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Colombia Policy Notes

2018-12-11, World Bank Group

It is critical for the new administration to boost the reform momentum, focusing on implementation and results. The new government will face the challenge of unifying a polarized society and meeting the population’s expectations and aspirations of peace, security, prosperity and reduced inequality. The policy notes presented here focus to a large extent on ways in which this implementation can be improved, putting forward specific recommendations to advance towards the main objective.

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Migration from Venezuela to Colombia: Short- and Medium-Term Impact and Response Strategy

2018-11-02, World Bank Group

El presente análisis tiene como objetivo principal determinar los impactos sociales, sectoriales y económicos que la migración sostenida de personas desde Venezuela está teniendo en Colombia, particularmente en los principales municipios receptores. Esta migración sin precedentes está teniendo impactos significativos en las áreas receptoras, particularmente pronunciados por las difíciles condiciones socioeconómicas de los migrantes. Como consecuencia, la migración está poniendo presiones significativas en las instituciones, los sistemas de provisión de servicios, el mercado laboral y las dinámicas sociales de las áreas receptoras. En este contexto, el reporte ofrece opciones de política y programáticas para su adecuado manejo, basadas en buenas prácticas internacionales.

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Afro-descendants in Latin America: Toward a Framework of Inclusion

2018-08-28, Freire, German, Diaz-Bonilla, Carolina, Schwartz Orellana, Steven, Soler Lopez, Jorge, Carbonari, Flavia

About one in four Latin Americans self-identify as Afro-descendants today. They comprise a highly heterogeneous population and are unevenly distributed across the region, but share a common history of displacement and exclusion. Despite significant gains over the past decade, Afro-descendants still are overrepresented among the poor and are underrepresented in decision-making positions, both in the private and the public sector. The extent to which Latin America will be able to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity will therefore depend, to a very large degree, on the social inclusion of Afro-descendants. The objective of this study is to deepen the region's empirical understanding of the drivers behind the persistent exclusion of the afro-descendants, as a first step to design appropriate solutions. The report proposes a framework to organize and think of the myriad options available to address their situations, based on the experience accumulated by the region and the data available.