33005 ESMAP TECHNICAL PAPER 072 Bolivia Country Program Prnase II Rural Eniergy a1d Energy Efficiency Report oii Operational Activiti-es 4 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 Sector May 2005 Management Assistance Programme ¶ AAAD I ~- W_-w CAA ad -va it f ILiV ~.. ,J,,. I 11 Papers in the ESMAP Technical Series are discussion documents, not final project reports. They are subject to the same copyright as other ESMAP publications. Copyright C 2005 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/THE WORLD BANK 1818 H Street. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing May 2005 ESMAP Reports are published to communicate the results of ESMAP's work to the development community with the least possible delay. The typescript of the paper therefore has not been prepared in accordance with the procedures appropriate to formal documents. Some sources cited in this paper may be informal documents that are not readily available. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the author(s) and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, or its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use. The Boundaries, colors, denominations, other information shown on any map in this volume do not imply on the part of the World Bank Group any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Papers in the ESMAP Technical Series are discussion documents, not final project reports. They are subject to the same copyrights as other ESMAP publications. The material in this publication is copyrighted. Requests for permission to reproduce portions of it should be sent to the ESMAP Manager at the address shown in the copyright notice above. ESMAP encourages dissemination of its work and will normally give permission promptly and, when the reproduction is for noncommercial purposes, without asking a fee. Contents Preface . iii Abbreviations and Acronyms ..iv Units of Measure ..vi Currency Equivalents ..vi Executive Summary ..vii Background: Rural Energy and Energy Efficiency .1 ESMAP Intervention in Bolivia ..1 Institutional Setup and Allocation of Functions in the Energy Sector .. 2 Private Participation in the Sector ..3 Rural Electrification and Rural Energy ..3 Energy Efficiency ..3 Program Objectives, Components, Cost and Financing, and Implementation ..5 Program Objectives ..5 Program Components ..6 Program Cost and Financing ..6 Program Implementation Arrangements ..7 The Rural Energy Component ..9 Demonstration Projects and Financial Mechanisms . .10 Institutional Development ..17 The Energy Efficiency Component .23 Energy Efficiency Pilot Projects ..23 Study of Electricity Demand-Side Management (DSM) . .26 Co-generation Study in the Sugar Industry ..29 Mechanisms Supporting Energy Efficiency ..31 Technical Assistance Mechanism .31 Financing Mechanism .32 Lessons of Broad Applicability ..35 Rural Energy Component - Sustainability and Impacts . .37 Energy Efficiency Component - Sustainability and Impacts . .41 The Rural Electrification Fund (FER) ..45 Statistical Data - Energy Sector ..47 Data on Rural Energy Component ..49 Data on Energy Efficiency Component ..53 Program Cost: Rural Energy and Energy Efficiency Activities . .63 List of Final Reports .65 List of Tables Table 3.1: Three Models for Rural Electrification ..10 Table 3.2: Principal Characteristics of the Concessionaires . . 11 Table A.4.1: Main Energy and Economic Indicators, 1991-2001 .47 Table A.4.2: Indicators of Final Energy Consumption and Intensity in Bolivia. 48 Table A.4.3: Natural Gas Reserves .48 Table A.4.4: Oil Reserves .48 Table A.4.5: Installed Capacity per type of generation .48 Table A.5.1: Locations for Possible Intervention .49 i Table A.5.2: RE Operators by Prefecture ............................................................... 49 Table A.5.3: Principal Companies and Cooperatives in the Departments of Oruro and Potosi (Year 2001) ................................................................ 50 Table A.6.1: Demand-Side Management in Santa Cruz and Sucre ........................ 57 Table A.6.2: Companies Participating in Energy Efficiency Pilot ............................ 58 Table A.6.3: Companies in which CPTS Has Carried out Diagnostics on ............... 58 Pollution Prevention (PP), Pollution Control (PC), and Energy Efficiency (EE) ... 58 List of Graphs Graph A.6.1: Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer - Santa Cruz (1998) ................................................................ 53 Graph A.6.2: Projected Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer Without Energy Efficiency Measures - Santa Cruz (2009) ........................ 54 Graph A.6.3: Projected House Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer with Energy Efficiency Measures - Santa Cruz (2009) ............................................ 54 Graph A.6.4: Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer - Sucre (1998) ................................................................ 55 Graph A.6.5: Projected Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer Without Energy Efficiency Measures - Sucre (2009) ................................ 55 Graph A.6.6: Projected Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer With Energy Efficiency Measures - Sucre (2009) ..................................... 56 ii Preface The ESMAP Coilntr1 Prograam Phase II-Rzural Energy ald Energy Efficienci' (P056929)-was financed with a Netherlands grant amounting to NLG 3,391,254 (Trust Fund TF022187-B0017901, equivalent to US$1,614,883). Tranches I and 2 of the grant, in the respective amounts of NLG 1,017,876 and NLG 1,356,502, were released and disbursed in the period 1998-1999. Tranche 3, in the amount of NLG 1.017,376, was released in the year 2000. A balance equivalent to about US$240,000 was not disbursed before the closing date of the grant (December 31, 2001), and was canceled. The ESMAP Country Program Phase II was executed by the World Bank and implemented by the National Secretariat of Energy of Bolivia's Vice Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons. The World Bank provided a task manager and an energy specialist. The program activities, carried out by a number of local and international consultants, were coordinated by two local professionals operating in the National Secretariat of Energy: Mr. Enrique Birhuett for Rural Energy, and Mr. Antonio Ruiz for Energy Efficiency. This Report on Operational Activities includes an executive summary and a main body of text comprising sections on background, program objectives, components, cost, and implementation; the Rural Energy component, and the Energy Efficiency component. The annexes provide more detailed information on the impact and sustainability of the components, the Rural Electrification Fund, and program costs. The report was prepared by Mr. Alvaro J. Covarrubias (consultant). Messrs. E. Birhuett and A. Ruiz, coordinators of the ESMAP Country Program in Bolivia, and Frank Baumgardt (consultant) made valuable contributions to the report. Comments and suggestions were taken into account in the final version. The document was reviewed by Messrs. Philippe Durand (task manager, LCSFP) and Kilian Reiche (energy specialist, LCSFP), and edited by Ms. Deborah Davis. George Bouza , Matthew Gardner and Nidhi Sachdeva assisted in the formatting of the report, and Marjorie K. Araya (ESMAP) coordinated the production and dissemination process. iii Abbreviations and Acronyms ADC Andean Development Corporation (Corporaci6n Andina de Desarrollo) BOE barrels of oil equivalent BPC Bolivian Power Company CEE Comnisi6n Episcopal de Educacion CESSA Coinpanida Elcctrica de Suc7re S.A. CETHA Centr o de Educaci6n Tecnica, Humanistica Y Agropeciuaria CPEE Center for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency CPTS Centro para la Promocion de Teenologias Sostenibles CRE Cooperativa Rural de Electricidad de Santa Cruz DSM demand-side management EDEL Empresa de Electricidad Larecaja EE energy efficiency ENDE Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (National Power Company) ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program FER Fondo de Electrificaci6n Rural FERIA Facilitadores de Educaci6n Rural Integral Alternativa FINE Fondo de Inversiones en Nuevas Energias (Investment Fund for New Energies) FUNDA-PRO Fundaci6n para la Produccio6n GDP gross domestic product GoB Govermment of Bolivia HV high voltage IFC International Finance Corporation (Corporaci6n Financiera Internacional) KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (German Development Bank) LPG liquefied petroleum gas MHP mini-hydroelectric plants MTEP Mid-term Evaluation of the ESMAP Program NG natural gas NGO non-governmental organization NOGUB-COSUDE Programa de Apoyo a Organizaciones No Gubernamentales - Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la iv I Cooperaci6n (NOGUB-COSUDE) NPCC National Program on Climate Change (Progra7na Nacional de Canbio ( lonati,n) NPV Net Present Value PISA Pan American Investment S.A. PNB Pr-ogramna Nacional de Bio-Masa (National Biomass Program) RE rural energy REF Rural Electrification Fund SHS solar home system SINER Sistema de Informaci6n Nacional de Electrificaci6n Rlural SIRESE Sistema de Regulaci6n Sectorial (Sector Regulations) UDAPE Unidad de Analisis de Politicas Econ6nmicas (Economic Policy Analysis Unit, Ministry of Finance) VMEH Vice Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons YPFB Yacimnientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (National Oil Company) v Units of Measure Cf cubic feet TCF Tera cubic feet = 1012 cf Bbi barrel MMBbl million barrel = 106 Bbl W watt Wp watt peak KW kilowatt = 1,000 Watt MW megawatt = 106 Watt KWh kilowatt-hour GWh million kilowatt-hour = 106 kWh Ha hectare = 10,000 m2 Currency Equivalents Currency Boliviano (b$) 1.0 b$ = US$ 0.142 1.0 US$ = b$ 7.029 (May 2002) vi Executive Summary Background 1. Over the past two decades, the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) has financed several projects to assist Bolivia in the development of its energy sector. The Bolivia Country Program Phase 1 (1986-1997) contributed to the design of a National Energy Plan; to policies and actions applicable to rural energy and energy efficiency; and to a dramatic structural reform of the energy sector (see ESMA4P Bolivia. Final Report on Operational Activities, August 2000). 2. Substantial private participation in the energy sector began after the sector was reformed. Foreign investment in the sector from 1996 to 2000 totaled US$794.6 million, of which close to 81 percent (US$641.4 million) went to activities in the hydrocarbons sector, and the remaining 19 percent (US$153.2 million) to operations in the electricity sector, not including investment in the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline. 3. Rural electrification in Bolivia covers about 23 percerit' of the population, compared to about 50 percent national coverage. Since the Popular Participation and Administrative Decentralization Laws of 1994 and 1995, electrification has been carried out almost exclusively by prefectures and municipalities, with modest financial support from international cooperation and negligible private investment. In the period 1997- 2000, about 70,000 additional rural households were connected to electricity service through about 150 projects, at a total cost of about US$65 million. Program Objectives and Components 4. The ESMAP Bolivia Country Program Phase II (ESMAP II) consisted of two main components: Rural Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE). The activities under these components were designed to help the government consolidate the achievements of Phase I and make further progress in the following ways: (a) strengthen the government's capacity to ensure sustainable development of rural energy and energy efficiency activities; (b) create incentives for energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources; (c) ensure the effectiveness of technical assistance and financing mechanisms designed to develop rural energy and energy efficiency; and (d) develop projects to demonstrate the penetration of rural energy and the application of energy efficiency measures. Mid-Term Evaluation of the Program 5. A mid-term evaluation of the program conducted in September-October 2000 found that progress made toward achieving the objectives was less than 50 percent, primarily due to the program's complex implementation arrangements. Implementation 'According to the 2001 census. vil viii Bolivia Country Program Phase I1 management consisted of a task manager and an energy specialist on the World Bank side, and two local coordinators (one for RE and one for EE) in the Secretariat of Energy, plus large a number of short-term local and international consultants contracted on an ad hoc basis for the numerous activities. Interactions among the local team and the ministries, donors, the prefectures and municipalities, the Center for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency (CPEE), the local NGOs, the chambers of commerce, and the associations representing economic sectors and enterprises, and the final users were extremely time consuming. In addition, the implementation arrangements involved the administration of an unusually large number of contracts, which created a heavy administrative burden on Bolivia and the Bank and contributed to project delays. Program Cost and Financing 6. The Rural Electrification and Energy Efficiency components were both financed with a Netherlands grant equivalent to US$1.6 million. About US$1.3 million was disbursed by the time the grant closed on December 31, 2001, and the remaining amount of US$276,585 was reimbursed to the Netherlands. Rural Energy Component 7. Despite these difficulties, the Rural Energy component realized activities on three fronts: * Development of demonstration projects. This activity explored the viability of the following delivery mechanisms: (a) extension of distribution grids by existing concessionaires ("Model 1"); (b) facilitation of the supply of solar home systems (SHS) by private suppliers or dealers to commercially attractive areas ("Model 2"); and (c) supply of electricity services to very remote, isolated communities through NGOs ("Model 3"). Other demonstration projects that were identified and analyzed included water pumping for rural farms, PV-powered video equipment in rural learning centers, and passive solar energy for heating rural schools in the highlands. For these demonstration projects, demand, supply options, market potential, and market barriers were identified, and first market development measures on demand and supply side were implemented. * Design and implementation offinancial mechanisms. This activity focused on the design of a Rural Energy Fund to promote rural electrification projects sponsored by concessionaires. * Institutional development, which focused on strengthening the capacity of government, at the central, prefecture, and municipal levels, to carry out rural energy and energy efficiency activities. Executive Summary ix Demonstration Projects 8. Model 1 aims to encourage existing private distribution companies (concessionaires) to supply electricity to rural populations where the extension of electric distribution lines is not technically or financially viable. There is a potential market of about 340,000 households for this model in the area of influence of the five concessionaires (Electropaz, Elfec, Elfeo, CESSA, and Sepsa) operating in the central and western parts of the country. 9. The projects would be eligible for funding by the new Fondo de Electrificaci6n Rural (FER), which has received pledging totaling US$1 million by Bolivian investors. In addition, the Andean Development Corporation (ADC) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) have expressed their interest in leveraging at least US$5.0 million with a 4:1 debt/equity ratio. 10. Model 2 seeks to remove barriers to the introduction of solar home systems (SHS) in rural areas. It defines a commercially oriented delivery model that would enable private entrepreneurs to supply SHS and related services to rural consumers, mainly households. This activity was executed by two local finns that are connected to multinational SHS manufacturers. Demand studies were conducted in several areas that had been pre-qualified as particularly promising for Model 2. Preliminary business plans for the private-sector-based delivery of SHS-based services to these areas were drafted by the two companies. However, the firms did not succeed in mobilizing the amount of subsidies and commercial financing they had calculated for the target areas in their business plan and, hence, none of the pre-identified SHS-based rural electrification projects came to closure by the end of the project. The results of this component have been transferred to a new rural electrification project (Decentralized Energy, Information, and Communication Technologies for Rural Transfonnation Project) currently under preparation by the World Bank, and to an ongoing UNDP/GEF- financed SHS project. 11. Model 3 focuses on NGOs, which can have a comparative advantage in promoting decentralized rural electrification projects at the micro-regional level and executing them within a sound institutional framework. They can also assist the rural population, village micro-grid operators, and SHS owners in setting up mutually agreeable community-based systems for billing and collection. A local NGO identified and prepared preliminary designs for a US$10 million portfolio comprising 376 rural electrification proposals, submitted by 72 local institutions. The results of this activity have been transferred to a new rural electrification project under preparation by Kreditanstalt fir Wiederaufbau (KfW-the German Development Bank). 12. Water pumping. This activity aimed to identify feasible pilot projects for increasing farm productivity through water pumping from wells. Water pumping projects were identified for irrigation of quinoa (for export), alfalfa (feed stock for dairy cows), potatoes, and breeding of llamas and alpacas (camelidos). However, none of the projects was realized because of insufficient regulations regarding land titles and water use rights. x Bolivia Country Program Phase II 13. Passive solar heating of rultral schools. This activity studied the feasibility of using passive solar energy for heating rural schools, and prepared guidelines for the design of schools with solar energy heating, especially in the highlands. A study prepared under this project indicated that the learning success of children in the highlands could be significantly hindered by extremely low temperatures resulting from the lack of heating in their schools. The guidelines may serve as a starting point for including passive solar heating as standard practice in the design and construction of many other types of buildings. The activity also involved preparation of a project to refurbish one rural school with solar heating. Institutional Development 14. ESMAP II supported several activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of the central, prefecture, and municipal govermments in key aspects of rural and renewable energies: * Preparation of a database on energy infornmation as part of the Sector Regulatory System (Sistema de Regulacion Sectorial, SIRESE), and update of the database on 115 mini-hydroelectric plants totaling 6,300 kWp. * Training of human resources in prefectures and municipalities in rural energy demand analysis and planning and evaluation methodologies, and provision of the Comisi6n Episcopal de Educaci6n (CEE) with PV-powered audio-visual equipment to upgrade staff knowledge of rural energy. * Strengthening of the prefectures of La Paz, Oruro, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, and Potosi in the planning and analysis of rural electrification projects. * Restructuring of the govermment's Rural Electrification Program (Programa Nacional de Electrificaci6n Rzural, PRONER), and assignment of rural electrification tasks established in the Decentralization Law to the prefectures. * Introduction of sound technical, economic, and social methodologies into the prefectures' processes for evaluation and selection of rural electrification projects. The prefectures established three main criteria for prioritizing rural electrification proposals: (a) that the project should have a positive Net Present Value (NPV) for social benefits; (b) that an operator be responsible for operation and maintenance of the project; and (c) that the project decrease by at least 15 percent the production costs of local industry (mills, water pumping, stations, grain producers, and the like). * Adoption by the prefectures of single-phase electric lines with ground return as an important, low-cost technology option for rural electrification lines. Executive Summary xi * Preparation of a Manual /br Rural Electrification Projects, which has expedited the approval and execution of new rural electrification projects. * Training of trainers on the rational use of energy resources and preservation of bio systems and biodiversity, to be delivered to officials from 15 municipalities and nine departments. Energy Efficiency 15. The energy efficiency component carried out four main activities: (a) the execution of energy efficiency pilot projects; (b) the study of electricity demand-side management (DSM); (c) co-generation of electricity by various enterprises; and (d) the design of mechanisms supporting energy efficiency. Execution of Pilot Energy Efficiency Projects 16. These projects were intended to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of applying energy efficiency measures to industries and to train professionals and enterprises in the implementation of energy efficiency measures. The seven enterprises participating in this activity were: Cerveceria Ducal (beer, Santa Cruz), Cerveceria Surefia (beer, Sucre), Embotelladora Embol (soft drinks, Santa Cruz), Frigorifica Frigor (food, Santa Cruz), Tusequis (food, La Paz), Universaltex (textiles, La Paz), and Quinbol Lever (chemicals, Cochabamba). 17. ESMAP provided the enterprises with technical assistance in metering their industrial processes; defining internal energy cost centers; implementing measures to save electricity, heat, and water; identifying and applying improvements to their industrial processes; implementing software to monitor energy consumption; and training technical personnel. The program also assisted enterprises in reducing demand during peak hours, and in negotiating with the power distributor the most appropriate contract for electricity supply. The industries procured and installed meters for electricity, natural gas, and water; equipment to improve the power factor of consumed electricity; and thermal insulation for pipelines. They also repaired or replaced low-efficiency electric motors and machinery. An international consultant led the implementation of the pilots. 18. All seven enterprises achieved significant energy savings. However, the potential remains for further energy savings once the current economic crisis is over. The economic crisis has depressed demand, masking the effect of some of the energy-saving measurers, and has deterred enterprises from further energy efficiency investments. Study on Electricity Demand-Side Management (DSM) 19. This study analyzed the structure of the daily electricity load curves of the Cooperativa Rural de Electricidad de Santa Cruz (CRE) and the Comnpania Elctrica de Sucre S.A. (CESSA) and proposed changes on the consumer side aimed at flattening these curves. It also surveyed and determined the operating parameters of the electrical appliances available in Santa Cruz and Sucre. xii Bolivia Country Program Phase II 20. The study recommended implementing four energy-saving measures: * For illumination: switching from incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamps with electromagnetic reactance to fluorescent lamps with electronic reactance. This measure would decrease electricity consumption by 70 to 80 percent in the first case and 20 to 30 percent in the second case, thus significantly reducing the evening peak; * For refiigeration: replacing old refrigerators with new ones, which consume about 50 percent less electricity; * For water heating: using natural gas instead of electricity; * For air conditioning: improving the design and construction of houses and buildings by adding thennal insulation in walls and roofs. This measure would decrease electricity consumption by about 70 percent. 21. The study estimated that installation of these energy-saving measures would cost about US$23.7 million in Santa Cruz and US$2.9 million in Sucre. The measures would save about US$26.3 million for residential consumers in Santa Cruz and US$3.2 million for residential consumers in Sucre over a ten-year period. During the same period, the power utilities would achieve investment savings in power generating facilities of about US$ 90 million in Santa Cruz and about US$16 million in Sucre. 22. The study also identified financial, regulatory, and technical barriers to DSM, and the following measures to remove them: * Financing mechanisms to enable residential consumers to pay jor energy- saving devices; * The use of natuiral gas or liquefied petroleum to heat water for bathing and other household needs; * Longer billing cycles; * Studies of electric load cuirves of power distribution utilities could be replicated by each power utility, and would help the utilities, consumers, and the regulatory agency to identify DSM measures and the regulatory changes that would make them possible. Such studies could also identify technical and financial barriers to energy efficiency and ways to remove them. Co-generation Study for the Sugar Industry 23. This activity studied the potential for energy savings in the sugar industry and the feasibility of the sale of electricity surpluses generated by sugar processing. Two sugar refineries, Ingenio Azucarero UNAGRO (Minero - Santa Cruz) and Ingenio Azucarero GUABIRA (Guabira - Santa Cruz), participated in the study. The energy audits carried out in these two enterprises measured the energy input to the production processes (crushing the sugar cane, production of waste in the form of bagasse, crystallization of the sugar) and the output of electricity surplus. Executive Summiiary xiii 24. UNAGRO showed great interest in the results of the study and carried out its own feasibility study on co-generation, with the support of NPCC and the Swiss Government. The enterprise has also identified European and American institutions as potential partners for implementing the project recommended by the ESMAP-financed co-generation study. 25. Other important findings of the co-generation study are summarized below: * The competition introduced bhi co-generation couild, in the long term, contriblute to decreasing prices paid for electricity by power distribution utilities and, consequently, by retail consumers; * The absence of reguilations is constraining the development of co-generation, * There are no reglulations for setting a price for bagasse, used as fuel for electricity generation; * The penetration of co-generation is constrained by, a lack of pu,blic information. Mechanisms Supporting Energy Efficiency 26. Technical assistance mechanisms. The Centro de Promoci6n de Tecnologias Sostenibles (CPTS) was chosen to provide technical assistance in the rational use of energy, the introduction of energy-saving measures, and the establishment of practices to prevent or limit pollution created by economic activity. CPTS is educating government officials, the private sector, and civil society about energy efficiency and pollution prevention, and providing information and dissemination services upon demand. CPTS also liaises with other national and international institutions active in energy efficiency and pollution control. Its activities are being supported by USAID and the Govermment of Denmark. 27. Financial mechanisms. In an effort to remove the financial barriers facing energy efficiency and pollution control efforts, the World Bank/ESMAP and FUNDA- PRO (Fundaci6n para la Producci6n) created the Biomass Fund in 2000. The Biomass Fund has US$1 million, and has already financed 53 biomass projects totaling US$389,000. Moreover, 99 projects totaling US$511,115 are pending approval by the financial intermediary. In 2001, the Biomass Fund decided to include energy efficiency and pollution control projects in the range of projects eligible for financing, based on technical assistance received by ESMAP II. Lessons of Broad Applicability 28. Numerous studies and plans on rural energy and energy efficiency have been carried out in Bolivia by this and other ESMAP projects. However, these cannot show a record of achievements comparable to the impressive success of the technical assistance in the macro-restructuring of the energy business. Particularly, this ESMAP project delivered a wealth of data, analyses, designs, studies, and surveys that are now waiting for implementation by policymakers and interested parties. Why are they xiv Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 waiting? The answer lies in the project's scope, its implementation arrangements, and exogenous conditions: a) the project comprised too many activities with different focuses that were to be executed simultaneously during a relatively short period of time, b) project implementation was coordinated by only two local professionals supervising numerous consultants, c) there were too many levels of administration and channels of communication with policymakers and d) subsidies for conventional fuels undermined possibilities for alternative energy sources. Consequently, the lessons of broad applicability are: * ESMAP projects should focus actions strongly on one or two major activities that are likely to have a successful outcome, especially if the project has a relatively small budget. * Implementation of ESMAP projects should be started only when the policymakers have shown a definite commitment to the project. * Subsidies for conventional fuels should be reduced or removed when alternative fuels would deliver a service equally or less costly than the subsidized fuel. * The overhead cost of the project should be kept low by hiring as few consultants as possible. Background: Rural Energy and Energy Efficiency ESMAP Intervention in Bolivia 1. 1 The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) has been involved at several crucial points in the development of Bolivia's energy sector. 1.2 During 1986-1992, a National Energy Plan was designed and implemented with ESM4P assistance. The National Energy Plan strengthened the capacity of the former Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons in energy planning. It also defined energy policies aimed at: (a) ensuring the supply of economic and reliable energy to the internal market through the (then) state-owned national petroleum and gas (Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos, YPFB) and national power entities (Empresa Nacional de Electricidad, ENDE), and the privately owned BPC; (b) promoting the rational use of energy in order to preserve the country's resources and reduce investment requirements; (c) boosting public finances by increasing energy sales; and (d) preserving the environment. The government attempted to implement these policies-though with limited success-by decentralizing decisionmaking, increasing investment in the sector while promoting efficiency in energy production and consumption, giving priority to the development and use of natural gas, and promoting the delivery of commercial energy to rural areas at adequate price levels. But because the National Energy Plan did not focus on rural energy or increased efficiency in end use, ESMAP subsequently carried out studies of energy supply and consumption issues in rural households. 1.3 During 1989-1991, ESMAP carried out a studv on enhancing the rational use of energy in critical sectors of the economy, in order to promote balanced development. That study gave rise to the Household Rural Energy Strategy, which proposed: (a) decreasing the cost and improving the quality of lighting in rural households; (b) developing small, cost-efficient hydroelectric projects; and (c) improving the rational use of energy for cooking. 1.4 During 1993-1996, the Action Plan on Rural Energy and Energy Efficiency (Phase I of the ESAIMP Country Program), made a significant contribution to the design of policies and actions applicable to rural energy and energy efficiency. The 1 2 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 Action Plan coincided with implementation of a major economic reform program in 1994-1997, the most significant in the last 20 years. Achievements of the rur7al energy component included: (a) definition of a national Rural Electrification Strategy; (b) approval of a general regulatory framework for rural electrification; (c) establishment of the basis for definition of the National Rural Electrification Program (PRONER); (d) identification of basic problems related to the use of biomass as an energy source; and (e) design of the National Biomass Program. Achievements of the energy efficiency component included. (a) establishment of a situational report on final energy consumption, energy saving potential, and obstacles that impede the application of energy efficiency measures; (b) definition of a National Energy Efficiency Strategy; (c) development of the first experiences of energy diagnostics in industrial companies and the hotel sector; and (d) training of the first national technicians in energy audits. 1.5 During 1994-1997, ESMAP assisted in designing and implementing a dramatic structural reform of the energy sector, which took place in the context of a relatively undeveloped energy market. This included such actions as opening the sector to private agents by capitalizing YPFB and ENDE. The economic reform also included creation of the Sector Regulatory System (SIRESE), the preparation of which benefited substantially from the ESMAP studies. However, the reforms focused mainly on the cities, where the nascent energy market was sufficient to attract substantial private investment. It became clear that the structural changes in the energy sector were not sufficient to provide energy to large a part of the population (especially in rural areas), or to enable them to participate in the energy market. As a result: 1.6 During 1997-2001, Phase II of the ESMAP Country Program (ESMAP II) attempted to address the problems related to energy support and consumption that had been identified during Phase I. This was considered crucial because of the impact of energ, on other sectors, and because of the sector's close links to poverth reduction efforts, indlustrial competitiveness, and a clean environment. Institutional Setup and Allocation of Functions in the Energy Sector 1.7 The executive is responsible for both policymaking, through the Vice Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons (VMEH), and regulation of the sector, through the SIRESE. Private corporations and cooperatives are responsible for power generation and electricity distribution. Transmission of bulk power at high voltage levels is the responsibility of a government-owned transmission company, and management of the bulk power market and economic dispatch of electricity are done by the operations committee, comprising representatives of sector operators. Prices for electricity transmission and retail distribution are fixed by SIRESE, based on economic principles. Exploration, development, production, and transportation of natural gas and petroleum products are carried out by private companies; distribution of natural gas and petroleum products is administered by private companies and YPFB; retail prices for natural gas and petroleum products are fixed by the Superintendency of Hydrocarbons; and export of natural gas is run by YPFB as aggregator of gas produced by private companies. Background: Rural Energy and Energy Efficiency 3 Private Participation in the Sector 1.8 Private participation in the Bolivian energy sector became significant after the sector was refonned in 1994. Total foreign investment in the sector from 1996 to 2000-not including investments in the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline-amounted to US$794.6 million, of which close to 81 percent (US$641.4 million) went to activities in the hydrocarbons sector, and the remaining 19 percent (US$153.2 million) went to operations in the electricity sector. Annual investments in the energy sector reached a peak of US$333.1 million in 1998, but then declined to US$178.9 million in 1999 and to US$65.4 million in 2000. Rural Electrification and Rural Energy 1.9 Electricity coverage in Bolivia is about 20 percent in rural areas, compared to national coverage of 50 percent. Since the Popular Participation and Administrative Decentralization Laws of 1994 and 1995, rural electrification has been carried out mainly by the prefectures and municipalities, with modest financial support from international donors, and negligible private investment. In the period 1997-2000, about 70,000 additional households were connected to electricity service through 150 projects costing about US$65 million. The lack of private investment utilizing gas-fueled plants instead of diesel-fueled generators in small cities far away from the interconnected power system- e.g., Trinidad and Cobija-has been draining fiscal resources, since diesel fuel is subsidized in amounts exceeding US$8 million a year. With regard to the consumption of rural energy other than electricity, 90 percent of rural households use biomass in the fonn of firewood and dung for cooking, which has direct negative impacts on family health and the environment. 1.10 Rural electrification has encountered a series of political and economic obstacles. Among them: (a) political action in the energy sector still focuses on hydrocarbons, the extension of gas networks for export, and urban electrification, since these sectors have an enormous impact on fiscal revenues; (b) the private sector lacks knowledge of the potential of rural markets, and lacks funding; (c) most energy sector agents know very little about renewable energy; and (d) the country lacks an adequate regulatory framework for rural electrification. Although decentralization and popular participation have had a positive impact on the situation in rural areas, the lack of appropriate regulations for rural areas means that many areas are not considered good risks by potential investors. Furthennore, public investment norms hinder private sector co-financing. Finally, there is a lack of coherence and coordination between rural electrification policies at the central government level and rural electrification implementation at the local level. Energy Efficiency 1.11 Problems in the energy sector are also closely related to consumption in the domestic market, and to the fact that most consumers, particularly enterprises, lack a culture of energy efficiency. This is reflected in Bolivia's relatively high energy intensity, measured as the ratio of total final energy consumed to total gross domestic product. In 4 Bolivia Country Program Phase II 1999, the value of Bolivian energy intensity, expressed in constant 1990 U.S. dollars, was 3.1 (BOE/US$ 1000). This was more than the energy intensities of Argentina (1.6 BOE/US$1000), Brazil (2.1 BOE/US$1000), Peru (1.7 BOE/US$1000), and Chile (2.5 BOE/US$ 1 000). 1.12 Implementation of energy efficiency measures has been constrained by the absence of companies and trained professionals who can help enterprises detennine their characteristics of consumption; identify energy efficiency measures, including upgrading equipment; and detennine their potential for co-generation. 2 Program Objectives, Components, Cost and Financing, and Implementation Program Objectives 2.1 The central aim of ESMAP II was to enhance the sustainability of rural energy and energy efficiency activities by means of funding, technical assistance, and local training. 2.2 The specific objectives of ESMAP II, as stated in the Initiating Brief for a Trust Fund,2 were to help the government achieve its policy objectives in the fields of rural energy and energy efficiency; and to develop the Energy Secretariat's capacity to implement, monitor, evaluate, and adjust policies and projects in the energy sector. This was to be achieved through institutional support and technical assistance to the Energy Secretariat to improve policies and sector regulations, and through technical interventions. These objectives were in line with the objectives and (partly unfinished) achievements of Phase I. In particular: (a) the Energy Secretariat was still too weak to ensure the sustainable development of rural energy and energy efficiency activities; (b) the existing regulatory framework lacked incentives to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources; (c) the technical assistance and financing mechanisms designed to develop rural energy and energy efficiency were not fully functioning; and (d) there was a lack of a significant number of actually implemented pilot projects ("success stories") to demonstrate to all sector agents the potential of rural energy and energy efficiency measures. 2.3 To address this situation, the ESMAP II Project was designed according to the following principles: Support for local investment rather than central investment * Promotion of involvement of local stakeholders * Support for local institutions related to the market and technology * Ensuring a favorable environment for investment Initiating Brief for a Trust Fund and ESMAP/Banco Mundial, Secretaria Nacional de Energia. ESMAP Country Programme, Fase 11, La Paz, Jtnio de 1997. 5 6 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 * Reduction of market distortions and enhancement of competition * Consideration of new technologies to improve project implementation Program Components 2.4 Originally, ESMAP II comprised three components: (a) Rural Energy (RE); (b) Energy Efficiency (EE); and (c) Biomass. However, the biomass component was separated from the program and converted into a large self-standing program. The RE and EE activities were designed to: (a) strengthen the National Energy Secretariat; (b) develop and strengthen the support mechanisms for RE and EE; and (c) develop concrete actions to demonstrate and disseminate the results of pilot projects. 2.5 The mid-term evaluation of the program in September/October 2000 led to changes in its scope and activities. The evaluation revealed that: (a) program objectives were too ambitious in relation to the timeframe and the large number of parallel activities envisioned; (b) less than 50 percent progress had been made toward achieving the original objectives, with the biomass component lagging the most; (c) management problems had negatively affected the performance of the Bolivian team; and (d) a lack of focus on clients' needs by the Bolivian team had resulted in insufficient promotion of the program's products among ministries, donors, NGOs, and other stakeholders. The evaluation report recommended: (a) extending the program through December 31, 2000; (b) preparing an action plan to complete activities that would capitalize on ESMAP's strengths within the extended timeframe; (c) establishing better relations with clients, especially major decisionmakers in the govermment, donors, and NGOs; (d) clearly defining the tasks of ESMAP Bolivia, Bank staff in Washington, and the Bank's resident mission; and (e) expediting responses by Bank and Bolivian teams to mutual consultations, and intensifying Bank supervision. Program Cost and Financing 2.6 The ESMAP Phase II program (RE, EE, and Biomass components) was to be implemented during the period of January 1997 to June 2000 (later extended to December 31, 2001) at a total cost of US$4.0 million. The RE and EE components are financed with a Netherlands grant of NLG 3,391,254 (Trust Fund TF022187- B0017901), equivalent to US$1,614,883. Tranches 1 and 2 of the grant, in the amount of NLG 1,017,876 and NLG 1,356,502, respectively, were released and disbursed in the period 1998-1999. Tranche 3, in the amount of NLG 1,017,376, was released in 2000. A balance equivalent to about US$240,000 was not disbursed before the closing date, December 31, 2001, and was canceled. The Biomass component was financed by another grant under the National Biomass Program and is the subject of another report.4 (For further information on program costs, see Annex 7.) 3Report on ESMAP-Bolivia Country- Program Phase 11 and Bolivia National Biomass Program, Mid-Term Evaluation, November 12, 2000. 4 The Biomass component (US$2.4 million equivalent) was financed with grant TF022188-BO001 110. Program Objectives, Components, Cost and Financing, and Implementation 7 Program Implementation Arrangements 2.7 Under the original implementation arrangements, ESMAP was to coordinate and administer the program through a local team responsible for program execution. A Bank task manager (planning expert), assisted by an energy economist, was to guide and supervise the activities of the local team, operating under the National Secretariat of Energy, in cooperation with the National Directorate of Energy and Investments. The local team was also supposed to interact with the Investment Fund for New Energies (FINE), the Center for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency (CPEE), and the prefectures and municipalities, as well as with NGOs, chambers of commerce, and associations representing the various economic sectors and enterprises, and the final users. The local team was to comprise a coordinator (head of the team), six local engineers, two local economists, and seven international specialists in renewable energy, energy efficiency, rural energy, planning, and energy economics. 2.8 The actual implementation, however, had different arrangements. Although the Bank provided a task manager and an energy economist, the local team consisted of only two local coordinators (one for RE and one for EE) in the National Secretariat of Energy, while numerous local and international consultants were contracted on an ad hoc basis. This arrangement resulted in complex interactions between the local team and the ministries, donors, and NGOs associated with the program. Moreover, the negotiations and follow-up of the unusually large number of contracts and subcontracts generated by this arrangement, and the processing of payments for consultant services, created a heavy administrative burden on the Bank, which contributed to delays in many project activities. 3 The Rural Energy Component 3.1 The central objective of the rural energy component was to design and test mechanisms or models to provide rural populations with access to electricity. It consisted of activities on three fronts: (a) development of demonstration projects; (b) design and implementation of financial mechanisms; and (c) institutional development of the central government and govermment agencies. The activities were guided mainly by the geographical distribution of the population lacking electricity (about 3 million people). About 25 percent of that population (190,000 households) are more than 35 km from the distribution grid, and 20 percent (150,000 households) are in completely isolated areas. The remaining 55 percent (410,000 households) are located 10 to 35 km from the grid, which makes these households potential candidates for grid connection. 3.2 The demonstration projects explored the viability of three models for delivery mechanisms (see table 1): (a) extension of distribution grids by concessionaires; (b) creation of a commercial system for the supply of solar home systems (SHS) by private vendors; and (c) supply of electricity to isolated communities through NGOs. Other demonstration projects-targeted to the highlands-included water pumping for rural farms, and solar energy for heating rural schools. 3.3 The financial mechanisms activity sought to promote a private lending institution-a Rural Electricity Fund (REF)-for rural electrification projects sponsored by concessionaires (see Annex 3). The institutional development activity focused mainly on strengthening the Vice Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons (VMEH) in the technical and economic aspects of energy sources suitable for rural areas. 9 10 Bolivia Countiy Program Phase II Table 3.1: Three Models for Rural Electrification Target population Subsidies to: Technology Slpplying agent Model 1 Near presently Fixed assets: * Ground return Concessionaries: existing grids *Sub-transmission * Single-phase *Co-financing (3 80.000 grids grids *Project execution households) *Operation Model 2 Dispersed, with Transaction cost * Photovoltaic solar Suppliers: access (1 80.000 reduction: home systems *Co-financing households) eMarketing (SHS) of different *Project execution *Training sizes oInformation Local subsidiaries: *Operation Model 3 Isolated, without Fixed assets, including: * MHC, minigrids, Non-governmental access (150,000 eTraining small organizations: households in *Information photovoltaic eCo-financing extreme poverty) -Productive uses systems *Project execution Local subsidiaries: *Operation Demonstration Projects and Financial Mechanisms Extension of Distribution Grids by Concessionaires (Model 1) 3.4 The objective of this activity (September 1999-January 2001) was to design and test an electricity delivery mechanism aimed at encouraging private distribution companies (concessionaires) to supply electricity to a segment of the rural population that was (a) currently without access to electricity, but (b) living at sites where the extension of electric distribution lines was feasible under certain technical and financial conditions. 3.5 This model was expected to be suitable for extending electricity distribution to about 340,000 households in the areas of influence of five concessionaires operating in the central and western parts of the country (Electropaz, Elfec, Elfeo, CESSA, and Sepsa-see table 2). These concessionaires have expertise in evaluating, executing, and operating grid-connected electrification projects; they also have the resources to finance part of the initial investment required by viable projects. The Rural Energy Component I1 Table 3.2: Principal Characteristics of the Concessionaires ISD (%) Total no. of Houses with Coverage in the Houses it'ilhout hous.es in ar-ea of electricit' i)7 area area ofinfluence elec tr icity in the area influence of influence (' ofinfluence ELECTROPAZ 4.1 364,107 252.068 69.2 112,039 ELFEC 43. 292,408 165,780 56.7 126,628 ELFEO (Oruro) 11.8 64,917 39,278 60.5 25,639 CESSA 30.0 72,987 33,149 45. 39,839 SEPSA 12.4 67,757 30,068 44.4 37,689 TOTAL 862,176 520,342 60.4 341,834 Notes: Area of influence is defined as the total number of cantons where the company has activities related to electric power supply. ISD (Indice de Servicio Departemlental: Departmental Service Index) is the relation between the number of cantons where the company is present and the total number of cantons in the department. Source: Indicative Rutral Electrification Plan-UDE/ESMAP-VMEH- 1998 3.6 ESMAP decided to test Model 1 by designing a pilot project that would increase the density of rural household connections to the existing grids of the five concessionaires. The main design parameters of the model were as follows: Implementation period: five years * Target population: 80,000 households * Technical design: Single-phase electric networks with ground return * Eligible projects: - Average connection investment per household: US$600 - Contribution to investment by concessionaire: US$500 per connection - Subsidy to investment by municipalities and prefectures: US$100 per connection - Price to be paid by household: a flat tariff to be paid for a fixed number of kWh consumed monthly. The tariff would recover only the operating costs and the investments made by the concessionaires. * Estimated investment: US$48 million, of which the concessionaires would finance US$40 million and the municipalities and prefectures would finance US$8 million. 3.7 Concessionaires would be eligible for a US$100 subsidy per connection if they committed to meeting these conditions. 3.8 An investment bank, Panamerican Investments S.A. (PISA), was contracted to design the financing mechanism for and promote the implementation of Model 1 under the following mandate: 12 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 * Mobilize private and public funds to assist electric distribution enterprises (concessionaires) in executing rural electrification works, particularly the connection of rural consumers to the distribution grid. * Materialize public and private co-financing of rural electrification projects, including the subsidy incentives provided by the government and funds mobilized by the private sector and/or the concessionaires. * Act as organizer, agent, facilitator, and, in some cases, executing agency of rural electrification projects. In all cases, the concessionaires would implement the project agreements. * Provide electricity service to at least 80,000 new rural users. Implementation period: 48 months. For this purpose, PISA would attempt to ensure that distribution systems with concession contracts expand their systems, and that those without concession contracts (e.g., cooperatives) be converted to corporations or capitalized, and expand and strengthen their systems. 3.9 Achievements. Although none of the action plans that were designed have yet been executed, this activity has: * Designed the Rural Electrification Fund (REF), with the likely participation of local private financial partners: (a) PRODEM pledged US$1.0 million; (b) Transredes pledged US$10.0 million to create a PRONER Foundation once FER is operating; (c) Transportadora de Electricidad indicated that it could contribute US$0.5 million to the REF; and (d) Procredito, a microfinance entity, expressed keen interest in investing in the fund. Pension funds are prohibited from contributing to the REF by financial sector regulations. * Interested the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in participating in the fund. The intention is to leverage at least US$5.0 million, with a 4:1 debt/equity ratio, to finance projects such as the expansion of the National High-Voltage Interconnected System and construction of high-voltage tie lines, and replacement of power generation sources in small, isolated systems. * Conducted a survey of 50 electric enterprises that identified six entities as potential participants: Electropaz and Elfeo have definitely shown interest in the REF; Elfec and CRE indicated that they would join the REF once it is operational; and CESSA and Coset were converted from cooperatives to corporations, and therefore are considered good potential participants in the REF. * Identified sector regulations as the main barrier to rural electrification, since the regulations do not consider the particular characteristics of rural markets. For example, the prevailing standards requiring high quality of service and the The Rural Energy Component 13 use of certain methodologies to measure electric loads are not appropriate for provision of electricity to rural consumers. 3.10 Sustainabilitv anid replication. These issues cannot be evaluated at this time because the REF is not yet in operation. In the future, the fund could become an important financing source for rural electrification projects in Bolivia. Creation qf a Commercial Si'stemnfor SHS Supplv hy Priivate Suippliers (Model 2) 3.11 The objective of this activity (January 2000-October 2000) was to create and test a commercial system enabling private entrepreneurs to supply SHS and related services to rural electricity consumers-mainly households. The commercial system would be designed to overcome barriers to the introduction of SHS in rural areas. 3.12 In Bolivia, as in other developing countries, the main barriers to private entrepreneurs introducing SHS in rural areas-and to rural populations accepting SHS technology-are: the lack of infornation about the number and geographical distribution of potential rural consumers (the rural market); the low capacity of rural consumers to pay for SHS; the lack of knowledge on the part of potential users and suppliers about the costs of and potential of SHS technology; and the lack of consumer credit, commercial credit, and subsidies for financing the relatively high initial investment cost for rural households. These barriers give rise to the perception that rural SHS projects are high risk (and in turn increase rates for commercial financing). ESMAP II designed and tested several measures for the removal of these barriers, as explained below. 3.13 Two local finrs connected to multinational manufacturers of SHS-Alke and Sercoin-were contracted to execute program activity. In practice, these firms acted as intennediaries between the ESMAP team and the subcontractors who conducted the market surveys and public information campaigns. Based on the demand studies, the two local finms prepared draft business plans that were supposed to lead to a subsequent implementation of SHS projects in the target areas. However, the firms did not succeed in mobilizing the significant subsidies (and the commercial financing) they had calculated for SHS-based rural electrification projects with private participation in the target areas. Therefore, the outcome of this activity was not satisfactory. However, the business plans and demand data will be used in the preparation of future SHS projects. 3.14 There have also been some independent attempts, not linked to the ESMAP program, to introduce SHS. For example: * In Santa Cruz, the CRE is implementing a relatively large rural electrification project based on SHS. It comprises the provision of electricity to rural households through the installation of 5,000 SHS. The initial investment cost is being financed with a 60 percent subsidy from the government. The monthly flat tariff, amounting US$9.0 per household, is expected to recover CRE's 40 percent investment cost, and the operation and maintenance costs of the system. When completed and proven to be commercially viable, this 14 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 project will be a good example of SHS technology in rural Bolivian households. Currently, however, there seem to be issues regarding the long- term sustainability of service in this project. * In La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz, five existing dealers are selling an aggregate of about 1,000 units of 50-Wp SHS per year to urban customers, who install and operate the systems without any guarantee from the dealers. The dealers operate only in urban and pern-urban areas. 3.15 Achievements. Two demand studies were carried out by Sercoin and Alke. Sercoin surveyed 748 households in 120 communities spread over nine municipalities (Ravelo, Ocuri, Tupiza, Challapata, Atocha, Cotagaita, Vitichi, Pocoata, and Uyuni) and found that the average monthly capacity to pay ranged from US$2.75 to US$5.40. Alke surveyed 384 households in six municipalities (Camargo, San Lucas, Las Carreras, Incahuasi, Culpina, and Villa Abecia) and found that the capacity to pay ranged from US$2.25 to US$15.0, depending significantly on the income of the household. 3.16 Sercoin made several field visits to rural communities to demonstrate the operation of portable SHS, and distributed more than 1,200 brochures on the characteristics and use of SHS technology to heads of households. 3.17 Based on the demand studies, the two companies presented draft business plans for private-sector-led service delivery to the target areas based on SHS. 3.18 In addition, ESMAP II offered incentives to suppliers and operators in the form of subsidies to finance part of the initial investment required for SHS-based rural electrification projects. A request for submission of bids for SHS projects generated several project proposals that have not yet been implemented. 3.19 At this time, it cannot be concluded whether the delivery models for private-sector-led rural SHS that have been proposed by these two companies could be successfully replicated or would be sustainable in other areas. Supply of Electricity to Isolated Communities through NGOs (Model 3) 3.20 The objective of this activity (August 1999-December 1999) was to design a mechanism to facilitate the participation of NGOs in the supply of electricity to people living in very isolated rural communities. It was based on the idea that NGOs have comparative advantages in identifying and implementing rural electrification projects at a micro-regional level, and in evaluating, co-financing, and executing such projects within a sound institutional arrangement. Although NGOs generally lack expertise on SHS, they are skilled at organizing rural communities and arranging training and technical assistance. NGOs could also help set up community-based systems for billing and collection that would be satisfactory to both consumers and suppliers/operators. Moreover, contrary to the profit-oriented objectives of concessionaires and SHS dealers, ' I' The Rural Energy Component 1 5 NGOs are less interested in obtaining high rates of return on riural electrification investments (to compensate for the high risk involved). 3.21 The SHS projects would target rural households that were extremely remote from electricity distribution lines and currently out of the reach of suppliers of SHS and related services. The NGO NOGUB-COSUDE was in charge of this activity. 3.22 Achiev,ements. From 376 proposals submitted by 72 institutions, NOGUB- COSUDE identified and prepared preliminary designs for a US$10.0 million portfolio of rural electrification projects congruent with the parameters of Model 3. KfW (Germany) has shown interest in supporting that portfolio and encouraging private sector investment in those projects. KfW is conducting studies to ensure that a German grant of US$2.0 million is allocated to rural electrification projects with productive components such as water pumping. 3.23 Model 3 is expected to be sustainable and replicable as long as it is supported by agencies such as KfW. Water Piumping for Rulral Farms 3.24 The objectives of this activity (May 1998-December 1998) were to identify at least six cases where underground water pumping would increase the productivity of rural farms, and to implement, where feasible, three of them as pilot projects. 3.25 Pumping water from the water table (5 to 35 meters underground) to be used for irrigation and drinking could significantly increase the production of quinoa, alfalfa, and potatoes, and the breeding of llamas and alpacas (camelidos) in the highlands. About 145,000 ha in the provinces of Oruro, Potosi, La Paz, and Chuquisaca are being used for fanning quinoa (15,000 ha), alfalfa (30,000 ha), and potatoes (100,000 ha) in relatively dry areas of the highlands, where superficial water is scarce. Quinoa is grown -mainly for export, alfalfa is a feed stock for dairy cows, and potatoes are for general consumption. 3.26 The pilot projects to be supported by this activity had to fit four key parameters: * Ensure the supply of underground water in places where precipitation is near zero or the capacity to store rainwater is insufficient or non-existent; Quinoa farmers are represented by two institutions, the Asociaci6n Nacional de Productor es de Quinuta and the Central de Cooperatives Operaci6n Tierra. which provide them with quality control and export services. In the central highlands, milk farmers have the Asociacion de Productores de Leche, which helps ensure the availability of sufficient alfalfa for feeding their cows. The Asociacion de Productores de Cameidos assists camnlido farmers in the production and commercialization wool, leather, and meat. 16 Bolivia Country Program Phase II * Identify a potential market of at least 40,000 ha where underground water pumping could sustain economic farming, with investment in the range of US$3,800 to US$4,200 per ha. The total maximum investment would be US$168 million; * Strengthen fanner organizations by involving them in the execution of the water pumping project; and * Develop one of the projects to irrigate at least 1,000 ha with underground water pumping, at a cost not to exceed US$3,800 per ha. Renewable energy sources were to be used wherever they were less costly than extending the electric distribution lines. Project financing had to include the participation of private investors and/or financing institutions specialized in rural credits. 3.27 Achievements. Four potential water-pumping projects were identified for fanning quinoa, alfalfa, and potatoes, and providing water for breeding camelidos. None have yet been implemented because of insufficient regulations on land titling and water use rights. Consequently, the sustainability and replication of these projects have not yet been tested. The preparation of the projects, however, has laid the groundwork for future implementation: * Qtiinoa project: It was found economic and profitable to build and operate a 200-km distribution line to power electric water pumps for irrigation in the Uyuni-Colcha region. The project proposes to use electric water pumps instead of diesel pumps. The electric line would allow water puniping at the farming sites and replace the current practice of transporting an average of 50m3 of water per ha twice a year from distant places, where water is pumped using diesel. * Alfalfa project: It was found economic and profitable to build and operate a 20-km electric distribution line to power electric water pumps for irrigation in the Pacamaya region of the central highlands. * Potato project: It was found economic and profitable to construct and operate a 50-km electric distribution line to power electric water pumps for irrigation in the Pampas del Moje region in the southern highlands. The availability of plenty of water would make it possible to use advanced farming methods, including fertilizers, pesticides, and new potato varieties. * Drinking water for camelidos: It was found economic and profitable to use solar-powered electric water pumps to tap underground water in quantities sufficient for the breeding of llamas and alpacas. The Rural Energy Coiimponent 1 7 Passive Solar Hecating of RUr al Schools 3.28 The objectives of this activity (May 1998-May 1999) were to study the feasibility of using passive solar energy for heating rural schools, and to prepare guidelines for designing schools with solar energy heating. This is in keeping with the goals of the Bolivia education refonri, which aims, inter alia, to improve the physical infrastructure of hundreds of new schools throughout the country. It is also in keeping with the broader policy objectives of using renewable solar energy for heating, where feasible, and the application of energy efficiency measures. Where solar heating is feasible, it would displace LPG, electricity, and firewood as heating sources-or allow for heating in cases where schools are currently not heated at all. 3.29 The use of solar heating in schools is expected to improve the perfonrance of students and teachers by creating a less uncomfortable environment. This is particularly important in the highlands, where temperatures are often as low as -8 Celsius during the winter. A comfortable air temperature is in the range of 20 to 24 Celsius. 3.30 Achievements. The study identified key factors influencing the design of schools equipped with solar heating: * The outside walls of the building should enclose as many rooms as possible, in order to diminish exposure to the outside air temperature. * The orientation of the largest side of the building should be NE-NW, to maximize the building's exposure to solar radiation. * The south side of the building should have corridors to provide a proxy for an insulated south wall. * The walls of the rooms exposed to solar radiation should have windows with an area equivalent to 15 percent of the floor area. This would also enhance the illumination of the rooms. 3.31 Sustainabilitv. Based on these findings, a project to refurbish a rural school with passive solar heating, and a general guide for the design and construction of school buildings with passive solar heating, were prepared and made available to architects, engineers, and municipalities. The guide may serve as a starting point for preparing design and construction standards for other types of buildings using solar heating. Institutional Development 3.32 The ESMAP II program supported several activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of the central government and selected government agencies in key aspects of rural and renewable energy. The program prepared a database on energy 18 Bolivia Country Program Phase II infonnation, updated the database on mini-hydroelectric plants, and trained human resources in the prefectures and municipalities in rural energy demand analysis, and planning and evaluation methodologies. 3.33 ESMAP II also provided the Comision Episcopal de Educaci6n (CEE) with audio-visual equipment intended to upgrade staff knowledge of rural energy; Information and Communication Tecnology based services (such as phones, TV, video, computers, and the Internet) have been identified as another important potential use of electricity in rural areas of Bolivia. They are especially suited for the application of renewable energy technologies, as they promise a high local value-added at relatively low energy and power demands. Several rural learning centers of the CEE have been provided with photovoltaics powered video equipment, and CEE has developed curricula for adult education in the field of alternative energy. The Rural Energy Information Svstem (SINER) 3.34 The objective of this activity was to design and construct a database and the associated software for operating an Information System on Rural Energy (SINER), and to make them available to institutions, professionals in rural energy, and the public (see Annex 3). 3.35 Achievements. A consulting firm (SISTEMATICA) developed the database and input basic information on rural electrification. Twenty copies of the database were distributed to the VMEH, government agencies, and NGOs. 3.36 Sustainabilitv. It is uncertain whether SINER will be sustainable, since VMEH has not allocated resources for updating and maintaining it, or for creating a Web page to facilitate public access. VMEH also needs to be proactive in coordinating the collection and evaluation of data entered into SINER. Updating the Database on Mini-hYdroelectric Plants 3.37 The objectives of this activity (May 1998-July 1998) were to create a database on hydroelectric projects of less than 500 kW, and develop a program of mini- hydroelectric plants (MHP) to be promoted by VMEH. 3.38 Achievements. A consultant updated and expanded the database on MHP prepared by Bolivia in 1988 with Bank support. A total of 115 projects and sites wVere identified as suitable and economical for constructing mini-hydroelectric plants totaling 6,300 kW at an estimated investment cost of US$17.2 million. This corresponds to an average 55 kW per project, requiring an investment cost per project of US$150,000 or the equivalent of about US$ 2,750 per kW installed. The Rural Energy Component 1 9 Sthrengthening oJ/Prefectitres in RiurXal Electr-ification Planning 3.39 The objective of this activity (May 1998-July 2000) was to assist the prefectures in the planning and analysis of rural electrification projects. 3.40 The prefectures of La Paz, Oruro, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, and Potosi participated in this activity (see Annex 5, table A5. 1). The prefectures rely on different agents to develop and operate rural electrification projects. La Paz and Oruro rely only on local enterprises and electric cooperatives (which must be transformed into corporations within four years, in order to be recognized as valid agents for developing and operating RE projects). Santa Cruz and Cochabamba rely only on concessionaires, and Chuquisaca and Potosi rely on both concessionaires and local cooperatives (see Annex 5, tables A5.2 and A5.3). 3.41 All six prefectures have a Rural Electrification Unit, whose staff were trained by ESMAP II in the evaluation of proposed rural electrification projects using sound technical, economic, and social analyses. The training had a positive impact on the operation of rural electrification projects, the technologies used, and, ultimately, on the quality of the projects. The evaluation and selection of rural electrification projects are no longer guided by political criteria but, rather, by sound technical, economic, and social methodologies. 3.42 Achievements. PRONER was restructured and the prefectures were assigned the rural electrification tasks established by the Decentralization Law. 3.43 The prefectures adopted the following main criteria for prioritizing rural electrification proposals: (a) the project should have a positive NPV for the net social benefits; (b) an operator responsible for operations and maintenance (O&M) of the project should be appointed; and (c) the project should decrease by at least 15 percent the production costs of local industries (e.g., mills, water pumping stations, grain producers). The fulfillment of these criteria will be essential for VMEH to support or finance the proposals submitted by the prefectures. 3.44 The prefectures adopted single-phase electric lines with ground return as the preferred technology for rural electrification lines. For typical rural applications, this technology is economically superior to the three-phase electric lines utilized in the past. 3.45 A Manual for Rural Electrification Projects was prepared and is now used by most prefectures and consulting firms. The use of this manual has expedited the approval and execution of new rural electrification projects. 3.46 Sustainabilitv. The approach to rural electrification projects adopted by the VMEH and the prefectures is likely to be sustainable. The prefectures now have staff trained in planning and analysis of rural electrification, based on simple but rational technical and economic methods. They also have a manual guiding project design and evaluation. However, there is room for further capacity building on this level. 20 Bolivia Countiy Program Phase II Strengthening o/ Municipalities in the Rational Use of Energy 3.47 The objective of this activity (December 1998-May 2000) was to educate the business community and provide training to trainers from the educational units of the Facilitadores de Educaci6n Rural Integral Alternativa (FERIA) in the rational use of rural energy resources and preservation of the environment (biosystems and biodiversity). The aim was to develop social capital as a way of enabling the poor to address their problems related to the inadequate use of energy and environmental resources. 3.48 Fifteen municipalities from nine departments participated in the activity, which was led by the Comisi6n Episcopal de Educaci6n.(see Annex 5, table A5.1). 3.49 Achievements. A total of 283 technicians from the Centros de Educaci6n Tecnica, Humanistica y Agropecuaria (CETHAs) were trained; energy and environmental diagnostics were carried out in 13 communities; profiles were prepared for five community projects; seven demonstrations of energy technology were carried out; a curriculum in energy and environment was prepared; and a training program for trainers was developed. 3.50 Sustainabilitv. The training of trainers is expected to make this activity sustainable. Strengthening of Empresa de ElectricidadLarecaja (EDEL) 3.51 The objective of this activity (November 1998-January 1999) was to support EDEL, a state-owned power distributor, in improving its load factor by incorporating new loads from mining and agro-industrial companies in Caranavi, Yungas (North and South), Larecaja, and Mufiecas; and to decrease the deficit in EDEL's year-end results by means of a tariff study. At the present time, EDEL has insufficient power demand to cover its financial and operational costs. 3.52 Achievements. A diagnostic carried out in the area showed that none of the agro-industrial companies had connected to the system-all of them were still using diesel for their activities. The same was true of some of the mining companies left in the area. The study identified two reasons for this situation: (a) a fall in gold prices caused some mining companies to close down, resulting in the EDEL project being oversized; and (b) diesel is subsidized, and diesel stamp prices are lower than the cost-per-unit of useful energy, making diesel the cheaper alternative. 3.53 To improve the situation, the diagnostic proposed: * Establishing competitive and attractive tariffs for mining and agro-industrial companies, and incentives for local private financiers to finance conversions from diesel to electricity. * Implementing load management programs. The Rural Energy Component 2 1 * Transfering operation and maintenance to Electropaz, to allow for explicit cross-subsidies between the city of La Paz (200,000 connections) and Larecaja (3,500 connections). * Extending the transmission line from Caranavi to Ituba and later to Trinidad. This would increase the demand to 10 MW and facilitate the replacement of subsidized diesel with electricity. 3.51 Despite these proposals, EDEL's situation has worsened because it was obliged, for political reasons, to reduce its tariffs, thus creating an even-greater deficit that must be covered by the state. In addition, the public bidding process for the transmission line from Caranavi to Trinidad was abandoned. EDEL is now being prepared for privatization, and needs to attract the industrial sector, improve the load factor, and reduce its fixed costs. 4 The Energy Efficiency Component 4.1 The aim of the Energy Efficiency Component (US$600,000) was to introduce the energy efficiency approach in end use, in order to increase economic competitiveness and reduce the impacts of energy use on the environment. The Energy Efficiency Component comprised four main activities: (a) execution of energy efficiency pilot projects; (b) study of electricity demand-side management; (c) co-generation of electricity by the sugar industry; and (d) design of mechanisms supporting energy efficiency. Energy Efficiency Pilot Projects 4.2 The objectives of these projects (August 1999-November 2001) were to: (a) generate demand for energy efficiency in industry by demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility of applying energy efficiency measures in industry; and (b) contribute to training professionals and enterprises in the implementation of energy efficiency measures. The projects introduced, in seven enterprises, the mechanisms required for the rational management of energy in different production processes (see Annex 6, table A6. 1). 4.3 Specific objectives were to: * Provide every participating industry with methodologies and techniques to obtain, systematize, and analyze the information on energy consumption and management. * Provide the companies with the methodologies and techniques required to determine energy-savings goals to be achieved in every company, as well as to monitor the actions to be developed. * Establish in every company the analyzing techniques and criteria required for energy management. * Define the organization and incentives neCessary for efficient energy management. * Achieve the energy savings levels determined in the proposed goals. * Evaluate the financial and economic benefits, as well as the sustainability of the implemented mechanisms and obtained results. 23 24 Bolivia Country Program Phase II 4.4 In each of these companies, ESMAP provided the neCessary technical assistance for the implementation of energy efficiency measures, whereas the companies committed to making the investments neCessary to achieve the programmed savings. 4.5 Technical assistance included: * Plant measurements * Definition of Energy Cost Centers * Definition of electric and thennal-energy and water-consumption saving measures * Advice for changes to be implemented in the companies * Installation of software for monitoring the consumption of energy, and * Training of technical staff. 4.6 The companies had to invest in: * The purchase and installation of electricity, natural gas (NG), and water meters * The purchase and installation of equipment for correction of the power factor * The purchase and installation of isolation for pipes * Repair of machines with losses * Change of engines * And other energy-saving measures. 4.7 SAGE, a Brazilian consulting firm, was contracted to lead implementation of the pilots. It provided support to the local team, PA Energia, with experts in technologies such as boilers, thennal insulation of pipelines, heat traps, and final use of heat. SAGE also trained the technicians who were to use the software for energy- consumption monitoring. The specific topics for which SAGE technicians provided assistance were: * Boilers, transmission lines, isolation, traps, and final use of vapor. * Cooling systems, compressors, evaporation condensers, and final use. * Installation, adaptation of, and training in the "Montage" software for monitoring energy consumption. 4.8 The companies also received assistance in procedures related to control of the maximum power during peak hours, and the definition of adequate supply contracts with distribution companies. 4.9 Achievements. The seven participating enterprises achieved energy savings amounting to US$260,000 a year, or an average of US$37,000 (a 20-percent decrease) per company, with investment costs recovered in less than 18 months. There is potential for further savings once the country's economic crisis-which has suppressed demand and deterred investment-is over. Most companies did not meet the programmed The Energy Efficiency Component 25 investment levels, mainly due to financial restrictions and decreased production levels in 2000 and 2001. Yet, despite these difficulties: * All companies negotiated with their distribution companies to obtain tariffs more appropriate to their consumption of electric power. This enabled them to lower their power costs and to learn the characteristics of the tariff system in force, which will be helpful for future negotiations. * In the industries in La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz, the maximum demand during peak hours was displaced to lower costs. This was not possible in Sucre, as the distribution company does not use differentiated consumption time blocks. * Most companies installed electricity and water meters, and related software, to enable monitoring of consumption. However, some companies were not able to adequately manage the software. * All companies achieved an improved power factor due to investments in capacitor banks to compensate for reactive energies. * While no investments were made in more energy-efficient cooling systems because of cost, some the food and beverage industries, which require this input, achieved small improvements by means of control measures and the isolation of tubing. * Important improvements were achieved in systems for the generation, distribution, and use of vapor, including the regulation of boilers and improved isolation of tubing. * Training was provided to the staff of the enterprises. 4.10 Annex 6 shows the results in terms of energy efficiency improvements for two selected enterprises (graphs A6.7, A6.8, and A6.9). 4.11 These activities also had some collateral effects: * In the city of Santa Cruz, energy efficiency experiences were carried out through initiatives independent of the ESMAP pilot. Hotel Cortez, where ESMAP carried out an energy diagnostic, independently implemented an energy savings plan that included: (a) replacement of incandescent lamps by compact fluorescent lamps; (b) demand control during peak hours; and (c) installation of the hotel's own generation equipment for energy supply during peak hours. Other companies, such as the chicken farm Sofia, also implemented energy-saving measures. 26 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 * In the city of La Paz, companies such as THOR and TAUNUS have started to provide technical assistance in energy efficiency, and particularly in controlling maximum demand. 4.12 Sustainabilitv. Given the permanent physical changes made to the facilities and the training provided to staff, it is reasonable to expect that the energy- saving measures will be sustainable. 4.13 Replication. The following results show the positive replication potential of the actions carried out in the pilots with the manufacturing companies: * The results obtained are economically and environmentally viable for the companies. In all cases, investments have been relatively small, with short- terim returns. * Energy prices have economic rationality. The new tariff structure allows the companies to adequately use electric power. * Technical assistance in energy efficiency is available, based on the training activities developed within the framework of ESMAP; in addition, other companies that provide this type of assistance have been set up. * The CPTS will continue to promote energy efficiency activities. 4.14 In view of the growing interest of consulting firms in providing energy efficiency services, replication seems assured. Study of Electricity Demand-Side Management (DSM) 4.15 The overall objective of this study (July 1998-November 1999) was to prepare the conditions for distribution companies to introduce demand-side management measures into their business administration. The specific objectives were to: (a) improve knowledge of the companies' daily and annual load curves, at the local and regional levels; (b) improve knowledge of the equipment and consumption habits of different economic and social categories of users; and, on that basis, (c) propose load management strategies that would benefit electricity-generating companies by postponing investment, and benefit consumers by decreasing electricity bills. 4.16 Two utilities participated in the studies: the Cooperativa Ruiral de Electricidad de Santa Cruz (CRE) in Santa Cruz and the Compahia Electrica de Sucre S.A. (CESSA) in Sucre. Activities were coordinated with the technical staff of the Commercialization Departments of CRE and CESSA, and with professionals and surveyors hired specifically for the study. The companies provided the neCessary measurement equipment, infrastructure, and work material, and ESMAP provided them with technical assistance. The distribution utilities supported the study with their professional staff, and hired the personnel needed to carry out the market surveys. They also contributed with measuring equipment, transportation services, office space, technology, and consumable materials. The Energy Efficiency Component 27 4.17 The study covered: * A survey of the supply of household appliances in the local market of every city and characterization thereof in terms of nominal power, size, cost, and origin. * Design of surveys and specific methodology to assess the characteristics of final consumption in residential and commercial categories, for application in every city. * Definition of the sample group to be surveyed in both categories, and training of surveyors. * Installation of meters in selected houses, according to income levels. These measurements were used to verify the results of surveys. * Surveys in Santa Cruz (350 interviews) and Sucre (30 interviews). * Analysis and verification of results, discussion with technicians of all participating companies, and presentation to the Vice Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons and technical staff of the Superintendency of Electricity; 4.18 In addition, the information collected during the surveys and data on the annual growth of energy consumption in the residential sector made it possible to build two probable scenarios on the characteristics of consumption ten years from now. The first one maintains present conditions and the second one projects the expected conditions should the distributing company implement the recommendations of the study (see Graphs in Annex 6). 4.19 In Santa Cruz, characterization of the load curve for the residential sector per type of appliance and incidence thereof in peak and off-peak hours was charted. This curve was prepared for different types of consumption, specifically, users with consumption patterns: (a) under 120 kWh/month; (b) between 121 and 350 kWh/month; (c) between 351 and 500 kWh/month; (d) between 501 and 1,000 kWh/month; and (e) over 1,000 kWh/month. The results obtained were complemented with a survey on the socio-economic characteristics of the users in each category of consumption described above and were compared to consumption metered by the distribution company. Based on the survey, the savings potential could be identified through measurements of the Demand-Side Management and benefits for the distributor and users, without engendering decreased levels of comfort. 4.20 A comparison between projected electricity consumption and load curves, with and without the recommended energy-saving measures, indicated that installation of the energy-saving measures would cost about US$23.7 million in Santa Cruz and US$2.9 million in Sucre over a ten-year period (2001-2010). However, the measures would result in savings of about US$26.3 million to residential consumers in Santa Cruz and US$3.2 million to residential consumers in Sucre. During the same ten-year period, under the energy-saving scenario, the power utilities would avoid investment in power-generating facilities of about US$89.3 million in Santa Cruz and about US$15.6 million in Sucre. Additionally, the distribution company would obtain a higher load factor than it does at 28 Bolivia Countiy Program Phase II present. Furthennore, economic benefits for the company and users are significant, both with regard to displaced investments and the final invoice for users. 4.21 In the case of Sucre, the same scenarios were developed, but the size of the sample, as well as consumption categories, were different because Sucre is smaller and different from Santa Cruz. The consumption categories included consumers of: (a) less than 30 kWh/month; (b) between 31 and 200 kWh/month; (c) between 201 and 500 kWh/month; and (d) more than 500 kWh/month (see Annex 6). 4.22 The recommendations for CESSA in Sucre are the same as they are for CRE in Santa Cruz, except for the one related to air conditioning, which is not very relevant to Sucre, in view of its climate. 4.23 As Sucre is a small city, with a low level of industrialization and mainly household power consumption, lighting is an important factor in the maximum demand in peak hours. Hence, the impact of the replacement of incandescent lamps by compact fluorescent lamps is higher in the load curve, and results in economic benefits for CESSA, and especially for users. 4.24 Achievements: By disaggregating the residential load demand curves in the two cites by the type of electric devices that contributed to the curves throughout the day, the study was able to show that electric water heating and electric cooking were largely responsible for the morning peak, while electric lighting and electric cooking were largely responsible for the evening peak. It also found that in Santa Cruz, because of the semi-tropical weather, air conditioning contributes significantly to the load curve, particularly during the afternoon (between 12 noon and 5 p.m.). This is not the case in Sucre, where electric heating plays a significant role in the load curve during evening and night hours. 4.25 The study recommended, for both cities, the implementation of four energy-saving measures: * For illumination. switching from incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamps with electromagnetic reactance to fluorescent lamps with electronic reactance. This measure would decrease electricity consumption by 70 to 80 percent in the first case, and by 20 to 30 percent in the second, thus significantly reducing the evening peak demand; * For refrigeration: replacing old refrigerators with new refrigerators, which consume about 50 percent less electricity; * For water heating: using natural gas instead of electricity; * For air conditioning (Santa Cruz only): improving the design and construction of houses and buildings by adding thermal insulation in walls and roofs. This measure would decrease electricity consumption by about 70 percent. 4.26 The study also identified the following financial, regulatory, and technical barriers to the implementation of energy-saving measures: The Energy Efficiency Component 29 * The relative/v high cost' of the energy-saving devices, creating the need for financing mechanisms for residential consumers. It may be desirable for the utilities to finance the purchase and installation of the devices, but regulations prohibit them from charging customers for items other than electricity. Moreover, the power distribution utilities do not have incentives for promoting energy savings, which will diminish their cash flow by decreasing electricity consumption. * Electric heating ofwater for baths often uses more than 5 kW per individual. This represents very high coincident electric loads on the power distribution system during short periods in the mornings and evenings. Heating water for bathing and other household needs using natural gas or LPG would reduce high peak loads during those hours. 4.27 The study also made important findings not directly related to energy savings. For example, the cost to utilities of monthly billing is very high for households consuming less than 120 kWh a month, and longer billing cycles would reduce billing costs. The study also found that, under current regulations, small businesses with installed capacity of up to 10 kW are receiving subsidized electricity services as residential customers. This is not fair and it calls for a change in the regulations. 4.28 Replication. The studies of the distribution utilities' electric load curves can be replicated, and will help utilities, consumers, and the regulatory entity to identify desirable energy-saving measures on the demand side, and the regulatory changes needed to make them possible. Co-generation Study in the Sugar Industry 4.30 The general objective of this activity (May 1998-February 1990) was to study the potential for energy savings in the sugar industry, and the feasibility of increasing the sale of electricity surpluses generated by sugar processing. In particular, the study aimed to: (a) identify technical conditions under which bagasse can be used for electricity production; (b) determine the volume of steam and electricity used during the cutting of sugar cane (zafra); (c) identify the technological changes needed in the sugar mills to increase their co-generation capacity; and (d) define feasible scenarios for selling increased volumes of electricity to the power grid. 4.31 Two sugar companies-Ingenio Azucarero UNAGRO (Minero, Santa Cruz) and Ingenio Azucarero GUABIRA (Guabira, Santa Cruz)-participated in the study, and five consultant firms were involved in its execution. Activities were carried out within the framework of actions contemplated in the Pilot Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector. These included: * Energy diagnostics aimed at analyzing the sugar production process, to determine usage and efficiency at all stages: crushing of the sugar cane, production of waste in the form of bagasse, and crystallization. 30 Bolivia Country Program Phase II * Analysis of the characteristics of sugar cane and the parameters of the bagasse as fuel (fiber and water content, and caloric value of bagasse), and the operating characteristics of boilers and electricity generators. * Assessment of power production costs in the plant, and estimation of the costs and feasibility of increasing generation capacity under different scenarios, in order to determine the benefits of producing electricity for sale to the grid. * Definition of several scenarios for future operation of the enterprises, including producing electricity for sale to the grid. * Analysis of the environmental impact of increased greenhouse gas emissions from burning larger volumes of bagasse, and identification of mitigation and compensation possibilities. * Dissemination of the results of the study among industry executives and professionals and government authorities, and submission to the Programa Nacional de Cambio Climcitico of Bolivia (PNCC) and the Andean Finance Corporation (CAF), with support from the Dutch Biomass Technology Group. The results were also presented to other entities, such as the National Climatic Change Program of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Environment. 4.32 Achievements. The ESMAP study elicited several important findings about the technical and economic possibilities of co-generation, and barriers to co- generation that need to be removed: * If all the bagasse produced by the 4,000 to 5,000 tons of sugar cane processed daily by the four sugar industries of Santa Cruz were used for electricity generation, a surplus of about 15 MW could be supplied to the grid. This is equivalent to 27 percent of the 220-MW peak demand served by CRE. * The seasonal nature of the sugar cane crop means that generation of surplus electricity would be possible only from April to October. However, this would help the power utilities meet the peak demand in Santa Cruz during that period. * The competition introduced by co-generation could eventually contribute to decreasing the price paid for electricity by distribution utilities, and, consequently, by retail consumers. The current absence of competition has enabled the power-generating companies in Santa Cruz to charge higher prices for locally produced natural gas than for gas imported by power utilities elsewhere in the country. * There is also potential for other industries to realize co-generation. The Energy Efficiency Component 31 * Increasing co-generation in the sugar industry (and other industries) requires increasing the efficiency of steam generation by replacing the fuel combustion systems, and installing high-pressure boilers, additional electric power generation and load dispatch equipment. * The lack of regulations is constraining the development of co-generation. For example, the Electricity Law contemplates the multi-purpose use of natural energy resources (Article 5), but there are no regulations allowing co- generation contracts for power and energy, particularly in the sugar industry, where power surpluses are seasonal. In addition, there are no regulations for setting a price for bagasse used as fuel for electricity generation; the price for bagasse as waste is near zero, but its price as a fuel would certainly be higher. * A lack of public information is also constraining the development of co- generation, especially information on the advantages and shortcomings of the technology, experiences with co-generation projects, and possibilities for support from international institutions, based on international agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 4.33 In addition, the UNAGRO sugar mill, which delivers close to 2 MW to CRE during August and September, showed great interest in the results of the study, and subsequently carried out its own feasibility study on co-generation, with support from PNCC and the Swiss Government. UNAGRO is now seeking European and American partners to implement the project recommended by the co-generation study. 4.34 Sustainability and Replication. The co-generation studies can be replicated, and will help the enterprises, electricity consumers, the regulatory entity, and financial sources to identify viable co-generation projects. Such studies will also identify changes needed in the regulations, and the technical and financial barriers to realizing co- generation. Mechanisms Supporting Energy Efficiency 4.35 The objective of this activity (May 1998-December 2001) was to introduce technical assistance and financial mechanisms to help ensure the sustainability of energy efficiency. Technical Assistance Mechanism 4.36 The Centro de Promocion de Tecnologias Sostenibles (CPTS) was the mechanism responsible for technical assistance. It was created in April 1998 by VMEH and the National Chamber of Industry on the basis of the shared experiences of the Environmental Pollution Prevention Project (EP3) and the energy efficiency component of ESMAP Phase I. The overall objectives of the mechanism were to contribute to rational energy use and pollution prevention activities in different sectors, and support development of a market for energy efficiency and pollution mitigation services. 32 Bolivia Country Program Phase II 4.37 The mechanism aimed, in particular, to: (a) strengthen enterprises, consulting finrs, and specialized technicians in energy efficiency and pollution prevention; (b) provide information; (c) create a positive attitude toward energy efficiency and pollution prevention among govermment officials and civil society; and (d) liaise with other national and international institutions active in energy efficiency and pollution control activities. Locally, CPTS has closely coordinated with the National Chamber of Industries and its branches, which has enabled its activities to achieve a countrywide reach. 4.38 Achievements. Since 1998, CPTS has provided technical assistance to 12 enterprises in carrying out diagnostics for pollution prevention and energy efficiency. The enterprises included textiles; slaughterhouses; chemical, sugar, beer, and soft drink manufacturers; metallurgy; leather industries; and dairy fanns. ESMAP donated specialized equipment to CPTS for the diagnostics. 4.39 CPTS trained seven engineers from three enterprises specialized in energy efficiency diagnostics, granted scholarships to 20 students preparing theses on environmental issues in industry, supported the Ecological Efficiency Prize as an incentive to industry, and created a Web page with environmental infonnation. 4.40 Sustainabilitv, and Replication. Over the last few years, CPTS has become a reputable technical assistance institution with a highly qualified professional staff in the fields of energy efficiency and pollution control. Since USAID and the Government of Denmark are now supporting CPTS financially, its operations are expected to be sustainable, at least in the medium term. As an institution, CPTS lends itself to replication in other Latin American countries. Financing Mechanism 4.41 Phase I found that a lack of experience with assessing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, and the resulting unavailability or high cost of financing, were some of the most important obstacles to executing such projects. As a result, Phase II included support for a Biomass Fund, which was set up by means of a contract between the World Bank and the Fundaci6n para la Producci6n (FUNDA-PRO). The principal objective of the fund is to create the conditions for access to credit for industries that implement projects on the rational use of biomass. 4.42 The Biomass Fund began with US$1 million, of which US$800,000 was contributed by the Netherlands and US$200,000 by FUNDA-PRO. It has funded 53 biomass projects totaling US$389,000. Moreover, 99 projects totaling US$511,115 are pending approval by the financial intermediary. 4.43 After the Biomass Fund was separated from Phase II activities in 2000 and became a self-standing program, its scope was extended to include other activities related to energy efficiency and pollution prevention in urban industries, especially small and medium enterprises. CPTS and the National Chamber of Industry are now looking for additional funds to strengthen the Biomass Fund. The Danish Cooperation and the The Energy Efficiency Component 33 Cooperation Agency of the Swedish Government are interested in providing support. A final report on the Biomass Fund has been issued separately. 4.44 Sustainabilitiv and Replication. Because CPTS, the National Industry Chamber, the Danish Cooperation, and the Swedish Govermment have all expressed their interest in supporting the Biomass Fund financially, the Fund is expected to be sustainable, at least in the medium tenm. The long-tenn sustainability of this mechanism will depend on whether a permanent flow of sufficient funds can be secured. 4.45 It is not clear whether the Bolivian model of a Biomass Fund can be replicated in other countries, since the support for such a fund depends largely on donor interest. Supportfor the Vice Ministrv oJfEnergy and Hydrocarbons 4.46 Support for VMEH focused on the development of regulations and norms to enable institutionalization of the developed measures and to introduce the principles and methodologies needed to ensure sustainability of the actions developed by ESMAP. 4.47 Achievements. In the case of the energy efficiency component, it was not possible to develop specific nonns. However, some legal instruments were developed or revised, e.g., the Environmental Regulation of the Electric Power Sector, the Electric Services Regulation, and the Public Lighting Regulation, the latter at the request of the National Chamber of Industry. 4.48 VMEH also received support to prepare the National Energy Balance, the principles and internal norms of which are now used as an instrument to analyze the sector. Elaboration of the National Energy Balance 4.49 The objective of this activity (January 2001-November 2001) was to develop the principles and internal regulations to enable institutionalization of the National Energy Balance, which provides comprehensive information on production, transformation, and consumption of energy in different sectors. The information supplied by the NEB, together with other macroeconomic indicators, is indispensable for the design and definition of energy policies. 4.50 The specific objectives of this activity were to: * Update information on the obstacles that impede permanent elaboration of the NEB. * Propose standards and internal procedures in VMEH to enable institutionalization of the NEB. 34 Bolivia Country Program Phase II 4.51 Activities included: * Analysis of information supplied by different institutions on the production, transfonnation, and consumption of energy in the country. * Analysis of infonnation flows from these institutions to VMEH. * Analysis of the flow and management of energy infonnation in the VMEH, including procedures, management of information, instruments for analysis, technical means, and dissemination of results. * Collection of infonnation from the Superintendencies of Electricity and Hydrocarbons. * Estimation of non-commercial energy consumption, such as firewood, bagasse, and dung. * Analysis of the gathered information and preparation of the National Energy Balance. * Updating and revision of the energy balances for the last ten years. * Presentation of results to technicians of different departments of VMEH. * Publication of the National Energy Balance. 4.52 Achievements. All tasks were completed and a proposal was submitted to VMEH for institutionalization of this instrument. VMEH must approve internal nonns for full institutionalization. Presently, staff of the Vice Ministry can access energy information from 1991-2002 through the online system, and some staff have been trained for the analysis and permanent updating of the NEB. 5 Lessons of Broad Applicability 5.1 Numerous studies and plans on rural energy and energy efficiency have been carried out in Bolivia by this and other ESMAP projects. However, these cannot show a record of achievement comparable to the impressive success of the technical assistance in the macro-restructuring of the energy business. Particularly, this ESMAP project delivered a wealth of data, analyses, designs, studies, and surveys that are now waiting for implementation by policymakers and interested parties. Why are they waiting? The answer lies in the project's scope, its implementation arrangements, and exogenous conditions: a) the project comprised too many activities, with different focuses, that were to be executed simultaneously during a relatively short period of time; b) the project implementation was coordinated by only two local professionals supervising numerous consultants; c) there were too many levels of administration and channels of communication with policymakers; and d) subsidies for conventional fuels undermined possibilities for alternative energy sources. 5.2 Consequently, the lessons of broad applicability are: * ESMAP projects should focus actions strongly on the one or two major activities likely to have a successful outcome, especially if the project has a relatively small budget. * Implementation of ESMAP projects should be started only when the policymakers have shown a definite commitment to the project. * Subsidies for conventional fuels should be reduced or removed when alternative fuels will deliver a service equally or less costly than the subsidized fuel. * The overhead cost of the project should be kept low by hiring a small number of consultants. 35 Annex 1 Rural Energy Component - Sustainability and Impacts Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainability Replication Rural The Fondo de Six potential users Several projects Electrification: Electrificaci6n Riural of the FER have sponsored by private Model I - (FER) was designed. been identified: concessionaires Extension of PRODEM pledged CRE, Electropaz, would be distribution grid by US$ 1.0 million to Elfeo, Elfec, implemented once the existing the FER. Transredes CESSA and Coset FER is funded and concessionaires pledged US$10.0 (the latter two were fully operational. million. cooperatives that These projects would Transportadora de converted into initially benefit about Electricidad corporations). The 40,000 rural indicated they would main barriers to the households. If FER contribute US$0.5 development of became operational, million. Procredito, rural electrification up to 40,000 a micro-finance are the sector additional rural entity, expressed regulations and household could be interest in the FER. standards, which do connected to The IFC and ADC not consider the electricity service have indicated particular over the subsequent interest in the FER characteristics of years. (see text for details). rural markets (e.g., the requirement that rural service have the same high quality of urban service). The regulations forbid the use of pension funds in the FER. Rural There are five SHS Potentially, about Electrification: dealers currently 10,000 rural Model 2 - Supply operating in the households could 37 38 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainability Replication of Solar Home urban and peri-urban be provided with Systems (SHS) by markets of Bolivia. SHS in the target private Demand studies and areas studied for entrepreneurs business plans were this activity by SHS (dealer model) prepared. However, dealers. based on the high subsidy requirements calculated in these draft business plans, the companies did not succeed in mobilizing sufficient subsidies and commercial financing to demonstrate private sector-led SHS- based rural electrification. Rural The basic idea of From 376 proposals The beneficiaries of Electrification: this model is to submitted by 72 these projects are Model 3 - Supply identify and institutions, a rural households of electricity to implement rural US$10.0 million located very far from very isolated electrification portfolio of rural the electric communities projects in the most electrification distribution lines and through Non- isolated areas, by projects was out of the reach of governmental using the prepared. The KfW SHS dealers. Organizations comparative (Germany) has (NGOs) advantages that the shown interest in NGOs have to supporting the promote portfolio. KfW is development conducting studies projects at a micro- to ensure that a regional level. German grant of Contrary to the US$2.0 million is profit-oriented allocated to rural objectives of electrification concessionaires and projects having dealers of SHS, the productive NGOs are less components such as interested in water pumping. obtaining high rates of return on rural Annex 1: Rural Energy Component - Sustainability and Impacts 39 Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainability Replication electrification investments. Water Pumping in Four potential water- The sustainability Water pumping Rural Fanns pumping projects and replication of would ensure the were identified for the projects is not supply of farming qlinoa, yet tested. The underground water in alfalfa, and potatoes, Ministry of places where the and water for Agriculture should precipitation is near breeding camelidos take action in zero or the rainwater (alpacas and llamas). promoting these storage capacity is These projects were projects. Private insufficient or found profitable but investors and nonexistent. About none were realized financing 40,000 ha could be because the lack of institutions irrigated by pumping regulations on land specialized in rural underground water. titles and water use credits could It would require rights has deterred participate in the investments of their financing of these between US$3,800 implementation. The projects. and US$4,200 per ha. projects were Renewable energy submitted to the sources could be used Ministry of for pumping water in Agriculture. isolated places. Solar Heating in A project for the Two policy Solar heating of Rural Schools refurbishing of a objectives of the schools will improve rural school with government will be the performance of solar heating, and a met: (i) the use of students and the guide for the design renewable solar efficiency of teachers and construction of energy for heating; and staff. It will new school and (ii) the create a warm buildings with solar application of environment, heating were energy efficiency stimulating students prepared. The measures. The and teachers and project and the guide application of these inviting them to study were disseminated to policies will also and work. It will architects, engineers, displace, where benefit schools in the and municipalities. currently applied, highland regions, This guide will help LPG, electricity, where night the Ministry of and firewood as temperatures often Education prepare heating sources. drop to -8 'Celsius in standards for the the winter season. A design and desirable air construction of temperature is in the 40 Bolivia Country Program Phase II Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainability Replication schools buildings range of 20 to 24 using passive solar degrees Celsius, with energy for heating a relative air humidity ________________ purposes. _________________ of 40 percent. Annex 2 Energy Efficiency Component - Sustainability and Impacts Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainabilitv Replication Support to Vice Definition of a The strategy and The lack of a Ministry of Energy framework for energy information system framework for energy and Hydrocarbons efficiency. Design and supporting it have to efficiency and the (VMEH) preparation of an be tailored to the instruments information system particular conditions supporting it would and an energy prevailing in the significantly hinder balance. The strategy country. Conceptual the implementation of and instruments replication may be activities promoting supporting it are possible. energy efficiency. sustainable as long as the GoB is committed to the framework for energy efficiency and to the provision of resources to maintain the information system.___ Technical Assistance The Centro de Application of the Since 1998, the CPTS Mechanism through Promoci6n de strategy in other has provided technical the Center for the Tecnologias developing countries assistance to 12 Promotion of Sostenibles (CPTS) is plausible. CPTS as enterprises for Sustainable was chosen as the an institution lends carrying out Technologies (CPTS) instrument for the itself for replication in diagnostics of provision of technical countries similar to pollution prevention assistance in the Bolivia. and measures to rational use of energy, increase energy the introduction of efficiency. A wide energy-saving range of enterprises measures, and the has benefited from practices for this technical avoiding/limiting assistance (textiles; pollution created by slaughterhouses; economic activity. chemical, sugar, beer, The strategy is to: (i) and soft drinks 41 42 Bolivia Country Program Phase It Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainability Replication strengthen enterprises, industries; metallurgic consulting firms, and and leather industries; specialized and dairy farms). technicians in energy The CPTS trained 7 efficiency and engineers from 3 pollution prevention; small local enterprises (ii) provide specialized in the information and diagnostics of energy diffusion services efficiency, granted upon demand; (iii) scholarships to 20 induce a positive students who were attitude toward energy preparing theses in efficiency and environmental pollution prevention subjects related to the among government industrial sector, officials and civil supported the society; and (iv) to "Ecological liaise with other Efficiency Prize" as national and an incentive to the international industry, and created a institutions active in Web page on energy efficiency and environmental pollution control information. activities. Since USAID and the Government of Denmark are now supporting CPTS financially, CPTS' operations are expected to be sustainable, at least in the medium term Financial In 2000, the Bank and The Bolivian model of The Biomass Fund Mechanisms: Fundaci6n para la the Biomass Fund can reduces the financial This activity aimed at Producci6n (FUNDA- be replicated in barriers that have creating mechanisms PRO) signed a developing countries thwarted the to remove the contract creating the in cases where certain execution of both financial barriers that Biomass Fund, which industrial countries energy efficiency and have thwarted the raised USS1.0 million have a particular renewable energy execution of both from the Netherlands interest in providing projects in Bolivia. energy efficiency and (US$800,000) and financial support to renewable energy FUNDA-PRO activities in energy projects in Bolivia. (US$200,000). In efficiency and These barriers are: (i) 2001, it was decided pollution control. the high financing that energy efficiency costs arising from a and pollution control perception of these as projects would also be being high-risk eligible for financing Annex 2: Energy Efficiency Component - Sustainability and limpacts 43 Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainability Replication projects: (ii) the short by the Biomass Fund. repayment periods of The Fund is expected loans and credits: and to be sustainable, at (iii) the complex least in the medium systems of guarantees term, as long as for loans and credits. CPTS, the Netherlands, and other countries continue to support it. Its long- term sustainability will depend on establishing additional mechanisms to ensure that it receives a steady flow of funds. Energy Efficiency in Seven enterprises The success achieved The decrease in the the Industry located in Sucre, with the energy energy input to the Santa Cruz, and La efficiency measures industry will decrease Paz (beer, soft drinks, implemented in the the cost of outputs, food, textile, and seven industries has which, in turn, will chemical industries) prompted other benefit both the implemented energy- industries to follow enterprises and the saving measures to suit. The CPTS is consumers. At the demonstrate their supporting those same time, energy technical and industries. Moreover, efficiency will reduce economic feasibility. other independent the impact on the ESMAP provided the firms are also environment. industries with providing technical technical assistance assistance services on on metering industrial energy efficiency to processes, defining industrial and service energy cost centers, companies. and measures to save electricity, heat, and water. It also advised the industries on the selection of methods to reduce their power demand, and on the most appropriate contracts for electricity supply. The industries procured and installed meters for electricity, natural gas, and water; equipment to improve the power factor of electricity consumed 44 Bolivia Country Program Phase II Product Strategy and Prospects and Benefits Sustainability Replication and the thennal insulation for pipelines- and repaired or replaced low-efficiency electric motors and machinery. Demand-Side The study designed The studies of electric The changes proposed Management (DSM): and carried out a load curves of power would benefit both the Analyses of the survey with a sample distribution utilities electricity-generating structure of the daily of 650 residential can be replicated.Such companies by electricity load curves. consumers in Santa studies will help the postponing Proposal of changes Cruz and Sucre, and utilities, the investment in on the consumer side installed kWh meters consumers, and the additional generation aimed at flattening the in selected regulatory entity to capacity and the daily load curve. households. The study identify the desirable consumers by Identification of also determined energy-saving decreasing the technical, financial, operating parameters measures on the electricity bills. and regulatory for electrical demand side and the barriers. appliances available changes in the in Santa Cruz and regulations required to Sucre, and identified make this possible. barriers (technical and financial) hindering the application of energy efficiency measures. Co-generation in the To define feasible The co-generation If all the bagasse Sugar Industry: scenarios for selling study can be produced as a side Study of the potential co-generation to the replicated in other product of the 4,000 for energy savings in power grid, and industries. to 5,000 tons of sugar the sugar industry and remove regulatory Identification of the cane processed daily the feasibility of barriers constraining technical conditions by the four sugar increasing the sale of the development of under which the industries of Santa electricity surpluses co- bagasse is used for the Cruz were used for generated by the sugar generation.Electricity production of electricity generation, industrial processes. law contemplates electricity. they could supply a Determination of multi-purpose uses of Determination of the surplus of about 15 barriers to co- natural energy technological changes MW to the power grid generation. Evaluation resources, but there needed in the sugar of CES. This is of the potential for are no regulations mills in order to equivalent to 27 co-generation in applicable to co- increase the percent of the 220 Bolivia. generation contracts generation of MW peak demand for power and energy, electricity. served by the rural or for setting a price Identification of cooperative of Santa for bagasse used as current regulatory Cruz. fuel. barriers. Annex 3 The Rural Electrification Fund (FER) 45 I L~~~~~~~~m e" - .t =__S .:1- ~~~ + 1 4 Annex 4 Statistical Data - Energy Sector Table A.4.1: Main E ergy and Economic Indicators, 1991-2001 1991 1996 2001 Total population (million) 6.3 7.1 7.9 Population growth rate (%/yr) 2.33 2.33 2.33 Rural population as percentage 43 of total GDP per capita USS700 Extemal debt/GDP (%) 80 Domestic energy demand: Electricity' 800 MW(- 4,000 GWh) Liqulid hiydrocarbons 20,000 BOE/year Natural gas Export of energy: Natural gas Liqulid hyvdrocarbons Growth rate of energy demand 4.5 Urban electrification coverage 95 Rural commercial energy 12 coverage (%) Rural electrification coverage <12% 13% 23% Natural gas reserves (TCF): Proven 3.75 23.84 Probable 1.94 22.99 Possible 4.13 23.18 Total 9.82 70.01 Petroleum reserves (MMBbl): Proven 132.60 440.49 Probable 116.03 451.47 Total 248.63 891.06 Installed power capacity (MW): Hvdroelectric 307.7 393.4 Thermal 668.5 944.6 Total 996.2 1338.0 Sources: VMEH. YPFB, UDAPE (Unidad de Analisis de Politicas Econ6micas), Economic Policy Analysis Unit. 47 48 Bolivia Country Program Phase II Table A.4.2: Indicators of Final Energy Consumption and Intensity in Bolivia, 2001 Energy consumption 2.7 (BOE/capita) Electricity consumption 400 (kWh/capita) Energy intensity 3.1 (BOE/US$ 1000) Rural households without about 700,000 access to electricity service Table A.4.3: Natural Gas Reserves TPC (*) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001, 3.75 4.16 5.28 18.31 23.84 1.94 2.46 3.30 13.90 22.99 4.13 3.17 5.47 17.61 23.18 9.82 9.79 14.05 49.82 70.01 (*) TPC: Tera Cubic Feet: 10^(12) cubic feet Source. YPFB. Table A.4.4: Oil Reserves MMBbI (*) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Z m | | 0 132.6 137.78 150.11 396.52 440.49 2 ! zl, 11 116.03 67.17 87.95 295.49 451.47 2 |: |gli01|248.63 204.95 238.06 692.01 891.96 (*)MMBbl: Million Barrels Source: Vice Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons. Table A.4.5: Installed Capacity per type of generation MW (*) 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 X X ~~~306.7 307.7 325.0 341.9 393.1 393.3 2 11 ~~~521.5 688.5 668.9 700.9 872.5 944.6 U N ! _ ~828.2 996.2 1013.8 1042.8 1265.6 1338.0 (*)MW: Mega Watt Source: Vice Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons, Yearly Report of the Bolivian Powver Sector (2000). 6 Data from 2001 correspond to the certification carried out by DeGolder & MacNaughton on January 1, 2001 for 98.4 percent of proven and possible reserves. Annex 5 Data on Rural Energy Component Table A.5.1: Locations for Possible Intervention Department Prov_ince A n ecio Nan_e of CETHA La Paz _Ingavi Viacha _Qurpa La Paz Bautista Saavedra Charazani Aynikusun La Paz Caranavi Caranavi Alcoche La Paz Mun_ecas Ayata Titicachi La Paz Sud Yungas Irupana Irupana Oruro Cercado Toledo Socamani Potosi Chayanta Ravelo Chirucasa Chuquisaca Belisario Boeto Villa Serrano CEITHAR Cochabamba Estevan Arze Anz aldo Anzaldo Cochabamba Tiraque Tiraque Tirague Tarija Arce__________________ B______ermejo Emborozu Santa Cruz Velasco San Ignacio de Velasco Granja Hogar Beni Vaca Diez Riberalta Riberalta Beni Jos6 Ballivian San Borja El Palmar Pando Nicolas Suarez Porvenir Porvenir Table A.5.2: RE Operators by Prefecture Prefectiure Operator for RE Observations La Paz Emprelpaz These companies are present to some extent in the rural area. Electropaz, Elfasa he principal concessionary of the department of La Paz, is almost Edel ompletely absent in rural electrification. Oruro Power cooperatives This prefecture delegates O&M to local cooperatives only (about 15) and provides them with technical assistance. The principal concessionaire (Elfeo) only makes bulk sales to the cooperatives, which is illegal. Chuquisaca CESSA and power The prefecture basically works with the principal concessionaire (CESSA) cooperatives and local cooperatives to extend rural electrification projects. Potosi Sepsa and power Sepsa is still a public distribution company that covers almost all cooperatives electrified areas of the department of Potosi, except for the principal inin centers. Santa Cruz CRE The prefecture only delegates all RE projects to CR1E (the principal concessionaire). Cochabamba Elfec The prefecture only delegates all RE projects to Elfec (the principal concessionaire). 49 50 Bolivia Country Program Phase II Table A.5.3: Principal Companies and Cooperatives in the Departments of Oruro and Potosi (Year 2001) Namne Approx. Domesti Estimate Legal status Years of Expansi Attitude Observations demand c users d losses existence on plans toward (kW) (approx. in % Renewabl ) e Energy Atocha 550 800 40 Cooperative 30 No IndifferentThe important clients are mining cooperatives. They operate according to esolutions of the Superintendency of Electricity for pricing. This cooperative administers the power distribution systems of COMIBOL. They purchase energy from Valle Herrnoso (Rio Yura). Uyuni 1000 4000 25 Cooperative 25 Yes IndifferentThey possess various in depreciated assets without conversion efinancing. They purchase energy from Valle Hermoso (Rio Yura). Rio Mulatos - 120 25 Committee 5 No IndifferentThey have a debt with Valle Hermoso, which was negotiated for payment in parts. They have started the procedure for conversion into a corporation. Machacamarc 159 600 45 Cooperative 33 No IndifferentThe distribution system a in needs complete renewal. conversion They buy energy in bulk from Elfeo. Paznia 77 330 15 Cooperative 20 No Indifferen They buy energy in bulk from Elfeo. One person is in charge of administration. Huari 600 25 Municipality 10 Yes Indifferen Monthly losses amount to Bs. 2,000 and are covered by the municipality. They buy energy from CBN (beer brewery). They also administer the drinking water system. Emdecasa 217 1500 20 Corporation 30 Yes Expectant Plans are related to (Caracollo) extensions of the prefecture that will be administered by the company. Annex 5: Data on Rural Energy Component 51 Name Approx. Domesti Estimate Legal status Years of Expansi Attitude 1 Observations demand c users d losses existence on plans toward (kW) (approx. in % Renewabl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) _ _ e_ Energy Coopsel 5 de 2300 20 Cooperativc 20 Yes Expectant he principal customer is Agosto Inti Raymi. Different (Eucaliptus) projects are being implemented with the Prefecture of Oruro. Elfasa 1000 6000 18 Corporation 6 Yes Active The company has (Patacamaya) executed various projects in coordination with the prefecture. There are conflicts with the municipality of Sica-sica. Sevaruyo 110 Committee I No Indifferent Huari sells energy "in bulk" to the population. The population is responsible for the collection of invoices and for reserving some money for repairs. They have no expert staff Camargo 620 2750 25 Cooperative 25 Yes IndifferentThe principal project is the generation of electricity with natural gas and construction of a transmission system up to Carreras. There are cheaper solutions available than the one Coserca proposes. Setar-El 150 530 15 Subsidiary I Yes Indifferent Setar administers the Puente of Setar system that was financed by the prefecture, the European Union and the cement plant of El Puente. i i i i i i Ii i i I I i I i I I i i I I i I i Annex 6 Data on Energy Efficiency Component Graph A.6.1: Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer- Santa Cruz (1998) 120 100 D. 80 M 60 wM6 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 H-m del di, Re.r,g *II.MF *Rado/lV -L r-e -a - Cal Ag.a ECond Amb Motore- _ al nd MUsoeletr *Teleopm Transen * rs Incand Ventil 53 54 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 Graph A.6.2: Projected Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer without Energy Efficiency Measures - Santa Cruz (2009) 240 - 200 Po 160 te nc i 120- _ m~~~~~ w 80 - 40 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hora * Refrig * llumin * Radio/TV ELimpieza * Coccion * Cal Agua * Cond Amb. * Motores *Cal Ind * Uso El. *Telecom *Tranf En. *Otros *Incand EVentil. Graph A.6.3: Projected House Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer with Energy Efficiency Measures - Santa Cruz (2009) 240 Po200 tenl 60 cia M 120 w 40 _ 0,, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hora *Refrix Ellumin *Radio/TV ELimpieza *Coccion :Cal Agua *Cond. Amb. *Motores *Cal Ind *UsoEl. *Telecom UTrant En *Otros MIncand *Ventil. Annex 6: Data on Energy Efficiency Component 55 Graph A.6.4: Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer - Sucre (1998) W _ T _ _ --~~~~~~~~~ --------I------ * Ca enaamen,agUla.eCaIdacaa,n *Moops * Uso Ek, * Thansfom O,DRos *aaasncafdEelra *V e nti acar Graph A.6.5: Projected Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer without Energy Efficiency Measures - Sucre (2009) M R__ _ w < Ref,,g - - .Raasenf --n iaf 56 Bolivia Country Program Phase II Graph A.6.6: Projected Household Electricity Demand by Type of Use in Summer with Energy Efficiency Measures - Sucre (2009) 5 -X S 0oo U'~0 *UJo *Th0002l0,-00_ o~~~~~~~~~~~A 000 00 LU 10 40 50 60 7 0 son sou 0001no 120 130 14D 100 a0 100 1 0 9002000 2r0 20 20 Annex 6: Data on Energy Efficiency Component 57 Table A.6.1: Demand-Side Management in Santa Cruz and Sucre Santa Cruz Demand . Without With Total Invest. Nec. Maximum Demand Savinqs Savings Savings Reduction in For Savings Investment MW MW MW t___ x Demand for lighting 97.81 47.23 50.58 60,696 15174 Demand for refrigeration 27.01 18.91 8.1 9,720 8100 Demand for air conditioning 31.75 25.4 6.35 7,620 ? Demand for heating 18.84 9.42 9.42 11,304 ?_. 7Total 175.41 100.96 74.45 89,340 23274 C.onsumption Without With Reduction in Consumption Savings Savings Savings Annual Costs GWh/mo GWh/mo GWh/mo US$x - onsumption tor lighting 20.83 10.13 10.7 11,556 Consumption for refrigeration 19.45 13.62 5.83 6,296 Cons. for air conditioning 14.61 11.69 2.92 3,154 Consumption for heating 9.92 4.96 4.96 5,357 Total 64.81 40.4 24.41 26,363 Sucre *___________ Demand Without EE With EE Total Investment Maximum Measures Measures Savings Reduction in Required for Demand Investment Savings _*_______ MW MW MW US$ x 1.000 US$ x 1.000 Demand for 16.4 5.4 11 14,300 2.448 lighting Demand for 2.2 1.5 0.7 910 500 refrigeration _ Demand for 0.63 0.31 0.32 416 heating _ Total 19.23 7.21 12.02 15,626 2.948 l____________ Consumption Without With Annual Maximum Savings Savings Savings Reduction Demand Costs GWh/mo GWh/mo GWh/mo US$ x 1.000 Demand for 2.33 0.7 1.63 1,760 lighting Demand for 1.7 1.2 0.5 540 refrigeration I _ Demand for 1.8 0.91 0.89 961 heating _ Total 5.83 1 2.81 3.02 3,262 58 Bolivia Countiy Program Phase II Table A.6.2: Companies Participating in Energy Efficiency Pilot Coml7panm' Activit' Location Cerveceria DUCAL Beer brewery Santa Cruz Embotelladora EMBOL Soft drinks Santa Cruz Frigorifico FRIGOR Food Santa Cruz UNIVERSALTEX Textiles La Paz TUSEQUIS Food La Paz Quimbol Lever Chemical products Cochabamba Cerveceria SURENA Beer brewery Sucre Table A.6.3: Companies in which CPTS Has Carried out Diagnostics on Pollution Prevention (PP), Pollution Control (PC), and Energy Efficiency (EE) COMPANY ADDRESS AREA DA TE OBSER VA TION TANNING l.Zamora S.A Av. Velasco Galvarro N° Tanning & 2001 PP and EE 6542 Oruro Tel.: 591-52-74740 shoe manf. 2.TOMY Calle Manco Kapac S- Tanning 1996 PC 0592 Cochabamba Tel: 591-42-24737 3.CURMA Ltda. Calle Mama Ocllo S-892 Tanning 1996 PC Cochabamba Tel: 591-42-59395 4.MACUBOL Ltda Av.Chacaltaya #1010 Tanning 1996 PC La Paz Tel: 591-2-306664 TEXTILES 1.FORNO S.A. Av. Chacaltaya # 789 Textile 1996 PC La Paz Tel.: 591-2-351511 2.ALBUS S.R.L Av. Vasquez #912,Pura Textile 1996 PC Pura La Paz Tel: 591-2-305859 3.UNIVERSALTEX Av. Bush #1572 Textile 1996 PP and EE Ltda. La Paz Tel: 591-2-226926 SLAUGHTERHOUSE 1.VASCAL S.A. Av.Pando #1 144 Slaughterhouse 1996 PC Cochabamba Tel: 591-42-43643 (poultry) 2.TUSEQUIS Ltda Av. 6 de marzo s/n, km Meat 1996 PP and EE 7,E1 Alto processing La Paz Tel: 591-2-850070 3.FRIDOSA Carretera Cotoca Km. 12 Slaughterhouse 1996 PC - Il Annex 6: Data on Energy Efficiency Component 59 COMPANY ADDRESS AREA DA TE OBSER VA TION Santa Cruz Tel: 591-3-882323 (cows) 4.FRIGOR Parque Industrial P.I. 44 Slaughterhouse 1999 PP and EE Santa Cruz Tel: 591-3-464970 (cows) CHEMICAL IND. LCORIMEXO Ltda. Parque Industrial PI-5 Galvanoplasty 1996 PC Santa Cruz Tel: 591-3-462167 SUGAR MILLS 1 .UNAGRO 81 km al norte de Santa Sugar mill 1998 PP and EE Cruz Santa Cruz Mineros 2.GUABIRA Montero Sugar mill 1998 PP and EE Santa Cruz Tel: 591-092-20225 BEER BREWERIES I.Cerveceria Bol. Av. Montes final Beer brewery 1997 PC autopista Nacional - La Paz Tel: 591-2-350448 2.TAQUINA S.A. Av. Centenario Final Beer brewery 2000 PP and EE Cochabamba Tel: 591-4-287500 al 05 3.SIDS S.A. Calle Mauro Nuniez N°16 Beer brewery 2000 PP and EE Sucre Tel: 591-6-441112 SOFT DRINKS 1.EMBOL Av.Blanco Galindo Bottling soft 1996 PC Km. 1 0,Pifiami drinks Cochabamba Tel: 591-42-63000 2.EMBOL Rio Seco, Carr. Bottling 1997 PC Panamericana La Paz Tel: 591-2-860085 soft drinks 3.EMBOL Parque Industrial Km.3.5 Bottling 1997 PC Oruro Tel: 591-52-78198 soft drinks 4.EMBOL C. Juana Azurduy s/n, Bottling 1997 PC Z.Carapunku Sucre Tel: 591-64-43000 soft drinks 5.EMBOL Av. Francisco Lazcano Bottling 1997 PC s/n Tarija Tel: 591-66-34303 soft drinks 6.EMBOL Parque Industrial PI-6 Bottling 1997 PP and EE Santa Cruz Tel: 591-3-465252 soft drinks DAIRY PRODUCTS L.PIL ANDINA S.A. Av. Blanco Galindo, km Dairy products 1999 PP and EE 10.5 Cochabamba Tel: 591-4-264300 2.IPILCRUZ S.A. Carretera a Warnes, km Dairy products 2000 PP and EE 27.5 Santa Cruz Tel: 591-92-32155 60 Bolivia Country Program Phase II COMPANY ADDRESS AREA DATE OBSERI'ATION QUINOA (Foodstuffs) I.Jataryl - Tunupa Comunidad Vito - Oruro Quinoa 2001 PP and EE Oruro Tel.: 052-77600; 018 processing 44609 2.ANAPQUI C. Loayza N° 333, Edif Quinoa 2001 PP and EE Mcal Challapata Ayacucho, piso 13, Of. processing 131 1-LP METALLURGY I.Allied Deals Vinto - Oruro Tin 2001 PP and EE Vinto - Oruro Tel.: 052-78102; 052- smelter 78104 HEALTH SERVICES I.Hospital del Ninio Calle Mayor Zubieta sn Hospital 2000 PP and EE La Paz Tel: 591-2-245076 2.Centro Prosalud Av. Circunvalacion esq. Health 2000 PP and EE Calle 15 La Paz Tel.: 0801-8001 center 3.Centro Prosalud Plaza Busch # 52 Health 2000 PP and EE El Alto Tel: No tiene center Graph A6.7: Electric Power Consumption Company 1 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000- _ 150000 C9 100000 500000 )C C C C c) -) 0) 0) 0) C) C C) C) C) C) C C I I I I I 9I I7 9 I 9 9 ' 5 CL >j (D - a M> Ws5 I Annex 6: Data on Energy Efficiency Component 61 Graph A6.8: Cost Variation Company 1 0.12 .. .. -. ... ... ..- . ........ 0.11l C 0.10l Co 0.09 0.0 .~0.07 D 0.06 0 *~; 0.05 0 00.04 0.03 0) 0) ) 0 ) 0) 0) Q 0) 0) 0) CD C 0) , 0) a) 0) 0) 9 I0 9 0? 9 0 0 0 0 0 Mes Graph A6.9: Electric Power Consumption Company 2 450000- 400000 350000 1 300000 ~-250000 200000 (3150000 100000 50000. 0 0) DL 0) 0) 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0D 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a >, 3 > a) >, 6 iMs Mes Annex 7 Program Cost: Rural Energy and Energy Efficiency Activities Energy Efficiency Component Consultancies US$335,000 Measuring equipment 39,000 Rural Energy Component Consultancies 445,000 Component Implementation Local coordination/supervision (time) 226,000 Local coordination/supervision (travel) 52,000 World Bank headquarters cost (time and travel) 197,000 Local operating costs 17,000 Training workshop and equipment 14,000 Mid-term review 7,000 Total US$ 1,332,000 63 i i Annex 8 List of Final Reports No. Consultoria T Consultorla Titulo del Informe Final COMPONENTE ENERGIA RURAL 1. Identificaci6n de Potencialidades INFOLAN Electrificaci6n y Bombeo de Agua del Bombeo de Agua con INTERNATIONAL SRL. para el Desarrollo Agropecuario: Energias Renovables en el Sector (Ing. Wolfgang Rol6n) nuevas posibilidades para la Agropecuarlo. electrificaci6n rural en Bolivia. 2. Elaboracion y Facilitaci6n de Ing. Wolfgang Rol6n Bombeo de Agua para Abrevaderos Ejecuci6n del Proyecto Bombeo de Camelidos en el Departamento Solar de Agua para Abrevaderos de Oruro. e Cam6lidos - Provincia Sajama, ruro e Identificacion de Perfiles e Proyecto para Seis Regiones. 3. Estudio-Disefio de P.A. & Partners (Lic. Javier Evaluaci6n T6cnico-econ6mica de Aprovechamiento de Energia Gil) las Opciones Aaprovechamiento Solar Pasiva en Edificaciones Solar Pasivo en Escuelas de Puna. scolares de Regiones Rurales Remotas. 4. Disefio e Implementaci6n del Sistematica Consultores Disefio e Implementacion del Sistema de Informaci6n en Sistema de Informaci6n Energetica Energia Rural (SIENER) Rural (SIENER). 5. Actualizaci6n de la Base de Datos Ing. Walter Canedo Actualizaci6n de la Base de Datos e Proyectos Minihidraulicos en de Proyectos Minihidraulicos en os Departamentos de La Paz, Bolivia (menores a 500 kW). Cochabamba, Potosi y huquisaca 6. Preparaci6n y Ejecuci6n del Programa de Apoyo a 1. Programa para el Desarrollo de la royecto: Electrificaci6n Rural en Organizaciones No Electrificaci6n en Zonas Aisladas o onas Aisladas y Dispersas con la Gubernamentales - Agencia Dispersas PRONER - MODELO 3. articipaci6n de Organismos No Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Marco de Orientacion General Gubemamentales de Desarrollo - Cooperaci6n (NOGUB- ara el Desarrollo del Modelo. Modelo 3 COSUDE) 7. Cualificaci6n de Recursos omisi6n Episcopal de Proyecto: Cualifaci6n de Recursos Humanos para el Uso Racional de Humanos para el Uso Racional de 65 66 Bolivia Country Program Phase 11 No. Consultoria Consultorla Titulo del Informe Final Recursos Energeticos y la Educaci6n (CEE) Recursos Energeticos y la Conservaci6n del Medio Conservaci6n del Medio Ambiente, Ambiente en 15 Mmunicipios del en 15 Municipios del Pais. Pais. 8. lmplementaci6n Institucional del Comisi6n Episcopal de Proyecto: Implementaci6n Programa de Cualificaci6n en Educaci6n (CEE) Institucional del Programa de Tecnologia Energetica y Medio Cualificaci6n en Tecnologia Ambiente en las Unidades Energ6tica y Medio Ambiente en las Educativas de FERIA. Unidades Educativas de FERIA. 9. Apoyo a la Elaboraci6n de los Consultora Sur 1. Apoyo a la Elaboraci6n de Planes Planes Departamentales de Departamentales de Electrificaci6n Electrificaci6n Rural. Rural. 2. Metodologia y Procedimientos para la Evaluaci6n de Proyectos de Electrificaci6n Rural. 3. Programa de Electrificaci6n Rural Norte de Potosi-Estudio Complementario a los Proyectos de Electrificaci6n Rural - Sacaca-San Pedro, Huaylloma\Acasio, Sacaca- Caripuyo, Cantones Caripuyo. . Municipio de Challapa - Estudio Complementario al Proyecto de Electrificaci6n Antakhahua. 5. Departamento de Oruro - Estudio Complementario al Proyecto de Electrificaci6n Belen de Choquecota. 6. Departamento de La Paz - Estudio Complementario al Proyecto de Electrificaci6n Calacachi. 7. Departamento de Oruro - Estudio Complementario al Proyecto de Electrificaci6n Rural Chipaya. 8. Municipio de Andamarca - Estudio Complementario al Proyecto de Electrificaci6n Orinoca. 9. Departamento de Potosi - Estudio Complementario al Proyecto de Eectrificaci6n Rural Tica Tica- Calazaya. 10. Municipio de Coroico - Estudio _____________________________ . _______________________ Com plem entario al Proyecto de Annex8: List of Final Reports 67 No. Consultoria Consultor/a Titulo del Informe Final Electrificaci6n Tocafia. 11. Proyecto Cambio de Sistema de Generaci6n El6ctrica Camargo Estudio Econ6mico financiero. 12. Proyecto 2100 M6dulos Fotovoltaicos Oruro. 13. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Bautista Saavedra. 14. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Bautista Saavedra. 15. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Comunidad Indigena Querqueta. 16. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural C6ndor Apacheta. 17. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Huarancoco Grande. 18. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Iruma-Vinto. 19. Proyecto Red Secundaria Machacamarca. 20. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Malla. 1. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Matecani, Toloma e Irutira, 22. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Toma Toma. 23. Proyecto Electrificaci6n Rural Yani. 10. Estudios de Factibilidad del Panamerican Investments Bolivian Rural Electrification Fund Mercado Rural de Electrificaci6n S.A. Feasibility Study. - Modelo I 1. Elaboraci6n de un Proyecto de Ing. Reynaldo Castan6n I. Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Fortalecimiento de la Empresa de Lic. Marcelo Uribe Empresa de Distribuci6n E1lctrica Electricidad Larecaja (EDEL) en Larecaja (EDEL). su Area de Concesi6n. 2. Addendum al Informe Final: Proyecto de Retomo al Equilibrio Financiero de la Empresa de Distribuci6n Electrica Larecaja (EDEL). 12. Desarrollo de Planes de Accion SERCOIN Ltda. 1. Planes de Acci6n para la para la Provisi6n de Servicios Provisi6n de Servicios Energeticos 68 Bolivia Countiy Programn Phase 11 No. Consultoria Consultorla Titulo del Informe Final Energeticos con Sistemas con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos. otovoltaicos Dom6sticos en . . 2. Plan de Accidn Zona 1: reas Rurales, en el Marco del Cotagaita. Tupiza y Vitichi. PRONER - Modelo 2 3. Plan de Accion Zona 2: Atocha, Tomave y Uyuni. 4. Plan de Acci6n Zona 3: Ocuri y Ravelo. 13. Desarrollo de Planes de Negocios Alke & Co. (Boliviana) S.A. 1. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con ara la Provisi6n de Servicios Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio _nergeticos con Sistemas San Lucas. otovoltaicos en Areas Rurales, 2. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con en el Marco del PRONER - Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Modelo 2 Culpina. 3. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Camargo. 4. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Incahuasi. 5. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Riberalta. 6. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Guayaramerin. 7. Plan de Electrificacion Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Moco Moco. 8. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Puerto Acosta. 9. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Viacha. 10. Plan de Electrificaci6n Rural con Sistemas Fotovoltaicos: Municipio Puerto Carabuco. 14. Implementar el Funcionamiento Lic. Javier Reyes Aramayo Proyecto: Implementar el e Sistemas Audivisuales- Funcionamiento de Sistemas fotovoltaicos en las Unidades Audivisuales-fotovoltaicos en las ducativas de FERIA. Unidades Educativas de FERIA. I Annex8: List of Final Repor-ts 69 No. Consultoria Consultor/a Titulo del Informe Final 15. Provisi6n de Equipos SERCOIN Ltda. Acta de entrega final: Provisi6n. Audiovisuales-Fotovoltaicos para Instalaci6n y Puesta en las Unidades Educativas de Funcionamiento de Sistemas FERIA. Audiovisuales Alimentados con Energia Solar en las Unidades Educativas de FERIA. 16. Elaboraci6n de la Guia de Diseino Arq. Jose H. Vasquez Guia de Diseno y Equipamiento y Equipamiento para Unidades . para Unidades Escolares. Escolares Aprovechando la Danel Cabrera Aprovechando la Energia Pasiva. Energia Solar Pasiva Proyecto de Refacci6n, Ampliacin y Construccion Escuela Muro Pilar- ejillones. COMPONENTE EFICIENCIA ENERGETICA 1. Manejo de la Demanda - Fase I Dr. Alessandro Barghini Manejo de la Demanda Electrica en ng. Ren.n Orellana Bolivia y Conservaci6n de Energia. Anexos Manejo de la Demanda en la Ciudad de Sucre. 2. Manejo de la Demanda en Sucre y Dr. Alessandro Barghini Manejo de la Demanda en las Santa Cruz - Fase 2 Ing. Renan Orellana Ciudades de Sucre y Santa Cruz. 3. Lineamientos para una Estrategia Ing. Miguel Femrnndez Lineamiento para una Estrategia de de Acceso a la Energia Eficiente Ing. Carlos Rios Acceso a Energia Eficiente en n Bolivia Colivia. 4. Plan Piloto de Eficiencia P.A. & Partners Informe Final. Energ6tica en el Sector Industrial 5. Programa M&T en el Sector P.A. & Partners Informe Final Programa Monitoring ndustrial & Targeting Sector industrial. 6. Disefno y Validaci6n del M6dulo P.A. & Partners Energia y Medio Ambiente: Modulo General de Eficiencia Energetica Eficiencia Energetica. 7. Adquisicion de Equipos de TEC Acta de transferencia de equipos a Medici6n la Camara Nacional de Industrias e inventario de equipos. 8. Balance Energ6tico Nacional Ing. Orlando Melgar 1. Reportes del Sistema de (BEN) Informaci6n del Balance Energetico Nacional 1996-2000. 2. Propuestas de Instrumentos Normativos e Institucionales para Garantizar el Flujo de Informaci6n para la Elaboraci6n del Balance Energ6tico Nacional. 9. Apoyo al Programa M&T en el SAGE Ltda. Final Report: Support Monitoring Sector Industrial de Bolivia and Targeting at the Industrial 70 Bolivia Countiy Program Phase II No. Consultoria Consultor/a Titulo del Informe Final Sector in Bolivia. 10. Actividades del CPTS: Curso de Camara Nacional de Informe de Capacitaci6n, Cartera de Capacitaci6n, Elaboraci6n de Industrias Proyectos y Difusi6n. Cartera de Proyectos, Difusi6n de Resultados, Diagn6stico Energetico del Edificio Centro de Comunicaciones La Paz Joint UNDP/World Bank ENERGY SECTOR MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME (ESMAP) LIST OF TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES Region/CountiJ Activitq/Report Title Date Nuimber SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA (AFR) Africa Power Trade in Nile Basin Initiative Phase 11 (CD Only): 04/05 067/05 Palrt 1. Minuttes of the High-level Power Experts Meeting, and Part H.I Minutes of the First Meeting ofthe Nile Basin AMinisters Responsiblefor Elect-icity C6te d'lvoire Workshop on Rural Energy and Sustainable Development, 04/05 068/05 January 30-31, 2002. (French Only) Ethiopia Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Oil Importing Countries of 12/03 038/03 Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Ethiopia - Action Plan. Sub-Saharan Petroleum Products Transportation Corridor: Analysis 03/03 033/03 And Case Studies Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Sub-Saharan Africa 04/02 028/02 Energy and Poverty: How can Modem Energy Services Contribute to Poverty Reduction 03/03 032/03 East Africa Sub-Regional Conference on the Phase-out Leaded Gasoline in 11/03 044/03 East Africa. June 5-7, 2002. Kenya Field Performance Evaluation of Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) Photovoltaic Systems in Kenya: Methods and Measurement in Support of a Sustainable Commercial Solar Energy Industry 08/00 005/00 The Kenya Portable Battery Pack Experience: Test Marketing an Alternative for Low-Income Rural Household Electrification 12/01 05/01 Malawi Rural Energy and Institutional Development 04/05 069/05 Mali Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Oil Importing Countries of 12/03 041/03 Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Mali - Action Plan. (French) Mauritania Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Oil Importing Countries of 12/03 040/03 Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Mauritania - Action Plan. (French) Nigeria Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Nigeria 11/02 029/02 Nigerian LP Gas Sector Improvement Study 03/04 056/04 Taxation and State Participation in Nigeria's Oil and Gas Sector 08/04 057/04 Regional Second Steering Committee: The Road Ahead. Clean Air Initiative In Sub-Saharan African Cities. Paris, March 13-14, 2003. 12/03 045/03 Lead Elimination from Gasoline in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-regional Conference of the West-Africa group. Dakar, Senegal March 26-27. 2002 (French only) 12/03 046/03 1998-2002 Progress Report. The World Bank Clean Air Initiative 02/02 048/04 in Sub-Saharan African Cities. Working Paper #10 (Clean Air Initiative/ESMAP) Senegal Regional Conference on the Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Sub-Saharan Africa 03/02 022/02 Elimination du Plomb dans I'Essence en Afrique Sub-Saharienne Conference Sous Regionales du Groupe Afrique de I'Quest. Dakar, Senegal. March 26-27, 2002. 12/03 046/03 South Africa South Africa Workshop: People's Power Workshop. 12/04 064/04 Swaziland Solar Electrification Program 2001-2010: Phase 1: 2001-2002 (Solar Energy in the Pilot Area) 12/01 019/01 Region/Countrp Activiti'/Report Title Date Number Tanzania Mini Hydropower Development Case Studies on the Malagarasi, Muhuwesi, and Kikuletwa Rivers Volumes 1, 11. and IIl 04/02 024/02 Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Oil Importing Countries of 12/03 039/03 Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Tanzania - Action Plan. Uganda Report on the Uganda Power Sector Reform and Regulation Strategy Workshop 08/00 004/00 WEST AFRICA (AFR) Regional Market Development 12/01 017/01 EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC (EAP) Cambodia Efficiency Improvement for Commercialization of the Power Sector 10/02 031/02 China Assessing Markets for Renewable Energy in Rural Areas of Northwestern China 08/00 003/00 Technology Assessment of Clean Coal Technologies for China Volume I-Electric Power Production 05/01 011/01 Technology Assessment of Clean Coal Technologies for China Volume II-Environmental and Energy Efficiency lmprovements for Non-power Uses of Coal 05/01 011/01 Technology Assessment of Clean Coal Technologies for China Volume III-Environmental Compliance in the Energy Sector: Methodological Approach and Least-Cost Strategies 12/01 011/01 Thailand DSM in Thailand: A Case Study 10/00 008/00 Development of a Regional Power Market in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) 12/01 015/01 Vietnam Options for Renewable Energy in Vietnam 07/00 001/00 Renewable Energy Action Plan 03/02 021/02 Vietnam's Petroleum Sector: Technical Assistance for the Revision 03/04 053/04 of the Existing Legal and Regulatory Framework SOUTH ASIA (SAS) Bangladesh Workshop on Bangladesh Power Sector Reform 12/01 018/01 Integrating Gender in Energy Provision: The Case of Bangladesh 04/04 054/04 Opportunities for Women in Renewable Energy Technology Use 04/04 055/04 In Bangladesh, Phase I EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA (ECA) Russia Russia Pipeline Oil Spill Study 03/03 034/03 -3 - Region/Country Activity/Report Title Date Number MIDDLE EASTERN AND NORTH AFRICA REGION (MENA) Regional Roundtable on OpportLnities and Challenges in the Water, Sanitation 02/04 049/04 And Power Sectors in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Summary Proceedings. May 26-28, 2003. Beit Mary, Lebanon. (CD) LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGION (LCR) Brazil Background Study for a National Rural Electrification Strategy: 03/05 066/05 Aiming for Universal Access Bolivia Country Program Phase II: Rural Energy and Energy Efficiency 05/05 072/05 Report on Operational Activities Ecuador Programa de Entrenamiento a Representantes de Nacionalidades Amaz6nicas en Temas Hidrocarburiferos 08/02 025/02 Guatemala Evaluation of Improved Stove Programs: Final Report of Project 12/04 060/04 Case Studies Mexico Energy Policies and the Mexican Economy 01/04 047/04 Nicaragua Aid-Memoir from the Rural Electrification Workshop (Spanish only) 03/03 030/04 Sustainable Charcoal Production in the Chinandega Region 04/05 071/05 Regional Regional Electricity Markets Interconnections - Phase I Identification of Issues for the Development of Regional Power Markets in South America 12/01 016/01 Regional Electricity Markets Interconnections -Phase II Proposals to Facilitate Increased Energy Exchanges in South America 04/02 016/01 Population, Energy and Environment Program (PEA) Comparative Analysis on the Distribution of Oil Rents (English and Spanish) 02/02 020/02 Estudio Comparativo sobre la Distribuci6n de la Renta Petrolera Estudio de Casos: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Peri 03/02 023/02 Latin American and Caribbean Refinery Sector Development Report - Volumes I and ll 08/02 026/02 The Population, Energy and Environmental Program (EAP) (English and Spanish) 08/02 027/02 Bank Experience in Non-energy Projects with Rural Electrification 02/04 052/04 Components: A Review of Integration Issues in LCR Supporting Gender and Sustainable Energy Initiatives in 12/04 061/04 Central America Energy from Landfill Gas for the LCR Region: Best Practice and 01/05 065/05 Social Issues (CD Only) GLOBAL Impact of Power Sector Reform on the Poor: A Review of Issues and the Literature 07/00 002/00 Best Practices for Sustainable Development of Micro Hydro Power in Developing Countries 08/00 006/00 Mini-Grid Design Manual 09/00 007/00 - 4 - Region/Countity Activity/Report Title Date Nuntbel Photovoltaic Applications in Rural Areas of the Developing World 11/00 009/00 Subsidies and Sustainable Rural Energy Services: Can we Create Incentives Without Distorting Markets? 12/00 010/00 Sustainable Woodfuel Supplies from the Dry Tropical Woodlands 06/01 013/01 Key Factors for Private Sector Investment in Power Distribution 08/01 014/01 Cross-Border Oil and Gas Pipelines: Problems and Prospects 06/03 035/03 Monitoring and Evaluation in Rural Electrification Projects: 07/03 037/03 A Demand-Oriented Approach Household Energy Use in Developing Countries: A Multicountry 10/03 042/03 Study Knowledge Exchange: Online Consultation and Project Profile 12/03 043/03 from South Asia Practitioners Workshop. Colombo. Sri Lanka, June 2-4. 2003 Energy & Environmental Health: A Literature Review and 03/04 050/04 Recommendations. Petroleum Revenue Management Workshop 03/04 051/04 Developing Financial Intermediation Mechanisms for Energy 08/04 058/04 Efficiency Projects - Focus on Banking Windows for Energy Efficiency Evaluation of ESMAP Regional Power Trade Portfolio 12/04 059/04 (TAG Report) Gender in Sustainable Energy Regional Workshop Series: 12/04 062/04 Mesoamerican Network on Gender in Sustainable Energy (GENES) Winrock and ESMAP Women in Mining Voices for a Change Conference (CD Only) 12/04 063/04 Renewable Energy Potential in Selected Countries: Volume 1: 04/05 070/05 North Africa, Central Europe, and the Former Soviet Union, Volume Il: Latin America Last report added to this list: ESMAP Technical Paper 072/05. I I The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA Tel.: 1.202.458.2321 Fax.: 1.202.522.3018 Internet: www.worldbank.org/esmap Email: esmap@worldbank.org _ _ - .4 . F *a -I Iv, ,t __t 44-~~~~~~~~~~L4 U N LIp The World Bank