Law, Justice, and Development

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The Law, Justice, and Development series is offered by the Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank to provide insights into aspects of law and justice that are relevant to the development process. Works in the series present new legal and judicial reform activities related to the World Bank’s work, as well as analyses of domestic and international law. The series is intended to be accessible to a broad audience as well as to legal practitioners.

Items in this collection

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Compendium of International and National Legal Frameworks on Child Marriage: Second Edition - June 2022

2023-03-29, World Bank

The initial idea for this compendium came out in 2016 of a collaboration between the Legal Vice Presidency and the Education Global Practice at the World Bank on the role of law to end child marriage. The discussions took place within the context of a global study being conducted by the World Bank and the International Center for Research on Women on the economic and social costs of child marriage with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Children Investment Fund Foundation, as well as additional support from the Global Partnership for Education under a grant for work on out of school children. In 2022, the Empowering Women by Balancing the Law (EWBL) initiative of the Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank decided to update and upgrade the first edition of the Compendium. The EWBL aims to advance gender equality through substantive legal contributions to promote gender inclusivity in the law. It is rooted in the conviction that gender equality and equity under the law are preconditions for enabling women’s full participation in society and for countries to achieve tangible development outcomes. However, to date, billions of women and girls worldwide face systemic barriers due to outdated and discriminatory laws that hinder their rights and opportunities. This Compendium can participate in the protection of women and girls’ fundamental rights and the promotion of strong, peaceful, and just societies, as well as to the achievement of mission to end poverty and promote shared prosperity. This Compendium is limited to 194 countries (54 countries in Africa; 44 countries in Asia; 14 countries in Oceania; 23 countries in North and Central America; 12 countries in South America; and 47 countries in Europe).

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The World Bank Legal Review, Volume 6. Improving Delivery in Development : The Role of Voice, Social Contract, and Accountability

2015-03-09, Wouters, Jan, Ninio, Alberto, Doherty, Teresa, Cissé, Hassane, Wouters, Jan, Ninio, Alberto, Doherty, Teresa, Cissé, Hassane

In recent years, better delivery in development has been at the center of development discourse. There is now wide agreement that today’s development challenges demand effective solutions that fully integrate the aspirations, voices, needs, and support of citizens. But how can the international community translate that realization into practical accomplishment? Volume 6 of The World Bank Legal Review examines delivery challenges through the lens of three concepts that are critical to better development outcomes: voice, social contract, and accountability. The volume turns a spotlight on the nature of this interlocking trio, revealing that their consistent integration into both the design and the implementation of development efforts is indispensable if successful outcomes are to result. Written by seasoned practitioners and eminent scholars from across the globe, the volume’s 24 chapters illuminate the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to development. Development practitioners devoted to rule of law and justice must work with experts from various disciplines to create a synergistic dynamic that can optimize the integration of voice, social contract, and accountability into development efforts.

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The World Bank Legal Review, Volume 7. Financing and Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda: The Role of Law and Justice Systems

2016-09-06, Fariello, Frank, Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, Davis, Kevin E., Fariello, Frank, Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, Davis, Kevin E.

The newly adopted post-2015 development agenda is centered on 17 sustainable development goals to be reached by 2030. This volume of the World Bank Legal Review looks at how law and justice systems can support the financing and implementation of these goals, including the role of the rule of law and economic and social rights. The contributors, including legal scholars, development practitioners, and financial experts, analyze the goals, explore ways in which they can be achieved, and examine ways that recent relevant law and justice programs have worked. A wide array of topics are covered, from the legal aspects of collecting and monitoring vital data, to improving legal identity programs, to creating innovative health care regulation, to legal and judicial reform, to providing private sector–financing of public education projects to the provision of global public goods. Additionally, a special section on Europe looks at financial crisis management, enforcement of court decisions and the workings of the European Court of Justice. The opportunities and challenges of the 2030 agenda are many. This volume looks at both from multiple perspectives, demonstrating how sustainable development can go forward in a way in which everyone benefits.

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Compendium of International and National Legal Frameworks on Child Marriage

2016-09, Calimoutou, Emelyne, Liu, Yuantao, Mbu, Beverley

The Compendium of International and National Legal Framework on Child Marriage (‘the Compendium’) provides a survey of the key international, regional and national legal instruments as they relate to the right to marry with the full and free consent of the intending spouses and to the obligation for government to take legislative measures to abolish child marriage. The Compendium consists of topical chapters with jump links to source documents, such as United Nations conventions, regional treaties, national constitutions and legislations.