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Migration from Venezuela to Colombia: Short- and Medium-Term Impact and Response Strategy

2018-11-02, World Bank Group

El presente análisis tiene como objetivo principal determinar los impactos sociales, sectoriales y económicos que la migración sostenida de personas desde Venezuela está teniendo en Colombia, particularmente en los principales municipios receptores. Esta migración sin precedentes está teniendo impactos significativos en las áreas receptoras, particularmente pronunciados por las difíciles condiciones socioeconómicas de los migrantes. Como consecuencia, la migración está poniendo presiones significativas en las instituciones, los sistemas de provisión de servicios, el mercado laboral y las dinámicas sociales de las áreas receptoras. En este contexto, el reporte ofrece opciones de política y programáticas para su adecuado manejo, basadas en buenas prácticas internacionales.

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Transforming Cities with Transit : Transit and Land-Use Integration for Sustainable Urban Development

2013-01-03, Cervero, Robert, Suzuki, Hiroaki, Iuchi, Kanako

This study explores the complex process of transit and land-use integration in rapidly growing cities in developing countries. It first identifies barriers to and opportunities for effective coordination of transit infrastructure and urban development. It then recommends a set of policies and implementation measures for overcoming these barriers and exploiting these opportunities. Well-integrated transit and land development create urban forms and spaces that reduce the need for travel by private motorized vehicles. Areas with good access to public transit and well-designed urban spaces that are walkable and bikeable become highly attractive places for people to live, work, learn, play, and interact. Such environments enhance a city's economic competitiveness, reduce local pollution and global greenhouse gas emissions, and promote inclusive development. These goals are at the heart of transit-oriented development (TOD), an urban form that is increasingly important to sustainable urban futures. This book uses a case study approach. It draws lessons from global best-case examples of transit-oriented metropolises that have direct relevance to cities in developing countries and elsewhere that are currently investing in bus rapid transit (BRT) and other high-capacity transit systems. It also reports the results of two original in-depth case studies of rapidly growing and motorizing cities that introduced extended BRT systems: Ahmedabad, India and Bogota, Colombia. Two shorter case studies enrich the understanding of factors that are critical to transforming cities with transit.