WPS7395 Policy Research Working Paper 7395 Preferences, Purchasing Power Parity, and Inequality Analytical Framework, Propositions, and Empirical Evidence Amita Majumder Ranjan Ray Sattwik Santra Development Economics Vice Presidency Office of the Chief Economist August 2015 Policy Research Working Paper 7395 Abstract This paper makes analytical, methodological and empiri- calculating purchasing power parities that are benchmarked cal contributions to the literature on purchasing power against the 2011 International Comparison Program pur- parity. Purchasing power parities are required in a host of chasing power parities. As this study shows, the alternative cross-country welfare comparisons, such as poverty rates methodology is capable of easy implementation on read- and gross domestic product. The subject has recently gen- ily available data sets. The benchmarking exercise suggests erated much interest in the wake of the release of the final that the 2011 International Comparison Program gener- results of the 2011 International Comparison Program. ally understates purchasing power parity and overstates This paper introduces a preference-based analytical frame- gross domestic product, and that the purchasing power work that departs from the conventional Balassa-Samuelson parities vary across expenditure percentiles. The study framework in deriving empirically verifiable propositions reports regional variation in the direction of the difference on the link between purchasing power parity and exchange between the two purchasing power parities. The empirical rates, and between purchasing power parity and inequal- evidence is supportive of the positive association between ity. The paper also provides an alternative methodology for inequality and purchasing power parity derived in the paper. This paper is a product of the Office of the Chief Economist, Development Economics Vice Presidency. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://econ.worldbank.org. The authors may be contacted at amita@isical.ac.in, ranjan.ray@monash.edu, and sattwiks@gmail.com. The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Produced by the Research Support Team Preferences, Purchasing Power Parity, and Inequality: Analytical Framework, Propositions, and Empirical Evidence Amita Majumdera Ranjan Rayb Sattwik Santrac Keywords: Non-homothetic Preferences, Tradeable Items, Penn Effect, Counterfactual PPP. JEL Classification: D11, D63, E31, F01, I31. Acknowledgements: The work on this paper started when Ranjan Ray visited the World Bank in June 2015. The authors thank seminar participants at The Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, and at the World Bank, Washington D.C., for helpful comments and, especially, Kaushik Basu, Francisco Ferreira, Nada Hamadeh, Dean Jolliffe, Sugata Marjit and Abhirup Sarkar for useful discussions. The disclaimer applies and the authors retain full responsibility for the contents of this paper. a Professor, Economic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. amita@isical.ac.in b Professor, Department of Economics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. ranjan.ray@monash.edu; corresponding author c Assistant Professor of Economics, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. sattwiks@gmail.com Preferences, Purchasing Power Parity, and Inequality: Analytical Framework, Propositions, and Empirical Evidence 1. Introduction Background The recent release of the final report of the 2011 International Comparison Program (ICP)1 has generated renewed interest in the subject of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). PPPs are required in a range of cross-country comparisons that include real expenditure, inequality and poverty comparisons. For example, the implementation of the international poverty line (IPL), typically denominated in US dollars, requires the use of PPPs to convert the IPL to local currencies. The manner of implementation of the PPPs in specifying country specific poverty lines by the World Bank has, however, been criticized by Reddy and Pogge (2007) on the grounds that it (a) “uses an arbitrary international poverty line that is not adequately anchored in any specification of the real requirements of human beings” and (b) “employs a concept of ‘purchasing power equivalence’ that is neither well defined nor appropriate for poverty assessment”. Reddy and Pogge’s (2007) view is at odds with the result of Deaton and Dupriez (2011) who have sought to justify the conventional use of PPPs in defining IPL by finding that that PPPs for the global poor are not much different from the economywide PPPs obtained from national accounts statistics. The International Comparison Program (ICP) that is centrally directed from the global office of the World Bank is, by any measure, truly impressive in the scale of the exercise and highly ambitious in what it claims to achieve. As the volume [World Bank (2013)] that describes the objectives, methodology and the data sets of the ICP 2005 exercise states in its title, it seeks to measure the ‘real size’ of the world economy, even though it is not clear what the term ‘real’ really means. It does so by calculating ‘purchasing power parity’ (PPP) rates between the various countries’ currencies and using the PPPs rather than the market exchange rates in converting the national accounts of various countries and their components, denominated in local currencies, into a common currency, typically, the US dollar. As is well known, market 1 See World Bank (2015). The preliminary results were published in World Bank (2014). See, also, Hamadeh and Mouyelo-Katoula (2014) for a lucid summary of the ICP, 2011 findings, and Diewert (2010) for a description of the new methodological developments in the earlier ICP, 2005 round. 2 exchange rates are inappropriate for currency conversions since they do not measure the ‘true’ purchasing power of a currency. For example, on market exchange rates, the price of a haircut in India seems incredibly cheap to an American visiting India or, conversely, a taxi ride in Australia will be almost as expensive as plane travel between two cities in India. PPP provides the adjustments required to market exchange rates such that the price of an item in two countries is identical if expressed in a common currency. A working definition of the PPP is provided in World Bank (2013, p. 19), namely, that ‘it represents the number of currency units required to purchase the amount of goods and services equivalent to what can be bought with one unit of currency unit of the base or reference or numeraire country’. There are several reasons for the divergence between the market exchange rates and the PPP rates (however measured). The short term factors include the capital movements between countries, interest rate movements, speculation in foreign exchange markets, etc. The longer term factors include the fact that the exchange rates are almost exclusively dependent on the relative prices of tradeable items, while standard of living comparisons between countries should include both tradeable and non-tradeable items, especially in the context of developing countries. Consequently, the PPP rates are based on a much wider selection of items than market exchange rates including both tradeable and non-tradeable items. It is not surprising, therefore, that the PPP rates deviate from exchange rates much more for developing countries than the developed ones. The use of PPPs has provided some comfort to authorities in developing countries who have used them to argue that the ’real size’ of their economies is much higher than shown by the exchange rate converted figures. Though the concept of PPP can be traced back to the early work of Cassel (1916), its modern origin is due to Balassa (1964) and Samuelson (1964). The distinction between PPP and exchange rates is underpinned by the distinction between tradeable and non-tradeable items. While both PPP and exchange rates measure the ratio of prices of a basket of items in two countries, the former considers both tradeable and non-tradeable items, but the latter considers only tradeable items. Both Balassa (1964) and Samuelson (1964) base their distinction between PPP and exchange rates on productivity differences between the tradeable and the non- tradeable sectors. As Balassa (1964) notes (p.585), “under the assumption of constant marginal rates of transformation, the relative price of the non- traded commodity will thus be higher in the country with the higher productivity levels than the other”. This leads him to conclude that (p. 586), “assuming that international productivity differences are greater in the production of 3 traded goods than in the production of non-traded goods, the currency of the country with higher productivity will appear to be overvalued in terms of purchasing power parity”. Since developing countries have lower productivity than developed countries, this argument leads to what Ravallion (2013a) terms the ‘static Penn effect’, where the ‘price level index’, defined as the ratio of the PPP to the exchange rate is higher in the developed countries. Ravallion (2013a) extends this argument to claim that with economic growth, the developing countries witness productivity gains in the traded goods sector leading to the ‘dynamic Penn effect’ whereby there is a positive association between changes in economic growth and that in the ‘price level index’. The Balassa Samuelson analysis is reinforced by Bhagwati (1984) who argues that services, a typical non-tradeable item, are cheaper in developing countries. Though the distinction is not always emphasized in the literature, Balassa (1964) draws a distinction between the ‘absolute’ and ‘relative’ interpretations of the PPP doctrine that views the PPP as ‘equilibrium exchange rates.’ 2 While, according to the first interpretation, PPP tends to approximate the equilibrium rates of exchange, according to the second interpretation, ‘changes in relative prices would indicate the necessary adjustments in exchange rates’ (Balassa (1964, p. 584)). Though the equivalence is not exact, the ‘static Penn effect’ corresponds to the absolute interpretation of the PPP doctrine while the relative interpretation corresponds to the ‘dynamic Penn effect’. As we report later, while the present study finds no evidence in favor of the ‘static Penn effect’, which involves cross sectional PPP comparisons between countries in a given year, it does find robust evidence in favor of a ‘dynamic Penn effect’ which relates to the same country over time. The latter has, recently, been the subject of controversy between Ravallion (2013a, 2013b) and Inklaar (2013) with the former claiming robust evidence in favor of a ‘dynamic Penn effect’, and the latter denying such an effect. Motivation This paper revisits this debate using an extended analytical framework and presents evidence that suggests that both the protagonists are missing the role of within-country inequality movements in affecting the temporal changes in PPP. The importance of inequality movements in studying PPP changes becomes paramount in the context of non-homothetic consumer preferences on which we provide supporting evidence in this study. The examination of the 2 This view has however been challenged by Rogoff (1996) who points to the ‘PPP puzzle’, namely, the need to ‘reconcile the extremely high short term volatility of real exchange rates with the glacial rate… at which deviations from PPP seem to die out” (p.664). In a rare departure from the Balassa Samuelson framework, Rogoff (1996) points to the role of transportation costs and tariffs in explaining the ‘PPP puzzle’. 4 effect of inequality on PPP, that is one of the principal motivations of this paper, requires an analytical framework that makes an explicit attempt to link consumer preferences with PPP movements.3 One of the contributions of this paper is to provide such a framework. The need to get a valid and reasonably general PPP specification stems from the fact that the ICP PPPs or, PPPs from other sources, are available only after discrete time intervals due to resource costs and administrative complexities in conducting PPP exercises, and that such time intervals between ICP exercises have been increasing. Yet, PPPs are required much more frequently, typically annually or even quarterly, as the international community and global agencies need to make cross-country poverty and real expenditure comparisons on a regular scale. This calls for a satisfactory PPP forecasting mechanism that generates PPPs between the ICP benchmark years. Examples of attempts to provide dynamic PPP mechanisms include Rambaldi, Rao and Ganegodage (2010), Rao, Rambaldi and Doran (2010), McCarthy (2013), Pelagatti (2010), Ravallion (2013a, 2013b) and Inklaar (2013).4 The result of this study on the need to link inequality movements with PPP changes over time thus acquires considerable significance. Another key motivation of this study is to subject the recently released 2011 ICP PPPs to robustness checks by comparing them with a set of counterfactual PPPs for 2011 that is obtained using an alternative methodology that is based on consumer preferences and using a data set that is similar to that used in the 2011 ICP study. In concentrating exclusively on the 2011 ICP, we depart from counterfactual exercises such as Jolliffe and Prydz (2015) and Inklaar and Rao (2015) that attempt to reconcile the 2005 and 2011 ICP results. A related motivation is the test of the underlying assumption in the ICP PPPs, and in their use in cross- country welfare comparisons, that a single PPP number is valid for all the expenditure classes, namely, the poor, middle income and affluent households. While there is now widespread appreciation of the importance of constructing ‘subnational PPPs’, this study is motivated by the need to draw attention to the importance of constructing ‘subclass PPPs’ as well. 3 See Majumder, Ray and Sinha (2012, 2015a, 2015b) for recent attempts at estimating sub-national PPPs in India and Vietnam based on preference consistent demand systems. 4 See, also, Chakrabarty, Majumder and Ray (2015) for an attempt to move from the cross country framework of forecasting national PPPs to the intra-country framework of forecasting subnational PPPs using a dynamic stochastic specification. 5 Distinctive Features The existing attempts at forecasting PPP between benchmark years can be divided into two broad approaches. The first is largely an accounting exercise that adjusts PPPs for changes in the relative purchasing power of currencies by using inflation differentials between countries. The second, typified by Ravallion (2013a), links the PPP changes to changes in the real GDP of the countries.5 The present study deviates from these approaches by attempting to link the PPP changes with that in consumer preferences over time. In doing so, the paper deviates from the Balassa Samuelson framework that has dominated the PPP literature and has given primacy, almost exclusively, to the role of productivity differences in driving differences between PPP and exchange rates. As this paper shows, extending the Balassa Samuelson framework to explicitly bring in consumer preferences allows the introduction of distributional variables such as intra-country Gini inequality in studying PPP changes. While in some cases changing consumer preferences can add to the Balassa-Samuelson effects on PPP, in others they can ameliorate such effects. As the empirical evidence presented later shows, one of the consistently robust results of this study is the significant effect of inequality changes on PPP movements in the case of low income countries. These results acquire significance in the context of the recent contribution of Piketty (2015) that has put distribution back at the center of international policy debates. As indicated above in ‘Motivation’, another key feature of this study is that it provides counterfactual PPPs, along with a proposed methodology for calculating an alternative set of PPPs, which allow comparison with the 2011 ICP PPPs that have come out only very recently. The need for such counterfactual PPPs has recently been emphasized by, for example, Inklaar and Rao (2015) in the context of findings that suggest that while the 2005 ICP PPPs made the developing countries suddenly look a lot ‘poorer’ than they did previously [Chen and Ravallion (2010)], the 2011 ICP PPPs did the very reverse leading to the Inklaar and Rao (2015) conclusion that ‘the (previous) international income inequality had been overstated’. Against a background of continuing controversy on the accuracy of the price information used in the 2005 and the 2011 ICPs, with one group arguing that the 2005 prices were ‘too high’, and the 5 Though neither Ravallion (2013a, 2013b) nor Inklaar (2013) draws a distinction between the cross sectional/ cross country base of the ‘static Penn effect’ and the temporal context of the ‘dynamic Penn effect’, the present study does and provides separate estimates of the two quite different types of ‘Penn effects’. 6 other side arguing that the 2011 prices were ‘too low,’6 the results of the comparison of the 2011 ICP PPPs with the counterfactual PPPs acquires considerable interest. Since a key distinctive feature of the alternative methodology proposed here to calculate PPP is that it dispenses with the need for price information, the present results acquire significance in the context of this debate on the quality of the price information used in the ICP PPPs. Moreover, it addresses a significant practical issue, namely, that in the case of most developing countries the required price information is missing or is of suspect quality. Another distinctive feature of this exercise is the use of the Indian rupee as the numeraire currency instead of the US dollar. This is much more than a simple change of the base country, from USA to India, since while interest in all the existing PPP applications in ‘real expenditure comparisons’ centers on the question of whether the world is ‘richer’ or ‘poorer’ in relation to the USA, the counterfactual PPPs and their implied real expenditure comparisons presented here are with respect to India. While the 2011 ICP PPPs suggest that the world has suddenly become a lot ‘richer’, or more accurately ‘less poor’, with respect to the USA when compared with the 2005 ICP PPPs, a distinctive finding of this study is that the 2011 ICP PPPs make much of the developing world look ‘richer’ or ‘less poor’ with respect to India as well, but the comparison here is with the alternative set of 2011 non ICP PPPs, not with a previous set of ICP PPPs. The move to India is justified by the fact that India occupies a unique position in sharing the features of a developing economy in terms of its poverty rates and per capita expenditure, yet it offers a market and the size of its aggregate economy that dwarf many of the developed economies. If the often made comparisons between the 2005 and 2011 ICP PPPs suggest a downward bias in the 2011 ICP PPPs, vis a vis the US dollar, the counterfactual exercise of the present study extends that finding vis a vis the Indian rupee. Organization The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 proposes a non-homothetic preference based analytical framework that yields propositions on the relationship between (a) PPP and exchange rates, (b) PPP and consumption patterns, (c) PPP and factor endowments, and (d) PPP and inequality. Section 3 presents the empirical evidence on non-homothetic preferences 6 See Ravallion (2014) and Jolliffe and Prydz (2015) for alternative, indeed contradictory, comparative assessments of the price information collected in ICP 2005 and ICP 2011. While Ravallion (2014) finds issues with ICP 2011, Jolliffe and Prydz (2015) are critical of the price information collected in ICP 2005. Inklaar and Rao (2015) attempt at reconciling the PPPs from ICP 2005 and ICP 2011, and argue that “relying on a single benchmark for country figures is hazardous”. 7 that allow the link between PPP and inequality. Section 4 provides robust evidence that confirms the effect of inequality on PPP and of a stable ‘dynamic Penn effect’. While the empirical results in Sections 3 and 4 are based on a time series of the ICP PPPs to date, Section 5 widens the study by proposing an alternative preference-based methodology for estimating PPPs and then using it to calculate counterfactual PPPs that provide a useful comparison with the ICP PPPs. Section 6 concludes the paper with a summary of the principal results and a discussion of issues that could feature in the future agenda of the ICP. 2. Analytical Framework and the Link Between PPP and Inequality We model a system of two economies that are linked by trade. The consumption basket of the representative individual of either of these economies is composed of three goods7 and the economies are allowed to engage in bilateral trade in two of these goods. Thus, the market for commodities of any economy is constituted by the domestically produced non-tradable good as well as by the tradable goods produced either domestically or imported from abroad. Note that although each of these economies is endowed with the technology to produce all the commodities, whether a particular tradable good is produced in an economy is determined by the nature of product specialization as directed by the terms of trade. Trade between the economies is assumed to be free8 and balanced. The productions of the goods in the economies are organized by constant returns to scale production technologies that utilizes a single factor of production. We shall refer to this factor of production as capital. The factor of production is perfectly mobile within an economy but is immobile across the economies. There is perfect competition in both the product and factor markets. Given this overview of the nature of the economies, we first detail their production structures. Henceforth, we refer to the economies as ‘home’ (h) and ‘foreign’ (f) and use as subscripts the letters h and f to distinguish the various exogenous and endogenous variables of the respective economies. Given the assumptions of our model, the production of non-tradable and tradable goods denoted by X, Y1 and Y2 in that order, are given by: 7 In a perfectly competitive setting (as assumption that we invoke subsequently), three is the minimal number of commodities that ensures bilateral trade as also the presence of at least one non-tradable. 8 Defined as trade that does not involve any transaction costs in the form of tariffs/subsidies or transportation costs. 8 , and where, , . In the above relations, α, β1 and β2 represent the productivity parameters of the subscripted ‘ith’ economy and k denotes the amounts of capital employed in the particular production activity. Since perfect competition prevails in both the commodity and factor markets, profit maximization on the part of the firms equates the prices of the goods to their marginal costs of production. Or, in terms of notations: ∀ ∈ , (1) ∀ ∈ , (2) ∀ ∈ , (3) In the above relations, p represents the price of the subscripted good and r represents the rental rate of capital: our sole factor of production. In the case where a particular traded good is not produced in a particular economy, the above equations depict the relationship between the price and the rental rate that would have prevailed had that good been manufactured by the competitive firms of the said economy. In order to model the demand side of the economies, we assume that the individuals of both economies share identical tastes and preferences. As of now, we will assume a very general form of preferences of a typical individual of an economy and introduce the variables: , and ∀ ∈ , to represent the fraction of total income, the ‘ith’ economy spends to consume the subscripted goods. Obviously, for each of the economies, these income shares add up to unity. Additionally, apart from being functionally linked to the parameters of the utility function, these variables are functionally dependent on the market prices of the goods and the income distributions of the respective economies for general utility formulations. If the preferences are homothetic, then these income shares are homogenous of degree zero in the market prices and are not functions of the distributions of income in the respective economies. With this very abstract form of individuals’ preferences, we move on to analytically solve for the equilibrium that prevails at trade. For our model, given the assumptions so far, it is evident that the only way the countries might engage in gainful trade is when the relative productivity parameters of the traded goods vary across the countries; leading to a Ricardian type of 9 comparative advantage driven trade. For the sake of analytical tractability, we further assume that our model parameters are such that the two economies completely specialize in the production of one of the traded goods with (without loss of generality) home specializing in the production of Y1 while foreign specializing in the production of Y2. To derive the equilibrium at trade, we consider the market clearing condition for the factor market of ‘home’. This is given by: , (4) where K denotes the amount of capital endowment of the subscripted economy and the exchange rate, defined as units of the ‘i’th economy’s currency per unit of the ‘j’th economy’s currency, is denoted by . In this notational style, we denote the subscript ‘j’ as the base economy and the superscript ‘i’ as the comparison economy. It is worthwhile to mention that the term in the first brackets from the left evaluates home’s demand for capital from the sector producing the non-traded good X, the term in the middle brackets evaluates home’s demand for capital in order to satisfy the domestic consumption of good Y1, while the term in the last brackets from the left evaluates home’s demand for capital to satiate foreign’s consumption of the good. In this regard, one might also recall that our parameter restrictions ensure that home is the sole producer of good Y1. For a solution, we normalize the rental rate of each economy to unity in terms of the currency for the respective economy i.e. 1 and use equations (1) through (3) to obtain: ∀ ∈ , (5) (6) (7) and (8) The productions of the goods at equilibrium are given by: ∀ ∈ , (9) 1 (10) and 1 (11) 10 The equilibrium consumptions of the non-traded goods coincide with their production figures whereas the equilibrium consumptions of the traded goods (where we use lowercase to indicate consumption demand) are given by: (12) (13) (14) and (15) So that at equilibrium home (foreign) specialize in the production of Y1 (Y2), our parametric restrictions would require that the price at which the competitive home (foreign) firms supply the commodity market of Y1 (Y2) of either economies be less than the price that would have prevailed had that good been manufactured by the competitive firms of foreign (home). This yields us the following set of inequalities:9 and which may be combined with equations (2) and (3) to yield: or (16) Note that our choice of normalizing the rental rates of the economies yields us the results that the prices observed at equilibrium depend solely on the respective sectoral productivity parameters and that the total income of the economies is equal to their respective endowments of capital. In all of the equations that we model throughout this theoretical section, except where explicitly mentioned, it is understood that the consumption shares: , and ∀ ∈ , are functionally dependent on the commodity prices and the income distributions prevailing at the respective economies. This can be formally established through the following functional relationships: ≡ , , , ∙ and 9 Note that the first inequality ensures that home firms producing Y1, are able to supply both home and foreign markets at a price lesser than their foreign counterparts and similarly, the second inequality ensures that foreign firms producing Y2, are able to supply both home and foreign markets at a price lesser than their home counterparts. 11 ≡ , , , ∙ ∀ ∈ , , where G(·) represents the income distribution of the indexed economy. Since this section deals in the possible theoretical determinants of the purchasing power parity (PPP), we are required to compute the same for our model economies. The PPP index represents the price of a reference consumption basket in an economy relative to a base economy. The selection of a suitable reference basket poses some challenge as the economies consume the goods in different ratios. This follows since the commodity prices as well as the income distributions vary across the economies. The latter consideration is important if we allow for non-homotheticity in consumer preferences. Since it is already known from the definition of the commodity shares (represented by subscripted ) that the amounts of the commodities {X, Y1, Y2} consumed by home are given by: , , , respectively, and that for foreign are respectively given by: , , , we anoint the following expression as our reference commodity basket for the goods {X, Y1, Y2} respectively: , , . In the above expression, various values of the parameter D yields us different definitions of the reference basket. For example, if D = 1, then the reference basket matches the total consumption quantities of the goods across the economies, if D = 2, then the reference basket corresponds to the average consumption quantities of the goods across the economies and if D is the total value of the combined population of both home and foreign, then the reference basket equates to the world’s (i.e. combined home and foreign) average per-capita consumption of the goods. In line with the notation used to define the exchange rate, we use the symbol to denote the price of the reference commodity basket in comparison economy ‘i’ relative to that in the base economy ‘j’. Using this notation, is given by: 12 . Note that for any non-zero choice of D, the PPP index as defined above becomes free of the parameter D. The above relation may be simplified using (5) to yield: . Note that in the absence of any non-traded goods (i.e. 0), the PPP equates to the exchange rate. Also, note that since by definition of exchange rate, ≡ 1⁄ , and similarly for the PPP index, ≡ 1⁄ , the above equation may be manipulated to yield: ≡ and this serves as a check for consistency of the previous equation. The last two equations may be written succinctly as: ∀, ∈ , , (17) We also define the price level index (PLI) index for our model as: ≡ ∀, ∈ , , (18) Given this relational association of equation (18), we forward an interesting observation in the form of the following proposition. 13 Proposition 1: The price level index of the comparison economy is greater than (equal to or lesser than) unity or equivalently that the purchasing power parity index of the comparison economy be greater than (equal to or lesser than) the exchange rate if and only if the following condition holds: 1⋛ . or as a special case, when the productivity parameter of the non-traded goods is equal between the two countries (i.e. ) then we obtain: Corollary to proposition 1: If the productivity parameter of the non-traded goods is equal between the two countries (i.e. ) then, any value of the exchange rate between the comparison and base economies that is greater than (equal to or less than) unity is enough to guarantee that the price level index of the comparison economy is lesser than (equal to or greater than) unity or equivalently that the purchasing power parity index of the comparison economy be lesser than (equal to or greater than) the exchange rate. Proof: Equation (18) implies that ⋛ 1 according to: 1 ⋛ 1 Rearranging the above, it follows: ⋛1⟺ ⋛ ⇔1⋛ QED. (19) Also, from an inspection of equation (17) and (18), the following implications of our theoretical model are immediate: Proposition 2: For any given values of the consumption shares of the non-traded goods, the relative productivities of the non-traded sector and the relative factor endowments, if there is an increase (decrease) in the exchange rate ( ) of an economy ‘i’ relative to economy ‘j’ then the purchasing power parity of that economy relative to the other economy (i.e. ) also rises (falls). 14 Proposition 2A: For an increase in the exchange rate ( ) of an economy ‘i’ relative to economy ‘j’, the PLI of economy ‘i’ relative to economy ‘j’ (i.e. ) rises (remains unchanged or falls) if and only if: or . Proof: Given the consumption shares of the non-traded goods, the relative productivities of the non-traded sector and the relative factor endowments, equation (17) clearly shows that an increase in in the exchange rate ( ) unambiguously increases the numerator while decreasing the denominator. Thus the first part of the proposition follows. The second part follows since: │ , , and │ , , ⋛0⟺ ⋛ QED. Proposition 3: For any given values of the consumption shares of the non-traded goods, the exchange rate and the relative productivities of the non-traded sector, an increase in the factor endowment of an economy ‘i’ relative to economy ‘j’ increases (does not affect or decreases) the purchasing power parity and the PLI of economy ‘i’ relative to the other economy ‘j’ (i.e. and respectively) if and only if: or 1 . Proof: Differentiating (17) we obtain: │ , , Thus, │ , , ⋛0⟺1⋛ 1 , 15 or on multiplying the relation throughout by : │ , , ⋛0⟺ ⋛ 1 . The proof is completed once we rearrange the terms and invoke the condition that: │ , , ≡ │ , , QED. Proposition 4: Given the exchange rate, the relative productivities of the non-traded sector and the relative factor endowments: (i) If then, an increase in the proportion of income spent on consumption of the good produced in the non-traded sector of either economy increases and . (ii) If then an increase in the proportion of income spent on consumption of the good produced in the non-traded sector of either economy does not affect and . (iii) If then an increase in the proportion of income spent on consumption of the good produced in the non-traded sector of either economy decreases both and . Proof: This follows from equation (17) after differentiation with respect to the proportions of income spend by an economy ‘i’ and ‘j’ to consume the good produced in the non-traded sector. These are given by: │ , , and │ , , . Thus, 16 │ , , ⋛0⟺ ⋛ 0 and │ , , ⋛0⟺ ⋛ 0. Since by the definition of PLI, │ , , │ , , and │ , , │ , , , Proposition 4 is immediate once we compare the conditions with condition (19) of the proof of proposition 1. QED. Let us now make the following additional assumption: A1: The relatively poor consume the nontraded good proportionately more than the relatively rich. Since we took the factor prices as our numeraire i.e. 1, given the endowments, the incomes of the economies are constant and, thus using proposition 4 under A1, leads us to the following further proposition as the corollary to Proposition 4: Proposition 5: Given the exchange rate, the relative productivities of the non-traded sector, the relative factor endowments and assumption A1: (i) If then, an increase in the inequality in either economy decreases and . (ii) If then, an increase in the inequality in either economy does not affect and . (iii) If then, an increase in the inequality in either economy increases both and . Note that Proposition 5 holds because given the economy-wide income (given the endowments), an increase in inequality coincides with a regressive transfer of income from a poor to a rich individual within a country. This in turn implies that with the transfer, an additional amount of income (equal to the amount of the transfer) is being spent following the consumption pattern of the rich (which was previously being spent following the consumption pattern of the poor). Since the poor are assumed to consume the nontraded good proportionately more than the relatively rich, the transfer decreases the proportion of income 17 spent on the consumption of the good produced in the non-traded sector of the concerned economy. The rest of the result follows from proposition 4. Note that in course of the above argument, the prices of the commodities (which depend on the productivity parameters only) remain unaltered. Under the altered assumption where the relatively poor consume the nontraded good proportionately less than the relatively rich, the previous propositions get completely reversed. 3. The Evidence in Favor of Non-Homothetic Preferences In order for the income distribution to affect aggregate demand and, hence, the ‘reference basket’, thereby opening up the link between consumption pattern, inequality and PPP that is central to this exercise, preferences need to be non-homothetic. In other words, the item-wise budget shares must vary with aggregate household expenditure. To provide evidence on this issue, we ran cross-country regressions of mean budget shares on aggregate per capita expenditure, inflation (as measured by the GDP deflator), and country dummies reflecting the country’s status as a ‘low’, ‘middle’ or ‘rich’ income country. Taking the high income OECD and non OECD countries as the default category, the country dummies 2, 3, and 4 refer to, respectively, ‘middle high income’ countries, ‘middle low income’ countries and ‘low income’ 10 countries. These cross-country regressions were run on the pooled cross-country consumption data collected in the ICP 2005 and ICP 2011 exercises [World Bank (2008, 2015)]. The local currency–denominated aggregate expenditures were converted to US $ using the PPP for that year. [Table 1 about here] The results of the regressions on a five broad item breakdown of aggregate expenditure have been reported in Table 1. Relative to the default country group consisting of the rich countries, the ‘middle low’ and ‘low income’ countries spend a greater share of the household budget on items of necessity such as food and clothing, and significantly less on education and health. Four of the five item groups reject homotheticity quite convincingly. Consistent with Engel’s law, the budget share of the first group of items, which is heavily dominated by the necessities 10 These are defined in Appendix A. 18 food and clothing, is negatively impacted by rising household expenditure, while the reverse is the case for the fourth group, which consists mainly of luxury items such as recreation, eating out and culture expenses. The insignificance of aggregate expenditure on budget share of the residual fifth group mainly reflects its heterogeneous constituents with the positive and negative expenditure effects on their budget shares cancelling one another to give a misleading impression of homothetic preferences of this motley group of items.11 Table 1 also shows that a country’s affluence status has a significant impact on its expenditure allocation, more for some items groupings, less for others. There is weak evidence of temporal shift towards food, clothing and footwear, and fuel, and away from education and health during the period between the two ICPs. Ceteris paribus, overall inflation, as measured by the GDP deflator, does not lead to significant changes in expenditure allocation, except for a move away from the fourth group of items which are mainly luxury items. The overall picture from Table 1 is one of non- homothetic preferences that set up the rationale for the rest of this empirical exercise. 4. Determinants of PPP Changes between Countries and over Time The information for performing the cross-country empirical exercises reported in this section, and the next, was constructed from a variety of data sources, mostly from information published by the World Bank on its website. The data sources and explanation of variables have been listed in Appendix A. Following the debate between Ravallion (2013a, 2013b) and Inklaar (2013), we investigate the effect of movements in the real per capita expenditure, exchange rate, inflation (as measured by the GDP deflator) and, crucially, the intra-country inequality on PPP changes. We ran panel regressions on cross-country data sets from the ICP years, 1993, 1996, 12 2005 and 2011. Following the suggestion in Inklaar (2013, p. 616), the panel regressions ‘unpacked’ the exchange rate from the PPP and used the following specification that extends Inklaar’s eq. (2) to include income inequality: ɛ (20) 11 Such a grouping was unavoidable since a finer breakdown led to many zeroes in the cross country data sets. 12 There was a small ICP in 1996, as reported in Ravallion (2013a). 19 PPP is the purchasing power parity, P is the GDP deflator that is used as a measure of inflation,13 Y is the GDP per capita at national prices, E is the nominal exchange rate, In is Gini measure of inequality, ɛ denotes the error term which includes omitted effects, i denotes country, t denotes time. The existence of ‘Dynamic Penn effect’ (DPE) is denoted by the term [ ], with the maintained hypothesis of a DPE given by the joint parametric restrictions, > 0 and significant, and =1. The ‘Static Penn effect’ (SPE), that was the basis of the original Balassa Samuelson formulation, is contained in the a-temporal version of (20) involving PPP variation between countries at a point in time. ɛ (21) The existence of ‘Static Penn effect’ (SPE) is denoted by the maintained hypothesis consisting of the joint parametric restrictions, > 0 and significant, and 1. [Figures 1, 2, 3 and 3a about here] Figure 1 provides a visual representation of one of the necessary conditions for ‘Static Penn effect’ by plotting PPP against Y in logarithmic scale in each of the 4 ICP years, 1993, 1996, 2005 and 2011. There is clearly a positive relationship between the two in each year. This is also true of the corresponding relationship between PPP and exchange rate in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows that there is also prima facie evidence in favor of a positive relationship between PPP and intra-country inequality. As we report later, this evidence becomes much stronger once we control for the other determinants. While Figure 3 depicts the relationship between PPP and intra-country inequality year by year, Figure 3a shows the corresponding relationship on the combined data set pooled over the 4 years. The increasing relationship looks much stronger in 13 We have taken our GDP deflator as the ratio of GDP evaluated at current international Dollar to GDP calculated at constant 2011 international Dollar. This contrasts with the definition used by both Inklaar and Ravallion. We have done this basically for three reasons: (1) Since PPP constitutes the dependent variable, it seems more appropriate to measure price changes in terms of PPP; (2) the use of current and constant US Dollars may lead to misleading results because the effect of US inflation will be embedded in it as we are using a long time span and (3) the ratios in local currency units are not comparable as the base years vary with countries. 20 Figure 3a which introduces the temporal movement in the inequality changes that seem to reinforce and strengthen the positive relationship between PPP and inequality. [Table 2 about here] Table 2 provides the estimates of equation (21) for 2005 and 2011. Here evidence of the ‘Static Penn effect’ is not observed in either year. Although > 0 and significant, the test for 1 strongly rejects the hypothesis in both years. Effect of the GDP deflator is non-significant. The evidence on the effect of inequality (interacted with the countries classified into ‘low’ and ‘middle and upper’ income levels) on PPP is mixed. Effects are positive for both years for the low income countries, but significant only in 2005. For the higher income countries the effects are non-significant.14 A possible explanation for the differential effect of the low and high income countries could be that with increase in income while low income countries almost certainly move towards consumption of tradeable goods, the higher income countries, who are already consuming tradeable goods, move towards consumption of luxurious non-tradeable items (like recreation, services of maids etc.). Consistent with Proposition 2, there is a strong and significantly positive relationship between PPP and exchange rate, the effect being much stronger in 2011. Turning now to the pooled ICP data sets over the 4 years, the following was the estimable form of equation (20). Trend Deflator (22) Note: a. Trend is adjusted by the gap (no. of years) between two time periods. It is used to remove country specific fixed effects. b. The operator D denotes difference over time i.e., ≡ . c. ∈ 1993, 1996, 2005, 2011 . d. is a vector of interaction terms between inequality and two groups of countries (the ‘low income countries’ and ‘higher income countries’ consisting of lower middle, upper middle, high income non OECD and high income OECD countries) and is a vector of the associated coefficients.15 14 When the two groups are merged the overall effect of inequality turns out to be non-significant for both years. 15 The results are robust to alternative classification of countries (e.g. merging the ‘lower middle income’ group with the ‘low income’ group). 21 [Table 3 about here] Table 3 presents the estimates of equation (22) without the inequality variables. Since the information on inequality is available for only a subset of the countries, Table 2 allowed estimation on the maximum number of observations available in the pooled sample. Note that the evidence in favor of a ‘Dynamic Penn effect’ is quite strong (for both with and without the ‘Trend’ variable) with the highly significant positive estimates of the coefficients of per capita GDP variable and exchange rate variable and non-rejection of the hypothesis of 1. The coefficient of the GDP deflator variable is positive, but non-significant. The strong positive relationship between PPP and exchange rate corroborates the prediction of Proposition 2. The inclusion or omission of the Trend variable has little or no effect on the estimates. [Table 4 about here] Table 4 presents a more complete picture by reporting the estimates of equation (22) with the inequality. Proposition 5 predicts that the nature of the effect of inequality on PPP will vary between countries (mostly developing) with PPP less than exchange rates, and those with PPP equal to or greater than exchange rates (mostly affluent developed countries). Table 4 presents robust evidence of a positive relationship between PPP and intra-country inequality as predicted by Proposition 5 for countries with PPP less than the exchange rate.16 Note from the table that the inclusion or omission of the Trend variable has little effect on the strong statistical significance of the inequality coefficient estimate in case of the low income countries. A comparison between the first two columns of estimates of Table 4 shows that the enforcement of the restriction that the exchange rate coefficient, =1, which means that we are estimating the changes in the price level index (PLI) rather than in the PPP, increases quite sharply the magnitude of the estimated inequality effect. Note, also, from the first and third columns of estimates, that the existence of the DPE ( > 0, =1) is robust to the inclusion of the inequality variable and, as in Table 3, the Trend variable has no visible effect on the estimates. 5. Counterfactual PPPs : Methodology and Comparison with the ICP PPPs The Methodology 16 In the ‘low income group’ in 98% cases PPP is less than the Exchange rate. 22 The procedure used here for calculating the alternative set of PPPs to bench mark against those implied by the ICP PPPs is due to Coondoo, Majumder and Chattopdhyay (2011). The present study extends the Coondoo et al. (2011) study by using their suggested procedure proposed in the single country context of India to provide evidence on sub-national PPPs to the current cross country context to estimate an alternate set of PPPs that provide a useful comparison with the recently released ICP PPPs from the 2011 round. The Coondoo, Majumder and Chattopadhyay (2011) procedure is based on the estimation of Engel curves on a single cross section data. The attractiveness of their procedure has been described by the authors as follows: “The novelty of the procedure is that it overcomes the problem of data inadequacy, a problem that is shared by most of the developing countries. The procedure does not require item-specific price/unit value data and price index numbers can be calculated from consumer expenditure data grouped by per capita income/total consumer expenditure class in a situation where unit level data are not available.” (p. 138) In the current context, this offers a significant advantage for benchmarking the ICP PPPs, since much of the controversy over the accuracy of the ICP PPPs has centered around questions over the accuracy of the price information used in the ICP 2005 and ICP 2011 rounds. The counterfactual PPPs presented here allow a clean comparison since the procedure does not need to use the controversial price information collected in the ICP 2011 round. Moreover, as this study illustrates, the published World Bank data does contain the disaggregated expenditure information (by items and by expenditure classes) at country level required to implement the procedure to calculate the alternative set of PPPs. The use of estimated Engel curves to construct price indices has a rich history. The idea can be traced back to Costa (2001) and Hamilton (2001) who used it to investigate and correct the ‘biases’ in official consumer price indices. Recent applications include Almas (2012) to estimate the consequence of ‘PPP bias’ on real income comparisons between countries, Almas, Kjelsrud and Somanathan (2013) to examine the bias in calculating poverty rates in India, and Beatty and Larsen (2005), Gibson, Stillman and Le (2008), Barrett and Brozozwoski (2010) to estimate the bias in CPI in Canada, the Russian Federation and Australia, respectively. The procedure rests on the underlying assumption of Costa (2001) and Hamilton (2001) that (a) 23 there is a stable Engel relationship17 at the household level between the budget share of food and per capita household expenditure, (b) a household’s budget share of food is a measure of that household’s welfare and (c) that equal food shares between households, corrected for household compositional and demographic characteristics, denote equal welfare. In estimating the counterfactual PPPs, the present exercise follows Almas (2012) in adopting a preference consistent, ‘complete demand systems’ estimation procedure on cross country data that embodies the preference PPP link that is a central feature of this paper. The methodology is based on the fact that the PPP can be viewed as a True Cost of Living Index that is defined below. The general cost function underlying Quadratic Logarithmic (QL) systems, (e.g., the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QAIDS) of (Banks, Blundell and Lewbel, 1997) is of the form: , . ⁄ , (23) where p is the price vector, is a homogeneous function of degree one in prices, and λ p are homogeneous functions of degree zero in prices, and u denotes the level of utility.18 The budget share functions corresponding to the cost function (23) are of the form , (24) where denotes nominal per capita expenditure and i denotes item of expenditure. The corresponding True Cost of Living Index (TCLI) in logarithmic form comparing price situation with price situation is given by ∗ , , = , (25) ∗ ∗ where u∗ is the reference utility level. Note that “price situation” refers to the prices prevailing in a particular country in a given year. The first term of the R.H.S. of (25) is the logarithm of the basic index (measuring the cost of living index at some minimum benchmark utility level) and the second term is the logarithm of the marginal index. Note that for , 0, , so that the basic index takes a value and hence, may be interpreted as that 17 The empirical support for the idea of a stable Engel relationship between countries can be traced back to Houthakker (1987). 18 Equation (23), and the ones following, should have a country subscript that we have omitted to simplify the exposition. 24 component of TCLI that captures the effect of uniform or average inflation on the cost of living. On the other hand, for p θp , θ 0 , b p b p and λ p λ p , the marginal index takes a value of unity. Hence, the marginal index may be interpreted as the other component of TCLI that captures the effect of changes in the relative price structure. The procedure for estimating PPP for R countries, taking country 0 as base,19 involves three stages. Stage 1: a set of item-specific Engel curves relating budget shares to the logarithm of income are estimated for each country r = 0, 1, 2…R as follows. , (26) i denotes item, denotes income category (or household)20, is a random disturbance term and , , are parameters that contain the price information on item i in country r. Stage 2: , r = 0, 1, 2…,R is estimated from the following equation obtained by equating equations (24) and (26): 2 ̂ 2 ̂ + ; 1, 2, … , . (27) Here is a composite error term, which is a linear combination of the individual errors of estimation of the parameters , , and denotes the price vector of the base country. Stage 3: Using the normalization 1, the money metric utility of the j-th income group of the base country (India) that has nominal per capita income , is obtained from (23) as: 1. (28) Again, using the expression in (23) for country r, income group j, and (28), b and λ p , r = 1, 2…, R; are estimated from the following regression equation:21 19 In the calculations reported later, we take India as the base country, 0. 20 For all countries the counterfactual PPPs are based on data by income categories (rural and urban combined), as provided by the World Bank on its website. Additionally, for some selected countries counterfactual PPPs have been calculated based on household level data. Details are provided in Appendix A. 21 The regression set up arises because and are estimated values. See Coondoo, Majumder and Chattopadhyay (2011) for a detailed description. 25 1 . (29) To estimate (29) we take j as decile (percentile) group so that the data are comparable across countries. The PPPs are then estimated as TCLIs from equation (25) for a given reference level of utility u∗ (taken to be the one corresponding to the median level income of the base country, India). It may be emphasized that , and are estimated as composite variables and no explicit algebraic forms for these functions are assumed. This confers the advantage that the estimated PPPs are not dependent on a priori specified particular functional forms such as, for example, the specification proposed by Banks, Blundell and Lewbel (1997). Comparison with the ICP PPPs [Table 5 about here] Table 5 presents the counterfactual PPPs based on World Bank data on broad item groups by income categories for rural and urban sectors,22 with India as base. The table also presents the 2011 ICP Consumption PPPs, where the base country has been shifted from the US to India by dividing all the PPPs (with respect to US $) by the PPP of India with US as base. In case of a few countries, for example, Chad, Ethiopia and Ghana, the two PPPs are nearly identical, but this is not always the case. The bias in the 2011 ICP PPPs in relation to the counterfactual PPP is not unidirectional. In general, the 2011 ICP PPPs in the African region exceed the counterfactual PPPs, and the reverse is the case in the Asia/Pacific region. While in case of several countries, for example, South Africa, China and Indonesia, there is a large difference between the 2011 ICP PPP and its 2011 counterfactual, overall, there is a positive correlation between the two. The overall correlation coefficient, over all countries taken together, turns out to be 0.9134. The region specific correlations are 0.9189, 0.9996, 0.9985 and 0.9706, respectively, for the ‘African region’, the ‘Asia and Pacific region’, the ‘Commonwealth of Independent States and Eurostat-OECD’ region and the remaining region consisting of Latin America, Western Asia and the Caribbean.23 [Figures 4, 5 and 6 about here] 22 See Appendix A for description of income category level. 23 All the correlations are significant at less than 1% level. 26 Figure 4 presents a graph of these counterfactual PPPs against the 2011 ICP PPPs in logarithmic scale. The 45 degree broken line through the origin represents the benchmark case of equality between the two PPPs for each country. It can be clearly observed that for most part the 2011 ICP PPPs are lower than the counterfactual PPPs. From the table it is evident that almost the entire non-African region and some African countries constitute this part with the ICP PPPs lower than the corresponding counterfactuals. This result is analogous to the observation made in, for example, Ravallion (2014) that the 2011 ICP PPPs were lower than their counterpart in the 2005 ICP PPP. This feature translates into the PPP deflated GDP values, presented in Figures 5 and 6. While Figure 5 plots the per capita GDP values using counterfactual PPP deflator against those using the 2011 ICP PPP deflator, Figure 6 plots the corresponding aggregate GDP values. On superimposition of the line of equality between the two axes Figure 5 shows that for most part the per capita GDPs deflated by 2011 ICP PPPs lie above those deflated by the counterfactual PPPs. Figure 6 shows the overstatement of GDP by the 2011 ICP PPP in relation to the counterfactual PPP more clearly since the 45 degree line of equality between the two GDP values lies uniformly above the fitted line. This is analogous to the result noted in Ravallion (2014), Inklaar and Rao (2015), Jolliffe and Prydz (2015) on the overstatement of the 2011 PPP deflated real GDP in relation to the 2005 PPP deflated real GDP. While the temporal comparison between the 2005 and 2011 PPP and real GDP values in the above cited studies is with respect to the US dollar and the US economy, the comparison here relates to the same year (2011) and is with respect to the Indian Rupee and the size of the Indian economy. If one considers the present results in conjunction with the earlier ones, then we have robust evidence of understatement of the PPPs and overstatement of the PPP deflated GDP values in the 2011 ICP. [Tables 6a and 6b about here] Table 6a presents the per capita annual GDP evaluated at 2011 ICP Consumption PPP and at counterfactual PPP with India as base and Table 6b presents the corresponding values for per capita aggregate consumption.24 The qualitative pictures portrayed by these tables are quite similar and mirror the comparative PPP estimates reported in Table 5. The revisions to the 2011 ICP PPP deflated GDP and consumption figures implied by the corresponding counterfactual 24 Tables B6a and B6b, in Appendix B, present the results in logarithmic scale. 27 PPP deflated estimates are not unidirectional and vary across regions and between countries. However, the large downward revisions from the 2011 ICP PPP deflated to the counterfactual PPP deflated GDP and consumption figures occur more frequently than the reverse, especially in the larger and more populated countries such as South Africa, China, Mexico and Russia. Consequently, consistent with Figures 5 and 6, a comparison of the mean and median figures between the two PPP deflated values in either table establishes the result that the 2011 ICP overestimates the real size and consumption of the world at large. A result of particular interest is that the feature that China’s dominance over India on per capita GDP is sharply reduced from the ICP PPP to the counterfactual PPP deflated values. [Tables 7a and 7b about here] The ratios of per capita annual GDP of the different countries to the per capita annual GDP of India, evaluated at the alternative PPPs, are presented in Table 7a and the corresponding ratios for per capita annual aggregate consumption are given in Table 7b. These tables mirror Tables 6a, 6b in showing that in most cases the dominance over India in the per capita GDP and consumption figures shrinks, and in few cases even gets reversed, when we use the counterfactual PPP in place of the 2011 ICP PPP. The widely made claim that the 2011 ICP made the poorer countries look lot ‘less poor’ vis a via the USA can be extended to the result that India looks ‘far poorer’ on the ICP PPP than on the counterfactual PPP. An underlying assumption in both sets of PPPs that we have compared in this study is that all the income groups face the same PPP, analogous to the assumption of a single economy-wide PPP for each country’s currency that holds true for all regions. While the latter assumption is now considered untenable as reflected in the increasing emphasis on the calculation of subnational PPPs, there is still not much awareness of the need for subclass PPPs. Table 8 provides evidence on the latter and, also, on the robustness of the comparison between the 2011 ICP PPP and its counterfactual, by presenting the counterfactual PPP by income quintile based on the publicly available disaggregated household level expenditure data of Iraq, Malawi and Tanzania supplemented by the unit records from India’s National Sample Survey and Vietnam’s Living Standard Survey- see Appendix A for details. [Table 8 about here] 28 It is evident from Table 8 that except for Tanzania, the overall PPPs based on household level data are greater than the ICP PPPs. This is in line with the finding from Table 5, where for almost the entire non-African region and some African countries this feature is observed. There are variations in PPP values across income quintiles, the values of the coefficient of variation (CV) for Iraq, Malawi, Tanzania and Vietnam being 0.152, 0.085, 0.084 and 0.074, respectively. This complements the evidence in favor of subnational PPPs, and is consistent with the variation across expenditure percentiles in PPP between India and Vietnam reported in Majumder, Ray and Sinha (2015a). In other words, poverty level PPP s are quite different from the aggregate PPPs, and this should be recognized when drawing up international poverty lines. However, this variation in PPP has little effect on the overall inequality between households pooled over these four countries as evident from the values of the Gini coefficient presented in Table 9. [Table 9 about here] 6. Concluding Remarks This paper is written in the wake of the recent release by the World Bank (2015) of the final results of the 2011 International Comparison Project (ICP) that provided estimates of the Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) between different countries’ currencies. PPPs play a central role in economic analysis because they are required in a host of international welfare comparisons, such as cross-country comparisons of poverty rates, real GDP and real consumption expenditures, and the calculation of the total number of people in poverty. The 2011 ICP exercise has generated renewed interest in the concept of PPP that can be traced back to the early work of Cassel, Balassa and Samuelson. PPPs are considered better measures of the ‘true’ purchasing power of a country’s currency and more relevant in comparisons of living standards than exchange rates, since PPPs are based on both tradeable and non-tradeable items unlike exchange rates, which reflect only the price differences of tradeable items. This distinction makes the PPP of particular importance for developing countries with a lower consumption share of tradeable items leading to a greater deviation of the PPPs from exchange rates in relation to the developed countries. Since inaccurate PPP estimates are likely to distort the cross-country comparisons, much attention has been focused on the accuracy of the estimated PPPs yielded by the successive ICPs. If, as happened between 1993 and the 2005, the PPPs are revised upwards sharply, the 29 developing world suddenly looks lot ‘poorer’ than previously in relation to the USA, which is adopted as the base country. The reverse occurred between 2005 and 2011, with the downward revision not able to fully restore the PPPs to the 1993 level. With the poverty rates fluctuating wildly over time, it is not clear whether this is really due to changes in the poverty situation or is merely reflecting the PPP revisions between the ICP rounds. For example, are the 2011 ICP PPPs really ‘too low’ or are they merely correcting the ‘implausibly high’ estimates of the 2005 ICP? This raises the issue of benchmarking the 2011 ICP PPPs against those from using an alternative methodology on data for the same year. Since, given the large-scale nature of the ICP, such exercises cannot be undertaken frequently, and one needs the PPPs in intermediate years, much attention has also been paid recently to the econometric specification used to predict the PPPs in the intermediate years and beyond. This raises the issue of identifying the principal determinants of PPP changes between countries and over time. This paper investigates both sets of issues and provides empirical evidence that is likely to inform the World Bank on future directions for the ICP exercises. The contribution of this study to the topic of PPP is analytical, methodological and empirical. On the analytical front, it provides a framework that deviates from the conventional Balassa Samuelson framework that is driven by productivity differences in the non-tradeable sector between the developed and developing countries. The proposed framework of this study focusses attention, instead, on the neglected link between consumer preferences and PPP, and derives propositions on the relation between PPP and exchange rate and, more significantly, between PPP and intra country inequality. The paper provides empirical evidence that provides support for several of the propositions. Taken in conjunction with the Balassa Samuelson predictions on PPP changes, this paper shows that the addition of inequality as a determinant of PPP changes helps to improve the estimating equation over the narrow specifications adopted previously that either considered only inflation differentials or differences in real GDP, dubbed the ‘Penn effect’, or both. The role of the inequality variable in driving PPP changes, namely, a positive association between a country’s inequality and its PPP, is one of the most significant analytical results of this study. An increase in inequality leads to a shift in consumer preferences towards tradeable items, since the affluent are now able to access the international markets more readily than before. Easier credit availability to the new rich as the economy develops helps in making such access easier. This change in preferences spreads to the other households as the economy 30 witnesses greater availability of the tradeable goods and the lifestyles of the affluent influence those in the rest of the economy. A good example of this is the phenomenon witnessed in countries such as India with a move towards greater consumption of tastier food items that are imported and away from the domestically produced traditional food items. The ‘inequality effect’ supplements the ‘Penn effect’ in moving the PPP towards the exchange rates, i.e. increases the ‘Price Level Index’ towards unity. This study proposes and applies an alternative methodology to that used in the ICP to present a set of PPPs that serve as a benchmark for comparing the 2011 ICP PPPs. The methodology is based on a utility theory consistent specification of consumer preferences and has quite modest data requirements. As the empirical exercise shows, the methodology can be readily implemented on easily available data sets published on the World Bank website. This is an attractive feature since it not only avoids the requirement of detailed price information, the quality of which has dogged successive ICPs, it is an easy procedure to use. The empirical contribution of this paper includes the feature that this is the first attempt at benchmarking the 2011 ICP, indeed any ICP, not by reconciling the PPPs with those from a previous ICP, but with PPPs calculated on a similar data from the same year. Another distinguishing feature is the moving of the ‘base country’ from the USA to India. The latter country shares many of the features of a developing country including high poverty rates, but at the same time provides a market and an economy size that places it in the top tier of nations. The significant result here is the finding that, while there is remarkable closeness between the two PPPs for many countries, the overall picture is one of understatement by the ICP PPPs leading to an overstatement of the PPP deflated real GDP. The study does find, however, that there are large regional variations in the sign and size of the deviation of the two PPPs from one another. Another feature of this study is the use of expenditure percentile disaggregated data sets to show that the PPPs vary significantly between the expenditure percentiles. This has the important policy message that the aggregate data based PPPs may not be appropriate for use in poverty calculations. This study takes place at a time when the ICP exercise is at a cross road with questions over its methodology, the quality of the price information used and accuracy of its PPP estimates. The results of this study point to the need to experiment with alternative methodologies that allow proper robustness check on the PPP estimates. The results also raise questions over the wisdom 31 of spending an enormous amount of time and resources to come up with a single number as the PPP for the whole country. In the wake of recent results on sharp regional variation in prices within large heterogeneous countries, the present results on PPP variation between expenditure percentiles point to a new research agenda on subnational and expenditure group varying PPPs that the ICP could explore in its future exercises. References Almas, I. (2012), “International Income Inequality: Measuring PPP Bias by Estimating Engel Curves for Food”, American Economic Review, 102(1), 1093- 1117. Almas, I, A. 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World Bank (2015), Purchasing Power Parities and the Real Size of World Economies: A Comprehensive Report of the 2011 International Comparison Program, World Bank, Washington, DC. 36 Table 1: Results of the Regressions of Budget Shares: Evidence in Favor of Non-Homothetic Preferences Item groups Recreation, Food, Communication Explanatory Education and Culture, Miscellaneous Clothing, and Variables Health Personal care others Fuel etc. Transport etc. ln (total -0.070*** 0.013** 0.022*** 0.039*** -0.004 & expenditure) (0.000) (0.035) (0.000) (0.000) (0.437) ln (GDP Deflator) 0.005 0.002 0.002 -0.015*** 0.006** (0.272) (0.518) (0.410) (0.000) (0.017) Country group Dummy$$ Middle high 0.030* -0.019** 0.026*** -0.036*** -0.001 income (0.069) (0.018) (0.001) (0.002) (0.918) Middle low 0.088*** - 0.038*** 0.013 -0.057*** -0.006 income (0.001) (0.002) (0.216) (0.001) (0.616) Low income 0.077** -0.043** 0.008 -0.035 -0.007 (0.038) (0.027) (0.605) (0.161) (0.667) Year dummy@ 2011 0.029*** -0.012** -0.005 -0.011 -0.001 (0.007) (0.029) (0.322) (0.114) (0.848) Constant 1.019*** 0.067 -0.082* -0.109 0.105* (0.000) (0.251) (0.073) (0.160) (0.053) No. of 294 294 294 294 294 observations No. of countries 161 161 161 161 161 R2 0.6770 0.3347 0.3192 0.6494 0.0369 Note: (1) Figures in parentheses are the p-values. *: significant at 10% level; **: significant at 5% level; ***: significant at 1% level. & (2) : These are PPP (consumption) adjusted expenditures. (3) $$: Default category: high income OECD and non OECD countries. (4) @: Default year: 2005. 37 Table 2: Regression Results of Static Inequality augmented Inklaar Equations Dependent Variable: ln (PPP) Estimated Parameters Explanatory Variables Year 2005 Year 2011 ln (GDP Deflator) 0.405 Omitted due to collinearity (0.740) ln (GDPPC) 0.627*** 0.227*** (0.000) (0.000) ln (Exchange rate) 0.357** 0.769*** (0.016) (0.000) Inequality Low income countries 4.200** 0.227 (0.045) (0.577) Higher income countries 1.709 -0.147 (0.245) (0.619) Constant - 6.607*** -2.373*** (0.000) (0.000) 2 R 0.9182 0.9856 No. of observations 107 101 No. of countries 107 101 F-statistic for testing 1 21.86*** 38.59*** (0.000) (0.000) Note: (1) Figures in parentheses are the p-values. **: significant at 5% level; ***: significant at 1% level. (2) Low income countries are those as specified by World Bank. Higher income countries include lower middle, upper middle, high income non OECD and high income OECD countries. 38 Table 3: Regression Results of Dynamic Inklaar Equation (22) without the Inequality Variable Dependent Variable: D ln (PPP) Explanatory Variables Estimated Parameters Trend -0.000 (0.995) D ln (GDP Deflator) 0.325 0.323 (0.278) (0.153) D ln (GDPPC) 0.555* 0.555** (0.074) (0.050) D ln (Exchange rate) 0.749*** 0.749*** (0.003) (0.003) R2 0.6846 0.6846 No. of observations 311 311 No. of countries 120 120 F-statistic for testing 1 1.25 1.26 (0.275) (0.273) Note: (1) Figures in parentheses are the p-values. **: significant at 5% level; ***: significant at 1% level (2) The operator D denotes difference over time. 39 Table 4: Regression Results of Dynamic Inklaar Equation (22) with the Inequality Variable Dependent Variable: D ln (PPP) Explanatory Parameter Variables Parameter Estimates with Trend Estimates without Trend -0.000 -0.023 - Trend (0.990) (0.344) 0.343 0.334* 0.338 D ln (GDP Deflator) (0.182) (0.096) (0.160) 0.563** 0.921 0.563** D ln (GDPPC) (0.041) (0.158) (0.030) 0.756*** 1 0.757*** D ln (Exchange rate) (0.003) (constrained) (0.003) D Inequality Low income 3.980*** 5.241*** 3.980*** countries (0.004) (0.007) (0.005) Higher income 0.041 -0.444 0.041 countries (0.941) (0.396) (0.941) R2 0.6898 0.6898 No. of observations 303 303 303 No. of countries 119 119 119 F-statistic for testing 1.18 1.43 1 (0.288) (0.245) Figures in parentheses are the p-values. *: significant at 10% level; **: significant at 5% level; ***: significant at 1% level. 40 Table 5: 2011 ICP Consumption PPPs and Counterfactual PPPs (CPPP1) based on data by Income Categories (Base Country: India) Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Consumption factual Consumption factual Consumption factual PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP Benin 14.801 11.821 South Africa 0.340 0.571 Albania 3.400 1.486 Burkina Faso 14.552 8.171 Swaziland 0.273 0.169 Bosnia and 0.055 0.398 Herzegovina Cameroon 15.253 12.418 Tanzania 38.494 21.820 Bulgaria 0.047 0.288 Chad 16.499 16.787 AFRICA Togo 14.966 10.190 Latvia 0.025 0.127 Congo, Rep. 35.145 31.664 Uganda 61.989 48.688 Lithuania 0.112 0.491 Congo, Dem. 19.711 13.335 EUROSTAT- Macedonia 1.392 6.807 Zambia 166.554 95.465 OECD Rep. (FYR) Cote d'Ivoire 15.691 19.943 Bangladesh 1.628 1.786 Mexico 0.549 1.126 Djibouti 6.727 11.370 Bhutan 1.119 1.906 Egypt 0.115 0.252 Cambodia 96.712 120.760 Montenegro 0.028 0.175 Ethiopia 0.352 0.397 China 0.249 0.415 Romania 0.120 0.458 Gabon 23.877 59.136 Fiji 0.080 0.140 Russia 1.059 5.498 Gambia (The) 0.697 0.596 India 1.000 1.000 Serbia 2.802 13.968 AFRICA Ghana 0.051 0.052 Indonesia 266.380 311.831 Turkey 0.072 0.059 Guinea 165.403 148.692 Lao PDR 181.329 222.421 Bolivia 0.200 0.409 Kenya 2.365 2.164 Maldives 0.677 1.250 Brazil 0.106 0.231 Lesotho 0.261 0.209 ASIA AND Mongolia 36.881 59.862 Colombia 81.836 173.525 THE LATIN Liberia 0.037 1.956 Nepal 1.698 2.114 El Salvador 0.036 0.036 PACIFIC AMERICA Madagascar 46.309 18.850 Pakistan 1.673 2.147 Guatemala 0.261 0.588 Mali 14.437 10.579 Philippines 1.261 1.552 Honduras 0.706 0.767 Mauritania 7.395 10.857 Sri Lanka 2.689 6.834 Nicaragua 0.613 0.310 Mauritius 1.181 2.826 Thailand 0.858 3.297 Peru 0.104 0.265 Morocco 0.276 0.605 Vietnam 479.060 569.544 WESTERN Iraq 35.882 41.932 Mozambique 1.051 0.552 Armenia 10.880 22.195 ASIA Jordan 0.021 0.093 Namibia 0.342 0.284 Azerbaijan 0.020 0.066 Yemen 5.319 14.339 Nigeria 5.184 4.483 COMMON Belarus 109.735 414.875 CARIBBEAN Jamaica 4.136 9.063 WEALTH Kazakhstan 5.037 17.722 Republic of 3.164 8.940 OF Kyrgyz Cabo Verde INDEPEND Republic 1.037 1.852 ENT Moldova 0.328 0.840 Senegal 16.285 14.954 STATES Tajikistan 0.106 0.215 Sierra Leone 114.179 146.402 Ukraine 0.204 0.811 41 Table 6a: Per Capita Annual GDP (PCGDP) in ’000 local currencies converted to Indian Rupees under 2011 ICP Consumption PPPs and Counterfactual PPPs of Table 5 (Base Country: India) PCGDP evaluated at PCGDP evaluated at PCGDP evaluated at Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 Counter PPP factual PPP factual ICP factual PPP PPP PPP PPP Benin 25.54 31.98 South Africa 169.82 101.19 Albania 133.19 394.24 Burkina Faso 19.72 35.11 Swaziland 90.49 146.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 126.93 17.52 Cameroon 41.06 50.44 Tanzania 21.10 37.22 Bulgaria 218.56 35.57 Chad 30.11 29.59 Togo 18.88 27.73 Latvia 274.49 54.54 Congo, Rep. 47.99 53.27 AFRICA Uganda 21.48 27.34 Lithuania 314.48 71.87 Congo, Dem. Rep. 17.33 25.62 Zambia 45.05 78.60 Macedonia (FYR) 160.43 32.82 EUROSTAT- Cote d'Ivoire 38.82 30.54 Bangladesh 39.81 36.30 228.81 111.60 OECD Mexico Djibouti 33.70 19.94 Bhutan 108.43 63.68 Egypt 150.21 68.24 Cambodia 37.85 30.31 Montenegro 187.72 29.74 Ethiopia 16.96 15.05 China 141.35 84.93 Romania 216.86 56.95 Gabon 219.64 88.68 Fiji 98.58 56.35 Russia 368.47 70.99 Gambia (The) 21.48 25.13 India 71.54 71.54 Serbia 157.75 31.65 Ghana 46.93 46.32 Indonesia 115.61 98.76 Turkey 244.05 299.56 AFRICA Guinea 19.59 21.80 Lao PDR 55.91 45.58 Bolivia 81.86 40.04 Kenya 30.99 33.86 ASIA AND Maldives 1.61 0.87 Brazil 202.89 93.42 Lesotho 32.05 39.92 THE Mongolia 126.98 78.23 Colombia 161.30 76.07 Liberia 7.50 0.14 PACIFIC Nepal 32.22 25.88 LATIN El Salvador 103.63 102.10 Madagascar 20.54 50.46 Pakistan 64.74 50.45 AMERICA Guatemala 96.84 43.00 Mali 21.97 29.99 Philippines 81.74 66.41 Honduras 61.09 56.19 Mauritania 50.00 34.05 Sri Lanka 116.59 45.88 Nicaragua 59.84 118.22 Mauritius 209.38 87.45 Thailand 191.63 49.90 Peru 160.15 62.99 Morocco 90.26 41.10 Vietnam 66.06 55.57 WESTERN Iraq 160.21 137.09 Mozambique 14.51 27.63 Armenia 115.15 56.44 ASIA Jordan 155.73 35.15 Namibia 114.08 137.15 Azerbaijan 285.56 86.62 Yemen 52.97 19.65 Nigeria 45.14 52.19 COMMON Belarus 285.86 75.61 CARIBBEA Jamaica 109.00 49.74 Republic of Cabo 94.07 33.29 WEALTH Kazakhstan 330.60 93.97 Verde OF Kyrgyz 52.44 29.35 MEAN 104.66 59.77 INDEPEND Republic ENT MEDIAN 81.80 46.10 Senegal 32.55 35.44 Moldova 70.45 27.54 STATES 18.63 14.53 Tajikistan 36.82 18.11 Sierra Leone Ukraine 139.91 35.11 42 Table 6b: Per Capita Annual Aggregate Consumption (PCAgC) in ’000 local currencies converted to Indian Rupees under 2011 ICP Consumption PPPs and Counterfactual PPPs of Table 5 (Base Country: India) PCAgC evaluated PCAgC evaluated PCAgC evaluated Region Country at Region Country at Region Country at 2011 Counter 2011 ICP Counter 2011 Counter ICP factual PPP factual ICP factual PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP Benin 20.63 25.83 South Africa 115.97 69.10 Albania 113.67 336.47 Burkina Faso 13.34 23.76 Swaziland 81.54 131.56 Bosnia and Herzegovina 118.60 16.37 Cameroon 32.17 39.52 Tanzania 14.42 25.43 Bulgaria 153.65 25.01 Chad 20.68 20.32 Togo 16.71 24.55 Latvia 192.37 38.22 Congo, Rep. 11.89 13.19 AFRICA Uganda 19.47 24.79 Lithuania 231.62 52.94 Congo, Dem. Rep. 11.15 16.49 Zambia 24.91 43.45 Macedonia (FYR) 132.81 27.17 Cote d'Ivoire 27.72 21.81 Bangladesh 29.95 27.31 EUROSTAT- 165.88 80.91 Mexico Djibouti 24.08 14.25 Bhutan 56.00 32.89 OECD Egypt 119.46 54.28 Cambodia 31.89 25.54 Montenegro 172.48 27.33 Ethiopia 13.71 12.17 China 60.66 36.45 Romania 156.64 41.14 Gabon 83.71 33.80 Fiji 75.60 43.22 Russia 212.55 40.95 Gambia (The) 17.10 20.00 India 42.34 42.34 Serbia 141.57 28.40 Ghana 31.40 30.99 Indonesia 67.31 57.50 Turkey 192.33 236.08 Guinea 11.04 12.29 Lao PDR 32.79 26.73 Bolivia 51.27 25.08 AFRICA Kenya 27.13 29.65 Maldives 0.61 0.33 Brazil 138.75 63.88 ASIA AND Lesotho 35.36 44.04 THE Mongolia 77.05 47.47 Colombia 109.75 51.76 Liberia 8.48 0.16 PACIFIC Nepal 25.88 20.79 LATIN El Salvador 102.04 100.54 Madagascar 18.65 45.82 Pakistan 54.99 42.85 AMERICA Guatemala 87.15 38.70 Mali 14.66 20.01 Philippines 62.89 51.09 Honduras 52.50 48.29 Mauritania 29.26 19.93 Sri Lanka 89.55 35.24 Nicaragua 50.23 99.24 Mauritius 165.44 69.10 Thailand 118.73 30.92 Peru 100.11 39.38 Morocco 60.35 27.48 Vietnam 41.89 35.24 WESTERN Iraq 75.36 64.49 Mozambique 12.46 23.73 Armenia 102.30 50.15 ASIA Jordan 124.21 28.03 Namibia 81.61 98.12 COMMON Azerbaijan 117.17 35.54 Yemen 38.69 14.35 Nigeria 29.06 33.60 WEALTH Belarus 162.14 42.89 CARIBBEAN Jamaica 101.42 46.28 Republic of Cabo 66.49 23.54 OF Kazakhstan 159.83 45.43 Verde INDEPEN Kyrgyz Rep. 49.10 27.48 MEAN 73.30 43.21 Senegal 26.94 29.34 DENT Moldova 79.18 30.95 STATES MEDIAN 58.17 31.94 Sierra Leone 16.72 13.04 Tajikistan 42.37 20.84 Ukraine 110.74 27.79 43 Table 7a: Ratio of Per Capita Annual GDP evaluated at different PPPs to Per Capita Annual GDP of India evaluated at the corresponding PPP PCGDP evaluated at PCGDP evaluated at PCGDP evaluated at Region Country 2011 ICP 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 2011 ICP Counter GDP PPP consumption factual GDP PPP consumption factual ICP consumption factual PPP* PPP* PPP* PPP* GDP PPP* PPP* Benin 0.373 0.357 0.447 South Africa 2.558 2.374 1.414 Albania 2.104 1.862 5.511 Burkina 0.284 0.276 0.491 Swaziland 1.336 1.265 2.041 Bosnia and H. 2.034 1.774 0.245 AFRICA Cameroon 0.582 0.574 0.705 Tanzania 0.328 0.295 0.520 Bulgaria 3.278 3.055 0.497 Chad 0.419 0.421 0.414 Togo 0.277 0.264 0.388 Latvia 4.223 3.837 0.762 EUROSTAT-OECD Congo, Rep. 0.138 0.136 0.358 Uganda 0.337 0.300 0.382 Lithuania 4.756 4.396 1.005 Congo, Macedonia 1.231 1.196 0.745 Zambia 0.666 0.630 1.099 2.525 2.242 0.459 Dem. Rep. (FYR) Cote 0.564 0.543 0.427 Bangladesh 0.591 0.556 0.507 Mexico 3.459 3.198 1.560 Djibouti 0.509 0.471 0.279 Bhutan 1.520 1.516 0.890 Egypt 2.238 2.100 0.954 Cambodia 0.574 0.529 0.424 Montenegro 2.984 2.624 0.416 Ethiopia 0.256 0.237 0.210 China 2.124 1.976 1.187 Romania 3.410 3.031 0.796 ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Gabon 3.481 3.070 1.240 Fiji 1.596 1.378 0.788 Russia 4.752 5.150 0.992 Gambia 0.318 0.300 0.351 India 1.000 1.000 1.000 Serbia 2.504 2.205 0.442 Ghana 0.723 0.656 0.647 Indonesia 1.803 1.616 1.380 Turkey 3.755 3.411 4.187 Guinea 0.272 0.274 0.305 Lao PDR 0.868 0.781 0.637 Bolivia 1.174 1.144 0.560 LATIN AMERICA AFRICA Kenya 0.451 0.433 0.473 Maldives 2.406 2.006 1.087 Brazil 3.092 2.836 1.306 Lesotho 0.450 0.448 0.558 Mongolia 1.841 1.775 1.093 Colombia 2.399 2.255 1.063 Liberia 0.114 0.105 0.002 Nepal 0.469 0.450 0.362 El Salvador 1.554 1.449 1.427 Madagascar 0.298 0.287 0.705 Pakistan 0.940 0.905 0.705 Guatemala 1.472 1.354 0.601 Mali 0.319 0.307 0.419 Philippines 1.219 1.143 0.928 Honduras 0.919 0.854 0.785 Mauritania 0.674 0.699 0.476 Sri Lanka 1.713 1.630 0.641 Nicaragua 0.868 0.836 1.652 Mauritius 3.275 2.927 1.222 Thailand 2.809 2.679 0.697 Peru 2.319 2.239 0.880 Morocco 1.428 1.262 0.574 Vietnam 0.996 0.923 0.777 Iraq 2.350 2.239 1.916 Mozambiqu 0.201 0.203 0.386 Armenia 1.414 1.609 0.789 COMMONWEALTH OF WEST ASIA Namibia 1.766 1.595 1.917 Azerbaijan 3.371 3.991 1.211 INDEPENDENT Jordan 2.359 2.177 0.491 Nigeria 0.664 0.631 0.730 Belarus 3.506 3.996 1.057 STATES Republic of Kazakhstan 4.387 4.621 1.313 1.294 1.315 0.465 Yemen 0.785 0.740 0.275 Cabo Verde Kyrgyz Rep. 0.647 0.733 0.410 Senegal 0.474 0.455 0.495 Moldova 0.883 0.985 0.385 BBEA CARI Tajikistan 0.474 0.515 0.253 N Sierra Jamaica 1.759 1.524 0.695 0.289 0.260 0.203 Leone Ukraine 1.752 1.956 0.491 *These columns are derived from Table 6a. 44 Table 7b: Ratio of Per Capita Annual Consumption evaluated at different PPPs to Per Capita Annual Consumption of India evaluated at the corresponding PPP PCAgC evaluated at PCAgC evaluated at PCAgC evaluated at Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter consumption factual consumption factual consumptio factual PPP* PPP* PPP* PPP* n PPP* PPP* Benin 0.487 0.610 South Africa 2.739 1.632 Albania 2.685 7.947 Burkina Faso 0.315 0.561 Swaziland 1.926 3.107 Bosnia and H. 2.801 0.387 Cameroon 0.760 0.933 Tanzania 0.341 0.601 Bulgaria 3.629 0.591 Chad 0.488 0.480 Togo 0.395 0.580 Latvia 4.544 0.903 Congo, Rep. 0.148 0.389 AFRICA Uganda 0.460 0.586 Lithuania 5.471 1.250 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.501 0.312 Zambia 0.588 1.026 Macedonia (FYR) 3.137 0.642 Cote d'Ivoire 0.655 0.515 Bangladesh 0.707 0.645 EUROSTAT- Mexico 3.918 1.911 Djibouti 0.569 0.337 Bhutan 1.323 0.777 OECD Egypt 2.822 1.282 Cambodia 0.753 0.603 Montenegro 4.074 0.645 Ethiopia 0.324 0.287 China 1.433 0.861 Romania 3.700 0.972 Gabon 1.977 0.798 Fiji 1.786 1.021 Russia 5.020 0.967 Gambia (The) 0.404 0.472 India 1.000 1.000 Serbia 3.344 0.671 Ghana 0.742 0.732 Indonesia 1.590 1.358 Turkey 4.543 5.576 Guinea 0.261 0.290 Lao PDR 0.774 0.631 Bolivia 1.211 0.592 AFRICA Kenya 0.641 0.700 Maldives 1.285 0.696 Brazil 3.277 1.509 ASIA AND Lesotho 0.835 1.040 THE Mongolia 1.820 1.121 Colombia 2.592 1.223 Liberia 0.200 0.004 PACIFIC Nepal 0.611 0.491 LATIN El Salvador 2.410 2.375 Madagascar 0.441 1.082 Pakistan 1.299 1.012 AMERICA Guatemala 2.058 0.914 Mali 0.346 0.473 Philippines 1.486 1.207 Honduras 1.240 1.141 Mauritania 0.691 0.471 Sri Lanka 2.115 0.832 Nicaragua 1.187 2.344 Mauritius 3.908 1.632 Thailand 2.805 0.730 Peru 2.365 0.930 Morocco 1.425 0.649 Vietnam 0.990 0.832 Iraq 1.780 1.523 Mozambique 0.294 0.560 Armenia 2.416 1.184 Namibia 1.928 2.318 COMMON Azerbaijan 2.768 0.840 WEALTH WEST ASIA Jordan 2.934 0.662 Nigeria 0.686 0.794 Belarus 3.830 1.013 Republic of Cabo OF Kazakhstan 3.775 1.073 1.571 0.556 INDEPEND Yemen 0.914 0.339 Verde Kyrgyz Rep. 1.160 0.649 Senegal 0.636 0.693 ENT Moldova 1.870 0.731 CARIBBEAN STATES Sierra Leone Tajikistan 1.001 0.492 Jamaica 2.396 1.093 0.395 0.308 Ukraine 2.616 0.656 *These columns are derived from Table 6b. 45 Table 8: Counterfactual PPPs (CPPP2) based on Household level Data: (Base Country: India) 2011 ICP Country PPP* Overall Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 Iraq 35.882 41.932 45.060 45.705 40.995 37.678 29.124 Malawi 5.195 7.166 5.718 7.244 7.116 7.461 6.811 Tanzania 38.494 30.080 23.887 29.605 29.047 31.053 30.117 Vietnam 479.060 639.906 562.399 663.861 635.605 628.115 542.026 *Base country: India Table 9: Gini Expenditure Inequality Index of households pooled over the 5 Countries at Different PPPs (Base Country: India) Gini Index (in %) based on 2011 ICP PPP CPPP1* CPPP2 Quintile wise PPPs 38.634 38.585 38.541 38.572 *Excluding Malawi 46 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 47 Figure 3a 48 Figure 4 Figure 5 49 Figure 6 50 Appendix A Definition of Income based Classification of the Countries in Table 1: Default group of countries: High income OECD and non OECD countries. High-income economies are those in which 2014 GNI per capita was $12,736 or more. Middle high income countries: Middle high income economies are those in which 2014 GNI per capita was between $4,126 and $12,735. Middle low income countries: Middle low income economies are those in which 2014 GNI per capita was between $1,046 and $12,734. Low income countries: Low-income economies are those in which 2014 GNI per capita was $1,045 or less. Data Sources: 1. Data on item groups by income categories: Source: World Bank Global Consumption Data Base 2010: (downloaded on 4/7/2015): http://datatopics.worldbank.org/consumption/detail Item groups:  Alcohol beverages  Housing  Appliances, articles and products for  Meat and fish personal care  Medical goods and services  Catering  Non-Alcohol beverages  Clothes  Other  Dairy  Other ICT goods and services  Education  Other food  Electricity  Other sources (coal, firewood etc.)  Financial Services  Pharmaceutical products  Footwear  Telephone equipment and services  Fruits and vegetables  Vehicles and other transport services  Fuel  Water utilities  Gas  Grains 51 Income categories: Four levels of consumption are used to segment the market in each country: lowest, low, middle, and higher. They are based on global income distribution data, which rank the global population by income per capita. The lowest consumption segment corresponds to the bottom half of the global distribution, or the 50th percentile and below; the low consumption segment to the 51th–75th percentiles; the middle consumption segment to the 76th–90th percentiles; and the higher consumption segment to the 91st percentile and above. These thresholds were used to establish the four consumption segments: • Lowest—below $2.97 per capita a day • Low—between $2.97 and $8.44 per capita a day • Middle—between $8.44 and $23.03 per capita a day • Higher—above $23.03 per capita a day To convert a PPP $ threshold into annual expenditure in local currency (as of 2010), the following formula was applied: Threshold * U.S. inflation rate for the period 2005–10 (1.117) * PPP conversion factor for 2010 * 365. [The U.S. inflation rate and PPP conversion factors are available in the World Bank’s World Development Indicators database.] For example, the PPP $2.97 threshold is equivalent to 25,702.22 Indian rupees (2.97 * 1.117 * 21.226 * 365). 2. Data on item groups at household level (available latest data prior to 2011): Sources: World Bank LSMS link:  http://econ.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTRESEARCH/EXTLSMS/0,,contentMDK:21 588800~menuPK:4196952~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:3358997,00.html   Iraq: 2006-07 Iraq Household Socio-Economic Survey  Malawi - Third Integrated Household Survey 2010-2011.  Tanzania: Tanzania 2010-2011 National Panel Survey. Additional Sources: 52  Vietnam: Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) 2010.  India: National Sample Survey Organisation – NSS 68th Round Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2011-2012. Item groups*:  Food: (food items and non-alcoholic  Health beverages)  Transport  Alcoholic Beverages: (Alcoholic  Communication beverages, Tobacco & Narcotics)  Recreation & Culture: (Recreation,  Housing: (Housing, water, electricity, newspapers, magazines) gas and other fuels)  Education  Furnishing: (Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance) * The ‘total expenditure’ used in our analysis is the sum of expenditures on these items only. We have omitted the ‘Others’ group, consisting of the remaining items, as this group is highly heterogeneous in nature. Definition of variables used: GDPPC: Per capita gross domestic product in constant local currency units. GDP Deflator: The GDP implicit deflator is the ratio of GDP in current International Dollar to GDP in constant 2011 International Dollar. Exchange rate: Official exchange rate refers to the exchange rate determined by national authorities or to the rate determined in the legally sanctioned exchange market. It is calculated as an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to the U.S. dollar). Inequality: GINI index [to account for missing values and procedural discrepancies, smoothed values of GINI index has been used.] PPP: Purchasing power parity conversion factor is the number of units of a country's currency required to buy the same amounts of goods and services in the domestic market as U.S. dollar would buy in the United States. This conversion factor is for GDP. 53 APPENDIX B Table B6a: Logarithm of Per Capita Annual GDP (PCGDP) in ’000 local currencies converted to Indian Rupees under 2011 ICP Consumption PPPs and Counterfactual PPPs (Base Country: India) log PCGDP evaluated at log PCGDP evaluated at log PCGDP evaluated at Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter consumption factual consumption factual consumption factual PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP Benin 10.148 10.373 South Africa 12.042 11.525 Albania 11.800 12.885 Burkina Faso 9.889 10.466 Swaziland 11.413 11.891 Bosnia and 11.751 9.771 Herzegovina Cameroon 10.623 10.829 Tanzania 9.957 10.525 Bulgaria 12.295 10.479 Chad 10.313 10.295 AFRICA Togo 9.846 10.230 Latvia 12.523 10.907 Congo, Rep. 10.779 10.883 Uganda 9.975 10.216 Lithuania 12.659 11.183 Congo, Dem. 9.760 10.151 Zambia 10.716 11.272 EUROSTAT- Macedonia 11.986 10.399 Rep. OECD (FYR) Cote d'Ivoire 10.567 10.327 Bangladesh 10.592 10.500 Mexico 12.341 11.623 Djibouti 10.425 9.901 Bhutan 11.594 11.062 Egypt 11.920 11.131 Cambodia 10.541 10.319 Montenegro 12.143 10.300 Ethiopia 9.738 9.619 China 11.859 11.350 Romania 12.287 10.950 Gabon 12.300 11.393 Fiji 11.499 10.939 Russia 12.817 11.170 AFRICA Gambia (The) 9.975 10.132 India 11.178 11.178 Serbia 11.969 10.362 Ghana 10.756 10.743 Indonesia 11.658 11.500 Turkey 12.405 12.610 Guinea 9.883 9.989 Lao PDR 10.931 10.727 Bolivia 11.313 10.598 Kenya 10.341 10.430 ASIA AND Maldives 7.385 6.772 Brazil 12.220 11.445 Lesotho 10.375 10.595 THE Mongolia 11.752 11.267 Colombia 11.991 11.239 Liberia 8.922 4.957 Nepal 10.380 10.161 LATIN El Salvador 11.549 11.534 PACIFIC Madagascar 9.930 10.829 Pakistan 11.078 10.829 AMERICA Guatemala 11.481 10.669 Mali 9.998 10.308 Philippines 11.311 11.104 Honduras 11.020 10.936 Mauritania 10.820 10.436 Sri Lanka 11.666 10.734 Nicaragua 10.999 11.680 Mauritius 12.252 11.379 Thailand 12.163 10.818 Peru 11.984 11.051 Morocco 11.410 10.624 Vietnam 11.098 10.925 WESTERN Iraq 11.984 11.828 Mozambique 9.582 10.227 Armenia 11.654 10.941 ASIA Jordan 11.956 10.467 Namibia 11.645 11.829 Azerbaijan 12.562 11.369 Yemen 10.877 9.886 Nigeria 10.717 10.863 COMMON Belarus 12.563 11.233 CARIBBEAN Jamaica 11.599 10.815 Republic of 11.452 10.413 WEALTH Kazakhstan 12.709 11.451 Cabo Verde OF Kyrgyz 10.868 10.287 log (MEAN) 11.558 10.998 INDEPEND Republic Senegal 10.390 10.476 ENT Moldova 11.163 10.223 log (MEDIAN) 11.312 10.739 STATES Tajikistan 10.514 9.804 9.832 9.584 Sierra Leone Ukraine 11.849 10.466 54 Table B6b: Logarithm of Per Capita Annual Aggregate Consumption (PCAgC) in ’000 local currencies converted to Indian Rupees under 2011 ICP Consumption PPPs and Counterfactual PPPs (Base Country: India) log PCAgC evaluated at log PCAgC evaluated at log PCAgC evaluated at Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter Region Country 2011 ICP Counter consumption factual consumption factual consumption factual PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP Benin 9.935 10.159 South Africa 11.661 11.143 Albania 11.641 12.726 Burkina Faso 9.499 10.076 Swaziland 11.309 11.787 Bosnia and 11.684 9.703 Herzegovina Cameroon 10.379 10.584 Tanzania 9.576 10.144 Bulgaria 11.942 10.127 Chad 9.937 9.919 AFRICA Togo 9.724 10.108 Latvia 12.167 10.551 Congo, Rep. 9.383 9.487 Uganda 9.877 10.118 Lithuania 12.353 10.877 Congo, Dem. 9.320 9.710 Zambia 10.123 10.679 EUROSTAT- Macedonia 11.797 10.210 Rep. OECD (FYR) Cote d'Ivoire 10.230 9.990 Bangladesh 10.307 10.215 Mexico 12.019 11.301 Djibouti 10.089 9.564 Bhutan 10.933 10.401 Egypt 11.691 10.902 Cambodia 10.370 10.148 Montenegro 12.058 10.216 Ethiopia 9.526 9.407 China 11.013 10.504 Romania 11.962 10.625 Gabon 11.335 10.428 Fiji 11.233 10.674 Russia 12.267 10.620 AFRICA Gambia (The) 9.747 9.904 India 10.653 10.653 Serbia 11.861 10.254 Ghana 10.355 10.342 Indonesia 11.117 10.959 Turkey 12.167 12.372 Guinea 9.310 9.416 Lao PDR 10.398 10.193 Bolivia 10.845 10.130 Kenya 10.208 10.297 ASIA AND Maldives 6.414 5.801 Brazil 11.840 11.065 Lesotho 10.473 10.693 THE Mongolia 11.252 10.768 Colombia 11.606 10.854 Liberia 9.046 5.080 PACIFIC Nepal 10.161 9.942 LATIN El Salvador 11.533 11.518 Madagascar 9.834 10.732 Pakistan 10.915 10.666 AMERICA Guatemala 11.375 10.564 Mali 9.593 9.904 Philippines 11.049 10.841 Honduras 10.869 10.785 Mauritania 10.284 9.900 Sri Lanka 11.403 10.470 Nicaragua 10.824 11.505 Mauritius 12.016 11.143 Thailand 11.685 10.339 Peru 11.514 10.581 Morocco 11.008 10.221 Vietnam 10.643 10.470 WESTERN Iraq 11.230 11.074 Mozambique 9.430 10.074 Armenia 11.536 10.823 ASIA Jordan 11.730 10.241 Namibia 11.310 11.494 Azerbaijan 11.671 10.479 Yemen 10.563 9.572 Nigeria 10.277 10.422 COMMON Belarus 11.996 10.666 CARIBBEAN Jamaica 11.527 10.742 Republic of 11.105 10.066 WEALTH Kazakhstan 11.982 10.724 Cabo Verde OF Kyrgyz 10.802 10.221 log ( MEAN) 11.202 10.674 INDEPEND Republic Senegal 10.201 10.287 ENT Moldova 11.280 10.340 log ( MEDIAN) 10.971 10.372 STATES Tajikistan 10.654 9.945 9.724 9.476 Sierra Leone Ukraine 11.615 10.232 55