Accounting and Auditing Assessment
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Publication Republic of Trinidad and Tobago : Report on the Observance of Standard and Codes - Accounting and Auditing(Washington, DC, 2013-03-28) World BankThe Report on the Observance of Standard and Codes (ROSC) Accounting and Auditing (A&A) focuses on the institutional framework underpinning national accounting and auditing practices, and their conformity with international standards and good practices. It evaluates the: a) adequacy of reporting requirements, b) capacity to implement applicable standards and codes, and c) the effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms for ensuring compliance with applicable standards and codes. This report provides an assessment of corporate sector accounting, financial reporting, and auditing practices in Trinidad and Tobago. It aims to assist the Government of Trinidad and Tobago's efforts to strengthen accounting and auditing practices and enhance financial transparency in the corporate sector, so as to support the Government's objective of private sector-led growth and deepened integration with the international economy. Trinidad and Tobago is a relatively small, open economy with a high per capita income and abundant natural resources. Key areas for strengthening Trinidad and Tobago's corporate financial reporting practices are: 1) establishing a culture of compliance; 2) improving monitoring and enforcement capabilities of various regulators; 3) establishing institutional mechanisms for regulating the accounting profession, including independent oversight; 4) enhancing technical capacities of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Trinidad and Tobago (ICATT); 5) improving professional accountancy education and training; and 6) improving the statutory framework for corporate financial reporting. The recommendations in this report are presented for the consideration of authorities in Trinidad and Tobago as suggested inputs for the development of a country action plan, geared toward strengthening the corporate financial reporting regime.Publication Suriname : Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes - Accounting and Auditing(Washington, DC, 2012-05-31) World BankThis report provides an assessment of the corporate sector accounting, financial reporting, and auditing practices in Suriname, with the aim of assisting the Government of Suriname's efforts to strengthen private sector accounting and auditing practices and enhance financial transparency in the corporate sector, so as to support the Government's objective of private sector-led growth and deepened integration with the international economy. This ROSC A&A aims to support the government's objectives of improving the investment climate and fostering private sector growth, in particular through: (a) designing a solid legal and regulatory framework governing the accounting and audit profession in Suriname, (b) improving the technical skills of accounting and audit practitioners, and (c) enhancing the institutional capacity of the country's accounting professional body and educational institutions. The ROSC A&A focuses on the institutional framework regulating accounting and auditing practices, and the comparability of national accounting and auditing practices with international standards and best practice, using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA) as benchmarks. It evaluates the effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms for ensuring compliance with applicable standards and codes.Publication Organization of Eastern Carribbean States : Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes(Washington, DC, 2008-06-21) World BankThis report provides an assessment of accounting, financial reporting and auditing requirements and practices within the enterprise and financial sectors in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). The report uses International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA) as benchmarks and draws on international experience and good practices in the field of accounting and audit regulation. High-quality financial information supports relevant strategic objectives for the OECS, including: (1) an investor-friendly business climate; (2) sub-regional and regional harmonization; (3) better management and increased transparency of public-interest enterprises; and (4) improved Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) access to credit as an outgrowth of a shift toward lending based on the borrower's financial performance and cash flow. Due to their small size (total population about 560,000) and their tropical island geography, OECS countries face special development challenges, including limited human and institutional capacity, high per capita costs of basic social and infrastructure services, and vulnerability to natural disasters and other external shocks. High levels of indebtedness and fiscal imbalance are additional factors affecting growth and crowding out private investment. These constraints significantly affect the strategic planning and decision-making processes in both the public and private sectors and make capacity issues more significant than in larger countries. The OECS accounting and auditing practices need to be strengthened and modernized to serve adequately the emerging needs of the market and support sustainable economic development.Publication Haiti : A Review of Accounting and Audit Practices(Washington, DC, 2007-11) World BankThis report analyzes corporate financial reporting and auditing practices in Haiti. It supports the Government's efforts to: (a) improve financial sector stability and development; (b) encourage a business climate conducive to private investment and local companies' access to credit and long-term finance; and (c) enhance the governance and accountability of public enterprises. For the purpose of this study, the benchmarks that have been used include the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the International Standards on Auditing (ISA). The report also draws on international experience and good practice in accounting and auditing, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean. The main focus of the review is the institutional framework and professional environment that underpin private sector accounting and audit practices.