Accounting and Auditing Assessment

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  • Publication
    Republic of Rwanda: Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes--Accounting and Auditing
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2015-11) World Bank
    The Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes - Accounting and Auditing (ROSC A&A) program is part of a 12-module joint World Bank-IMF initiative to assist member countries to strengthen their financial systems by improving their capacity to comply with internationally recognized standards and codes. The program focuses on the institutional framework underpinning national accounting and auditing practices, and degree of conformity with international standards and good practices. The initial ROSC A&A for Rwanda was carried out in 2008 and provided a key input in designing necessary financial reporting reforms in the country. The 2015 update is a valuable tool for monitoring the effectiveness of the reform program. It assesses the degree to which the recommendations of the 2008 ROSC A&A review have been implemented, identifies issues that have emerged since the last review, and proposes a number of recommendations aimed at further strengthening the quality of corporate financial reporting and auditing which contributes to improving business climate, investors’ confidence and economic growth potential of Rwanda.
  • Publication
    Republic of Ghana Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes: Accounting and Auditing
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014-12) World Bank
    This 2014 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes in Accounting and Auditing (ROSC A&A) is the second review for Ghana. Its main objectives are to: assess the degree to which the policy recommendations of the 2004 review have been implemented, identify any emerging issues since the last review and develop policy recommendations that, once implemented, would further enhance the quality of financial reporting in the country. While growth has been spurred by favorable commodity prices for gold and cocoa, the start of commercial production of oil and a booming services sector, there is still room for improvement in the business environment, business confidence and financing of the economy. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in this report will contribute to improved business environment and investor confidence, an essential factor for economic growth.
  • Publication
    FYR Macedonia: Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes on Accounting and Auditing, Update
    (2014-09) World Bank
    This assessment of accounting and auditing requirements and practices in Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) Macedonia is part of a joint initiative implemented by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to prepare reports on the observance of standards and codes (ROSC). The assessment focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the accounting and auditing (A and A) environment that influences the quality of corporate financial reporting, and includes a review of both statutory requirements and actual practice. The assessment also considers the extent of compliance with European Union (EU) requirements under the acquis communautaire. The strategic objective of this report is to support government efforts to improve the business climate in FYR Macedonia, and achieve the country s overarching goal of EU integration. The three essential pillars of institutional infrastructure are: (i) adequate and appropriate legal requirements, (ii) capacity sufficient to implement those requirements, and (iii) effective enforcement mechanisms. This report updates the first ROSC A and A prepared in 2003. This report provides policy recommendations to improve financial transparency in the domestic corporate sector and to strengthen accounting and audit practices in line with international benchmarks and EU Directives.
  • Publication
    Jamaica Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes: Accounting and Auditing
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014-06-13) World Bank
    This Report on Observance and Codes-Accounting and Auditing (ROSC-A&A) assesses the corporate sector accounting, financial reporting, and auditing practices in Jamaica. It builds on its predecessor, a 2003 ROSC-A&A, and its aims to assist the Government of Jamaica's efforts to strengthen accounting and auditing practices and to enhance financial transparency in the corporate sector, so as to support the Government's economic reform program and provide greater confidence to current and potential investors with respect to the financial reporting environment. Jamaica has embarked on an economic reform program whose main objectives are to contain the country's growing economic and external vulnerabilities and address economic imbalances, while putting the country on a path to sustainable growth. Important reforms include: (a) strengthening public finances, including through comprehensive tax reform, expenditure rationalization, and improved public debt management and public financial management; (b) enhancing the resilience of the financial sector through strengthened supervisory, regulatory, and crisis-management frameworks; and (c) improving growth generating efficiency through enhancements to the business environment and strengthened institutional capacity and governance.
  • Publication
    Slovenia Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes: Accounting and Auditing
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014-05) World Bank
    This assessment of accounting and auditing practices in Slovenia is part of a joint initiative of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to prepare Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC). The assessment focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the accounting and auditing environment that influence the quality of corporate financial reporting and includes a review of both mandatory requirements and actual practice. This is the second A&A ROSC for Slovenia and based on information collected in 2013, early 2014. The first one was published in 2004. As the requirements of the EU acquis communautaire and international standards have already been adopted in the financial sector this assessment focuses on the proper application of these requirements, with the view that improved financial information raises the capacity of regulators to maintain financial stability, and improve the level of trust in the financial system, in the context of an ongoing recapitalization exercise. In the State Owned Enterprises, or SOEs, the report focuses on the requirements applicable to them and how well these are enforced, as well as to what extent the government uses the financial reporting and audit process to monitor SOEs and hold their management teams accountable. This report also considers SMEs financial reporting, including how current requirements compare with the latest revisions to the EU Accounting Directive, which further simplified requirements for smaller companies. Finally, audit oversight and quality assurance systems are assessed, including the feasibility of incorporating the audit oversight body as part of the financial sector supervisor.
  • Publication
    Chad Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes: Accounting and Auditing
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014-04) World Bank
    The auditing profession in Chad is characterized by the existence of numerous practitioners who provide accounting and auditing services illegally, in violation of community regulations, and whose qualifications often do not meet the international standards. To date, Chad has not yet set up a national association of chartered accountants. One of the most pressing areas in transposing community texts relates to the establishment of a national association of chartered accountants, whose existence is essential for the development and practice of the accountancy profession in Chad. It is also important for consolidating accounting and auditing processes, improving the quality of financial reporting, facilitating access to credit and supporting foreign direct investors, as well as improving the competitiveness of national businesses. With regard to the accounting standards, the Uniform Act (UA) organizing and harmonizing accounting systems for businesses, as well as the accounting chart of accounts and the provisions put in place by the Commission Bancaire d'Afrique Centrale (COBAC) and the Conference Interafricaine des Marches d'Assurances (CIMA) code, there has been very little change since their entry into force towards the end of the 1990s. This is due to shortcomings in the functioning of the regional bodies in charge of ensuring that these texts were updated in line with changes in the accounting, economic, and legal fields. Looking ahead, the major areas of focus in seeking to strengthen the legal and regulatory framework governing accountancy and auditing professions in Chad are the following: (i) the reclassification of CEMAC licensed accounting technicians in Chad in the category of public accountants, in accordance with community regulations, (ii) the establishment of a national association of chartered accountants, (iii) the proper functioning of the national accounting standards commission, (iv) the adoption of auditing professional standards and a code of ethics in line with those established by International Federation of Accountants, or IFAC independent standard-setting board, (v) the strengthening of initial training through the improvement of the quality of the national curriculum and by drafting a continuous professional training plan, and (iv) the capacity building of the Court of Accounts to enable it implement INTOSAI auditing standards in order to ensure proper supervision of public enterprises.
  • Publication
    Republic of Uganda Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes : Accounting and Auditing
    (Washington, DC, 2014) World Bank
    This second Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) Accounting and Auditing (A&A) assesses the degree to which the findings and policy recommendations of the first review have been implemented. The report identifies and assesses issues that have emerged after the first review. From these assessments, the World Bank team identifies the root causes of failure to implement the proposed recommendations. It makes policy recommendations aimed at further improving the quality of financial reporting, which should contribute to lowering the cost of borrowing and enhance private sector competitiveness; ultimately contributing to the attainment of Uganda s strategic objectives aimed at achieving; (i) inclusive and sustainable growth, (ii) job creation, and (iii) improved governance. These are themes in the 2012/2013 and 2013-2014 and Uganda National Budgets. Going forward, the above key policy recommendations should form the basis for a stakeholder driven Country Action Plan which should be regularly monitored to ensure it is effectively implemented. This will improve financial reporting in both the private and public sector and therefore play a role in enhancing transparency and accountability which are key ingredients in attracting private sector investors and thus lead to economic growth as well as improve on public service delivery.
  • Publication
    Brazil : Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes--Accounting and Auditing
    (Washington, DC, 2013-06-11) World Bank
    This Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes: Accounting and Auditing (ROSC A&A) has been prepared under the Financial Sector Assessment Program in Brazil. The report assesses the status of implementation of 2005 ROSC A&A policy recommendations, highlights recent improvements in Brazil's corporate financial reporting framework, and sheds light on emerging issues regarding the institutional underpinnings of accounting and auditing practices that require further upgrading in line with international good practices. In addition to maintaining appropriate macroeconomic policies, there is an extensive agenda to implement wide ranging structural reforms to promote growth, increase productivity, and raise living standards. Brazil's low domestic savings and limited domestic long-term financing markets remain a major impediment to the investment in infrastructure that is required to sustain high economic growth. Given the increased role played by the financial system, especially as more families and businesses have access to banking credit and capital markets, it will also be necessary to further develop and strengthen Brazil's financial markets and institutions, to help to ensure macroeconomic stability and sustainable growth. In this context, one of the strategic objectives of the ROSC A&A is to help consolidate the institutional framework for accounting and auditing in Brazil in order to support improvements in business conditions in general, and facilitate access to more abundant and cheaper domestic and foreign financial resources.
  • Publication
    Moldova : Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes on Accounting and Auditing, Update
    (Washington, DC, 2013-06-01) World Bank
    This assessment of accounting and auditing practices in Moldova is part of a joint initiative that is implemented by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to prepare Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC). The assessment focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the accounting and auditing environment that influence the quality of corporate financial reporting, and includes a review of both statutory requirements and actual practice. It uses International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) as benchmarks and draws on international experience and good practices, as well as the European Union's acquis communautaire given Moldova's strategy of further integration with the European Union. In the medium term, improvement in Moldova's business environment is essential to put the country on a sustainable growth path. The strategic objective of this task is to support the Government in its efforts to improving the business environment in Moldova by contributing to an elevated level of competitiveness and productivity across the economy through business enterprises providing timely and reliable financial information, formulated according to internationally accepted standards, while also observing standards of governance that create confidence among local and foreign investors. These will enable companies to have greater access to finance, invest and increase their productivity. This assessment was drawn up at the request of the Government of Moldova and builds on the previous Accounting and Auditing ROSC that was prepared in 2004. The 2004 ROSC had the following objectives: (i) to spell out the ingredients of a good set of national accounting and auditing practices; (ii) to assess how Moldovan practices and its accounting profession perform relative to those practices; and (iii) to lay out the reforms needed to bring those practices and the profession into compliance with the generic model of good practices.
  • Publication
    Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes on Accounting and Auditing Update: Czech Republic
    (World Bank, Vienna, 2013-05) World Bank
    Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) Accounting and Auditing (A&A) assess accounting and auditing practices in participating countries. They form part of a joint initiative that is implemented by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to review the quality of implementation of twelve internationally recognized core standards (the ROSC program). These standards and their related codes are relevant to economic stability and private and financial sector development. The program was developed at the end of the 1990s, in the wake of financial crises that affected many countries in several regions of the world. Since its inception in early 2000, the ROSC A&A program has concluded evaluations of the A&A environment in more than one hundred countries around the world. ROSC A&A reports have been produced for all countries of the Europe and Central Asia Region, except Russia. Initiatives to reassure investors about the quality of financial reporting of public interest entities, including listed companies, banks and insurance companies will also be essential.