Integrated Fiduciary Assessment

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Pakistan, Sindh Province - Baseline Indicators System : Baseline Procurement Performance Assessment Report

2009-09-18, World Bank

This document provides an assessment of the public procurement system in Sindh province using the baseline indicators system developed by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD-DAC). This assessment, interviews and discussions were held with stakeholders from the public and private sectors as well as civil society. Developing country governments and donors have a mutual interest in increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency of procurement systems. Both have worked together under the auspices of the World Bank and OECD-DAC procurement round table initiative to develop a set of tools and standards to support and guide improvements in procurement systems. These tools include: (i) benchmarking for assessing the structure of public procurement systems, and (ii) monitoring and evaluation of public procurement systems. A key analytical tool developed for benchmarking is the baseline indicators system which comprises four pillars: 1) the legislative and regulatory framework; 2) institutional framework and management capacity; 3) procurement operations and market practices; and 4) integrity and transparency of the public procurement system.

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Pakistan - Balochistan Province : Public Financial Management and Accountability Assessment

2007-05, World Bank

This document reports on a Public Financial Management and Accountability Assessment (PFMAA) for the province of Balochistan. The study was commissioned jointly by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the UK Department for International Development (DfID), and the European Commission (EC). The Government of Balochistan welcomed the initiative of the World Bank, ADB, DFID and EC in carrying out the PFM assessment. The provincial Finance Department is also working on framing new financial rules in order to streamline utilization of funds while ensuring transparency in financial management.. The PFMAA was conducted against 31 Public Financial Management (PFM) performance measurement indicators in accordance with the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) framework.

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Pakistan - North West Frontier Province : Public Financial Management and Accountability Assessment

2007-05, World Bank

The North West Frontier Province (NWFP) is the third largest province of Pakistan. The province is landlocked and the land routes to the north are few and difficult, passing through hilly terrain. The province itself is largely mountainous, with only 30 percent cultivated land. Nearly 50 percent of the population lives in the mountainous and arid areas. The province shares a long border with eastern and southern Afghanistan and most of its population has the same ethnic background (Pushtoon) as parts of bordering Afghanistan. This document reports on a Performance Measurement Framework (PFM) assessment by describing the existing financial systems briefly and rating these systems against the laid down indicators of the PFM Performance Measurement Framework. The study has been conducted in line with the Public Financial Management Performance Measurement Framework, using six critical dimensions of performance for an open and orderly PFM system.

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Balochistan Province, Pakistan : Procurement Systems Performance Assessment

2007-05, World Bank

Balochistan is the largest province in Pakistan, with 44 percent (347,000 sq. kms.) of the land area but only 5 percent of the population (6.5 million). The province is blessed with a large number of natural resources which are to a great extent unexplored and unutilized. It has an 1100-kilometer coastline which can prove to be an important trade corridor in the region by connecting China and Central Asian republics in the north to the sea in the south and India, Bangladesh in the East. Economic development is needed to deal with significant structural problems both political and socio-economic. Under the auspices of The World Bank, this intervention for assessing the procurement systems of the provincial with the objective of benchmarking the performance of procurement management systems was embarked upon. This report covers the assessment for the province of Balochistan undertaken in the month of September 2006. This snapshot of procurement systems performance assessment is mainly based on historical data and current practices observed during the mission.

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Pakistan - Punjab Province : Public Financial Management and Accountability Assessment

2007-05, World Bank

This document reports on a Public Financial Management and Accountability Assessment (PFMAA) for the province of Punjab. The study was commissioned jointly by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the UK Department for International Development (DfID), and the European Commission (EC). The Government of Punjab (GoPj) managed the process through a Steering Committee chaired by the Finance Secretary. This summary assessment uses the indicator-led analysis to provide an integrated assessment of the Punjab Province's PFM system against the six core dimensions of PFM performance and provides a statement of the likely impact of those weaknesses on budgetary outcomes, on aggregate fiscal discipline, and on the strategic allocation of resources and efficient service delivery. The PFMAA was conducted against 31 Public Financial Management (PFM) performance measurement indicators in accordance with the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) framework.

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NWFP Province Pakistan : Procurement Systems Performance Assessment

2007-05, World Bank

The North West Frontier Province (NWFP) is the third largest province of Pakistan. The developing countries and bilateral and multilateral donors having a concern for increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of procurement systems, under the auspices of the joint World Bank and OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Procurement Round Table initiative, worked together to develop a set of tools and standards that provide guidance for improvements in procurement systems and the results they produce. Among these tools are included: (i) Benchmarking for the assessment of the structure of the public procurement systems; and (ii) Monitoring and Evaluation of the public procurement systems. With regard to the first deliverable a tool comprising a set of baseline indicators for the assessment of a country system has been developed. This tool comprising four pillars explained through twelve (12) indicators.