03. Journals

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These are journal articles published in World Bank journals as well as externally by World Bank authors.







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  • Publication
    Public Child Care Provision: Unraveling the Consequences of Implementation Variations for Women’s Time Allocation
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2024-02-06) Mata, Catherine
    From analysis of the effects of a national childcare policy on women’s time allocation in Costa Rica, it is found that childcare services are associated with increased female labor force participation, greater educational enrollment, and reduced unpaid care work. However, a comparison of two implementing agencies indicates that the overall effects vary by agency. One agency’s services yield positive outcomes, such as increased labor force participation, reduced unpaid care work, and increased educational attendance; the other agency’s results are less favorable, particularly for part-time childcare users. These findings highlight the challenges governments face when scaling up interventions, as different implementing agencies may modify program criteria, serve distinct populations, and offer varying services. While policies can be effective on a smaller scale, impacts may differ when they are scaled up. Understanding these variations can help governments adapt policies and reallocate resources to achieve their intended goals.
  • Publication
    Job Loss and Household Labor Supply Adjustments in Developing Countries: Evidence from Argentina
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2024-01-17) Ciaschi, Matias; Guido Neidhofer
    Using longitudinal data for Argentina, this paper estimates the labor supply reaction of spouses and children, as well as the interactions between them, following the job loss of their husband or father. The findings show that job loss by the household head has a positive and significant impact on the labor supply of other household members. However, it increases the likelihood of spouses to switch to informal and downgraded employment, and of children to drop out from education. While effects are stronger among vulnerable households, coverage of social security does not provide enough support in coping with unemployment shocks. Mothers’ labor participation, however, may allow their daughters to continue their education.
  • Publication
    Removing Barriers to Entry in Medicine: Evidence from Pakistan
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2024-01-03) Aqeel, Fatima
    In 1992, Pakistan equalized admissions criteria for women and men applying to medical schools, causing a rapid increase in the female share of medical graduates. Using birth cohort variation, I find that equalizing admissions criteria increased employment among female doctors by 21 percentage points and among doctors overall by 9 percentage points, even though female doctors are less likely to be employed than male doctors. Earnings for male medical graduates increased as lower ability males were crowded out. The 1992 reform led to increased gender diversification in a wide range of medical specialties, but it also concentrated doctors in urban districts where women prefer to practice.
  • Publication
    The Rise in Women’s Labor-Force Participation in Mexico: Supply vs. Demand Factors
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2023-09-07) Bhalotra, Sonia; Fernández, Manuel
    This study estimates the relative importance of alternative supply and demand mechanisms in explaining the rise of female labor-force participation (FLFP) over the last 55 years in Mexico. The growth of FLFP in Mexico between 1960 and 2015 followed an S-shaped, with a considerable acceleration during the 1990s. Using descriptive decomposition methods and a shift-share design, the study shows that, put together, supply and demand factors can account for most of the rise of FLFP over the entire period, led by increases in women’s education, declining fertility, and shifts in the occupational structure of the workforce. However, there is unexplained variation in the 1990s, when FLFP spiked.
  • Publication
    Public Pre-Primary and Maternal Employment in Algeria: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2023-08-14) Krafft, Caroline; Lassassi, Moundir
    Globally, employment rates of women remain substantially below those of men. Since women disproportionately care for children, policies that offer care alternatives or lower the cost of care, should, theoretically, increase women’s employment. This paper tests whether public pre-primary education can increase women’s employment, using a natural experiment in Algeria. Education reforms in Algeria substantially expanded public preprimary, targeting children aged five. The paper uses data from 2006 (early in the expansion), 2012, and 2018 (after pre-primary had substantially expanded). The analyses use a discontinuity in whether children are eligible for pre-primary, based on their birthdates, to identify the effect of pre-primary on women’s employment. Increased pre-primary education did not increase and may have actually decreased women’s employment. One potential explanation for these findings is the half-day schedule of pre-primary may be difficult to reconcile with employment. Negative effects are concentrated among women living in nuclear families, who lack alternative caregivers.
  • Publication
    Long-Term Effects of an Education Stipend Program on Domestic Violence: Evidence from Bangladesh
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2023-06-08) Sara, Raisa; Priyanka, Sadia
    Intimate partner violence (IPV) remains a widespread global phenomenon. Among various factors, a low level of education is considered a significant risk factor for experiencing IPV. This paper evaluates whether a secondary school stipend program introduced in 1994 for rural girls affected the long-term prevalence of IPV in Bangladesh. The study exploits two sources of variation in the intensity of program exposure and geographic eligibility and finds that cohorts of rural women eligible for the program experienced significant declines in IPV. Evidence on mechanisms suggests that the program delayed marriage formation and changed partner quality, namely their education and employment, consistent with positive assortative matching resulting from women improved educational attainment. There are no significant changes in labor market outcomes, decision making within the household, or women’s attitude toward the acceptability of domestic violence. Marital matches present a plausible channel through which the program reduces the risk of IPV.
  • Publication
    Mind the Gap: Schooling, Informality, and Fiscal Externalities in Nepal
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2023-06-08) Bleakley, Hoyt; Guptu, Bhanu
    While increasing years of schooling has been a long-standing development priority, the associated fiscal costs and benefits have been less studied, because of a lack of appropriate data. Recently, an UNESCO-funded project measured subsidies, by levels of schooling, from all levels of government, in eight developing countries including Nepal. The household-level Nepal Living Standards Measurement Survey provides information to estimate the degree of formality, tax payments, and benefit receipts as a function of schooling years. Using a simple Mincerlike model, this study estimates the fiscal externality of an additional year of school. It finds that within primary school, fiscal benefits and costs, on the margin, are quite balanced, with subsidies close to the present value of future taxes minus benefits. At higher levels of schooling, however, marginal fiscal benefits exceed costs by 5 percent of per capita consumption. This contrasts with previous literature on social returns and assumptions underlying multilateral development goals.
  • Publication
    Hard and Soft Skills in Vocational Training: Experimental Evidence from Colombia
    (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, 2023-03-13) Barrera-Osorio, Felipe; Kugler, Adriana; Silliman, Mikko
    This paper studies the effects of an oversubscribed job-training program on skills and labor-market outcomes using both survey and administrative data. Overall, vocational training improves labor-market outcomes, particularly by increasing formal employment. A second round of randomization evaluates how applicants to otherwise similar job-training programs are affected by the extent that hard versus soft skills are emphasized in the curriculum. Admission to a vocational program that emphasizes technical relative to social skills generates greater short-term benefits, but these relative benefits quickly disappear, putting participants in the technical training on equal footing with their peers from the soft-skill training in under a year. Results from an additional randomization suggest that offering financial support for transportation and food increases the effectiveness of the program. The program fails to improve the soft skills or broader labor-market outcomes of women.