Accounting and Auditing Assessment

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  • Publication
    Chad Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes: Accounting and Auditing
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014-04) World Bank
    The auditing profession in Chad is characterized by the existence of numerous practitioners who provide accounting and auditing services illegally, in violation of community regulations, and whose qualifications often do not meet the international standards. To date, Chad has not yet set up a national association of chartered accountants. One of the most pressing areas in transposing community texts relates to the establishment of a national association of chartered accountants, whose existence is essential for the development and practice of the accountancy profession in Chad. It is also important for consolidating accounting and auditing processes, improving the quality of financial reporting, facilitating access to credit and supporting foreign direct investors, as well as improving the competitiveness of national businesses. With regard to the accounting standards, the Uniform Act (UA) organizing and harmonizing accounting systems for businesses, as well as the accounting chart of accounts and the provisions put in place by the Commission Bancaire d'Afrique Centrale (COBAC) and the Conference Interafricaine des Marches d'Assurances (CIMA) code, there has been very little change since their entry into force towards the end of the 1990s. This is due to shortcomings in the functioning of the regional bodies in charge of ensuring that these texts were updated in line with changes in the accounting, economic, and legal fields. Looking ahead, the major areas of focus in seeking to strengthen the legal and regulatory framework governing accountancy and auditing professions in Chad are the following: (i) the reclassification of CEMAC licensed accounting technicians in Chad in the category of public accountants, in accordance with community regulations, (ii) the establishment of a national association of chartered accountants, (iii) the proper functioning of the national accounting standards commission, (iv) the adoption of auditing professional standards and a code of ethics in line with those established by International Federation of Accountants, or IFAC independent standard-setting board, (v) the strengthening of initial training through the improvement of the quality of the national curriculum and by drafting a continuous professional training plan, and (iv) the capacity building of the Court of Accounts to enable it implement INTOSAI auditing standards in order to ensure proper supervision of public enterprises.
  • Publication
    Republic of Uganda Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes : Accounting and Auditing
    (Washington, DC, 2014) World Bank
    This second Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) Accounting and Auditing (A&A) assesses the degree to which the findings and policy recommendations of the first review have been implemented. The report identifies and assesses issues that have emerged after the first review. From these assessments, the World Bank team identifies the root causes of failure to implement the proposed recommendations. It makes policy recommendations aimed at further improving the quality of financial reporting, which should contribute to lowering the cost of borrowing and enhance private sector competitiveness; ultimately contributing to the attainment of Uganda s strategic objectives aimed at achieving; (i) inclusive and sustainable growth, (ii) job creation, and (iii) improved governance. These are themes in the 2012/2013 and 2013-2014 and Uganda National Budgets. Going forward, the above key policy recommendations should form the basis for a stakeholder driven Country Action Plan which should be regularly monitored to ensure it is effectively implemented. This will improve financial reporting in both the private and public sector and therefore play a role in enhancing transparency and accountability which are key ingredients in attracting private sector investors and thus lead to economic growth as well as improve on public service delivery.
  • Publication
    South Africa : Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes--Accounting and Auditing
    (Washington, DC, 2013-06) World Bank
    The main purpose of the South Africa Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing (ROSC A&A) is to determine reforms that will continue to improve the quality of financial reporting in South Africa. The review, requested by the Minister of Finance, was conducted to assess the status of implementation of policy recommendations in the prior 2003 ROSC A&A report, assess the institutional framework underpinning accounting and auditing practices in comparison with international standards and good practices in order to identify any emerging issues that require strengthening, share good practices adopted in the country, and propose policy recommendations addressing areas that require improvements. Implementation of the policy recommendations will further enhance the quality of financial reporting in the country, a key pillar that contributes to enhancing the business environment and advancement of governance and financial accountability in both the private and public sector entities. The review focuses on private sector. Financial reporting in public sector is assessed under public expenditure and financial accountability framework.