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Colombia - Poverty and Equity Assessment: Trajectories - Prosperity and Poverty Reduction in the Colombian Territory
2024-12-17, World Bank Group
This report, Trajectories: Prosperity and Poverty Reduction in the Colombian Territory, explores the factors behind the lower capacity of many to lead productive lives in Colombia, particularly their lower accumulation of assets. It examines how this capacity persistently differs across municipalities and departments and across gender, ethnicity, and migratory status. The report’s focus on assets highlights poor people’s capacity to generate income and escape poverty. It, therefore, adopts an assets-based approach, which recognizes that the capacity of an individual or household to generate market income depends on the assets they possess, their human, physical, financial, social, and natural capital, and how they subsequently use those assets in markets to generate income. Addressing territorial inequalities has been recognized as a policy priority in Colombia, and this report brings new evidence to the public debate. With nearly two out of five future workers living in poorer areas, a failure to invest in the productive capacity of these younger generations is a missed opportunity for higher economic growth potential. Specifically, the report makes four main contributions. First, it brings new evidence on regional inequalities to the public debate through new data and measures that go beyond what has been traditionally produced and that zoom in to a more granular geographical level: the municipality. This provides new insights into the challenges at hand and their heterogeneity across the country. The report prepares and presents, for instance, municipal data on incomes and poverty and their evolution, allowing an assessment of patterns and drivers of progress. Second, its analytical anchoring in the assets-based approach puts the focus on people and their ability to lead productive lives. Third, through this focus on assets, it provides a multisectoral view of the challenges to addressing territorial inequalities in access to opportunities and accordingly offers a multidimensional view of the policy discussion it proposes. Finally, the report suggests policy principles and examples to inform the broader debate on reducing poverty and inequality across Colombia.
Colombia Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment, 2024
2024-03-21, World Bank
The objective of this Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment (CHVA) is to assist decision-makers in Colombia with planning effective adaptation measures to deal with climate-related health risks. This assessment includes sub-national considerations for health-related climate action (see Annex A for the methodology). Sub-national considerations are given for Colombia’s 32 departments (see Figure 1). It also incorporates data from a Climate and Health Economic Valuation conducted by the World Bank to estimate of the potential economic costs of health impacts arising from projected changes in temperature and precipitation (see Annex B for the methodology). The findings from this CHVA are organized under four sections. Section I characterizes the climatology in Colombia, highlighting observed and projected climate exposures relevant to health. Section II describes key climate-related risks to health, including nutrition and food security, vector-borne diseases (VDBs), water-borne diseases, increasing temperatures, air quality, and zoonotic diseases. Section III analyzes the adaptive capacity and readiness of Colombia’s health system to prevent and manage climate-related health risks. Recommendations are discussed in Section IV.
Primary Health Care Vital Signs Profile Assessment for Colombia
2020-12, World Bank Group
Since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed, on March 6, 2020, the Primary Health Care (PHC) system in Colombia has been on trial, displayinga variability in governance capacity across the national territory. The response of the Colombian health system to COVID-19 and the role that PHChas played highlight several of its strengths and weaknesses. Barriers to access to health services related to distance and cost perceived by the Colombian population have steadily decreased since 2010, while barriers corresponding to perceived quality of services have remained relativelyconstant. Although barriers have been reduced and the availability of services has increased in the Health Service Delivery Institutions (HSDI) of the country, aspects related to the quality of care they provide continue to show weaknesses such as in the continuity of care, adherence of providers to clinical guidelines and aspects of patient safety. In the system, inequities of access, quality and coverage of PHC services persist throughout the national territory. To achieve a high-performing PHC system, this report proposes a series of recommendations, including: (a) Implement a new model of care focused on PHC, which offers a comprehensive package of services and reflects the health needs of the population; (b) Prepare the next generation of technicians and health professionals in PHC to work in multidisciplinary teams, and (c) Use PHC as a strategy to reduce inequities in health.
Migration from Venezuela to Colombia: Short- and Medium-Term Impact and Response Strategy
2018-11-02, World Bank Group
El presente análisis tiene como objetivo principal determinar los impactos sociales, sectoriales y económicos que la migración sostenida de personas desde Venezuela está teniendo en Colombia, particularmente en los principales municipios receptores. Esta migración sin precedentes está teniendo impactos significativos en las áreas receptoras, particularmente pronunciados por las difíciles condiciones socioeconómicas de los migrantes. Como consecuencia, la migración está poniendo presiones significativas en las instituciones, los sistemas de provisión de servicios, el mercado laboral y las dinámicas sociales de las áreas receptoras. En este contexto, el reporte ofrece opciones de política y programáticas para su adecuado manejo, basadas en buenas prácticas internacionales.
Sex-disaggregating Tax Administrative Data: Experience from Colombia’s Tax and Customs Authority
2024-12-06, Gamboa, Luis Fernando, Reyes, Luis Carlos, Tribin, Ana Maria, Komatsu, Hitomi
This Knowledge Note aims to document National Tax and Customs Authority's (DIAN’s) experience in sex-disaggregating income taxpayer data and provide examples of the use of disaggregated data for policy analysis. It offers lessons for other revenue authorities and government agencies planning to sex-disaggregate and analyze administrative tax data. It summarizes the institutional strategies, methodologies used, and challenges encountered in this process based on interviews with experts and government officials. We use the term “sex” to mean biological sex at birth unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Adaptation of the Calculator of Social and Environmental Impacts from Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Amazon: Application in Frontier Regions between Brazil, Colombia and Peru
2023-11-09, World Bank
Over the past decade, illegal gold extraction has increased significantly in the Amazon region, partly due to the high international prices of this mineral, the less stringent attitude of some countries in relation to the environment and the pursuit of immediate economic opportunities. Furthermore, this illicit activity is closely intertwined with other illegal practices, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and the trafficking of endangered species. This has repercussions not just for the region's ecological wealth, but also for the physical well-being of those safeguarding their lands and the health of communities living in proximity to the extraction zones due to the contamination of their rivers and, consequently, their primary sources of food, such as fish. Despite the international effort to recognize the socio-environmental repercussions of this activity, there are still gaps on this issue, mainly due to the economic losses that this activity represents.
Case Study on the Role of Primary Health Care in the SARS COV-2 Pandemic in Colombia: Initial Phase - Period of 11th of March to May 31st, 2020
2020-12, World Bank Group
The reforms of the Colombian Health System in the last decade have sought to position primary health care (PHC) as an essential strategy to guarantee integrated and comprehensive care of the population’s health needs. The Primary Health Care approach includes three integrated, interdependent components: health services, intersectoriality, and social participation in terms of empowering individuals, families and communities to take charge of their own health. Within this conceptual framework, Colombia has tackled the SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic formally announcedby the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. This report examines the role of PHC in Colombia›s preparation for, response to, and recovery from the pandemic. The main features of the pandemic affecting the country are described first, followed by observations stemming from analysis of the regulatory component, the healthcare services delivered, and the role of public health communication and surveillance. The report ends with conclusions on the analysis.
Research for Innovation in Health Systems - Improving the Management of Health Care Services for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions in Three Latin American Countries: Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay - Key Messages
2024-06-24, World Bank
The accelerated aging of the Brazilian population, alongside the gradual increase in the concomitant occurrence of multiple chronic diseases in the same individual, brings important challenges to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). n Colombia, during 2012 - 2016, multimorbidity had a prevalence of 19.5 percent for all ages, according to data from the study carried out by the World Bank and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The investigation also showed an increase in the use and cost of health services associated with older age and the complexity of multimorbidity, in an aging population that shifts its epidemiological profile towards chronic diseases. The expenditure with patients with multimorbidity in Uruguay is high. Persons with five or more of diseases (Cardiovascular Disease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Degenerative Neurological Disease) represent 8.44 percent of the total patient population, but their care accounts for 42.07 percent of the total expenditure, and 50.48 percent of the expenditure on medications.
Cierre de Brecha Digital en el Departamento del Amazonas
2023-10-16, World Bank
Colombia ocupa la última posición en conexiones a internet por cada 100 habitantes entre los 38 países medidos por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). La brecha de conectividad entre las áreas rurales y las áreas urbanas del país es considerable. El 52,9 % de los hogares en el área urbana y el 12,4 % de los hogares en el área rural tienen acceso a internet fijo. Los menores niveles de hogares con conexión a internet se encuentran en departamentos de las regiones de la Amazonía, la Orinoquía y el Pacífico. De conformidad con el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2022-2026 “Colombia Potencia Mundial de la Vida”, el Gobierno de Colombia (GdC) está trabajando en múltiples frentes orientados a cerrar la brecha digital y a conectar el 85 % del país. El estudio para el cierre de la brecha digital en el departamento del Amazonas se basa en las prioridades estratégicas del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (PND).
Colombia Policy Notes
2018-12-11, World Bank Group
It is critical for the new administration to boost the reform momentum, focusing on implementation and results. The new government will face the challenge of unifying a polarized society and meeting the population’s expectations and aspirations of peace, security, prosperity and reduced inequality. The policy notes presented here focus to a large extent on ways in which this implementation can be improved, putting forward specific recommendations to advance towards the main objective.