Chukwuma, Adanna

World Bank Health, Nutrition, and Population Global Practice
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World Bank Health, Nutrition, and Population Global Practice
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Last updated: January 5, 2024
Adanna is a Senior Health Specialist in the Health, Nutrition, and Population Global Practice, where she leads the design, implementation, and evaluation of investment operations. She has over ten years of experience advising national reforms to improve access to high-quality health care, through service delivery organization, strategic purchasing, revenue mobilization, and demand generation, including in Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, India, Moldova, Tajikistan, the South Caucasus Countries, and Romania. She has published on health care financing, access, and quality in peer-reviewed journals, including the Bulletin of the World Health Organization and Social Science and Medicine. Adanna obtained a medical degree from the University of Nigeria, a Master of Science in Global Health from the University of Oxford, and a Doctor of Science in Health Systems from Harvard University.
Citations 198 Scopus

Publication Search Results

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FinHealth Armenia: Reforming Public Financial Management to Improve Health Service Delivery

2020-11-02, Gurazada, Srinivas, Chukwuma, Adanna, Jain, Manoj, Tsaturyan, Saro, Khcheyan, Makich

This report aims to assess public financial management (PFM) bottlenecks in health service delivery and identify recommendations for the Ministry of Health (MOH) and its partners in Armenia. This PFM assessment identifies health sector–specific bottlenecks and recommends actions that the MOH and regional (Marz) health authorities can take. Governments have a central role to play in moving countries toward universal health coverage. In low- and middle-income countries, making progress toward universal health coverage involves financing mechanisms that allow for coverage for the formal sector, the poor and the informal sector, to improve the coverage of quality health services. PFM systems, the way public budgets are formed, executed, and monitored interact with health system functions to influence service delivery outcomes. This study builds on a body of research that links improved service delivery outcomes in the health sector to systems for fiscal sustainability, operational efficiency, fiscal transparency, and accountability. The evidence supports the proposition that governance matters for the effective use of public resources in health service delivery.

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More Money for Health: Resource Mobilization for Universal Health Coverage in Armenia

2021-12-20, Maduko, Franklin, Chukwuma, Adanna, Minasyan, Gevorg, Manookian, Armineh, Saldarriaga Noel, Miguel Angel, Tandon, Ajay

Armenia has made significant gains in population health, but faces challenges in ensuring health care access, due to financial barriers. As mortality caused by infectious diseases has fallen over the past two decades, the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) has increased. The NCD burden can be reduced via public health measures, such as tobacco control exposure, and access to high-quality health care. However, financial barriers to access are a significant challenge.