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Publication The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2022(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2022) World BankThe Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2022 is a pocket edition of the Global Findex Database 2021. The Global Findex is the world’s most comprehensive database on financial inclusion. It is also the only global demand-side data source allowing for global and regional cross-country analysis to provide a rigorous and multidimensional picture of how adults save, borrow, make payments, and manage financial risks. Results from the first survey were published in 2011, and have been followed by subsequent survey results from 2014 and in 2017. The 2021 edition, based on nationally representative surveys of about 128,000 adults in 123 economies, offers a lens into how people accessed and used financial services during the COVID-19 pandemic, when mobility restrictions and health policies drove increased demand for digital services of all kinds.Publication The Little Green Data Book 2017(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2017-07-10) World BankThe Little Green Data Book 2017 is based on World Development Indicators 2017 and its online database. Defining, gathering, and disseminating international statistics is a collective effort of many people and organizations. The indicators presented in World Development Indicators are the fruit of decades of work at many levels, from the field workers who administer censuses and household surveys to the committees and working parties of the national and international statistical agencies that develop the nomenclature, classifications, and standards fundamental to the international statistical system. Nongovernmental organizations have also made important contributions. We are indebted to the World Development Indicators partners, as detailed in World Development Indicators 2017 .Publication The Little Green Data Book 2016(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2016-06-15) World BankThe Little Green Data Book 2016 is a pocket-sized ready reference on key environmental data for over 200 countries. Key indicators are organized under the headings of agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, oceans, energy, emission and pollution, and water and sanitation.Publication The Little Data Book on Private Sector Development 2014(Washington, DC, 2014-05-30) World BankReliable cross-country data on aspects of private sector development are crucial in planning for economic recovery and growth. In targeting increased exports and investment, many governments prioritize an improved climate for business as a basis to attract capital, create jobs, and provide basic services. The availability of cross-country data on the business environment has rapidly expanded in recent years, including data from the World Bank Group s Doing Business project, Enterprise Surveys, and the Entrepreneurship Snapshots. Included in this guide are indicators on the economic and social context, the investment climate, private sector investment, finance and banking, and infrastructure. Though a pocket guide cannot include all relevant variables, the included indicators provide users with a general understanding of the private sector in each country. Indicators displayed in the tables are defined in the glossary, which also lists data sources.Publication The Little Data Book on External Debt 2012(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2012-06) World BankThe little data book on external debt, a pocket edition of Global Development Finance 2012: external debt of developing countries contains statistical tables on the external debt of the 129 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed external debt under the debtor reporting system. It also includes tables of selected debt and resource flow statistics for individual reporting countries as well as summary tables for regional and income groups. It is the culmination of a year-long process that requires extensive cooperation from people and organizations around the globe, national central banks, and ministries of finance, major multilateral organizations, and many departments of the World Bank. The little data book on external debt provides a quick reference for users of the Global Development Finance 2012 book, CD-ROM, and online database. The general cutoff date for data is September 2011. The little data book on external debt covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, key debt ratios, and the currency composition of long-term external debt for all countries reporting through the debtor reporting system. Terms used in tables are defined in the glossary. The economic aggregates presented in the tables are prepared for the convenience of users. Although debt ratios can provide useful information about developments in debt-servicing capacity, drawing valid conclusions from them requires careful economic evaluation.Publication Global Development Finance 2012 : External Debt of Developing Countries(World Bank, 2012) World BankThe data and analysis presented in this edition of global development finance are based on actual flows and debt related transactions for 2010 reported to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (DRS) by 129 developing countries. The reports confirm that in 2010 international capital flows to developing countries surpassed preliminary estimates and returned to their pre-crisis level of $1.1 trillion, an increase of 68 percent over the comparable figure for 2009. Private capital flows surged in 2010 driven by a massive jump in short-term debt, a strong rebound in bonds and more moderate rise in equity flows. Debt related inflows jumped almost 200 percent compared to a 25 percent increase in net equity flows. The rebound in capital flows was concentrated in a small group of 10 middle income countries where net capital inflows rose by an average of nearly 80 percent in 2010, almost double the rate of increase (44 percent) recorded by other developing countries. These 10 countries accounted for 73 percent of developing countries gross national income (GNI), and received 73 percent of total net capital flows to developing countries in 2010. The 2010 increase in net capital flows was accompanied by marked change in composition between equity and debt related flows. Over the past decade net equity flows to developing countries have consistently surpassed the level of debt related flows, reaching as high as 97 percent of aggregate net capital flows in 2002 and accounting for 75 percent of them ($509 billion) in 2009. However, periods of rapid increase in capital flows have often been marked by a reversal from equity to debt.Publication Regional Highlights: World Development Indicators 2012(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2012) World BankThese regional highlights present some of the key trends in developing countries, drawn from the data presented in World Development Indicators 2012, the World Bank's annual compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about development and the quality of people's lives. Charts and short narratives highlight the state and progress of various development topics such as poverty, health, education, the environment, the economy, governance, investment, aid, trade, and capital flows. A global review of progress toward the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is presented in the introduction to the world view section of World Development Indicators 2012. The high income economies are the largest emitters of carbon dioxide, but East Asia and the Pacific produces the largest share of global carbon dioxide emissions among developing regions-more than a quarter of total global emissions. As the global economy becomes more integrated, air transport is increasingly important for delivering not only perishable goods such as flowers, but also highly specialized component parts used in transnational production networks. Agriculture is a declining industry in Europe and Central Asia. The share of agriculture in regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fell from 19 percent to 7 percent over the last two decades. People in the developing economies of Europe and Central Asia have greater access to commercial bank branches and automated teller machines than people in other developing regions-about 18 commercial bank branches and 45 ATMs per 100,000 adults. Governments and citizens in Latin America and Caribbean spend more on health care as a share of GDP than other developing regions, which is reflected in generally good health outcomes. Poverty is falling in the Latin America and Caribbean, most notably in Brazil-the most populous country in the region. South Asia has the second lowest business start-up costs among developing regions.Publication Global Development Finance 2011 : External Debt of Developing Countries(2011) World BankThe World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS), from which the aggregates and country tables presented in this report are drawn, was established in 1951. The debt crisis of the 1980s brought increased attention to debt statistics and to the World debt tables, the predecessor to Global development finance. Now the global financial crisis has once again heightened awareness in developing countries of the importance of managing their external obligations. International capital flows to the 128 developing countries reporting to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (DRS) fell by 20 percent in 2009 to $598 billion (3.7 percent of Gross National Income (GNI), compared with $744 billion in 2008 (4.5 percent of GNI) and a little over half the peak level of $1,111 billion realized in 2007. Private flows (debt and equity) declined by 27 percent despite a rebound in bond issuance, portfolio equity flows, and short-term debt flows. Both foreign direct investment (FDI) flows and bank lending fell precipitously. By contrast, the net inflow of debt-related financing from official creditors (excluding grants) rose 175 percent as support was stepped up to low- and middle-income countries severely affected by the global financial crisis.Publication The Little Data Book on External Debt 2011(World Bank, 2011) World BankThe little data book on external debt, a pocket edition of global development finance 2011: external debt of developing countries contains statistical tables on the external debt of the 128 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed external debt under the debtor reporting system. It also includes tables of selected debt and resource flow statistics for individual reporting countries as well as summary tables for regional and income groups. It is the culmination of a year-long process that requires extensive cooperation from people and organizations around the globe, national central banks, Ministry of finance, major multilateral organizations, and many departments of the World Bank. The little data book on external debt provides a quick reference for users of the global development finance 2011 book, CD-ROM, and online database. The general cutoff date for data is September 2010. The little data book on external debt covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, key debt ratios, and the currency composition of long-term external debt for all countries reporting through the debtor reporting system.Publication Regional Highlights World Development Indicators 2011(Washington, DC, 2011) World BankThe primary completion rate for 7 countries-Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Niger-more than doubled between 1991 and 2009. Still large differences persist between rich and poor within countries. In some low-income countries, such as Benin, the completion rates for the richest quintile are 95 percent or higher, but completion rates for the poorest quintile are 35 percent or less. And there is a 9 percentage point gap in the completion rates for boys and girls. Many poor people depend on biomass energy from plant materials or animal wastes for cooking and heating. Millions of deaths are caused by air pollution. Many are children in developing countries, who die of acute respiratory infections due to indoor air pollution resulting from burning fuel wood, crop residues, or animal dung. The economies of Sub-Saharan Africa are gradually shifting towards industry and services. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Sub-Saharan Africa expanded by 4.7 percent in 2010, up from 1.7 percent in 2009. In the last five years Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Mali, ranked in the top ten of 174 of the world s countries in making their regulatory environment more favorable to business. Middle East and North Africa has made impressive gains in women s health and education outcomes. In 2008 the low-and middle income economies of Middle East and North Africa produced 53 percent more energy compared to their 1990 level, but they consumed 133 percent more energy and energy use per capita increased by 63 percent. Economic growth and rising labor productivity has reduced poverty in South Asia, home to half the world s poor people living below $1.25 a day. Information and communications technology services dominate the service exports of South Asia like no other region. Latin American and the Caribbean is the most efficient energy user in the world, measured by the ratio of GDP to energy use. The rapid emergence of East Asia as the world s export powerhouse was complemented by surging final demand within the region, notably in China. Taxes fund a broad range of social and economic programs, national defense, and other purposes such as redistributing income to the aged and unemployed.