WPS8630 Policy Research Working Paper 8630 sae A Stata Package for Unit Level Small Area Estimation Minh Cong Nguyen Paul Corral João Pedro Azevedo Qinghua Zhao Poverty and Equity Global Practice October 2018 Policy Research Working Paper 8630 Abstract This paper presents a new family of Stata functions devoted relevant variables such as welfare or caloric intake. The to small area estimation. Small area methods attempt to family of functions introduced follow a modular design to solve low representativeness of surveys within areas, or have the flexibility with which these can be expanded in the lack of data for specific areas/sub-populations. This is the future. This can be accomplished by the authors and/ accomplished by incorporating information from outside or other collaborators from the Stata community. Thus far, sources. Such target data sets are becoming increasingly a major limitation of such analysis in Stata has been the available and can take the form of a traditional population large size of target data sets. The package introduces new census, but also large scale administrative records from tax mata functions and a plugin used to circumvent memory administrations, or geospatial information produced using limitations that inevitably arise when working with big data. remote sensing. The strength of these target data sets is From an estimation perspective, the paper starts by imple- their granularity on the subpopulations of interest, however, menting a methodology that has been widely used for the in many cases they lack the ability to collect analytically production of several poverty maps. This paper is a product of the Poverty and Equity Global Practice. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://www.worldbank.org/research. The authors may be contacted at mnguyen3@worldbank.org. The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Produced by the Research Support Team sae: A Stata Package for Unit Level Small Area Estimation ∗ † Minh Cong Nguyen, Paul Corral, João Pedro Azevedo, and Qinghua Zhao‡ Octber, 2018 Key words: Small area estimation, ELL, Poverty mapping, Poverty map, Big Data, Geospatial JEL classification: C55, C87, C15 ∗ Minh Cong Nguyen, Paul Corral, and João Pedro Azevedo: The World Bank Group - Poverty and Inequality Global Practice † Qinghua Zhao: The World Bank Group - Development Economics Research Group ‡ The authors acknowledge financial support from the World Bank. We also thank Ken Simler, and Roy Van der Weide for comments on an earlier draft and several discussions. We thank Alexandru Cojocaru, William Seitz, Kristen Himelein, Fernando Morales, Pallavi Vyas, and David Newhouse for beta testing earlier versions of the command. We also thank Carolina Sanchez, Francisco Ferreira, and Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva for providing support and space to work on this. Finally we thank the Global Solutions Group on Welfare Measurement and Statistical Capacity, as well as all attendants of the ECAPOV Seminar Series and Summer University courses on Small Area Estimation. Any error or omission is the authors’ responsiblility alone. 1 Introduction Household surveys that are designed for national or sub-national (i.e. regions or states) level parameter estimates often lack a sufficiently large sample size to generate accurate direct estimates for smaller domains or sub-populations.1 Any area for which the sample is not sufficiently large to produce an estimate of adequate precision is referred to as a small area. Consequently small area methods attempt to address low representativeness of surveys within areas, or the lack of data for specific areas/sub-populations. This is accomplished by incorporating information from supplementary sources. In the methodology presented by Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (2003) the desired estimate is produced by a model done using survey data which is then linked to outside information such as a population census, administrative records, and/or geospatial information obtained through remote sensing. As Rao and Molina (2015) state, the availability of these auxiliary data as well as a valid model are essential for obtaining successful small area estimates (SAE). In the case of poverty measures, which are nonlinear functions, small area estimation methods coupled with Monte Carlo simulations are a useful statistical technique for monitoring poverty along with its spatial distribution and evolution.2 Poverty estimates are often produced by statistical agencies, and commonly are the product of a household survey. Household surveys usually are the main source of welfare (expenditure or income) used to produce poverty estimates, yet most are only reliable up to a certain geographical level. Therefore, a commonly adopted solution has been to borrow strength from a national census, administrative records, and/or geospatial information which allows for representativeness for small areas. Nevertheless, these outside data sources often lack detailed expenditure or income information required for producing estimates of poverty. Small area methods attempt to exploit each data’s attributes to obtain estimators that can be used at dis-aggregated levels. Poverty at lower geographical levels can be used to identify areas that are in need of attention, or that may be lagging behind the rest of the country. For example, the Government of Ecuador after an earthquake that occurred on April 16, 2016 relied on small area estimates of poverty to decide where help was needed most. The small area estimates of poverty for Ecuador, which were released not long before the earthquake, proved to be an invaluable resource for the rebuilding effort in the country. One of the most common small area methods used for poverty estimates is the one proposed by Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (2003, henceforth ELL).3 This methodology has been widely adopted by the World Bank and has been applied in numerous poverty maps4 conducted by the institution. In its efforts to make the implementation of the ELL methodology as straightforward as possible, the World Bank created a software package that could be easily used by anyone. The software, PovMap (Zhao, 2006),5 has proven to be an invaluable resource for the World Bank as well as for many statistical agencies, line ministries, and other international organizations seeking to create their own small area estimates of poverty. The software is freely available and has a graphical user interface which simplifies its use. Nevertheless, more advanced 1 For example districts, municipalities, migrant populations, or populations with disabilities. 2 Poverty is a nonlinear function of welfare, consequently small area estimation methods of linear characteristics are invalid (Molina and Rao, 2010). A proposed solution to this problem is to use Monte Carlo simulation to obtain multiple vectors of the measure of interest (Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw, 2003). 3 For a detailed discussion of different applications of small area poverty estimates by the World Bank, readers should refer to Bedi et al. (2007), for other applications readers should refer to Rao and Moline (2015). 4 Poverty map is the common name within the World Bank for the methodology where the obtained estimates are mapped for illustrative purposes. 5 downloadable from: http://iresearch.worldbank.org/PovMap/PovMap2/setup.zip 2 practitioners who may wish for more functionality and options may have to program it themselves. In an effort to simplify the process, we have created a family of Stata commands which implement small area estimation methods, and provide users with a valid, modular, and flexible alternative to PovMap. All of the results produced with sae have been bench-marked with the well established PovMap software, and are an exact match.6 In the following section we discuss the linking model and focus on the first stage of the estimation. How the variance of the location effect present in the linking model is accounted for is discussed afterwards. This is initiated by presenting the ELL methodology for decomposing the first stage residuals’s variance parameters. Afterwards, this is followed by Henderson’s Method III decomposition of the residual’s variance parameters and the adaptation of Huang and Hidiroglou’s (2003) GLS and implemented by Van der Weide (2014) in an update to the PovMap software. Then we present Empirical Bayes prediction of the location effects. We finally present the command’s syntax along with examples of its use. 2 First Stage: Model When survey data is not sufficiently precise for reliable estimates at low geographical levels, small area estimation can be implemented. This commonly relies on borrowing strength from outside sources to generate indirect estimates (Rao and Molina, 2015). For example, when attempting to obtain welfare estimates at low geographical levels, it is possible to borrow strength from census data. Censuses in most cases do not collect sufficient information on incomes and/or expenditures. On the other hand household surveys tend to collect detailed information on incomes and/or expenditures which allows the generation of welfare statistics such as poverty and inequality measures. Although welfare statistics can be obtained using household surveys, these are rarely sufficiently large to allow for statistics corrsponding to small areas (Tarozzi and Deaton, 2009). Small area estimation methods attempt to exploit the large sample size of census data and combine this with the information from household surveys in an attempt to obtain reliable statistics for small areas. In its essence the small area estimation presented here relies on using household survey data to estimate a joint distribution of the variable of interest and observed correlates, and use the parameters to simulate welfare using census data (Demombynes et al., 2008). Throughout the text we focus on welfare imputation, since this is what the Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (2003) methodology focused on, nevertheless it can be applied for other continuous measures aside from welfare. The first step towards small area welfare simulation is a per-capita7 welfare model, estimated via ordinary least squares (OLS ), or weighted least squares (W LS ): ln Y = Xβols + u (1) where ln Y is a N × 1 matrix indicating the household’s welfare measure (usually in logarithms, but not necessarily),8 X is a N × K matrix of household characteristics, and u which is a N × 1 matrix of disturbances. To achieve valid small area estimates it is necessary that the set of explanatory variables, X, used in the 6 For the 1st stage of the analysis. The second stage relies on Monte-Carlo simulations, and thus differences are likely to arise. 7 Other household equivalization methods are also feasible, for example adult equivalent household welfare. 8 Logarithmic transformation is usually preferred since it makes the data more symmetrical (Haslett et al., 2010). 3 first stage model can also be found in the census data. It is important that the variables are compared beforehand to verify that not only their definitions are in agreement, but also their distributions.9 In the design of household surveys, clusters are commonly the primary sampling unit. Households within a cluster are usually not independent from one another, to allow for the clustering of households and their interrelatedness it is possible to specify equation (1) for a household as: ln ych = xch β + uch ,– where the indexes c and h stand for cluster and observation, respectively – and disturbances (uch ) are assumed to have the following specification (Haslett et al., 2010): uch = ηc + ech (2) where ηc and ech , are assumed to be independent from each other with different data generating processes (Haslett et al., 2010).10 Therefore the resulting model we wish to estimate is a linear mixed model (Van der Weide, 2014).11 The literature has suggested different methods for estimating the unconditional variances of these param- eters;12 for the purposes of this paper focus is given to the methods presented by Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (2003), and the adaptation of Henderson’s Method III by Huang and Hidiroglou (2003) detailed and expanded upon by Van der Weide (2014). The next section describes in detail these two approaches. 3 Estimating the unconditional variance of the residual parameters 3.1 The ELL Methodology The methodology for estimating the location’s unconditional variance detailed by ELL (2002 and 2003) is presented in the discussion below. The method consists of two steps. The initial step relies on estimating a welfare model (Eq:1) using household survey data, and then obtaining generalized least square (GLS ) estimates for the model. Given the interrelatedness between households in a cluster, ordinary least squares is not the most efficient estimator. The second stage consists in utilizing the parameter estimates from the first stage and applying these to census data to obtain small area poverty and inequality measures. Because the motivation is to implement the methodology into a Stata command, where possible, we also follow the methods implemented by PovMap (Zhao, 2006). It must be noted, however, that the methodology utilized by ELL is not necessarily the one followed by the PovMap software. Places where methodologies differ will be indicated in footnotes. 9 This point is crucial, and the quality of a good poverty map is highly dependent on these two criteria being met. For further discussion and motivation refer to: Tarozzi and Deaton (2009). 10 Note that the interrelatedness of η across observations is already a violation of OLS assumptions. c 11 Molina and Rao (2010) follow the naming convention of a nested error linear regression model. Regardless of its name, standard OLS is invalid under this structure. 12 Rao and Molina (2015). 4 ˆch , and by defining u From the estimation of equation 1 we obtain the residuals u ˆc. as the weighted average of u ˆch :13 ˆch for a specific cluster we can obtain e u ˆch = u uch − u ˆc. + (ˆ ˆc. ) = ηc + e ˆch (3) ˆc. is equal to ηc .14 where u The unconditional variance of the location effect ηc given by ELL (2002) is: 2 c wc (uc. − u..)2 − c wc (1 − wc )ˆ2 τc σ ˆη = max ;0 (4) c wc (1 − wc ) where u.. = c wc uc. (where wc represents the cluster’s weight, i.e. wc = h whc ) and 2 2 h(ech − ec. ) τ ˆc = (5) nc (nc − 1) ech 15 where ec. = h nc . 3.1.1 Estimating the Alpha Model (heteroskedasticity)16 The variance of the idiosyncratic error (ech ) is specified by ELL (2003) through a parametric form of het- eroskedasticity:17 A expZbh α +B E e2 2 ch = σech = (6) 1 + expZbh α ˆ2 In ELL (2003) this is simplified by setting B = 0 and A = 1.05 max e ch , and thus the simpler form is estimated via OLS :18 e2 ch ln = Zch α + rch (7) A − e2ch This approach resembles that of Harvey (1976), nevertheless the prediction is bounded. Zch α By defining exp = D and using the delta method,19 the household specific conditional variance estimator for ech is equal to (Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw, 2002): 13 e ˆch denotes the household specific error component. 14 Although, ELL (2003) notes that weigths are to be used, the PovMap software does not utilize weights when obtaining u ˆc. 15 n is the number of observations in cluster c. c 16 The heteroskadistic model is relevant for the varianceestimation under ELL’s method, as well as the one under Henderson’s method III. In its current form, the methodology is from ELL (2003). 17 Users have the option to allow for homoskedasticity, in which case σ ˆu − σ ˆe = σ ˆη , where σ ˆu is the estimated variance of the residuals from the consumption model (equation 1). If the user chooses homoskedasticity, equations 6 through 8 are omitted. 18 This is the actual model used by PovMap, which we also implement. 19 The result is the outcome from a second order Taylor expansion for the E σ 2 ech . 5 2 AD 1 AD(1 − D) σ ˆe,ch ≈ + Var(r) 3 (8) 1+D 2 (1 + D) where Var(r) is the estimated variance from the residuals of the model in equation (7). 2 3.1.2 Estimating the distribution of σ ˆη 2 ELL (2002) proposes two methods to obtain the variance of σ ˆη : 1. By simulation (ELL, 2002): 2 2 (a) Estimate ση from equation (4) which yields σ ˆη 2 2 (b) Estimate σe,ch from equation (8) which yields σ ˆe,ch (c) Assuming ηc and ech are independent and normally distributed with mean 0, new values for uch are generated using equation (2) 2 (d) Compute a new estimate ση from equation (4) 2 (e) Repeat (a) - (d) and keep all simulated values of σ ˆη 2 2 2 From the simulated values of ση , the sampling variance of σ ˆη Var σ ˆη can be obtained directly. 2 2. The sampling variance of σ ˆη can also be obtained by the following formula (ELL, 2002):20 22 2 2 2 τ ˆc Var σ ˆη = 2 a2 c σ ˆη2 + τ ˆc2 ση + 2ˆ 2 2 ˆc + b2 τ c (9) c nc − 1 where ac = wc / [ c wc (1 − wc )], and bc = wc (1 − wc )/ [ c wc (1 − wc )]. 2 (a) This is noted by ELL to be an approximation of the sampling variance of σ ˆη . It assumes within cluster homoskedasticity of the household error component. For a more comprehensive discussion on this matter refer to ELL (2002). The command, in its present form only allows for estimation using the second method,21 when estimating 2 the unconditional variance of ση using the ELL methodology. 3.1.3 ELL’s GLS Estimator The GLS estimator offered in ELL’s paper is presented in this section. Although not implemented,22 the estimator is presented for completeness of the original methodology presented by ELL. Once σ 2 ˆe,ch (8) and σ 2 ˆη (4) are estimated these are used to construct a matrix Ω ˆ of dimension N × N . The matrix for Ωˆc is a square block matrix corresponding to cluster c, where the rows and columns are the 20 This is the only option available in PovMap software. 21 This is also true for the PovMap software. 22 This is due to the lack of symmetry of the resulting variance covariance matrix when weights differ across observations in a cluster. 6 2 2 number of observations in the cluster. Within cluster covariance is given by σ ˆη . On the diagonal σ ˆe,ch is added to obtain the observation specific disturbance varaince. The resulting cluster block of this N × N matrix is equal to: 2 2 2 2   σ ˆη +σ ˆe,ch σ ˆη ··· σ ˆη 2 2 2 2 σ ˆη σ ˆη +σ ˆe,ch ... σ ˆη   ˆ   Ωc =  . . .. .    . . . . . . .   2 2 2 2 σ ˆη σ ˆη ··· σ ˆη +σ ˆe,ch ˆ1   Ω 0 ... 0  0 ˆ2 Ω ... 0  ˆ   ⇒Ω= . . .. .    . . . . . . .   0 0 ··· ˆ ΩC ˆ c from above, and the number of rows to where 0 is a block of zeroes; the number of columns equals the Ω ˆ c next to it. the Ω Ω is the variance-covariance matrix of the error vector necessary to estimate equation (1) via GLS and obtain ˆGLS and Var β β ˆGLS . The estimates for the GLS detailed by ELL (2003) are: ˆGLS = X W Ω−1 X β −1 X W Ω− 1 Y (10) and ˆGLS = X W Ω−1 X Var β −1 X W Ω−1 W X X W Ω− 1 X −1 (11) where W is a N × N diagonal matrix of sampling weights. Because W Ω−1 is usually not symmetric,23 as noted by Haslett et al. (2010), the variance covariance matrix must be adjusted to obtain a symmetric matrix. This is done by obtaining the average of the variance covariance matrix and its transpose (Haslett et al., 2010). Newer versions of the PovMap software no longer obtain GLS estimates using this approach. Adjustments have been made in order to better incorporate the survey weights into Ω. The newest version of PovMap uses the GLS estimator presented by Huang and Hidiroglou (2003), which is discussed below. 3.2 Henderson’s Method III decomposition After a decade of use of PovMap, and numerous poverty maps completed by the World Bank using the original ELL small area methodology; the software was updated with Henderson’s Method III (H3) decomposition of the variance components and an update of the GLS with a modification of Huang and Hidiroglou (2003).24 Obtaining the GLS estimates once again requires the estimation of the variance components, which are 23 The lack of symmetry is due to the difference in sampling weights between observations. 24 This is detailed in Van der Weide (2014). 7 estimated using a variation of Henderson’s Method III (Henderson, 1953). The variation takes into account the use of survey weights and was presented by Huang and Hidiroglou (2003). We follow the presentation offered by Van der Weide (2014) which builds on Huang and Hidiroglou (2003). In order to obtain the variance components of the βGLS it is necessary to first estimate a model which subtracts each of the cluster’s means from the variables. To achieve this we first need to define the left hand side of the model. For each cluster in our estimation the left hand side is (omitting the natural logarithm only for display purposes): y ˜c ¯c ⊗ 1T = Yc − Y where Yc is a T × 1 vector (where T is the number of surveyed observations in the cluster) , corresponding ¯c is a scalar which is the weighted mean value of Yc to cluster c, of our welfare variable used in equation 1 Y ˜ as a N × 1 for cluster c. 1T is a T × 1 vector of 1s, and ⊗ is the Kroenecker product. Finally, we define y matrix which is a vector of all the cluster y ˜c s. For the right hand side we follow the same de-meaning procedure and obtain a matrix x ˜ . Additionally, ¯ of dimensions C × K where C is the number of areas in the survey, with each row representing the define x demeaned x ˜c for a specific cluster. With these in hand it is possible to define the following: −1 SSE = y ˜−y ˜ Wy ˜ x ˜ Wx ˜ Wx ˜ x ˜ Wy ˜ −1 −1 t2 = tr ˜ Wx x ˜ ˜ (W ◦ W ) x x ˜ −1 t3 = tr (X W X ) X (W ◦ W ) X −1 t4 = tr (X W X ) ¯ (Wc ◦ Wc ) x x ¯ where Wc is a C × C diagonal matrix of cluster weights, and ◦ represents the Hadamard product. Using 2 2 SSE, t2 , t3 , and t4 it is possible to estimate the variances σe and ση : 2 SSE σ ˆe = 2 (12) wch ch wch − c h w − t2 h ch −1 2 2 Y W Y − Y W X (X W X ) X WY − ( ch wch − t3 ) σ ˆe σ ˆη = (13) ch ch − t4 w ˆc Van der Weide (2014) provides the following for each cluster c: To obtain the estimates of η 2 σ ˆη γc,w = 2+σ 2 wch σ ˆη ˆe h w 2 h ch consequently the η ˆc for a particular cluster is: 1 η ˆc = γc,w ˆch − wch u γc,w wch u ˆch (14) C c h h 8 ˆc it is possible to update the estimate of e With the updated estimate of η ˆch : e ˆc − ˆch − η ˆch = u uch − η (ˆ ˆc ) (15) ch 2 ˆch is adjusted such that its variance is equal to σ Additionally the distribution of e ˆe . 3.3 The GLS Estimator With the idiosyncratic error terms in hand the heteroskedasticity of the observation specific residual may be specified.25 In this instance we follow the same steps detailed above for equation 7, from which we can 2 obtain observation specific σ ˆe,ch by using equation 8. The estimated variances are then used to construct a pair of matrices used to obtain the GLS estimates. The GLS estimator for β is: −1 ˆGLS = X Ω β ˆ −1 X ˆ −1 Y XΩ (16) and the variance-covariance matrix of the GLS estimator is: −1 −1 ˆGLS = X Ω Var β ˆ −1 X ˆ −1 V XΩ ˆΩˆ −1 X ˆ −1 X XΩ (17) ˆ as opposed to the one detailed in the ELL method above, incorporates the survey weights into the where Ω ˆ for each cluster is equal to: matrix. Ω  σ 2 ˆe,ch  wch 2 wch 2 wch 2 h w 2 σ ˆη + wch h w2 σ ˆη ··· h w 2 σ ˆη h ch h ch h ch   2   w 2 w 2 σ ˆe,ch w 2 h ch h ch h ch σ ˆη σˆη + ... σ ˆη   w2 w2 w2   ˆc = wch Ω  h ch . h ch . h ch .  ...     . . . . . .     σ 2 ˆe,ch  wch 2 wch 2 wch 2  h w2 σ ˆη h w2 σ ˆη ··· h w 2 σ ˆη + wch h ch h ch h ch ˆ1   Ω 0 ... 0  0 ˆ2 Ω ... 0  ˆ =   ⇒Ω . . .. .    . . . . . . .   0 0 ··· ˆ ΩC where 0 is a block of zeroes; the number of columns equals the Ωˆ c from above, and the number of rows to ˆ c next to it. The V the Ω ˆ for a particular cluster is equal to: 25 The user may also choose to forego the modeling of household level heteroskedasticity, in which case σ ˆe2 is constant for all observations. 9 2 2 2 2   σ ˆη +σ ˆe,ch σ ˆη ··· σ ˆη 2 2 2 2 σ ˆη σ ˆη +σ ˆe,ch ... σ ˆη   ˆ   Vc =  . . .. .    . . . . . . .   2 2 2 2 σ ˆη σ ˆη ··· σ ˆη +σ ˆe,ch ˆ1   V 0 ... 0  0 ˆ V2 ... 0  ˆ   ⇒V = . . .. .    . . . . . . .   0 0 ··· ˆC V ˆc from above, and the number of rows to where 0 is a block of zeroes; the number of columns equals the V ˆ the Vc next to it. ˆ matrix from the ELL methodology. In the most current version of PovMap ˆ matrix is similar to the Ω The V users no longer have the option to use the GLS estimator originally offered by ELL (2003), and independently of how users choose to model the location effect, the manner in which the GLS estimators are obtained is using the estimators from equations 16 and 17. 4 The Second Stage: Simulation The final goal of the process described up to this point is to simulate values for the variable of interest. In the Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (2003) context, this entailed log welfare and poverty rates for specific locations using the census data. Monte Carlo simulation is used to obtain the expected welfare measures given the first stage model (ELL, 2003). This is done by applying the parameter and error estimates from the survey to the census data. The goal is to obtain a sufficient number of simulations in order to obtain reliable levels of welfare. The section begins by introducing Empirical Bayes prediction as is done by Van der Weide (2014). 4.1 Empirical Bayes Prediction Assuming Normality Along with the GLS and Henderson’s Method III additions to the ELL approach mentioned before, Empirical Bayes (EB) prediction was also added. EB prediction makes use of the survey data in order to improve predictions on the location effect. Since EB makes explicit use of data from the survey, its use only improves predictions for areas that are included in the survey. If we assume that ηc and ech (from equation 1) are normally distributed, then the distribution of ηc conditional on ec will also be normally distributed (Van der Weide, 2014). The distribution of the random location effect, ηc , is obtained conditional on the observation specific residuals of the observations sampled in the location. Van der Weide (2014) indicates that the assumption of normality for both components of the residual is necessary to derive the distribution of the random location effects. In order to proceed, Van der Weide (2014) defines the following: 10 2 ση γc,w = −1 2+ 2 wch ση h wch h wch 2 h σe,ch With this defined, the expected value of the location effect conditional on the residuals of the households within the location can be obtained:   wc,h h 2 σe ech E [ η c |ec ] = η ˆc = γc,w  ch   wc,h  2 h σe ch as well as the variance:  2  wc,h  2 σe 2 2  2 2  ηc ] = ση Var [ˆ − γc,w ση +  ch wc,h  σe ch  h σe 2 h ch EB prediction is expected to perform well in the presence of large η , if many of the locations are covered by the survey, and if the distributions of the error terms approximate a normal distribution (Van der Weide, 2014). 4.2 Monte Carlo Simulations ELL (2003) use various specifications in their paper. The options and methods differ depending on how the variance for the decomposed error terms is obtained. The simulation may be done via parametric drawing of the parameters, and via bootstrap. The PovMap manual (Zhao, 2006) only details the parametric approach. Nevertheless, the newest version of the software has incorporated a bootstrap approach to obtaining the parameters. The steps for the simulation are: ˜GLS ∼ N β 1. Obtain GLS coefficients by drawing from β ˆGLS ˆGLS , Var β . For reasons that will become apparent in the following steps, this approach is only possible when the user chooses ELL variance estimation. (a) A different approach relies on obtaining bootstrapped samples of the survey data used in the first ˜ for every stage, this is repeated for every single simulation. The latter method yields a set of β single simulation. 2. Under the ELL variance estimation approach the cluster component of the error term, η ˜c is obtained 2 ˜c ∼ N 0, σ by drawing from η ˆη where we: 2 2 2 26 (a) Draw σ ˆη ∼ Gamma σ ˆη , Var σ ˆη 2 2 i. With each σ ˆη ˜c ∼ N 0, σ in hand it is possible to draw the location effects from η ˆη . 26 As described in Demombynes et al. (2008), Var σ ˆη2 may be estimated by simulation as detailed above, or from equation 9. In its present form the only available option is that from equation 9. 11 ii. Additionally, η ˜c could be drawn from those estimated in the first stage (semi-parametric), this is possible to do in the parametric and bootstrapped simulation. 2 Under Henderson’s method III (H3) there is no defined distribution for the σ ˆη parameter. Consequently, 2 bootstrapped samples of the survey data are used to obtain σ ˆη and all other parameters for every single simulation. This approach is also available under ELL methods. The bootstrap is also necessary for 2 the instances when EB is chosen. When EB is chosen, the bootstrap produces a vector of η s and of σ ˆηc 2 ˜c ∼ N η for each of the clusters included in the survey and thus for every simulation we draw η ˆc , σ ˆηc . 2 ˜c ∼ N 0, σ For clusters not included in the survey the drawing is: η ˆη . 3. e ˜ch can be drawn from a normal distribution with variance such as the one specified in equation 8. This is done by: (a) Drawing α ∼ N (α α)) (it may also be the product of the bootstrap process) and using it on ˆ , Var(ˆ Zch α the census data, we obtain a new D = exp , and using the new D we obtain in conjunction ˆ2 with the first stage A = 1.05 max e ch and Var(r ) we get:   ˆ AD 1 ˆ ˆ  AB (1 − D)  2 σ ˜e,ch ≈ + Var(r)  3  1+Dˆ 2 ˆ 1+D 2 ˜ch ∼ N 0, σ From this it is possible to draw e ˜e,ch . (b) As an alternative it is also possible to draw from the estimated e ˆch from the first phase (semi- parametric). In the case of the ELL variance estimation with a parametric drawing of β s then this will be done from one N × 1 vector, when performing bootstrap the drawing is done from the N × 1 vector corresponding to each simulation. 2 ˜ch ∼ N 0, σ (c) Under the assumption of homoskedasticity, the error terms are drawn from e ˜e . 4. Once all simulated parameters have been obtained, it is possible to obtain the simulated vector of target values: ˜GLS + η ˜ch = X β Y ˜c + e ˜ch (18) (a) This is repeated multiple times (usually 100) in order to obtain a full set of simulated household welfare vectors. If the interest is small area estimates of income and poverty, once all simulations are finalized a set of incomes for all observations in the target data may be used to obtain R simulated poverty, or inequality rates for each domain of interest. Making use of the R indicators produced, it is possible to obtain the mean indicator for each domain of interest (i.e. municipality in the context of a poverty map), as well as the associated standard errors for the indicator. 5 Computational Considerations The first stage of the analysis is standard procedure among the typical Stata commands, since the analysis is done on survey data. There are no considerable computational requirements, and the analysis may likely 12 be performed using the majority of computers available to users. On the other hand, the Monte Carlo simulation requires the use of the census data. Census data, depending on the country, can range from anywhere between roughly 30,000 observations to almost half a billion. Depending on a user’s computer setup, a couple million observations can really slow down the computer to a crawl. Assuming variables in double type precision, a 5 million observation dataset with 30 variables will require roughly 1.1 GB of memory. Therefore, in order to speed up the second stage operation and to be able to operate with larger datasets, a couple of modifications are implemented. The first modification concerns importing the census data and formatting it in a more memory friendly way. Along with the main command we supply a sub-command that allows the user to import the census data for the second stage, sae data import. The data is imported one vector at a time and saved into a Mata format file which is used for the processing of each regressor at a time for each simulation to obtain the predicted welfare. Proceeding in this manner, the maximum number of observations that can be used in the simulation stage is increased. As shown in the examples section, this setup requires preparing the target dataset beforehand. Due to this setup, the Monte Carlo simulations are executed one vector at a time. For smaller datasets it is likely that performing all simulations in one go results in quicker execution times,27 once we move on to larger census data this method provides faster execution times and allows for more efficient memory management. The second modification, is a plugin for processing the simulations and producing the required indicators. This is only used/necessary for processing indicators. The processing is also done one simulation at a time, just like the Monte Carlo simulations. The plugin speeds up the process considerably, especially when requesting Gini coefficients.28 6 The sae Command and Sub-Commands The sae command and sub-commands for modeling, simulating, and data manipulation are introduced below. The common syntax for the command is: sae [routine] [sub routine] Currently available routines and subroutines are: • sae data import||export : This is used to import the target dataset to a more manageable format for the simulations. It is also used to export the resulting simulations to a dataset of the user’s preference. • sae model lmm/povmap : This routine is for obtaining the GLS estimates of the first stage. The sub-routines, lmm (linear mixed model) and povmap are used interchangeably.29 • sae simulate lmm/povmap : This routine and sub-routine obtains the GLS estimates of the first stage, and goes on to perform the Monte Carlo simulations. 27 This is particularly true for the MP version of Stata, which makes use of more than one core for its operations. 28 Gini coefficients require sorting at every level, this is done much faster using a C plugin. Stata’s sorting speed (as of this writing), including Mata’s, is much slower than that of many other software. 29 Future work aims to incorporate additional methodologies, such as models for discrete left hand side variables . 13 • sae proc stats||inds : The stats and inds sub-routines are useful for processing Mata formatted simulation output and producing indicators with new thresholds or weights, as well as profiling. The routines and sub-routines are described in the sections below. 6.1 Preparing the Target Dataset Due to the potential large size of the target data set, the sae command comes with an ancillary sub-command (sae data import) useful for preparing the target dataset and converting it into a Mata format dataset to minimize the overall burden put on the system. The command’s syntax is as follows: sae data import, datain(string) varlist(string) area(string) uniqid(string) dataout(string) The options of the command are all required. • The datain() option indicates the path and file name of the Stata format dataset to be converted into a Mata format dataset. • The varlist() option specifies all the variables to be imported into the Mata format dataset. The variables specified will be available for the simulation stage of the analysis. Variables must have similar names between datasets. Additionally, users should include here any additional variables they wish to include, as well as expansion factors for the target data. • The uniqid() option specifies the numeric variable that indicates the unique identifiers in the target dataset. This is necessary to ensure replicability of the analysis, and the name should match the one of the unique identifier from the source dataset. • The area() option is necessary and specifies at which level the clustering is done, it indicates at which level the ηc is obtained. The only constraint is that the variable must be numeric and should match across datasets, although it is recommended it follows a hierarchical structure similar to the one proposed by Zhao (2006). – The hierarchical id should be of the same length for all observations. For example: AAMMEEE.30 This structure facilitiates getting final estimates at different aggregation levels. • The dataout() option indicates the path and filename of the Mata format dataset that will be used when running the Monte Carlo simulations. 6.1.1 Example: Preparing the Target Data The sae command requires users to import the target data into a Mata data format file. This is done to facilitate the process of simulations in the second stage due to the potential large size of the target data. 30 In the case this were done for a specific country, AA stands for the highest aggregation level, MM stands for the second highest aggregation level, and EEE, stands for the lowest aggregation level. 14 . sae data import, varlist(`xvar´ p_hhsize_hh `zvar´ pline pline2 rdef rdef2 rentdef rdef_rentroom2 rdef_ren > tall2) area(localityid_n) uniqid(hhid) datain(`censo´) dataout(`matadata´) Saving data variables into mata matrix file (38) 1 2 3 4 5 ...................................... 6.2 Model In this section the command for the modeling stage of the analysis is presented. The syntax of this is as follows: sae model lmm/povmap depvar indepvar [if] [in] [aw pw fw] , area(varname numeric) varest(string) [zvar(varlist) yhat(varlist) yhat2(varlist) alfatest(string) vce(string)] • area(): The area option is necessary and specifies at which level the clustering is done, it indicates at which level the ηc is obtained. The only constraint is that the variable must be numeric and should match across datasets, although it is recommended it follows a hierarchical structure similar to the one proposed by Zhao (2006). – The hierarchical id should be of the same length for all observations for example: AAMMEEE.31 • varest(): The varest option allows the user to select between H3 or ELL methods for obtaining the variance of the decomposed first stage residuals. The selection has repercussions on the options available afterwards. For example, if the the user selects H3, parameters must be obtained via bootstrapping. The following are optional. In the case of homoskedasticity, the zvar, yhat, and yhat options should not be specified. • zvar(): The zvar option is necessary for specifying the alpha model, the user must place the inde- pendent variables of the alpha model under the option. • yhat(): The yhat option is also a part of the alpha model. Variables listed here will be interacted ˆ = Xβ from the OLS model. with the predicted y • yhat2(): The yhat2 option is also a part of the alpha model. Variables listed here will be interacted 2 ˆ2 = (Xβ ) from the OLS model. with the predicted y • alfatest(): The alfatest option may be run in any stage, but is useful for selecting a proper first stage. It requests the command to output the dependent variable of the alpha model for users to model for heteroskedasticity. • vce(): The vce option allows users to replicate the variance covariance matrix from the OLS in the PovMap 2.5 software. The default option is the variance covariance matrix from the PovMap software, vce(ell), the user may specify robust or clustered variance covariance matrix to replicate the results from the regress command.32 31 In the case this were done for a specific country, AA stands for the highest aggregation level, MM stands for the second highest aggregation level, and EEE, stands for the lowest aggregation level. 32 The variance covariance matrix presented by the PovMap software is not standard in the literature. The variance covariance 15 6.2.1 Running the First Stage (welfare model) The entire process of small area estimation may be run in two stages. It is possible to test the first stage of the analysis before moving on to the simulation which makes use of the target data. To obtain the first stage of the analysis, the user must have the data ready, and it is recommended that the user has predefined as macros the variables to be used. . sae model povmap `y´ `xvar´ [aw=hhw], area(localityid_n) zvar(`zvar´) /// > varest(h3) vce(ell) alfatest(pp) note: p_age omitted because of collinearity WARNING: 76 observations removed due to less than 3 observations in the cluster. OLS model: lny Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] dw_bath .1397767 .0200267 6.98 0.000 .100525 .1790283 dw_btype_d3 .0496587 .0211568 2.35 0.019 .0081921 .0911253 edu_postsec .0816588 .0883387 0.92 0.355 -.0914818 .2547994 edu_prim -.8848284 .1744707 -5.07 0.000 -1.226785 -.5428722 j_firm_access1 .0382874 .0129973 2.95 0.003 .0128132 .0637616 jud_erate .8928555 .2215139 4.03 0.000 .4586962 1.327015 jud_occup_el_sh -1.333666 .2481222 -5.38 0.000 -1.819977 -.8473555 p_activity_1_sh -.204576 .0306396 -6.68 0.000 -.2646285 -.1445235 p_age .0134131 .0023387 5.74 0.000 .0088293 .0179968 p_age2 -.0000788 .0000238 -3.31 0.001 -.0001255 -.0000321 p_ecstat_2_sh -.2178931 .0840416 -2.59 0.010 -.3826117 -.0531745 p_ecstat_4_sh .4529504 .0297431 15.23 0.000 .394655 .5112458 p_ecstat_hh_2 -.1803367 .0690036 -2.61 0.009 -.3155813 -.0450921 p_elder_sh .4871691 .0363326 13.41 0.000 .4159585 .5583797 p_hhsize_1 -.1331209 .0253237 -5.26 0.000 -.1827544 -.0834874 p_isced_max_0 -.5169389 .0540608 -9.56 0.000 -.6228961 -.4109817 p_isced_max_1 -.3758244 .0257253 -14.61 0.000 -.426245 -.3254037 p_isced_max_2 -.221132 .0191942 -11.52 0.000 -.2587519 -.1835122 p_isced_max_4 .138612 .0286283 4.84 0.000 .0825016 .1947225 p_isced_max_5 .2343928 .024233 9.67 0.000 .1868969 .2818887 p_isced_max_6 .237176 .0802218 2.96 0.003 .0799442 .3944078 p_male .1836228 .0218718 8.40 0.000 .140755 .2264906 p_marital_hh_1 -.052893 .030501 -1.73 0.083 -.1126738 .0068878 p_marital_hh_3 -.0809455 .0206275 -3.92 0.000 -.1213747 -.0405163 p_occup_pr_sh .3670144 .0363299 10.10 0.000 .2958092 .4382196 p_workstat_1_sh .5260943 .0270113 19.48 0.000 .4731532 .5790354 rooms_pc .0470549 .0109036 4.32 0.000 .0256843 .0684255 _cons 7.132082 .1597874 44.63 0.000 6.818904 7.445259 Alpha model: Residual Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] p_activity_1_sh -.3447938 .1425119 -2.42 0.016 -.624112 -.0654756 p_ecstat_4_sh -.8035096 .1585224 -5.07 0.000 -1.114208 -.4928114 p_ecstat_hh_4 -.3006224 .118973 -2.53 0.012 -.5338051 -.0674397 matrix presented by the PovMap software is equal to σ 2 (X W X )−1 X W 2 X (X W X )−1 where σ 2 is an estimate of Var(wch uch ). It is easy to see that the weights are included twice in the variance covariance estimator, which makes it non-standard. 16 p_elder_sh -.8877215 .1511032 -5.87 0.000 -1.183878 -.5915647 p_isced_max_1 -.1701583 .10368 -1.64 0.101 -.3733673 .0330507 p_isced_max_5 .2211589 .1155722 1.91 0.056 -.0053584 .4476762 p_male .156548 .1078049 1.45 0.146 -.0547458 .3678417 p_marital_hh_1 .1685545 .1322579 1.27 0.203 -.0906662 .4277752 p_occup_pr_sh .5477886 .1793579 3.05 0.002 .1962536 .8993236 p_workstat_1_sh -1.289935 .1263831 -10.21 0.000 -1.537641 -1.042228 rooms_pc .124589 .0411818 3.03 0.002 .0438741 .2053038 _cons -6.317578 .13152 -48.04 0.000 -6.575353 -6.059804 GLS model: lny Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] dw_bath .1397681 .018897 7.40 0.000 .1027307 .1768054 dw_btype_d3 .043487 .0194832 2.23 0.026 .0053006 .0816734 edu_postsec .2515946 .1255387 2.00 0.045 .0055434 .4976459 edu_prim -.4613187 .2236142 -2.06 0.039 -.8995944 -.023043 j_firm_access1 .077631 .0206401 3.76 0.000 .0371772 .1180849 jud_erate .8129607 .3335183 2.44 0.015 .1592769 1.466644 jud_occup_el_sh -1.238829 .352069 -3.52 0.000 -1.928872 -.5487866 p_activity_1_sh -.1952054 .0310771 -6.28 0.000 -.2561153 -.1342954 p_age .0146863 .0021284 6.90 0.000 .0105146 .0188579 p_age2 -.0000884 .0000208 -4.25 0.000 -.0001292 -.0000477 p_ecstat_2_sh -.1790066 .090007 -1.99 0.047 -.3554171 -.0025961 p_ecstat_4_sh .3970182 .0272502 14.57 0.000 .3436088 .4504275 p_ecstat_hh_2 -.1760779 .0761019 -2.31 0.021 -.3252349 -.0269209 p_elder_sh .408984 .0333136 12.28 0.000 .3436906 .4742775 p_hhsize_1 -.1450279 .0228201 -6.36 0.000 -.1897545 -.1003014 p_isced_max_0 -.4641431 .0497277 -9.33 0.000 -.5616076 -.3666786 p_isced_max_1 -.3250672 .022455 -14.48 0.000 -.3690782 -.2810562 p_isced_max_2 -.1953666 .0172695 -11.31 0.000 -.2292142 -.1615191 p_isced_max_4 .1499224 .0233206 6.43 0.000 .1042149 .1956299 p_isced_max_5 .2418694 .0224473 10.77 0.000 .1978734 .2858654 p_isced_max_6 .2282902 .0750887 3.04 0.002 .0811191 .3754613 p_male .1945154 .0199999 9.73 0.000 .1553163 .2337145 p_marital_hh_1 -.046479 .0299398 -1.55 0.121 -.1051599 .0122019 p_marital_hh_3 -.0799847 .0177162 -4.51 0.000 -.1147078 -.0452616 p_occup_pr_sh .3263021 .0359602 9.07 0.000 .2558214 .3967828 p_workstat_1_sh .4861585 .0257385 18.89 0.000 .4357121 .536605 rooms_pc .0572602 .0106962 5.35 0.000 .036296 .0782244 _cons 6.668453 .2825154 23.60 0.000 6.114733 7.222173 Comparison between OLS and GLS models: Variable bOLS bGLS dw_bath .13977666 .13976806 dw_btype_d3 .04965872 .04348699 edu_postsec .0816588 .25159463 edu_prim -.88482838 -.46131871 j_firm_acc~1 .03828739 .07763102 jud_erate .89285555 .81296068 jud_occup_~h -1.333666 -1.2388292 p_acti~_1_sh -.20457601 -.19520536 p_age .01341306 .01468626 17 p_age2 -.00007879 -.00008844 p_ecstat_2~h -.21789309 -.17900661 p_ecstat_4~h .45295039 .39701819 p_ecstat_h~2 -.18033673 -.17607789 p_elder_sh .48716911 .40898405 p_hhsize_1 -.13312094 -.14502795 p_isced_ma~0 -.51693886 -.4641431 p_isced_ma~1 -.37582438 -.32506718 p_isced_ma~2 -.22113204 -.19536665 p_isced_ma~4 .13861204 .14992238 p_isced_ma~5 .23439281 .24186941 p_isced_ma~6 .23717604 .22829018 p_male .1836228 .19451539 p_marital_~1 -.05289303 -.04647901 p_marital_~3 -.0809455 -.0799847 p_occup_pr~h .36701439 .32630214 p_works~1_sh .52609429 .48615854 rooms_pc .04705493 .0572602 _cons 7.1320819 6.6684532 Model settings Error decomposition H3 Beta model diagnostics Number of observations = 7564 Adjusted R-squared = .55294896 R-squared = .55454493 Root MSE = .45080868 F-stat = 347.46412 Alpha model diagnostics Number of observations = 7564 Adjusted R-squared = .03563669 R-squared = .03703931 Root MSE = 2.2858123 F-stat = 26.407274 Model parameters Sigma ETA sq. = .02312296 Ratio of sigma eta sq over MSE = .11377818 Variance of epsilon = .18255558 6.3 Monte Carlo Simulation The simulation part of the analysis requires more inputs from the user. Depending on the details given and the purpose of the analysis, the user may obtain poverty rates by the different locations specified or just output the simulated vectors to a dataset of her choosing. The syntax for the simulation stage is: sae simulate lmm/povmap depvar indepvar [if] [in] [aw pw fw], area(varname numeric) varest(string) eta(string) epsilon(string) uniqid(varname numeric) [vce(string) 18 zvar(varlist numeric) yhat(varlist numeric) yhat2(varlist numeric) psu(varname numeric) matin(string) pwcensus(string) rep(integer 1) seed(integer 123456789) bootstrap ebest colprocess(integer 1) lny addvars(string) ydump(string) plinevar(varname numeric) plines(numlist sort) aggids(numlist sort) indicators(string) results(string) allmata] The possible options are: • area(): The area option is necessary and specifies at which level the clustering is done, it indicates at which level the ηc is obtained. The only constraint is that the variable must be numeric and should match across datasets, although it is recommended it follows a hierarchical structure similar to the one proposed by Zhao (2006). – The hierarchical id should be of the same length for all observations for example: AAMMEEE.33 • varest(): The varest option allows the user to select between H3 or ELL methods for obtaining the variance of the decomposed first stage residuals. The selection has repercussions on the options available afterwards. For example, if the user selects H3, parameters must be obtained via bootstrapping. • eta(): The eta option allows users to specify how they would like to draw ηc for the different clusters in the second stage of the analysis. The available options are normal and non-normal. If non-normal is chosen empirical Bayes is not available to users. • epsilon(): The epsilon option allows users to specify how they would like to draw εch for the different observations in the second stage of the analysis. The available options are normal and non- normal. If non-normal is chosen empirical Bayes is not available to users. • uniqid(): The uniqid option specifies the numeric variable that indicates the unique identifiers in the source and target datasets. This is necessary to ensure replicability of the analysis. • vce(): The vce option allows users to replicate the variance covariance matrix from the OLS in the PovMap 2.5 software. The default option is the variance covariance matrix from the PovMap software (ell), the user may specify robust or clustered variance covariance matrix to replicate the results from the regress command.34 • zvar(): The zvar option is necessary for specifying the alpha model, the user must place the inde- pendent variables of the alpha model under the option. • yhat(): The yhat option is also a part of the alpha model. Variables listed here will be interacted ˆ = Xβ from the OLS model. with the predicted y • yhat2(): The yhat2 option is also a part of the alpha model. Variables listed here will be interacted 2 ˆ2 = (Xβ ) from the OLS model. with the predicted y 33 In the case this were done for a specific country, AA stands for the highest aggregation level, MM stands for the second highest aggregation level, and EEE, stands for the lowest aggregation level. 34 The variance covariance matrix presented by the PovMap software is not standard in the literature. The variance covariance matrix presented by the PovMap software is equal to σ 2 (X W X )−1 X W 2 X (X W X )−1 where σ 2 is an estimate of Var(wch uch ). It is easy to see that the weights are included twice in the variance covariance estimator, which makes it non-standard. 19 • psu(): The psu option indicates the numeric variable in the source data for the level at which boot- strapped samples are to be obtained. This option is required for the cases when obtaining bootstrapped parameters is necessary. If not specified, the level defaults to the cluster level, that is the level specified in the area option. • matin(): The matin option indicates the path and filename of the Mata format target dataset. The dataset is created from the sae data import command; it is necessary for the second stage. • pwcensus(): The pwcensus option indicates the variable which corresponds to the expansion factors to be used in the target dataset, it must always be specified for the second stage. The user must have added the variable to the imported data (sae data import) i.e. the target data. • rep(): The rep option is necessary for the second stage, and indicates the number of Monte-Carlo simulations to be done in the second stage of the procedure. • seed(): The seed option is necessary for the second stage of the analysis and ensures replicability. Users should be aware that Stata’s default pseudo-random number generator in Stata 14 is different than that of previous versions. • bootstrap: The bootstrap option indicates that the parameters used for the second stage of the analysis are to be obtained via bootstrap methods. If this option is not specified the default method is parametric drawing of the parameters. • ebest: The ebest option indicates that empirical Bayes methods are to be used for the second stage. If this option is used, it is necessary that eta(normal), epsilon(normal), and bootsrap options be used. • colprocess(): The colprocess option is related to the processing of the second stage. Because of the potential large size of the target data set the default is one column at a time, this however may be increased with potential gains in speed. • lny: The lny option indicates that the dependent variable in the welfare model is in log form. This is relevant for the second stage of the analysis in order to get appropriate simulated values. • addvars(): The addvars option allows users to add variables to the dataset created from the sim- ulations. These variables must have been included into the target dataset created with the sae data import command. • ydump(): The ydump option is necessary for the second stage of the analysis. The user must provide path and filename for a Mata format dataset to be created with the simulated dependent variables. • plinevar(): The plinevar option allows users to indicate a variable in the target data set which is to be used as the threshold for the Foster Greer Thorbeck indexes (Foster, Greer, and Thorbeck 1984) to be predicted from the second stage simulations. The user must have added the variable in the sae data import command when preparing the target dataset. Only one variable may be specified. • plines(): The plines option allows users to explicitly indicate the threshold to be used, this option is preferred when the threshold is constant across all observations. Additionally, it is possible to specify multiple lines, separated by a space. 20 • indicators(): The indicators option is used to request the indicators to be estimated from the simulated vectors of welfare. The list of possible indicators is: – The set of Foster Greer Thorbeck indexes (Foster, Greer, and Thorbeck 1984) F GT0 , F GT1 , and F GT2 ; also known as poverty headcount, poverty gap, and poverty severity respectively. – The set of inequality indexes: Gini, and Generalized Entropy Index with α = 0, 1, 2 – Set of Atkinson indexes • aggids(): The aggids option indicates the different aggregation levels for which the indicators are to be obtained, values placed here tell the command how many digits to the left to move to get the indicators at that level. Using the same hierarchical id specified in the area option, AAMMEEE, if the user specifies 0, 3, 5, and 7, it would lead to aggregates at each of the levels E, M, A and the national level. • results(): The results option specifies the path and filename for users to save as a txt file the results the analysis specified in the indicators option. • allmata: The allmata option skips use of the plugin and does all poverty calculations in Mata. 6.3.1 Running the Second Stage (Simulation) The second stage of the command takes considerably longer to run, depending on the size of the target dataset and the number of simulations requested. The command for the second stage would look like the following: . sae sim povmap `y´ `xvar´ [aw=hhw], area(localityid_n) uniqid(hhid) psu(thepsu) zvar(`zvar´) /// > eta(normal) epsilon(normal) varest(h3) lny pwcensus(p_hhsize_hh) /// > vce(ell) rep(100) seed(89546) ydump(`sfiles´) res(`result´) addvars(pline /// > pline2 rdef rdef2 rentdef rdef_rentroom2 rdef_rentall2) /// > matin(`matadata´) col(10) boot ebest stage(second) aggids(0) indicators(fgt0) /// > plines(5291.52) note: p_age omitted because of collinearity Note: Dependent variable in logarithmic form WARNING: 76 observations removed due to less than 3 observations in the cluster. OLS model: lny Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] dw_bath .1397767 .0200267 6.98 0.000 .100525 .1790283 dw_btype_d3 .0496587 .0211568 2.35 0.019 .0081921 .0911253 edu_postsec .0816588 .0883387 0.92 0.355 -.0914818 .2547994 edu_prim -.8848284 .1744707 -5.07 0.000 -1.226785 -.5428722 j_firm_access1 .0382874 .0129973 2.95 0.003 .0128132 .0637616 jud_erate .8928555 .2215139 4.03 0.000 .4586962 1.327015 jud_occup_el_sh -1.333666 .2481222 -5.38 0.000 -1.819977 -.8473555 p_activity_1_sh -.204576 .0306396 -6.68 0.000 -.2646285 -.1445235 p_age .0134131 .0023387 5.74 0.000 .0088293 .0179968 p_age2 -.0000788 .0000238 -3.31 0.001 -.0001255 -.0000321 p_ecstat_2_sh -.2178931 .0840416 -2.59 0.010 -.3826117 -.0531745 p_ecstat_4_sh .4529504 .0297431 15.23 0.000 .394655 .5112458 p_ecstat_hh_2 -.1803367 .0690036 -2.61 0.009 -.3155813 -.0450921 21 p_elder_sh .4871691 .0363326 13.41 0.000 .4159585 .5583797 p_hhsize_1 -.1331209 .0253237 -5.26 0.000 -.1827544 -.0834874 p_isced_max_0 -.5169389 .0540608 -9.56 0.000 -.6228961 -.4109817 p_isced_max_1 -.3758244 .0257253 -14.61 0.000 -.426245 -.3254037 p_isced_max_2 -.221132 .0191942 -11.52 0.000 -.2587519 -.1835122 p_isced_max_4 .138612 .0286283 4.84 0.000 .0825016 .1947225 p_isced_max_5 .2343928 .024233 9.67 0.000 .1868969 .2818887 p_isced_max_6 .237176 .0802218 2.96 0.003 .0799442 .3944078 p_male .1836228 .0218718 8.40 0.000 .140755 .2264906 p_marital_hh_1 -.052893 .030501 -1.73 0.083 -.1126738 .0068878 p_marital_hh_3 -.0809455 .0206275 -3.92 0.000 -.1213747 -.0405163 p_occup_pr_sh .3670144 .0363299 10.10 0.000 .2958092 .4382196 p_workstat_1_sh .5260943 .0270113 19.48 0.000 .4731532 .5790354 rooms_pc .0470549 .0109036 4.32 0.000 .0256843 .0684255 _cons 7.132082 .1597874 44.63 0.000 6.818904 7.445259 Alpha model: Residual Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] p_activity_1_sh -.3447938 .1425119 -2.42 0.016 -.624112 -.0654756 p_ecstat_4_sh -.8035096 .1585224 -5.07 0.000 -1.114208 -.4928114 p_ecstat_hh_4 -.3006224 .118973 -2.53 0.012 -.5338051 -.0674397 p_elder_sh -.8877215 .1511032 -5.87 0.000 -1.183878 -.5915647 p_isced_max_1 -.1701583 .10368 -1.64 0.101 -.3733673 .0330507 p_isced_max_5 .2211589 .1155722 1.91 0.056 -.0053584 .4476762 p_male .156548 .1078049 1.45 0.146 -.0547458 .3678417 p_marital_hh_1 .1685545 .1322579 1.27 0.203 -.0906662 .4277752 p_occup_pr_sh .5477886 .1793579 3.05 0.002 .1962536 .8993236 p_workstat_1_sh -1.289935 .1263831 -10.21 0.000 -1.537641 -1.042228 rooms_pc .124589 .0411818 3.03 0.002 .0438741 .2053038 _cons -6.317578 .13152 -48.04 0.000 -6.575353 -6.059804 GLS model: lny Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] dw_bath .1397681 .018897 7.40 0.000 .1027307 .1768054 dw_btype_d3 .043487 .0194832 2.23 0.026 .0053006 .0816734 edu_postsec .2515946 .1255387 2.00 0.045 .0055434 .4976459 edu_prim -.4613187 .2236142 -2.06 0.039 -.8995944 -.023043 j_firm_access1 .077631 .0206401 3.76 0.000 .0371772 .1180849 jud_erate .8129607 .3335183 2.44 0.015 .1592769 1.466644 jud_occup_el_sh -1.238829 .352069 -3.52 0.000 -1.928872 -.5487866 p_activity_1_sh -.1952054 .0310771 -6.28 0.000 -.2561153 -.1342954 p_age .0146863 .0021284 6.90 0.000 .0105146 .0188579 p_age2 -.0000884 .0000208 -4.25 0.000 -.0001292 -.0000477 p_ecstat_2_sh -.1790066 .090007 -1.99 0.047 -.3554171 -.0025961 p_ecstat_4_sh .3970182 .0272502 14.57 0.000 .3436088 .4504275 p_ecstat_hh_2 -.1760779 .0761019 -2.31 0.021 -.3252349 -.0269209 p_elder_sh .408984 .0333136 12.28 0.000 .3436906 .4742775 p_hhsize_1 -.1450279 .0228201 -6.36 0.000 -.1897545 -.1003014 p_isced_max_0 -.4641431 .0497277 -9.33 0.000 -.5616076 -.3666786 p_isced_max_1 -.3250672 .022455 -14.48 0.000 -.3690782 -.2810562 p_isced_max_2 -.1953666 .0172695 -11.31 0.000 -.2292142 -.1615191 p_isced_max_4 .1499224 .0233206 6.43 0.000 .1042149 .1956299 22 p_isced_max_5 .2418694 .0224473 10.77 0.000 .1978734 .2858654 p_isced_max_6 .2282902 .0750887 3.04 0.002 .0811191 .3754613 p_male .1945154 .0199999 9.73 0.000 .1553163 .2337145 p_marital_hh_1 -.046479 .0299398 -1.55 0.121 -.1051599 .0122019 p_marital_hh_3 -.0799847 .0177162 -4.51 0.000 -.1147078 -.0452616 p_occup_pr_sh .3263021 .0359602 9.07 0.000 .2558214 .3967828 p_workstat_1_sh .4861585 .0257385 18.89 0.000 .4357121 .536605 rooms_pc .0572602 .0106962 5.35 0.000 .036296 .0782244 _cons 6.668453 .2825154 23.60 0.000 6.114733 7.222173 Comparison between OLS and GLS models: Variable bOLS bGLS dw_bath .13977666 .13976806 dw_btype_d3 .04965872 .04348699 edu_postsec .0816588 .25159463 edu_prim -.88482838 -.46131871 j_firm_acc~1 .03828739 .07763102 jud_erate .89285555 .81296068 jud_occup_~h -1.333666 -1.2388292 p_acti~_1_sh -.20457601 -.19520536 p_age .01341306 .01468626 p_age2 -.00007879 -.00008844 p_ecstat_2~h -.21789309 -.17900661 p_ecstat_4~h .45295039 .39701819 p_ecstat_h~2 -.18033673 -.17607789 p_elder_sh .48716911 .40898405 p_hhsize_1 -.13312094 -.14502795 p_isced_ma~0 -.51693886 -.4641431 p_isced_ma~1 -.37582438 -.32506718 p_isced_ma~2 -.22113204 -.19536665 p_isced_ma~4 .13861204 .14992238 p_isced_ma~5 .23439281 .24186941 p_isced_ma~6 .23717604 .22829018 p_male .1836228 .19451539 p_marital_~1 -.05289303 -.04647901 p_marital_~3 -.0809455 -.0799847 p_occup_pr~h .36701439 .32630214 p_works~1_sh .52609429 .48615854 rooms_pc .04705493 .0572602 _cons 7.1320819 6.6684532 Model settings Error decomposition H3 Beta drawing Bootstrapped Eta drawing method normal Epsilon drawing method normal Empirical best methods Yes Beta model diagnostics Number of observations = 7564 Adjusted R-squared = .55294896 R-squared = .55454493 Root MSE = .45080868 23 F-stat = 347.46412 Alpha model diagnostics Number of observations = 7564 Adjusted R-squared = .03563669 R-squared = .03703931 Root MSE = 2.2858123 F-stat = 26.407274 Model parameters Sigma ETA sq. = .02312296 Ratio of sigma eta sq over MSE = .11377818 Variance of epsilon = .18255558 Initializing the Second Stage, this may take a while... Bootstrapped drawing of betas and parameters Number of simulations: 100. Each dot (.) represents 10 simulation(s). 1 2 3 4 5 .......... Finished running the Second Stage 6.4 Exporting the Simulated Vectors into Stata This subroutine is useful for bringing the simulated vectors into Stata. It provides the user the ability to further manipulate these vectors. Due to the unique structure of the Mata data, this command will only work with data created in the simulation stage. The command’s structure is: sae data export, matasource(string) [numfiles(integer 1) prefix(string) saveold datasave(string)] • matasource(): The matasource option allows users to specify the source ydump file created by the sae simulate routine . Because the size of the file can be quite large, it is advisable to use this with the numfiles option. • numfiles(): The numfiles option is to be used in conjunction with the ydumpdta option; it spec- ifies the number of datasets to be created from the simulations. • prefix(): The prefix option may be used to give a prefix to the simulated vectors. • saveold: The saveold option can be specified in conjunction with the ydumpdta option, and makes the files readable by older versions of Stata. • datasave(): The datasave option allows users to specify a path where to save the exported data, this is recommended when using the numfiles option. 24 6.5 Processing the Simulated Vectors A set of commands that facilitate the processing of the outputs from the simulation are provided. This subroutine is useful for post-estimation calculations based on the output of Mata data created in the sim- ulation stage (6.3). It provides the user the ability to further calculate poverty and inequality indicators. Those indicators may be based on new aggregated levels, new poverty lines, or different weights that were not implemented in the simulation stage. In the case of new weights, it is necessary for the user to have included these new weights in the addvars option. 6.5.1 Process Indicators This sub-routine allows for processing the simulated vectors to obtain poverty and inequality indicators. The command’s structure is: sae proc indicator, matasource(string) aggids(numlist sort) [INDicators(string) plinevar(string) plines(numlist sort) area(string) weight(string)] • matasource(): The matasource option allows users to specify the source ydump file created by the sae simulate routine. Because the size of the file can be quite large, it is advisable to use this with the numfiles option. • aggids(): The aggids option indicates the different aggregation levels for which the indicators are to be obtained, values placed here tell the command how many digits to the left to move to get the indicators at that level. Using the same hierarchical id specified in the area option, AAMMEEE, if the user specifies 0, 3, 5, and 7, it would lead to aggregates at each of the levels E, M, A and the national level. • indicators(): The indicators option is used to request the indicators to be estimated from the simulated vectors of welfare. The list of possible indicators is: – The set of Foster Greer Thorbeck indexes (Foster, Greer, and Thorbeck 1984) F GT0 , F GT1 , and F GT2 ; also known as poverty headcount, poverty gap, and poverty severity respectively. – The set of inequality indexes: Gini, and Generalized Entropy Index with α = 0, 1, 2 – Set of Atkinson indexes • plinevar(): The plinevar option allows users to indicate a variable in the target data set which is to be used as the threshold for the Foster Greer Thorbeck indexes (Foster, Greer, and Thorbeck 1984) to be predicted from the second stage simulations. The user must have added the variable in the sae data import command when preparing the target dataset. Only one variable may be specified. • plines(): The plines option allows users to explicitly indicate the threshold to be used, this option is preferred when the threshold is constant across all observations. Additionally, it is possible to specify multiple lines, separated by a space. • area(): The area option is necessary and specifies at which level the clustering is done, it indicates at which level the ηc is obtained. The only constraint is that the variable must be numeric and should 25 match across datasets, although it is recommended it follows a hierarchical structure similar to the one proposed by Zhao (2006). Note that in this step, the default is to use the defined areas from the simulation step. In this option the user is given the opportunity to change this grouping. – The hierarchical id should be of the same length for all observations for example: AAMMEEE. • weight(): The weight option indicates the new variable which corresponds to the expansion factors to be used in the target/ydump dataset. The default option is to use the weight variable saved in the ydump file, if a variable is specified here all results will be obtained with this new weighing. The user must have added the variable to the target data imported (sae data import). 6.5.2 Profiling This sub-routine aids researchers in creating a profile from group classifications that are the outcome from the simulated census vectors. For example in the context of poverty it allows researchers to break down characteristics of the poor and non poor. In the context of anthropometric Z-scores it would allow researchers to obtain characteristics for the individuals who fall below the indicator’s threshold. The command syntax is as follows: sae process stats, matasource(string) aggids(numlist sort) [contvar(string) catvar(string) plinevar(string) plines(numlist sort) area(string) weight(string)] • contvar(): The contvar option indicates the continuous variables for which the user wants to estimate the mean/distribution based on poor and non-poor groups defined from the defined poverty lines in either plines or plinevar. Those statistics will be aggregated at the aggregation levels indicated in the aggids option. The user must have added the variable in the sae data import command when preparing the target dataset. • catvar(): The catvar option indicates the categorical variables for which the user wants to estimate the two-way frequencies/distributions based on poor and non-poor groups defined from the defined poverty lines in either plines or plinevar. Those statistics will be aggregated at the aggregation levels indicated in the aggids option. The user must have added the variable in the sae data import command when preparing the target dataset. All other options resemble those detailed for other subroutines. 7 Conclusions As we approach the 2020 round of the population census, governments and their respective national systems of statistics have renewed their international commitments towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs will need to be operationalized at a sub-national level or reported for specific subgroups of the population. Moreover, the expansion of the availability and use of administrative, geospatial and Big Data sources for evidence based policy making is on the rise, creating a number of important opportunities for potentially better and more up-to-date measures of social well-being. Against this backdrop, to ensure 26 the much needed quality and rigor of the analysis produced, the advancement and availability of statistically valid methods with proper inference such as small area estimates are required. Direct estimates of poverty and inequality from household surveys are only reliable up to a certain regional level. When estimates are needed at lower, more disaggregated levels, the reliability of these is questionable. Under a set of specific assumptions, data from outside sources along with household survey data may be combined in order to provide policy makers with a more complete picture of poverty and inequality along with the spatial heterogeneity of these indicators. In this paper we introduce a new family of Stata functions, sae, which were designed in a modular and flexible way to manage the data, estimate models, conduct simulations, and compute indicators of interest. The estimation functions have been bench-marked against the World Bank’s PovMap software for full validation. We hope that the flexibility of this new family of functions will encourage producers of SAE to document and report in a more systematic manner the robustness of their results to alternative methodological choices made, improving the replicability and increasing the transparency of this estimation process. Its modular nature creates a platform for the introduction of new estimation techniques, such as count and binary models. Additionally, the modular nature encourages collaboration from the broader Stata community. 27 References Bedi, T., A. Coudouel, and K. Simler (2007). More than a pretty picture: using poverty maps to design better policies and interventions. World Bank Publications. Demombynes, G., C. Elbers, J. O. Lanjouw, and P. Lanjouw (2008). How good is a map? putting small area estimation to the test. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali , 465–494. Elbers, C., J. O. Lanjouw, and P. Lanjouw (2002). Micro-level estimation of welfare. 2911. Elbers, C., J. O. Lanjouw, and P. Lanjouw (2003). Micro–level estimation of poverty and inequality. Econo- metrica 71 (1), 355–364. Foster, J., J. Greer, and E. Thorbecke (1984). A class of decomposable poverty measures. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society , 761–766. Harvey, A. C. (1976). 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