Palmer, Edward

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Fields of Specialization
Social insurance, Pensions, Welfare economics
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Last updated: January 31, 2023
Edward Palmer is a Professor (emeritus) of Social Insurance Economics and Senior Fellow at the Uppsala Center for Labor Studies. He shared professorships first at Gothenburg and then Uppsala University with a position as Head of Research and Evaluation at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. He was an expert economist in Sweden's pension reform group, has advised in numerous countries, and has published extensively in macro and social insurance economics.

Publication Search Results

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  • Publication
    Harnessing a Young Nation’s Demographic Dividends through a Universal NDC Pension Scheme: A Case Study of Tanzania
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-04) Larsson, Bo; Leyaro, Vincent; Palmer, Edward
    About one-half of Africa’s population will remain below age 30 well past 2050,with relatively few aged 60 and older. Using Tanzania’s projected demographics and presenteconomic point of departure, this paper demonstrates how the implicit “double”demographic dividend can be harnessed to create inclusive growth. A Swedish-style non financial defined contribution (NDC) system is launched where the government can borrow funds from the future through NDC “consol” bonds to transform individual savings into human and physical capital to promote inclusive economic growth. The consol bonds constitute a reserve to cover pensions of the retiring “demographic bubble” in the future as the dependency ratio gradually glides into demographic equilibrium. Minimum transfers tothe current elderly are also introduced with the phase-in.