 411 422 ­3.3 0.2 ­8.7 Madagascar 3,099 3,266 3,537 3,701 3,878 4,111 3,590 3,941 4,149 0.8 1.7 0.9 Malawi 1,000 1,243 1,666 1,716 1,744 1,657 1,704 1,808 1,936 2.4 3.8 3.0 Mali 1,536 1,630 2,199 2,347 2,422 2,716 2,828 3,039 3,105 0.5 3.9 6.3 Mauritania 582 686 940 1,013 1,081 1,120 1,146 1,219 1,303 1.9 4.5 4.7 Mauritius 1,517 2,676 4,056 4,292 4,465 4,713 4,851 4,992 5,212 5.9 5.3 3.7 Mozambique 2,157 2,189 3,446 3,706 3,778 4,273 4,621 4,986 5,360 ­0.9 6.3 8.9 Namibia 2,002 2,263 3,191 3,298 3,414 3,495 3,729 3,858 4,088 1.1 4.0 4.7 Niger 1,523 1,507 1,835 1,824 1,798 1,926 1,984 2,090 2,090 ­0.4 2.4 3.9 Nigeria 29,112 32,376 39,942 40,382 42,078 43,382 44,054 48,766 51,692 0.8 2.4 5.4 Rwanda 1,457 1,782 1,588 1,709 1,811 1,933 2,114 2,133 2,218 2.5 ­1.6 5.2 São Tomé and Principe .. 38 44 45 46 48 50 52 54 .. 1.7 4.0 Senegal 2,417 3,281 4,010 4,257 4,385 4,591 4,642 4,946 5,251 3.2 3.0 4.4 Seychelles 290 393 576 587 615 601 609 571 559 3.1 4.5 ­2.4 Sierra Leone 754 824 607 594 634 588 754 828 908 0.5 ­3.7 11.2 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 95,503 110,945 124,638 127,577 132,878 136,512 141,549 145,761 152,276 1.4 2.0 3.4 Sudan 5,538 7,079 10,887 11,577 12,330 13,082 13,867 14,699 15,581 2.4 5.3 6.0 Swaziland 554 1,024 1,315 1,361 1,389 1,414 1,455 1,490 1,521 6.5 3.3 2.4 Tanzania .. 6,801 8,344 8,639 9,079 9,646 10,345 11,081 11,822 .. 2.7 6.9 Togo 964 1,071 1,307 1,340 1,329 1,327 1,382 1,419 1,461 1.5 3.6 2.6 Uganda .. 3,077 5,192 5,610 5,926 6,219 6,622 6,912 7,300 2.3 7.2 5.4 Zambia 2,730 3,028 3,058 3,126 3,238 3,396 3,508 3,688 3,887 1.0 0.2 4.6 Zimbabwe 4,376 6,734 8,334 8,034 7,399 7,199 6,883 6,167 5,908 3.3 2.7 ­5.9 NORTH AFRICA 114,040 172,850 222,130 228,009 236,346 246,041 254,992 266,091 279,378 4.2 3.3 4.2 Algeria 34,268 45,148 50,583 52,057 53,306 55,232 57,138 59,356 62,064 2.9 1.7 3.8 Egypt, Arab Rep. 37,658 65,727 91,404 93,967 98,782 102,042 105,103 109,832 115,873 5.5 4.4 4.0 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 18,307 26,717 33,045 33,056 33,344 35,512 37,074 38,335 39,715 4.2 2.4 4.4 Tunisia 8,630 12,255 17,538 18,586 19,462 20,513 21,744 23,157 24,547 3.2 4.6 6.0 ALL AFRICA 339,883 444,006 539,713 552,702 571,694 592,841 613,581 639,340 671,651 2.6 2.7 4.1 a. Preliminary. 26 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.2 Ta Gross domestic product per capita, real Constant prices Average annual growth (2000 $) (%) 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 581 523 502 503 507 512 517 526 541 ­1.1 ­0.2 1.6 excluding South Africa 359 330 326 327 328 333 335 343 354 ­0.8 0.1 1.8 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 341 324 319 322 321 327 330 333 343 ­0.4 0.2 1.5 Angola 861 804 651 656 660 662 737 740 799 0.5 ­1.8 5.1 Benin 292 273 300 305 313 319 323 325 324 ­0.7 1.3 0.9 Botswana 1,077 2,222 2,706 2,812 2,994 3,130 3,277 3,496 3,671 7.5 2.4 5.3 Burkina Faso 192 205 225 233 230 237 239 247 248 1.3 1.2 1.9 Burundi 135 153 115 112 109 109 111 106 107 1.1 ­4.4 ­0.6 Cameroon 724 755 650 664 678 695 709 723 737 1.6 ­1.2 2.1 Cape Verde .. 852 1,067 1,132 1,179 1,196 1,221 1,267 1,292 4.1 3.4 2.4 Central African Republic 314 270 247 251 252 252 247 225 225 ­1.0 ­0.6 ­3.3 Chad 143 182 182 175 168 180 188 208 261 3.9 ­0.8 10.8 Comoros 405 416 376 378 377 378 379 379 378 0.3 ­1.0 0.0 Congo, Dem. Rep. 251 203 101 94 86 82 83 85 88 ­0.8 ­7.7 0.8 Congo, Rep. 958 1,113 952 894 937 942 956 935 940 0.6 ­2.3 0.0 Côte d'Ivoire 924 654 664 658 623 612 592 573 574 ­3.5 0.6 ­2.3 Djibouti .. 1,089 802 792 774 .. .. .. .. .. ­3.8 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 703 2,183 3,015 2,988 2,961 3,403 3,815 4,101 .. 17.8 9.3 Eritrea .. .. 220 213 178 187 180 179 174 .. 6.2 ­0.9 Ethiopia .. 122 114 119 122 129 126 120 132 ­1.1 1.1 0.8 Gabon 4,689 4,078 4,243 3,885 3,877 3,897 3,830 3,867 3,860 ­2.7 0.2 ­0.2 Gambia, The 327 325 304 313 320 328 308 320 327 ­0.2 ­0.8 0.2 Ghana 234 211 242 247 251 255 261 268 275 ­0.6 1.7 2.4 Guinea .. 340 361 370 369 376 383 379 381 .. 1.2 0.7 Guinea-Bissau 144 183 144 151 158 154 138 135 134 1.4 ­1.6 ­4.5 Kenya 435 451 421 421 414 423 416 418 427 0.3 ­0.6 0.5 Lesotho 310 386 482 478 481 494 510 526 543 1.8 3.0 3.1 Liberia 744 203 134 153 183 183 187 128 130 ­4.9 ­3.3 ­9.9 Madagascar 342 271 232 235 239 247 209 224 229 ­2.0 ­1.3 ­1.8 Malawi 162 131 153 153 151 140 141 146 154 ­1.9 2.0 0.7 Mali 220 183 200 207 208 226 229 239 237 ­1.9 1.2 3.2 Mauritania 362 338 376 395 409 411 408 422 437 ­0.5 1.8 1.6 Mauritius 1,570 2,532 3,497 3,655 3,762 3,927 4,009 4,085 4,223 4.9 4.0 2.7 Mozambique 179 163 201 211 211 234 247 262 276 ­1.9 3.0 6.7 Namibia 2,029 1,619 1,767 1,780 1,802 1,811 1,902 1,943 2,035 ­2.3 0.8 3.2 Niger 246 178 167 160 153 158 157 160 155 ­3.4 ­0.9 0.4 Nigeria 425 358 356 352 358 360 358 387 402 ­2.0 ­0.3 3.1 Rwanda 280 251 232 228 226 231 245 244 250 ­1.2 ­1.7 2.6 São Tomé and Principe .. 330 327 329 332 338 344 349 354 .. ­0.1 1.6 Senegal 406 411 407 422 424 433 428 445 461 0.2 0.4 2.0 Seychelles 4,507 5,614 7,302 7,294 7,579 7,405 7,277 6,893 6,688 2.3 2.9 ­3.2 Sierra Leone 233 202 142 136 141 126 154 162 170 ­1.9 ­4.3 6.5 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 3,463 3,152 2,975 2,972 3,020 3,046 3,122 3,181 3,346 ­1.2 ­0.3 2.5 Sudan 277 272 346 359 375 390 405 422 439 ­0.4 2.8 4.0 Swaziland 981 1,330 1,327 1,335 1,329 1,324 1,337 1,347 1,358 3.3 0.1 0.6 Tanzania .. 259 251 254 261 272 286 300 314 .. ­0.2 4.8 Togo 346 270 261 258 248 240 243 243 244 ­2.1 0.5 ­0.2 Uganda .. 173 227 238 244 248 255 257 262 ­1.3 3.9 1.9 Zambia 451 361 298 298 303 311 316 327 339 ­2.3 ­2.2 2.8 Zimbabwe 599 637 675 644 587 567 538 479 457 ­0.5 0.8 ­6.5 NORTH AFRICA 1,261 1,473 1,633 1,676 1,712 1,749 1,778 1,834 1,879 1.6 1.5 2.4 Algeria 1,827 1,785 1,708 1,738 1,755 1,774 1,819 1,923 1,992 ­0.1 ­0.3 3.4 Egypt, Arab Rep. 880 1,181 1,411 1,469 1,519 1,543 1,562 1,579 1,615 2.9 2.5 1.5 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 950 1,117 1,215 1,200 1,197 1,258 1,284 1,339 1,349 2.0 0.8 3.0 Tunisia 1,353 1,503 1,879 1,967 2,036 2,110 2,122 2,228 2,341 0.6 2.9 3.4 ALL AFRICA 718 702 703 709 717 727 735 751 771 ­0.2 0.3 1.8 a. Preliminary. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 27 elb 2.3 Ta Agriculture value added Constant prices Average annual growth (2000 $ millions) (%) 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 36,019 44,387 55,544 57,763 58,916 61,159 62,702 64,769 67,503 2.3 3.2 3.3 excluding South Africa 32,933 40,677 51,989 53,986 54,959 57,335 58,626 60,782 63,593 2.2 3.4 3.6 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 25,571 32,242 41,163 42,596 43,236 45,168 45,936 47,263 49,184 2.1 3.5 3.1 Angola .. 686 467 473 517 610 691 772 886 .. ­2.9 14.0 Benin 316 467 744 774 824 849 911 932 985 5.2 5.8 4.6 Botswana 133 155 151 139 139 144 143 145 149 1.7 ­1.0 1.5 Burkina Faso 410 531 819 850 881 848 919 919 1,086 3.6 4.3 5.1 Burundi 218 300 272 269 255 247 257 248 247 3.1 ­1.9 ­0.6 Cameroon 1,877 2,380 3,388 3,619 3,782 3,923 4,067 4,209 4,393 2.5 5.3 3.8 Cape Verde 23 50 65 59 64 64 60 63 67 15.3 4.2 0.9 Central African Republic 298 332 433 450 478 498 517 536 533 1.7 3.6 3.0 Chad 306 321 597 578 563 621 617 648 614 3.1 5.5 2.2 Comoros 43 59 69 72 83 88 90 93 95 4.0 2.3 3.3 Congo, Dem. Rep. 1,565 2,011 2,353 2,407 2,126 2,043 2,053 2,078 2,090 2.5 2.2 ­0.2 Congo, Rep. 118 166 174 164 171 180 188 200 212 3.3 1.0 5.5 Côte d'Ivoire 1,628 1,756 2,265 2,216 2,400 2,407 2,351 2,379 2,474 ­0.4 3.2 0.5 Djibouti .. 18 18 18 18 .. .. .. .. .. 0.7 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 54 78 86 94 100 104 92 .. .. 7.2 ­0.1 Eritrea .. .. 170 157 89 115 80 89 95 .. 5.4 ­1.2 Ethiopia .. 2,901 3,282 2,806 2,868 3,197 3,124 2,730 3,247 0.1 2.0 0.9 Gabon 320 342 293 306 318 331 348 366 388 1.5 ­1.9 5.1 Gambia, The 87 89 93 120 133 145 104 124 142 1.2 2.2 ­0.2 Ghana 1,227 1,269 1,653 1,717 1,757 1,822 1,896 1,984 2,075 0.9 3.3 4.3 Guinea .. 457 647 699 697 740 778 801 834 .. 4.7 4.5 Guinea-Bissau 45 79 100 108 112 114 113 121 128 5.0 4.3 3.3 Kenya 2,192 3,138 3,452 3,696 3,649 4,012 3,870 3,967 4,024 3.2 1.8 1.9 Lesotho 104 137 135 141 145 145 139 137 137 2.1 1.7 ­1.7 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 690 852 972 1,005 1,013 1,054 1,041 1,054 1,086 2.4 1.8 1.4 Malawi 263 302 536 590 622 585 600 636 653 2.1 8.5 1.8 Mali 656 792 958 1,046 938 1,043 1,005 1,183 1,128 2.6 3.1 5.1 Mauritania 107 127 186 195 193 187 182 193 188 2.0 4.8 ­0.2 Mauritius 224 274 298 300 230 304 318 269 278 3.1 0.7 2.6 Mozambique .. 707 947 1,000 887 971 1,076 1,173 1,271 7.3 5.3 9.5 Namibia 179 223 294 312 338 304 334 347 336 1.3 3.5 1.2 Niger 479 537 782 743 680 770 785 832 .. 1.8 3.6 6.4 Nigeria 7,011 8,447 10,839 11,399 11,730 12,176 12,692 13,513 14,392 2.9 3.3 5.3 Rwanda 535 558 633 687 750 812 930 901 901 0.8 1.5 4.8 São Tomé and Principe .. 6 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 .. 3.6 3.0 Senegal 495 654 720 818 850 879 700 836 872 2.8 2.5 0.0 Seychelles 18 17 15 17 17 17 17 15 15 ­1.7 ­0.5 ­3.1 Sierra Leone 370 489 305 323 349 218 284 305 323 3.5 ­2.9 1.9 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 3,073 3,692 3,557 3,777 3,956 3,827 4,077 3,991 3,923 2.9 0.7 0.3 Sudan 1,713 2,144 4,244 4,653 4,963 5,239 5,633 6,006 5,943 2.3 9.1 5.1 Swaziland 126 144 144 156 150 136 138 142 144 2.0 1.0 ­0.3 Tanzania .. 2,767 3,505 3,650 3,773 3,980 4,178 4,346 4,604 .. 3.2 5.0 Togo 220 342 453 477 455 461 494 489 505 5.7 4.5 2.7 Uganda .. 1,401 1,803 1,908 2,014 2,111 2,193 2,243 2,361 1.5 3.6 3.9 Zambia 371 471 576 634 644 627 616 647 675 4.1 4.3 1.3 Zimbabwe 599 858 1,091 1,137 1,174 1,128 872 863 838 2.8 4.2 ­9.0 NORTH AFRICA 17,093 23,548 29,317 28,745 28,100 .. .. .. .. 3.9 2.4 .. Algeria 2,300 3,112 4,521 4,529 4,302 4,604 4,788 4,979 5,178 4.3 4.0 4.6 Egypt, Arab Rep. 8,668 11,478 14,496 14,909 15,418 .. .. .. .. 2.7 3.1 .. Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 4,023 5,925 6,567 5,378 4,509 5,546 5,934 5,993 6,053 7.0 0.1 6.9 Tunisia 1,201 1,792 2,189 2,415 2,390 2,426 2,584 2,752 2,931 2.0 2.1 5.5 ALL AFRICA 53,056 67,896 84,817 86,505 87,042 91,549 94,379 97,466 101,399 2.8 2.9 3.7 a. Preliminary. 28 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.4 Ta Industry value added Constant prices Average annual growth (2000 $ millions) (%) 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 74,683 83,702 92,831 94,133 97,639 100,381 102,596 109,853 116,040 1.0 1.7 4.5 excluding South Africa 41,975 48,249 56,253 57,621 59,247 61,247 62,416 69,354 73,740 1.3 2.2 5.8 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 23,829 33,018 39,103 40,912 41,516 43,050 45,690 48,874 52,341 3.6 2.8 6.1 Angola .. 4,861 5,973 6,359 6,584 6,853 7,841 8,138 9,127 .. 3.9 8.6 Benin 115 203 281 287 313 341 362 372 370 3.3 4.1 4.3 Botswana 550 1,682 2,113 2,223 2,480 2,608 2,694 2,887 3,032 11.8 3.0 5.2 Burkina Faso 252 333 375 398 422 457 460 460 .. 4.2 2.2 2.7 Burundi 98 159 121 127 119 111 104 98 92 4.6 ­4.7 ­6.2 Cameroon 1,029 1,930 1,564 1,663 1,746 1,764 1,777 1,787 1,783 7.5 ­2.0 0.6 Cape Verde 23 59 84 97 95 95 108 114 124 14.6 5.1 7.4 Central African Republic 146 157 152 159 173 180 187 200 205 1.6 0.2 4.6 Chad 62 170 167 158 155 177 220 344 780 7.9 0.5 47.7 Comoros 20 16 24 24 24 26 27 28 29 ­2.3 4.6 4.1 Congo, Dem. Rep. 2,497 2,288 802 1,061 863 840 909 1,025 1,162 2.3 ­8.9 8.2 Congo, Rep. 958 1,735 2,191 2,226 2,323 2,253 2,336 2,292 2,469 5.5 3.0 1.4 Côte d'Ivoire 1,227 1,575 2,532 2,573 2,288 2,214 2,117 1,960 2,034 5.1 6.6 ­3.5 Djibouti .. 107 69 69 70 .. .. .. .. .. ­6.2 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 32 746 1,202 1,178 1,156 1,420 1,782 .. .. 50.0 15.6 Eritrea .. .. 141 145 135 144 155 158 158 .. 18.3 4.1 Ethiopia .. 812 825 559 569 597 632 661 707 3.9 3.5 5.5 Gabon 1,743 2,260 2,545 2,581 2,624 2,676 2,749 2,828 2,913 0.4 2.6 2.7 Gambia, The 28 42 45 46 48 51 56 60 64 4.3 0.7 7.2 Ghana 866 962 1,151 1,208 1,265 1,325 1,409 1,510 .. 2.6 2.3 6.1 Guinea .. 712 974 1,026 1,075 1,133 1,186 1,191 1,225 .. 4.6 3.2 Guinea-Bissau 24 34 24 25 26 28 31 30 30 1.3 ­2.5 4.0 Kenya 1,189 1,752 1,990 1,943 1,908 1,946 1,996 2,108 2,181 3.7 1.5 3.5 Lesotho 117 186 301 303 320 334 357 373 384 4.1 5.4 4.9 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 461 398 458 478 504 543 430 492 525 0.7 2.0 ­0.2 Malawi 175 236 276 285 282 252 248 261 288 2.4 2.0 0.8 Mali 166 248 433 443 464 561 661 599 597 4.7 6.4 5.9 Mauritania 193 271 351 359 380 366 394 416 440 5.4 3.5 4.3 Mauritius 319 704 1,088 1,158 1,208 1,294 1,328 1,335 1,356 9.0 5.5 2.7 Mozambique .. 308 698 817 906 1,095 1,203 1,324 1,392 ­4.5 11.9 11.1 Namibia 689 670 856 861 873 905 975 1,021 1,170 ­0.3 2.5 7.3 Niger 306 275 306 313 319 327 337 350 .. ­2.0 1.8 3.1 Nigeria 16,961 15,230 17,150 16,713 17,732 18,199 16,741 20,484 21,434 ­2.1 0.9 5.1 Rwanda 459 566 340 358 371 399 431 450 460 2.8 ­5.5 5.7 São Tomé and Principe .. 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 .. .. 1.4 4.3 Senegal 399 630 841 864 901 940 1,032 1,084 1,165 4.4 4.0 6.8 Seychelles 44 65 170 158 178 177 187 165 171 3.8 11.9 ­1.5 Sierra Leone 231 303 189 161 170 153 193 219 263 0.2 ­5.1 13.1 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 32,864 35,440 36,574 36,511 38,387 39,132 40,177 40,507 42,338 0.5 0.9 2.3 Sudan 1,210 1,431 2,358 2,558 2,523 2,904 3,122 4,528 5,044 0.9 6.0 20.1 Swaziland 107 313 418 427 432 444 451 460 468 11.8 3.9 2.0 Tanzania .. 967 1,166 1,232 1,319 1,410 1,542 1,702 1,873 .. 2.5 9.3 Togo 216 212 221 228 237 230 255 291 312 0.7 1.7 8.2 Uganda .. 381 929 1,040 1,095 1,168 1,260 1,351 1,426 4.4 12.6 7.0 Zambia 886 1,018 756 709 729 796 873 949 1,050 0.7 ­4.4 9.5 Zimbabwe 1,235 1,714 1,832 1,770 1,586 1,456 1,296 1,108 1,069 2.9 1.1 ­10.1 NORTH AFRICA 48,101 64,746 83,581 86,894 93,288 .. .. .. .. 2.9 3.0 .. Algeria 19,763 25,325 27,559 28,968 30,221 30,452 31,483 32,888 34,735 2.9 1.4 3.6 Egypt, Arab Rep. 12,108 17,338 27,341 28,019 31,577 .. .. .. .. 3.2 4.5 .. Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 5,929 8,041 10,075 10,461 10,727 11,048 11,435 11,835 12,297 2.7 3.1 3.5 Tunisia 2,488 3,523 5,028 5,330 5,609 5,900 6,219 6,555 6,909 2.9 4.5 5.4 ALL AFRICA 124,438 149,895 176,978 181,412 191,046 195,797 201,034 213,482 225,199 1.7 2.2 4.2 a. Preliminary. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 29 elb 2.5 Ta Services value added Constant prices Average annual growth (2000 $ millions) (%) 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 95,542 123,949 146,380 150,717 155,862 162,027 168,823 175,089 182,315 2.5 2.4 4.0 excluding South Africa 47,353 62,710 73,858 75,339 77,419 80,740 84,135 86,760 89,825 2.6 2.3 3.8 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 41,590 54,454 63,114 64,522 66,170 69,115 71,741 73,505 75,629 2.6 2.1 3.3 Angola .. 2,556 2,103 2,035 2,028 1,935 2,219 2,194 2,335 .. ­2.8 4.2 Benin 679 752 1,011 1,073 1,118 1,178 1,195 1,266 1,292 1.1 4.0 3.7 Botswana 292 1,091 1,992 2,118 2,233 2,377 2,483 2,567 2,673 15.2 8.0 4.5 Burkina Faso 598 877 1,206 1,311 1,298 1,439 1,490 1,671 2,111 3.9 4.6 11.9 Burundi 163 298 243 242 258 304 338 346 396 5.5 ­3.4 10.4 Cameroon 3,695 4,443 4,169 4,160 4,306 4,715 5,091 5,504 5,873 3.5 0.0 8.1 Cape Verde 92 196 312 342 373 393 407 433 447 8.5 6.4 4.7 Central African Republic 236 254 228 233 215 204 173 112 121 1.3 ­0.3 ­16.0 Chad 308 528 577 602 612 670 735 797 859 7.4 0.6 8.9 Comoros 78 114 106 107 96 93 94 95 96 3.3 ­0.4 0.2 Congo, Dem. Rep. 3,931 4,607 1,656 1,328 1,265 1,249 1,294 1,376 1,497 2.3 ­13.0 4.4 Congo, Rep. 458 690 687 638 726 804 848 865 859 3.0 ­1.1 4.2 Côte d'Ivoire 4,857 4,958 5,854 6,043 5,738 5,811 5,796 5,741 5,729 ­0.1 2.5 ­0.2 Djibouti .. 410 390 396 403 .. .. .. .. .. ­0.8 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 25 54 60 66 74 83 80 .. .. 9.7 6.9 Eritrea .. .. 356 364 365 382 383 408 414 .. 6.9 3.2 Ethiopia .. 2,219 2,429 2,362 2,586 2,708 2,832 2,897 3,092 4.5 6.1 4.3 Gabon 1,226 1,364 2,262 1,949 1,990 2,045 1,977 2,015 1,995 0.3 4.5 ­0.1 Gambia, The 100 136 187 185 190 203 221 227 238 2.5 3.9 5.9 Ghana 673 1,117 1,785 1,869 1,956 2,044 2,133 2,220 .. 5.3 5.9 4.3 Guinea .. 901 1,168 1,192 1,224 1,249 1,273 1,293 1,313 .. 3.6 1.8 Guinea-Bissau 38 59 50 54 61 60 67 63 63 3.1 ­0.7 1.2 Kenya 2,625 4,235 5,498 5,613 5,718 5,899 6,030 6,171 6,497 4.9 3.4 3.1 Lesotho 149 218 317 317 315 322 329 341 356 3.9 4.8 3.2 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 1,612 1,609 1,769 1,866 1,967 2,086 1,756 1,940 2,056 ­0.2 2.0 0.2 Malawi 445 592 695 685 669 671 691 701 738 3.2 1.9 2.4 Mali 531 636 771 819 854 905 911 994 1,084 2.1 2.8 5.9 Mauritania 236 244 333 382 431 473 484 516 570 ­0.1 4.9 6.7 Mauritius 778 1,316 2,157 2,285 2,429 2,583 2,726 2,870 3,025 4.8 6.4 5.6 Mozambique .. 970 1,497 1,522 1,611 1,832 1,940 2,030 2,209 7.3 4.7 7.6 Namibia 775 1,185 1,733 1,797 1,869 1,942 2,064 2,135 2,223 3.7 4.6 4.5 Niger 738 695 746 768 798 828 862 907 .. ­1.3 1.6 4.3 Nigeria 5,636 8,267 10,746 10,820 11,251 11,628 12,393 13,248 14,167 2.7 3.1 6.1 Rwanda 500 712 621 666 690 721 748 783 860 3.9 ­2.5 5.4 São Tomé and Principe .. 27 28 28 29 30 32 33 .. .. 0.7 4.6 Senegal 1,518 1,995 2,455 2,575 2,633 2,772 2,929 3,038 3,228 2.9 2.9 5.1 Seychelles 228 310 391 412 419 408 405 390 373 3.3 2.6 ­2.7 Sierra Leone 81 82 77 75 79 83 106 117 129 ­1.1 ­2.6 14.1 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 48,244 61,244 72,527 75,379 78,441 81,288 84,690 88,325 92,466 2.4 2.6 4.2 Sudan 2,684 3,072 3,655 4,024 4,377 4,530 4,713 4,576 4,944 0.7 2.2 2.6 Swaziland 165 264 351 367 383 396 416 428 439 4.7 3.5 3.6 Tanzania .. 2,444 2,947 3,100 3,286 3,467 3,682 3,887 4,120 .. 2.4 5.8 Togo 539 516 634 633 637 635 627 631 634 ­0.5 3.7 ­0.2 Uganda .. 1,065 2,004 2,147 2,285 2,474 2,672 2,841 3,022 2.1 8.3 7.2 Zambia 1,250 1,159 1,364 1,449 1,512 1,585 1,647 1,726 1,763 0.0 2.0 4.0 Zimbabwe 1,993 2,893 3,780 3,856 3,588 3,610 3,877 3,293 2,541 2.8 3.4 ­7.5 NORTH AFRICA 43,930 75,732 95,710 101,743 104,152 .. .. .. .. 5.6 3.7 .. Algeria 9,623 13,481 15,267 15,379 15,634 16,102 16,990 18,074 19,298 3.3 1.8 5.5 Egypt, Arab Rep. 15,159 32,594 41,259 45,328 45,827 .. .. .. .. 8.2 4.5 .. Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 8,690 13,209 16,810 17,393 18,109 19,037 19,851 20,627 21,461 4.2 2.7 4.3 Tunisia 4,924 6,908 10,317 10,827 11,462 12,198 12,954 13,869 14,727 3.7 5.3 6.5 ALL AFRICA 140,764 200,440 242,506 252,642 260,285 271,028 283,009 294,719 307,862 3.5 2.9 4.3 a. Preliminary. 30 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.6 Ta Gross domestic product, nominal Current prices ($ millions) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 261,288 301,381 328,394 327,604 334,895 334,599 356,494 434,165 526,485 250,845 313,764 397,327 excluding South Africa 181,358 189,495 194,115 194,442 202,061 216,299 245,948 268,110 311,836 160,131 179,741 248,851 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 116,062 161,088 161,994 159,668 159,937 168,215 199,234 209,726 239,628 124,270 149,758 195,348 Angola .. 10,260 6,445 6,154 9,129 8,936 10,835 13,825 19,564 3,780 7,042 12,458 Benin 1,405 1,845 2,335 2,387 2,255 2,372 2,807 3,558 4,047 1,318 2,005 3,008 Botswana 1,061 3,792 4,932 5,025 5,251 5,184 5,423 7,737 8,974 1,576 4,511 6,514 Burkina Faso 1,929 3,120 2,794 2,811 2,601 2,814 3,203 4,182 4,824 2,002 2,629 3,525 Burundi 920 1,132 894 808 709 662 628 595 664 1,065 979 652 Cameroon 6,741 11,152 8,703 10,904 10,075 9,598 10,880 13,672 15,775 9,159 10,052 12,000 Cape Verde .. 339 540 583 531 550 616 797 948 187 448 689 Central African Republic 797 1,488 1,047 1,051 953 967 1,046 1,195 1,307 929 1,177 1,094 Chad 1,033 1,739 1,745 1,537 1,383 1,702 1,982 2,671 4,307 1,068 1,602 2,409 Comoros 124 263 216 223 204 220 247 318 369 144 238 272 Congo, Dem. Rep. 14,395 9,350 6,218 4,711 4,306 4,690 5,547 5,671 6,632 10,028 7,161 5,369 Congo, Rep. 1,706 2,799 1,949 2,354 3,220 2,788 3,017 3,564 4,343 2,106 2,343 3,386 Côte d'Ivoire 10,175 10,796 12,783 12,556 10,425 10,554 11,482 13,734 15,475 8,609 11,200 12,334 Djibouti .. 418 514 536 553 .. .. .. .. 380 485 553 Equatorial Guinea .. 132 456 872 1,341 1,702 2,118 2,915 3,235 107 294 2,262 Eritrea .. .. 746 689 634 671 631 747 928 .. 609 722 Ethiopia .. 12,083 7,724 6,498 6,528 6,510 6,058 6,651 8,075 6,594 7,115 6,764 Gabon 4,279 5,952 4,619 4,352 4,932 4,334 4,971 6,055 7,229 3,676 5,062 5,504 Gambia, The 241 317 417 432 421 418 370 367 401 225 374 395 Ghana 4,445 5,886 7,474 7,710 4,978 5,309 6,160 7,521 8,620 4,692 6,576 6,517 Guinea .. 2,818 3,588 3,461 3,112 3,042 3,208 3,638 3,775 2,230 3,376 3,355 Guinea-Bissau 111 244 206 224 215 199 201 235 270 156 242 224 Kenya 7,265 8,591 14,093 12,896 12,705 13,059 13,192 15,036 16,088 7,069 9,906 14,016 Lesotho 431 615 890 911 859 763 699 1,065 1,367 412 847 951 Liberia 954 384 360 442 561 543 559 435 492 935 264 518 Madagascar 4,042 3,081 3,739 3,717 3,878 4,529 4,397 5,474 4,364 3,124 3,326 4,528 Malawi 1,238 1,881 1,751 1,776 1,744 1,717 1,935 1,764 1,903 1,255 1,900 1,812 Mali 1,787 2,421 2,597 2,570 2,422 2,630 3,343 4,362 4,882 1,609 2,486 3,528 Mauritania 709 1,020 1,133 1,126 1,081 1,098 1,116 1,340 1,534 806 1,085 1,234 Mauritius 1,153 2,383 4,146 4,258 4,465 4,534 4,555 5,237 6,038 1,387 3,563 4,966 Mozambique 3,526 2,463 3,874 3,985 3,778 3,697 4,092 4,786 5,912 3,375 2,766 4,453 Namibia 2,169 2,350 3,399 3,386 3,414 3,216 3,122 4,473 5,712 1,859 3,119 3,987 Niger 2,509 2,481 2,077 2,018 1,798 1,945 2,170 2,731 3,053 2,000 2,013 2,340 Nigeria 64,202 28,472 32,144 34,776 42,078 48,000 46,711 58,294 72,053 35,577 30,007 53,427 Rwanda 1,163 2,584 1,989 1,931 1,811 1,703 1,732 1,684 1,835 1,761 1,771 1,753 São Tomé and Principe 47 58 41 47 46 48 54 60 57 52 48 53 Senegal 2,987 5,699 4,678 4,757 4,385 4,564 4,998 7,501 7,775 3,341 4,922 5,845 Seychelles 147 369 608 623 615 619 698 703 703 197 494 668 Sierra Leone 1,101 650 672 664 634 814 946 999 1,085 963 779 895 Somalia 604 917 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 855 917 .. South Africa 80,710 112,014 134,296 133,184 132,878 118,479 110,882 166,169 214,663 90,894 134,007 148,614 Sudan 7,617 13,167 11,086 10,702 12,330 13,345 15,054 17,550 21,463 12,478 9,644 15,948 Swaziland 543 882 1,346 1,377 1,389 1,260 1,192 1,906 2,517 552 1,186 1,653 Tanzania .. 4,259 8,383 8,638 9,079 9,441 9,772 10,291 11,311 5,009 5,904 9,979 Togo 1,136 1,628 1,587 1,576 1,329 1,328 1,476 1,759 2,061 1,021 1,458 1,591 Uganda 1,245 4,304 6,585 5,999 5,926 5,681 5,848 6,255 6,822 3,611 4,835 6,107 Zambia 3,884 3,288 3,237 3,131 3,238 3,637 3,697 4,327 5,423 3,171 3,349 4,064 Zimbabwe 6,679 8,784 6,066 5,964 7,399 12,879 30,853 7,913 4,696 7,204 7,375 12,748 NORTH AFRICA 126,527 165,240 216,647 222,680 236,346 240,489 240,231 254,856 269,150 135,859 179,698 248,214 Algeria 42,345 62,045 47,357 47,592 53,306 56,689 57,990 64,097 75,068 53,750 47,968 61,430 Egypt, Arab Rep. 22,912 43,130 84,829 89,207 98,782 97,545 90,650 84,395 75,744 31,646 59,638 89,423 Libya 35,545 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26,527 .. .. Morocco 18,821 25,784 35,817 35,277 33,344 34,219 37,555 45,817 52,528 16,987 31,339 40,693 Tunisia 8,743 12,291 19,813 20,970 19,462 20,032 22,067 26,632 29,993 8,923 16,839 23,637 ALL AFRICA 392,413 470,822 546,688 551,406 571,694 575,198 598,100 693,664 804,404 391,471 497,210 648,612 a. Preliminary. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 31 elb 2.7 Ta Total consumption Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 72.4 80.1 84.7 83.8 80.9 81.7 82.5 80.0 78.1 78.0 83.4 80.6 excluding South Africa 76.7 82.6 86.7 85.8 80.8 82.1 83.8 81.0 78.0 81.7 85.6 81.2 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 83.3 84.9 88.0 86.9 84.6 86.1 86.1 84.7 83.3 82.7 87.5 85.0 Angolab .. 70.3 80.7 79.3 60.5 84.9 74.8 80.6 75.5 76.0 77.5 75.3 Benin 106.3 97.8 93.4 95.2 94.0 93.5 96.3 94.0 94.5 102.4 96.2 94.5 Botswana 73.3 57.4 60.2 61.3 58.3 59.5 61.1 61.4 61.8 64.7 60.7 60.4 Burkina Faso 107.2 94.8 88.4 91.9 93.5 95.0 95.3 96.1 94.4 102.7 92.4 94.9 Burundi 100.6 105.4 104.7 102.5 107.3 109.0 111.4 108.2 108.4 96.9 105.2 108.9 Cameroon 78.3 79.3 80.8 68.8 79.7 81.0 81.0 81.4 81.5 75.8 79.9 80.9 Cape Verde .. 108.1 115.3 117.5 114.2 115.1 115.7 115.8 112.2 101.8 105.6 114.6 Central African Republic 108.9 100.6 94.7 89.0 92.2 88.9 89.7 85.6 86.8 101.1 96.3 88.6 Chad .. 107.7 94.1 100.2 94.5 94.7 102.5 81.5 69.5 108.1 100.5 88.6 Comoros 110.1 103.0 104.7 105.7 98.9 100.9 98.2 98.7 101.5 104.5 104.4 99.6 Congo, Dem. Rep. 89.9 90.7 101.0 90.9 95.5 96.6 96.0 95.0 96.1 89.1 91.2 95.8 Congo, Rep. 64.3 76.2 69.7 59.0 42.3 46.9 50.0 52.6 48.6 68.1 71.2 48.1 Côte d'Ivoire 79.6 88.7 80.3 78.7 82.1 81.0 73.7 79.4 79.5 80.4 82.2 79.2 Djibouti .. .. 100.8 105.5 105.3 .. .. .. .. .. 105.4 105.3 Equatorial Guinea .. 120.1 80.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 86.3 .. Eritrea .. .. 132.9 141.2 134.7 127.1 133.7 160.4 162.9 .. 130.9 143.7 Ethiopia .. 90.4 86.9 97.9 99.1 96.9 97.5 99.0 99.5 93.1 94.7 98.4 Gabon 39.4 63.1 61.0 65.2 71.7 49.7 51.6 54.7 53.6 55.7 58.3 56.2 Gambia, The 94.2 89.3 88.2 89.0 91.5 88.0 87.1 88.9 89.5 93.5 92.6 89.0 Ghana 95.1 94.5 89.7 96.5 94.4 93.0 92.6 90.9 89.7 95.2 92.5 92.1 Guinea .. 82.3 82.7 82.7 83.2 84.3 90.9 92.5 93.5 83.6 84.2 88.9 Guinea-Bissau 101.0 97.2 110.1 101.2 108.5 119.3 112.1 98.8 101.7 100.9 98.5 108.1 Kenya 81.9 81.5 89.7 89.3 90.6 88.7 87.2 87.0 87.4 82.1 84.4 88.2 Lesotho 151.9 152.9 133.5 122.4 120.4 116.3 118.0 112.2 107.7 166.4 138.1 114.9 Liberia 85.2 .. .. .. .. 103.4 103.3 103.0 100.6 97.8 .. 102.6 Madagascar 101.4 94.5 93.0 92.8 92.3 84.7 92.3 91.1 92.2 97.1 95.8 90.5 Malawi 89.2 86.6 91.9 100.6 96.2 96.2 110.1 110.7 109.1 87.3 96.6 104.5 Mali 98.9 93.6 89.6 90.5 88.0 86.0 88.7 86.8 89.3 100.4 92.4 87.8 Mauritania 103.5 95.1 95.6 95.0 86.8 101.4 104.9 117.6 118.8 96.9 92.6 105.9 Mauritius 85.5 76.5 75.1 76.7 76.1 74.0 74.9 75.0 76.4 80.0 75.9 75.3 Mozambique 108.9 105.8 89.2 86.3 88.4 92.0 89.0 89.9 87.7 106.2 99.0 89.4 Namibia 61.6 81.8 86.3 87.5 86.0 83.0 82.2 73.8 73.3 89.2 87.3 79.7 Niger 85.4 98.8 97.3 96.3 96.5 95.6 94.7 95.0 94.2 92.7 97.3 95.2 Nigeriac 68.6 70.6 80.4 80.9 66.6 68.3 74.2 67.6 60.4 82.5 76.0 67.4 Rwanda 95.8 93.8 102.8 100.0 98.7 97.4 100.0 100.8 97.6 95.0 105.5 98.9 São Tomé and Principe 111.6 142.4 107.0 110.3 104.1 122.9 117.2 122.1 129.0 116.2 120.0 119.1 Senegal 105.0 91.1 88.1 88.7 89.1 90.5 94.4 92.3 90.2 99.9 89.9 91.3 Seychelles 72.9 79.7 81.3 74.4 77.7 80.1 76.7 80.4 78.6 75.9 78.3 78.7 Sierra Leone 99.1 91.3 97.5 110.3 113.3 111.5 109.3 107.4 104.9 90.9 97.1 109.3 Somalia 112.9 112.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 106.3 112.5 .. South Africa 62.1 76.8 81.9 81.0 81.1 80.8 79.8 78.3 78.3 71.5 80.6 79.7 Sudan 97.9 .. 94.2 92.3 84.1 90.2 86.7 84.3 81.3 95.0 94.4 85.3 Swaziland 98.8 90.8 98.6 99.7 95.7 96.9 80.5 82.4 85.9 96.3 97.7 88.3 Tanzania .. 98.7 100.8 97.2 90.7 91.4 88.4 90.5 91.5 89.3 98.6 90.5 Togo 76.8 85.3 97.2 96.8 102.2 99.0 99.4 94.7 95.5 87.7 93.3 98.2 Uganda 100.4 99.4 94.4 91.9 90.8 93.7 94.5 93.5 90.9 97.7 94.2 92.7 Zambia 80.7 83.4 96.1 101.1 91.7 82.7 82.3 81.3 81.8 86.0 92.9 84.0 Zimbabwe 86.2 82.5 81.0 84.0 86.7 89.8 94.0 94.1 95.2 83.5 83.1 91.9 NORTH AFRICA 59.5 77.7 81.8 78.2 74.9 75.1 75.6 75.2 74.4 71.6 79.2 75.0 Algeria 56.9 72.9 72.9 68.6 55.8 59.1 62.0 63.6 64.3 68.5 69.9 61.0 Egypt, Arab Rep. 84.8 83.9 88.0 83.1 82.7 82.3 82.2 81.5 81.0 84.5 86.0 81.9 Libya 43.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53.1 .. .. Morocco 86.3 80.7 81.9 80.4 81.8 80.7 80.9 80.2 79.9 84.1 83.0 80.7 Tunisia 76.0 74.5 76.4 75.4 76.1 75.5 75.1 74.4 73.3 77.3 76.0 74.9 ALL AFRICA 68.4 79.3 83.7 81.7 78.7 79.1 80.0 78.3 77.0 75.7 82.0 78.6 a. Preliminary. b. The variability in the data are due to weaknesses in national account statistics. c. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. 32 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.8 Ta General government consumption Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 14.1 16.8 15.2 16.0 17.0 17.3 16.9 17.9 18.0 15.5 16.7 17.4 excluding South Africa 13.9 15.2 12.6 14.3 16.2 16.8 16.2 17.0 16.8 14.4 14.7 16.6 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria .. 15.2 13.2 14.5 14.4 13.9 14.2 15.1 15.1 14.5 15.1 14.5 Angola .. 34.5 30.0 59.7 42.5 34.9 36.9 34.0 29.3 31.5 43.9 35.5 Benin 8.6 11.0 9.4 10.0 11.6 11.6 12.5 13.3 13.6 12.7 10.5 12.5 Botswana 21.3 24.1 28.9 30.4 30.4 31.9 33.1 33.8 34.3 24.3 27.3 32.7 Burkina Faso 9.2 13.2 13.2 12.5 12.6 12.2 13.1 12.8 13.0 12.2 13.6 12.7 Burundi 9.2 10.8 17.1 18.2 17.6 19.9 19.1 22.7 25.8 9.3 17.0 21.0 Cameroon 9.7 12.8 9.2 8.4 9.5 10.2 10.2 10.1 10.2 10.0 10.5 10.0 Cape Verde .. 14.7 15.0 19.4 21.3 11.3 11.7 14.7 14.8 10.8 17.0 14.8 Central African Republic 15.1 14.9 11.6 11.5 11.3 11.4 11.8 10.5 11.6 15.6 13.9 11.3 Chad .. 10.0 5.6 6.9 7.7 7.5 7.8 7.8 5.0 11.3 8.1 7.2 Comoros 30.9 23.4 15.7 14.6 13.3 16.3 15.9 13.9 13.2 28.6 19.8 14.5 Congo, Dem. Rep. 8.4 11.5 8.1 6.0 7.5 6.0 5.5 6.3 8.2 9.0 9.9 6.7 Congo, Rep. 17.6 13.8 24.2 15.1 11.6 14.1 18.4 17.0 16.0 17.7 18.0 15.4 Côte d'Ivoire 16.9 16.8 6.5 6.5 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.2 8.3 16.5 11.9 7.8 Djibouti .. .. 23.5 26.4 25.2 .. .. .. .. .. 27.6 25.2 Equatorial Guinea .. 39.7 21.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27.4 25.1 .. Eritrea .. .. 52.3 69.5 63.8 51.5 44.0 51.9 53.5 .. 39.7 52.9 Ethiopia .. 13.2 12.0 18.8 22.7 16.8 19.3 23.8 22.4 15.7 13.5 21.0 Gabon 13.2 13.4 16.9 16.6 10.0 .. .. .. .. 18.3 14.5 10.0 Gambia, The 31.2 13.7 12.7 13.0 13.7 14.4 12.9 11.0 11.1 29.1 13.8 12.6 Ghana 11.2 9.3 10.3 10.8 10.2 9.7 9.9 8.9 8.4 9.0 11.7 9.4 Guinea .. 8.9 6.1 5.9 3.8 6.8 7.5 7.5 5.7 8.9 7.1 6.3 Guinea-Bissau 27.6 10.3 9.3 10.8 14.0 12.6 13.0 12.8 14.5 18.9 8.4 13.4 Kenya 19.8 18.6 16.2 15.8 15.1 15.6 16.7 17.8 17.0 18.3 15.8 16.4 Lesotho 21.4 14.1 20.8 18.6 19.1 17.8 15.6 15.4 14.2 19.4 16.7 16.4 Liberia 19.1 .. .. .. .. 14.4 13.7 8.0 9.7 22.0 .. 11.4 Madagascar 12.1 8.0 7.8 7.2 6.8 8.3 8.2 9.1 9.6 9.8 7.9 8.4 Malawi 19.3 15.1 14.7 13.4 14.6 15.8 14.7 16.3 16.9 17.5 16.6 15.7 Mali 11.6 13.8 14.7 15.9 8.6 9.2 8.7 8.4 10.0 12.3 12.7 9.0 Mauritania 45.3 25.9 12.8 12.9 15.0 13.7 16.4 15.7 14.9 30.6 16.6 15.1 Mauritius 14.4 12.8 12.9 12.7 13.1 12.9 12.8 14.1 13.2 13.5 13.0 13.2 Mozambique 12.2 13.5 8.4 9.5 10.1 10.0 9.7 10.3 10.4 13.8 11.0 10.1 Namibia 17.4 30.6 29.6 30.3 28.8 28.4 26.4 26.5 24.5 27.9 31.0 26.9 Niger 10.4 15.0 13.1 14.9 13.0 12.4 12.2 11.3 12.5 11.9 14.6 12.3 Nigeriab 12.1 15.1 9.7 13.4 22.8 26.5 24.7 23.7 22.1 13.9 12.9 24.0 Rwanda 12.5 10.1 10.0 11.0 10.5 11.7 11.8 15.1 12.9 13.0 11.5 12.4 São Tomé and Principe 34.5 27.6 25.6 29.8 50.9 64.2 66.7 36.4 33.7 36.6 30.3 50.4 Senegal 20.3 14.7 11.8 12.7 14.0 12.6 13.3 13.4 13.9 17.3 13.2 13.4 Seychelles 28.7 27.7 31.2 26.9 24.2 24.8 22.7 25.6 25.2 33.1 29.0 24.5 Sierra Leone 8.4 7.8 9.1 10.5 13.2 17.4 16.2 15.2 13.4 7.7 10.2 15.1 Somalia 15.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17.6 .. .. South Africa 14.3 19.7 18.8 18.4 18.1 18.3 18.4 19.3 19.7 17.4 19.4 18.8 Sudan 16.0 .. 6.3 6.5 7.6 8.6 8.4 10.9 11.9 12.1 6.3 9.5 Swaziland 27.0 18.1 22.2 24.6 24.1 17.7 18.6 18.6 21.0 21.5 22.6 20.0 Tanzania .. 17.8 7.8 7.9 8.5 9.3 9.6 11.4 12.8 14.1 14.0 10.3 Togo 22.4 14.2 10.9 9.7 10.2 10.0 8.4 9.8 9.7 16.9 12.8 9.6 Uganda .. 7.5 12.9 12.9 13.7 13.8 15.2 14.8 14.5 9.9 11.1 14.4 Zambia 25.5 19.0 15.8 12.9 9.5 12.8 13.0 13.5 12.7 23.0 17.7 12.3 Zimbabwe 18.5 19.4 15.8 13.6 13.9 14.6 13.4 16.7 21.1 20.1 17.2 15.9 NORTH AFRICA 12.5 14.6 14.8 14.0 13.0 12.9 12.6 12.7 12.8 15.6 14.4 12.8 Algeria 15.2 16.1 18.1 17.1 14.1 14.2 14.8 15.3 15.5 17.2 16.7 14.8 Egypt, Arab Rep. 15.7 11.3 11.3 10.1 9.7 10.3 9.5 9.1 8.7 16.2 10.5 9.4 Libya 21.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30.0 .. .. Morocco 18.3 15.5 18.0 19.2 19.1 17.9 15.8 15.1 14.5 16.6 17.2 16.5 Tunisia 14.5 16.4 15.6 15.5 15.7 13.6 13.7 13.7 13.7 16.5 16.1 14.1 ALL AFRICA 13.3 16.1 15.0 15.3 15.4 15.6 15.3 16.1 16.4 15.4 15.9 15.8 a. Preliminary. b. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 33 elb 2.9 Ta Gross fixed capital formation Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 22.0 16.4 19.0 18.2 17.1 17.8 17.7 18.8 18.9 18.5 17.3 18.1 excluding South Africa 18.6 15.7 20.4 19.4 17.8 19.2 18.5 20.0 19.9 15.9 17.8 19.1 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 17.1 15.8 19.6 18.6 17.9 18.1 16.6 18.9 19.1 15.6 17.4 18.1 Angola .. 11.7 35.5 27.1 12.7 13.4 13.3 12.8 9.2 14.8 20.7 12.3 Benin 15.2 14.2 17.0 17.5 18.9 19.2 17.7 18.8 18.2 15.1 16.3 18.6 Botswana 40.1 37.4 33.5 28.0 20.0 23.0 27.8 29.6 30.6 30.0 29.5 26.2 Burkina Faso 15.1 18.2 27.2 23.8 22.7 18.9 17.8 18.7 19.1 17.4 21.7 19.4 Burundi 13.9 14.5 6.8 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.4 11.3 13.7 16.6 9.1 8.8 Cameroon 21.0 17.8 17.5 15.7 16.7 20.3 19.8 18.3 18.9 23.8 16.0 18.8 Cape Verde .. 22.9 19.8 20.9 19.7 18.3 20.9 18.7 20.4 40.5 29.6 19.6 Central African Republic 7.0 12.3 13.5 14.4 10.8 14.0 14.8 16.6 17.5 10.9 11.4 14.8 Chad .. 6.8 16.9 13.7 23.3 40.5 60.5 53.5 24.9 6.3 13.1 40.5 Comoros 33.2 18.8 17.9 14.9 13.1 11.8 12.2 11.6 10.2 28.8 17.7 11.8 Congo, Dem. Rep. 10.0 9.1 2.1 3.1 3.5 5.4 8.9 12.2 12.8 11.7 7.6 8.6 Congo, Rep. 35.8 15.9 26.7 27.8 21.0 26.4 23.3 22.9 24.2 32.5 25.9 23.6 Côte d'Ivoire 26.5 6.7 13.3 13.1 10.8 11.2 10.1 10.1 10.8 16.5 11.3 10.6 Djibouti .. .. 15.3 8.9 12.9 .. .. .. .. .. 10.2 12.9 Equatorial Guinea .. 17.4 91.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59.5 .. Eritrea .. .. 32.4 36.0 31.9 28.7 26.0 25.4 22.8 .. 25.0 27.0 Ethiopia .. 12.9 21.1 16.9 15.9 17.8 20.5 20.5 19.8 14.3 14.5 18.9 Gabon 27.5 21.7 37.3 28.0 26.1 30.5 28.4 23.9 25.4 34.6 25.7 26.9 Gambia, The 26.7 22.3 18.4 17.8 17.4 17.4 21.2 20.3 28.1 19.7 20.1 20.9 Ghana 5.6 14.4 23.1 21.0 24.0 26.6 19.7 23.0 24.2 7.8 19.9 23.5 Guinea .. 17.5 21.0 22.1 22.0 17.6 13.1 9.9 10.8 16.1 19.5 14.7 Guinea-Bissau 28.2 29.9 11.3 16.8 11.3 15.0 9.6 12.6 13.2 32.0 25.9 12.3 Kenya 24.5 24.2 16.7 15.5 17.4 19.2 16.3 17.4 18.3 22.7 18.3 17.7 Lesotho 37.0 52.7 47.1 48.6 42.2 40.2 42.3 44.8 41.1 39.9 56.3 42.1 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. 4.9 4.7 8.8 12.3 .. .. 7.7 Madagascar 15.0 17.0 14.8 14.9 15.0 18.5 14.3 17.9 24.3 10.6 12.4 18.0 Malawi 24.7 23.0 13.5 14.7 13.6 14.9 11.4 11.8 15.3 19.4 17.7 13.4 Mali 15.5 23.0 20.9 21.2 24.6 31.0 18.6 24.2 19.0 17.2 22.5 23.5 Mauritania 26.3 20.0 16.7 16.2 26.5 14.5 14.8 19.5 21.5 27.5 18.7 19.4 Mauritius 25.4 30.7 27.6 25.5 25.9 23.3 21.4 22.8 24.2 23.5 28.4 23.5 Mozambique 7.6 22.1 24.2 36.7 33.5 25.9 29.8 25.9 20.7 12.2 25.2 27.2 Namibia 30.6 33.7 25.8 23.3 19.5 23.4 19.7 29.8 25.5 18.4 22.6 23.6 Niger 28.1 8.1 11.3 10.2 11.4 12.1 14.2 14.2 15.8 15.3 8.9 13.5 Nigeriab 21.3 14.7 24.1 23.4 17.7 22.8 26.1 23.8 22.4 16.5 19.8 22.5 Rwanda 16.1 14.6 14.8 17.2 17.5 18.4 16.9 18.4 20.5 15.3 14.5 18.4 São Tomé and Principe 16.8 15.6 35.8 39.0 43.6 35.8 32.8 30.4 34.5 15.8 41.6 35.4 Senegal 11.7 13.8 18.6 18.5 20.9 19.2 16.7 20.7 23.4 12.1 16.1 20.2 Seychelles 38.3 24.6 34.6 43.3 25.2 40.3 25.6 10.1 14.7 26.4 30.3 23.2 Sierra Leone 16.2 10.0 5.3 5.4 8.0 6.6 10.0 13.8 10.5 12.2 7.4 9.8 Somalia 42.4 15.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28.8 15.5 .. South Africa 29.9 17.7 17.0 16.4 15.9 15.3 16.1 16.9 17.5 23.4 16.7 16.3 Sudan 14.7 .. 18.0 16.8 18.3 17.6 19.4 20.0 22.5 14.4 15.7 19.6 Swaziland 40.7 19.1 22.4 18.7 19.9 18.4 19.8 18.0 17.4 27.2 21.1 18.7 Tanzania .. 26.1 13.8 15.5 17.6 17.0 19.1 18.6 18.4 16.8 21.0 18.2 Togo 28.4 26.6 16.4 13.3 17.8 20.4 18.5 18.9 18.0 19.5 16.3 18.7 Uganda 6.2 12.7 16.4 19.5 20.0 18.6 19.3 20.5 22.5 8.5 16.1 20.2 Zambia 23.3 17.3 16.4 17.6 18.7 20.0 23.0 26.1 26.0 16.1 14.1 22.8 Zimbabwe 16.9 17.4 20.8 14.4 13.6 9.3 7.1 10.6 12.8 17.3 19.5 10.7 NORTH AFRICA 28.2 28.4 23.6 25.8 24.3 24.4 25.4 26.5 27.3 29.0 24.5 25.6 Algeria 39.1 28.6 27.0 27.8 23.8 25.8 28.4 30.0 30.9 33.9 28.9 27.8 Egypt, Arab Rep. 27.5 28.8 21.5 25.5 23.9 22.7 23.0 23.5 23.9 28.6 20.8 23.4 Libya 22.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26.5 .. .. Morocco 24.2 25.3 22.2 23.4 24.4 24.6 25.0 25.3 25.4 24.4 22.2 24.9 Tunisia 29.4 32.5 26.9 26.8 27.4 28.1 28.6 29.1 29.9 28.8 28.3 28.6 ALL AFRICA 23.5 20.3 20.7 21.0 19.8 20.3 20.6 21.4 21.5 21.8 19.7 20.7 a. Preliminary. b. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. 34 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.10 General government Ta fixed capital formation Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA .. 4.0 4.8 4.7 4.4 5.3 4.7 4.7 4.6 3.6 3.8 4.7 excluding South Africa .. 6.5 6.9 6.9 6.4 7.2 6.3 6.8 6.9 .. 6.4 6.7 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria .. 5.7 6.0 6.2 5.7 5.8 5.4 6.1 6.3 5.1 6.0 5.8 Angola .. 5.1 5.9 12.8 6.1 6.4 7.1 7.7 4.9 5.0 6.4 6.4 Benin .. 7.4 5.8 6.3 7.6 7.8 6.6 6.1 5.4 9.1 7.5 6.7 Botswana 0.0 12.7 13.2 13.2 12.6 10.8 11.4 11.9 11.4 0.0 12.6 11.6 Burkina Faso .. 3.9 12.4 14.9 12.1 8.2 7.2 7.5 8.3 6.7 9.5 8.7 Burundi 12.8 12.5 5.5 5.4 5.4 3.7 4.6 8.3 10.7 13.8 9.3 6.5 Cameroon 4.4 5.5 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.6 6.9 2.2 2.3 Cape Verde .. 10.3 21.3 6.5 12.5 10.8 13.0 9.8 8.8 19.3 20.3 11.0 Central African Republic 3.7 4.7 7.1 6.8 7.1 7.4 7.6 2.1 2.0 5.5 6.2 5.2 Chad .. 10.0 7.6 9.6 10.5 8.9 10.2 12.8 8.0 3.8 7.6 10.1 Comoros 23.2 5.0 7.7 5.4 3.8 4.4 5.9 5.5 4.3 18.7 6.8 4.8 Congo, Dem. Rep. 5.1 4.0 0.1 1.1 0.4 0.1 1.0 2.7 2.8 4.4 1.7 1.4 Congo, Rep. .. 5.6 4.7 6.1 7.0 10.1 8.6 6.5 7.0 11.1 6.4 7.8 Côte d'Ivoire 11.4 3.6 6.0 4.2 2.8 1.9 3.2 2.7 2.8 7.1 5.6 2.7 Djibouti .. .. 6.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.6 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 10.5 7.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.9 .. Eritrea .. .. 26.2 30.3 26.8 23.5 21.7 17.8 17.5 .. 16.4 21.5 Ethiopia .. 4.0 6.2 8.1 5.2 8.5 11.5 10.5 10.8 6.9 6.4 9.3 Gabon 5.3 3.9 13.4 7.3 4.8 5.6 5.4 3.7 5.5 6.7 6.6 5.0 Gambia, The .. 7.4 5.2 4.7 4.6 11.2 7.9 5.7 10.9 10.4 7.8 8.0 Ghana .. 7.5 11.3 9.8 10.4 10.4 9.6 7.8 7.2 6.3 11.1 9.1 Guinea .. 9.2 5.6 7.2 7.1 7.1 4.0 3.7 3.7 7.4 7.0 5.1 Guinea-Bissau .. 27.4 6.2 10.8 10.3 14.8 9.0 13.1 19.9 33.3 20.2 13.4 Kenya 0.0 9.7 4.9 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.3 0.8 7.0 4.3 Lesotho 0.0 23.0 12.0 8.7 8.0 10.3 11.0 8.5 7.1 4.6 16.1 9.0 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. .. 0.0 Madagascar .. 7.9 7.9 6.9 6.7 7.3 4.8 7.8 12.5 6.9 6.9 7.8 Malawi 17.5 7.7 8.8 10.3 10.0 10.3 7.7 9.3 12.6 9.5 9.2 10.0 Mali .. 10.5 9.5 9.4 8.6 7.0 7.0 6.9 7.5 10.2 10.1 7.4 Mauritania .. 6.2 4.9 6.2 17.5 10.6 10.4 14.7 15.5 7.6 4.9 13.7 Mauritius 9.1 4.6 3.1 3.4 3.7 6.7 7.0 7.8 7.7 6.0 3.7 6.6 Mozambique 7.6 12.0 9.8 11.6 10.4 15.4 12.5 11.7 9.4 9.5 11.7 11.9 Namibia 15.7 8.2 7.7 11.0 6.1 8.7 6.6 8.1 7.2 10.7 8.2 7.4 Niger 20.4 7.4 6.4 6.4 6.6 7.1 8.8 8.3 9.0 11.2 5.6 7.9 Nigeriab .. 10.8 11.3 10.4 9.3 12.1 10.2 9.7 9.1 .. 8.9 10.1 Rwanda 12.2 5.9 6.8 6.3 6.0 6.6 4.9 5.6 8.5 12.1 7.2 6.3 São Tomé and Principe .. .. 19.8 26.0 26.1 21.6 14.8 16.4 19.4 .. 25.3 19.7 Senegal 5.5 4.1 7.0 8.1 5.8 6.9 7.9 9.1 10.2 4.2 5.4 8.0 Seychelles .. 8.2 2.9 1.4 13.8 25.2 9.4 2.3 3.7 12.0 9.9 10.9 Sierra Leone 5.3 3.9 4.9 2.4 6.3 4.4 4.3 4.8 4.6 4.0 3.3 4.9 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.0 0.3 1.4 Sudan 6.9 .. 0.7 1.2 2.3 2.3 3.0 3.0 5.0 4.3 0.6 3.1 Swaziland 11.9 5.7 6.0 6.7 6.2 8.0 7.4 5.7 7.7 8.0 6.6 7.0 Tanzania .. 10.5 3.3 3.1 6.0 5.6 7.6 7.4 7.3 3.5 5.8 6.8 Togo 20.2 7.3 3.8 3.1 3.0 2.3 1.4 3.7 5.3 11.2 3.7 3.1 Uganda .. 6.2 4.7 5.4 6.4 5.8 5.3 4.7 5.2 4.4 5.6 5.5 Zambia .. 6.2 11.3 10.6 10.0 11.9 11.8 11.5 9.2 .. 6.8 10.9 Zimbabwe 1.8 3.4 1.7 1.7 0.7 1.3 1.0 1.6 2.1 2.9 2.9 1.3 NORTH AFRICA .. 9.8 10.3 8.9 8.3 .. .. .. .. 11.7 8.9 8.3 Algeria 11.0 8.2 7.6 5.9 8.0 .. .. .. .. 13.8 7.3 8.0 Egypt, Arab Rep. .. 14.7 14.1 9.8 7.5 6.4 6.1 5.7 5.3 12.6 8.4 6.2 Libya 19.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19.4 .. .. Morocco 9.8 4.8 4.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.3 8.8 .. Tunisia 15.0 11.0 11.6 12.4 12.5 .. .. .. .. 14.1 12.1 12.5 ALL AFRICA .. 5.9 6.8 6.1 5.7 6.2 5.5 5.3 5.2 6.1 5.4 5.6 a. Preliminary. b. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 35 elb 2.11 Ta Private sector fixed capital formation Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 12.7 12.6 13.9 13.0 12.0 12.1 12.5 13.4 13.3 13.5 13.2 12.7 excluding South Africa .. 8.6 12.9 12.3 10.9 11.6 12.0 12.6 12.2 8.3 11.3 11.8 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria .. 9.5 13.0 12.2 11.5 11.9 11.1 12.1 11.8 9.3 11.4 11.7 Angola .. 1.7 29.6 16.0 6.6 7.1 6.1 5.1 4.3 9.2 17.0 5.8 Benin .. 6.0 11.2 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.6 12.0 12.1 4.5 8.3 11.7 Botswana 34.5 19.7 14.2 14.8 12.9 13.4 12.6 12.0 13.2 29.0 15.0 12.8 Burkina Faso .. 13.6 14.8 8.9 10.6 10.8 10.6 11.2 10.8 11.5 12.2 10.8 Burundi 1.1 2.7 0.4 0.4 0.8 2.5 1.5 3.0 2.7 2.3 ­0.3 2.1 Cameroon 15.6 11.9 15.5 13.8 13.9 18.1 17.5 15.7 15.7 14.2 13.8 16.2 Cape Verde .. 12.6 -1.5 14.4 7.2 7.5 7.9 8.9 11.6 7.4 9.3 8.6 Central African Republic 3.2 6.7 6.5 7.7 3.7 6.6 7.2 3.9 4.1 4.7 5.0 5.1 Chad .. 1.3 6.5 7.4 10.5 27.9 49.9 37.1 15.3 0.6 4.0 28.1 Comoros 5.3 6.4 7.0 6.5 6.5 4.9 4.4 4.3 4.2 5.5 7.5 4.9 Congo, Dem. Rep. 3.7 8.9 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.3 8.0 9.5 10.0 7.1 6.3 7.2 Congo, Rep. .. 11.6 19.6 20.4 12.3 16.3 13.8 16.4 16.6 11.4 18.5 15.1 Côte d'Ivoire 13.0 4.9 9.9 10.2 7.5 10.6 6.0 7.8 7.1 8.7 7.3 7.8 Djibouti .. .. 8.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.9 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 6.9 84.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52.6 .. Eritrea .. .. 6.2 5.6 5.1 5.2 4.3 7.6 5.3 .. 8.6 5.5 Ethiopia .. 8.9 14.8 8.9 10.7 9.3 9.0 10.0 9.0 9.1 8.1 9.6 Gabon 21.4 17.6 23.9 20.8 21.3 24.9 23.0 20.2 19.9 27.2 18.8 21.9 Gambia, The .. 14.9 13.2 13.1 12.8 6.2 13.3 13.5 13.9 8.6 12.3 11.9 Ghana .. 6.9 11.1 10.7 12.7 16.7 9.2 14.4 16.2 3.8 8.6 13.8 Guinea .. 8.3 14.0 14.0 14.0 9.5 8.9 6.1 7.1 8.7 11.8 9.1 Guinea-Bissau .. 8.4 5.2 6.0 1.0 0.2 0.6 1.5 2.1 10.0 7.7 1.1 Kenya 8.2 10.9 8.5 7.9 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.5 10.7 9.8 7.6 Lesotho 35.6 29.7 37.0 38.9 36.6 32.5 33.1 35.7 33.9 34.9 40.6 34.4 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. 2.0 2.2 4.5 3.9 .. .. 3.2 Madagascar .. 6.9 6.9 8.0 8.3 11.2 9.5 10.1 11.8 3.6 5.5 10.2 Malawi 4.7 12.4 2.3 2.4 2.3 3.5 2.7 1.5 1.8 6.3 6.0 2.4 Mali .. 12.4 11.4 11.8 15.9 24.0 11.6 17.3 11.5 9.9 12.4 16.1 Mauritania .. 13.7 11.8 10.0 9.1 3.9 4.4 4.8 6.0 19.0 13.8 5.6 Mauritius 15.1 23.7 21.7 21.6 21.6 16.4 15.3 14.4 14.5 15.1 23.4 16.5 Mozambique 0.0 10.1 14.5 25.1 23.2 10.5 17.3 14.2 11.3 2.7 13.6 15.3 Namibia 11.4 13.0 15.3 12.0 12.7 13.2 14.6 21.1 17.9 7.8 12.8 15.9 Niger 5.1 4.0 4.6 3.6 4.6 4.8 5.2 5.7 6.8 3.0 3.4 5.4 Nigeriab .. 3.8 12.8 13.0 8.4 10.7 15.9 14.1 13.2 5.9 10.9 12.5 Rwanda .. 8.7 8.0 10.9 11.6 11.8 12.0 12.8 12.0 7.8 7.2 12.0 São Tomé and Principe .. .. 16.0 14.0 17.6 14.2 18.0 14.0 15.1 .. 19.3 15.8 Senegal 7.7 8.8 10.5 11.3 11.1 11.9 8.4 11.3 12.9 8.4 9.9 11.1 Seychelles .. 14.8 31.1 40.1 11.4 15.1 16.2 7.8 10.9 10.1 19.3 12.3 Sierra Leone 9.5 5.7 0.4 3.0 1.7 2.2 5.7 9.0 5.9 7.3 3.5 4.9 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 25.9 19.1 15.2 13.9 13.8 13.2 13.7 14.6 14.9 23.1 16.0 14.0 Sudan 3.8 .. 17.3 15.6 16.0 15.3 16.4 17.0 17.5 8.9 15.1 16.5 Swaziland 23.1 12.7 16.4 12.1 13.7 10.4 12.3 12.3 9.7 17.3 13.8 11.7 Tanzania .. 15.3 10.3 12.3 11.4 11.2 11.4 11.1 11.0 10.4 15.0 11.2 Togo 8.0 18.0 12.5 10.3 14.8 19.0 17.4 17.2 15.9 7.8 11.8 16.9 Uganda .. 6.5 11.3 13.8 13.3 12.4 13.7 15.4 16.9 5.4 10.3 14.3 Zambia .. 7.2 3.5 5.4 7.2 6.8 9.8 13.3 15.4 4.9 5.8 10.5 Zimbabwe 12.3 14.8 18.9 11.6 11.1 9.7 8.0 11.2 13.4 13.1 17.2 10.7 NORTH AFRICA .. 16.8 12.7 16.2 15.0 19.2 18.8 19.9 20.8 14.4 15.8 18.7 Algeria 22.8 18.8 19.0 20.1 13.5 24.6 19.2 20.1 20.7 17.7 19.2 19.6 Egypt, Arab Rep. .. 12.3 7.2 13.0 14.1 14.4 16.1 17.1 17.9 11.0 11.9 15.9 Libya 1.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.8 .. .. Morocco 16.7 19.3 17.8 20.7 20.7 21.2 21.7 22.1 22.5 18.0 18.5 21.6 Tunisia 13.3 19.7 13.3 12.9 13.8 23.7 24.2 24.7 25.5 13.5 14.9 22.4 ALL AFRICA .. 14.0 13.5 14.2 13.2 14.9 14.9 15.6 15.6 13.7 14.1 14.8 a. Preliminary. b. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. 36 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.12 Ta Gross domestic savings Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 27.6 19.9 15.3 16.2 19.1 18.3 17.5 20.0 21.9 22.0 16.6 19.4 excluding South Africa 23.3 17.4 13.3 14.2 19.2 17.9 16.2 19.0 22.0 18.3 14.4 18.8 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 16.7 15.1 12.0 13.1 15.4 13.9 13.9 15.3 16.7 17.3 12.5 15.0 Angola .. 29.7 19.3 20.7 39.5 15.1 25.2 19.4 24.5 24.0 22.5 24.7 Benin ­6.3 2.2 6.6 4.8 6.0 6.5 3.7 6.0 5.5 ­2.4 3.8 5.5 Botswana 26.7 42.6 39.8 38.7 41.7 40.5 38.9 38.6 38.2 35.3 39.3 39.6 Burkina Faso ­7.2 5.2 11.6 8.1 6.5 5.0 4.7 3.9 4.8 ­2.7 7.6 5.0 Burundi ­0.6 ­5.4 ­4.7 ­2.5 ­7.3 ­9.0 ­11.4 ­8.2 ­8.4 3.1 ­5.2 ­8.9 Cameroon 21.7 20.7 19.2 31.2 20.3 19.0 19.0 18.6 18.5 24.2 20.1 19.1 Cape Verde .. ­8.1 ­15.3 ­17.5 ­14.2 ­15.1 ­15.7 ­15.8 ­12.2 ­1.8 ­5.6 ­14.6 Central African Republic ­8.9 ­0.6 5.3 11.0 7.8 11.1 10.3 14.4 13.2 ­1.1 3.7 11.4 Chad .. ­7.7 5.9 ­0.2 5.5 5.3 ­1.3 18.5 30.5 ­8.1 ­0.5 11.7 Comoros ­10.1 ­3.0 ­4.7 ­5.7 1.1 ­0.9 1.8 1.3 ­1.5 ­4.5 ­4.4 0.4 Congo, Dem. Rep. 10.1 9.3 ­1.0 9.1 4.5 3.4 4.0 5.0 3.9 10.9 8.8 4.2 Congo, Rep. 35.7 23.8 30.3 41.0 57.7 53.1 50.0 47.4 51.4 31.9 28.8 51.9 Côte d'Ivoire 20.4 11.3 19.7 21.3 17.9 19.0 26.3 20.6 20.5 19.6 17.8 20.8 Djibouti .. .. ­0.8 ­5.5 ­5.3 .. .. .. .. .. ­5.4 ­5.3 Equatorial Guinea .. ­20.1 19.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13.7 .. Eritrea .. .. ­32.9 ­41.2 ­34.7 ­27.1 ­33.7 ­60.4 ­62.9 .. ­30.9 ­43.7 Ethiopia .. 9.6 13.1 2.1 0.9 3.1 2.5 1.0 0.5 6.9 5.3 1.6 Gabon 60.6 36.9 39.0 34.8 28.3 50.3 48.4 45.3 46.4 44.3 41.7 43.8 Gambia, The 5.8 10.7 11.8 11.0 8.5 12.0 12.9 11.1 10.5 6.5 7.4 11.0 Ghana .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.1 11.4 .. .. 10.2 Guinea .. 17.7 17.3 17.3 16.8 15.7 9.1 7.5 6.5 16.4 15.8 11.1 Guinea-Bissau ­1.0 2.8 ­10.1 ­1.2 ­8.5 ­19.3 ­12.1 1.2 ­1.7 ­0.9 1.5 ­8.1 Kenya 18.1 18.5 10.3 10.7 9.4 11.3 12.8 13.0 12.6 17.9 15.6 11.8 Lesotho ­51.9 ­52.9 ­33.5 ­22.4 ­20.4 ­16.3 ­18.0 ­12.2 ­7.7 ­66.4 ­38.1 ­14.9 Liberia 14.8 .. .. .. .. ­3.4 ­3.3 ­3.0 ­0.6 2.2 .. ­2.6 Madagascar ­1.4 5.5 7.0 7.2 7.7 15.3 7.7 8.9 7.8 2.9 4.2 9.5 Malawi 10.8 13.4 8.1 ­0.6 3.8 3.8 ­10.1 ­10.7 ­9.1 12.7 3.4 ­4.5 Mali 1.1 6.4 10.4 9.5 12.0 14.0 11.3 13.2 10.7 ­0.4 7.6 12.2 Mauritania ­3.5 4.9 4.4 5.0 13.2 ­1.4 ­4.9 ­17.6 ­18.8 3.1 7.4 ­5.9 Mauritius 14.5 23.5 24.9 23.3 23.9 26.0 25.1 25.0 23.6 20.0 24.1 24.7 Mozambique ­8.9 ­5.8 10.8 13.7 11.6 8.0 11.0 10.1 12.3 ­6.2 1.0 10.6 Namibia 38.4 18.2 13.7 12.5 14.0 17.0 17.8 26.2 26.7 10.8 12.7 20.3 Niger 14.6 1.2 2.7 3.7 3.5 4.4 5.3 5.0 5.8 7.3 2.7 4.8 Nigeriab 31.4 29.4 19.6 19.1 33.4 31.7 25.8 32.4 39.6 17.5 24.0 32.6 Rwanda 4.2 6.2 ­2.8 0.0 1.3 2.6 0.0 ­0.8 2.4 5.0 ­5.5 1.1 São Tomé and Principe ­11.6 ­42.4 ­7.0 ­10.3 ­4.1 ­22.9 ­17.2 ­22.1 ­29.0 ­16.2 ­20.0 ­19.1 Senegal ­5.0 8.9 11.9 11.3 10.9 9.5 5.6 7.7 9.8 0.1 10.1 8.7 Seychelles 27.1 20.3 18.7 25.6 22.3 19.9 23.3 19.6 21.4 24.1 21.7 21.3 Sierra Leone 0.9 8.7 2.5 ­10.3 ­13.3 ­11.5 ­9.3 ­7.4 ­4.9 9.1 2.9 ­9.3 Somalia ­12.9 ­12.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ­6.3 ­12.5 .. South Africa 37.9 23.2 18.1 19.0 18.9 19.2 20.2 21.7 21.7 28.5 19.4 20.3 Sudan 2.1 .. 5.8 7.7 15.9 9.8 13.3 15.7 18.7 5.0 5.6 14.7 Swaziland 1.2 9.2 1.4 0.3 4.3 3.1 19.5 17.6 14.1 3.7 2.3 11.7 Tanzania .. 1.3 ­0.8 2.8 9.3 8.6 11.6 9.5 8.5 8.8 1.4 9.5 Togo 23.2 14.7 2.8 3.2 ­2.2 1.0 0.6 5.3 4.5 12.3 6.7 1.8 Uganda ­0.4 0.6 5.6 8.1 9.2 6.3 5.5 6.5 9.1 2.3 5.8 7.3 Zambia 19.3 16.6 3.9 ­1.1 8.3 17.3 17.7 18.7 18.2 14.0 7.1 16.0 Zimbabwe 13.8 17.5 19.0 16.0 13.3 10.2 6.0 5.9 4.8 16.5 16.9 8.1 NORTH AFRICA 40.5 22.3 18.2 21.8 25.1 24.9 24.4 24.8 25.6 28.4 20.8 25.0 Algeria 43.1 27.1 27.1 31.4 44.2 40.9 38.0 36.4 35.7 31.5 30.1 39.0 Egypt, Arab Rep. 15.2 16.1 12.0 16.9 17.3 17.7 17.8 18.5 19.0 15.5 14.0 18.1 Libya 56.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46.9 .. .. Morocco 13.7 19.3 18.1 19.6 18.2 19.3 19.1 19.8 20.1 15.9 17.0 19.3 Tunisia 24.0 25.5 23.6 .. 25.3 24.5 24.9 25.6 26.7 20.5 21.2 25.4 ALL AFRICA 31.6 20.7 16.3 18.3 21.3 20.9 20.0 21.7 23.0 24.3 18.0 21.4 a. Preliminary. b. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 37 elb 2.13 Ta Gross national savings Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 27.2 16.0 13.3 14.0 15.7 15.1 14.0 16.4 18.3 20.7 13.9 15.9 excluding South Africa 23.7 13.4 12.0 12.7 15.6 14.9 12.4 15.1 17.8 18.1 11.8 15.2 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 18.8 12.1 11.3 11.2 12.6 11.9 11.8 13.3 15.0 18.3 10.3 12.9 Angola .. 5.5 5.1 ­1.7 21.4 ­1.4 10.4 7.6 13.4 19.9 12.1 10.3 Benin 1.1 5.8 11.3 9.9 10.9 12.5 7.3 9.4 8.9 2.1 7.3 9.8 Botswana 28.7 43.3 47.1 38.5 39.1 41.7 30.0 38.8 41.8 33.7 41.3 38.3 Burkina Faso .. 13.4 15.1 6.6 5.6 6.9 6.8 7.7 10.5 .. 14.6 7.5 Burundi .. .. ­0.2 ­0.1 ­0.1 0.4 1.3 6.5 7.9 .. 1.4 3.2 Cameroon 5.1 16.1 15.0 28.0 15.4 13.5 15.0 16.3 16.9 19.3 14.9 15.4 Cape Verde .. 17.6 8.4 8.1 9.1 8.0 9.4 9.2 14.2 21.8 21.2 10.0 Central African Republic 1.6 ­0.4 5.9 12.0 8.0 12.3 7.6 14.7 13.2 5.6 3.9 11.2 Chad .. ­2.7 8.7 2.4 7.9 6.6 ­3.0 5.1 18.3 ­3.3 3.5 7.0 Comoros ­0.4 9.7 8.3 2.5 14.8 14.8 11.6 7.3 7.6 15.0 6.6 11.2 Congo, Dem. Rep. 7.9 0.8 ­6.8 1.1 ­1.3 0.3 5.3 10.3 6.9 5.9 1.1 4.3 Congo, Rep. .. 6.6 7.4 11.0 28.5 23.3 23.0 22.8 26.6 18.0 5.0 24.8 Côte d'Ivoire .. ­4.3 10.7 11.7 8.0 10.1 16.3 11.9 13.6 8.6 6.2 12.0 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. ­22.0 9.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.0 .. Eritrea .. .. 8.3 4.9 20.4 28.7 26.3 ­6.4 ­20.8 .. 14.2 9.6 Ethiopia .. 11.9 19.7 8.5 10.5 13.0 12.6 13.7 14.3 8.8 12.2 12.8 Gabon .. 25.4 23.9 18.9 11.5 33.7 29.2 28.2 29.5 23.5 26.6 26.4 Gambia, The .. .. 16.4 14.2 13.6 14.8 18.2 18.6 14.3 .. 16.2 15.9 Ghana .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21.5 22.8 .. .. 22.2 Guinea .. 10.6 14.3 14.8 14.7 14.3 8.8 6.5 4.6 8.7 11.6 9.8 Guinea-Bissau ­6.3 15.3 ­7.8 ­3.3 ­2.7 ­15.7 ­8.0 5.1 9.8 ­0.3 5.5 ­2.3 Kenya 15.4 18.6 12.8 13.7 15.2 15.6 16.3 17.1 16.9 15.8 16.1 16.2 Lesotho 34.6 39.0 14.3 22.4 22.6 26.2 25.6 29.3 35.8 32.9 29.4 27.9 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. ­21.4 ­11.1 ­10.1 28.7 .. .. ­3.5 Madagascar ­2.4 9.2 7.3 9.5 9.4 17.2 8.3 13.0 13.5 2.1 4.9 12.3 Malawi 6.6 15.4 4.3 ­2.5 2.2 2.4 ­12.0 ­5.1 ­5.3 11.1 2.5 ­3.6 Mali 1.9 15.1 12.9 11.9 16.0 12.9 8.5 14.5 11.0 3.5 14.4 12.6 Mauritania 3.9 17.6 14.3 18.7 24.0 7.6 15.6 ­3.8 ­5.4 17.1 14.0 7.6 Mauritius 14.0 26.3 26.7 24.9 25.3 27.6 26.5 26.5 24.0 19.7 26.5 26.0 Mozambique ­6.9 2.1 9.8 14.7 15.4 6.4 11.1 11.3 12.5 ­3.8 4.0 11.4 Namibia 26.9 34.8 28.2 24.3 27.7 27.7 27.7 41.6 39.7 18.5 27.3 32.9 Niger 13.0 ­1.2 1.6 2.8 2.8 4.4 4.7 5.5 6.3 5.3 1.0 4.8 Nigeriab 26.1 19.4 15.4 13.9 27.2 25.4 15.1 21.5 27.1 13.4 17.0 23.3 Rwanda .. .. ­4.0 ­1.3 ­0.5 0.2 ­2.3 ­3.8 ­0.6 .. ­9.2 ­1.4 São Tomé and Principe ­5.5 ­51.1 ­18.1 ­19.0 ­11.4 ­29.6 ­20.7 ­24.4 ­33.0 ­17.6 ­28.9 ­23.8 Senegal ­7.4 6.0 14.4 12.7 14.6 14.5 10.8 14.2 16.7 ­4.2 10.1 14.2 Seychelles .. 21.7 16.9 23.2 15.7 15.5 15.2 14.8 18.5 .. 21.5 15.9 Sierra Leone 0.5 2.6 2.7 ­5.6 ­7.9 ­3.1 5.2 6.2 5.6 7.2 0.1 1.2 Somalia ­5.8 ­21.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.2 ­21.9 .. South Africa 33.9 19.1 15.2 15.9 15.8 15.4 17.2 18.4 19.0 24.3 16.6 17.2 Sudan 4.0 .. 0.4 0.0 3.4 2.8 8.1 10.0 16.5 6.5 ­0.8 8.2 Swaziland 16.7 27.4 15.5 16.2 14.5 13.9 24.7 19.9 19.0 20.2 19.9 18.4 Tanzania .. 5.9 ­1.9 0.9 7.5 7.5 10.8 9.5 8.0 18.1 2.9 8.7 Togo 26.4 17.8 5.8 3.8 0.4 3.1 4.1 7.3 6.5 13.3 8.2 4.3 Uganda ­0.9 0.6 6.0 8.2 9.6 6.9 6.7 7.3 10.4 2.6 8.0 8.2 Zambia 7.3 6.7 ­3.6 ­6.6 2.9 12.1 13.7 15.2 10.0 2.2 ­1.2 10.8 Zimbabwe .. 15.7 16.4 16.1 9.6 9.3 5.7 4.8 3.1 17.3 16.0 6.5 NORTH AFRICA 37.1 19.8 20.8 20.1 23.3 26.7 26.2 26.4 26.8 24.6 18.2 25.9 Algeria .. .. .. .. 40.6 38.1 35.9 34.7 34.3 .. .. 36.7 Egypt, Arab Rep. .. .. 18.9 .. 23.0 22.7 22.5 22.9 23.1 .. .. 22.8 Libya 53.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40.5 .. .. Morocco .. .. 21.8 22.5 22.8 23.8 23.2 24.1 24.2 .. 21.9 23.6 Tunisia 25.0 .. 23.4 .. 24.7 23.8 24.2 25.0 26.1 20.9 20.7 24.8 ALL AFRICA 30.2 18.5 16.1 17.7 19.9 19.6 18.5 19.8 20.9 22.7 16.9 19.8 a. Preliminary. b. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. 38 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.14 Resource balance Ta (exports minus imports) Share of GDP (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 3.1 1.7 ­3.7 ­2.7 1.6 0.2 ­0.7 0.6 2.5 ­0.1 ­1.0 0.8 excluding South Africa 0.8 ­0.7 ­7.0 ­6.3 0.7 ­1.9 ­2.9 ­1.9 1.3 ­3.1 ­3.8 ­0.9 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria ­5.1 ­3.3 ­7.5 ­6.8 ­3.2 ­4.9 ­3.5 ­4.8 ­3.5 ­4.4 ­5.3 ­4.0 Angola .. 18.0 ­16.3 ­6.4 26.8 1.7 12.0 6.6 15.3 9.1 1.8 12.5 Benin ­21.5 ­12.0 ­10.4 ­12.7 ­12.9 ­12.7 ­13.9 ­12.8 ­12.7 ­17.5 ­12.5 ­13.0 Botswana ­13.4 5.3 6.3 10.7 21.7 17.5 11.1 8.9 7.5 5.3 9.8 13.4 Burkina Faso ­22.3 ­13.0 ­15.6 ­15.7 ­16.2 ­13.9 ­13.1 ­14.8 ­14.3 ­20.2 ­14.1 ­14.5 Burundi ­14.5 ­19.9 ­11.4 ­8.4 ­13.5 ­15.2 ­17.8 ­19.5 ­22.0 ­13.5 ­14.4 ­17.6 Cameroon 0.8 2.9 1.7 ­0.2 3.6 ­1.3 ­0.8 0.4 ­0.4 0.4 2.5 0.3 Cape Verde .. ­31.0 ­35.1 ­38.4 ­33.9 ­33.4 ­36.6 ­34.5 ­32.6 ­42.3 ­35.2 ­34.2 Central African Republic ­15.9 ­12.9 ­8.2 ­3.4 ­3.1 ­2.9 ­4.5 ­2.2 ­4.4 ­12.1 ­7.7 ­3.4 Chad ­11.9 ­14.4 ­11.1 ­13.9 ­17.8 ­35.2 ­60.7 ­35.0 5.6 ­13.5 ­13.6 ­28.6 Comoros ­43.2 ­21.8 ­22.6 ­20.7 ­12.0 ­12.6 ­10.4 ­10.3 ­11.6 ­33.3 ­22.2 ­11.4 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.1 0.3 ­3.1 6.0 1.0 ­2.0 ­4.9 ­7.2 ­8.9 ­0.8 1.2 ­4.4 Congo, Rep. ­0.1 7.9 3.7 13.2 36.7 26.6 26.7 24.5 27.2 ­0.5 2.9 28.3 Côte d'Ivoire ­6.2 4.6 6.4 8.2 7.1 7.8 16.2 10.4 9.7 3.2 6.5 10.3 Djibouti .. .. ­16.1 ­14.4 ­18.2 .. .. .. .. .. ­15.7 ­18.2 Equatorial Guinea .. ­37.4 ­71.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. ­28.6 ­45.8 .. Eritrea .. .. ­65.3 ­77.2 ­66.6 ­55.8 ­59.7 ­85.8 ­85.7 .. ­55.8 ­70.7 Ethiopia .. ­3.3 ­8.0 ­14.8 ­15.0 ­14.7 ­18.0 ­19.4 ­19.4 ­7.4 ­9.2 ­17.3 Gabon 33.1 15.2 1.7 6.8 2.2 19.8 20.0 21.4 21.0 9.7 16.0 16.9 Gambia, The ­20.9 ­11.7 ­6.6 ­6.8 ­8.9 ­5.4 ­8.3 ­9.2 ­17.6 ­13.2 ­12.6 ­9.9 Ghana ­0.7 ­9.0 ­12.9 ­17.5 ­18.4 ­19.6 ­12.3 ­13.9 ­13.9 ­3.1 ­12.4 ­15.6 Guinea .. 0.2 ­3.7 ­4.8 ­5.1 ­1.9 ­4.0 ­2.3 ­4.3 0.2 ­3.7 ­3.5 Guinea-Bissau ­29.2 ­27.1 ­21.4 ­18.0 ­19.8 ­34.3 ­21.7 ­11.4 ­14.9 ­32.9 ­24.5 ­20.4 Kenya ­6.4 ­5.6 ­6.3 ­4.9 ­8.0 ­7.9 ­3.5 ­4.4 ­5.6 ­4.9 ­2.7 ­5.9 Lesotho ­89.0 ­105.6 ­80.6 ­71.0 ­62.7 ­56.5 ­60.4 ­57.0 ­48.8 ­106.3 ­94.4 ­57.1 Liberia ­0.1 .. .. .. .. ­8.4 ­8.1 ­11.8 ­13.0 2.9 .. ­10.3 Madagascar ­16.4 ­11.4 ­7.8 ­7.7 ­7.3 ­3.2 ­6.6 ­9.0 ­16.5 ­7.7 ­8.2 ­8.5 Malawi ­14.0 ­9.6 ­5.3 ­15.3 ­9.7 ­11.1 ­21.4 ­22.5 ­24.4 ­6.7 ­14.3 ­17.8 Mali ­14.4 ­16.6 ­10.5 ­11.7 ­12.6 ­17.0 ­7.3 ­10.9 ­8.3 ­17.6 ­14.9 ­11.2 Mauritania ­29.8 ­15.1 ­12.3 ­11.2 ­13.3 ­16.0 ­19.7 ­37.1 ­40.3 ­24.4 ­11.3 ­25.3 Mauritius ­10.9 ­7.2 ­2.7 ­2.2 ­1.9 2.7 3.8 2.1 ­0.6 ­3.5 ­4.3 1.2 Mozambique ­16.5 ­27.9 ­13.5 ­22.9 ­21.9 ­17.9 ­18.8 ­15.8 ­8.3 ­18.4 ­24.2 ­16.5 Namibia 7.8 ­15.5 ­12.0 ­10.8 ­5.5 ­6.4 ­2.0 ­3.6 1.2 ­7.6 ­10.0 ­3.3 Niger ­13.5 ­6.9 ­8.6 ­6.5 ­7.9 ­7.7 ­8.9 ­9.2 ­10.0 ­8.0 ­6.2 ­8.7 Nigeriab 10.2 14.6 ­4.5 ­4.2 15.7 8.9 ­0.2 8.6 17.2 1.1 4.1 10.0 Rwanda ­11.9 ­8.5 ­17.6 ­17.3 ­16.2 ­15.8 ­16.9 ­19.3 ­18.1 ­10.3 ­19.9 ­17.3 São Tomé and Principe ­28.4 ­58.0 ­42.8 ­49.3 ­47.7 ­58.7 ­50.0 ­52.5 ­63.5 ­32.0 ­61.7 ­54.5 Senegal ­16.7 ­4.9 ­6.7 ­7.2 ­10.0 ­9.7 ­11.2 ­13.0 ­13.6 ­12.0 ­5.9 ­11.5 Seychelles ­11.2 ­4.3 ­15.9 ­17.6 ­2.9 ­20.4 ­2.3 9.6 6.7 ­2.3 ­8.6 ­1.9 Sierra Leone ­15.4 ­1.3 ­2.8 ­15.7 ­21.3 ­18.1 ­19.3 ­21.1 ­15.4 ­3.1 ­4.5 ­19.0 Somalia ­55.3 ­28.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ­35.1 ­28.0 .. South Africa 8.0 5.5 1.1 2.6 3.0 3.9 4.2 4.7 4.2 5.1 2.8 4.0 Sudan ­12.6 .. ­12.2 ­9.1 ­2.4 ­7.8 ­6.2 ­4.3 ­3.9 ­9.4 ­10.2 ­4.9 Swaziland ­39.4 ­12.5 ­21.0 ­18.4 ­15.6 ­15.4 ­0.3 ­0.3 ­3.3 ­23.5 ­19.1 ­7.0 Tanzania .. ­24.8 ­14.7 ­12.7 ­8.3 ­8.4 ­7.5 ­9.1 ­9.9 ­12.3 ­19.6 ­8.7 Togo ­5.3 ­11.9 ­13.6 ­10.1 ­20.0 ­19.4 ­18.0 ­13.6 ­13.5 ­7.2 ­9.6 ­16.9 Uganda ­6.6 ­12.1 ­10.8 ­12.0 ­11.9 ­12.1 ­14.7 ­14.1 ­13.9 ­6.2 ­11.7 ­13.3 Zambia ­4.0 ­0.7 ­12.5 ­18.7 ­10.4 ­2.8 ­5.3 ­7.4 ­7.7 ­2.1 ­7.0 ­6.7 Zimbabwe ­3.2 0.1 ­1.7 1.6 ­0.3 0.8 ­1.1 ­4.7 ­8.0 ­0.8 ­2.6 ­2.6 NORTH AFRICA 4.7 ­3.4 ­2.8 ­1.4 3.5 3.3 1.8 1.3 1.4 ­3.1 ­0.9 2.3 Algeria 4.0 ­1.5 0.1 3.5 20.4 15.0 9.6 6.3 4.8 1.5 1.3 11.2 Egypt, Arab Rep. ­12.4 ­12.7 ­9.5 ­8.6 ­6.6 ­5.0 ­5.2 ­5.0 ­4.9 ­13.2 ­6.7 ­5.3 Libya 34.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20.4 .. .. Morocco ­10.5 ­6.0 ­4.1 ­3.8 ­6.1 ­5.3 ­5.9 ­5.5 ­5.3 ­8.5 ­5.2 ­5.6 Tunisia ­5.4 ­7.0 ­3.4 ­2.2 ­3.5 ­3.6 ­3.7 ­3.5 ­3.2 ­6.1 ­4.3 ­3.5 ALL AFRICA 3.6 0.1 ­3.2 ­2.1 2.4 1.4 0.3 1.0 2.4 ­1.0 ­0.8 1.5 a. Preliminary. b. Since 1994 Nigeria's ratios have been distorted because the official exchange rate used by the government for oil exports and oil value added is significantly overvalued. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 39 elb 2.15 Ta Exports of goods and services, nominal Current prices ($ millions) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 79,589 77,334 90,678 93,010 110,599 107,305 110,298 140,988 177,280 62,624 85,417 129,294 excluding South Africa 51,112 50,175 56,228 59,268 73,564 71,811 74,034 94,618 120,252 36,479 53,877 86,856 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 31,308 37,841 45,451 46,437 51,149 51,042 55,002 65,625 80,879 28,593 41,344 60,739 Angola .. 3,993 3,666 5,311 8,182 6,847 8,406 9,709 13,722 2,613 4,223 9,373 Benin 222 264 399 385 342 360 380 487 539 214 327 422 Botswana 563 2,087 2,537 2,743 3,222 2,835 2,504 3,232 3,570 999 2,350 3,073 Burkina Faso 173 352 362 287 237 260 272 357 416 184 287 308 Burundi 81 89 71 61 55 45 39 55 59 111 89 51 Cameroon 1,880 2,251 2,306 2,241 2,343 2,104 2,169 2,762 3,061 2,240 2,179 2,488 Cape Verde 19 43 109 113 146 167 194 253 295 37 79 211 Central African Republic 201 220 178 117 126 121 126 138 150 181 185 132 Chad 175 234 323 282 234 251 253 675 2,274 153 254 738 Comoros 11 36 26 29 31 35 39 58 60 22 40 44 Congo, Dem. Rep. 2,372 2,759 1,852 1,109 964 875 1,174 1,482 2,023 2,016 1,595 1,304 Congo, Rep. 1,024 1,502 1,487 1,702 2,586 2,232 2,434 2,766 3,669 1,092 1,393 2,737 Côte d'Ivoire 3,561 3,421 5,038 5,067 4,211 4,357 5,695 6,280 7,445 3,142 4,129 5,598 Djibouti .. .. 244 250 247 .. .. .. .. .. 222 247 Equatorial Guinea .. 42 464 .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 160 .. Eritrea .. .. 111 66 96 133 128 103 122 .. 132 116 Ethiopia .. 672 1,038 918 984 980 983 1,139 1,369 607 727 1,091 Gabon 2,770 2,740 2,119 1,964 1,825 2,619 2,957 3,781 4,420 1,964 2,621 3,120 Gambia, The 103 190 213 199 202 150 157 158 184 108 195 170 Ghana 376 993 2,532 2,473 2,429 2,401 2,625 3,066 3,349 554 1,684 2,774 Guinea .. 870 770 759 735 822 785 807 824 660 740 794 Guinea-Bissau 14 24 30 56 68 57 61 77 98 15 32 72 Kenya 2,144 2,207 2,843 2,687 2,743 2,968 3,281 3,590 4,207 1,805 2,594 3,358 Lesotho 86 104 239 216 256 319 390 520 763 66 187 450 Liberia 613 .. .. .. .. 126 111 133 171 519 .. 135 Madagascar 539 512 805 909 1,190 1,317 704 1,264 1,425 414 673 1,180 Malawi 307 447 574 498 446 480 471 480 511 295 465 478 Mali 263 415 644 680 649 876 1,066 1,153 1,341 255 514 1,017 Mauritania 261 465 399 370 379 379 382 359 451 387 448 390 Mauritius 539 1,529 2,653 2,716 2,801 2,978 2,757 3,099 3,356 764 2,191 2,998 Mozambique 383 201 519 586 744 1,004 1,188 1,353 1,828 215 373 1,223 Namibia 1,712 1,220 1,562 1,563 1,558 1,446 1,548 2,300 2,644 1,139 1,543 1,899 Niger 617 372 369 321 320 329 330 438 491 420 325 382 Nigeria 18,859 12,366 10,776 12,832 22,416 20,774 19,044 28,997 39,372 7,725 12,563 26,120 Rwanda 168 145 111 114 151 157 132 139 189 173 107 154 São Tomé and Principe 10 8 12 16 15 16 20 22 25 12 11 20 Senegal 803 1,450 1,419 1,466 1,310 1,402 1,527 2,137 2,165 924 1,376 1,708 Seychelles 100 230 370 422 464 490 555 648 663 123 298 564 Sierra Leone 252 146 109 84 115 129 153 197 240 187 155 167 Somalia 200 90 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 119 90 .. South Africa 28,555 27,149 34,451 33,742 37,034 35,495 36,266 46,372 57,032 26,088 31,523 42,440 Sudan 806 .. 607 828 1,891 1,711 1,996 2,613 3,822 875 682 2,407 Swaziland 405 658 1,059 1,006 1,133 1,156 1,131 1,641 2,357 394 886 1,484 Tanzania .. 538 1,144 1,166 1,307 1,537 1,667 1,881 2,016 478 913 1,681 Togo 580 545 471 455 409 421 498 595 691 464 441 523 Uganda 242 312 635 735 663 690 697 778 933 371 500 752 Zambia 1,608 1,180 865 701 682 980 875 891 1,059 1,060 1,083 897 Zimbabwe 1,561 2,009 2,632 2,767 2,660 2,357 2,012 1,855 1,694 1,530 2,469 2,116 NORTH AFRICA 41,644 42,750 52,125 55,873 69,479 70,139 69,781 76,628 83,995 32,437 49,017 74,004 Algeria 14,541 14,546 10,880 13,259 22,579 21,701 20,578 21,804 25,103 12,221 12,508 22,353 Egypt, Arab Rep. 6,992 8,647 13,754 13,500 15,940 17,072 16,332 16,009 14,997 6,654 12,493 16,070 Libya 23,523 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,320 .. .. Morocco 3,273 6,830 9,970 10,624 10,409 10,405 11,152 13,886 16,128 3,790 8,399 12,396 Tunisia 3,518 5,353 8,529 8,852 8,566 8,863 9,682 11,711 13,279 3,312 7,161 10,420 ALL AFRICA 119,851 120,832 143,447 149,272 180,196 177,254 180,144 219,111 264,541 95,467 135,057 204,249 a. Preliminary. 40 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.16 Ta Imports of goods and services, nominal Current prices ($ millions) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 71,605 72,339 102,796 101,854 105,173 106,736 112,819 138,198 164,342 62,943 88,497 125,453 excluding South Africa 49,598 51,408 69,879 71,567 72,066 75,860 81,220 99,694 116,289 41,489 60,580 89,026 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 37,269 43,207 57,643 57,263 56,271 59,350 62,065 75,690 89,320 34,079 49,338 68,539 Angola .. 2,147 4,714 5,705 5,736 6,697 7,110 8,801 10,728 1,895 4,019 7,814 Benin 524 486 642 688 634 662 772 944 1,055 447 579 813 Botswana 705 1,888 2,229 2,204 2,080 1,930 1,900 2,542 2,893 842 1,896 2,269 Burkina Faso 603 758 798 729 658 650 693 977 1,104 579 659 816 Burundi 214 314 174 129 151 146 151 171 205 254 234 165 Cameroon 1,829 1,931 2,159 2,268 1,981 2,228 2,254 2,712 3,128 2,219 1,926 2,461 Cape Verde 100 148 298 337 326 351 419 529 604 104 237 446 Central African Republic 327 411 264 153 155 149 174 164 207 292 282 170 Chad 298 485 516 495 480 850 1,457 1,611 2,034 305 469 1,286 Comoros 64 93 75 75 55 63 65 91 103 67 93 75 Congo, Dem. Rep. 2,354 2,731 2,045 827 920 971 1,447 1,891 2,610 2,107 1,537 1,568 Congo, Rep. 1,026 1,282 1,416 1,391 1,404 1,490 1,629 1,891 2,488 1,093 1,309 1,780 Côte d'Ivoire 4,190 2,927 4,224 4,041 3,471 3,529 3,837 4,848 5,939 2,906 3,406 4,325 Djibouti .. .. 327 327 347 .. .. .. .. .. 302 347 Equatorial Guinea .. 92 791 .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 270 .. Eritrea .. .. 597 597 518 507 505 744 917 .. 482 638 Ethiopia .. 1,069 1,655 1,882 1,961 1,938 2,073 2,430 2,934 1,096 1,351 2,267 Gabon 1,354 1,837 2,041 1,669 1,718 1,761 1,962 2,484 2,902 1,586 1,797 2,165 Gambia, The 153 227 240 228 239 173 188 192 255 137 242 209 Ghana 407 1,522 3,492 3,826 3,347 3,441 3,380 4,113 4,550 709 2,509 3,766 Guinea .. 864 903 924 894 880 913 892 986 658 867 913 Guinea-Bissau 46 90 74 96 111 125 105 104 138 67 91 117 Kenya 2,608 2,691 3,737 3,312 3,757 4,002 3,741 4,257 5,114 2,154 2,942 4,174 Lesotho 470 753 956 864 794 750 812 1,127 1,430 503 977 983 Liberia 614 .. .. .. .. 171 156 184 235 491 .. 187 Madagascar 1,202 864 1,095 1,197 1,474 1,463 993 1,756 2,146 668 942 1,566 Malawi 480 629 667 769 616 672 886 878 974 384 716 805 Mali 520 817 915 982 954 1,322 1,311 1,630 1,747 536 882 1,393 Mauritania 473 619 538 495 523 554 601 856 1,069 576 571 721 Mauritius 665 1,701 2,767 2,808 2,888 2,854 2,584 2,988 3,393 809 2,334 2,941 Mozambique 965 888 1,041 1,500 1,571 1,665 1,958 2,108 2,320 773 1,001 1,925 Namibia 1,542 1,584 1,972 1,927 1,746 1,652 1,610 2,461 2,573 1,284 1,844 2,008 Niger 957 545 547 452 462 479 523 688 795 583 448 589 Nigeria 12,324 8,203 12,236 14,304 15,794 16,511 19,151 23,997 26,965 7,362 11,214 20,484 Rwanda 307 364 462 448 445 427 425 464 521 354 405 456 São Tomé and Principe 24 42 30 40 38 44 46 54 61 28 41 49 Senegal 1,302 1,728 1,733 1,806 1,746 1,844 2,085 3,110 3,223 1,283 1,664 2,401 Seychelles 117 246 467 531 482 616 572 581 616 123 344 573 Sierra Leone 421 154 128 188 250 276 336 408 407 225 191 335 Somalia 534 346 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 403 346 .. South Africa 22,073 21,016 32,917 30,287 33,107 30,889 31,615 38,525 48,071 21,441 27,961 36,442 Sudan 1,763 .. 1,955 1,802 2,189 2,756 2,924 3,367 4,650 1,853 1,750 3,177 Swaziland 619 768 1,342 1,260 1,349 1,350 1,134 1,648 2,441 515 1,116 1,584 Tanzania .. 1,595 2,375 2,263 2,064 2,333 2,403 2,816 3,138 1,060 1,977 2,551 Togo 640 738 687 615 674 678 763 833 969 542 586 784 Uganda 324 834 1,344 1,455 1,366 1,378 1,554 1,662 1,879 619 1,042 1,568 Zambia 1,764 1,203 1,268 1,287 1,018 1,080 1,072 1,212 1,478 1,148 1,313 1,172 Zimbabwe 1,771 2,002 2,737 2,670 2,680 2,249 2,341 2,225 2,068 1,598 2,661 2,312 NORTH AFRICA 35,735 48,320 58,282 59,057 61,124 62,285 65,481 73,361 80,245 36,910 50,712 68,499 Algeria 12,847 15,472 10,850 11,571 11,709 13,177 14,998 17,742 21,472 13,875 11,907 15,820 Egypt, Arab Rep. 9,822 14,109 21,812 21,144 22,457 21,963 21,010 20,264 18,706 10,787 16,635 20,880 Libya 11,167 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,722 .. .. Morocco 5,247 8,374 11,425 11,959 12,458 12,220 13,362 16,426 18,932 5,136 9,979 14,680 Tunisia 3,987 6,220 9,194 9,317 9,257 9,583 10,494 12,636 14,251 3,834 7,840 11,244 ALL AFRICA 105,915 120,427 161,198 160,957 166,337 169,047 178,347 211,993 245,485 99,277 139,313 194,242 a. Preliminary. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 41 elb 2.17 Ta Exports of goods and services, real Constant prices Average annual growth (2000 $ millions) (%) 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 66,392 72,535 105,566 105,105 110,601 112,092 112,871 120,689 127,834 0.0 5.0 3.7 excluding South Africa 46,987 49,929 71,807 70,917 73,566 74,403 74,981 82,709 88,916 ­0.3 4.8 4.9 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 24,776 33,884 46,903 49,120 51,151 52,877 55,871 57,458 62,879 0.0 4.7 5.0 Angola 3,618 4,804 8,223 8,499 8,182 7,951 9,753 9,443 10,632 1.6 7.2 7.2 Benin 391 247 351 344 342 359 359 376 378 ­4.5 2.0 2.5 Botswana 691 1,993 2,509 2,680 3,222 3,063 2,736 2,603 2,595 13.8 4.0 ­5.8 Burkina Faso 226 253 297 262 237 244 273 300 307 ­1.7 ­0.1 7.5 Burundi 10 18 30 41 55 69 66 116 89 3.8 5.2 16.0 Cameroon 1,054 1,870 2,184 2,466 2,343 2,387 2,363 2,453 2,495 6.5 2.7 1.5 Cape Verde 31 42 93 96 146 167 182 208 226 0.3 13.9 11.5 Central African Republic .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ­1.3 .. ­8.4 Chad 159 214 259 254 234 225 211 481 1,301 7.4 2.8 52.1 Comoros 9 28 28 32 31 27 28 24 32 11.0 ­2.2 ­0.2 Congo, Dem. Rep. 667 1,224 669 1,000 964 983 1,062 1,065 1,279 11.2 ­2.5 6.7 Congo, Rep. 1,118 2,024 3,032 2,553 2,586 2,635 2,917 2,800 3,027 4.9 5.6 3.8 Côte d'Ivoire 3,048 4,084 4,203 4,337 4,211 4,152 4,372 4,263 4,997 1.2 1.5 3.8 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea .. .. 111 67 96 131 127 86 80 .. ­1.4 ­7.4 Ethiopia .. 579 704 761 984 1,032 1,172 1,351 1,842 3.6 5.9 14.6 Gabon 1,118 1,647 2,027 1,893 1,825 1,857 1,915 1,976 2,041 1.8 2.3 2.9 Gambia, The 112 182 191 184 202 160 183 200 211 0.5 ­1.1 3.2 Ghana 853 1,005 2,139 2,409 2,429 2,430 2,389 2,453 2,547 1.4 10.5 1.0 Guinea .. 501 691 713 735 791 781 739 765 .. 4.4 0.1 Guinea-Bissau 22 17 33 55 68 71 71 76 79 ­3.9 14.2 3.7 Kenya 1,479 2,374 2,482 2,712 2,743 2,878 3,134 3,340 4,002 3.3 1.2 9.5 Lesotho 58 83 178 204 256 339 430 395 447 4.7 10.7 13.5 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 976 756 893 1,031 1,190 1,304 706 993 1,008 ­1.8 3.3 ­5.9 Malawi 315 354 574 479 446 491 499 480 465 2.1 4.8 0.6 Mali 175 266 559 657 649 811 1,067 907 905 4.7 10.1 8.1 Mauritania 338 412 363 377 379 365 338 306 332 3.5 ­1.5 ­4.3 Mauritius 732 1,739 2,726 2,859 2,801 3,101 3,394 3,632 3,570 10.1 5.8 6.6 Mozambique 436 237 572 564 744 1,127 1,310 1,485 1,840 ­8.9 10.5 23.2 Namibia 1,096 954 1,504 1,571 1,558 1,525 1,739 2,139 1,994 1.4 4.3 8.7 Niger 257 214 291 261 320 298 286 282 287 ­3.2 3.1 ­2.7 Nigeria 21,726 16,042 24,883 21,797 22,416 21,536 19,138 25,252 26,045 ­1.5 5.1 4.7 Rwanda 171 210 116 138 151 264 279 274 304 4.2 ­6.4 15.5 São Tomé and Principe .. 9 10 14 15 22 26 28 34 .. 1.5 19.6 Senegal 520 807 1,203 1,364 1,310 1,424 1,470 1,472 1,526 3.7 6.2 3.4 Seychelles .. 252 360 378 464 503 533 613 638 .. 4.9 8.7 Sierra Leone 199 144 96 95 115 128 128 232 261 ­1.1 ­7.8 25.0 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 19,504 22,613 33,766 34,192 37,034 37,687 37,888 37,991 38,937 1.6 5.6 1.1 Sudan 764 334 462 845 1,891 1,736 1,790 2,135 2,434 ­5.0 8.8 7.4 Swaziland 424 778 1,058 1,006 1,133 1,318 1,345 1,264 1,278 7.5 3.5 2.0 Tanzania .. 685 1,200 1,120 1,307 1,500 1,559 1,649 1,534 .. 7.8 4.2 Togo 499 414 432 426 409 460 476 508 523 0.4 1.4 6.1 Uganda .. 229 566 715 663 757 844 911 968 1.4 16.0 9.9 Zambia 812 559 759 797 682 880 939 1,034 1,164 ­3.0 3.5 13.1 Zimbabwe 638 1,011 2,377 2,502 2,660 2,521 2,210 1,942 1,981 4.3 10.8 ­8.2 NORTH AFRICA 28,647 46,965 61,588 65,859 69,829 72,299 72,627 76,518 84,537 4.9 3.7 4.3 Algeria 10,759 16,228 19,562 20,735 22,560 21,951 22,983 24,959 25,808 4.2 2.9 2.7 Egypt, Arab Rep. 6,893 11,050 14,282 15,584 16,175 16,707 15,406 17,226 21,981 4.4 3.3 6.0 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 2,848 6,337 9,495 10,196 10,452 11,529 12,276 12,083 12,647 7.6 5.0 2.8 Tunisia 3,205 5,248 7,625 7,985 8,597 9,641 9,434 9,050 9,520 5.1 5.1 6.9 ALL AFRICA 96,405 119,419 167,789 171,093 180,508 184,300 185,426 197,256 212,036 0.9 4.6 3.9 a. Preliminary. 42 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.18 Ta Imports of goods and services, real Constant prices Average annual growth (2000 $ millions) (%) 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 31,471 63,935 101,955 102,576 105,176 111,306 120,963 129,714 143,743 6.6 6.1 8.1 excluding South Africa 18,973 45,474 67,641 71,152 72,071 78,138 86,122 91,787 100,476 8.4 5.2 8.6 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 9,032 35,618 55,134 56,769 56,278 60,712 66,628 70,018 78,220 14.9 5.6 8.3 Angola 3,008 2,461 4,871 5,410 5,736 6,833 7,885 10,188 11,166 ­1.8 9.3 18.9 Benin 797 484 560 615 634 660 668 670 678 ­7.4 1.8 1.5 Botswana 715 1,729 2,159 2,172 2,080 2,064 2,048 2,012 2,067 8.2 3.7 ­0.4 Burkina Faso 517 650 816 752 658 718 762 1,000 1,035 2.6 1.7 13.2 Burundi 51 66 93 110 151 175 204 289 309 1.8 1.8 21.4 Cameroon 795 1,261 1,658 1,706 1,981 2,213 2,416 2,353 2,450 4.9 4.1 5.0 Cape Verde 122 145 254 288 326 351 393 435 448 ­1.9 8.2 8.9 Central African Republic 110 99,316 .. 149 155 135 72 110 101 96.5 .. ­10.0 Chad 318 535 413 447 480 762 3,550 1,147 1,163 11.5 ­2.8 24.4 Comoros 83 84 69 75 55 65 63 73 74 0.3 ­0.9 7.4 Congo, Dem. Rep. 566 1,063 492 785 920 1,012 1,387 1,767 2,233 13.1 ­6.5 26.2 Congo, Rep. 1,031 1,044 1,135 1,344 1,404 1,493 1,854 2,178 3,531 ­4.7 2.5 24.9 Côte d'Ivoire 3,345 2,313 4,398 4,316 3,471 3,624 3,554 3,984 4,486 ­2.2 8.9 6.3 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea .. .. 596 607 518 520 502 508 434 .. 9.9 ­3.7 Ethiopia .. 1,116 1,679 1,967 1,961 1,952 2,148 2,515 3,028 4.6 5.3 11.9 Gabon 1,662 1,729 2,009 1,679 1,718 1,757 1,806 1,865 1,936 ­2.1 0.9 3.0 Gambia, The 303 218 216 211 239 184 219 242 260 ­7.5 ­1.6 4.5 Ghana 1,888 1,541 3,673 4,082 3,347 3,606 3,449 3,713 4,134 ­0.5 11.8 4.6 Guinea .. 780 834 864 894 921 1,004 881 912 .. 1.0 0.0 Guinea-Bissau 79 84 64 82 111 107 92 84 91 1.1 ­2.5 ­6.3 Kenya 1,913 1,854 3,742 3,687 3,757 4,489 4,132 4,240 4,889 0.9 10.3 4.8 Lesotho 520 761 951 846 794 850 989 966 1,009 3.4 2.1 6.3 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 1,827 1,027 1,139 1,209 1,474 1,647 1,235 1,638 2,045 ­7.7 3.3 6.7 Malawi 803 743 688 787 616 704 907 806 800 ­1.5 ­0.3 6.8 Mali 392 683 869 938 954 1,238 1,110 1,260 1,225 6.8 3.1 5.3 Mauritania 518 625 531 483 523 612 685 754 828 0.7 ­0.8 12.0 Mauritius 829 1,793 2,691 2,853 2,888 2,955 3,108 3,233 3,230 9.5 5.2 3.2 Mozambique 1,232 851 1,146 1,610 1,571 1,246 1,756 1,985 2,067 ­4.4 5.5 10.7 Namibia 1,107 1,151 1,817 1,842 1,746 1,918 1,983 2,096 1,868 0.5 6.0 2.3 Niger 1,017 569 468 378 462 504 526 533 558 ­6.7 ­2.1 4.4 Nigeria 25,771 9,462 12,527 14,392 15,794 17,425 19,492 21,761 22,257 ­15.4 3.9 9.5 Rwanda 177 210 532 496 445 447 422 445 464 4.3 6.1 0.8 São Tomé and Principe .. 41 30 38 38 63 62 67 83 .. ­2.3 17.9 Senegal 1,040 1,295 1,548 1,702 1,746 1,965 2,094 2,180 2,310 1.7 2.9 6.9 Seychelles .. 209 496 489 482 632 548 549 593 .. 11.1 2.8 Sierra Leone 381 176 178 158 250 380 512 553 487 ­5.3 ­1.7 18.7 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 19,907 18,795 34,297 31,429 33,107 33,179 34,859 37,943 43,278 ­1.0 7.9 6.9 Sudan 1,742 1,083 2,739 2,064 2,189 2,182 2,346 2,470 4,643 ­7.5 9.6 17.7 Swaziland 580 770 1,313 1,260 1,349 1,480 1,477 1,418 1,437 2.6 4.7 0.8 Tanzania .. 1,829 2,047 2,062 2,064 2,049 2,129 2,472 2,527 .. 0.1 6.1 Togo 708 803 776 710 674 681 716 736 758 3.0 1.0 3.2 Uganda .. 687 1,283 1,397 1,366 1,408 1,623 1,640 1,723 4.7 10.7 6.4 Zambia 1,977 1,180 1,253 1,274 1,018 1,295 1,219 1,264 1,401 ­1.7 2.6 6.3 Zimbabwe 618 984 2,414 2,470 2,680 2,434 2,556 2,256 2,248 2.7 9.8 ­4.2 NORTH AFRICA 48,971 50,959 57,810 57,821 61,124 63,329 67,352 70,614 74,372 ­2.0 2.5 5.1 Algeria 16,346 14,285 11,799 10,943 11,709 13,722 14,970 15,771 16,501 ­4.0 ­1.4 8.6 Egypt, Arab Rep. 19,678 18,158 21,571 21,914 22,457 21,597 22,571 23,501 24,613 ­2.2 3.0 2.7 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 4,291 7,787 11,284 11,560 12,458 12,743 13,601 14,184 15,073 2.4 5.7 5.0 Tunisia 4,456 6,357 8,196 8,444 9,257 9,835 10,432 11,100 11,805 0.6 3.5 6.3 ALL AFRICA 66,055 112,065 159,877 160,531 166,339 174,748 188,518 200,632 218,660 4.2 4.8 7.1 a. Preliminary. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 43 elb 2.19 Ta Gross domestic product growth Annual growth (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 4.2 1.1 2.3 2.6 3.3 3.5 3.4 4.1 5.1 1.8 2.4 4.0 excluding South Africa 2.0 2.1 3.5 2.8 2.7 3.9 3.2 4.8 5.5 2.2 2.7 4.3 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 1.1 0.6 4.0 3.3 2.4 4.1 3.7 3.3 5.4 2.6 2.8 4.0 Angola .. ­0.3 6.8 3.2 3.0 3.1 14.4 3.4 11.1 3.5 1.0 8.1 Benin 6.8 3.2 4.5 4.7 5.8 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.1 2.7 4.7 4.1 Botswana 12.0 6.8 6.0 5.4 7.6 5.2 5.0 6.7 4.9 10.9 4.7 5.5 Burkina Faso 0.8 ­1.5 1.0 6.7 1.6 5.9 4.4 6.5 3.9 3.9 4.1 5.2 Burundi 1.0 3.5 4.8 ­1.0 ­0.9 2.1 4.4 ­1.2 4.8 4.5 ­3.2 2.3 Cameroon ­2.0 ­6.1 5.0 4.4 4.2 4.5 4.0 4.0 3.7 4.5 1.3 4.1 Cape Verde .. 0.7 7.4 8.6 6.6 3.8 4.6 6.2 4.4 6.3 5.9 4.9 Central African Republic ­4.5 ­2.1 4.7 3.6 2.3 1.5 ­0.8 ­7.6 1.3 1.6 1.8 ­2.0 Chad ­6.0 ­4.2 7.0 ­0.7 ­0.4 10.4 8.4 14.9 29.5 6.7 2.3 14.7 Comoros .. 5.1 0.9 2.9 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.9 1.2 2.2 Congo, Dem. Rep. 2.2 ­6.6 ­1.6 ­4.4 ­6.9 ­2.1 3.5 5.7 6.8 2.1 ­5.0 3.7 Congo, Rep. 17.6 1.0 3.7 ­3.0 8.2 3.8 4.6 0.8 3.6 3.8 0.9 3.1 Côte d'Ivoire ­11.0 ­1.1 4.8 1.6 ­3.3 0.1 ­1.6 ­1.7 1.6 0.7 3.5 ­0.6 Djibouti .. ­1.9 0.5 2.2 0.7 .. .. .. .. .. ­1.7 .. Equatorial Guinea .. 3.3 21.9 41.4 1.5 1.5 17.6 14.7 10.0 .. 20.7 11.8 Eritrea .. .. 1.8 0.0 ­13.1 9.2 0.7 3.9 2.0 .. 7.9 3.6 Ethiopia .. 2.1 ­4.3 5.4 6.0 8.8 1.9 ­3.7 13.4 2.1 4.0 3.7 Gabon 2.6 5.2 2.1 ­6.2 2.0 2.5 0.0 2.6 1.4 0.5 3.2 1.6 Gambia, The 6.3 3.6 3.5 6.4 5.5 5.8 ­3.2 6.9 5.1 3.5 2.7 3.2 Ghana 0.5 3.3 4.7 4.4 3.7 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 2.6 4.3 4.6 Guinea .. 4.4 4.8 4.6 1.9 4.0 4.2 1.2 2.7 .. 4.5 3.0 Guinea-Bissau ­16.0 6.1 ­28.1 7.8 7.5 0.2 ­7.1 0.6 2.2 3.8 1.4 ­1.5 Kenya 5.6 4.2 3.3 2.3 0.6 4.4 0.4 2.8 4.3 4.1 2.2 2.7 Lesotho ­2.7 6.4 ­4.6 0.2 1.3 3.2 3.5 3.1 3.1 4.1 4.2 3.2 Liberia ­4.1 ­51.0 29.7 22.9 25.7 2.9 3.7 ­31.3 2.6 ­3.3 0.2 ­8.7 Madagascar 0.8 3.1 3.9 4.7 4.8 6.0 ­12.7 9.8 5.3 0.8 1.7 0.9 Malawi 0.4 5.7 3.9 3.0 1.6 ­5.0 2.9 6.1 7.1 2.4 3.8 3.0 Mali ­4.3 ­1.9 6.0 6.7 3.2 12.1 4.2 7.4 2.2 0.5 3.9 6.3 Mauritania 3.4 ­1.8 3.5 7.8 6.7 3.6 2.3 6.4 6.9 1.9 4.5 4.7 Mauritius .. 5.8 6.0 5.8 4.0 5.6 2.9 2.9 4.4 5.9 5.3 3.7 Mozambique .. 1.0 12.6 7.5 1.9 13.1 8.2 7.9 7.5 ­0.9 6.3 8.9 Namibia .. 2.5 3.3 3.4 3.5 2.4 6.7 3.5 6.0 1.1 4.0 4.7 Niger ­2.2 ­1.3 10.4 ­0.6 ­1.4 7.1 3.0 5.3 0.0 ­0.4 2.4 3.9 Nigeria 4.2 8.2 1.9 1.1 4.2 3.1 1.5 10.7 6.0 0.8 2.4 5.4 Rwanda 9.0 ­2.4 8.9 7.6 6.0 6.7 9.4 0.9 4.0 2.5 ­1.6 5.2 São Tomé and Principe .. 1.8 2.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.8 .. 1.7 4.0 Senegal ­3.3 3.9 4.5 6.2 3.0 4.7 1.1 6.5 6.2 3.2 3.0 4.4 Seychelles ­4.2 7.0 8.4 1.9 4.8 ­2.2 1.3 ­6.3 ­2.0 3.1 4.5 ­2.4 Sierra Leone 4.8 3.3 1.7 ­2.1 6.7 .. 28.2 9.8 9.6 0.5 ­3.7 11.2 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 6.6 ­0.3 0.5 2.4 4.2 2.7 3.7 3.0 4.5 1.4 2.0 3.4 Sudan 1.5 ­5.5 6.4 6.3 6.5 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.4 5.3 6.0 Swaziland 12.4 8.6 3.3 3.5 2.0 1.8 2.9 2.4 2.1 6.5 3.3 2.4 Tanzania .. 7.0 3.7 3.5 5.1 6.2 7.2 7.1 6.7 .. 2.7 6.9 Togo 14.6 ­0.2 ­2.3 2.5 ­0.8 ­0.2 4.1 2.7 3.0 1.5 3.6 2.6 Uganda .. 6.5 4.9 8.1 5.6 4.9 6.5 4.4 5.6 2.3 7.2 5.4 Zambia 3.0 ­0.5 ­1.9 2.2 3.6 4.9 3.3 5.1 5.4 1.0 0.2 4.6 Zimbabwe 14.4 7.0 2.9 ­3.6 ­7.9 ­2.7 ­4.4 ­10.4 ­4.2 3.3 2.7 ­5.9 NORTH AFRICA 5.3 4.1 6.0 4.2 3.7 4.1 3.6 4.4 5.0 4.2 3.3 4.2 Algeria 0.8 0.8 5.1 3.2 2.4 3.6 3.4 3.9 4.6 2.9 1.7 3.8 Egypt, Arab Rep. 10.0 5.7 6.2 6.0 5.1 3.3 3.0 4.5 5.5 5.5 4.4 4.0 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 3.6 4.0 7.7 0.0 0.9 6.5 4.4 3.4 3.6 4.2 2.4 4.4 Tunisia 7.4 8.0 4.8 6.1 4.7 5.4 6.0 6.5 6.0 3.2 4.6 6.0 ALL AFRICA 4.6 2.1 3.7 3.2 3.4 3.7 3.5 4.2 5.1 2.6 2.7 4.1 a. Preliminary. 44 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.20 Ta Gross domestic product per capita growth Annual growth (%) Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 1.1 ­1.8 ­0.2 0.1 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.8 2.9 ­0.8 ­0.6 1.5 excluding South Africa ­1.1 ­0.9 0.9 0.3 0.3 1.4 0.7 2.4 3.1 ­0.9 ­0.2 1.6 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria ­2.1 ­2.3 1.3 0.8 ­0.1 1.6 1.1 0.9 2.9 ­0.5 ­0.3 1.3 Angola .. ­3.0 4.4 0.9 0.5 0.4 11.2 0.5 7.9 ­0.3 ­1.7 4.1 Benin 3.5 ­0.3 1.6 1.7 2.7 1.8 1.2 0.6 ­0.2 ­0.2 1.1 1.2 Botswana 8.2 3.9 4.2 3.9 6.5 4.6 4.7 6.7 5.0 8.0 2.8 5.5 Burkina Faso ­1.3 ­4.4 ­1.7 3.8 ­1.3 2.7 1.1 3.1 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.2 Burundi ­1.9 1.0 3.9 ­2.1 ­2.5 ­0.2 1.6 ­4.3 1.3 1.0 ­2.8 ­0.8 Cameroon ­4.8 ­8.8 2.8 2.2 2.1 2.4 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.1 ­2.1 2.1 Cape Verde .. ­1.6 5.0 6.1 4.1 1.4 2.2 3.7 2.0 4.2 2.8 2.7 Central African Republic ­7.0 ­4.4 2.6 1.7 0.6 0.0 ­2.1 ­8.8 0.0 ­1.6 ­1.1 ­2.1 Chad ­8.0 ­7.0 3.7 ­3.8 ­3.7 6.7 4.6 10.9 25.2 2.7 ­0.8 8.7 Comoros .. 2.4 ­1.2 0.7 ­0.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 ­0.2 0.1 ­0.6 0.0 Congo, Dem. Rep. ­0.9 ­9.7 ­3.5 ­6.3 ­8.9 ­4.5 0.8 2.7 3.7 ­1.2 ­8.2 ­1.2 Congo, Rep. 14.0 ­2.2 0.3 ­6.1 4.8 0.6 1.4 ­2.2 0.6 3.5 ­2.3 1.0 Côte d'Ivoire ­15.1 ­4.4 2.1 ­0.8 ­5.4 ­1.8 ­3.2 ­3.2 0.1 ­4.4 ­0.3 ­2.7 Djibouti .. ­6.4 ­3.0 ­1.2 ­2.3 .. .. .. .. ­6.8 ­3.8 ­2.3 Equatorial Guinea .. 1.4 19.0 38.1 ­0.9 ­0.9 14.9 12.1 7.5 ­1.6 17.4 6.5 Eritrea .. .. ­1.1 ­3.3 ­16.3 4.8 ­3.7 ­0.7 ­2.3 .. 6.4 ­3.7 Ethiopia .. ­1.6 ­6.7 4.0 2.9 5.5 ­2.2 ­5.1 10.1 ­0.9 ­0.1 2.3 Gabon ­0.5 1.8 ­0.6 ­8.4 ­0.2 0.5 ­1.7 1.0 ­0.2 ­1.3 ­0.2 ­0.1 Gambia, The 2.9 ­0.3 0.1 3.0 2.2 2.6 ­6.1 3.9 2.2 0.3 ­0.4 1.0 Ghana ­2.0 0.5 2.4 2.1 1.4 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.8 ­1.1 1.6 2.2 Guinea .. 0.9 2.6 2.5 ­0.2 1.8 2.0 ­1.0 0.5 1.6 0.9 0.6 Guinea-Bissau ­18.8 3.1 ­30.0 4.9 4.5 ­2.7 ­9.8 ­2.4 ­0.8 0.4 ­1.0 ­2.3 Kenya 1.7 0.8 0.9 0.0 ­1.6 2.1 ­1.7 0.6 2.0 0.5 ­0.6 0.3 Lesotho ­5.2 5.0 ­5.8 ­0.8 0.6 2.7 3.3 3.1 3.3 1.3 2.7 2.6 Liberia ­7.2 ­50.5 19.0 14.2 19.3 ­0.2 2.2 ­31.6 2.0 ­6.2 ­3.2 ­1.7 Madagascar ­2.0 0.2 0.8 1.6 1.7 3.0 ­15.1 6.8 2.4 ­2.4 ­1.3 ­0.2 Malawi ­2.6 1.7 1.0 0.2 ­1.1 ­7.3 0.5 3.8 4.8 ­2.4 2.0 0.2 Mali ­6.5 ­4.3 3.2 3.8 0.3 8.9 1.1 4.3 ­0.8 ­1.8 0.9 2.7 Mauritania 0.9 ­4.0 0.7 4.8 3.6 0.6 ­0.7 3.2 3.7 ­0.2 1.2 2.1 Mauritius .. 5.0 4.9 4.5 2.9 4.4 2.1 1.9 3.4 4.9 4.2 2.9 Mozambique .. ­0.3 10.0 5.2 ­0.2 10.7 6.0 5.8 5.4 ­0.6 2.8 5.5 Namibia .. ­1.8 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.5 5.0 2.1 4.7 ­2.3 0.8 2.7 Niger ­5.2 ­4.3 6.7 ­3.9 ­4.7 3.5 ­0.5 1.8 ­3.3 ­3.0 ­1.4 ­0.6 Nigeria 1.2 5.1 ­0.6 ­1.3 1.8 0.7 ­0.7 8.3 3.7 ­1.9 0.4 2.7 Rwanda 5.5 ­2.1 ­1.7 ­1.8 ­1.0 2.2 6.5 ­0.8 2.5 ­0.3 1.2 1.9 São Tomé and Principe .. ­0.4 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.4 ­0.6 ­0.1 1.5 Senegal ­5.8 0.9 1.9 3.5 0.5 2.2 ­1.3 4.0 3.7 ­0.4 0.4 1.8 Seychelles ­5.4 6.1 6.3 ­0.1 3.9 ­2.3 ­1.7 ­5.3 ­3.0 1.2 3.3 ­1.7 Sierra Leone 2.9 1.6 0.1 ­4.3 3.5 .. 22.7 4.9 5.2 ­1.2 ­3.5 5.1 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 4.2 ­2.3 ­1.8 ­0.1 1.6 0.9 2.5 1.9 5.2 ­0.3 ­0.8 2.4 Sudan ­1.7 ­7.5 4.0 4.0 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.6 2.1 4.1 Swaziland 9.0 5.2 0.0 0.6 ­0.4 ­0.4 1.0 0.8 0.8 3.6 0.6 0.3 Tanzania .. 3.5 1.4 1.3 2.9 4.1 5.1 5.0 4.7 0.4 0.2 4.4 Togo 11.1 ­3.1 ­5.8 ­1.1 ­4.0 ­3.1 1.3 0.0 0.4 ­0.9 ­0.4 ­1.1 Uganda .. 2.7 1.8 4.8 2.4 1.6 3.0 0.9 2.0 ­0.6 3.5 2.0 Zambia ­0.3 ­3.4 ­4.1 0.0 1.5 2.9 1.5 3.4 3.7 ­1.8 ­2.1 2.6 Zimbabwe 10.5 3.8 1.6 ­4.7 ­8.8 ­3.5 ­5.1 ­10.9 ­4.7 1.4 0.6 ­6.6 NORTH AFRICA 2.5 1.8 4.4 2.6 2.2 2.2 1.6 3.1 2.5 1.7 1.5 2.3 Algeria ­2.5 ­1.7 3.6 1.8 1.0 1.1 2.5 5.7 3.6 ­0.3 ­0.4 2.8 Egypt, Arab Rep. 7.5 3.5 4.3 4.1 3.4 1.5 1.2 1.1 2.2 3.4 2.6 1.9 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 1.1 1.9 6.4 ­1.2 ­0.2 5.1 2.0 4.3 0.7 1.6 1.1 2.4 Tunisia 4.6 5.4 3.5 4.7 3.5 3.7 0.5 5.0 5.1 1.0 3.3 3.6 ALL AFRICA 1.5 ­0.6 1.3 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.1 2.2 2.7 0.0 0.1 1.7 a. Preliminary. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 45 elb 2.21 Ta Gross national income per capita Dollarsa Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004b 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 650 577 514 498 482 473 464 510 600 576 534 506 excluding South Africa 519 372 317 309 300 306 313 349 397 412 322 333 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 434 393 325 315 304 303 311 343 390 386 335 330 Angola .. 730 460 390 430 470 610 690 930 740 452 626 Benin 390 330 340 340 340 330 330 380 450 319 329 366 Botswana 960 2,450 3,100 2,860 2,870 3,000 2,700 3,500 4,360 1,202 2,876 3,286 Burkina Faso 310 350 260 260 250 240 250 290 350 284 287 276 Burundi 220 210 140 130 110 100 100 90 90 231 166 98 Cameroon 620 960 610 600 580 560 570 650 810 883 749 634 Cape Verde .. 940 1,240 1,290 1,280 1,240 1,210 1,400 1,720 910 1,122 1,370 Central African Republic 340 460 290 280 270 260 250 260 310 345 365 270 Chad 230 260 210 200 180 190 200 230 250 217 236 210 Comoros .. 550 420 410 400 400 400 460 560 383 512 444 Congo, Dem. Rep. 600 220 110 100 80 80 90 100 110 347 154 92 Congo, Rep. 820 880 530 450 520 570 620 640 760 990 658 622 Côte d'Ivoire 1,120 730 740 710 650 600 570 630 760 811 712 642 Djibouti .. .. 750 760 780 780 790 870 950 .. 790 834 Equatorial Guinea .. 350 1,070 830 650 710 .. .. .. 343 546 680 Eritrea .. .. 220 210 180 180 170 170 190 .. 208 178 Ethiopia .. 170 100 100 110 110 100 90 110 156 131 104 Gabon 4,790 4,780 3,820 3,180 3,090 3,080 2,990 3,340 4,080 4,403 4,232 3,316 Gambia, The 370 310 320 320 320 310 270 270 280 304 333 290 Ghana 410 380 370 380 330 290 270 310 380 370 379 316 Guinea .. 430 460 440 400 370 360 380 410 415 460 384 Guinea-Bissau 150 220 140 150 160 140 130 140 160 178 202 146 Kenya 460 380 440 440 430 420 400 430 480 381 348 432 Lesotho 490 640 680 650 630 590 540 590 730 522 724 616 Liberia 530 .. 130 120 130 130 140 100 120 399 120 124 Madagascar 440 230 240 240 240 250 220 280 290 320 232 256 Malawi 190 180 200 180 150 140 140 150 160 168 187 148 Mali 250 260 240 230 220 220 220 270 330 204 253 252 Mauritania 450 540 440 440 460 410 450 460 530 458 480 462 Mauritius .. 2,300 3,760 3,710 3,690 3,850 3,850 4,100 4,640 1,390 3,199 4,026 Mozambique .. 170 200 220 210 210 210 230 270 251 167 226 Namibia .. 1,740 2,020 1,890 1,870 1,770 1,740 1,990 2,380 1,466 1,991 1,950 Niger 390 280 190 170 160 160 160 180 210 289 213 174 Nigeria 810 280 280 280 280 320 320 380 430 496 270 346 Rwanda 250 360 270 270 250 230 210 200 210 289 282 220 São Tomé and Principe .. 420 280 290 300 310 320 350 390 485 355 334 Senegal 500 660 470 460 450 440 420 510 630 474 560 490 Seychelles 2,080 5,020 7,320 7,290 7,320 7,220 6,800 7,430 8,190 2,764 6,420 7,392 Sierra Leone 380 200 160 150 140 150 160 190 210 280 173 170 Somalia 100 140 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 127 140 .. South Africa 2,510 3,390 3,280 3,150 3,050 2,830 2,630 2,850 3,630 2,797 3,471 2,998 Sudan 450 550 300 310 310 340 390 440 530 528 326 402 Swaziland 960 1,200 1,460 1,470 1,370 1,380 1,190 1,310 1,660 934 1,404 1,382 Tanzania .. 200 250 270 280 290 300 310 320 .. 205 300 Togo 410 380 290 280 270 240 240 260 310 306 324 264 Uganda .. 320 280 280 260 240 230 230 250 285 245 242 Zambia 600 420 310 310 290 300 310 350 400 432 346 330 Zimbabwe 930 850 570 500 460 580 890 920 620 858 659 694 NORTH AFRICA 1,276 1,375 1,534 1,578 1,641 1,674 1,634 1,670 1,784 1,305 1,380 1,681 Algeria 2,060 2,420 1,560 1,540 1,570 1,660 1,710 1,930 2,270 2,462 1,755 1,828 Egypt, Arab Rep. 500 760 1,240 1,350 1,460 1,480 1,390 1,310 1,250 631 956 1,378 Libya 10,460 .. .. .. .. .. 4,760 4,350 4,400 7,826 .. 4,503 Morocco 970 1,030 1,290 1,240 1,220 1,230 1,220 1,370 1,570 806 1,170 1,322 Tunisia 1,360 1,430 2,050 2,080 2,080 2,060 1,990 2,260 2,650 1,264 1,808 2,208 ALL AFRICA 769 732 697 689 685 681 666 709 803 716 692 709 a. Calculated by the World Bank Atlas method. b. Preliminary. 46 Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts NATIONAL ACCOUNTS elb 2.22 Ta Total consumption per capita Dollars Annual average 1980 1990 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004a 1980­89 1990­99 2000­04 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 491 469 440 424 408 402 423 488 566 445 452 458 excluding South Africa 389 326 285 276 264 280 317 326 357 321 285 309 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 334 352 298 283 270 282 326 329 361 309 300 314 Angola .. 685 394 361 399 534 554 741 953 586 460 636 Benin 403 349 321 325 295 299 353 422 468 313 317 367 Botswana 742 1,523 1,736 1,774 1,746 1,747 1,870 2,684 3,136 780 1,714 2,236 Burkina Faso 314 347 232 236 215 229 254 324 355 277 252 276 Burundi 224 210 148 130 117 109 103 91 99 215 171 104 Cameroon 603 759 494 515 540 513 570 706 802 691 618 626 Cape Verde 458 1,030 1,446 1,558 1,347 1,373 1,509 1,910 2,148 550 1,189 1,657 Central African Republic 373 499 272 252 233 224 241 260 285 352 344 249 Chad .. 309 213 194 159 190 231 238 317 221 235 227 Comoros 406 622 436 445 373 402 430 544 637 394 519 477 Congo, Dem. Rep. 462 224 131 88 82 88 101 99 114 288 154 97 Congo, Rep. 609 859 421 417 396 369 413 497 543 681 592 444 Côte d'Ivoire 971 757 642 603 512 501 488 620 688 681 637 562 Djibouti .. .. 774 815 815 .. .. .. .. .. 828 815 Equatorial Guinea .. 450 853 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 463 .. Eritrea .. .. 299 284 240 230 218 296 357 .. 251 268 Ethiopia .. 213 110 101 101 96 88 96 115 140 121 99 Gabon 2,420 3,926 2,320 2,280 2,779 1,659 1,942 2,468 2,844 2,501 2,713 2,339 Gambia, The 348 303 298 302 293 271 231 227 243 276 315 253 Ghana 374 359 353 383 237 243 275 322 357 340 348 287 Guinea .. 373 367 346 307 298 331 374 384 324 388 339 Guinea-Bissau 141 233 176 171 171 169 156 155 178 177 205 166 Kenya 365 299 431 384 375 369 359 400 420 301 312 385 Lesotho 507 591 676 628 579 494 459 664 819 475 690 603 Liberia 435 .. .. .. .. 178 180 139 153 446 .. 162 Madagascar 452 242 228 219 221 230 237 283 222 301 231 239 Malawi 179 172 148 159 146 140 176 158 165 150 180 157 Mali 254 255 211 206 183 188 240 297 332 206 230 248 Mauritania 456 478 434 416 355 409 417 545 611 433 442 467 Mauritius 1,020 1,725 2,686 2,780 2,861 2,796 2,818 3,215 3,736 1,078 2,413 3,085 Mozambique 319 194 202 196 186 186 195 226 267 277 173 212 Namibia 1,354 1,376 1,624 1,598 1,549 1,383 1,310 1,662 2,083 1,474 1,666 1,597 Niger 345 289 184 171 147 152 163 199 213 259 202 175 Nigeria 643 222 231 245 238 273 281 313 338 385 221 289 Rwanda 214 342 299 258 223 198 201 194 202 272 283 203 São Tomé and Principe 555 702 325 378 345 411 430 487 482 579 462 431 Senegal 526 651 419 418 378 390 435 623 616 480 498 488 Seychelles 1,667 4,196 6,270 5,762 5,891 6,101 6,398 6,823 6,609 2,170 5,142 6,364 Sierra Leone 337 145 153 167 159 194 211 210 213 250 181 197 Somalia 105 155 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 136 155 .. South Africa 1,818 2,444 2,624 2,514 2,450 2,137 1,950 2,840 3,694 2,094 2,782 2,614 Sudan 373 .. 332 307 315 359 382 424 491 488 319 394 Swaziland 949 1,041 1,339 1,347 1,271 1,144 881 1,421 1,932 812 1,297 1,330 Tanzania .. 160 254 247 237 243 239 252 275 204 189 249 Togo 314 351 308 294 253 238 258 285 329 270 303 273 Uganda 99 241 272 234 221 212 213 218 223 231 217 217 Zambia 518 328 303 302 277 276 274 311 386 397 330 305 Zimbabwe 788 686 398 401 509 911 2,267 579 345 700 531 922 NORTH AFRICA 824 1,094 1,303 1,259 1,261 1,265 1,251 1,300 1,330 944 1,107 1,282 Algeria 1,281 1,789 1,166 1,088 976 1,084 1,145 1,280 1,491 1,697 1,212 1,195 Egypt, Arab Rep. 443 650 1,152 1,122 1,214 1,171 1,065 965 844 540 832 1,052 Libya 5,040 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,044 .. .. Morocco 843 870 1,078 1,030 979 981 1,066 1,276 1,408 667 1,001 1,142 Tunisia 1,041 1,124 1,623 1,672 1,550 1,563 1,694 2,013 2,215 961 1,440 1,807 ALL AFRICA 563 590 596 573 559 553 569 633 706 545 576 604 a. Preliminary. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Part I. Basic indicators and national accounts 47 elb 3.1 Millennium Development Goal 1: Ta eradicate extreme poverty and hunger International poverty line Share of population below national poverty linea Share of population below Poverty gap ratio at $1 a daya (poverty headcount ratio) PPP $1 a daya (incidence x depth of poverty) Survey Survey Survey year Percentage year Percentage year Percentage SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola .. .. .. .. .. .. Benin 1999 29.0 2003 30.9 2003 8.2 Botswana .. .. 1993 23.5 1993 7.7 Burkina Faso 2003 46.4 2003 27.2 2003 7.3 Burundi 1990 36.4 1998 54.6 1998 22.7 Cameroon 2001 40.2 2001 17.1 2001 4.1 Cape Verde .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic .. .. 1993 66.6 1993 38.1 Chad 1996 64.0 .. .. .. .. Comoros .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Rep. .. .. .. .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire .. .. 2002 14.8 2002 4.1 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea 1994 53.0 .. .. .. .. Ethiopia 2000 44.2 2000 23.0 2000 4.8 Gabon .. .. .. .. .. .. Gambia, The 1998 57.6 1998 59.3 1998 28.8 Ghana 1998­99 39.5 1998­99 44.8 1998­99 17.3 Guinea 1994 40.0 .. .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau .. .. .. .. .. .. Kenya 1997 52.0 1997 22.8 1997 5.9 Lesotho .. .. 1995 36.4 1995 19.0 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 1999 71.3 2001 61.0 2001 27.9 Malawi 1998 65.3 1998 41.7 1998 14.8 Mali 1998 63.8 1994 72.3 1994 37.4 Mauritania 2000 46.3 2000 25.9 2000 7.6 Mauritius .. .. .. .. .. .. Mozambique 1996­97 69.4 1996­97 37.8 1996­97 12.0 Namibia .. .. 1993 34.9 1993 14.0 Niger 1993 63.0 1995 60.6 1995 34.0 Nigeria 1992 34.1 2003 70.8 2003 34.5 Rwanda 1999 60.3 2000 51.7 2000 20.0 São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. .. .. .. Senegal 1992 33.4 1995 22.3 1995 5.7 Seychelles .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 2003 70.2 .. .. .. .. Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa .. .. 2000 10.7 2000 1.7 Sudan .. .. .. .. .. .. Swaziland .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 2000­01 35.7 2000­01 57.8 2000­01 20.7 Togo .. .. .. .. .. .. Uganda 2003 37.7 .. .. .. .. Zambia 1998 72.9 2002­03 75.8 2002­03 36.4 Zimbabwe 1996 34.9 1995 56.1 1995 24.2 NORTH AFRICA Algeria 1995 22.6 1995 2.0 1995 0.5 Egypt, Arab Rep. 1999­2000 16.7 1999­2000 3.1 1999­2000 0.5 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 1998­99 19.0 1998­99 2.0 1998­99 0.5 Tunisia 1995 7.6 2000 2.0 2000 0.5 a. Data are based on expenditure shares, except for Namibia and Swaziland, where data are based on income shares b. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 48 Part II. Millennium Development Goals MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Share of population below minimum Share of poorest quintile in Prevalence of child malnutrition, underweight dietary energy consumption national consumption or incomea (% of children under age 5) (%) Survey year Percentage 1989­94b 2000­04b 2003 .. .. 20.0 30.5 38 2003 7.4 .. 22.9 14 1993 2.2 .. 12.5 30 2003 6.9 32.7 37.7 17 1998 5.1 .. 45.1 67 2001 5.6 15.1 18.1 25 .. .. 13.5 .. .. 1993 2.0 .. 24.3 45 .. .. .. 36.7 33 .. .. 18.5 25.4 62 .. .. .. 31.0 72 .. .. .. .. 34 2002 5.2 23.8 17.2 14 .. .. 22.9 .. 26 .. .. .. 18.6 .. .. .. 41.0 39.6 73 2000 9.1 47.7 47.2 46 .. .. .. 11.9 5 1998 4.8 .. 17.2 27 1998­99 5.6 27.3 22.1 12 1994 6.4 26.8 32.7 24 1993 5.2 .. 25.0 37 1997 6.0 22.5 19.9 31 1995 1.5 21.4 18.0 12 .. .. .. 26.5 49 2001 4.9 45.2 41.9 38 1997 4.9 27.6 21.9 34 1994 4.6 .. 33.2 28 2000 6.2 47.6 31.8 10 .. .. .. .. 6 1996­97 6.5 .. 23.7 45 1993 1.4 26.2 24.0 23 1995 2.6 42.6 40.1 32 2003 5.0 39.1 28.7 9 .. .. 29.4 24.3 36 .. .. .. 12.9 12 1995 6.4 22.2 22.7 23 .. .. .. .. 9 .. .. 28.7 27.2 50 .. .. .. 25.8 .. 2000 3.5 .. .. .. .. .. 33.9 40.7 27 1994 2.7 .. 10.3 19 2000­01 7.3 28.9 .. 44 .. .. .. .. 25 1999 5.9 23.0 22.9 19 2002­03 6.1 25.2 23.0 47 1995 4.6 15.5 .. 45 1995 7.0 9.2 10.4 5 1999­2000 8.6 9.9 8.6 3 .. .. .. .. 3 1998­99 6.5 9.5 10.2 6 2000 6.0 .. 4.0 3 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Part II. Millennium Development Goals 49 elb 3.2 Millennium Development Goal 2: Ta achieve universal primary education Net primary enrollment ratio Primary completion rate Share of cohort reaching grade 5 Youth literacy rate (% of relevant age group) (% of relevant age group) (% of grade 1 students) (% ages 15­24) 1991 2004a 1991 2004a 1991 2003 1990 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 50 .. 35 .. .. .. .. 72 Benin 41 83 21 49 55 69 40 45 Botswana 83 82 79 92 84 .. 83 94 Burkina Faso 29 40 21 29 70 76 .. 31 Burundi 53 57 46 33 62 63 52 73 Cameroon 74 .. 56 63 .. .. 81 .. Cape Verde 91 92 .. 95 .. 91 81 .. Central African Republic 52 .. 27 .. 23 .. 52 59 Chad 35 57 18 29 51 46 48 38 Comoros 57 55 .. 50 .. 63 57 .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 54 .. 46 .. 55 .. 69 70 Congo, Rep. 79 .. 54 66 60 .. 93 .. Côte d'Ivoire 45 56 43 .. 73 .. 53 61 Djibouti 29 33 27 29 87 .. 73 .. Equatorial Guinea 91 59 .. .. .. .. 93 95 Eritrea 16 48 .. 44 .. 80 61 .. Ethiopia 22 46 .. 51 18 .. 43 .. Gabon 85 77 .. .. .. .. .. .. Gambia, The 48 73 .. .. .. .. 42 .. Ghana 54 58 63 65 80 .. 82 71 Guinea 27 64 17 48 59 82 44 47 Guinea-Bissau 38 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. Kenya .. 76 .. 89 77 75 90 80 Lesotho 71 86 58 71 66 63 87 .. Liberia .. 66 .. .. .. .. 57 .. Madagascar 64 89 33 45 21 57 72 70 Malawi 48 95 31 58 64 .. 63 76 Mali 21 46 11 44 70 79 .. 24 Mauritania 35 74 33 43 75 82 46 61 Mauritius 91 95 102 100 97 99 91 95 Mozambique 43 71 26 29 34 .. 49 .. Namibia .. 74 .. .. 62 .. 87 92 Niger 22 39 17 25 62 74 17 37 Nigeria .. 88 .. 75 89 35 74 .. Rwanda 66 73 47 37 60 46 73 78 São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. 75 .. .. .. .. Senegal 43 66 .. 45 85 78 40 49 Seychelles .. 100 .. 106 93 .. .. 99 Sierra Leone 43 .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 Somalia 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 90 89 75 .. .. .. 88 94 Sudan 40 43 40 49 94 92 65 77 Swaziland 75 77 62 .. 77 .. 85 88 Tanzania 49 86 61 57 81 88 83 78 Togo 64 79 35 66 48 76 63 74 Uganda .. 98 .. 57 36 .. 70 77 Zambia .. 80 .. 66 .. .. 81 69 Zimbabwe .. 82 91 .. 76 .. 94 .. NORTH AFRICA Algeria 89 97 79 94 95 96 77 90 Egypt, Arab Rep. 84 94 .. 95 .. .. 61 .. Libya 96 .. .. .. .. .. 91 .. Morocco 56 87 46 75 75 .. 55 70 Tunisia 94 97 74 97 86 .. 84 94 a. Provisional. 50 Part II. Millennium Development Goals MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS elb 3.3 Millennium Development Goal 3: Ta promote gender equality and empower women Share of women in wage Ratio of girls to boys in primary Ratio of young literate Women in national employment in the and secondary school women to men parliaments nonagricultural sector (%) (% ages 15­24) (% of total seats) (%) 1991 2004a 1990 2004 1990 2006 2000 2003 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola .. .. .. 75 15 15 .. .. Benin 49 71 44 56 3 7 .. .. Botswana 109 .. 110 104 5 11 45 47 Burkina Faso 62 76 .. 65 .. 12 15 15 Burundi 82 82 77 92 .. 31 .. .. Cameroon 83 87 88 .. 14 9 .. .. Cape Verde .. 100 87 .. 12 .. .. .. Central African Republic 60 .. 60 67 4 11 .. .. Chad 41 58 65 42 .. 7 .. .. Comoros 71 84 78 .. 0 .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. .. .. 72 81 5 12 .. .. Congo, Rep. 85 .. 95 .. 14 9 .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 65 .. 62 74 6 9 21 20 Djibouti 70 75 78 .. 0 .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. 92 100 13 .. .. .. Eritrea .. 73 68 .. .. 22 34 35 Ethiopia 68 73 66 .. .. 21 .. .. Gabon .. .. .. .. 13 9 .. .. Gambia, The 64 .. 68 .. 8 13 .. .. Ghana 79 91 86 86 .. 19 .. .. Guinea 46 72 43 57 .. .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau .. .. .. .. 20 14 .. .. Kenya 94 94 93 101 1 7 34 39 Lesotho 124 104 126 .. .. 12 .. .. Liberia .. .. 51 .. .. 13 .. .. Madagascar 98 .. 86 94 7 7 .. .. Malawi 81 98 68 86 10 14 12 13 Mali 59 74 .. 52 .. 10 .. .. Mauritania 67 96 65 82 .. .. .. .. Mauritius 102 103 100 102 7 17 39 35b Mozambique 72 82 48 .. 16 35 .. .. Namibia 108 .. 104 103 7 27 49 51 Niger 57 71 37 44 5 12 .. .. Nigeria 79 84 82 .. .. 6 .. .. Rwanda 96 100 86 98 17 49 .. .. São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. Senegal 69 90 60 70 13 19 .. .. Seychelles .. .. .. 101 16 .. .. .. Sierra Leone 67 .. .. 63 .. 15 .. .. Somalia .. .. .. .. 4 8 .. .. South Africa 104 .. 100 101 3 33 .. .. Sudan 78 88 71 84 .. 15 20 19 Swaziland 98 .. 101 103 4 11 32 31 Tanzania 97 .. 87 94 .. 30 .. .. Togo 59 73 60 76 5 7 .. .. Uganda 82 97 76 86 12 24 .. .. Zambia .. 93 88 91 7 13 .. .. Zimbabwe 92 .. 95 .. 11 16 20 22 NORTH AFRICA Algeria 83 99 79 92 2 6 12 16 Egypt, Arab Rep. 81 .. 72 .. 4 2 19 22 Libya .. .. 84 .. .. 5 .. .. Morocco 70 88 62 75 0 11 26 26 Tunisia 86 .. 81 96 4 23 25 25 a. Provisional. b. Data are for 2004. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Part II. Millennium Development Goals 51 elb 3.4 Millennium Development Goal 4: Ta reduce child mortality Under-five mortality rate Infant mortality rate Child immunization rate, measles (per 1,000) (per 1,000 live births) (% of children ages 12­23 months) 1990 2004 1990 2004 1990 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 260 260 154 154 38 64 Benin 185 152 111 90 79 85 Botswana 58 116 45 84 87 90 Burkina Faso 210 192 113 97 79 78 Burundi 190 190 114 114 74 75 Cameroon 139 149 85 87 56 64 Cape Verde 60 36 45 27 79 69 Central African Republic 168 193 102 115 83 35 Chad 203 200 117 117 32 56 Comoros 120 70 88 52 87 73 Congo, Dem. Rep. 205 205 129 129 38 64 Congo, Rep. 110 108 83 81 75 65 Côte d'Ivoire 157 194 103 117 56 49 Djibouti 163 126 122 101 85 60 Equatorial Guinea 170 204 103 122 88 51 Eritrea 147 82 88 52 .. 84 Ethiopia 204 166 131 110 38 71 Gabon 92 91 60 60 76 55 Gambia, The 154 122 103 89 86 90 Ghana 122 112 75 68 61 83 Guinea 240 155 145 101 35 73 Guinea-Bissau 253 203 153 126 53 80 Kenya 97 120 64 79 78 73 Lesotho 104 112 74 80 80 70 Liberia 235 235 157 157 .. 42 Madagascar 168 123 103 76 47 59 Malawi 241 175 146 110 81 80 Mali 250 219 140 121 43 75 Mauritania 133 125 85 78 38 64 Mauritius 23 15 20 14 76 98 Mozambique 235 152 158 104 59 77 Namibia 86 63 60 47 57 70 Niger 320 259 191 152 25 74 Nigeria 230 197 120 101 54 35 Rwanda 173 203 103 118 83 84 São Tomé and Principe 118 118 75 75 71 91 Senegal 148 137 90 78 51 57 Seychelles 19 14 17 12 86 99 Sierra Leone 302 283 175 165 .. 64 Somalia 225 225 133 133 30 40 South Africa 60 67 45 54 79 81 Sudan 120 91 74 63 57 59 Swaziland 110 156 78 108 85 70 Tanzania 161 126 102 78 80 94 Togo 152 140 88 78 73 70 Uganda 160 138 93 80 52 91 Zambia 180 182 101 102 90 84 Zimbabwe 80 129 53 79 87 80 NORTH AFRICA Algeria 69 40 54 35 83 81 Egypt, Arab Rep. 104 36 76 26 86 97 Libya 41 20 35 18 89 99 Morocco 89 43 69 38 80 95 Tunisia 52 25 41 21 93 95 52 Part II. Millennium Development Goals MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS elb 3.5 Millennium Development Goal 5: Ta improve maternal health Maternal mortality ratio, Births attended by modeled estimate skilled health staff (per 100,000 live births) (% of total) 2000 1989­94a 2000­04a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 1,700 .. 45 Benin 850 .. 66 Botswana 100 .. 94 Burkina Faso 1,000 42 38 Burundi 1,000 .. 25 Cameroon 730 58 62 Cape Verde 150 .. .. Central African Republic 1,100 .. 44 Chad 1,100 .. 14 Comoros 480 .. 62 Congo, Dem. Rep. 990 .. 61 Congo, Rep. 510 .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 690 45 68 Djibouti 730 .. 61 Equatorial Guinea 880 5 65 Eritrea 630 .. 28 Ethiopia 850 .. 6 Gabon 420 .. 86 Gambia, The 540 44 55 Ghana 540 44 47 Guinea 740 31 56 Guinea-Bissau 1,100 .. 35 Kenya 1,000 45 42 Lesotho 550 50 60 Liberia 760 .. 51 Madagascar 550 57 51 Malawi 1,800 55 61 Mali 1,200 .. 41 Mauritania 1,000 40 57 Mauritius 24 97 99 Mozambique 1,000 .. 48 Namibia 300 68 76 Niger 1,600 15 16 Nigeria 800 31 35 Rwanda 1,400 26 31 São Tomé and Principe .. .. 76 Senegal 690 47 58 Seychelles .. .. .. Sierra Leone 2,000 .. 42 Somalia 1,100 .. 25 South Africa 230 .. .. Sudan 590 86 87 Swaziland 370 56 74 Tanzania 1,500 44 46 Togo 570 .. 61 Uganda 880 38 39 Zambia 750 51 43 Zimbabwe 1,100 69 .. NORTH AFRICA Algeria 140 77 96 Egypt, Arab Rep. 84 41 69 Libya 97 .. .. Morocco 220 31 63 Tunisia 120 .. 90 a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Part II. Millennium Development Goals53 elb 3.6 Millennium Development Goal 6: Ta combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Prevalence Contraceptive Deaths due Malaria prevention of HIV prevalence rate to malaria Children sleeping under Incidence of Tuberculosis cases (% ages Share of women (per 100,000 insecticide-treated bednets tuberculosis detected under DOTS 15­49) ages 15­49 people) (% of children under age 5) (per 100,000 people) (% of estimated cases) 2005 Survey year Percentage 1997­2004a 2000 2001­04a 1990 2004 1995 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 6.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 45 Angola 3.7 2001 6 354 .. 2.3 214 259 .. 94 Benin 1.8 2001 19 177 .. 7.4 79 87 81 82 Botswana 24.1 2000 48 .. .. .. 236 670 72 67 Burkina Faso 2.0 2003 14 292 .. 2.0 158 191 12 18 Burundi 3.3 2000 16 .. 1.3 .. 125 343 20 29 Cameroon 5.4 2004 26 .. 1.3 .. 65 179 .. 91 Cape Verde .. 1998 53 .. .. .. 158 172 .. .. Central African Republic 10.7 2000 28 .. 1.5 .. 117 322 .. 4 Chad 3.5 2004 3 .. 0.6 .. 101 279 37 16 Comoros <0.1 2000 26 .. 9.3 .. 88 46 54 39 Congo, Dem. Rep. 3.2 2001 31 224 .. 0.7 133 366 42 70 Congo, Rep. 5.3 .. .. .. .. .. 137 377 67 65 Côte d'Ivoire 7.1 1998 15 .. 1.1 4.0 143 393 52 38 Djibouti 3.1 .. .. .. .. .. 608 734 .. 43 Equatorial Guinea 3.2 .. .. .. 0.7 .. 87 239 83 82 Eritrea 2.4 2002 8 74 .. 4.2 225 271 .. 14 Ethiopia .. 2000 8 198 .. .. 128 353 15 36 Gabon 7.9 2000 33 .. .. .. 144 280 .. 81 Gambia, The 2.4 2001 18 .. 14.7 .. 193 233 75 66 Ghana 2.3 2003 25 70 .. 4.0 223 206 16 37 Guinea 1.5 2003 7 .. .. 4.0 122 240 43 52 Guinea-Bissau 3.8 2000 8 .. 7.4 .. 165 199 .. 75 Kenya 6.1 2003 39 63 2.9 5.0 108 619 56 46 Lesotho 23.2 2000 30 .. .. .. 179 696 63 86 Liberia .. 2000 10 201 .. .. 112 310 .. 58 Madagascar 0.5 2004 27 .. 0.2 .. 192 218 51 74 Malawi 14.1 2000 31 275 2.9 .. 257 413 38 40 Mali 1.7 2001 8 454 .. 8.4 304 281 14 19 Mauritania 0.7 2001 8 .. .. .. 238 287 .. 43 Mauritius 0.6 2002 76 .. .. .. 68 64 34 33 Mozambique 16.1 2003 17 232 .. .. 167 460 54 46 Namibia 19.6 2000 44 .. 3.4 .. 260 717 22 88 Niger 1.1 2000 14 469 5.8 .. 131 157 .. 46 Nigeria 3.9 2003 13 141 .. 1.0 105 290 11 21 Rwanda 3.1 2000 13 200 5.0 .. 135 371 34 29 São Tomé and Principe .. 2000 29 .. 22.8 .. 135 107 .. .. Senegal 0.9 2000 11 72 1.7 .. 203 245 61 52 Seychelles .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 34 .. 106 Sierra Leone 1.6 2000 4 .. 1.5 .. 224 443 28 36 Somalia 0.9 .. .. .. .. .. 341 411 .. 44 South Africa 18.8 1998 56 .. .. .. 268 718 .. 83 Sudan 1.6 2000 7 70 0.4 .. 182 220 .. 35 Swaziland 33.4 2002 48 .. 0.1 .. 263 1,226 .. 38 Tanzania 6.5 1999 25 130 .. 10.0 179 347 56 47 Togo 3.2 2000 26 .. 2.0 .. 351 355 13 17 Uganda 6.7 2001 23 152 .. 0.2 161 402 .. 43 Zambia 17.0 2002 34 141 .. 6.5 297 680 .. 54 Zimbabwe 20.1 1999 54 .. .. .. 135 674 .. 42 NORTH AFRICA 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 80 Algeria 0.1 2002 57 .. .. .. 37 54 .. 105 Egypt, Arab Rep. <0.1 2003 60 .. .. .. 42 27 43 61 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 20 .. 169 Morocco 0.1 2004 63 .. .. .. 135 110 93 80 Tunisia 0.1 2000 66 .. .. .. 33 22 .. 95 a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 54 Part II. Millennium Development Goals MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS elb 3.7 Millennium Development Goal 7: Ta ensure environmental sustainability Nationally Population with protected areas GDP per unit Carbon dioxide Solid fuel sustainable access Population with as share of total of energy use emissions use to an improved sustainable access to Forest area land area (constant 2000 PPP $ (metric tons (% of water source improved sanitation (% of total land area) (%) per kg of oil equivalent) per capita) population) (%) (%) 1990 2005 2004 1990 2003 1990 2002 2000­04a 1990 2002 1990 2002 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 49 47 6.6 3.7 3.1 0.4 0.5 95 32 50 30 30 Benin 30 21 11.4 2.6 3.5 0.1 0.3 95 60 68 11 32 Botswana 24 21 18.5 .. .. 1.5 2.3 .. 93 95 38 41 Burkina Faso 26 25 11.5 .. .. 0.1 0.1 95 39 51 13 12 Burundi 11 6 5.7 .. .. 0.0 0.0 100 69 79 44 36 Cameroon 53 46 4.5 4.7 4.6 0.1 0.2 83 50 63 21 48 Cape Verde 14 21 .. .. .. 0.2 0.3 .. .. 80 .. 42 Central African Republic 37 37 8.7 .. .. 0.1 0.1 .. 48 75 23 27 Chad 10 9 9.1 .. .. 0.0 0.0 95 20 34 6 8 Comoros 5 2 .. .. .. 0.2 0.1 .. 89 94 23 23 Congo, Dem. Rep. 62 59 5.0 5.0 2.1 0.1 0.0 .. 43 46 18 29 Congo, Rep. 67 66 6.5 2.3 3.3 0.5 0.6 84 .. 46 .. 9 Côte d'Ivoire 32 33 6.0 5.2 3.8 0.4 0.4 74 69 84 31 40 Djibouti 0 0 .. .. .. 0.6 0.5 78 80 48 50 Equatorial Guinea 66 58 .. .. .. 0.3 0.4 .. .. 44 .. 53 Eritrea .. 15 4.3 .. .. .. 0.2 80 40 57 8 9 Ethiopia .. 13 16.9 2.1 2.1 0.1 0.1 95 25 22 4 6 Gabon 85 85 0.7 4.8 4.9 6.3 2.6 .. .. 87 .. 36 Gambia, The 44 47 2.3 .. .. 0.2 0.2 .. .. 82 .. 53 Ghana 33 24 5.6 4.6 5.0 0.2 0.4 88 54 79 43 58 Guinea 30 27 0.7 .. .. 0.2 0.1 .. 42 51 17 13 Guinea-Bissau 79 74 .. .. .. 0.2 0.2 .. .. 59 .. 34 Kenya 7 6 8.0 2.2 2.1 0.2 0.2 82 45 62 42 48 Lesotho 0 0 0.2 .. .. .. .. 83 .. 76 37 37 Liberia 42 33 1.7 .. .. 0.2 0.1 .. 56 62 38 26 Madagascar 24 22 4.3 .. .. 0.1 0.1 99 40 45 12 33 Malawi 41 36 11.2 .. .. 0.1 0.1 95 41 67 36 46 Mali 12 10 3.7 .. .. 0.0 0.0 98 34 48 36 45 Mauritania 0 0 1.7 .. .. 1.3 1.1 .. 41 56 28 42 Mauritius 19 18 .. .. .. 1.4 2.6 .. 100 100 99 99 Mozambique 26 25 8.4 1.3 2.5 0.1 0.1 .. .. 42 .. 27 Namibia 11 9 13.6 .. 9.9 0.0 1.1 63 58 80 24 30 Niger 2 1 7.7 .. .. 0.1 0.1 98 40 46 7 12 Nigeria 19 12 3.3 1.1 1.3 0.5 0.4 86 49 60 39 38 Rwanda 13 19 6.2 .. .. 0.1 0.1 100 58 73 37 41 São Tomé and Principe 28 28 .. .. .. 0.6 0.6 .. .. 79 .. 24 Senegal 49 45 11.6 5.0 5.2 0.4 0.4 41 66 72 35 52 Seychelles 87 87 .. .. .. 1.6 6.4 .. .. 87 .. .. Sierra Leone 43 38 2.1 .. .. 0.1 0.1 .. .. 57 .. 39 Somalia 13 11 0.8 .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. 29 .. 25 South Africa 8 8 5.5 3.8 3.9 8.1 7.6 .. 83 87 63 67 Sudan 32 28 5.2 2.7 3.7 0.2 0.3 .. 64 69 33 34 Swaziland 27 31 .. .. .. 0.6 0.9 .. .. 52 .. 52 Tanzania 47 40 29.8 1.4 1.3 0.1 0.1 .. 38 73 47 46 Togo 13 7 7.9 4.3 3.2 0.2 0.3 .. 49 51 37 34 Uganda 25 18 24.6 .. .. 0.0 0.1 97 44 56 43 41 Zambia 66 57 31.9 1.5 1.4 0.3 0.2 85 50 55 41 45 Zimbabwe 57 45 12.1 3.0 2.6 1.6 1.0 73 77 83 49 57 NORTH AFRICA 5 Algeria 1 1 5.0 5.7 5.6 3.0 2.9 5 95 87 88 92 Egypt, Arab Rep. 0 0 9.7 5.1 5.1 1.4 2.1 5 94 98 54 68 Libya 0 0 0.1 .. .. 8.7 9.1 5 71 72 97 97 Morocco 10 10 0.7 11.9 10.2 1.0 1.5 5 75 80 57 61 Tunisia 4 7 0.3 6.7 8.1 1.6 2.3 5 77 82 75 80 a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Part II. Millennium Development Goals 55 elb 3.8 Millennium Development Goal 8: Ta develop a global partnership for development Debt sustainability Estimated total nominal debt Heavily Indebted service relief committed under Poor Country (HIPC) Enhanced HIPC Initiative Debt service Debt Initiative ($ millions) (% of exports) Decision point Completion point as of Mar. 2006 1990 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 13.5 7.9 Angola 8.1 14.8 Benin Jul. 2000 Mar. 2003 460 8.2 .. Botswana 4.3 .. Burkina Faso Jul. 2000 Apr. 2002 930 6.8 .. Burundi Jul. 2005 Floating 1,472 43.4 .. Cameroon Oct. 2000 Floating 2,800 20.5 .. Cape Verde 4.8 .. Central African Republic 13.2 .. Chad May 2001 Floating 260 4.4 .. Comoros 2.3 .. Congo, Dem. Rep. Jul. 2003 Floating 10,389 .. .. Congo, Rep. Mar. 2006 2,881 35.3 .. Côte d'Ivoire 35.4 6.9 Djibouti .. .. Equatorial Guinea 12.1 .. Eritrea .. .. Ethiopia Nov. 2001 Apr. 2004 3,275 39.0 5.3 Gabon 6.4 .. Gambia, The Dec. 2000 Floating 90 22.2 .. Ghana Feb. 2002 Jul. 2004 3,500 38.1 6.6 Guinea Dec. 2000 Floating 800 20.0 19.9 Guinea-Bissau Dec. 2000 Floating 790 31.0 .. Kenya 35.4 8.6 Lesotho 4.2 4.5 Liberia .. .. Madagascar Dec. 2000 Oct. 2004 1,900 45.5 .. Malawi Dec. 2000 Floating 1,000 29.3 .. Mali Sep. 2000 Mar. 2003 895 12.3 .. Mauritania Feb. 2000 Jun. 2002 1,100 29.8 .. Mauritius 8.8 7.4 Mozambique Apr. 2000 Sep. 2001 4,300 26.2 4.5 Namibia .. .. Niger Dec. 2000 Apr. 2004 1,190 17.4 .. Nigeria 22.6 8.2 Rwanda Dec. 2000 Apr. 2005 1,400 14.2 11.2 São Tomé and Principe Dec. 2000 Floating 200 34.0 .. Senegal Jun. 2000 Apr. 2004 850 20.0 .. Seychelles 9.0 8.1 Sierra Leone Mar. 2002 Floating 950 10.1 10.9 Somalia .. .. South Africa .. 6.4 Sudan 8.7 6.0 Swaziland 5.7 1.7 Tanzania Apr. 2000 Nov. 2001 3,000 32.9 5.3 Togo 11.9 .. Uganda Feb. 2000 May. 2000 1,950 81.4 6.9 Zambia Dec. 2000 Apr. 2005 3,900 14.7 .. Zimbabwe 23.1 .. NORTH AFRICA .. .. Algeria 63.4 .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 20.4 7.6 Libya .. .. Morocco 21.5 14.0 Tunisia 24.5 13.7 56 Part II. Millennium Development Goals MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Youth unemployment rate Information and communications Total Men Women Fixed-line and mobile Share of total labor Share of male labor Share of female labor phone subscribers Personal computers Internet users force ages 15­24 force ages 15­24 force ages 15­24 (per 1,000 people) (per 1,000 people) (per 1,000 people) Year Percentage Year Percentage Year Percentage 1990 2004 1996 2004 1996 2004 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 84 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 54 .. 3 0 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 1 4 0 12 2001 40 2001 34 2001 46 18 396 12 45 2 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 37 0 2 0 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 5 0 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 103 2 10 .. 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 281 .. 97 .. 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 18 .. 3 0 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 14 .. 2 .. 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. .. 9 .. 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 37 .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 102 .. 4 0 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 98 1 15 0 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. 7 27 0 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. 14 .. 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 .. 4 0 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. 3 0 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 388 6 29 0 29 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 .. 2 16 0 33 2000 16 2000 13 2000 19 3 93 1 5 0 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 2 5 0 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. .. 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 85 2 13 0 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 109 .. .. 0 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. 5 0 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 25 .. 2 .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 36 0 3 0 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 6 14 .. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 700 53 279 2 146 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 1 6 0 7 2001 45 2001 40 2001 49 38 206 12 109 0 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 .. 1 0 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 79 5 7 0 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 18 .. .. 0 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 .. .. .. .. 131 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. 9 21 0 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. 124 842 .. 179 7 239 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 27 .. .. 0 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 88 .. 6 0 25 2003 60 2003 56 2003 65 94 .. 36 82 9 78 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 58 1 17 0 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 .. .. 32 1 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. 7 0 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 4 29 0 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 44 1 4 0 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 34 .. 10 0 20 2002 25 2002 28 2002 21 12 55 7 77 0 63 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 215 5 9 0 26 2001 28 2001 19 2001 51 29 235 6 32 1 54 .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 .. .. .. .. 36 2003 17 2003 17 2003 16 17 357 4 21 0 117 .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 480 .. 48 0 84 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Part II. Millennium Development Goals 57 Results framework elb 4.1 Ta Status of Paris Declaration indicators PDI-1. Operational PDI-2a. Reliable public PDI-2b. Reliable country PDI-6. Avoidance PDI-12. Mutual development strategies financial management procurement systems of parallel project accountability implementation Comprehensive Benchmark rating of System adheres to units (PIUs) Development public expenditure broadly accepted good Framework composite management (PEM) Benchmark Indicator Independent rating of national systems System (BIS) Reform program in place Number of assessment development strategya (0­15)b (0­100)c AFR Observatory Indexd parallel PIUs framework in place Angola Yes No Benin C 8 Yes No Botswana No Burkina Faso C 9 55.0 Yes No Burundi C Yes No Cameroon C 7 40.3 Yes 1 No Cape Verde C Yes No Central African Republic D No No Chad C 7 Yes No Comoros No No Congo, Dem. Rep. C 3 Yes No Congo, Rep. C No No Côte d'Ivoire D Yes No Djibouti C No No Equatorial Guinea No No Eritrea Yes No Ethiopia C 7 Yes 107 Yes Gabon No No Gambia, The D Yes 7 No Ghana C 7 Yes 21 Yes Guinea C 5 Yes Guinea-Bissau E 0 Yes Kenya C Yes 3 No Lesotho Yes No Liberia Yes No Madagascar C 4 Yes No Malawi C 5 Yes 22 No Mali C 11 Yes 22 No Mauritania B Yes 35 No Mauritius Yes No Mozambique C 4 Yes 19 Yes Namibia No No Niger C 5 Yes 46 No Nigeria Yes 54 No Rwanda B 8 Yes No São Tomé and Principe D 4 No No Senegal C 7 Yes 72 No Seychelles No No Sierra Leone D 7 Yes No Somalia No No South Africa Yes No Sudan No No Swaziland No No Tanzania B 11 Yes 25 Yes Togo Yes No Uganda B 8 Yes 39 Yes Zambia C 3 Yes 24 No Zimbabwe No No Note: See technical notes for further details. PDI is Paris Declaration Indicator. a. Comprehensive Development Framework Ratings from A to E, where A means the development strategy substantially achieves good practices; B means it is largely developed toward achieving good practices; C means it reflects action taken toward achieving good practices; D means it incorporates some elements of good practices; and E means it reflects little action toward achieving good practices. b. Public expenditure and financial accountability benchmark rating of public expenditure management systems ranges from 0 to 15 and indicates the total number of the 15 required standard benchmarks that a country has met. The higher the number the less system upgrading is required. c. The Benchmark Indicator System ranges from 0 to 100 and assesses a country's procurement system based on 4 pillars and 12 indicators. It does not provide information on the performance of the system but rather on the available procurement framework. Indicators on performance are being developed. The procurement system has not been measured yet for most countries. d. The AFR Observatory was put in place in 2000 to monitor procurement reform efforts. These efforts are measured against an action plan prepared in partnership with the country. 58 Part III. Development outcomes PARIS DECLARATION INDICATORS Drivers of growth elb 5.1 Ta Business environment Protecting Rigidity of Number investors employment of startup Time required Cost to start Number of Time required Number of Time required disclosure Time to index procedures to start a business procedures to register procedures to enforce index resolve (0 least for new a business (% of GNI to register a property to enforce a contract (0 low to insolvency rigid to 100 business (days) per capita) a property (days) a contract (days) 10 high) (years) most rigid) 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 11 64 215 7 118 36 439 5 3 53 Angola 14 146 643 7 334 47 1,011 5 6 64 Benin 8 32 191 3 50 49 570 5 3 53 Botswana 11 108 11 6 69 26 154 8 2 30 Burkina Faso 12 45 150 8 107 41 446 6 4 84 Burundi 11 43 201 5 94 47 433 1 4 69 Cameroon 12 37 173 5 93 58 585 8 3 56 Cape Verde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 10 14 212 3 69 45 660 .. 5 76 Chad 19 75 361 6 44 52 526 3 10 72 Comoros .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 13 155 503 8 106 51 909 3 5 90 Congo, Rep. 8 67 289 6 103 47 560 4 3 80 Côte d'Ivoire 11 45 134 7 369 25 525 6 2 45 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea 13 91 129 6 91 27 385 4 2 27 Ethiopia 7 32 65 15 56 30 420 1 2 41 Gabon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Gambia, The .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ghana 12 81 79 7 382 23 200 7 2 34 Guinea 13 49 179 6 104 44 306 5 4 48 Guinea-Bissau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Kenya 13 54 48 8 73 25 360 4 5 28 Lesotho 9 92 56 6 101 49 285 2 3 42 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 11 38 54 8 134 29 280 5 .. 59 Malawi 10 35 140 6 118 16 277 4 3 21 Mali 13 42 191 5 44 28 340 6 4 66 Mauritania 11 82 144 4 49 28 410 .. 8 73 Mauritius 6 46 9 5 210 17 367 6 2 37 Mozambique 14 153 95 8 42 38 580 2 5 61 Namibia 10 95 19 9 28 31 270 8 1 27 Niger 13 35 465 5 49 33 330 6 5 90 Nigeria 9 43 74 21 274 23 730 6 2 38 Rwanda 9 21 280 5 371 27 310 .. .. 59 São Tomé and Principe 9 192 97 6 51 67 405 6 .. 60 Senegal 9 57 109 6 114 33 485 7 3 64 Seychelles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 9 26 835 8 58 58 305 3 3 80 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 9 38 9 6 23 26 277 8 2 52 Sudan 10 38 68 .. .. 67 915 .. .. 43 Swaziland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 13 35 161 12 61 21 242 3 3 69 Togo 13 53 218 6 212 37 535 4 3 79 Uganda 17 36 118 8 48 15 209 7 2 13 Zambia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. Zimbabwe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. .. NORTH AFRICA 11 28 37 9 112 41 333 .. 3 57 Algeria 14 26 25 16 52 49 407 8 4 51 Egypt, Arab Rep. 10 34 105 7 193 55 410 5 4 53 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 5 11 12 3 82 17 240 6 2 60 Tunisia 9 14 10 5 57 14 27 0 1 54 PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Part III. Development outcomes 59 Drivers of growth elb 5.2 Ta Investment climate Viewed by firms as a major constraint (% of firms) Net Domestic Lack of foreign credit to confidence Private direct private courts will investment investment sector Policy uphold Labor Labor (% of GDP) ($ millions) (% of GDP) uncertainty Corruption Courts property rights Crime Tax rates Finance Electricity regulation skills 2004a 2004 2004 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA .. 10,117 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Angola 4.3 853 5.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Benin 12.1 47 14.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Botswana 13.2 58 19.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Burkina Faso 10.8 21 14.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Burundi 2.7 12 22.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cameroon 15.7 242 9.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cape Verde 11.6 39 37.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 4.1 6 7.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chad 15.3 479 3.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Comoros 4.2 1 9.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 10.0 435 1.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Rep. 16.6 551 3.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 7.1 175 14.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Djibouti .. 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. ­159 3.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea 5.3 10 32.8 31.5 2.7 .. .. 1.3 31.1 53.7 38.2 5.2 41.0 Ethiopia 9.0 101 24.3 39.3 39.0 .. .. 9.5 73.6 40.2 42.5 4.6 17.9 Gabon 19.9 ­51 8.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Gambia, The 13.9 50 11.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ghana 16.2 70 13.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Guinea 7.1 98 3.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau 2.1 .. 1.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Kenya 7.5 108 26.8 51.5 73.8 .. 51.3 69.8 68.2 58.3 48.1 22.5 27.6 Lesotho 33.9 53 6.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Liberia 3.9 0 6.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 11.8 53 10.0 41.5 46.6 34.8 44.6 37.7 44.9 62.9 41.3 14.8 30.5 Malawi 1.8 44 8.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mali 11.5 62 20.1 21.9 48.7 16.9 33.1 22.1 36.6 57.0 24.2 3.9 20.8 Mauritania 6.0 7 25.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mauritius 14.5 35 59.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mozambique 11.3 245 2.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Namibia 17.9 246 50.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Niger 6.8 18 6.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Nigeria 13.2 4,409 15.6 .. .. .. .. 36.3 .. .. 97.4 .. .. Rwanda 12.0 4 10.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. São Tomé and Principe 15.1 9 33.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Senegal 12.9 109 21.2 31.3 39.9 13.3 40.5 15.4 50.8 60.3 30.7 16.3 18.5 Seychelles 10.9 30 37.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 5.9 .. 4.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 14.9 ­1,021 141.3 17.9 16.1 8.8 20.8 29.0 18.6 14.5 9.0 32.9 35.5 Sudan 17.5 1,481 7.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Swaziland 9.7 65 19.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 11.0 478 9.0 31.5 51.1 20.0 55.1 25.5 73.4 53.0 58.9 12.1 25.0 Togo 15.9 125 16.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Uganda 16.9 202 6.8 27.6 38.2 .. 30.1 26.8 48.3 52.8 44.5 10.8 30.8 Zambia 15.4 239 8.0 57.0 46.4 38.6 .. 48.8 .. 67.7 39.6 16.9 35.7 Zimbabwe 13.4 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. NORTH AFRICA .. 1,442 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Algeria 20.7 0 11.0 .. 35.2 .. 27.3 .. 44.8 51.3 11.5 12.9 25.5 Egypt, Arab Rep. 17.9 0 54.5 65.8 51.3 27.4 .. .. 81.8 39.0 26.5 28.1 29.8 Libya .. .. 16.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 22.5 822 56.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tunisia 25.5 620 65.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a. Provisional. b. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 60 Part III. Development outcomes PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Regulation and tax administration Time dealing Interest rate Market Turnover Total tax Highest with officials Average time Bank spread capitalization ratio for Time to prepare payable marginal tax (% of to clear branches (lending Listed of listed traded Number of and pay taxes (% of rate, corporate management customs (per 100,000 rate minus domestic companies stocks tax payments (hours) gross profits) (%) time) (days) people) deposit rate) companies (% of GDP) (%) 2005 2005 2005 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 2004 2004 2000­05b 2000­05b 2000­05b 41 394 58.1 .. .. .. .. 12.5 904 129.6 27.6 30 656 32.5 .. .. .. .. 66.9 .. .. .. 75 270 53.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 140 52.9 15.0 .. .. 3.8 5.9 18 28.4 2.0 40 270 48.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 140 173.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 1,300 47.6 38.5 .. .. .. 13.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.2 .. .. .. 66 504 60.9 .. .. .. .. 13.0 .. .. .. 65 122 51.3 .. .. .. .. 13.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7.5 .. .. .. 34 312 134.7 40.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94 576 66.9 .. .. .. .. 13.0 .. .. .. 71 270 46.9 35.0 .. .. .. .. 39 13.5 1.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13.0 .. .. .. 18 216 66.3 .. 5.9 9.1 .. .. .. .. .. 20 52 43.6 .. 5.7 13.5 0.4 3.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35.0 .. .. .. 13.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14.5 .. .. .. 35 304 45.3 32.5 .. .. 1.6 .. 30 29.8 3.2 55 416 51.2 .. .. .. .. 11.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 372 68.2 30.0 13.8 8.9 1.4 10.1 47 24.2 9.6 19 564 37.7 .. .. .. .. 8.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14.3 .. .. .. 29 400 58.9 .. 25.4 7.0 0.7 10.3 .. .. .. 33 782 56.5 38.0 .. .. .. 23.1 8 9.1 13.8 60 270 44.0 .. 10.8 10.0 .. .. .. .. .. 61 696 75.8 .. .. .. .. 13.0 40 99.3 .. 7 158 38.2 25.0 .. .. 11.9 12.9 42 39.4 6.1 35 230 50.9 32.0 .. .. .. 12.2 .. .. .. 23 50 43.9 35.0 .. .. 4.5 5.0 13 7.7 1.6 44 270 49.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 1,120 27.1 30.0 .. 17.8 1.6 5.5 214 20.1 11.5 42 168 53.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 1,008 27.4 .. .. .. .. 18.3 .. .. .. 59 696 45.0 35.0 13.8 7.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.6 .. .. .. 20 399 163.9 .. .. .. .. 11.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 350 43.8 30.0 10.7 6.5 6.0 4.7 388 214.1 41.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30.0 .. .. .. 6.7 6 9.4 0.0 48 248 51.3 30.0 16.2 17.5 0.6 9.7 6 6.2 1.9 51 270 50.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 237 42.9 30.0 5.0 .. 0.5 12.9 5 1.4 .. 36 132 38.6 35.0 .. .. 1.5 19.2 11 8.0 22.5 59 216 48.6 30.0 .. .. 3.3 175.7 79 41.3 6.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 504 58.5 .. .. 21.6 .. 5.5 .. .. .. 39 504 32.1 40.0 .. 9.9 3.6 5.7 744 48.9 42.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.0 .. .. .. 28 690 54.8 35.0 .. 2.7 6.6 7.9 56 50.1 16.4 31 112 52.7 .. .. .. .. .. 46 9.4 16.8 PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Part III. Development outcomes 61 Drivers of growth elb 6.1 Ta International trade and tariff barriers Trade Annual growth Merchandise (%) Terms of trade Exports Imports Exports Imports trade index (% of GDP) ($ millions) ($ millions) (% of GDP) (% of GDP) Exports Imports 2000=100 2004a 2004a 2004a 2004a 2004a 2003­04a 2003­04a 2004a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 65 177,280 164,342 33.7 31.2 .. 10.8 .. Angola 125 13,722 10,728 70.1 54.8 12.6 9.6 134.3 Benin 39 539 1,055 13.3 26.1 0.4 1.3 91.8 Botswana 72 3,570 2,893 39.8 32.2 ­0.3 2.7 98.3 Burkina Faso 32 416 1,104 8.6 22.9 2.4 3.5 126.9 Burundi 40 59 205 8.9 30.9 ­24.0 6.8 .. Cameroon 39 3,061 3,128 19.4 19.8 1.7 4.1 96.1 Cape Verde 95 295 604 31.2 63.7 8.4 3.0 97.2 Central African Republic 27 150 207 11.5 15.8 9.6 ­8.2 77.7 Chad 100 2,274 2,034 52.8 47.2 170.4 1.4 .. Comoros 44 60 103 16.1 27.8 33.2 1.1 133.4 Congo, Dem. Rep. 70 2,023 2,610 30.5 39.4 20.1 26.4 135.3 Congo, Rep. 142 3,669 2,488 84.5 57.3 8.1 62.1 172.0 Côte d'Ivoire 86 7,445 5,939 48.1 38.4 17.2 12.6 112.5 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea 112 122 917 13.2 98.8 ­7.4 ­14.6 72.2 Ethiopia 44 1,369 2,934 17.0 36.3 17.3 20.4 84.4 Gabon 101 4,420 2,902 61.1 40.1 3.3 3.8 144.4 Gambia, The 110 184 255 46.0 63.7 5.4 7.2 89.0 Ghana 92 3,349 4,550 38.9 52.8 3.8 11.3 119.5 Guinea 48 824 986 21.8 26.1 3.6 3.5 99.6 Guinea-Bissau 87 98 138 36.2 51.1 4.1 7.2 80.8 Kenya 58 4,207 5,114 26.2 31.8 19.8 15.3 100.5 Lesotho 160 763 1,430 55.8 104.6 13.0 4.5 120.6 Liberia 83 171 235 34.8 47.8 .. .. .. Madagascar 82 1,425 2,146 32.6 49.2 1.5 24.8 134.7 Malawi 78 511 974 26.8 51.2 ­3.0 ­0.7 90.0 Mali 63 1,341 1,747 27.5 35.8 ­0.2 ­2.8 103.8 Mauritania 99 451 1,069 29.4 69.7 8.5 9.8 105.2 Mauritius 112 3,356 3,393 55.6 56.2 ­1.7 ­0.1 89.5 Mozambique 70 1,828 2,320 30.9 39.2 23.9 4.2 88.5 Namibia 91 2,644 2,573 46.3 45.0 ­6.8 ­10.9 96.2 Niger 42 491 795 16.1 26.0 1.6 4.8 120.3 Nigeria 92 39,372 26,965 54.6 37.4 3.1 2.3 124.8 Rwanda 39 189 521 10.3 28.4 11.2 4.2 55.3 São Tomé and Principe 151 25 61 43.9 107.5 20.7 23.5 .. Senegal 69 2,165 3,223 27.8 41.5 3.6 5.9 101.7 Seychelles 182 663 616 94.3 87.6 4.2 8.0 .. Sierra Leone 60 240 407 22.1 37.5 12.6 ­11.9 110.0 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 49 57,032 48,071 26.6 22.4 2.5 14.1 131.9 Sudan 39 3,822 4,650 17.8 21.7 14.0 88.0 156.7 Swaziland 191 2,357 2,441 93.6 97.0 1.1 1.3 108.5 Tanzania 46 2,016 3,138 17.8 27.7 ­7.0 2.2 105.8 Togo 81 691 969 33.5 47.0 3.0 3.0 103.5 Uganda 41 933 1,879 13.7 27.5 6.2 5.1 88.4 Zambia 47 1,059 1,478 19.5 27.3 12.6 10.9 86.2 Zimbabwe 80 1,694 2,068 36.1 44.0 2.0 ­0.4 93.0 NORTH AFRICA 59 83,995 80,245 31.2 .. .. 5.3 94.5 Algeria 55 25,103 21,472 33.4 28.6 6.1 4.6 76.9 Egypt, Arab Rep. 43 14,997 18,706 19.8 24.7 6.4 4.7 97.7 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 70 16,128 18,932 30.7 36.0 5.2 6.3 110.0 Tunisia 98 13,279 14,251 44.3 47.5 7.1 6.3 98.4 62 Part III. Development outcomes TRADE Export Structure of merchandise exports Structure of merchandise imports diversification (% of total) (% of total) index Agricultural Ores and Agricultural Ores and (0 low to Food raw materials Fuel metals Manufactures Food raw materials Fuel metals Manufactures 100 high) 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2003 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.1 40.8 49.4 0.4 0.1 9.3 23.9 5.3 17.4 0.8 52.6 2.1 3.1 0.5 0.1 5.5 90.6 13.9 0.8 6.5 2.0 71.8 .. 16.4 72.3 2.8 0.6 8.0 12.0 0.6 24.4 0.6 62.5 2.2 92.2 1.2 0.0 1.5 5.1 9.0 1.1 16.5 1.1 72.2 1.6 19.3 23.7 46.7 5.1 5.2 18.3 1.7 17.8 1.3 60.9 4.4 6.4 5.9 48.5 0.0 87.7 30.9 2.5 13.1 0.6 52.9 9.2 1.5 25.2 0.1 36.1 37.1 23.4 5.4 11.0 4.2 55.9 3.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.6 88.7 0.0 .. 0.0 8.2 21.9 0.4 4.1 0.2 72.5 1.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.6 55.8 9.2 12.8 0.2 20.0 21.7 0.6 17.1 1.2 48.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.2 62.0 25.9 0.0 0.7 11.4 21.5 0.7 12.0 1.5 64.0 4.0 1.2 9.8 76.2 5.5 7.0 24.2 0.6 3.2 1.2 69.7 1.6 63.3 7.3 0.8 1.6 27.0 37.6 2.2 10.6 0.9 48.7 5.2 71.6 9.9 0.1 3.9 14.4 20.8 1.3 1.6 2.1 74.2 4.0 2.0 0.8 0.1 71.6 25.3 23.1 1.2 21.7 0.8 53.0 4.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.8 39.7 12.0 23.0 4.2 21.1 10.4 2.1 24.3 1.6 61.3 16.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.0 60.7 6.2 4.4 5.1 22.5 13.5 0.4 23.3 0.4 61.8 8.1 77.8 5.3 0.2 0.3 16.4 12.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 82.2 3.0 9.6 22.3 11.3 0.3 54.6 16.2 0.7 21.9 0.7 60.3 1.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.8 27.0 0.5 0.1 0.4 70.9 17.5 2.3 13.2 1.0 65.9 11.7 19.1 5.6 16.4 54.8 3.1 10.6 0.7 11.7 0.2 43.3 2.0 48.3 1.3 1.0 7.3 40.9 14.9 0.7 10.4 3.6 69.4 .. 30.4 3.6 1.6 54.9 7.9 33.5 4.3 16.9 1.2 44.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 97.9 0.0 2.1 15.5 0.6 16.0 1.6 66.3 1.3 52.3 7.3 6.8 23.3 10.3 11.7 4.0 15.6 2.0 66.7 2.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.5 35.0 2.8 19.4 3.9 38.5 28.3 2.0 18.3 2.5 48.9 12.2 63.3 0.0 30.0 0.0 6.4 28.3 0.7 26.3 0.4 44.2 2.7 91.6 0.8 .. 0.1 7.5 22.5 7.6 39.7 0.8 29.3 3.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.1 8.8 2.3 9.1 22.2 57.6 5.0 1.3 14.5 2.0 68.8 .. 10.2 6.1 81.2 0.4 1.6 16.4 0.9 3.1 0.8 78.2 1.6 14.6 7.8 0.7 0.2 76.4 18.2 2.2 12.6 1.0 64.4 .. 52.7 12.9 2.2 12.0 20.2 15.0 1.6 16.5 1.1 65.8 21.7 24.0 15.6 0.4 12.7 47.3 18.4 0.8 23.0 2.2 55.5 5.3 64.3 15.5 4.6 0.4 15.3 16.8 1.9 10.0 1.5 69.5 7.3 15.5 10.3 1.7 62.4 10.0 6.5 1.1 11.2 2.6 78.5 5.0 30.9 15.7 1.6 23.2 28.5 18.7 1.8 13.7 9.8 54.2 8.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 0.0 97.4 0.4 2.0 21.9 1.9 0.9 1.3 73.9 3.3 9.8 7.0 43.1 3.7 30.6 22.2 5.1 8.3 3.5 49.8 20.4 .. .. .. .. .. 16.8 0.6 0.7 0.9 81.1 1.4 19.0 1.7 2.0 8.2 69.1 10.9 3.0 16.7 2.9 66.5 38.3 11.1 0.7 9.6 1.1 77.6 8.6 2.8 10.3 2.7 75.6 31.2 (continues) TRADE Part III. Development outcomes 63 Drivers of growth elb 6.1 Ta International trade and tariff barriers (continued) Tariff barriers, all products Tariff barriers, Tariff barriers, Shipping 20 ft (%) primary products manufactured products container from port Average Simple Share of Share of (%) (%) to final destination time to mean Simple Weighted lines with lines with Simple Weighted Simple Weighted Average Average clear Binding bound mean mean international specific mean mean mean mean cost time customs coverage rate tariff tariff peaks rates tariff tariff tariff tariff ($) (days) (days) 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­04b 2000­05b SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Angola .. .. 8.1 8.5 15.2 1.6 11.6 14.7 7.5 5.9 .. .. .. Benin 39.1 28.6 14.0 12.7 54.1 0.0 15.5 12.9 13.7 12.5 .. .. .. Botswana 89.0 17.3 5.0 1.0 16.0 1.4 2.1 0.3 5.4 1.1 .. .. .. Burkina Faso 39.3 41.9 13.2 11.4 49.5 0.0 13.7 11.3 13.1 11.5 1,310 17.1 .. Burundi 20.9 67.6 20.0 14.7 32.6 0.6 22.4 10.6 19.6 16.9 .. .. .. Cameroon 31.0 79.9 18.1 15.0 49.5 .. 21.1 16.5 17.7 14.4 .. 17.1 .. Cape Verde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chad .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Comoros .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,400 7.0 .. Congo, Rep. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.0 .. Djibouti 100.0 40.9 30.9 26.8 92.3 2.3 21.9 19.7 32.6 32.3 .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 771 10.0 9 Ethiopia .. .. 19.4 13.5 52.0 0.2 22.0 6.7 19.1 15.7 451 3.0 14 Gabon 100.0 21.4 18.6 14.7 52.3 .. 23.2 19.7 17.9 13.5 .. .. .. Gambia, The 13.6 100.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15.0 .. Ghana 14.3 92.1 13.1 11.0 45.0 0.2 17.6 17.1 12.3 8.8 .. 5.0 .. Guinea 39.0 20.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau .. .. 13.9 13.6 56.0 0.0 16.6 14.5 13.4 12.9 .. .. .. Kenya 14.0 95.1 16.2 10.3 39.1 0.1 19.5 10.1 15.8 10.2 .. .. 9 Lesotho .. .. 10.8 17.8 42.1 2.9 16.0 9.2 10.5 17.8 .. .. .. Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 29.7 27.4 5.2 3.6 4.4 0.0 5.5 1.7 5.1 4.6 .. .. 7 Malawi 30.2 75.0 12.9 10.2 40.4 0.0 12.6 9.0 12.9 10.7 .. .. .. Mali 40.7 28.8 12.8 10.7 45.9 0.0 15.4 11.5 12.4 10.4 .. .. 10 Mauritania 39.4 19.6 12.8 9.3 51.5 0.0 12.6 7.9 12.8 10.0 .. .. .. Mauritius 18.0 94.0 23.5 13.0 40.0 0.1 19.6 9.9 23.8 14.4 .. .. .. Mozambique .. .. 12.7 9.9 36.8 0.0 16.0 9.9 12.1 9.9 .. .. .. Namibia 88.9 17.3 4.5 0.5 13.8 2.4 3.5 0.4 4.6 0.6 .. .. .. Niger 96.8 44.3 12.8 13.8 48.3 0.0 15.6 15.9 12.4 13.0 .. .. .. Nigeria 19.3 118.0 24.8 18.5 51.8 1.0 36.8 26.7 23.2 15.7 .. .. 18 Rwanda 100.0 89.1 8.3 6.6 10.7 0.0 11.8 6.4 7.9 6.6 .. .. .. São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Senegal 100.0 30.0 13.4 9.2 50.4 0.0 14.7 8.1 13.2 10.5 1,310 14.0 7 Seychelles .. .. 27.2 23.4 57.6 0.3 38.8 46.6 25.4 18.5 .. .. .. Sierra Leone 100.0 47.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 88.9 17.3 8.5 5.6 30.9 2.0 6.7 3.9 8.6 5.8 .. .. 7 Sudan .. .. 21.1 19.6 43.8 0.0 28.2 24.0 20.5 18.9 .. .. .. Swaziland 88.9 17.3 1.8 0.6 7.0 0.8 0.9 0.1 2.0 0.9 .. .. .. Tanzania 13.4 120.0 14.1 8.2 37.4 0.0 15.2 7.4 14.0 8.6 .. 12.7 18 Togo 13.2 80.0 14.4 10.8 55.7 0.0 15.5 10.1 14.1 11.3 .. .. .. Uganda 14.9 73.5 6.7 5.4 0.0 0.0 9.5 6.4 6.4 5.0 .. .. .. Zambia 15.9 105.6 13.2 9.6 29.5 0.0 13.4 11.4 13.1 9.0 .. .. 5 Zimbabwe 20.8 91.3 15.9 18.7 36.3 5.7 19.2 27.2 15.4 15.7 .. .. .. NORTH AFRICA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Algeria .. .. 17.9 12.0 39.4 0.0 18.1 10.5 17.8 12.5 .. .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 99.0 37.2 18.9 13.9 46.2 6.8 18.1 7.9 19.0 16.9 .. .. 10 Libya .. .. 20.2 25.2 46.6 2.1 19.2 15.1 20.1 28.5 .. .. .. Morocco 100.0 41.3 28.3 24.9 75.1 0.0 33.5 25.4 27.8 24.6 .. .. 3 Tunisia 57.8 57.7 25.3 22.3 65.6 0.0 36.8 18.4 24.2 23.5 .. .. .. a. Preliminary. b. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 64 Part III. Development outcomes TRADE Drivers of growth elb 6.2 Ta Regional integration, trade blocs Value of trade Share of total bloc exports Share of world exports ($ millions) (%) (%) Year established 1990 1995 2000 2004 1990 1995 2000 2004 1990 1995 2000 2004 Economic and Monetary Community of Central African States (CEMAC ) 1994 139 120 97 176 2.3 2.1 1.1 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 Economic Community of the Countries of the Great Lakes (CEPGL) 1976 7 8 10 19 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) 1994 963 1,386 1,536 2,848 6.6 7.7 5.7 6.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 Cross-Border Initiative (CBI) 1992 613 1,002 1,058 1,700 10.3 11.9 10.6 13.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 East African Community (EAC) 1996 230 530 485 753 13.4 17.4 16.1 14.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) 1983 163 163 191 238 1.4 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) 1975 1,557 1,936 2,835 3,973 7.9 9.0 7.9 8.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.5 Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) 1984 73 127 106 155 4.1 6.0 4.4 4.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mano River Union (MRU) 1973 0 1 5 6 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southern African Development Community (SADC) 1992 1,630 3,373 4,282 6,384 4.8 8.7 9.3 9.5 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC) 1964 139 120 96 174 2.3 2.1 1.0 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU/UEMOA) 1994 621 560 741 1,283 13.0 10.3 13.1 13.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Note: Regional bloc memberships are as follows: Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and São Tomé and Principe; Economic Community of the Countries of the Great Lakes (CEPGL), Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda; Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Angola, Burundi, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; Cross Border Initiative (CBI), Burundi, Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; East African Community (EAC), Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda; Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, and São Tomé and Principe; Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo; Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, and Seychelles; Mano River Union (MRU), Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone; Southern African Development Community (SADC; formerly Southern African Development Coordination Conference), Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC; formerly Union Douanière et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale), Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon; West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. TRADE Part III. Development outcomes 65 Drivers of growth elb 7.1 Ta Water and sanitation Access, supply side Access, demand side Population with sustainable access Population with sustainable access Internal fresh water to an improved water source to improved sanitation resources per capita (% of population with access) (% of population with access) (cubic meters) Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 13,607 50 70 40 30 56 16 Benin 1,488 68 79 60 32 58 12 Botswana 1,742 95 100 90 41 57 25 Burkina Faso 1,074 51 82 44 12 45 5 Burundi 555 79 90 78 36 47 35 Cameroon 16,970 63 84 41 48 63 33 Cape Verde .. 80 86 73 42 61 19 Central African Republic 36,332 75 93 61 27 47 12 Chad 1,748 34 40 32 8 30 0 Comoros .. 94 90 96 23 38 15 Congo, Dem. Rep. 16,932 46 83 29 29 43 23 Congo, Rep. 59,086 46 72 17 9 14 2 Côte d'Ivoire 4,574 84 98 74 40 61 23 Djibouti .. 80 82 67 50 55 27 Equatorial Guinea 52,632 44 45 42 53 60 46 Eritrea 683 57 72 54 9 34 3 Ethiopia 1,603 22 81 11 6 19 4 Gabon 121,984 87 95 47 36 37 30 Gambia, The 2,111 82 95 77 53 72 46 Ghana 1,451 79 93 68 58 74 46 Guinea 28,575 51 78 38 13 25 6 Guinea-Bissau 10,744 59 79 49 34 57 23 Kenya 627 62 89 46 48 56 43 Lesotho 2,789 76 88 74 37 61 32 Liberia 59,285 62 72 52 26 49 7 Madagascar 19,948 45 75 34 33 49 27 Malawi 1,460 67 96 62 46 66 42 Mali 5,150 48 76 35 45 59 38 Mauritania .. 56 63 45 42 64 9 Mauritius .. 100 100 100 99 100 99 Mozambique 5,268 42 76 24 27 51 14 Namibia 2,978 80 98 72 30 66 14 Niger 340 46 80 36 12 43 4 Nigeria 1,620 60 72 49 38 48 30 Rwanda 596 73 92 69 41 56 38 São Tomé and Principe .. 79 89 73 24 32 20 Senegal 2,539 72 90 54 52 70 34 Seychelles .. 87 100 75 .. .. 100 Sierra Leone .. 57 75 46 39 53 30 Somalia 623 29 32 27 25 47 14 South Africa 982 87 98 73 67 86 44 Sudan 894 69 78 64 34 50 24 Swaziland .. 52 87 42 52 78 44 Tanzania 2,285 73 92 62 46 54 41 Togo 2,468 51 80 36 34 71 15 Uganda 1,543 56 87 52 41 53 39 Zambia 7,690 55 90 36 45 68 32 Zimbabwe 1,069 83 100 74 57 69 51 NORTH AFRICA Algeria 440 87 92 80 92 99 82 Egypt, Arab Rep. 30 98 100 97 68 84 56 Libya 180 72 72 68 97 97 96 Morocco 963 80 99 56 61 83 31 Tunisia 404 82 94 60 80 90 62 a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 66 Part III. Development outcomes INFRASTRUCTURE Financing Quality of supply Pricing Committed nominal investment Average annual ODA Average Water supply failure Average household tariffs for in potable water projects with disbursements nonrevenue water for firms receiving water water services, largest city private participation for water and sanitation (% of total water supplied) (average days per year) ($ per cubic meter) (2000 $ millions) ($ millions) 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04 .. .. .. .. 3.4 .. .. .. .. 7.9 .. .. 0.4 .. 2.5 21 .. 0.8 .. 14.9 44 .. 0.2 .. 0.8 34 .. 0.6 .. 3.1 .. .. .. .. 1.8 .. .. .. .. 1.1 .. .. .. 0.0 8.1 .. .. .. .. 0.2 .. .. 0.7 .. 2.2 .. .. .. .. 0.2 20 .. 0.6 .. 4.2 .. .. .. .. 2.8 .. .. .. .. 1.1 .. 79.2 .. .. 1.3 40 .. 0.4 .. 12.1 16 .. 0.5 .. 0.0 .. .. .. .. 0.5 .. .. .. 0.0 21.7 .. .. .. .. 8.7 .. .. .. .. 1.1 50 85.2 0.3 .. 14.8 30 .. 0.7 .. 2.8 .. .. .. .. 0.1 .. 5.2 .. .. 3.7 30 .. 0.3 .. 5.2 27 2.1 0.5 73.2 9.4 .. .. .. .. 5.3 .. .. .. .. 7.1 60 .. 0.5 .. 15.7 .. .. .. 0.0 2.8 17 .. 0.5 3.4 6.4 .. .. 0.4 .. 3.6 .. .. .. 0.0 2.5 .. .. .. .. 0.8 20 5.6 .. 9.9 .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. .. 1.1 .. .. .. .. 1.2 .. 4.8 6.3 8.1 .. .. .. .. 2.1 .. .. .. .. 1.0 40 105.0 0.4 2.1 16.5 .. .. .. 0.0 3.6 .. 2.7 .. .. 18.8 55 13.6 0.6 .. 15.5 .. .. .. .. 4.1 .. 41.8 0.2 182.0 7.7 .. 8.5 0.9 .. 48.4 .. .. .. .. 31 .. 1.0 172.3 43.6 14 .. .. .. 34.5 INFRASTRUCTURE Part III. Development outcomes 67 Drivers of growth elb 7.2 Ta Transportation Access, supply side Access, demand side Road density Energy Rural access Road network (km) Ratio to Ratio to consumption for (rural population Total length arable land total land transportation within 2 km of an all- Vehicle fleet of national Rail lines (road km/thousand (road km/thousand (thousand tons season road as % of Commercial Passenger Total length network (total route km) sq km arable land) sq km of land area) of oil equivalent) total rural population) vehicles cars 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 51,429 .. 2,761 .. .. 884 .. .. .. Benin .. .. 438 .. .. 371 32 13,850 44,324 Botswana 25,233 .. 888 .. .. .. .. .. .. Burkina Faso .. 15,272 .. 316 56 .. 25 25,749 44,805 Burundi .. 4,478 .. 452 174 .. .. .. .. Cameroon 80,932 21,083 988 354 45 769 20 80,178 149,934 Cape Verde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chad .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 21,082 13,050 Comoros .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. .. 41,453 4,499 619 18 285 26 .. .. Congo, Rep. .. .. .. .. .. 220 .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire .. 15,413 639 467 49 .. .. 92,826 415,013 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea .. 18,540 306 3,299 184 102 .. 385 6,774 Ethiopia .. 8,755 .. 79 9 893 17 52,169 67,614 Gabon .. 1,159 731 357 5 198 .. 18,170 28,005 Gambia, The .. 11,177 .. 3,548 1,118 .. .. .. .. Ghana .. 7,254 977 173 32 1,168 .. 48,158 102,494 Guinea .. .. 837 .. .. .. .. 24,080 16,520 Guinea-Bissau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Kenya 63,942 .. 2,634 .. .. 1,372 .. 96,726 244,836 Lesotho .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Liberia .. .. 490 .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Malawi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,045 31,152 Mali .. 13,013 733 279 11 .. .. 22,000 30,547 Mauritania .. .. 717 .. .. .. .. 13,068 22,153 Mauritius 2,015 .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,615 92,969 Mozambique .. 12,155 .. 279 16 309 .. 28,021 28,951 Namibia 42,237 .. .. .. .. 529 .. 81,002 82,580 Niger .. 9,677 .. 67 8 .. 37 17,248 41,206 Nigeria .. .. 3,557 .. .. .. 47 573,273 976,376 Rwanda .. 5,408 .. 451 219 .. .. 19,648 15,035 São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Senegal 13,576 10,261 906 417 53 607 .. 35,753 98,260 Seychelles 11,300 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,615 11,353 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 362,099 .. 20,041 .. .. 14,834 .. 2,386,968 4,162,933 Sudan .. .. 4,578 .. .. 1,469 .. .. .. Swaziland .. .. 301 .. .. .. .. 38,201 37,272 Tanzania 78,891 67,718 2,600 1,693 77 .. 38 46,799 28,701 Togo .. .. 568 .. .. 284 .. .. .. Uganda 70,746 10,500 259 202 53 .. .. .. .. Zambia 91,440 .. 1,273 .. .. 328 .. .. .. Zimbabwe 97,267 .. .. .. .. 644 .. .. .. NORTH AFRICA Algeria .. .. .. .. .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. .. 5,637 .. .. .. .. .. Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco .. 58,051 1,919 .. 129 .. .. .. .. Tunisia .. 19,505 1,939 .. 122 .. .. .. .. a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 68 Part III. Development outcomes INFRASTRUCTURE Quality Pricing Financing Roads Average time to Firms identifying transport Average cost to Committed nominal Average annual Length of national Ratio of ship 20 ft container as major or very severe ship 20 ft container investment in transport ODA disbursements network in good paved to from port to final obstacle to business from port to final Price of Price of super projects with private for transportation condition total roads destination operation and growth destination diesel fuel gasoline participation and storage Existence of (km) (%) (days) (%) ($) ($/liter) ($/liter) (2000 $ millions) ($ millions) road fund 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04 2000­04a .. 10.4 .. .. .. 0.3 0.4 13.8 3.0 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 0.7 0.8 0.0 25.5 Yes .. 35.1 .. .. .. 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.0 .. 52.7 .. 17.1 .. 1,310 0.9 1.2 0.0 16.4 No 24.1 .. .. .. .. 1.1 1.0 0.0 0.8 Yes 8.9 .. 17.1 .. .. 0.8 0.9 0.0 32.7 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 1.4 0.0 2.2 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 1.1 1.3 0.0 8.6 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 1.0 1.2 0.0 13.2 Yes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 0.1 .. 1.2 .. 7.0 .. 2,400 0.8 0.9 0.0 2.1 No .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.7 .. 44.4 .. 3.0 .. .. 0.9 1.1 35.0 2.0 Yes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.8 0.5 .. 37.0 .. 10.0 11.7 771 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.2 Yes 24.1 12.9 3.0 15.0 451 0.4 0.6 0.0 36.2 Yes 28.0 3.7 .. .. .. 0.7 0.9 21.4 6.4 Yes 42.4 19.3 15.0 .. .. 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 Yes 27.4 17.9 5.0 .. .. 0.4 0.5 1.3 27.4 Yes .. 9.8 .. .. .. 0.7 0.8 0.0 8.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 4.7 .. .. 12.1 .. 37.4 .. 0.8 0.9 0.0 12.5 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 0.7 0.7 0.0 9.5 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 .. .. .. .. 16.1 .. 0.8 1.1 5.1 10.7 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 0.9 1.0 0.0 16.7 Yes 18.5 .. .. 20.1 .. 0.9 1.2 0.0 16.7 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 0.8 0.0 5.7 .. .. 100.0 .. .. .. 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.2 .. 50.0 .. .. .. .. 0.8 0.9 158.1 28.3 Yes .. 12.8 .. .. .. 0.6 0.7 112.5 8.3 .. 65.2 .. .. .. .. 0.9 1.0 0.0 8.6 Yes .. .. .. 10.4 .. 0.5 0.9 5.7 0.7 No .. .. .. .. .. 1.0 1.0 0.0 2.4 Yes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 0.4 .. 44.3 29.3 14.0 36.0 1,310 0.9 0.9 0.0 7.9 No .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 0.0 .. .. 8.0 .. .. .. 0.9 0.8 0.0 1.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.9 1.4 0.0 .. .. .. 20.3 .. 10.1 .. 0.8 0.8 63.1 0.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.7 0.8 0.0 1.7 .. 43.6 8.6 12.7 22.9 .. 0.9 0.9 1.6 33.7 Yes .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.3 Yes 30.1 23.0 .. 22.9 .. 0.9 1.0 0.0 12.5 No .. 22.0 .. 30.4 .. 1.0 1.1 0.0 26.6 Yes .. 19.0 .. .. .. 0.7 0.6 0.0 3.8 Yes .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 .. .. .. 4.6 .. 0.1 .. 367.0 5.1 .. .. .. .. 0.1 .. .. .. .. .. 56.4 .. 4.6 .. 0.7 .. .. 13.9 .. .. 65.4 .. 4.9 .. 0.4 .. .. 17.4 .. INFRASTRUCTURE Part III. Development outcomes 69 Drivers of growth elb 7.3 Ta Information and communication technology Access, supply side Access, demand side Delay for firm Telephone subscribers Unmet demand Households with own telephone in obtaining a (per 1,000 people) (% of main Total Urban Rural telephone connection Main telephone Cellular telephone lines (% of total (% of urban (% of rural (average number Total line telephone in operation) households) households) households) of days) 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 84.4 10.3 74.1 Angola 54.0 6.2 47.8 .. .. .. .. .. Benin 38.2 8.9 29.8 44.5 3.7 8.7 0.7 .. Botswana 395.8 77.1 318.7 .. .. .. .. .. Burkina Faso 37.4 6.3 31.0 20.1 3.8 17.6 0.3 .. Burundi 12.5 3.4 9.1 22.8 .. .. .. .. Cameroon 102.7 6.9 95.8 .. 1.8 3.5 0.1 .. Cape Verde 281.1 148.3 132.8 1.1 .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 17.6 2.5 15.1 13.3 .. .. .. .. Chad 14.4 1.4 13.0 .. .. .. .. .. Comoros 26.5 23.0 3.5 32.9 .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 37.0 0.2 36.8 .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Rep. 102.4 3.6 98.8 .. .. .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 98.3 12.6 85.7 1.4 .. .. .. .. Djibouti 43.4 14.3 30.1 .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea 106.2 20.0 112.8 .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea 14.0 9.3 4.7 121.4 4.4 11.3 0.1 256.3 Ethiopia 7.8 6.3 2.5 33.6 1.3 7.9 0.0 130.8 Gabon 387.6 28.4 359.2 10.8 12.8 17.2 1.1 .. Gambia, The 99.0 27.4 118.4 27.7 .. .. .. .. Ghana 92.7 14.5 78.2 63.9 6.9 14.3 0.7 .. Guinea 15.3 2.9 12.4 5.6 .. .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau 7.9 7.1 0.9 45.8 .. .. .. .. Kenya 85.0 8.9 76.1 34.2 12.8 32.7 6.2 80.6 Lesotho 109.1 20.7 88.4 72.9 .. .. .. .. Liberia 2.8 2.2 14.7 .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 19.5 3.4 18.4 3.1 .. .. .. 54.1 Malawi 25.0 7.4 17.6 23.8 .. .. .. .. Mali 36.2 5.7 30.5 .. 2.4 9.3 0.1 51.0 Mauritania 134.5 13.2 175.3 .. 2.9 6.8 0.2 .. Mauritius 699.9 286.7 413.2 4.1 .. .. .. .. Mozambique 26.9 4.1 36.4 15.1 1.6 5.5 0.1 .. Namibia 206.1 63.7 142.4 2.1 .. .. .. .. Niger 12.8 1.8 11.0 .. .. .. .. .. Nigeria 79.1 8.0 71.1 0.0 5.5 11.8 1.9 .. Rwanda 18.2 2.6 15.6 .. 1.1 7.8 0.1 .. São Tomé and Principe 78.9 46.6 32.2 10.4 .. .. .. .. Senegal 72.4 20.6 90.3 4.1 .. .. .. 10.8 Seychelles 841.9 253.4 588.6 9.0 .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 27.2 4.9 22.3 .. .. .. .. .. Somalia 87.9 25.1 62.8 625.0 .. .. .. .. South Africa 473.1 105.2 428.5 1.0 .. .. .. 6.6 Sudan 58.5 29.0 29.5 99.1 .. .. .. .. Swaziland 118.7 41.8 100.9 49.0 .. .. .. .. Tanzania 32.2 4.0 43.6 4.9 .. .. .. 18.3 Togo 48.1 10.4 37.7 53.7 .. .. .. .. Uganda 44.4 2.6 41.9 .. 2.7 14.5 0.6 25.4 Zambia 33.7 7.6 26.1 13.3 3.8 10.2 0.4 54.8 Zimbabwe 55.2 24.5 30.7 43.5 .. .. .. .. NORTH AFRICA .. .. .. Algeria 215.4 70.7 144.7 .. .. .. .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 235.5 130.3 105.2 1.1 27.8 44.7 11.0 .. Libya 155.8 133.2 22.6 .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 356.9 43.9 313.1 0.4 51.8 65.8 29.0 .. Tunisia 479.9 121.2 358.7 11.3 .. .. .. .. a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 70 Part III. Development outcomes INFRASTRUCTURE Quality Pricing Financing Firms identifying Committed nominal Committed nominal telecommunications Cost of phone investment in fixed- investment in Average as major or very severe Cost of cellular Cost of local call to the line and long distance mobile phone annual ODA Duration of Reported obstacle to business local call phone call United States projects with private projects with disbursements for telephone outages phone faults operation and growth (US cents per (US cents per (US cents participation private participation communications (hours) (per 100 mainlines) (%) 3 off-peak min) 3 peak min) per 3 min) (2000 $ millions) (2000 $ millions) ($ millions) 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04 .. .. .. 8.0 9.0 134.0 .. 69.7 5.1 .. 6.0 .. 59.4 11.4 576.2 .. 21.4 0.2 .. .. .. 33.3 2.2 .. .. 17.0 0.1 .. 19.7 .. 103.2 10.2 258.0 .. 8.4 1.4 .. .. .. 67.9 6.7 371.0 .. 10.7 0.3 .. .. .. 103.2 5.7 .. .. 73.1 2.6 .. 43.0 .. 89.5 4.6 .. 0.0 0.0 0.1 .. .. .. 51.6 43.0 1,359.0 .. .. 0.2 .. 60.8 .. .. 10.8 910.6 .. 2.8 0.5 .. 55.8 .. 73.4 17.2 .. .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 86.3 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12.4 0.0 .. 81.0 .. 61.9 9.1 638.0 0.0 23.0 0.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. .. 51.1 9.0 0.0 2.9 355.0 .. 40.0 0.3 .. 100.0 29.4 10.5 2.3 705.0 .. .. 0.9 .. 0.5 .. 64.5 25.8 1,088.0 .. 5.3 0.5 .. .. .. 47.8 2.8 346.0 .. 3.3 0.0 .. 67.4 .. 70.9 2.5 113.0 11.7 20.2 0.4 .. 1.6 .. 45.6 7.6 461.4 6.0 4.5 0.2 .. 70.5 .. 0.0 .. .. 5.0 6.3 0.4 20.2 149.0 44.1 57.1 9.4 436.0 .. 157.4 0.3 .. 75.0 .. 25.6 22.2 230.7 18.7 17.1 0.0 .. .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. 25.0 0.0 14.3 42.5 16.4 58.0 7.3 741.0 12.6 0.0 0.7 .. .. .. 64.5 5.9 6.0 .. 2.3 0.4 10.3 177.6 14.3 98.2 7.0 1,227.8 .. 27.5 2.0 .. .. .. .. 11.4 .. 24.0 29.9 0.0 .. 41.5 .. 10.0 4.3 250.0 101.5 101.1 0.2 .. 70.0 .. 34.7 7.9 .. 54.5 27.3 3.3 .. 40.4 .. 29.9 4.4 427.5 .. 8.8 0.6 .. 104.6 .. 22.5 10.2 876.6 25.8 20.0 0.2 .. 20.6 59.4 89.6 10.0 .. 409.2 1,036.8 0.8 .. .. .. 36.8 8.8 .. .. 7.9 0.9 .. .. .. 0.0 16.5 495.0 2.4 .. 0.2 9.5 17.3 3.5 42.8 20.3 180.9 65.8 68.5 0.3 .. 6.0 .. 48.6 16.2 .. .. 7.2 0.0 .. .. .. 48.0 2.9 .. .. 9.7 0.6 .. .. .. 1.0 5.0 .. 0.5 0.5 0.2 .. 48.2 3.0 24.8 14.7 58.3 1,115.3 713.5 1.8 .. .. .. 25.3 3.4 391.8 62.0 136.2 0.1 .. 70.0 .. 33.7 5.2 242.0 .. 4.9 0.1 49.6 24.0 11.8 40.8 12.1 528.0 43.6 78.2 5.6 .. 6.2 .. 71.0 10.2 215.0 .. 0.0 0.1 17.8 .. 3.5 42.8 20.9 351.0 37.4 48.5 0.5 40.0 90.8 32.9 76.7 9.1 645.0 .. 16.3 0.4 .. .. .. 32.7 1.3 436.3 .. 14.8 11.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.7 .. 0.5 .. 12.8 1.5 257.0 .. .. 0.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 24.8 .. 32.7 16.9 163.0 .. .. 1.1 .. 28.0 .. 40.7 2.3 228.0 .. .. 18.1 INFRASTRUCTURE Part III. Development outcomes 71 Drivers of growth elb 7.4 Ta Energy Access, Access, demand side supply side Energy use per PPP GDP Access to electricity Solid fuels use (kg of oil Installed Electric power equivalent per Total Urban access Rural access Total Urban Rural capacity consumption 2000 PPP $, (% of total (% of urban (% of rural (% of (% of urban (% of rural (MW) (kWh per capita) thousands) population) population) population) total population) population) population) 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 618.0 103.5 312.9 12.0 .. .. 95.0 .. .. Benin 120.6 12.2 329.7 22.0 49.6 5.5 95.0 87.5 98.7 Botswana 132.0 538.5 .. 22.0 .. .. .. .. .. Burkina Faso 121.0 36.6 .. 13.0 39.7 0.2 95.0 .. .. Burundi 43.0 18.0 .. 5.0 45.1 0.4 99.8 98.1 99.9 Cameroon 880.0 212.2 212.6 20.0 84.6 21.0 83.0 62.2 98.2 Cape Verde 7.0 87.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 39.9 .. .. 5.0 8.0 0.3 .. .. .. Chad 29.0 10.9 .. 3.0 9.4 0.1 95.0 .. .. Comoros 5.0 34.2 .. 51.8 19.6 .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 2,515.5 109.9 463.4 6.7 .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Rep. 121.0 77.3 268.0 20.9 .. .. 84.0 .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 915.0 219.4 267.4 38.5 85.9 22.5 74.0 .. .. Djibouti .. .. Equatorial Guinea 12.0 45.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea .. 44.4 .. 17.0 80.6 2.1 79.7 30.4 97.4 Ethiopia 533.8 25.7 417.3 4.7 76.2 0.4 95.0 72.9 99.9 Gabon 403.3 957.3 196.3 31.0 .. .. .. .. .. Gambia, The 29.0 162.2 .. 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. Ghana 1,227.5 334.1 201.0 50.0 82.4 20.9 88.0 88.0 99.4 Guinea 261.3 97.4 .. 5.0 53.8 1.5 .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau 21.0 63.9 .. 7.9 .. .. .. .. .. Kenya 1,084.3 119.7 498.1 7.9 47.5 4.3 81.8 33.8 94.7 Lesotho 75.8 173.6 .. 5.0 .. .. 83.0 .. .. Liberia 330.0 112.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 285.0 48.5 .. 8.0 47.8 5.2 98.6 96.2 98.9 Malawi 272.5 68.8 .. 5.0 28.7 1.0 95.0 83.0 99.6 Mali 208.5 46.7 .. 7.6 37.0 2.2 97.9 98.4 99.8 Mauritania 114.5 65.4 .. 50.0 49.7 2.5 .. .. .. Mauritius 582.6 1,487.6 .. 100.0 .. .. .. .. .. Mozambique 2,378.0 462.6 433.1 7.2 25.8 2.1 .. .. .. Namibia .. 695.4 98.5 34.0 .. .. 63.0 .. .. Niger 105.0 26.7 .. 7.9 36.5 0.2 97.8 94.8 98.4 Nigeria 5,888.0 140.2 788.9 40.0 84.3 27.9 85.7 57.4 94.2 Rwanda 34.3 19.9 .. 5.0 38.9 0.9 99.8 98.1 99.9 São Tomé and Principe 10.1 105.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Senegal 237.5 166.3 208.3 30.1 68.9 6.0 41.0 .. .. Seychelles 28.0 2,573.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 124.0 33.8 .. 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. Somalia 79.5 24.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 41,365.5 4,559.5 256.6 66.1 .. .. .. .. .. Sudan 727.3 71.3 278.2 30.0 .. .. .. .. .. Swaziland 127.5 359.0 .. 20.0 .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 847.3 67.8 728.8 10.5 27.3 1.1 .. .. .. Togo 35.5 9.1 203.0 9.0 41.2 2.4 .. .. .. Uganda 291.5 68.5 .. 3.7 43.9 2.4 96.8 85.0 98.7 Zambia 1,786.0 739.4 792.4 12.0 45.1 2.9 85.0 62.4 98.1 Zimbabwe 1,942.0 532.0 333.3 39.7 87.4 8.3 73.0 4.7 93.6 NORTH AFRICA Algeria 6,400.0 913.5 98.0 .. .. 5.0 .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. .. 1,337.4 215.2 93.8 .. .. 5.0 .. .. Libya 4,700.0 3,338.5 99.8 .. .. 5.0 .. .. Morocco 17,600.0 592.1 99.0 71.1 .. .. 5.0 .. .. Tunisia 2,900.0 1,239.6 130.0 94.6 .. .. 5.0 .. .. a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 72 Part III. Development outcomes INFRASTRUCTURE Quality Pricing Financing Firms identifying Committed nominal Electricity Delay for firm in electricity as major investment in Average end-user prices obtaining electrical Electric power Electrical outages Firms that share or very severe obstacle energy projects annual ODA (US cents connection transmission and of firms or own their own to business operation with private disbursements per kWh) (average number distribution losses (average number generator and growth participation for energy of days) (% of output) of days per year) (% of total) (%) Households Industry (2000 $ millions) ($ millions) 2000­05a 2000­04a 2000­05a 2000­05a 2000­05a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42.1 4.4 .. 17.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.9 .. .. .. .. .. 4.0 2.9 .. 0.2 .. 8.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 44.5 2.3 .. 15.0 .. .. .. .. .. 143.4 0.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 .. 30.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.4 .. .. 0.1 .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 65.4 18.0 93.9 43.0 38.2 .. .. .. 4.6 105.5 23.0 .. 17.1 42.5 .. .. 280.6 1.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 167.7 8.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 43.7 18.7 83.6 70.9 48.1 8.2 6.7 .. 21.3 .. .. .. .. .. 8.0 2.6 .. 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49.5 .. 78.0 21.5 41.3 .. .. .. 0.6 .. 4.4 4.7 .. 4.4 32.0 .. 10.5 45.3 24.2 .. .. 697.3 3.4 .. 26.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.1 .. .. .. .. .. 14.3 10.0 .. 0.1 .. 21.0 .. .. .. 3.1 2.2 1,122.5 25.9 .. .. .. .. .. 3.6 2.4 1.0 1.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.4 .. 34.0 .. .. 97.4 7.0 .. 227.1 6.4 .. 22.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 10.3 17.5 26.1 62.5 30.7 .. .. .. 4.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 5.3 .. 5.5 9.5 9.0 3.1 2.0 388.7 1.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. .. .. 3.9 3.1 .. 0.0 44.0 24.0 60.6 55.4 58.9 5.1 8.6 330.8 10.0 .. 67.7 0.1 25.6 19.6 70.8 36.0 44.5 8.6 6.6 16.9 3.3 142.4 .. 30.0 38.2 39.6 2.4 2.6 12.4 1.4 .. 3.6 .. .. .. 5.7 10.3 .. 0.9 .. .. .. 11.5 .. .. 0.9 .. 21.0 .. 26.5 .. .. 659.6 44.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 6.0 .. 16.7 .. .. .. 336.8 25.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 INFRASTRUCTURE Part III. Development outcomes 73 Drivers of growth elb 7.5 Ta Financial sector infrastructure Macroeconomy Size Claims on Bank assets Sovereign ratings Gross national governments and Money and quasi Real (long-term savings other public entities money (M2) interest rate Value Share of GDP foreign currency) (% of GDP) (% of GDP) (% of GDP) (%) ($ millions) (%) 2006 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola .. 13 ­1 13 28 3,825 19.0 Benin B 9 ­5 25 .. 1,144 28.1 Botswana .. 42 ­22 28 10 2,801 32.3 Burkina Faso .. 10 ­1 24 .. 1,162 24.1 Burundi 8 16 26 11 201 30.6 Cameroon B­ 17 5 18 18 2,839 19.3 Cape Verde B+ 14 31 69 10 753 79.4 Central African Republic .. 13 10 15 20 134 10.2 Chad .. 18 5 8 4 311 7.3 Comoros 8 1 23 8 64 17.4 Congo, Dem. Rep. .. 7 0 7 .. 436 6.6 Congo, Rep. 27 9 13 10 384 8.8 Côte d'Ivoire .. 14 4 23 .. 3,468 22.7 Djibouti .. .. 6 70 8 536 80.9 Equatorial Guinea .. .. ­19 11 29 428 13.2 Eritrea .. ­21 109 147 .. 1,313 142.0 Ethiopia .. 14 35 53 ­2 4,722 58.5 Gabon .. 29 3 16 10 1,478 20.4 Gambia, The CCC 14 8 40 19 163 39.2 Ghana B+ 23 17 29 .. 3,121 36.2 Guinea .. 5 12 15 .. 529 15.1 Guinea-Bissau .. 10 7 25 .. 27 9.6 Kenya .. 17 10 37 5 7,096 45.5 Lesotho BB­ 36 ­8 28 10 396 28.8 Liberia .. 29 213 15 16 123 27.5 Madagascar .. 14 5 22 10 975 22.3 Malawi CCC ­5 11 20 23 348 19.2 Mali B­ 11 ­2 30 .. 1,496 30.8 Mauritania .. ­5 .. .. .. 396b 25.8b Mauritius .. 24 23 85 14 6,132 84.3 Mozambique B 12 3 25 8 1,680 30.3 Namibia BBB­ 40 .. .. 8 2,507 45.9 Niger .. 6 5 13 .. 343 11.1 Nigeria BB­ 27 ­3 22 ­1 22,153 30.7 Rwanda .. ­1 .. .. .. 330 17.9 São Tomé and Principe .. ­33 8 48 20 38c 61.4c Senegal .. 17 1 34 .. 2,737 35.7 Seychelles .. 18 103 110 6 941 133.7 Sierra Leone .. 6 25 17 5 160 14.9 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa BBB+ 19 3 62 5 219,303 103.1 Sudan .. 17 4 16 .. 2,332 11.9 Swaziland .. 19 ­4 20 6 633 26.2 Tanzania .. 8 0 22 10 2,196 20.2 Togo .. 6 1 26 .. 594 28.8 Uganda .. 10 4 19 14 1,738 25.4 Zambia .. 10 27 19 9 1,392 25.8 Zimbabwe .. 3 25 25 ­16 5,979 33.7 NORTH AFRICA Algeria .. 34 14 57 ­2 42,860 50.6 Egypt, Arab Rep. BB+ 23 50 89 2 95,367 121.0 Libya .. .. ­20 31 ­11 13,162 45.2 Morocco .. 24 17 90 10 47,828 95.6 Tunisia BBB 26 6 55 .. 20,409 72.4 a. Data are consolidated for regional security markets where they exist. b. Data are for 2003. c. Calculated using 2003 exchange rate. 74 Part III. Development outcomes INFRASTRUCTURE Intermediation Capital marketsa Ratio of bank Domestic credit Interest rate spread nonperfoming loans Bank Listed Market capitalization of Turnover ratio for to private sector (lending rate minus to total branches domestic listed companies traded stocks (% of GDP) deposit rate) (%) (per 100,000 people) companies (% of GDP) (%) 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 5 67 13.3 .. .. .. .. 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 6 2.8 3.8 18 28.4 2 15 .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 13 .. .. .. .. .. 37 9 .. .. .. .. .. 7 13 .. .. .. .. .. 3 13 .. .. .. .. .. 9 8 .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 13 .. .. .. .. .. 14 .. .. .. 39 13.5 3 21 10 .. .. .. .. .. 4 13 .. .. .. .. .. 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 4 .. 0.4 .. .. .. 9 13 15.8 .. .. .. .. 12 15 .. .. .. .. .. 13 .. 16.1 1.6 29 29.8 3 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 10 22.9 1.4 47 24.2 8 7 8 .. .. .. .. .. 6 14 .. .. .. .. .. 10 10 11.4 0.7 .. .. .. 8 23 .. .. .. .. .. 20 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 13 .. 11.9 41 39.4 4 2 12 6.4 .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 4.5 13 7.7 5 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 5 21.6 1.6 207 20.1 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 18 .. .. .. .. .. 21 .. 14.2 .. .. .. .. 37 7 .. .. .. .. .. 5 12 14.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 141 5 1.8 6.0 403 214.1 47 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 7 .. .. 6 9.4 .. 9 10 .. 0.6 6 6.2 .. 16 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 13 2.2 0.5 5 1.4 .. 8 19 7.6 1.5 11 8.0 .. 22 176 .. 3.3 79 41.3 9 11 6 .. .. .. .. .. 55 6 24.2 3.6 792 48.9 17 17 4 .. .. .. .. .. 57 8 19.4 6.6 52 50.1 9 65 .. 23.7 .. 44 9.4 9 INFRASTRUCTURE Part III. Development outcomes 75 Participating in growth elb 8.1 Ta Education Literacy rate (%) Primary education Gross enrollment ratio Net enrollment ratio Student- Youth Adult (% of relevant age group) (% of relevant age group) teacher Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female ratio 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA .. .. .. .. .. .. 93 98 87 64 68 60 49 Angola 72 84 63 67 83 54 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Benin 45 59 33 35 48 23 99 111 86 83 93 72 52 Botswana 94 92 96 81 80 82 104 105 104 82 80 84 26 Burkina Faso 31 38 25 22 29 15 53 59 47 40 46 35 49 Burundi 73 77 70 59 67 52 80 87 73 57 60 54 51 Cameroon .. .. .. 68 77 60 114 123 105 .. .. .. 53 Cape Verde .. .. .. .. .. .. 111 113 108 92 92 91 27 Central African Republic 59 70 47 49 65 33 64 76 52 .. .. .. .. Chad 38 56 23 26 41 13 71 86 56 57 68 46 69 Comoros .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 91 80 55 60 50 35 Congo, Dem. Rep. 70 78 63 67 81 54 64 .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Rep. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89 92 85 .. .. .. 83 Côte d'Ivoire 61 71 52 49 61 39 72 80 63 56 62 50 42 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 44 35 33 36 29 34 Equatorial Guinea 95 95 95 87 93 80 99 102 96 59 61 58 30 Eritrea .. .. .. .. .. .. 66 74 59 48 52 44 47 Ethiopia .. .. .. .. .. .. 77 85 69 46 49 44 65 Gabon .. .. .. .. .. .. 130 130 129 77 77 77 36 Gambia, The .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 82 75 73 76 70 37 Ghana 71 76 65 58 66 50 81 84 79 58 62 62 32 Guinea 47 59 34 29 43 18 79 87 71 64 69 58 45 Guinea-Bissau .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 84 56 45 53 37 44 Kenya 80 80 81 74 78 70 111 114 108 76 76 77 40 Lesotho .. .. .. 82 74 90 131 131 131 86 83 88 44 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. 99 115 83 66 74 58 38 Madagascar 70 73 68 71 77 65 134 136 131 89 89 89 52 Malawi 76 82 71 64 75 54 125 123 126 95 93 98 .. Mali 24 32 17 19 27 12 64 71 56 46 50 43 52 Mauritania 61 68 55 51 60 43 94 95 93 74 75 74 45 Mauritius 95 94 95 84 88 81 103 103 103 95 94 96 22 Mozambique .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 104 86 71 75 67 65 Namibia 92 91 93 85 87 83 101 100 102 74 71 76 28 Niger 37 52 23 29 43 15 45 52 37 39 46 32 44 Nigeria .. .. .. .. .. .. 99 107 91 88 95 81 36 Rwanda 78 79 77 65 71 60 119 118 120 73 72 75 62 São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 134 129 .. .. .. 33 Senegal 49 58 41 39 51 29 76 78 74 66 68 64 43 Seychelles 99 99 99 92 91 92 113 116 110 100 100 99 14 Sierra Leone 48 59 37 35 47 24 79 93 65 .. .. .. 37 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 94 93 94 82 84 81 105 107 103 89 88 89 34 Sudan 77 85 71 61 71 52 60 64 56 43 47 39 29 Swaziland 88 87 90 80 81 78 101 103 98 77 76 77 31 Tanzania 78 81 76 69 78 62 101 103 99 86 87 85 58 Togo 74 84 64 53 69 38 101 110 92 79 85 72 44 Uganda 77 83 71 67 77 58 125 126 125 98 97 99 50 Zambia 69 73 66 68 76 60 99 101 97 80 80 80 49 Zimbabwe .. .. .. .. .. .. 96 97 95 82 81 82 39 NORTH AFRICA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Algeria 90 94 86 70 80 60 112 116 107 97 98 96 27 Egypt, Arab Rep. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 103 98 94 96 93 22 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 113 112 .. .. .. .. Morocco 70 81 60 52 66 40 106 111 100 87 89 84 28 Tunisia 94 96 92 74 83 65 111 113 109 97 97 97 22 a. Data are for most recent year during the period specified. 76 Part III. Development outcomes HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Secondary education Tertiary education Public spending on education Gross enrollment ratio Gross enrollment ratio (%) (% of relevant age group) (% of relevant age group) Share of government Share of Total Male Female Total Male Female expenditure GDP 2004 2004 2004 2001 2001 2001 2000­05a 2002 30 33 26 5 .. .. .. 3.4 17 19 15 1 1 1 .. 3.0 26 34 18 3 5 1 .. 3.3 74 71 76 6 7 6 25.6 2.2 12 14 10 1 2 1 .. .. 12 14 10 2 3 1 13.0 5.2 44 46 42 5 6 4 17.2 3.8 66 63 69 6 5 6 20.7 7.3 12 .. .. 2 3 1 .. .. 15 23 7 1 1 0 .. .. 35 40 30 2 3 2 24.1 3.9 23 24 12 .. .. .. .. .. 32 37 27 4 6 1 12.6 3.2 25 32 18 .. .. .. 21.5 4.6 22 25 18 2 2 1 20.5 6.1 30 38 22 3 4 2 1.6 0.6 28 35 21 1 2 0 .. 3.8 28 34 21 2 4 1 20.4 6.1 50 49 42 .. .. .. .. 3.9 34 40 28 1 2 0 8.9 1.9 42 45 38 3 4 2 .. .. 26 34 17 2 4 1 25.6 1.8 18 23 13 0 1 0 .. .. 48 50 46 .. .. .. 29.2 7.0 36 32 41 3 2 3 18.5 9.0 32 37 27 16 18 13 .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 2 18.2 3.3 29 32 26 0 1 0 .. 6.0 22 28 17 2 3 1 .. .. 20 22 18 3 5 2 .. 3.4 80 78 82 17 14 20 15.7 4.7 11 13 9 1 2 1 .. .. 58 54 62 6 6 7 21.0 7.2 8 9 6 1 1 0 .. 2.3 35 38 31 10 13 7 .. .. 14 15 14 3 3 2 .. 2.8 39 42 36 1 1 1 .. .. 19 22 16 5 .. .. .. 4.0 112 113 111 .. .. .. .. 5.4 26 31 22 2 3 1 .. 3.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 87 94 15 14 17 18.1 5.4 33 34 32 6 6 6 .. .. 42 42 42 4 4 5 .. 6.2 .. .. .. 1 2 1 .. .. 39 52 26 4 6 1 13.6 2.6 19 21 17 3 4 3 18.3 5.2 26 29 23 2 3 1 14.8 2.8 36 38 35 4 5 3 .. 4.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 81 78 84 20 19 20 .. .. 87 90 84 29 .. .. .. .. 104 101 107 56 54 59 .. .. 47 51 43 11 11 10 27.8 6.3 77 74 80 26 23 29 18.2 6.4 HUMANDEVELOPMENT Part III. Development outcomes 77 Participating in growth elb 8.2 Ta Health Mortality Diseases Life expectancy at birth Under-five mortality rate Infant Maternal Deaths Prevalence Incidence of Deaths due to (years) (per,1 000) mortality rate mortality ratio due to of HIV tuberculosis malaria (per 1,000 (per 100,000 HIV/AIDS (% ages (per 100,000 (per 100,000 Male Female Male Female live births) live births) (thousands) 15­49) people) people) 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2000 2005 2005 2004 1997­2004b SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 38 42 276 243 154 1,700 30 3.7 259 354 Benin 52 53 152 153 90 850 10 1.8 87 177 Botswana 40 40 123 109 84 100 18 24.1 670 .. Burkina Faso 47 48 193 191 97 1,000 12 2.0 191 292 Burundi 42 47 196 184 114 1,000 13 3.3 343 .. Cameroon 50 51 156 143 87 730 46 5.4 179 .. Cape Verde 67 71 38 35 27 150 .. .. 172 .. Central African Republic 40 41 201 185 115 1,100 24 10.7 322 .. Chad 45 48 212 188 117 1,100 11 3.5 279 .. Comoros 62 67 76 64 52 480 <0.1 <0.1 46 .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 42 47 217 192 129 990 90 3.2 366 224 Congo, Rep. 53 55 113 103 81 510 11 5.3 377 .. Côte d'Ivoire 41 47 225 162 117 690 65 7.1 393 .. Djibouti 54 57 131 120 101 730 1 3.1 734 .. Equatorial Guinea 42 44 213 195 122 880 <1 3.2 239 .. Eritrea 58 62 89 75 52 630 6 2.4 271 74 Ethiopia 49 51 175 158 110 850 .. .. 353 198 Gabon 55 59 102 80 60 420 5 7.9 280 .. Gambia, The 55 59 129 115 89 540 1 2.4 233 .. Ghana 56 58 113 111 68 540 29 2.3 206 70 Guinea 52 55 160 150 101 740 7 1.5 240 .. Guinea-Bissau 45 48 212 194 126 1,100 3 3.8 199 .. Kenya 51 50 129 110 79 1,000 140 6.1 619 63 Lesotho 39 44 87 76 80 550 23 23.2 696 .. Liberia 39 44 249 220 157 760 .. .. 310 201 Madagascar 55 59 128 117 76 550 3 0.5 218 .. Malawi 41 41 179 172 110 1,800 78 14.1 413 275 Mali 44 47 230 208 121 1,200 11 1.7 281 454 Mauritania 55 60 134 115 78 1,000 <1 0.7 287 .. Mauritius 69 75 17 14 14 24 <0.1 0.6 64 .. Mozambique 44 46 154 150 104 1,000 140 16.1 460 232 Namibia 52 55 70 57 47 300 17 19.6 717 .. Niger 42 41 256 262 152 1,600 8 1.1 157 469 Nigeria 45 46 198 195 101 800 220 3.9 290 141 Rwanda 44 47 211 195 118 1,400 21 3.1 371 200 São Tomé and Principe 57 60 122 114 75 .. .. .. 107 .. Senegal 54 57 141 132 78 690 5 0.9 245 72 Seychelles 67 78 14 13 12 .. .. .. 34 .. Sierra Leone 37 40 296 269 165 2,000 5 1.6 443 .. Somalia .. .. .. .. 133 1,100 4 0.9 411 .. South Africa 47 49 72 62 54 230 320 18.8 718 .. Sudan .. .. .. .. 63 590 34 1.6 220 70 Swaziland 36 39 163 150 108 370 16 33.4 1,226 .. Tanzania 47 49 134 117 78 1,500 140 6.5 347 130 Togo 52 56 151 128 78 570 9 3.2 355 .. Uganda 48 51 144 132 80 880 91 6.7 402 152 Zambia 40 40 190 173 102 750 98 17.0 680 141 Zimbabwe .. .. .. .. 79 1,100 180 20.1 674 .. NORTH AFRICA Algeria 69 72 41 39 35 140 <0.5 0.1 54 .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 66 70 36 36 26 84 <0.5 <0.1 27 .. Libya 70 75 20 19 18 97 .. .. 20 .. Morocco 69 73 47 38 38 220 1 0.1 110 .. Tunisia 70 74 29 22 21 120 <0.1 0.1 22 .. 78 Part III. Development outcomes HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Prevention and treatment Children sleeping People with advanced Tuberculosis Children with Contraceptive under insecticide- HIV infection cases detected DOTS treatment fever receiving Child immunization rate Births attended by prevalance treated bednets receiving antiretroviral under DOTS success rate antimalarial drugs (% of children ages 12­23 months) skilled health staff rate (% of children combination therapy (% of estimated (% of (% of children Measles DPT3a (%) (%) under age 5) (%) cases) registered cases) under age 5 with fever) 2004 2004 2000­04b 1997­2004b 2000­04b 2005 2004 2003 2001 64 59 45 6 2.3 6 94 68 63 85 83 66 19 7.4 33 82 81 60 90 97 94 48 .. 85 67 77 .. 78 88 38 14 1.6 24 18 66 50 75 74 25 16 1.3 14 29 79 31 64 73 62 26 0.9 36 91 .. 53 69 75 .. 53 .. .. .. .. .. 35 40 44 28 1.5 .. 4 59 69 56 50 14 3 0.6 3 16 78 56 73 76 62 26 9.3 43 39 .. 63 64 64 61 31 0.7 4 70 83 45 65 67 .. .. .. .. 65 69 .. 49 50 68 15 1.1 80 38 72 58 60 64 61 .. .. 16 43 73 .. 51 33 65 .. 0.7 0 82 51 49 84 83 28 8 4.2 5 14 85 4 71 80 6 8 .. 7 36 70 3 55 38 86 33 .. 23 81 34 .. 90 92 55 18 14.7 9 66 75 55 83 80 47 25 3.5 7 37 66 63 73 69 56 7 .. 9 52 75 .. 80 80 35 8 7.4 1 75 80 58 73 73 42 39 4.6 24 46 80 27 70 78 60 30 .. 14 86 70 .. 42 31 51 10 .. 3 58 73 .. 59 61 51 27 0.2 0 74 71 41 80 89 61 31 35.5 20 40 73 32 75 76 41 8 .. 31 19 65 38 64 70 57 8 2.1 40 43 58 33 98 98 99 76 .. .. 33 87 .. 77 72 48 17 .. 9 46 76 .. 70 81 76 44 .. 71 88 63 14 74 62 16 14 1.0 5 46 70 48 35 25 35 13 1.2 6 21 59 34 84 89 31 13 5.0 39 29 67 13 91 99 76 29 22.8 .. .. .. 61 57 87 58 11 1.7 47 52 70 36 99 99 .. .. .. .. 106 100 .. 64 61 42 4 1.5 2 36 83 61 40 .. 25 .. .. .. 44 .. .. 81 93 .. 56 .. 21 83 67 .. 59 .. 87 7 .. .. 35 .. .. 70 83 74 48 0.1 31 38 42 26 94 95 46 25 2.1 7 47 81 53 70 71 61 26 2.0 27 17 63 60 91 87 39 23 0.2 51 43 68 .. 84 80 43 34 6.5 26 54 75 52 80 .. .. 54 .. .. 42 .. .. 81 86 96 57 .. 39 105 90 .. 97 97 69 60 .. 12 61 80 .. 99 97 .. .. .. 35 169 62 .. 95 97 63 63 .. 48 80 86 .. 95 97 90 66 .. 34 95 91 .. (continues) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Part III. Development outcomes 79 Participating in growth elb 8.2 Ta Health (continued) Water and sanitation Human resources Expenditure on health General government Out-of-pocket Per capita Population with Population with expenditure on health expenditure government sustainable access sustainable access (%) (% of general expenditure to improved water source to improved sanitation Health workers Share of total Share of total government on health (%) (%) (per 1,000 people) expenditure government expenditure at average Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Physicians Nurses Midwives on health expenditure on health) exchange rate 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1997 1997 1997 2003 2003 2003 2003 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 50 70 40 30 56 16 0.1 1.1 0.0 84 5 100 22 Benin 68 79 60 32 58 12 0.0 0.8 .. 43 10 90 9 Botswana 95 100 90 41 57 25 0.4 2.6 .. 58 8 29 135 Burkina Faso 51 82 44 12 45 5 0.1 0.4 0.1 47 13 98 9 Burundi 79 90 78 36 47 35 0.0 0.2 .. 23 2 100 1 Cameroon 63 84 41 48 63 33 0.2 1.6 .. 29 8 98 11 Cape Verde 80 86 73 42 61 19 0.5 0.9 .. 73 11 100 57 Central African Republic 75 93 61 27 47 12 0.1 0.3 0.1 39 12 95 5 Chad 34 40 32 8 30 0 0.0 0.3 0.0 40 11 96 7 Comoros 94 90 96 23 38 15 0.1 0.7 .. 54 6 100 6 Congo, Dem. Rep. 46 83 29 29 43 23 0.1 0.5 .. 18 5 100 1 Congo, Rep. 46 72 17 9 14 2 0.2 1.0 .. 64 4 100 12 Côte d'Ivoire 84 98 74 40 61 23 0.1 0.6 .. 28 5 91 8 Djibouti 80 82 67 50 55 27 0.2 0.4 0.1 67 11 100 31 Equatorial Guinea 44 45 42 53 60 46 0.3 0.4 0.1 68 7 81 65 Eritrea 57 72 54 9 34 3 0.1 0.6 .. 46 4 100 4 Ethiopia .. 81 11 .. 19 4 0.0 0.2 0.0 58 10 79 3 Gabon 87 95 47 36 37 30 0.3 5.2 .. 67 13 100 130 Gambia, The 82 95 77 53 72 46 0.1 1.2 0.1 40 14 67 8 Ghana 79 93 68 58 74 46 0.2 0.9 .. 32 5 100 5 Guinea 51 78 38 13 25 6 0.1 0.6 0.0 17 5 99 4 Guinea-Bissau 59 79 49 34 57 23 0.1 0.7 0.0 46 7 80 4 Kenya 62 89 46 48 56 43 0.1 1.1 .. 39 7 83 8 Lesotho 76 88 74 37 61 32 0.0 0.6 .. 80 10 18 25 Liberia 62 72 52 26 49 7 0.0 0.2 0.1 57 18 99 4 Madagascar 45 75 34 33 49 27 0.3 0.3 .. 63 9 92 5 Malawi 67 96 62 46 66 42 0.0 0.6 .. 35 9 43 5 Mali 48 76 35 45 59 38 0.1 0.5 0.0 57 9 89 9 Mauritania 56 63 45 42 64 9 0.1 0.6 .. 77 14 100 13 Mauritius 100 100 100 99 100 99 1.1 3.7 0.0 61 9 100 105 Mozambique 42 76 24 27 51 14 0.0 0.2 0.1 62 11 39 7 Namibia 80 98 72 30 66 14 0.3 3.1 .. 70 12 19 101 Niger 46 80 36 12 43 4 0.0 0.2 0.0 53 12 89 5 Nigeria 60 72 49 38 48 30 0.3 1.7 .. 26 3 91 6 Rwanda 73 92 69 41 56 38 0.0 0.4 0.0 44 7 42 3 São Tomé and Principe 79 89 73 24 32 20 0.5 1.6 0.3 84 11 100 29 Senegal 72 90 54 52 70 34 0.1 0.3 .. 42 9 95 12 Seychelles 87 100 75 .. .. 100 1.5 7.9 .. 73 10 63 382 Sierra Leone 57 75 46 39 53 30 0.0 0.4 .. 58 8 100 4 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 87 98 73 67 86 44 0.8 4.1 .. 39 10 17 114 Sudan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Swaziland 52 87 42 52 78 44 0.2 6.3 .. 57 11 42 61 Tanzania 73 92 62 46 54 41 0.0 0.4 .. 55 13 81 7 Togo 51 80 36 34 71 15 0.0 0.4 0.0 25 9 88 4 Uganda 56 87 52 41 53 39 0.1 0.6 0.1 30 11 53 5 Zambia 55 90 36 45 68 32 0.1 1.7 0.3 51 12 68 11 Zimbabwe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. NORTH AFRICA Algeria 87 92 80 92 99 82 1.1 2.2 0.0 81 10 95 71 Egypt, Arab Rep. 98 100 97 68 84 56 0.5 2.0 .. 43 8 93 24 Libya 72 72 68 97 97 96 1.3 3.6 .. 63 6 100 108 Morocco 80 99 56 61 83 31 0.5 0.8 .. 33 6 76 24 Tunisia 82 94 60 80 90 62 1.3 2.9 .. 46 7 83 63 a. Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus toxoid. b. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 80 Part III. Development outcomes HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Participating in growth elb 9.1 Ta Rural development Rural population Share of rural population with sustainable access (%) (%) Rural population Share of rural density households Share (rural population To transportation with own of total Annual per sq km of Rural population below To an improved To improved To (within 2 km of an telephone population growth arable land) the poverty line water source sanitation electricity all-season road) (%) 2004 2004 2004 Survey year Percentage 2004 2004 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 64 1.2 355 .. 45 26 6.1 .. 0.8 Angola 64 1.7 293 .. 40 16 .. .. .. Benin 55 1.8 166 .. 60 12 5.5 32 0.7 Botswana 48 ­1.1 228 .. 90 25 .. .. .. Burkina Faso 82 2.8 211 2003 52 44 5 0.2 25 0.3 Burundi 90 3.1 640 .. 78 35 0.4 .. .. Cameroon 48 0.2 129 2001 50 41 33 21.0 20 0.1 Cape Verde 43 0.4 464 .. 73 19 .. .. .. Central African Republic 57 0.4 117 .. 61 12 0.3 .. .. Chad 75 2.9 190 .. 32 0 0.1 5 .. Comoros 64 1.2 467 .. 96 15 19.6 .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 68 2.2 552 .. 29 23 .. 26 .. Congo, Rep. 46 2.0 354 .. 17 2 .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 55 0.7 294 .. 74 23 22.5 .. .. Djibouti 16 ­1.0 12,513 .. 67 27 .. .. Equatorial Guinea 51 0.4 192 .. 42 46 .. .. .. Eritrea 80 3.8 577 .. 54 3 2.1 .. 0.1 Ethiopia 84 1.6 523 2000 45 11 4 0.4 17 0.0 Gabon 16 ­3.1 67 .. 47 30 .. .. 1.1 Gambia, The 74 2.8 337 .. 77 46 .. .. .. Ghana 54 1.2 277 .. 68 46 20.9 .. 0.7 Guinea 64 1.0 533 .. 38 6 1.5 .. .. Guinea-Bissau 65 1.8 329 .. 49 23 .. .. .. Kenya 60 0.3 427 .. 46 43 4.3 .. 6.2 Lesotho 82 ­0.3 447 .. 74 32 .. .. .. Liberia 53 ­0.6 450 .. 52 7 .. .. .. Madagascar 73 2.5 438 .. 34 27 5.2 .. .. Malawi 83 1.7 421 .. 62 42 1.0 .. .. Mali 67 2.0 185 .. 35 38 2.2 .. 0.1 Mauritania 37 ­0.5 227 2000 61 45 9 2.5 .. 0.2 Mauritius 56 0.6 693 .. 100 99 .. .. .. Mozambique 63 0.1 282 .. 24 14 2.1 .. 0.1 Namibia 67 0.4 165 .. 72 14 .. .. .. Niger 77 2.7 70 .. 36 4 0.2 37 .. Nigeria 53 0.6 220 .. 49 30 27.9 47 1.9 Rwanda 80 ­0.6 595 .. 69 38 0.9 .. 0.1 São Tomé and Principe 62 2.2 1,162 .. 73 20 .. .. .. Senegal 50 0.9 228 .. 54 34 6.0 .. .. Seychelles 50 0.8 4,138 .. 75 100 .. .. .. Sierra Leone 60 3.0 550 2003 79 46 30 .. .. .. Somalia 65 2.5 480 .. 27 14 .. .. .. South Africa 43 ­1.8 134 .. 73 44 .. .. .. Sudan 60 0.3 125 .. 64 24 .. .. .. Swaziland 76 1.1 475 .. 42 44 .. .. .. Tanzania 64 0.3 596 2000­01 39 62 41 1.1 38 .. Togo 64 1.7 151 .. 36 15 2.4 .. .. Uganda 88 3.4 453 2003 42 52 39 2.4 .. 0.6 Zambia 64 1.2 137 .. 36 32 2.9 .. 0.4 Zimbabwe 65 ­0.1 260 .. 74 51 8.3 .. .. NORTH AFRICA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Algeria 41 0.2 174 .. 80 82 .. .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 58 1.9 1,409 .. 97 56 .. .. .. Libya 13 ­0.5 43 .. 68 96 .. .. .. Morocco 42 1.9 145 .. 56 31 .. .. .. Tunisia 36 0.0 128 .. 60 62 .. .. .. a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Part III. Development outcomes 81 Participating in growth elb 9.2 Ta Agriculture Food Crop Food Nonfood Livestock production production production production Cereal production per capita Agriculture index index index production index index Agricultural Agricultural value added (1999­ (1999­ (1999­ (thousands of (1999­ (1999­ exports imports (% of GDP) 2001=100) 2001=100) 2001=100) metric tons) 2001=100) 2001=100) ($ millions) ($ millions) 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 8.5 119 113 89 626 100 100 2 983 Benin 32.1 134 137 108 1,102 116 124 228 381 Botswana 2.3 113 104 91 45 102 100 52 155 Burkina Faso 30.8 130 115 183 3,063 110 103 314 152 Burundi 36.1 104 104 94 280 100 93 23 42 Cameroon 40.0 105 105 102 1,412 103 97 654 401 Cape Verde 6.8 85 92 100 4 102 85 0 113 Central African Republic 57.0 98 108 31 202 115 103 1 29 Chad 23.5 116 112 121 1,394 108 100 123 74 Comoros 36.2 106 105 103 21 96 93 26 34 Congo, Dem. Rep. 47.4 97 98 84 1,570 100 87 39 317 Congo, Rep. 6.0 106 109 102 9 121 98 40 261 Côte d'Ivoire 22.1 97 101 81 2,205 111 95 3,093 711 Djibouti .. 115 110 .. 0 109 102 11 163 Equatorial Guinea .. 94 93 100 .. 102 84 7 57 Eritrea 12.6 72 86 98 102 100 74 3 130 Ethiopia 41.4 111 112 114 9,280 116 102 380 423 Gabon 8.1 102 102 100 32 102 95 17 226 Gambia, The 30.0 66 69 180 162 103 62 22 163 Ghana 35.3 121 121 74 1,943 112 111 1,212 1,038 Guinea 24.3 110 114 71 1,142 115 107 51 216 Guinea-Bissau 63.4 110 110 115 193 109 98 62 41 Kenya 23.9 102 104 109 2,709 109 98 1,296 483 Lesotho 15.5 111 106 103 248 100 105 6 65 Liberia 54.9 99 97 110 110 110 82 96 118 Madagascar 26.2 109 108 100 3,391 104 96 118 90 Malawi 33.7 92 96 86 1,847 102 88 392 58 Mali 33.4 111 110 133 2,728 118 97 336 148 Mauritania 17.0 101 109 .. 153 110 97 18 345 Mauritius 5.4 104 106 92 0 114 102 407 408 Mozambique 21.2 107 104 129 1,813 101 97 124 342 Namibia 9.0 111 114 118 98 114 107 237 280 Niger 0.0 122 118 25 3,169 105 103 27 136 Nigeria 16.3 106 106 103 22,783 109 96 487 2,264 Rwanda 41.2 113 113 103 319 110 102 34 60 São Tomé and Principe 18.5 109 109 61 3 108 99 4 20 Senegal 17.0 77 82 230 1,200 101 74 182 847 Seychelles 2.6 94 92 95 .. 91 88 6 49 Sierra Leone 43.2 115 114 113 309 105 97 14 153 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 2.7 103 106 87 12,225 109 103 3,421 2,650 Sudan 33.2 110 108 129 3,792 107 99 395 638 Swaziland 6.5 101 106 44 71 111 102 269 71 Tanzania 42.3 107 106 137 4,458 110 98 481 406 Togo 41.2 111 104 137 787 109 95 131 98 Uganda 29.5 109 109 111 2,625 110 96 359 281 Zambia 18.8 108 108 73 1,364 99 103 201 97 Zimbabwe 14.2 66 86 56 1,227 99 85 846 465 NORTH AFRICA Algeria 8.6 128 117 104 3,994 105 109 55 4,050 Egypt, Arab Rep. .. 106 111 111 20,261 122 102 1,314 3,014 Libya .. 100 104 109 213 101 96 12 1,148 Morocco 15.2 149 132 98 8,591 100 124 964 2,058 Tunisia 11.9 102 102 96 2,155 99 97 974 1,181 a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 82 Part III. Development outcomes AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Fertilizer Agricultural Agricultural Permanent Land under cereal consumption machinery Agricultural productivity cropland production (hundred grams (tractors per employment (agriculture Cereal yield (thousands of (thousands of Irrigated land per hectare of 100 hectares of (% of total Incidence of value added per (kilograms per hectares) hectares) (% of cropland) arable land) arable land) employment) drought worker 2000 $) hectare) 2003 2004 2003 2002 2003 2000­03a 2005 2003 2005 290 1,388 2.2 0.0 0.3 .. No 175 597 267 968 0.4 187.6 0.0 .. No 610 1,147 3 188 0.3 122.0 1.6 12 Yes 412 241 60 3,085 0.5 3.6 0.0 .. No 164 941 365 211 1.5 25.8 0.0 .. Yes 101 1,329 1,200 881 0.4 58.6 0.0 .. No 1,215 1,727 3 26 6.1 47.8 0.0 .. No 1,666 156 94 185 0.1 3.1 0.0 .. No 423 1,042 30 1,807 0.8 48.6 0.0 .. No 199 671 52 16 .. 37.5 0.0 .. No 353 1,338 1,100 2,048 0.1 15.7 0.0 .. No 197 767 52 11 0.4 4.8 0.1 .. No 347 806 3,600 1,747 1.1 330.3 0.1 .. No 763 1,262 .. 0 .. 0.0 0.6 .. Yes 70 1,500 100 .. .. 0.0 0.1 .. No 654 .. 3 364 3.7 65.4 0.1 .. Yes 57 405 713 7,405 2.5 151.0 0.0 .. Yes 109 1,244 170 20 1.4 9.2 0.5 .. No 1,805 1,641 5 189 0.6 25.4 0.0 .. No 220 1,123 2,200 1,333 0.5 74.2 0.1 55 No 346 1,458 650 778 5.4 30.5 0.1 .. No 231 1,468 250 141 4.5 80.0 0.0 .. No 229 1,220 562 2,085 2.0 310.3 0.3 .. Yes 319 1,322 4 265 0.9 342.4 0.6 .. No 491 936 220 120 0.5 0.0 0.1 .. No .. 917 600 1,424 30.6 30.9 0.1 78 Yes 173 2,380 140 1,683 2.2 839.2 0.1 .. Yes 134 1,097 40 3,391 5.0 90.1 0.1 .. No 245 839 12 148 9.8 59.4 0.1 .. No 287 1,448 6 0 20.8 2,500.0 0.4 9 No 4,659 3,455 230 2,132 2.6 59.3 0.1 .. Yes 147 959 5 244 1.0 3.7 0.4 31 No 1,122 447 17 6,739 0.5 3.4 0.0 .. No 174 394 2,900 21,563 0.8 55.0 0.1 .. No 890 1,057 270 324 0.6 137.1 0.0 .. Yes 224 1,016 47 1 18.2 .. 1.6 .. No 226 2,455 47 1,081 4.8 136.1 0.0 .. No 254 975 6 .. .. 170.0 4.0 .. No 554 .. 75 253 4.7 5.6 0.0 .. No .. 1,223 26 .. 18.7 4.8 0.2 .. Yes .. .. 959 4,330 9.5 654.2 0.4 10 No 2,372 3,330 420 9,105 10.7 42.8 0.1 .. No 688 398 14 61 26.0 393.3 2.2 .. No 1,180 1,160 1,100 3,410 3.6 17.9 0.2 82 Yes 290 1,472 120 744 0.3 67.9 0.0 .. No 405 1,058 2,150 1,549 0.1 18.2 0.1 69 Yes 231 1,695 29 855 2.9 123.9 0.1 .. Yes 210 1,595 130 1,501 5.2 341.6 0.7 .. Yes 241 717 670 2,726 6.9 129.9 1.3 21 No 2,113 1,466 502 2,822 99.9 4,342.2 3.1 28 No 2,048 7,516 335 341 21.9 341.0 2.2 .. No .. 627 892 5,708 15.4 475.2 0.6 44 No 1,711 814 2,140 1,590 8.0 368.1 1.3 .. No 2,639 1,450 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Part III. Development outcomes 83 Participating in growth elb 10.1 Ta Labor Labor force Employment Agriculture Industry Services Participation rate Male Female Male Female Male Female (% ages 15­64) Total (% of male (% of female (% of male (% of female (% of male (% of female (millions) Male Female employment) employment) employment) employment) employment) employment) 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 298.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Angola 6.8 92 76 .. .. .. .. .. .. Benin 3.2 87 55 .. .. .. .. .. .. Botswana 0.6 69 47 16.8 5.9 31.1 17.4 51.4 75.6 Burkina Faso 5.6 90 80 .. .. .. .. .. .. Burundi 3.7 93 93 .. .. .. .. .. .. Cameroon 6.2 82 54 .. .. .. .. .. .. Cape Verde 0.2 79 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 1.8 89 71 .. .. .. .. .. .. Chad 3.6 77 66 .. .. .. .. .. .. Comoros 0.2 87 60 .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 22.3 91 63 .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Rep. 1.5 87 56 .. .. .. .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 6.7 89 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. Djibouti 0.3 84 55 .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea 1.7 94 52 .. .. .. .. .. .. Ethiopia 30.9 91 60 .. .. .. .. .. .. Gabon 0.6 91 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. Gambia, The 0.6 84 64 .. .. .. .. .. .. Ghana 9.6 87 60 59.8 50.3 13.5 14.5 26.5 35.6 Guinea 4.3 76 72 .. .. .. .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau 0.6 89 83 .. .. .. .. .. .. Kenya 15.1 93 63 .. .. .. .. .. .. Lesotho 0.6 90 71 .. .. .. .. .. .. Liberia 1.2 74 49 .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 8.3 84 56 76.7 79.3 7.4 6.0 16.0 14.6 Malawi 5.8 86 80 .. .. .. .. .. .. Mali 5.3 90 86 .. .. .. .. .. .. Mauritania 1.2 86 75 .. .. .. .. .. .. Mauritius 0.6 85 56 11.0 6.1 35.7 39.6 53.2 54.2 Mozambique 9.1 84 46 .. .. .. .. .. .. Namibia 0.6 32.8 29.1 17.2 6.7 49.4 63.3 Niger 5.7 83 85 .. .. .. .. .. .. Nigeria 46.7 65 49 .. .. .. .. .. .. Rwanda 4.1 96 73 .. .. .. .. .. .. São Tomé and Principe 0.0 86 47 .. .. .. .. .. .. Senegal 4.5 85 82 .. .. .. .. .. .. Seychelles .. 77 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 2.3 84 59 .. .. .. .. .. .. Somalia 3.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa 19.1 94 58 12.6 7.4 33.3 13.6 53.9 78.9 Sudan 10.3 95 61 .. .. .. .. .. .. Swaziland 0.3 82 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 18.9 73 24 80.2 84.0 4.0 1.2 15.7 14.8 Togo 2.4 75 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. Uganda 11.5 91 88 60.1 77.3 10.7 4.8 28.8 17.8 Zambia 4.9 90 52 .. .. .. .. .. .. Zimbabwe 5.7 88 81 .. .. .. .. .. .. NORTH AFRICA .. 91 68 .. .. .. .. .. .. Algeria 12.9 85 65 .. .. .. .. .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 22.3 .. .. 27.5 27.6 22.9 10.4 49.6 61.9 Libya 2.2 83 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 10.9 77 22 39.2 56.8 20.7 18.6 40.0 24.5 Tunisia 3.7 82 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. b. Components may not sum to 100 percent because of unclassified data. 84 Part III. Development outcomes LABOR, MIGRATION AND POPULATION , Employment Status in employmentb (%) Composition of self-employmentb (%) Wage and salaried Self-employed Contributing family workers Own-account Members of producer workers (employees) workers (unpaid workers) Employers workers cooperatives Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 1999­ 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a 2003a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82.7 83.2 81.9 15.9 15.3 16.8 1.3 1.4 1.2 3.6 4.2 2.9 12.3 11.2 13.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19.2 29.3 8.7 59.3 57.0 61.7 18.2 9.5 27.2 1.6 2.1 1.1 57.7 54.9 60.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13.8 23.0 6.1 68.8 66.0 70.5 17.2 10.7 23.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33.4 46.4 19.3 23.8 23.1 24.6 39.6 26.9 53.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15.0 17.8 12.0 43.7 51.6 35.4 40.6 29.7 51.9 2.1 2.5 1.7 41.6 49.2 33.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.8 6.8 4.5 10.2 8.3 12.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 81.8 82.4 81.1 17.4 17.1 17.7 0.8 0.5 1.1 15.1 14.8 15.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.9 9.8 4.0 89.3 87.2 91.4 3.8 3.0 4.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14.5 22.2 7.5 59.4 67.5 52.1 26.1 10.3 40.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 59.1 67.1 51.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37.7 51.0 23.1 50.4 38.6 63.2 11.9 10.4 13.6 0.5 0.6 0.3 49.9 38.0 62.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17.4 20.1 5.7 11.9 13.1 6.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.5 3.3 0.5 26.1 31.2 12.1 2.5 3.1 0.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. LABOR, MIGRATION AND POPULATION , Part III. Development outcomes 85 Participating in growth elb 10.2 Ta Migration and population International migration Population Stock Age composition Geographic Share Workers Population dynamics (%) distribution of remittances Growth Fertility rate Rural Urban population Net received Total rate (births Ages Ages Ages Dependency areas areas (%) Total migration ($ millions) (millions) (%) per woman) 0­14 15­64 65+ ratio (% of total) (% of total) 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04b 2004 2004 2004 2004 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2000­04a 2004 2004 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA .. .. .. 7,339 725.8 2.1 5.3 .. .. .. .. 63.6 36.4 Angola 0.3 46,108 ­120,090 .. 15.5 2.9 6.6 47 51 2 1.0 63.5 36.5 Benin 1.9 133,730 ­29,290 55 1.8 0.1 3.1 44 53 3 0.9 54.7 45.3 Botswana 3.2 55,890 ­7,000 55 8.2 3.2 5.7 38 59 3 0.7 48.0 52.0 Burkina Faso 5.1 572,829 ­120,590 50 12.8 3.2 6.5 47 50 3 1.0 81.8 18.2 Burundi 1.2 76,990 ­400,000 .. 7.3 3.4 6.8 46 52 3 0.9 89.7 10.3 Cameroon 1.0 147,573 ­250 11 16.0 1.8 4.8 42 55 4 0.8 47.8 52.2 Cape Verde 2.3 10,375 ­5,000 92 0.5 2.3 3.6 40 56 4 0.8 43.3 56.7 Central African Republic 1.9 71,612 11,290 .. 4.0 1.2 4.8 43 53 4 0.9 56.8 43.3 Chad 1.3 104,825 99,440 .. 9.4 3.4 6.4 47 50 3 1.0 74.6 25.4 Comoros 11.3 60,792 ­6,000 12 0.6 2.1 4.1 42 55 3 0.8 64.3 35.7 Congo, Dem. Rep. 1.4 717,082 ­1,410,320 .. 55.9 2.9 6.7 47 50 3 1.0 67.7 32.3 Congo, Rep. 6.4 220,493 41,550 1 3.9 3.0 6.3 47 50 3 1.0 46.0 54.0 Côte d'Ivoire 14.0 2,336,362 150,000 148 17.9 1.5 4.8 42 55 3 0.8 54.6 45.4 Djibouti 4.0 28,481 20,280 .. 0.8 1.8 4.9 42 55 3 0.8 15.9 84.1 Equatorial Guinea 1.0 4,517 0 .. 0.5 2.3 5.9 44 52 4 0.9 51.0 49.0 Eritrea 0.4 12,952 ­8,890 3 4.2 4.3 5.3 45 53 2 0.9 79.6 20.4 Ethiopia 1.0 662,444 ­76,910 133 70.0 1.9 5.4 45 52 3 0.9 84.1 15.9 Gabon 16.5 210,486 14,370 6 1.4 1.6 3.8 40 55 4 0.8 15.6 84.4 Gambia, The 14.1 185,116 45,000 8 1.5 2.7 4.5 40 56 4 0.8 73.8 26.1 Ghana 7.6 1,504,715 ­51,310 82 21.7 2.1 4.2 39 57 4 0.8 54.2 45.8 Guinea 8.7 735,231 ­227,000 42 9.2 2.2 5.8 44 53 4 0.9 64.3 35.7 Guinea-Bissau 1.4 19,233 ­10,700 23 1.5 3.0 7.1 47 50 3 1.0 65.2 34.8 Kenya 1.1 327,446 ­21,390 494 33.5 2.2 5.0 43 54 3 0.8 59.5 40.5 Lesotho 0.3 5,462 ­36,000 355 1.8 ­0.1 3.5 39 56 5 0.8 81.9 18.1 Liberia 5.2 159,586 555,110 .. 3.2 0.6 6.8 47 51 2 1.0 52.7 47.3 Madagascar 0.4 61,237 ­3,000 16 18.1 2.7 5.1 44 53 3 0.9 73.2 26.8 Malawi 2.4 280,096 ­50,000 1 12.6 2.2 5.9 47 50 3 1.0 83.3 16.7 Mali 0.4 48,093 ­283,900 154 13.1 3.0 6.8 48 49 3 1.0 67.0 33.0 Mauritania 2.4 62,514 9,900 2 3.0 3.0 5.7 43 54 3 0.9 37.0 63.0 Mauritius 1.3 15,539 ­2,000 215 1.2 1.0 2.0 25 69 7 0.5 56.5 43.5 Mozambique 2.0 366,694 75,000 58 19.4 1.9 5.4 44 53 3 0.9 63.2 36.8 Namibia 7.5 142,638 20,100 15 2.0 1.2 3.8 42 54 3 0.8 67.0 33.0 Niger 1.0 120,494 ­5,940 26 13.5 3.4 7.7 49 49 2 1.0 77.3 22.7 Nigeria 0.6 751,126 ­95,030 2,273 128.7 2.2 5.6 45 52 3 0.9 52.5 47.5 Rwanda 1.1 89,003 1,977,020 10 8.9 1.4 5.5 44 53 2 0.9 79.9 20.1 São Tomé and Principe 5.2 7,314 ­5,000 1 0.2 2.3 3.9 40 56 4 0.8 62.1 37.9 Senegal 2.9 297,216 ­100,000 511 11.4 2.4 4.8 43 54 3 0.9 49.7 50.3 Seychelles 5.6 4,527 .. 2 0.1 1.0 2.1 .. .. .. .. 49.9 50.1 Sierra Leone 1.0 46,662 ­110,120 25 5.3 4.2 6.5 43 54 3 0.9 60.5 39.5 Somalia 0.3 21,937 ­214,310 .. 8.0 3.3 6.3 44 53 3 0.9 64.6 35.4 South Africa 2.3 1,022,374 364,290 521 45.5 ­0.7 2.7 33 63 4 0.6 42.6 57.4 Sudan 2.6 853,867 ­206,850 1,403 35.5 1.9 4.2 40 57 4 0.8 60.2 39.8 Swaziland 4.0 41,504 ­12,000 89 1.1 1.3 4.0 42 55 3 0.8 76.3 23.7 Tanzania 2.6 892,553 ­205,880 11 37.6 1.9 4.8 43 54 3 0.9 63.5 36.5 Togo 3.3 176,117 127,710 149 6.0 2.6 5.1 44 53 3 0.9 64.3 35.8 Uganda 2.2 528,562 ­66,000 306 27.8 3.5 7.1 50 47 2 1.1 87.7 12.4 Zambia 3.3 357,469 86,210 .. 11.5 1.6 5.5 46 51 3 1.0 63.8 36.2 Zimbabwe 5.2 655,671 ­125,000 .. 12.9 0.6 3.4 40 56 4 0.8 64.6 35.4 NORTH AFRICA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Algeria 0.8 250,110 ­184,880 2,460 32.4 1.5 2.5 30 65 5 0.5 40.6 59.4 Egypt, Arab Rep. 0.3 169,147 ­500,000 3,341 72.6 1.9 3.2 34 61 5 0.6 57.8 42.2 Libya 10.5 558,770 10,000 10 5.7 2.0 2.9 30 66 4 0.5 13.4 86.6 Morocco 0.4 116,715 ­300,000 4,221 29.8 3.4 2.5 31 64 5 0.6 41.9 58.1 Tunisia 0.4 37,901 ­20,000 1,432 9.9 0.9 2.0 27 67 6 0.5 35.9 64.1 a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. b. Data are five-year estimates. 86 Part III. Development outcomes LABOR, MIGRATION AND POPULATION , Participating in growth elb 11.1 Ta HIV/AIDS Estimated number of people living with HIV/AIDS Estimated prevalence rate (thousands) (%) Deaths due AIDS orphans Adults Women Children Adults Young women Young men to HIV/AIDS (ages 0­17, Total (ages 15­49) (ages 15­49) (ages 0­14) (ages 15­49) (ages 15­24) (ages 15­24) (thousands) thousands) 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 24,500 22,400 13,200 2,000 6.1 4.3 1.5 2,000 12,000 excluding South Africa 19,000 17,100 10,100 1,760 .. .. .. 1,680 10,800 excl. S. Africa & Nigeria 16,100 14,500 8,500 1,520 .. .. .. 1,460 9,870 Angola 320 280 170 35 3.7 2.5 0.9 30 160 Benin 87 77 45 10 1.8 1.1 0.4 10 62 Botswana 270 260 140 14 24.1 15.3 5.7 18 120 Burkina Faso 150 140 80 17 2.0 1.4 0.5 12 120 Burundi 150 130 79 20 3.3 2.3 0.8 13 120 Cameroon 510 470 290 43 5.4 4.9 1.4 46 240 Cape Verde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 250 230 130 24 10.7 7.3 2.5 24 140 Chad 180 160 90 16 3.5 2.2 0.9 11 57 Comoros <0.5 <0.5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 1,000 890 520 120 3.2 2.2 0.8 90 680 Congo, Rep. 120 100 61 15 5.3 3.7 1.2 11 110 Côte d'Ivoire 750 680 400 74 7.1 5.1 1.7 65 450 Djibouti 15 14 8 1 3.1 2.1 0.7 1 6 Equatorial Guinea 9 8 5 <1 3.2 2.3 0.7 <1 5 Eritrea 59 53 31 7 2.4 1.6 0.6 6 36 Ethiopia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Gabon 60 56 33 4 7.9 5.4 1.8 5 20 Gambia, The 20 19 11 1 2.4 1.7 0.6 1 4 Ghana 320 300 180 25 2.3 1.3 0.2 29 170 Guinea 85 78 53 7 1.5 1.4 0.5 7 28 Guinea-Bissau 32 29 17 3 3.8 2.5 0.9 3 11 Kenya 1,300 1,200 740 150 6.1 5.2 1.0 140 1,100 Lesotho 270 250 150 18 23.2 14.1 5.9 23 97 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 49 47 13 2 0.5 0.3 0.6 3 13 Malawi 940 850 500 91 14.1 9.6 3.4 78 550 Mali 130 110 66 16 1.7 1.2 0.4 11 94 Mauritania 12 11 6 1 0.7 0.5 0.2 <1 7 Mauritius 4 4 <1 .. 0.6 .. .. <0.1 .. Mozambique 1,800 1,600 960 140 16.1 10.7 3.6 140 510 Namibia 230 210 130 17 19.6 13.4 4.4 17 85 Niger 79 71 42 9 1.1 0.8 0.2 8 46 Nigeria 2,900 2,600 1,600 240 3.9 2.7 0.9 220 930 Rwanda 190 160 91 27 3.1 1.9 0.8 21 210 São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Senegal 61 56 33 5 0.9 0.6 0.2 5 25 Seychelles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 48 43 26 5 1.6 1.1 0.4 5 31 Somalia 44 40 23 5 0.9 0.6 0.2 4 23 South Africa 5,500 5,300 3,100 240 18.8 14.8 4.5 320 1,200 Sudan 350 320 180 30 1.6 .. .. 34 .. Swaziland 220 210 120 15 33.4 22.7 7.7 16 63 Tanzania 1,400 1,300 710 110 6.5 3.8 2.8 140 1,100 Togo 110 100 61 10 3.2 2.2 0.8 9 88 Uganda 1,000 900 520 110 6.7 5.0 2.3 91 1,000 Zambia 1,100 1,000 570 130 17.0 12.7 3.8 98 710 Zimbabwe 1,700 1,500 890 160 20.1 14.7 4.4 180 1,100 NORTH AFRICA 440 400 190 31 0.22 0.20 0.10 37 Algeria 19 19 4 .. 0.1 .. .. <0.5 .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 5 5 <1 .. <0.1 .. .. <0.5 .. Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 19 19 4 .. 0.1 .. .. 1 .. Tunisia 9 9 2 .. 0.1 .. .. <0.1 .. ALL AFRICA 24,940 22,800 13,390 2,031 .. .. .. 2,037 12,000 HIV/AIDS Part III. Development outcomes 87 Participating in growth elb 12.1 Ta Malaria Children Children with fever receiving Pregnant women sleeping under antimalarial drugs receiving two doses Deaths due insecticide- (% of children under of intermittent Risk of malaria to malaria Under-five treated bednets age 5 with fever) preventive Population (% of population) (per 100,000 mortality rate (% of children Any antimalarial Effective treatment (millions) Endemic Epidemic Negligible people) (per 1,000) under age 5) drugs antimalarial drugs (%) 1997­2004a 1997­2004a 1997­2004a 1997­2004a 1997­2004a 1997­2004a 2000­04a 1997­2004a 1997­2004a 1997­2004a SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola 15.5 90 8 1 354 260 2.3 63 20 .. Benin 8.2 100 0 0 177 152 7.4 60 19 .. Botswana 1.8 .. .. .. .. 116 .. .. .. .. Burkina Faso 12.8 100 0 0 292 192 1.6 50 45 .. Burundi 7.3 68 17 15 .. 190 1.3 .. .. .. Cameroon 16.0 94 4 2 .. 149 0.9 .. .. .. Cape Verde 0.5 .. .. .. .. 36 .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 4.0 100 0 0 .. 193 1.5 .. .. .. Chad 9.4 96 4 0 .. 200 0.6 .. .. .. Comoros 0.6 .. .. .. .. 70 9.3 .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 55.9 92 3 6 224 205 0.7 45 .. .. Congo, Rep. 3.9 100 0 0 .. 108 .. .. .. .. Côte d'Ivoire 17.9 100 0 0 .. 194 1.1 .. .. .. Djibouti 0.8 .. .. .. .. 126 .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea 0.5 98 1 1 .. 204 0.7 .. .. .. Eritrea 4.2 92 7 1 74 82 4.2 4 7 .. Ethiopia 70.0 40 24 36 198 166 .. 3 .. .. Gabon 1.4 96 0 4 .. 91 .. .. .. .. Gambia, The 1.5 100 0 0 .. 122 14.7 .. .. .. Ghana 21.7 100 0 0 70 112 3.5 63 44 1 Guinea 9.2 100 0 0 .. 155 .. .. .. .. Guinea-Bissau 1.5 100 0 0 .. 203 7.4 .. .. .. Kenya 33.5 53 24 22 63 120 4.6 27 11 4 Lesotho 1.8 .. .. .. .. 112 .. .. .. .. Liberia 3.2 100 0 0 201 235 .. .. .. .. Madagascar 18.1 89 7 4 .. 123 0.2 .. .. .. Malawi 12.6 97 3 1 275 175 35.5 27 .. 47 Mali 13.1 99 1 0 454 219 .. 38 .. .. Mauritania 3.0 65 35 0 .. 125 2.1 .. .. .. Mauritius 1.2 .. .. .. .. 15 .. .. .. .. Mozambique 19.4 100 0 0 232 152 .. .. .. .. Namibia 2.0 .. .. .. .. 63 .. .. .. .. Niger 13.5 97 3 0 469 259 1.0 48 .. .. Nigeria 128.7 100 0 0 141 197 1.2 34 25 1 Rwanda 8.9 53 14 33 200 203 5.0 13 .. .. São Tomé and Principe 0.2 0 0 100 .. 118 22.8 .. .. .. Senegal 11.4 100 0 0 72 137 1.7 36 .. .. Seychelles 0.1 .. .. .. .. 14 .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 5.3 100 0 0 .. 283 1.5 .. .. .. Somalia 8.0 20 79 1 .. 225 .. .. .. .. South Africa 45.5 .. .. .. .. 67 .. .. .. .. Sudan 35.5 74 25 1 70 91 .. 61 .. .. Swaziland 1.1 .. .. .. .. 156 0.1 .. .. .. Tanzania 37.6 93 3 4 130 126 2.1 53 11 .. Togo 6.0 100 0 0 .. 140 2.0 .. .. .. Uganda 27.8 90 3 7 152 138 0.2 .. 7 33 Zambia 11.5 96 3 1 141 182 6.5 52 50 .. Zimbabwe 12.9 .. .. .. .. 129 .. .. .. .. NORTH AFRICA Algeria 32.4 .. .. .. .. 40 .. .. .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 72.6 .. .. .. .. 36 .. .. .. .. Libya 5.7 .. .. .. .. 20 .. .. .. .. Morocco 29.8 .. .. .. .. 43 .. .. .. .. Tunisia 9.9 .. .. .. .. 25 .. .. .. .. a. Data are for most recent year available during the period specified. 88 Part III. Development outcomes MALARIA Capable states and partnership elb 13.1 Ta Aid and debt relief Net aid Net aid Estimated total (2003 $ millions) Aid (%) nominal debt Heavily Indebted service relief Share of Share of Share of Poor Country (HIPC) committed From Share of Per gross imports of central Debt Initiative under Enhanced From all From DAC multilateral GDP capita capital goods and government HIPC Initiative donors donors donors (%) ($) formation services expenditure Decision point Completion point ($ millions) 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 as of Mar. 2006 as of Mar. 2006 as of Mar. 2006 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA 21,740 13,961 8,446 4.5 32.9 23.9 17.8 .. 50,282 Angola 1,036 919 131 5.8 73.9 63.5 18.0 15.8 Benin 343 191 168 9.3 46.2 51.2 47.9 46.5 Jul. 2000 Mar.2003 460 Botswana 343 191 168 0.4 22.1 51.2 47.9 46.5 Burkina Faso 553 299 278 12.6 47.6 66.2 77.0 55.9 Jul. 2000 Apr. 2002 930 Burundi 320 169 166 52.8 48.2 386.6 245.6 132.6 Jul. 2005 Floating 1,472 Cameroon 688 515 189 4.8 47.5 25.5 28.9 30.1 Oct. 2000 Floating 2,800 Cape Verde 126 82 49 14.7 282.4 72.3 35.8 49.4 Central African Republic 95 50 50 8.0 26.2 45.6 105.4 58.9 Chad 292 149 154 7.4 33.8 29.7 43.2 50.4 May 2001 Floating 260 Comoros 22 12 11 6.6 41.7 65.1 37.6 33.7 Congo, Dem. Rep. 1,645 1,053 650 27.4 32.5 213.7 88.3 178.1 Jul. 2003 Floating 10,389 Congo, Rep. 105 42 68 2.7 29.9 11.0 11.0 9.3 Mar. 2006 2,881 Côte d'Ivoire 138 177 ­43 1.0 8.6 9.2 3.8 4.9 .. Djibouti 59 36 27 .. 82.3 .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea 26 20 7 0.9 60.3 .. .. .. Eritrea 242 168 86 28.0 61.3 122.6 56.4 34.9 Ethiopia 1,682 952 760 22.6 26.1 88.2 70.5 74.7 Nov. 2001 Apr. 2004 3,275 Gabon 34 21 14 0.5 27.7 2.1 3.4 2.4 Gambia, The 58 11 51 15.7 42.5 55.8 26.7 50.3 Dec. 2000 Floating 90 Ghana 1,234 812 451 15.7 62.7 65.1 .. 57.7 Feb. 2002 Jul. 2004 3,500 Guinea 256 165 101 7.4 30.3 68.6 39.4 42.5 Dec. 2000 Floating 800 Guinea-Bissau 69 26 48 28.2 49.5 213.9 78.9 57.1 Dec. 2000 Floating 790 Kenya 586 436 166 3.9 19.0 21.6 14.7 17.1 Lesotho 93 31 68 7.5 56.8 18.2 8.3 17.9 Liberia 197 153 48 42.8 65.0 346.8 78.5 307.5 Madagascar 1,119 616 552 28.3 68.2 116.6 85.6 112.9 Dec. 2000 Oct. 2004 1,900 Malawi 432 280 166 25.0 37.8 163.8 55.0 57.0 Dec. 2000 Floating 1,000 Mali 516 299 241 11.6 43.2 61.1 49.6 51.4 Sep. 2000 Mar.2003 895 Mauritania 163 75 96 11.7 60.3 54.5 19.4 36.8 Feb. 2000 Jun. 2002 1,100 Mauritius 34 13 25 0.6 30.7 2.6 1.6 2.4 Mozambique 1,117 661 497 20.8 63.2 100.6 60.4 84.3 Apr. 2000 Sep. 2001 4,300 Namibia 164 119 34 3.1 89.1 12.3 8.5 9.1 Niger 485 276 230 17.6 39.7 111.2 96.0 89.2 Dec. 2000 Apr. 2004 1,190 Nigeria 525 289 260 0.8 4.5 3.6 3.0 2.2 Rwanda 426 198 250 25.5 52.6 124.5 169.4 97.7 Dec. 2000 Apr. 2005 1,400 São Tomé and Principe 30 20 12 58.5 218.5 169.5 91.8 65.5 Dec. 2000 Floating 200 Senegal 953 682 296 13.5 92.4 57.9 42.4 55.2 Jun. 2000 Apr. 2004 850 Seychelles 9 6 3 1.5 123.6 10.0 2.5 2.9 Sierra Leone 326 147 196 33.2 67.4 316.8 .. 128.4 Mar. 2002 Floating 950 Somalia 174 127 51 .. 24.0 .. .. .. South Africa 560 420 156 0.3 13.6 1.6 1.3 1.1 Sudan 821 696 112 4.1 24.8 18.2 33.5 22.3 Swaziland 105 95 12 4.6 104.1 26.6 6.1 14.3 Tanzania 1,583 929 714 15.4 46.4 83.8 73.8 75.7 Apr. 2000 Nov. 2001 3,000 Togo 55 47 9 3.0 10.3 16.5 7.3 20.4 Uganda 1,062 627 475 17.0 41.7 75.5 87.7 72.6 Feb. 2000 May. 2000 1,950 Zambia 974 669 333 19.9 94.2 76.8 62.6 74.7 Dec. 2000 Apr. 2005 3,900 Zimbabwe 169 150 21 4.0 14.4 31.0 9.4 9.7 NORTH AFRICA 2,578 1,887 677 1.2 19.4 12.5 9.1 .. Algeria 279 209 78 0.4 9.7 .. .. .. Egypt, Arab Rep. 1,368 1,115 261 1.9 20.1 .. .. .. Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco 636 354 242 1.3 23.7 5.6 4.3 4.7 Tunisia 295 208 96 1.1 33.0 4.7 2.7 4.4 CAPABLE STATES AND PARTNERSHIP Part III. Development outcomes 89 Capable states and partnership elb 13.2 Ta Capable states Investment climate Enforcing contracts Protecting investorsa Public financial (viewed by firms as management major constraint, %) Time Director Shareholder Investor (number of HIPC Number of required Cost Disclosure liability suits protection benchmarks met) Courts Crime procedures (days) (% of debt) index index index indexb as of Mar 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 SUB­SAHARAN AFRICA Angola .. .. .. 47 1,011 11.2 5 6 6 5.7 Benin 8 .. .. 49 570 29.6 5 8 4 5.7 Botswana .. .. .. 26 154 24.8 8 2 3 4.3 Burkina Faso 9 .. .. 41 446 95.4 6 5 3 4.7 Burundi .. .. .. 47 433 32.5 1 .. .. .. Cameroon 7 .. .. 58 585 36.4 8 3 6 5.7 Cape Verde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic .. .. .. 45 660 72.2 .. .. .. .. Chad 7 .. .. 52 526 54.9 3 6 5 4.7 Comoros .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. 3 .. .. 51 909 256.8 3 4 5 4.0 Congo, Rep. .. .. .. 47 560 43.0 4 5 6 5.0 Côte d'Ivoire .. .. .. 25 525 47.6 6 5 3 4.7 Djibouti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eritrea .. .. 1.3 27 385 19.9 4 5 5 4.7 Ethiopia 7 .. 9.5 30 420 14.8 1 4 3 2.7 Gabon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Gambia, The 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ghana 7 .. .. 23 200 14.4 7 7 4 6.0 Guinea 5 .. .. 44 306 27.6 5 6 3 4.7 Guinea-Bissau 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Kenya .. .. 69.8 25 360 41.3 4 2 10 5.3 Lesotho .. .. .. 49 285 23.9 2 2 8 4.0 Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Madagascar 4 34.8 37.7 29 280 22.8 5 6 6 5.7 Malawi 5 .. .. 16 277 136.5 4 7 5 5.3 Mali 11 16.9 22.1 28 340 34.6 6 5 3 4.7 Mauritania .. .. .. 28 410 29.3 .. .. .. .. Mauritius .. .. .. 17 367 8.6 6 8 9 7.7 Mozambique 4 .. .. 38 580 16.0 2 .. .. .. Namibia .. .. .. 31 270 28.3 8 5 7 6.7 Niger 5 .. .. 33 330 42.0 6 5 3 4.7 Nigeria .. .. 36.3 23 730 37.2 6 7 4 5.7 Rwanda 8 .. .. 27 310 43.2 .. .. .. .. São Tomé and Principe 4 .. .. 67 405 69.5 6 1 6 4.3 Senegal 7 13.3 15.4 33 485 23.8 7 1 3 3.7 Seychelles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sierra Leone 7 .. .. 58 305 31.0 3 6 5 4.7 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. South Africa .. 8.8 29.0 26 277 11.5 8 8 8 8.0 Sudan .. .. .. 67 915 30.0 .. .. .. .. Swaziland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 11 20.0 25.5 21 242 35.3 3 3 .. 2.0 Togo .. .. .. 37 535 24.3 4 3 5 4.0 Uganda 8 26.8 15 209 22.3 7 4 4 5.0 Zambia 3 38.6 48.8 16 274 28.7 10 4 8 7.3 Zimbabwe .. .. .. 33 350 19.1 8 1 4 4.3 NORTH AFRICA Algeria .. .. .. 49 407 28.7 8 5 1 4.7 Egypt, Arab Rep. .. 27.4 .. 55 410 18.4 5 2 5 4.0 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morocco .. .. .. 17 240 17.7 6 5 1 4.0 Tunisia .. .. .. 14 27 12.0 0 3 6 3.0 a. Indexes run from 0 least desirable to 10 most desirable. b. Average of the disclosure, director liability, and shareholder suits indexes. 90 Part III. Development outcomes CAPABLE STATES AND PARTNERSHIP Regulation and tax administration Time to prepare Extractive Industries Corruption Perceptions Index Number of and pay taxes Total tax payable Transparency Initiative transparency indexa tax payments (hours) (% of gross profits) implementing or endorsed (mean score) 2005 2005 2005 since 2003 2005 30 656 32.5 Endorsed 2.0 75 270 53.1 .. 2.9 24 140 52.9 .. 5.9 40 270 48.3 .. 3.4 41 140 173.5 .. 2.3 51 1,300 47.6 Endorsed 2.2 .. .. .. .. 3.4 66 504 60.9 .. 2.4 65 122 51.3 Endorsed 1.7 .. .. .. .. 2.6 34 312 134.7 Endorsed 2.1 94 576 66.9 Implementing 2.3 71 270 46.9 .. 1.9 .. .. .. .. 2.6 .. .. .. Endorsed 1.9 18 216 66.3 .. 2.6 20 52 43.6 .. 2.2 .. .. .. Endorsed 2.9 .. .. .. .. 2.7 35 304 45.3 Implementing 3.5 55 416 51.2 Endorsed 1.7 .. .. .. .. 4.4 17 372 68.2 .. 2.1 19 564 37.7 .. 3.4 .. .. .. .. 2.2 29 400 58.9 .. 2.8 33 782 56.5 .. 2.8 60 270 44.0 .. 2.9 61 696 75.8 Endorsed 4.9 7 158 38.2 .. 4.2 35 230 50.9 .. 2.8 23 50 43.9 .. 4.3 44 270 49.4 Endorsed 2.4 36 1,120 27.1 Implementing 1.9 42 168 53.9 .. 3.1 29 1,008 27.4 Implementing 2.6 59 696 45.0 .. 3.2 .. .. .. .. 4.0 20 399 163.9 Endorsed 2.4 .. .. .. .. 2.1 32 350 43.8 .. 4.5 .. .. .. .. 2.1 .. .. .. .. 2.7 48 248 51.3 .. 2.9 51 270 50.9 .. 2.7 31 237 42.9 .. 2.5 36 132 38.6 .. 2.6 59 216 48.6 .. 2.6 63 504 58.5 .. 2.8 39 504 32.1 .. 3.4 .. .. .. .. 2.5 28 690 54.8 .. 3.2 31 112 52.7 .. 4.9 CAPABLESTATES AND PARTNERSHIP Part III. Development outcomes 91 Capable states and partnership elb 13.3 Ta Governance and anticorruption indicators Composite aggregate indicator Bottom quintile 2nd quintile 3rd quintile 4th quintile Top quintile Voice and accountability <­1.09 ­1.04 to ­0.34 0.14 to 0.39 0.47 to 0.94 Burundi, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Comoros, Botswana, Cape Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Congo, Rep., Verde, Mauritius, Central African Djibouti, Egypt, Ghana, Lesotho, Namibia, São Republic, Chad, Gabon, Gambia, Madagascar, Mali, Tomé and Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Principe, South Congo, Dem. Rep., Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Senegal, Africa Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, Seychelles Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sierra Guinea, Liberia, Leone, Tanzania, Mauritania, Uganda, Zambia Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Tunisia, Zimbabwe Political stability <­0.91 ­1.04 to ­0.34 ­0.21 to 0.38 0.46 to 0.91 Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burkina Comoros, Botswana, Cape Burundi, Central Faso, Cameroon, Eritrea, Gabon, Verde, Mauritius, African Republic, Djibouti, Gambia, Ghana, Namibia, Senegal Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Libya, Dem. Rep., Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Congo, Rep., Côte Malawi, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Guinea, Kenya, South Africa, São Tomé and Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Togo Principe, Senegal, Rwanda, Somalia, Swaziland, Sudan, Uganda, Tunisia, Zambia Zimbabwe Government effectiveness ­0.87 ­0.84 to ­0.39 ­0.37 to ­0.03 0.22 to 0.83 Angola, Burundi, Algeria, Benin, Cape Verde, Botswana, Central African Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Mauritania, Republic, Chad, Cameroon, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritius, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, Gabon, Morocco, Namibia, South Dem. Rep., Gambia, Senegal, Africa Congo, Rep., Kenya, Libya, Seychelles, Côte d'Ivoire, Madagascar, Tanzania, Tunisia Equatorial Guinea, Malawi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Guinea, Guinea- Rwanda, Bissau, Liberia, Swaziland, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, São Tomé and Zimbwabwe Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo Note: Within each quintile, countries are listed in alphabetical order. 92 Part III. Development outcomes CAPABLE STATES AND PARTNERSHIP Composite aggregate indicator Bottom quintile 2nd quintile 3rd quintile 4th quintile Top quintile Regulatory quality <­0.83 ­0.78 to ­0.36 0.31 to 0.10 0.27 to 0.96 Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Cape Burundi, Central Djibouti, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Verde, Mauritius, African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Madagascar, Namibia, South Chad, Comoros, Gabon, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Africa Congo, Dem. Lesotho, Malawi, Morocco, Rep., Congo, Rep., Niger, Rwanda, Mozambique, Côte d'Ivoire, São Tomé Senegal, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Principe, Uganda Guinea, Guinea- Swaziland, Bissau, Liberia, Tanzania, Libya, Nigeria, Togo, Zambia, Seychelles, Sierra Zimbwabwe Leone, Somalia, Sudan Rule of law <­0.95 ­0.92 to ­0.49 ­0.47 to 0.26 0.32 to 0.84 Angola, Burundi, Algeria, Burkina Benin, Cape Botswana, Cameroon, Central Faso, Djibouti, Verde, Egypt, Mauritius, South African Republic, Eritrea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Africa Chad, Comoros, Libya, Mauritania, Madagascar, Congo, Dem. Rep., Niger, Rwanda, Malawi, Mali, Congo, Rep., Côte São Tomé Morocco, d'Ivoire, Equatorial and Principe, Namibia, Senegal, Guinea, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Seychelles, Guinea, Guinea- Uganda, Zambia Tunisia Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Zimbabwe Control of corruption <­0.88 ­0.87 to ­0.52 ­0.49 to 0.02 0.18 to 0.48 >0.80 Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Algeria, Benin, Cape Verde, Botswana Cameroon, Central Eritrea, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Mauritius, African Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Egypt, Ghana, Namibia, South Chad, Comoros, Guinea, Guinea- Lesotho, Africa, Tunisia Congo, Dem. Rep., Bissau, Liberia, Madagascar, Congo, Rep., Côte Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Mozambique, Morocco, Equatorial Guinea, Niger, São Tomé Rwanda, Senegal, Kenya, Libya, and Principe, Seychelles Nigeria, Sierra Tanzania, Leone, Somalia, Uganda, Zambia Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Zimbabwe CAPABLESTATES AND PARTNERSHIP Part III. Development outcomes93 Capable states and partnership elb 13.4 Country Policy and Institutional Ta Assessment ratings, 2005 Criterion Cluster indicators <2.6 2.6 to 2.9 3.0 to 3.2 3.3 to 3.5 >3.5 Overall rating Economic Central African Angola, Chad, Burundi, Djibouti, Cameroon, Benin, Burkina management, Republic, Congo, Dem. Gambia, Guinea, Ethiopia, Faso, Cape structural Comoros, Côte Rep., Congo, Mauritania, Lesotho, Verde, Ghana policies, policies d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Rep., Guinea- Nigeria, São Madagascar, Kenya, Mali, for social Togo, Zimbabwe Bissau, Sudan Tomé and Malawi, Senegal, inclusion and Principe, Sierra Mozambique, Tanzania, equity, and Leone Niger, Rwanda, Uganda public sector Zambia management and institutions Economic Macroeconomic Angola, Central Guinea, Congo, Dem. Burundi, Benin, Burkina management management, African Republic, Mauritania, Rep., Congo, Cameroon, Chad, Faso, Cape fiscal policy, and Côte d'Ivoire, São Tomé and Rep., Djibouti, Madagascar, Verde, Ethiopia, debt policy Eritrea, Guinea- Principe, Sudan Gambia, Malawi Niger, Rwanda, Ghana, Kenya, Bissau, Togo, Zambia Lesotho, Mali, Zimbabwe Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda Structual Trade, financial Comoros, Eritrea, Angola, Burundi, Chad, Congo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cape policies sector and Zimbabwe Central African Dem. Rep., Côte Cameroon, Verde, Ghana, business Republic, Congo, d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Gambia, Kenya, regulatory Rep., Nigeria, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Lesotho, Madagascar, environment Sudan Mozambique, Malawi, Mali, Senegal, São Tomé and Mauritania, Tanzania, Principe, Sierra Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda Leone, Togo Zambia Policies for Gender equality, Cape Verde, Côte Angola, Chad, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, social inclusion equity of public d'Ivoire, Sudan, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Lesotho, Malawi, Cape Verde, and equity resource use, Zimbabwe Dem. Rep., Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Ghana, building human Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Niger, Mozambique, Madagascar, resources, São Tomé and Nigeria Senegal, Zambia Rwanda, social protection Principe, Sierra Tanzania, and labor, and Leone, Togo Uganda policies and institutions for environmental sustainability Public sector Property rights Central African Burundi, Cameroon, Benin, Kenya, Burkina Faso, management and rule-based Republic, Chad, Congo, Rep., Ethiopia, Lesotho, Cape Verde, and institutions governance, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Mozambique, Madagascar, Ghana, Mali, quality of Dem. Rep., Côte Gambia, Guinea, Nigeria, São Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, budgetary d'Ivoire, Sudan, Guinea-Bissau, Tomé and Uganda Tanzania and financial Togo, Zimbabwe Mauritania, Principe, Zambia management, Nigeria, Sierra quality of public Leone administration and transparency accountability and corruption in public sector Note: Within each range of ratings, countries are listed in alphabetical order. Only members of the International Development Association are included. Ratings for each indicator are averaged to calculate the rating for each cluster; the ratings for each cluster are averaged to calculate the overall rating. 94 Part III. Development outcomes CAPABLE STATES AND PARTNERSHIP elb 14.1 Ta Burkina Faso household survey, 2003 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 8,494 5,894 618 853 1,020 1,278 2,125 2,600 253 326 387 573 1,061 Total population (thousands) 11,385 9,317 1,387 1,672 1,804 1,947 2,506 2,068 319 349 390 458 554 Age dependency ratio 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Average household size 6.4 6.6 9.8 8.4 7.5 6.5 4.7 5.6 8.4 7.4 6.8 5.5 3.9 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 4 3 0 1 1 2 5 10 1 3 4 5 21 Polygamous male 60 59 44 50 57 60 68 63 60 59 67 68 62 Single male 29 33 53 44 37 33 21 13 24 25 18 12 5 De facto female 0 0 0 0 .. .. 0 0 .. .. .. .. 0 De jure female 7 5 3 4 4 5 6 13 14 13 12 14 12 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (CFA francs) 75,614 65,140 36,960 46,013 58,598 71,470 112,679 129,090 55,311 81,398 106,453 146,524 256,278 Mean monthly share on food (%) 58 65 72 70 69 65 57 42 54 51 48 44 34 Mean monthly share on health (%) 5 5 2 3 3 3 9 6 3 2 6 7 8 Mean monthly share on education (%) 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 8 4 8 8 7 8 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) 63 55 56 58 58 54 53 91 87 86 89 93 93 Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 93 91 87 90 92 91 93 96 95 95 94 97 97 Male 93 91 88 90 94 90 93 96 95 93 96 96 98 Female 92 91 84 90 90 92 94 95 94 97 93 97 95 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 34 21 16 20 17 23 27 48 24 36 42 52 68 Male 32 21 19 18 14 26 29 47 26 34 41 51 70 Female 36 21 9 24 24 19 23 48 23 38 43 53 66 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) Adult literacy rate (%) Total 22 13 9 11 10 12 17 56 34 43 49 57 76 Male 29 19 14 18 17 17 23 66 44 54 58 67 83 Female 15 7 4 5 5 7 11 47 25 33 39 49 69 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 31 19 15 20 19 18 20 71 53 70 70 74 80 Male 38 26 22 26 26 24 28 78 58 76 75 83 90 Female 25 13 8 13 12 13 14 65 47 62 63 67 72 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) 65 57 56 55 55 57 59 95 91 89 94 95 97 Morbidity (% of population) 6 6 3 4 6 6 8 7 5 4 6 7 10 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 64 62 44 49 56 65 71 71 55 54 72 77 77 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 70 72 57 62 67 70 79 62 66 67 57 64 61 Private, modern medicine 7 2 1 4 2 2 2 25 8 13 27 25 31 Private, traditional healers 17 20 39 28 25 18 14 8 22 14 12 6 3 Missionary or nongovernmental organization .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff 52 43 32 42 43 46 50 94 86 94 93 96 98 Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) 43 46 45 46 47 44 47 33 34 29 36 36 31 Wasting (6­59 months) 31 32 35 32 33 32 30 28 24 33 33 28 24 Underweight (6­59 months) 47 50 52 51 51 49 48 35 31 38 43 38 28 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 35 20 12 16 18 20 25 91 70 85 92 95 97 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) 90 88 88 90 90 88 85 98 98 97 97 97 98 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) 83 80 80 80 80 81 79 97 94 96 96 96 98 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 27 15 14 16 15 15 16 72 52 63 75 76 77 Own tap 19 5 4 5 4 5 6 70 44 59 71 74 76 Other piped .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Well, protected 9 10 10 11 11 11 10 3 8 4 5 2 1 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 95 98 99 99 99 99 96 85 99 99 98 93 67 Firewood 91 96 97 98 98 97 94 73 99 94 93 82 47 Charcoal 4 2 2 1 1 2 3 12 1 5 5 11 21 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare 95 elb 14.2 Ta Burundi household survey, 1998 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 6,668 3,908 740 649 723 817 979 2,760 473 494 562 541 690 Total population (thousands) 6,026 5,717 1,143 1,153 1,135 1,143 1,144 309 62 62 62 62 62 Age dependency ratio 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.4 Average household size 4.9 4.9 5.5 5.5 5.1 4.7 4.0 4.8 6.4 6.1 5.0 4.7 3.3 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 68 68 57 67 71 71 74 66 62 72 68 68 61 Polygamous male 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. .. Single male 5 5 4 4 4 6 6 14 5 5 10 14 25 De facto female 3 3 2 1 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 De jure female 23 23 37 27 20 20 17 17 29 19 18 13 11 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (Burundi francs) 6,574 5,438 1,438 2,925 4,221 5,910 10,765 27,314 4,454 9,137 15,444 26,007 58,137 Mean monthly share on food (%) 74 75 69 77 77 77 75 48 59 58 52 44 37 Mean monthly share on health (%) 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 Mean monthly share on education (%) 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 3 4 2 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) 72 70 63 73 70 73 73 97 94 96 98 99 98 Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 56 55 40 50 59 63 66 83 67 84 90 93 94 Male 60 59 44 56 62 69 67 83 67 84 89 93 94 Female 51 50 36 44 55 57 65 83 66 83 91 93 94 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 9 7 2 4 7 13 11 48 14 34 56 74 74 Male 10 8 3 6 6 15 11 48 16 33 56 71 73 Female 9 7 1 3 8 12 11 48 13 35 56 76 74 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 49 47 33 45 47 52 54 84 58 76 87 95 97 Male 58 56 43 55 55 61 62 90 70 85 90 97 98 Female 42 39 26 37 40 44 47 79 50 68 83 93 97 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 71 70 55 71 66 77 77 90 72 88 91 98 99 Male 72 71 56 72 66 78 79 92 75 91 93 99 98 Female 71 70 55 70 66 77 76 89 69 86 90 97 100 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) 66 65 64 66 59 66 67 98 94 97 99 99 99 Morbidity (% of population) 21 21 22 18 19 21 25 15 18 17 17 13 11 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 60 59 51 54 59 62 69 72 52 69 77 86 87 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, modern medicine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, traditional healers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) 56 59 62 64 56 59 52 30 47 31 23 22 23 Wasting (6­59 months) 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 7 5 6 6 5 11 Underweight (6­59 months) 44 47 48 50 54 44 38 15 25 19 12 9 9 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) 88 87 84 88 87 87 89 97 98 96 98 97 96 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) 77 76 76 80 72 77 76 100 100 100 100 100 100 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 85 84 80 83 85 84 87 98 94 96 98 99 100 Own tap 4 1 1 1 0 1 2 57 11 28 50 76 88 Other piped 16 14 14 17 14 12 14 40 80 66 48 23 11 Well, protected 66 69 65 66 71 71 71 1 3 2 1 0 1 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 99 99 100 100 98 100 98 97 99 100 99 98 93 Firewood 94 98 99 100 98 100 95 15 54 23 11 4 2 Charcoal 5 1 0 .. 0 0 4 82 46 77 88 94 91 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 96 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE elb 14.3 Ta Cameroon household survey, 2001 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 10,992 6,017 646 764 1,026 1,217 2,364 4,975 759 786 886 1,061 1,483 Total population (thousands) 15,473 10,089 2,019 2,016 2,019 2,018 2,018 5,383 1,077 1,076 1,076 1,076 1,078 Age dependency ratio 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.4 Average household size 5.0 5.0 7.2 6.8 5.5 5.0 3.0 4.9 7.3 6.3 5.7 4.5 3.1 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 44 46 50 50 50 48 40 40 47 49 46 38 32 Polygamous male 14 16 22 22 16 17 11 9 16 11 10 9 6 Single male 18 15 5 6 11 11 26 25 15 15 17 26 38 De facto female 4 4 5 5 5 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 4 De jure female 19 19 18 17 18 20 20 21 17 20 22 23 21 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (CFA francs) 30,619 22,063 6,609 10,217 13,705 18,951 40,025 46,540 11,847 18,846 25,889 37,099 93,334 Mean monthly share on food (%) 59 69 68 71 70 69 68 42 48 45 44 42 36 Mean monthly share on health (%) 7 7 7 6 7 7 8 7 6 6 7 7 8 Mean monthly share on education (%) 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 7 7 6 5 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) 85 79 75 77 79 77 83 96 96 96 96 95 96 Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 93 92 92 91 93 93 92 94 94 95 95 93 89 Male 93 93 93 92 94 93 90 94 94 95 95 94 91 Female 92 92 90 90 93 93 93 93 94 96 95 92 87 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 40 29 14 22 28 33 48 57 38 53 59 64 72 Male 39 29 15 22 28 33 49 55 35 49 59 64 73 Female 41 28 12 21 27 33 47 58 40 57 59 64 71 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 89 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 68 56 50 50 55 58 62 88 76 85 89 92 94 Male 77 67 61 60 66 69 72 92 83 91 94 96 96 Female 60 47 42 42 46 49 51 83 70 80 84 88 92 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 82 73 69 69 76 74 78 94 89 93 95 96 97 Male 88 82 76 78 85 84 85 96 90 95 97 97 98 Female 77 66 62 61 69 67 71 93 87 91 93 95 95 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) 90 84 77 83 84 84 88 100 99 100 100 100 100 Morbidity (% of population) 31 31 28 29 31 33 35 31 30 31 31 30 33 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 53 55 53 53 53 59 58 48 44 49 51 49 48 Private, modern medicine 13 7 6 5 7 8 9 23 19 20 20 24 31 Private, traditional healers 15 18 18 21 21 15 14 11 18 12 9 7 6 Other 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 1 1 0 1 1 1 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wasting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Underweight (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 43 26 13 15 21 29 36 75 58 68 75 79 84 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) 68 75 71 80 73 74 76 56 56 59 61 57 50 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) 90 85 82 85 84 86 88 99 99 99 99 100 99 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 66 50 47 44 47 48 58 96 88 94 97 97 98 Own tap 15 6 3 4 4 5 10 32 11 17 24 35 49 Other piped 27 14 12 11 11 13 17 52 58 62 59 51 41 Well, protected 24 31 32 30 32 30 31 12 19 15 14 10 8 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 75 94 99 99 97 96 86 41 75 58 51 34 17 Firewood 75 93 99 99 96 96 85 40 75 58 49 33 16 Charcoal 0 0 .. .. 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare 97 elb 14.4 Ta Côte d'Ivoire household survey, 1998 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 4,200 2,280 445 403 459 475 498 1,920 154 270 307 427 762 Total population (thousands) 16,816 9,225 2,724 2,173 1,880 1,470 978 7,590 578 1,143 1,471 1,889 2,509 Age dependency ratio 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 Average household size 5.7 5.9 8.3 6.9 6.1 5.0 3.6 5.6 8.5 7.7 6.7 5.7 3.9 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 58 58 49 63 62 57 59 58 51 52 65 66 55 Polygamous male 13 18 30 18 18 19 7 7 22 14 9 5 2 Single male 14 12 7 8 9 12 20 16 6 10 9 11 25 De facto female 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 5 7 5 5 4 4 De jure female 12 10 12 8 7 10 12 14 14 19 12 13 14 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (CFA francs) 35,406 28,573 7,452 12,962 18,475 27,084 69,649 43,455 8,148 13,222 18,741 27,490 78,858 Mean monthly share on food (%) 57 65 68 65 66 65 63 47 56 54 51 49 41 Mean monthly share on health (%) 6 6 4 6 5 6 7 7 5 6 6 7 7 Mean monthly share on education (%) 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 4 4 3 3 3 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 52 43 32 43 45 50 59 64 55 56 61 65 79 Male 55 47 37 45 51 52 65 67 58 59 66 68 84 Female 49 40 27 42 40 48 54 61 52 52 54 64 75 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 21 10 5 8 13 16 13 31 15 20 34 36 39 Male 26 14 7 10 18 21 20 40 20 23 45 48 51 Female 16 6 2 7 7 10 7 24 10 18 23 25 31 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 48 33 24 31 34 38 43 64 44 56 61 64 76 Male 61 46 36 45 48 52 54 77 57 69 76 79 86 Female 35 21 14 18 21 24 31 51 32 44 45 52 65 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 61 47 38 46 50 51 55 73 60 70 75 71 79 Male 72 59 48 59 61 64 65 86 71 79 88 89 91 Female 50 36 29 32 38 39 46 61 50 62 61 58 68 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 15 14 11 11 14 17 17 16 13 14 14 17 20 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 54 48 35 51 48 51 58 60 43 55 58 65 65 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, modern medicine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, traditional healers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wasting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Underweight (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 67 42 33 41 41 41 51 96 94 92 95 96 97 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) 64 70 65 72 68 69 71 55 55 57 60 56 49 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 78 82 84 83 82 77 84 72 79 72 72 69 74 Own tap 19 6 4 4 4 8 11 35 18 24 30 34 44 Other piped 7 2 1 2 3 2 3 13 3 11 9 14 16 Well, protected 51 73 79 77 76 68 69 25 58 37 33 22 14 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 89 93 96 98 96 93 86 83 94 92 94 90 69 Firewood 64 90 96 97 95 88 79 32 75 57 44 29 13 Charcoal 25 3 0 1 2 4 7 51 19 35 50 60 56 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 98 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE elb 14.5 Ta Ethiopia household survey, 2000 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 16,672 8,459 1,469 1,382 1,519 1,678 2,411 8,213 1,118 1,358 1,506 1,883 2,348 Total population (thousands) 54,756 47,531 9,502 9,513 9,504 9,507 9,505 7,225 1,446 1,443 1,446 1,445 1,445 Age dependency ratio 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 Average household size 4.9 4.9 5.9 5.4 5.2 4.8 3.8 4.5 5.6 5.1 4.7 4.3 3.5 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 68 71 75 72 74 74 64 48 53 50 50 49 41 Polygamous male 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single male 6 5 3 4 3 4 8 11 6 4 7 10 23 De facto female 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 4 4 3 2 De jure female 25 23 20 22 21 22 27 38 39 42 39 38 34 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (birr) 103 93 42 60 75 95 161 162 49 76 103 147 346 Mean monthly share on food (%) 66 68 72 71 69 68 62 55 66 62 59 53 43 Mean monthly share on health (%) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mean monthly share on education (%) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 30 25 19 23 29 25 32 75 66 70 76 84 85 Male 32 27 20 25 30 27 35 75 68 68 75 85 86 Female 29 22 18 20 28 21 29 75 64 71 77 82 84 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 9 3 2 3 3 3 5 40 30 36 41 50 47 Male 10 4 4 3 3 5 7 43 29 38 47 54 54 Female 8 2 1 2 2 2 3 38 30 35 36 46 42 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 28 21 15 19 20 23 25 67 54 59 66 71 79 Male 41 34 26 32 33 39 39 81 70 75 80 86 91 Female 17 9 6 8 8 9 11 56 43 47 56 61 69 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 39 29 24 32 29 30 31 84 80 81 86 87 86 Male 50 43 35 47 43 45 42 90 84 86 91 95 95 Female 28 17 12 17 16 16 20 80 76 78 82 81 81 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 5 km away (% of population) 47 38 37 39 40 37 37 98 97 98 99 99 98 Morbidity (% of population) 26 27 27 27 27 26 31 20 20 20 20 19 20 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 41 39 30 36 40 41 46 67 60 65 68 70 71 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 45 44 44 49 45 42 41 52 56 59 52 49 43 Private, modern medicine 45 45 46 40 46 46 48 42 36 36 41 43 51 Private, traditional healers 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 Other 6 7 6 7 5 9 7 4 4 3 4 3 4 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 45 41 35 48 42 38 45 85 81 81 84 96 88 Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 51 47 44 50 47 49 46 90 84 88 90 98 94 Stunting (6­59 months) 59 61 64 60 61 61 55 47 56 51 49 43 29 Wasting (6­59 months) 11 11 12 11 11 9 11 7 8 9 6 4 7 Underweight (6­59 months) 45 46 53 46 48 41 43 27 36 30 27 22 14 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 17 9 7 8 7 9 11 71 48 63 72 78 86 Water source less than 5 km away (% of population) 90 99 90 89 88 90 87 98 97 98 98 98 99 Market less than 5 km away (% of population) 58 52 54 52 52 52 50 98 98 98 99 99 97 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 29 19 15 18 18 19 21 92 83 91 93 92 96 Own tap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 Other piped 17 7 7 7 6 6 8 82 74 79 84 83 88 Well, protected 11 12 8 11 12 13 13 8 9 11 8 7 6 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 77 78 82 78 77 78 77 66 80 74 70 65 51 Firewood 75 78 82 78 77 78 77 58 75 67 61 57 40 Charcoal 1 0 0 .. .. .. 0 8 5 7 9 8 11 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare 99 elb 14.6 Ta Gambia household survey, 1998 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 1,958 933 138 158 166 191 280 1,025 119 148 177 230 351 Total population (thousands) 1,699 942 190 189 188 187 188 757 151 152 151 151 153 Age dependency ratio 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.6 Average household size 7.8 9.2 13.6 11.2 10.2 8.6 6.1 6.5 11.3 8.8 7.4 5.8 3.9 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 50 49 36 39 46 57 58 51 43 48 57 55 48 Polygamous male 27 38 55 48 42 31 28 17 38 27 17 14 8 Single male 7 4 4 4 2 2 6 10 6 3 6 8 18 De facto female 9 5 5 5 6 6 4 12 9 12 13 12 11 De jure female 7 3 1 3 4 4 4 10 4 9 7 10 14 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (dalasi) 393 203 51 85 119 166 415 560 121 196 284 423 1,111 Mean monthly share on food (%) 66 73 70 71 73 75 74 60 68 65 65 61 52 Mean monthly share on health (%) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mean monthly share on education (%) 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 3 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 49 44 30 49 44 50 48 57 44 49 56 64 75 Male 51 47 37 50 45 50 53 59 46 58 57 62 75 Female 46 41 23 47 42 50 44 54 42 42 54 67 75 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 18 8 1 8 10 10 14 30 16 20 31 35 54 Male 22 11 1 11 15 12 18 36 21 28 34 40 57 Female 14 5 .. 4 3 7 9 24 12 12 27 30 50 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Female .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Female .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 7 8 8 7 8 9 9 6 4 5 6 7 5 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 75 72 72 69 79 75 65 81 78 85 86 81 78 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 82 82 84 80 82 80 87 82 77 88 90 78 75 Private, modern medicine 14 13 10 18 18 15 6 16 17 9 9 21 24 Private, traditional healers 3 4 6 2 1 6 7 2 6 3 1 1 1 Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) 24 28 34 21 27 29 31 17 27 21 15 10 12 Wasting (6­59 months) 7 8 8 6 9 7 8 7 3 7 5 10 13 Underweight (6­59 months) 21 26 33 22 23 26 27 13 14 14 17 11 9 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 95 92 96 90 92 93 90 97 99 97 95 96 98 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 79 66 74 74 73 56 63 90 78 85 89 92 96 Own tap 21 2 1 .. 1 2 3 39 15 16 26 39 64 Other piped 38 25 19 23 32 24 25 50 60 65 63 52 31 Well, protected 20 40 54 51 40 31 34 2 4 4 1 1 1 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Firewood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Charcoal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 100 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE elb 14.7 Ta Ghana household survey, 1998/99 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 5,998 3,799 568 625 665 776 1,165 2,199 310 343 403 435 708 Total population (thousands) 18,239 11,493 2,295 2,191 2,267 2,241 2,500 6,746 1,150 1,265 1,331 1,440 1,559 Age dependency ratio 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5 Average household size 4.4 4.7 6.3 5.7 5.3 4.7 3.1 4.0 5.7 5.2 4.5 4.3 2.6 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 53 56 63 57 63 57 48 48 49 54 54 57 37 Polygamous male 3 4 7 5 3 4 2 1 4 2 1 1 0 Single male 12 10 5 6 4 8 17 15 6 7 7 11 28 De facto female 12 10 8 10 13 9 10 14 20 12 15 14 12 De jure female 21 20 16 21 16 22 23 22 21 25 23 17 24 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (cedi) 119,877 91,524 23,107 39,132 55,065 77,592 176,149 161,067 38,436 66,819 96,992 136,526 286,033 Mean monthly share on food (%) 59 62 63 64 63 62 61 55 59 56 55 53 53 Mean monthly share on health (%) 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 Mean monthly share on education (%) 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 5 6 5 5 7 4 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 61 54 39 48 53 68 68 74 67 70 73 81 79 Male 61 53 38 50 50 70 64 77 68 76 73 87 79 Female 61 56 40 46 58 67 71 71 65 65 74 75 80 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 10 7 3 6 6 8 12 16 7 12 19 21 19 Male 11 8 3 6 10 10 12 16 5 10 22 21 23 Female 10 6 3 6 3 7 12 15 9 13 17 21 16 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 53 43 24 35 44 50 55 67 45 59 64 75 82 Male 67 59 36 50 63 66 72 79 60 75 76 84 91 Female 40 29 13 23 28 36 39 57 34 47 54 67 73 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 66 57 42 48 56 66 68 78 67 74 79 80 86 Male 73 65 47 56 69 77 77 85 74 80 86 87 91 Female 59 47 34 39 42 55 58 72 59 67 70 75 81 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 26 28 24 26 27 28 34 23 23 22 21 22 27 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 44 40 33 37 39 39 47 53 42 49 53 56 62 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 47 47 47 39 59 47 45 46 50 49 38 52 45 Private, modern medicine 44 42 43 52 33 42 44 45 35 37 51 42 52 Private, traditional healers 5 6 8 6 4 7 5 5 9 6 7 3 2 Other 4 4 2 3 4 4 6 4 6 7 4 3 2 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wasting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Underweight (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 72 67 36 58 71 79 76 79 73 79 77 80 81 Water source less than 5 km away (% of population) 98 97 98 97 97 98 97 98 97 96 97 99 99 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 61 48 44 43 47 48 54 79 62 74 77 81 86 Own tap 4 1 .. .. 0 1 2 8 0 2 4 8 14 Other piped 40 19 7 15 15 19 29 70 60 70 71 72 72 Well, protected 17 28 38 28 32 29 22 1 2 3 2 2 1 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 92 97 95 98 99 99 96 85 99 98 89 83 74 Firewood 57 81 93 91 89 83 65 23 64 37 24 17 6 Charcoal 35 16 2 7 10 16 31 62 35 61 65 66 68 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare101 elb 14.8 Ta Kenya household survey, 1997 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 10,874 8,963 1,339 1,521 1,646 1,813 2,644 1,911 273 262 327 514 535 Total population (thousands) 25,468 21,490 4,298 4,299 4,293 4,303 4,298 3,978 797 793 798 795 795 Age dependency ratio 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3 Average household size 4.6 4.9 6.4 5.8 5.4 4.8 3.3 3.5 5.3 4.3 3.8 2.9 2.5 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 58 56 57 55 57 59 53 66 76 63 58 64 68 Polygamous male 7 8 11 12 7 8 5 4 6 6 4 2 2 Single male 7 6 2 3 4 4 11 10 2 2 12 12 16 De facto female 12 14 16 14 14 15 11 4 6 3 5 4 2 De jure female 17 17 14 15 17 15 19 17 10 27 20 17 12 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (Kenyan shillings) 2,244 1,716 455 711 998 1,431 3,569 4,299 1,048 1,637 2,255 3,541 9,396 Mean monthly share on food (%) 70 74 77 76 77 75 69 57 65 64 58 57 48 Mean monthly share on health (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mean monthly share on education (%) 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 5 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) 69 63 57 63 62 64 66 91 88 89 93 90 95 Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 73 73 65 73 72 77 82 78 69 81 83 82 80 Male 72 71 64 71 69 77 82 77 66 87 81 78 74 Female 75 74 66 74 74 78 81 78 72 74 85 85 86 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 12 10 4 6 9 13 18 29 10 14 22 38 62 Male 12 9 3 5 8 13 19 36 18 13 34 42 73 Female 11 10 4 7 10 13 17 22 3 14 14 33 49 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 28 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 78 75 67 72 74 78 79 92 87 91 94 93 95 Male 86 83 77 80 82 86 88 96 92 93 98 96 98 Female 71 67 59 64 67 71 71 89 83 89 89 90 91 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 94 93 91 91 94 94 95 95 92 98 95 95 96 Male 95 94 92 93 96 95 96 98 95 99 99 98 98 Female 92 92 90 90 92 93 94 93 90 98 90 93 93 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) 72 65 56 62 61 66 73 98 98 99 98 98 99 Morbidity (% of population) 16 15 12 15 14 17 18 17 14 13 22 17 21 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 90 90 86 89 87 93 92 92 88 93 96 96 88 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 32 31 34 30 38 28 27 36 54 35 31 39 28 Private, modern medicine 51 49 48 46 41 53 55 59 41 56 65 54 69 Private, traditional healers 3 3 3 4 4 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 0 Other 7 8 7 12 11 7 6 1 0 1 2 2 1 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff 47 42 30 37 40 50 61 75 62 71 76 88 94 Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 72 68 52 74 69 72 80 86 73 96 83 97 92 Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 83 80 69 80 83 83 91 92 87 96 91 100 92 Stunting (6­59 months) 38 40 50 40 34 35 35 32 44 31 26 28 21 Wasting (6­59 months) 6 6 7 5 8 6 6 5 5 7 8 2 2 Underweight (6­59 months) 22 24 32 26 21 19 19 13 20 12 14 7 8 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 66 65 53 59 61 66 75 71 61 56 66 75 82 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) 68 62 53 59 61 61 68 92 89 96 90 92 94 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) 82 78 77 79 78 77 79 99 99 98 99 99 100 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 49 39 29 39 34 41 46 86 81 82 83 91 90 Own tap 17 10 3 6 8 9 17 44 32 33 38 45 59 Other piped 19 14 10 15 10 14 17 40 42 46 44 45 30 Well, protected 13 16 16 18 17 18 12 2 6 3 1 1 1 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 82 96 100 99 99 97 89 26 48 26 28 26 13 Firewood 73 91 99 97 97 93 78 5 16 5 2 4 2 Charcoal 8 5 1 2 2 4 11 21 32 21 26 22 12 Note: Due to logisitcal and financial constraints, the survey did not adequately cover the northeastern provinces and parts of the eastern provinces. a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 102 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE elb 14.9 Ta Madagascar household survey, 1999 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 5,120 2,880 452 495 554 622 757 2,240 298 367 415 487 673 Total population (thousands) 14,631 11,377 2,277 2,275 2,277 2,272 2,275 3,254 652 649 651 650 651 Age dependency ratio 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 Average household size 5.1 5.2 6.7 6.1 5.4 4.9 3.8 4.9 6.8 5.5 5.1 4.5 3.5 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 76 77 77 81 81 80 69 72 74 73 73 73 67 Polygamous male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Single male 7 7 5 4 4 6 12 6 3 5 3 7 12 De facto female 8 8 10 7 8 7 8 8 10 11 7 8 5 De jure female 10 9 8 8 7 8 11 14 13 11 17 12 16 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (Malagasy francs) 67,747 54,210 15,780 26,142 36,507 51,866 108,173 112,001 26,008 47,759 72,121 107,535 226,090 Mean monthly share on food (%) 72 75 75 77 76 77 73 63 68 65 63 62 60 Mean monthly share on health (%) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mean monthly share on education (%) 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 4 4 3 2 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 67 64 52 66 64 64 77 82 67 78 84 94 97 Male 67 63 55 63 65 63 74 82 66 74 91 97 95 Female 68 64 50 68 64 65 81 82 68 81 79 92 98 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 10 6 2 4 4 6 16 24 6 18 24 34 46 Male 9 6 1 3 3 8 14 23 5 20 18 30 53 Female 11 6 2 4 5 4 19 25 8 16 28 37 40 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 67 61 44 58 58 66 74 84 66 81 85 90 94 Male 71 66 49 64 62 71 77 87 68 86 87 93 95 Female 63 57 40 52 54 61 70 82 63 76 83 87 93 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 70 64 47 60 63 72 78 87 69 89 91 91 95 Male 70 65 47 62 64 74 76 87 66 92 89 92 96 Female 70 64 48 58 63 71 79 88 72 86 93 91 94 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 11 11 10 10 11 12 13 9 9 11 8 9 9 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 46 42 29 39 41 48 52 61 56 58 61 64 68 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 59 61 76 69 68 59 47 53 62 70 56 39 39 Private, modern medicine 32 30 20 22 23 32 42 36 23 21 36 48 53 Private, traditional healers 4 4 3 6 6 2 5 4 4 5 4 5 2 Other 2 3 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 61 57 45 57 51 63 76 76 70 78 63 84 91 Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) 49 50 50 48 50 52 49 44 48 51 44 42 32 Wasting (6­59 months) 14 15 16 15 16 13 10 14 17 17 11 15 11 Underweight (6­59 months) 35 35 40 33 40 33 29 31 36 36 27 34 18 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 46 38 27 30 34 40 49 72 50 64 73 74 86 Water source less than 5 km away (% of population) 98 98 99 99 100 99 97 97 98 98 98 96 97 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 24 10 3 6 6 10 19 70 43 57 71 76 85 Own tap 4 1 .. .. .. 1 2 15 1 3 7 16 32 Other piped 19 8 3 5 6 8 15 52 40 51 60 54 51 Well, protected 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 2 3 4 6 2 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 98 99 99 99 99 98 98 95 98 98 97 96 89 Firewood 80 92 99 98 96 92 80 40 84 63 39 28 14 Charcoal 18 7 0 1 3 6 18 55 14 35 59 69 75 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare 103 elb 14.10 Ta Malawi household survey, 1997/98 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 6,586 5,657 902 1,024 1,106 1,198 1,427 929 200 184 174 194 177 Total population (thousands) 9,795 8,795 1,760 1,759 1,758 1,759 1,759 1,000 200 200 200 200 200 Age dependency ratio 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Average household size 4.4 4.4 5.3 4.8 4.5 4.2 3.6 4.1 5.4 4.5 4.2 3.5 3.6 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 68 68 65 68 71 70 66 70 78 80 75 65 56 Polygamous male 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. Single male 6 5 2 3 3 6 11 14 4 4 9 21 24 De facto female 7 8 10 8 8 6 7 3 5 3 2 2 4 De jure female 18 18 23 20 18 18 15 13 13 13 13 11 17 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (Malawi kwacha) 431 308 91 155 218 310 637 1,456 298 510 759 1,212 3,820 Mean monthly share on food (%) 71 74 78 77 77 75 67 42 56 52 46 40 26 Mean monthly share on health (%) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 Mean monthly share on education (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 4 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 62 61 60 58 59 61 68 70 70 63 76 75 68 Male 61 60 58 59 55 59 70 70 62 66 80 76 71 Female 63 62 63 57 62 63 66 70 80 60 72 73 65 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 5 3 1 3 2 3 6 20 11 13 21 20 34 Male 5 3 1 4 2 3 7 21 12 11 25 20 36 Female 5 3 .. 3 2 3 5 19 9 15 16 19 33 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 51 47 35 44 44 50 58 85 74 80 93 91 86 Male 62 58 47 55 55 61 68 89 83 88 96 90 86 Female 41 37 26 33 35 40 48 82 65 73 90 92 87 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 63 59 50 57 57 63 66 88 79 84 96 94 87 Male 69 66 58 62 64 68 73 90 85 88 98 93 87 Female 58 54 42 53 51 58 61 87 75 81 95 95 87 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) 52 48 46 45 46 48 52 90 78 85 92 96 96 Morbidity (% of population) 28 29 24 27 30 31 34 15 16 18 15 15 13 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, modern medicine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, traditional healers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 87 86 89 85 83 90 84 97 91 100 100 100 100 Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 89 89 91 89 87 91 85 99 96 100 100 100 100 Stunting (6­59 months) 56 56 58 56 57 58 51 57 54 47 67 68 55 Wasting (6­59 months) 11 11 11 12 11 9 11 10 14 17 7 4 .. Underweight (6­59 months) 25 26 33 22 27 23 25 17 27 18 11 3 5 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) 68 64 63 63 63 65 66 98 96 98 99 98 99 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 50 45 47 46 43 43 46 89 79 83 92 96 93 Own tap 6 1 0 0 1 1 3 43 13 22 44 49 72 Other piped 21 19 20 21 18 18 20 39 52 51 45 35 19 Well, protected 23 25 27 24 25 25 24 8 14 11 3 11 2 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 94 98 99 99 97 97 96 67 94 88 78 59 29 Firewood 92 97 99 99 97 97 96 49 76 68 56 40 18 Charcoal 2 0 0 0 .. 1 1 18 18 20 22 18 12 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 104 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE elb 14.11 Ta Mozambique household survey, 1996 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 8,250 5,811 987 948 1,059 1,215 1,602 2,439 337 383 463 519 737 Total population (thousands) 15,867 12,634 2,527 2,518 2,536 2,527 2,527 3,233 646 647 647 647 646 Age dependency ratio 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.6 Average household size 4.8 4.7 6.6 5.8 5.1 4.3 3.2 5.5 6.2 6.1 5.7 5.2 4.5 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 65 65 66 68 67 66 60 66 63 71 67 65 65 Polygamous male 8 9 15 10 10 8 7 3 2 5 5 4 2 Single male 5 5 2 2 4 4 9 8 2 6 6 10 14 De facto female 6 6 5 9 6 6 7 5 7 4 5 5 6 De jure female 15 15 13 12 14 16 17 17 25 15 18 16 13 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (meticais) 192,481 182,572 53,118 86,604 119,027 164,442 350,674 237,861 52,180 93,179 132,226 203,191 592,973 Mean monthly share on food (%) 68 70 68 71 72 71 69 59 63 65 61 60 51 Mean monthly share on health (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Mean monthly share on education (%) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 36 32 25 30 33 36 39 54 34 48 60 68 71 Male 38 35 27 32 36 39 42 54 34 53 63 70 66 Female 33 29 22 27 31 33 35 53 34 43 57 67 76 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 10 5 3 3 6 7 7 26 11 15 23 34 44 Male 10 6 4 3 7 8 9 26 14 19 22 37 40 Female 9 4 2 3 4 5 5 25 8 11 24 31 47 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 41 33 28 33 35 33 35 72 52 62 73 79 86 Male 58 51 44 51 53 52 53 84 70 80 84 88 94 Female 25 17 14 16 19 16 20 60 36 45 63 70 78 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 51 42 35 42 47 39 45 82 71 75 83 86 90 Male 64 56 42 56 61 57 63 88 79 87 89 91 93 Female 40 29 28 28 34 25 32 76 61 65 78 82 88 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 11 12 9 10 11 13 15 11 11 10 10 12 11 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 60 57 54 58 55 59 59 74 64 71 73 83 76 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 78 74 68 76 73 82 72 88 90 83 94 85 89 Private, modern medicine 6 5 3 6 6 4 6 9 10 13 4 13 7 Private, traditional healers 14 18 23 16 18 13 21 2 0 4 2 2 4 Other 2 2 6 2 2 1 1 0 .. 0 0 0 0 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 43 35 30 32 36 38 41 76 82 53 86 85 80 Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 57 50 42 56 46 48 56 88 84 84 93 92 91 Stunting (6­59 months) 55 61 61 62 62 59 58 34 49 36 30 27 24 Wasting (6­59 months) 9 9 11 7 7 11 8 9 13 11 6 6 7 Underweight (6­59 months) 37 40 49 38 39 36 37 25 38 27 20 18 19 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 35 29 26 29 28 29 29 67 44 55 70 76 81 Water source less than 5 km away (% of population) 94 93 92 94 92 93 94 99 99 98 99 98 100 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 18 11 9 8 10 10 14 51 42 40 48 53 65 Own tap 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 2 5 9 25 Other piped 16 11 9 8 10 10 14 41 41 38 43 44 40 Well, protected .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 97 99 99 99 99 98 99 87 97 96 94 86 70 Firewood 90 99 99 99 99 98 98 50 70 66 51 41 31 Charcoal 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 37 27 30 44 45 38 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare 105 elb 14.12 Ta Nigeria household survey, 2004 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 19,158 14,512 2,321 2,446 2,717 3,120 3,908 4,646 783 779 834 988 1,262 Total population (thousands) 126,305 70,599 14,115 14,127 14,116 14,122 14,118 55,706 11,144 11,138 11,140 11,131 11,153 Age dependency ratio 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5 Average household size 4.7 4.8 6.5 6.0 5.2 4.5 3.4 4.6 5.6 5.7 5.1 4.4 3.3 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 58 58 54 63 65 62 51 57 56 61 59 59 51 Polygamous male 15 18 32 26 20 14 8 12 16 17 15 10 7 Single male 11 9 4 3 5 8 19 14 10 7 8 13 25 De facto female 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 De jure female 13 12 8 7 9 14 19 14 13 12 14 16 14 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (Nigerian naira) 11,635 9,924 3,922 6,391 8,008 9,939 16,272 13,705 4,548 8,809 11,580 14,279 22,892 Mean monthly share on food (%) 54 61 57 65 65 64 54 45 36 51 51 50 41 Mean monthly share on health (%) 8 8 3 4 5 7 16 7 4 5 6 6 13 Mean monthly share on education (%) 5 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 11 7 8 7 7 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Female .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Female .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 62 50 38 42 48 55 63 75 71 68 73 80 83 Male 69 57 44 49 55 62 71 83 78 77 81 86 89 Female 54 43 31 36 41 49 54 68 65 59 65 73 75 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 78 68 55 60 66 72 81 88 84 86 89 93 89 Male 82 74 60 67 75 81 86 90 85 88 92 96 92 Female 73 62 50 53 58 65 77 86 82 84 85 90 87 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 12 12 8 10 11 14 21 11 7 9 10 11 17 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 57 57 31 41 50 62 74 57 30 50 56 58 71 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 38 37 27 26 31 32 47 40 36 41 41 39 40 Private, modern medicine 57 58 69 69 63 64 49 55 58 54 56 56 53 Private, traditional healers 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 Other 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 6 4 3 4 4 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wasting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Underweight (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 60 50 47 48 50 50 52 72 73 71 71 72 75 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 61 42 41 41 43 41 43 83 81 82 82 86 84 Own tap 13 4 3 3 4 3 5 23 18 21 23 24 28 Other piped 11 4 3 4 5 4 5 18 24 18 17 17 16 Well, protected 38 34 35 35 35 34 33 42 39 43 42 45 40 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 65 88 92 93 91 89 79 38 44 52 43 36 24 Firewood 64 87 92 93 90 89 79 37 42 51 42 35 23 Charcoal 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 Note: Data are provisional. a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 106 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE elb 14.13 Ta São Tomé and Principe household survey, 2000 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 2,416 1,173 179 197 215 244 338 1,243 187 202 242 264 348 Total population (thousands) 128 57 11 11 11 11 11 71 14 14 14 14 14 Age dependency ratio 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 Average household size 4.6 4.5 6.3 5.7 4.9 4.2 3.0 4.6 6.2 5.5 4.9 4.4 3.3 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 51 53 62 66 66 48 37 50 51 50 46 56 46 Polygamous male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Single male 16 18 9 5 10 16 36 15 4 9 12 14 26 De facto female 7 6 5 5 5 8 7 8 7 11 12 5 8 De jure female 25 23 25 24 19 27 20 27 37 29 30 25 20 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (dobras) 451,490 318,313 80,362 128,371 175,196 243,054 679,373 560,829 108,471 179,366 252,850 359,041 1,403,366 Mean monthly share on food (%) 72 75 78 77 78 76 71 69 76 74 69 68 62 Mean monthly share on health (%) 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 5 Mean monthly share on education (%) 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) 34 33 46 44 37 35 16 35 51 39 35 38 23 Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 70 67 68 68 63 68 67 73 71 73 78 73 74 Male 71 70 67 75 62 71 70 73 72 71 75 80 66 Female 69 64 68 60 63 64 63 73 69 75 81 65 79 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 43 29 13 26 23 34 50 52 32 39 64 62 64 Male 43 29 15 24 24 42 47 52 30 41 65 66 66 Female 42 28 11 28 22 25 51 52 35 37 62 59 63 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 83 80 76 82 79 77 85 86 78 83 85 89 91 Male 92 89 87 89 89 87 92 94 90 92 92 95 97 Female 76 72 67 76 70 69 77 79 68 75 80 84 84 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 94 92 90 92 91 91 95 96 91 94 98 98 96 Male 95 93 95 91 90 94 96 96 94 96 97 98 98 Female 93 91 86 92 92 88 95 95 88 92 98 98 95 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) 84 81 77 74 81 82 85 87 86 90 85 89 87 Morbidity (% of population) 18 15 12 14 14 17 20 19 12 19 19 22 24 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 48 45 41 45 40 50 47 50 38 44 50 56 57 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 70 81 94 88 78 83 68 64 80 78 68 62 53 Private, modern medicine 25 14 4 9 16 10 27 31 15 18 29 32 43 Private, traditional healers 3 2 .. 3 .. 3 4 4 5 1 3 6 2 Other 1 2 2 .. 6 3 1 1 .. 3 .. .. 2 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wasting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Underweight (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 28 21 18 12 20 20 27 35 14 26 36 41 46 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) 88 93 93 94 93 95 92 84 82 80 87 86 85 Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) 87 81 74 73 80 86 86 92 90 88 91 93 94 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 77 67 74 70 64 70 63 84 82 79 81 89 88 Own tap 20 10 7 9 7 13 12 27 12 20 26 29 40 Other piped 8 13 19 15 15 11 10 4 4 3 5 5 4 Well, protected 49 44 48 46 42 46 41 53 65 56 49 56 43 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 84 95 100 98 99 94 88 75 96 83 81 72 57 Firewood 73 91 98 96 97 90 82 59 88 74 63 50 36 Charcoal 11 4 1 2 2 4 6 16 8 9 18 22 20 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare 107 elb 14.14 Ta Sierra Leone household survey, 2002/03 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 3,713 2,396 412 451 453 511 569 1,317 223 246 277 276 295 Total population (thousands) 5,337 3,440 688 689 688 688 688 1,897 379 379 380 379 380 Age dependency ratio 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 Average household size 7.4 7.3 8.2 7.6 7.5 6.8 6.3 7.5 8.4 7.6 7.1 7.2 7.4 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 61 60 52 56 61 65 64 63 56 62 66 67 64 Polygamous male 19 23 31 28 26 19 15 10 13 13 13 8 6 Single male 4 3 2 2 3 3 4 6 2 3 3 7 14 De facto female 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 De jure female 14 12 12 13 10 11 15 19 27 19 16 16 16 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (leones) 294,515 239,364 103,175 150,703 197,851 237,999 438,780 378,978 154,151 242,246 322,612 385,918 685,453 Mean monthly share on food (%) 52 59 60 61 62 61 53 42 49 46 45 43 32 Mean monthly share on health (%) 10 2 6 9 7 10 14 13 9 10 12 12 19 Mean monthly share on education (%) 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 6 5 6 6 6 5 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 73 67 62 64 67 69 75 86 78 85 89 87 91 Male 72 66 58 65 66 70 72 85 78 83 88 88 93 Female 74 68 66 63 68 67 77 86 78 87 90 87 89 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 19 10 7 7 11 10 18 33 27 23 24 37 51 Male 22 13 9 10 12 13 22 36 31 28 24 47 48 Female 17 7 4 3 9 7 13 30 23 18 24 27 54 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 27 13 11 10 11 14 20 49 32 37 41 52 75 Male 35 20 17 17 17 21 27 58 43 50 49 59 81 Female 19 8 6 5 6 8 14 40 24 26 33 46 68 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 40 23 18 17 17 28 35 62 49 51 56 62 81 Male 47 31 26 24 25 36 42 68 59 62 64 65 85 Female 33 16 12 11 11 20 27 55 39 42 48 60 78 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 44 42 34 40 42 42 49 45 37 44 45 45 54 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 59 65 49 64 67 68 75 56 41 50 49 58 75 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 53 55 50 39 53 51 61 51 51 52 49 55 51 Private, modern medicine 30 27 16 31 27 33 25 36 18 32 28 31 48 Private, traditional healers 9 11 23 16 12 8 9 4 6 5 12 5 Other 8 7 11 14 8 9 5 8 25 11 12 10 2 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 72 72 74 57 64 71 96 73 70 75 71 63 87 Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 16 16 16 24 15 13 8 18 19 17 21 21 9 Stunting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wasting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Underweight (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 4 2 2 2 1 2 4 7 1 2 4 5 23 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 37 25 24 25 23 22 31 59 40 51 52 67 79 Own tap 7 1 0 1 1 0 4 18 0 3 10 20 49 Other piped 12 5 6 8 5 3 5 24 19 23 19 33 23 Well, protected 18 19 18 17 17 20 22 17 21 24 22 15 7 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 97 99 99 99 99 99 98 95 99 98 98 95 86 Firewood 93 98 98 98 98 98 97 83 98 96 91 83 55 Charcoal 5 1 1 1 1 0 1 12 1 2 7 12 32 Note: Data are provisional. a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 108 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE elb 14.15 Ta Uganda household survey, 2002/03 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 9,710 5,648 937 1,019 1,036 1,182 1,474 4,062 894 877 766 701 824 Total population (thousands) 25,273 21,795 4,359 4,358 4,358 4,363 4,357 3,477 695 696 696 696 695 Age dependency ratio 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.8 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Average household size 5.1 5.3 6.4 5.9 5.8 5.3 4.0 4.1 5.7 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.0 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 54 56 56 61 60 57 50 45 52 53 45 45 37 Polygamous male 12 13 13 12 14 14 12 7 9 8 7 8 3 Single male 8 7 3 3 4 6 15 12 5 6 13 14 18 De facto female 8 8 10 9 8 8 7 9 8 8 6 7 12 De jure female 18 16 18 15 14 15 17 27 25 25 28 27 30 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (Ugandan shillings) 1,523 1,322 593 854 1,121 1,393 2,175 2,499 864 1,208 1,689 2,281 4,926 Mean monthly share on food (%) 56 58 60 62 61 59 52 43 52 49 45 42 34 Mean monthly share on health (%) 4 4 2 3 3 4 6 7 5 6 6 6 9 Mean monthly share on education (%) 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 3 5 4 3 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 63 62 50 59 63 67 73 73 64 69 80 75 82 Male 62 61 51 58 63 65 72 71 63 65 77 75 78 Female 64 63 50 60 64 68 74 75 64 73 82 75 86 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 13 11 2 5 10 15 22 26 15 19 27 30 40 Male 13 11 1 4 7 19 21 26 13 23 26 29 39 Female 14 12 2 5 14 11 23 27 17 16 28 31 41 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total 70 66 49 61 66 71 79 87 72 83 86 92 95 Male 80 77 66 75 75 81 85 91 80 91 90 93 95 Female 61 56 34 48 58 62 73 84 65 77 82 92 94 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total 80 78 62 73 79 81 86 90 78 89 88 94 95 Male 85 83 72 84 83 86 88 91 80 92 88 93 96 Female 76 73 52 63 76 77 84 89 77 86 88 94 95 MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Morbidity (% of population) 29 29 28 28 28 29 33 28 25 29 29 28 28 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 93 92 87 91 94 94 95 94 91 91 96 96 97 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public 30 32 44 36 29 25 26 18 28 23 18 15 10 Private, modern medicine 64 62 51 59 63 67 65 76 66 72 77 78 84 Private, traditional healers 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 Missionary or nongovernmental organization 5 5 4 3 5 6 7 5 4 3 5 7 4 Other 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 .. 2 Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stunting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wasting (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Underweight (6­59 months) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 76 72 50 67 74 77 84 95 86 94 96 98 99 Water source less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Market less than 1 hour away (% of population) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 60 56 57 55 55 56 57 81 77 79 81 82 85 Own tap .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Other piped 9 2 1 1 1 2 5 48 22 34 46 58 65 Well, protected 51 54 56 54 54 54 52 34 55 45 35 24 20 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 97 98 99 99 99 99 97 89 99 97 93 93 73 Firewood 79 90 97 96 97 92 76 22 54 33 19 12 7 Charcoal 18 8 1 3 3 8 20 67 45 64 74 81 66 Note: The survey did not collect data in the Kitgum, Gulu, Kasese, and Bundibugio districts. a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Part IV. Household welfare 109 elb 14.16 Ta Zambia household survey, 1998 Expenditure quintile Rural Urban National Indicator total All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Demographic indicators Sample size (households) 16,422 8,317 1,414 1,461 1,561 1,655 2,226 8,105 1,298 1,384 1,518 1,752 2,153 Total population (thousands) 9,989 6,276 1,239 1,252 1,265 1,260 1,260 3,712 712 743 752 752 753 Age dependency ratio 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5 Average household size 5.4 5.3 6.0 5.7 5.5 5.2 4.3 5.5 6.9 6.3 6.0 5.2 4.2 Marital status of head of household (%) Monogamous male 70 70 66 69 75 73 67 70 68 74 76 72 62 Polygamous male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Single male 7 6 3 5 4 7 11 10 6 6 7 9 17 De facto female 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 De jure female 19 19 26 21 17 17 18 18 23 18 16 16 19 MDG 1: extreme poverty and hunger Mean monthly expenditure (Zambian kwacha) 46,798 32,948 5,268 11,113 17,218 27,740 85,708 71,512 13,061 25,361 37,361 56,295 174,264 Mean monthly share on food (%) 68 74 76 77 75 72 70 57 67 63 59 56 45 Mean monthly share on health (%) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Mean monthly share on education (%) 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 MDGs 2 and 3: education and literacy; gender equality Primary school within 30 minutes (% of households) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net primary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 66 59 46 55 60 67 70 77 65 75 78 84 86 Male 65 59 49 56 59 66 70 77 64 77 77 82 87 Female 66 59 44 55 60 68 69 77 65 73 79 84 86 Net secondary enrollment rate (% of relevant age group) Total 23 14 8 10 14 18 21 38 21 31 36 45 55 Male 25 16 10 11 16 20 24 40 21 33 38 52 58 Female 22 12 5 8 12 17 18 36 21 28 34 40 53 Tertiary enrollment rate (per 10,000) 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Adult literacy rate (%) Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Female .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Youth literacy rate (% ages 15­24) Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Male .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Female .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MDGs 4 and 5: child mortality; maternal health Health center less than 5 km away (% of population) 67 50 47 49 51 50 52 97 96 97 97 98 98 Morbidity (% of population) 11 12 9 12 12 14 15 10 10 9 8 10 11 Health care provider consulted when sick (%) 37 33 30 31 31 34 38 46 38 43 43 45 56 Type of health care provider consulted (% of total) Public .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, modern medicine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Private, traditional healers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Child survival and malnutrition (%) Birth assisted by trained staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 59 56 46 54 56 57 67 64 64 68 58 61 70 Measles immunization coverage, 1-year-olds 89 87 79 88 88 90 92 94 95 92 93 92 95 Stunting (6­59 months) 62 66 70 65 65 62 65 57 64 64 55 54 45 Wasting (6­59 months) 6 6 8 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 Underweight (6­59 months) 27 30 37 30 32 26 24 23 31 27 20 20 14 MDG 7: environmental sustainability Access to sanitation facilities (% of population) 78 68 57 65 69 70 74 98 95 97 98 98 99 Water source less than 5 km away (% of population) 98 98 98 97 98 98 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 Market less than 5 km away (% of population) 60 38 35 36 34 40 43 99 97 99 99 99 99 Access to improved water source (% of population) Totala 56 37 33 35 38 36 42 89 79 87 91 91 93 Own tap 16 1 0 0 1 1 4 41 27 35 39 42 55 Other piped 17 4 3 3 3 4 5 40 41 42 43 43 32 Well, protected 23 32 29 31 34 31 33 8 11 9 8 7 6 Traditional fuel use (%) Totala 85 99 100 100 99 99 97 60 85 74 65 54 37 Firewood 62 90 95 93 91 89 84 12 29 11 9 6 8 Charcoal 23 9 5 7 9 9 13 48 57 63 56 47 29 a. Components may not sum to total because of rounding. 110 Part IV. Household welfare HOUSEHOLD WELFARE Technical notes General notes product plus net factor income from abroad .. means that data are not available or (the income residents receive from abroad for that aggregates cannot be calculated because factor services including labor and capital) less of missing data in the years shown similar payments made to nonresidents who $ means U.S. dollars contribute to the domestic economy, divided A blank means not applicable or, for an ag- by midyear population. It is calculated by the gregate, not analytically meaningful. World Bank Atlas method (box 1). Growth A billion is 1,000 million. rates are shown in real terms. ey have been calculated by the least-squares method using 1. Basic indicators constant (2000) GNI per capita series in na- tional currency (see also table 2.21). TABLE .. BASIC INDICATORS Life expectancy at birth is the number of Population is World Bank estimates, usually years a newborn infant would live if prevail- projected from the most recent population ing patterns of mortality at the time of its censuses or surveys (mostly from 1980­ birth were to remain the same throughout 2004). Refugees not permanently settled its life. Data are World Bank estimates based in the country of asylum are generally con- on data from the United Nations Population sidered to be part of the population of their Division, the United Nations Statistics Divi- country of origin. sion, and national statistical offices. Land area is the land surface area of a coun- Under-five mortality rate is the probability try, excluding inland waters. that a newborn baby will die before reaching Gross national income (GNI) per capita is the age 5, if subject to current age-specific mor- totaldomesticandforeignvalueaddedclaimed tality rates. e probability is expressed as a by residents, which comprises gross domestic rate per 1,000. Box 1 The World Bank Atlas method The World Bank Atlas method uses a three-year The following formulas describe the pro- average of conversion factors to convert gross cedures for computing the conversion factor national income (GNI) data, expressed in differ- for year t: ent national currencies, to a common denomina- tion, conventionally U.S. dollars. The Atlas con- version factor for any year is the average of the official exchange rate or alternative conversion and for calculating per capita GNI in U.S. dol- factor for that year and for the two preceding lars for year t: years, after adjusting them for differences in rela- tive inflation between that country and the United States. This three-year average smoothes fluc- where Yt = current GNI (local currency) for year tuations in prices and exchange rates for each t, Pt = GNI deflator for year t, country. The resulting GNI in U.S. dollars is di- vided by the midyear population for the latest of Nt midyear population for year t, and P$t = U.S. the three years to derive GNI per capita. GNI deflator for year t. Technical notes111 Gini coefficient is the most commonly used added) will not normally equal total GDP for measure of inequality. e coefficient varies several reasons. First, components of GDP between 0, which reflects complete equality, by expenditure are individually rescaled and and 1, which indicates complete inequality summed to provide a partially rebased series (one person has all the income or consump- for total GDP. Second, total GDP is shown tion, all others have none). Graphically, the at purchaser value, while value added com- Gini coefficient can be easily represented by ponents are conventionally reported at pro- the area between the Lorenz curve and the ducer prices. As explained above, purchaser line of equality. values exclude net indirect taxes, while pro- Adult literacy rate is the percentage of ducer prices include indirect taxes. ird, cer- adults ages 15 and older who can, with un- tain items, such as imputed bank charges, are derstanding, read and write a short, simple added in total GDP. statement on their everyday life. Total net official development assistance Source: World Bank country desk data. per capita is net disbursements of loans and grants from all official sources on conces- TABLE .. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT PER sional financial terms divided by the midyear CAPITA, REAL population for the corresponding year Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, real, is Regional aggregates for GNI per capita, life calculated by dividing GDP (see table 2.1) by expectancy at birth, and adult literacy rates corresponding midyear population. are weighted by population. Source: World Bank country desk data. Source: Data on population, land area, GNI per capita, life expectancy at birth, under-five TABLE .. AGRICULTURE VALUE ADDED mortality, Gini coefficient, and adult literacy Agriculture value added is shown at factor are from the World Bank's World Develop- cost. It comprises the gross output of for- ment Indicators database. Data on aid flows estry, hunting, and fishing less the value are from the Organisation for Economic Co- of their intermediate inputs. However, for operation and Development's Geographic Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Re- Distribution of Aid Flows to Developing public of Congo, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Countries database. Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, and Zambia, it is 2. National accounts shown at market prices, that is, including intermediate inputs. TABLE .. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, REAL Source: World Bank country desk data. Gross domestic product (GDP), real, is the to- tal output of goods and services for final use TABLE .. INDUSTRY VALUE ADDED produced by residents and nonresidents, Industry value added is shown at factor cost. It regardless of the allocation to domestic and comprises the gross output of mining, manu- foreign claims. It is calculated without mak- facturing, construction, electricity, water, ing deductions for depreciation of fabricated and gas, less the value of their intermediate capital assets or depletion and degradation of inputs. However, for Botswana, Cameroon, natural resources. GDP figures are shown at Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Repub- market prices (also known as purchaser val- lic of Congo, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, ues) and have been converted to U.S. dollars Mali, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, using constant (2000) exchange rates. For and Zambia, it is shown at market prices, that countries where the official exchange rate is, including intermediate inputs. does not effectively reflect the rate applied to actual foreign exchange transactions, an Source: World Bank country desk data. alternative currency conversion factor has been used. TABLE .. SERVICES VALUE ADDED e sum of the components of GDP by Services value added is shown at factor cost industrial origin (presented here as value and consists of the gross output of all other 112 Africa Development Indicators 2006 branches of economic activity, including capital formation comprises outlays by the government, less the value of their inter- public sector (table 2.10) and the private sec- mediate inputs. However, for Botswana, tor (table 2.11). Examples include improve- Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of ments in land, dwellings, machinery, and Congo, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Guinea, otherequipment.Forsomecountriesthesum Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, of gross private investment and gross public Senegal, Togo, and Zambia, it is shown at investment does not total gross domestic in- market prices, that is, including intermedi- vestment due to statistical discrepancies. ate inputs. Other items, such as imputed bank service charges (which are difficult to Source: World Bank country desk data. assess in the same fashion for all countries) and any corrections for statistical discrepan- TABLE .. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FIXED cies, are not included. CAPITAL FORMATION General government fixed capital formation is Source: World Bank country desk data. gross domestic fixed capital formation (see table 2.9) for the public sector. TABLE .. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, NOMINAL Source: World Bank country desk data. Gross domestic product (GDP), nominal is ob- tained by converting national currency GDP TABLE .. PRIVATE SECTOR FIXED CAPITAL series in current prices to U.S. dollars at of- FORMATION ficial annual exchange rates. Private sector fixed capital formation is gross domestic fixed capital formation (see table Source: World Bank country desk data. 2.9) for the private sector. TABLE .. Total consumption Source: World Bank country desk data. Total consumption is the sum of private con- sumption and general government consump- TABLE .. GROSS DOMESTIC SAVINGS tion (table 2.8). Private consumption, not Gross domestic savings is calculated by deduct- separatelyshownhere,isthevalueofallgoods ing total consumption (table 2.7) from nomi- and services purchased or received as income nal gross domestic product (table 2.6). in kind by households and nonprofit institu- tions. It excludes purchases of dwellings, but Source: World Bank country desk data. includes imputed rent for owneroccupied dwellings. In practice, it includes any statisti- TABLE .. GROSS NATIONAL SAVINGS cal discrepancy in the use of resources. Gross national savings is the sum of gross do- mestic savings (table 2.12), net factor income Source: World Bank country desk data. from abroad, and net private transfers from abroad. e estimate here also includes net TABLE .. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CON- public transfers from abroad. SUMPTION General government consumption includes all Source: World Bank country desk data. currentexpenditureforpurchasesofgoodsand services by all levels of government, including TABLE .. RESOURCE BALANCE (EXPORTS capital expenditure on national defense and MINUS IMPORTS) security. Other capital expenditure by govern- Resource balance is the difference between free ment is included in capital formation. on board exports (table 2.15) and cost, insur- ance, and freight imports (table 2.16) of goods Source: World Bank country desk data. and services (or the difference between gross domestic savings and gross capital formation). TABLE .. GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION e resource balance is shown as a share of Gross fixed capital formation consists of gross nominal gross domestic product (table 2.6). domestic fixed capital formation plus net changes in the level of inventories. Gross Source: World Bank country desk data. Technical notes113 Box 2 Discrepancies in gross domestic product growth estimates for Sub-Saharan Africa Three major databases supply information on To calculate the growth of regional ag- gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates: gregates, the two World Bank databases use the World Bank Africa Region Live Database the ratio of the sum method. This method con- (AFRLDB), the World Bank World Develop- verts individual country GDP in current local ment Indicators (WDI) database, and the Inter- currency into base year U.S. dollars using the national Monetary Fund (IMF) World Economic base year exchange rate. The aggregate GDP Outlook (WEO) database. The GDP growth growth rate is then calculated as the total re- rates presented in the World Bank databases gional GDP in base year U.S. dollars (the ratio and the IMF database often differ, sometimes of the sum). The implicit weighting variable of substantially. For example, the 2004 GDP re- this method is the country GDP in constant gional growth rate was cited as 4.3 percent U.S. dollars. by the AFRLDB and 5.2 percent by the WEO The IMF database uses the sum of the ra- (see figure). tios method. This method first calculates the Sub-Saharan Africa annual GDP growth reported by different databases Percentage 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ­1 ­2 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 WDI AFRLDB IMF Source: World Bank Africa Region Live Database, World Bank World Development Indicators database, and International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook database. The minor difference between the two GDP growth rates of each individual country World Bank databases is due to different fre- using the country GDP in constant local cur- quencies of data updates. The sometimes sub- rency. The aggregate GDP growth rate is then stantial differences between the World Bank calculated using the country growth rates and and the IMF databases are due to three main the country GDP in current purchasing power reasons: data source, aggregation methodol- parity U.S. dollars as the weighting variable ogy, and selection of the weighting variable. (the sum of ratios). For data sources, the two World Bank The implications of these differences are databases use the GDP estimates reported twofold. If the difference is small, it causes con- by the Bank's country economists, while the fusion. If the difference is large, it can cause IMF database uses the estimates reported by serious miscalculation in economic planning IMF country economists. Although the World or in policymaking. For further details visit the Bank and the IMF country economists coor- Africa Region Office of the Chief Economist's dinate their GDP estimates, some differences website at remain. 114 Africa Development Indicators 2006 TABLES . AND .. EXPORTS AND IM- dollars (see table 2.7) by the corresponding PORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES, NOMINAL midyear population. Exports and imports of goods and services, nominal, comprise all transactions between Source: World Bank country desk data. residents of an economy and the rest of the world involving a change in ownership of 3. Millennium Development Goals general merchandise, goods sent for process- ing and repairs, nonmonetary gold, and ser- TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT vices expressed in current U.S dollars. GOAL : ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER Source: World Bank country desk data. Survey year is the year in which the underly- ing data were collected. TABLES . AND .. EXPORTS AND IM- Share of population below national poverty PORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES, REAL line (poverty headcount ratio) is the percentage Exports and imports of goods and services, real, of the population living below the national are defined as in tables 2.15 and 2.16, but ex- poverty line. National estimates are based pressed in constant 2000 U.S. dollars. on population-weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys. Source: World Bank country desk data. Share of population below purchasing power parity (PPP) $1 a day is the percentage of the TABLE .. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT GROWTH Table 1 Method used to calculate regional aggregates Gross domestic product (GDP) growth is the av- and period averages in section 2 erage annual growth rates of real GDP (table 2.1). See box 2 for information on discrepan- Method Method Method Method Method cies in GDP growth estimates for Sub-Saha- Table 1 2 3 4 5 ran Africa. 2.1 Gross domestic product, real X X 2.2 Gross domestic product per capita, real X X Source: World Bank country desk data. 2.3 Agriculture value added X X 2.4 Industry value added X X TABLE .. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT 2.5 Services value added X X PER CAPITA GROWTH 2.6 Gross domestic product, nominal X X Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita growth 2.7 Total consumption X X is the average annual growth rate of real GDP 2.8 General government consumption X X per capita (table 2.2). 2.9 Gross fixed capital formation X X 2.10 General government fixed capita formation X X Source: World Bank country desk data. 2.11 Private sector fixed capital formation X X 2.12 Gross domestic savings X X 2.13 Gross national savings X X TABLE .. GROSS NATIONAL INCOME PER 2.14 Resource balance (exports minus imports) X X CAPITA 2.15 Exports of goods and services, nominal X X Gross national income (GNI) per capita is 2.16 Imports of goods and services, nominal X X calculated using the World Bank Atlas meth- 2.17 Exports of goods and services, real X X od (see box 1). It similar in concept to GNI 2.18 Imports of goods and services, real X X per capita in current prices, except that 2.19 Gross domestic product growth X X the use of threeyear averages of exchange 2.20 Gross domestic product per capita growth X X rates smoothes out sharp fluctuations from 2.21 Gross national income per capita X X year to year. 2.22 Total consumption per capita X X Source: World Bank country desk data. Note: Method 1 is the simple total of the gap-filled indicator; method 2 is the simple total of the gap-filled main indicator divided by the simple total of the gap-filled secondary indicator; method 3 is the simple total of the first gap-filled main indicator minus the simple total of the second gap-filled main indicator, divided by the simple total of the secondary indicator; method 4 is the arithmetic mean (using the same series as shown in the table; that is, ratio if the rest of the table is shown as ratio, level if the rest of the table is shown as level, growth rate if the rest TABLE .. TOTAL CONSUMPTION PER is shown as growth rate, and so on); method 5 is the least-squares growth rate (using the main indicator). CAPITA Total consumption per capita is obtained by dividing total consumption at current U.S. Technical notes 115 population living on less than $1.08 a day at data series with those published on the Unit- 1993 international prices. As a result of re- ed Nations Millennium Development Goals visions in PPP exchange rates, poverty rates website (, but for individual countries cannot be compared some differences in timing, sources, and defi- with poverty rates reported in earlier edi- nitions remain. tions. Data on child malnutrition and share of Poverty gap ratio at $1 a day is the mean population below minimum dietary energy shortfall from the poverty line (counting the consumption are from the Food and Agricul- nonpoor as having zero shortfall), expressed ture Organization (see as a percentage of the poverty line. is mea- foodsecurity/index_en.htm). sure reflects the depth of poverty as well as its prevalence. TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT Share of poorest quintile in national consump- GOAL : ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDU- tion or income is the share of consumption, or CATION in some cases income, that accrues to the Primary education provides children with poorest 20 percent of the population. basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills Prevalence of child malnutrition, under- along with an elementary understanding of weight, is the percentage of children under such subjects as history, geography, natural age 5 whose weight for age is more than two science, social science, art, and music. standard deviations below the median for the Net primary enrollment ratio is the ratio of international reference population ages 0­59 children of official primary school age based months. e reference population, adopted on the International Standard Classification by the World Health Organization in 1983, of Education 1997 who are enrolled in pri- is based on children from the United States, mary school to the population of the corre- who are assumed to be well nourished. sponding official primary school age. Share of population below minimum dietary Primary completion rate is the percentage of energy consumption (also referred to as preva- students completing the last year of primary lence of undernourishment) is the percent- school. It is calculated as the total number of age of the population whose food intake is students in the last grade of primary school insufficient to meet dietary energy require- minus the number of repeaters in that grade ments continuously. A value of 2.5 percent divided by the total number of children of of- signifies a prevalence of undernourishment ficial graduation age. of 2.5 percent or less. Share of cohort reaching grade 5 is the per- centage of children enrolled in grade 1 of Source: Data on poverty measures are primary school who eventually reach grade prepared by the World Bank's Development 5. e estimate is based on the reconstructed Research Group. e national poverty lines cohort method. are based on the World Bank's country pov- Youth literacy rate is the percentage of peo- erty assessments. e international poverty ple ages 15­24 who can, with understanding, lines are based on nationally representative both read and write a short, simple statement primary household surveys conducted by about their everyday life. national statistical offices or by private agen- cies under the supervision of government Source: Data are from the United Nations or international agencies and obtained from Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organi- government statistical offices and World zation Institute for Statistics. Data have been Bank country departments. e World Bank compiled by World Bank staff from primary has prepared an annual review of its poverty and secondary sources. Efforts have been work since 1993. For details on data sourc- made to harmonize these data series with es and methods used in deriving the World those published on the United Nations Mil- Bank's latest estimates, see Chen and Raval- lennium Development Goals website (www. lion (2004)., but some differenc- Data have been compiled by World Bank es in timing, sources, and definitions remain. staff from primary and secondary sources. Efforts have been made to harmonize these 116 Africa Development Indicators 2006 TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT by the World Bank's Human Development GOAL : PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND Network and Development Data Group in EMPOWER WOMEN consultation with its operational staff and Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary country offices. Data on child immunization school is the ratio of female to male gross are from the World Health Organization and enrollment rate in primary and secondary UNICEF estimates of national immunization school. coverage. Ratio of young literate women to men is the ratio of the female to male youth literacy rate. TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT Women in national parliaments are the per- GOAL : IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH centage of parliamentary seats in a single or Maternal mortality ratio, modeled estimate, is lower chamber occupied by women. the number of women who die from preg- Share of women in wage employment in the nancy-related causes during pregnancy and nonagricultural sector are women wage em- childbirth, per 100,000 live births. ployees in the nonagricultural sector as a Births attended by skilled health staff are the share of total nonagricultural employment. percentage of deliveries attended by personnel trained to give the necessary supervision, care, Source: Data on net enrollment and lit- and advice to women during pregnancy, labor, eracy are from the United Nations Educa- and the postpartum period; to conduct deliv- tional, Scientific, and Cultural Organization eries on their own; and to care for newborns. Institute for Statistics. Data on women in national parliaments are from the Inter- Source: Data on maternal mortality are Parliamentary Union. Data on women's em- from AbouZahr and Wardlaw (2003). Data ployment are from the International Labour on births attended by skilled health staff are Organization's Key Indicators of the Labour from the United Nations Children's Fund's Market, fourth edition. State of the World's Children 2006 and Child- info, and Demographic and Health Surveys TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT by Macro International. GOAL : REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY Under-five mortality rate is the probability TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT that a newborn baby will die before reaching GOAL : COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALARIA, AND age 5, if subject to current age-specific mor- OTHER DISEASES tality rates. e probability is expressed as a Prevalence of HIV is the percentage of people rate per 1,000. ages 15­49 who are infected with HIV. Infant mortality rate is the number of in- Contraceptive prevalence rate is the percent- fants dying before reaching one year of age, age of women who are practicing, or whose per 1,000 live births. sexual partners are practicing, any form of Child immunization rate, measles, is the per- contraception. It is usually measured for centage of children ages 12­23 months who married women ages 15­49 only. received vaccinations for measles before 12 Deaths due to malaria is the number of ma- months or at any time before the survey. A laria deaths per 100,000 people. child is considered adequately immunized Children sleeping under insecticide-treated against measles after receiving one dose of bednets are the percentage of children under vaccine. age 5 who slept under an insecticide-treated bednet to prevent malaria. Source: Data on under-five and infant mor- Incidence of tuberculosis is the estimated tality are the harmonized estimates of the number of new tuberculosis cases (pulmo- World Health Organization, United Nations nary, smear positive, and extrapulmonary), Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the World per 100,000 people. Bank, based mainly on household surveys, Tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS is censuses, and vital registration, supplement- the percentage of estimated new infectious ed by the World Bank's estimates based on tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS, the household surveys and vital registration. internationally recommended tuberculosis Other estimates are compiled and produced control strategy. Technical notes117 Source: Data on HIV prevalence are from Population with sustainable access to an im- the Joint United Nations Programme on proved water source is the percentage of the HIV/AIDS and the World Health Organiza- population with reasonable access to an ad- tion's (WHO) 2006 Report on the Global AIDS equate amount of water from an improved Epidemic. Data on contraceptive prevalence source, such as a household connection, are from household surveys, including De- public standpipe, borehole, protected well or mographic and Health Surveys by Macro spring, or rainwater collection. Unimproved International and Multiple Indicator Cluster sources include vendors, tanker trucks, and Surveys by the United Nations Children's unprotected wells and springs. Reasonable Fund (UNICEF). Data on deaths due to ma- access is defined as the availability of at least laria are from the WHO. Data on children 20 liters a person a day from a source within sleeping under insecticide-treated bednets 1 kilometer of the dwelling. are from UNICEF's State of the World's Chil- Populationwithsustainableaccesstoimproved dren 2006 and Childinfo, and Demographic sanitation is the percentage of the population and Health Surveys by Macro International. with at least adequate access to excreta dis- Data on tuberculosis are from the WHO's posal facilities that can effectively prevent Global Tuberculosis Control Report 2006. human, animal, and insect contact with ex- creta. Improved facilities range from simple TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOP- but protected pit latrines to flush toilets with MENT GOAL : ENSURE ENVIRONMENT a sewerage connection. e excreta disposal SUSTAINABILITY system is considered adequate if it is private Forest area is land under natural or planted or shared (but not public) and if it hygieni- stands of trees, whether productive or not. cally separates human excreta from human Nationally protected areas as share of total contact. To be effective, facilities must be cor- land area are totally or partially protected ar- rectly constructed and properly maintained. eas of at least 1,000 hectares that are desig- nated as scientific reserves with limited public Source: Data on forest area are from the access, national parks, natural monuments, Food and Agricultural Organization's Global nature reserves or wildlife sanctuaries, and Forest Resources Assessment. Data on na- protected landscapes. Marine areas, unclassi- tionally protected areas are from the United fied areas, and litoral (intertidal) areas are not Nations Environment Programme and the included. e data also do not include sites World Conservation Monitoring Centre. protected under local or provincial law. Data on energy use are from electronic files Gross domestic product (GDP) per unit of of the International Energy Agency. Data energy use is the GDP in purchasing power on carbon dioxide emissions are from the parity (PPP) U.S. dollars per kilogram of oil Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Cen- equivalent of energy use. PPP GDP is gross ter, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak domestic product converted to 2000 con- Ridge National Laboratory, in the U.S. state stant international dollars using purchasing of Tennessee. Data on solid fuel use are from power parity rates. An international dollar household survey data, supplemented by has the same purchasing power over GDP as World Bank estimates. Data on access to wa- a U.S. dollar has in the United States. ter and sanitation are from the World Health Carbon dioxide emissions are those stem- Organization and United Nations Children's ming from the burning of fossil fuels and the Fund's Meeting the MDG Drinking Water manufacture of cement. ey include carbon and Sanitation Target ( dioxide produced during consumption of sol- mdgreport). id, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. Solid fuel use is the percentage of the popu- TABLE .. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT lation using solid fuels as opposed to modern GOAL : DEVELOP A GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP fuels. Solid fuels are defined to include fuel FOR DEVELOPMENT wood, straw, dung, coal, and charcoal. Mod- Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Debt ern fuels are defined to include electricity, liq- Initiative decision point is the date at which a uefied petroleum gas, natural gas, kerosene, HIPC with an established track record of good and gasoline. performance under adjustment programs 118 Africa Development Indicators 2006 supported by the International Monetary Telecommunication Development Report Fund (IMF) and the World Bank commits to database and World Bank estimates. undertake additional reforms and to develop and implement a poverty reduction strategy. 4. Paris Declaration indicators HIPC completion point is the date at which the country successfully completes the key TABLE .. STATUS OF PARIS DECLARATION structural reforms agreed on at the decision INDICATORS point, including developing and implement- ing its poverty reduction strategy. e coun- Source: World Bank data (see box 3). try then receives the bulk of debt relief under the HIPC Initiative without further policy 5. Private sector development conditions. Estimated total nominal debt service relief TABLE .. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT committed under Enhanced HIPC Initiative is Number of startup procedures for new business the amount of debt service relief, calculat- is the number of procedures required to start ed at the decision point, that will allow the a business, including interactions to obtain country to achieve debt sustainability at the necessary permits and licenses and to com- completion point. plete all inscriptions, verifications, and noti- Debt service is the sum of principal repay- fications to start operations. ments and interest actually paid on total Time required to start a business is the num- long-term debt (public and publicly guaran- ber of calendar days needed to complete the teed and private nonguaranteed), use of IMF procedures to legally operate a business. If a credit, and interest on short-term debt. procedure can be speeded up at additional Youth unemployment rate is the percentage cost, the fastest procedure, independent of of the labor force ages 15­24 without work cost, is chosen. but available for and seeking employment. Cost to start a business is normalized by Definitions of labor force and unemployment presenting it as a percentage of gross nation- may differ by country. al income (GNI) per capita. Fixed-line and mobile phone subscribers are Number of procedures to register a property is subscribers to a fixed-line telephone service, the number of procedures required for a busi- which connects a customer's equipment to ness to secure rights to property. the public switched telephone network, or to Time required to register a property is the a public mobile telephone service, which uses number of calendar days needed for a busi- cellular technology. ness to secure rights to property. Personal computers are self-contained com- Number of procedures to enforce a contract is puters designed for use by a single individual. the number of independent actions, mandat- Internet users are people with access to the ed by law or courts, that demand interaction worldwide network. between the parties of a contract or between them and the judge or court officer. Source: Data on HIPC countries are from Time required to enforce a contract is the the IMF's March 2006 "HIPC Status Re- number of calendar days from the filing of ports." Data on external debt are mainly from the lawsuit in court until the final determina- reports to the World Bank through its Debtor tion and, in appropriate cases, payment. Reporting System from member countries Protecting investors disclosure index mea- that have received International Bank for Re- sures the degree to which investors are pro- construction and Development loans or In- tected through disclosure of ownership and ternational Development Association cred- financial information. its, as well as World Bank and IMF files. Data Time to resolve insolvency is the number of on youth unemployment are from the Inter- years from the filing for insolvency in court national Labour Organization's Key Indicators until the resolution of distressed assets. of the Labour Market, fourth edition. Data on Rigidity of employment index measures the phone subscribers, personal computers, and regulation of employment, specifically the Internet users are from the International hiring and firing of workers and the rigidity Telecommunication Union's (ITU) World of working hours. is index is the average Technical notes119 Box 3 About the Paris Declaration In the Paris Declaration, partner countries and and a questionnaire for governments and do- donors agreed on an international monitoring nors (remaining eight indicators; see table). process to track and encourage progress The assessment criteria for indicators 1 in implementing the Paris Declaration at the and 11 are based on analysis by the World country level. As much as possible, surveys Bank for the 2005 Comprehensive Develop- will use local processes to build a common ment Framework Progress Report "Enabling understanding of how more effective aid con- Country Capacity to Achieve Results." The tributes to achieving development results, to World Bank is now conducting an Aid Effec- provide an accurate picture of how aid is man- tiveness Review that will build on this earlier aged, and to support broad-based dialogue work and will provide information on these two at the country level on how to make aid more qualitative indicators. effective. The multidonor Working Party on Aid The survey-based tool was launched in Effectiveness has created a subgroup to de- May 2006. As of June 2006, 26 countries had velop technical guidance, survey instruments, confirmed their participation in the 2006 Sur- and a methodology for collecting and report- vey of Monitoring the Paris Declaration. An ing on country-level data for most of the Paris international report on this first round is tar- Declaration indicators. geted for publication at the end of 2006. Other Status of Paris Declaration indicators Number Indicator Source of assessment Ownership; operational poverty Qualitative review, Comprehensive Development 1 reduction strategies Framework method: desk review (World Bank) Quality of public financial World Bank Country Policy and Institutional 2a management system Assessment desk review Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop- 2b Quality procurement system ment's Development Assistance Committee desk review 3 Aid reported on budget Questionaire 4 Coordinated capacity building Questionaire Use of country public financial 5a Questionaire managment systems 5b Use of country procurement systems Questionaire 6 Parallel project implementation units Questionaire 7 In year predicitability Questionaire 8 Untied aid Questionaire 9 Use of program-based approaches Questionaire Joint missions and 10 Questionaire country analytical work Qualitative review, Comprehensive Development 11 Sound performance assessment framework Framwork method: desk review (World Bank) 12 Review of mutual accountability Questionaire Twelve indicators were agreed on at Paris. monitoring rounds will be undertaken in early They are measured through qualitative desk 2008 and 2010. To reduce the level of detail reviews undertaken by the Organisation for and complexity, the definitions and guidance Economic Co-operation and Development's are principle based and objective oriented. Development Assistance Committee (indicator Detailed guidance on each of the eight indica- 2b), the World Bank (indicators 1, 2a, and 11), tors is provided. of three subindexes: a difficulty of hiring Source: Data are from the World Bank's index, a rigidity of hours index, and a dif- Doing Business project ( ficulty of firing index. 120 Africa Development Indicators 2006 TABLE .. INVESTMENT CLIMATE ers who ranked skills of available workers as Private investment is private sector fixed capi- a major or severe constraint. tal formation (table 2.11) divided by nominal Number of tax payments is the number of gross domestic product (table 2.6). taxes paid by businesses, including electronic Net foreign direct investment is investment filing. e tax is counted as paid once a year by residents of the Organisation for Econom- even if payments are more frequent. ic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Time to prepare and pay taxes is the number Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of hours it takes to prepare, file, and pay (or member countries to acquire a lasting man- withhold) three major types of taxes: the cor- agement interest (at least 10 percent of vot- porate income tax, the value added or sales ing stock) in an enterprise operating in the tax, and labor taxes, including payroll taxes recipient country. e data reflect changes and social security contributions. in the net worth of subsidiaries in recipient Total tax payable is the total amount of tax- countries whose parent company is in the es payable by the business (except for labor DAC source country. taxes) after accounting for deductions and Domestic credit to private sector is financial exemptions as a percentage of gross profit. resources provided to the private sector, such For further details on the method used for as through loans, purchases of nonequity assessing the total tax payable. securities, and trade credits and other ac- Highest marginal tax rate, corporate, is the counts receivable, that establish a claim for highest rate shown on the schedule of tax repayment. For some countries these claims rates applied to the taxable income of corpo- include credit to public enterprises. rations. Policy uncertainty is the share of senior Time dealing with officials is the average per- managers who ranked economic and regu- centage of senior management's time that is latory policy uncertainty as a major or very spent in a typical week dealing with require- severe constraint. ments imposed by government regulations Corruption is the share of senior managers (for example, taxes, customs, labor regula- who ranked corruption as a major or very se- tions, licensing, and registration), including vere constraint. dealings with officials, completing forms, and Courts are the share of senior managers the like. who ranked courts and dispute resolution Average time to clear customs is the number systems as a major or very severe constraint. of days to clear an imported good through Lack of confidence courts will uphold property customs. rights is the share of senior managers who do Bank branches are deposit money bank not agree with the statement: "I am confi- branches. dent that the judicial system will enforce my Interest rate spread is the interest rate contractual and property rights in business charged by banks on loans to prime custom- disputes." ers minus the interest rate paid by commer- Crime is the share of senior managers who cial or similar banks for demand, time, or ranked crime, theft, and disorder as a major savings deposits. or very severe constraint. Listed domestic companies are domestically Tax rates are the share of senior managers incorporated companies listed on a coun- who ranked tax rates as a major or very se- try's stock exchanges at the end of the year. vere constraint. ey exclude investment companies, mutual Finance is the share of senior managers funds, and other collective investment ve- who ranked access to finance or cost of fi- hicles. nance as a major or very severe constraint. Market capitalization of listed companies, Electricity is the share of senior managers also known as market value, is the share price who ranked electricity as a major or severe of a listed domestic company's stock times constraint. the number of shares outstanding. Labor regulation is the share of senior man- Turnover ratio for traded stocks is the total agers who ranked labor regulations as a ma- value of shares traded during the period di- jor or severe constraint. vided by the average market capitalization Labor skills are the share of senior manag- for the period. Average market capitalization Technical notes121 Box 4 Investment climate survey data and perception of constraints by firms Investment climate surveys or Enterprise surveys have been under- Inference. The data reported are unweighted numbers from taken by the World Bank on an Africawide basis since 2003. En- random stratified samples, which implies that population esti- terprise surveys measure business perceptions of the investment mates of the same variable may differ somewhat. Although expe- climate and can be used to analyze the link to job creation and pro- rience shows that it does not often change the ranking of the most ductivity growth. Surveys are undertaken on the basis of a standard- important constraints, reported numbers may vary slightly from ized survey instrument, identical for each country. The data gathered population estimates (see figure for a hypothetical example). during these surveys fall into two categories: objective data, such as Context for perception data. The social environment in which a accounting or labor data, and perception data, where interviewees survey takes place may affect the nature of the replies. The sense are asked to provide their own assessment of specific issues. Infer- of responsibility of managers and the perceived legitimacy of the ences from the use of survey data and of perception information survey itself (and of its questions) will affect the replies: for exam- must be done carefully, as sampling and contextual issues may af- ple, a survey taking place in a country with no tradition in survey fect the numbers reported. data gathering--and thus with little perceived legitimacy for a sur- Sector coverage in samples. Until 2005 enterprise surveys vey--will yield more uncertain answers. Some topics, by their sen- mostly surveyed manufacturing firms across countries, which sitive nature--for example, questions on corruption--may yield implies that the reported data will not cover the entire economy. unexpected results. In addition, the psychology of the respondent Hence, some of the reported issues may be sector specific. and the overall socioeconomic context of the interview may affect the answers. For example, assume a country Items perceived as a severe constraint (percent) where a survey takes place between period t­1 and t+1. In period t, a major dispute erupts be- tween manufacturers and the authorities about 70