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  • Publication
    CEMAC Economic Barometer, November 2024, Vol 7
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2025-01-03) World Bank
    The CEMAC Economic Barometer is a semi-annual World Bank publication that presents a snapshot of recent developments and the economic outlook of the CEMAC region, followed by a brief assessment at the country level. It includes a focused technical section on a theme of regional relevance. This edition’s special topic provides policy options for the CEMAC countries to address challenges in the forestry sector, such as effectively designing fiscal instruments, improving forest governance, and increasing financial and technical support from the international community. It highlights how fiscal instruments can incentivize sustainable forestry and generate government revenue.
  • Publication
    Regional Poverty and Inequality Update Latin America and the Caribbean: October 2024
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-20) World Bank
    This brief summarizes the main trends related to poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) using the latest round of harmonized household surveys from the Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC) created by the World Bank and the Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Social (CEDLAS). This brief was produced by the Poverty and Equity Global Practice in the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank.
  • Publication
    Colombia - Poverty and Equity Assessment: Trajectories - Prosperity and Poverty Reduction in the Colombian Territory
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-17) World Bank Group
    This report, Trajectories: Prosperity and Poverty Reduction in the Colombian Territory, explores the factors behind the lower capacity of many to lead productive lives in Colombia, particularly their lower accumulation of assets. It examines how this capacity persistently differs across municipalities and departments and across gender, ethnicity, and migratory status. The report’s focus on assets highlights poor people’s capacity to generate income and escape poverty. It, therefore, adopts an assets-based approach, which recognizes that the capacity of an individual or household to generate market income depends on the assets they possess, their human, physical, financial, social, and natural capital, and how they subsequently use those assets in markets to generate income. Addressing territorial inequalities has been recognized as a policy priority in Colombia, and this report brings new evidence to the public debate. With nearly two out of five future workers living in poorer areas, a failure to invest in the productive capacity of these younger generations is a missed opportunity for higher economic growth potential. Specifically, the report makes four main contributions. First, it brings new evidence on regional inequalities to the public debate through new data and measures that go beyond what has been traditionally produced and that zoom in to a more granular geographical level: the municipality. This provides new insights into the challenges at hand and their heterogeneity across the country. The report prepares and presents, for instance, municipal data on incomes and poverty and their evolution, allowing an assessment of patterns and drivers of progress. Second, its analytical anchoring in the assets-based approach puts the focus on people and their ability to lead productive lives. Third, through this focus on assets, it provides a multisectoral view of the challenges to addressing territorial inequalities in access to opportunities and accordingly offers a multidimensional view of the policy discussion it proposes. Finally, the report suggests policy principles and examples to inform the broader debate on reducing poverty and inequality across Colombia.
  • Publication
    Sex-disaggregating Tax Administrative Data: Experience from Colombia’s Tax and Customs Authority
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-06) Gamboa, Luis Fernando; Reyes, Luis Carlos; Tribin, Ana Maria; Komatsu, Hitomi
    This Knowledge Note aims to document National Tax and Customs Authority's (DIAN’s) experience in sex-disaggregating income taxpayer data and provide examples of the use of disaggregated data for policy analysis. It offers lessons for other revenue authorities and government agencies planning to sex-disaggregate and analyze administrative tax data. It summarizes the institutional strategies, methodologies used, and challenges encountered in this process based on interviews with experts and government officials. We use the term “sex” to mean biological sex at birth unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  • Publication
    Manual de Analítica Gubernamental: Aprovechar los datos para fortalecer la Administración Pública
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-11-26) Rogger, Daniel; Schuster, Christian
    El Manual de Analítica Gubernamental (Government Analytics Handbook) presenta evidencia innovadora e ideas de profesionales sobre cómo aprovechar los datos para fortalecer la administración pública. Abarca una amplia gama de fuentes de microdatos —como datos administrativos y encuestas de empleados públicos—, así como herramientas y recursos para realizar los análisis, para transformar la capacidad de los gobiernos para adoptar un enfoque basado en datos para diagnosticar y mejorar el funcionamiento de las organizaciones públicas. Esta versión ha sido traducida por el Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD) y contiene una selección de siete capítulos que abordan temas fundamentales para América América Latina y el Caribe.
  • Publication
    Data for Better Governance: Building Government Analytics Ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-11-25) Santini, Juan Francisco; Sacco Capurro, Flavia; Rogger, Daniel; Lundy, Timothy; Kim, Galileu; de León Miranda, Jorge; Cocciolo, Serena; Casanova, Chiara
    Governments in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region face significant developmental and institutional challenges, such as slowing growth, fiscal constraints, and inefficiencies in the public sector. At the same time, governments have invested significantly in government technologies (GovTech), making LAC a global pioneer in management information systems (MISs). This investment creates an opportunity for governments to leverage MIS data to strengthen the functioning of government and achieve development goals—that is, government analytics. This report provides a conceptual framework to assess and provide guidance on the regional government analytics agenda and how to harvest the benefits of GovTech investments. It examines how government analytics can inform policy making and improve accountability and efficiency, drawing on survey data and successful applications of government analytics. The report also explores the enabling conditions for government analytics—data infrastructure and analytical capabilities—and how to strengthen them. Finally, it provides practical guidance on how to develop a holistic government analytics agenda. "Data for Better Governance: Building Government Analytics Ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean" is part of the Government Analytics collection, which began with The Government Analytics Handbook (2023). This growing series features frontier evidence and expert insights on how to leverage data to improve government performance.
  • Publication
    The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2024: Pathways to Scale
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-11-20) Arévalo-Sánchez, Inés; Heisey, Janet; Chaudhary, Sarang; Clay, Timothy; Strokova, Victoria; Vasudeva Dutta, Puja; Andrews, Colin
    The State of Economic Inclusion Report (SEI) 2024 explores efforts to scale up economic inclusion programs - bundles of coordinated, multidimensional interventions that support individuals, households, and communities to sustainably increase their incomes and assets - in the context of overlapping crisis. These programs transform the economic lives of the poorest and most vulnerable people, building their resilience and creating job opportunities. The report features data from 405 programs across 88 countries, benefiting over 70 million individuals either directly or indirectly. This marks almost doubling in the number of programs and nearly a 50 percent increase in coverage since the SEI 2021 report. Governments continue to lead in scaling up these economic inclusion programs, covering nearly three-fourths of program participants. However, non-governmental programs have also significantly contributed to the increase in coverage in recent years, in addition to serving as both service providers and capacity building providers for governments. The report offers five important contributions: 1) Positioning economic inclusion programs as crucial for building resilience and providing job opportunities for the poor and vulnerable in the face of overlapping crises. 2) Analyzing the global landscape over the past three years, highlighting the extent to which economic inclusion programs are being customized for diverse contexts and groups, including a cross-cutting focus on gender. 3) Reviewing progress and challenges in the design and implementation of government-led programs, including the interplay with communities, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. 4) Examining the emerging agenda of designing economic inclusion programs to enhance the long-term climate resilience of poor and vulnerable individuals and communities. 5) Featuring three spotlights that unpack emerging evidence from government-led programs, customization strategies targeting youth, and the increasing role of digital tools and technologies in program delivery. Data from the report are available on the PEI Data Portal (
  • Publication
    Poverty Traps in Argentina - Poverty and Equity Assessment
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-11-11) World Bank
    Argentina faces persistently high poverty rates, which have shown an upward trend in recent years, despite increased resources aimed at mitigating poverty.
  • Publication
    International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) 2024 Annual Report
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-11-05) International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
    The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has evolved significantly over the past fifteen years. Demand for ICSID’s services has grown in concert with an increase in foreign investment and an expanding network of international investment agreements. By leveraging new technologies and modernizing procedural rules, ICSID has ensured world-class quality and efficiency in its case administration services. The sustained growth in membership has been a testament to the value States place in ICSID as the only global institution dedicated to international investment dispute settlement. The 2024 fiscal year (FY2024) saw strong demand for ICSID’s services, with the second-highest number of registered and administered cases in ICSID’s history. Also notable over the fiscal year was the sustained progress in enhancing the diversity of arbitrators, conciliators, and ad hoc committee members appointed to ICSID cases. This includes: a record 49 nationalities were represented amongst the appointments made in FY2024; 29 percent of all appointments involved women; 50 percent percent of first-time appointees involved nationals of low- or middle-income economies. Additional highlights in FY2024 include a record number of concluded proceedings, as ICSID continues to work with tribunals and parties to reduce the time of cases. Also, for the first time, a Regional Economic Integration Organization - the European Union was a party to an ICSID proceeding.
  • Publication
    Paraguay Poverty and Equity Assessment: Strategies to Boost Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-11-01) World Bank
    Paraguay has achieved remarkable progress in reducing poverty over the past two decades. Through dedicated efforts and effective policies, the country halved its poverty rate from 51.4 percent in 2003 to 24.7 percent in 2022. Simultaneously, it cut extreme poverty by half, reaching 5.6 percent. According to World Bank estimates, Paraguay’s middle class has also experienced significant growth, expanding from 24.8 percent of the population in 2003 to 41.6 percent in 2022. Since 2014, however, the pace of poverty reduction has slowed, with most gains concentrated in the 2003–13 period. Economic growth, the primary driver of Paraguay’s poverty reduction, has decelerated in recent years. This slowdown was accompanied by a decrease in job creation and stagnation in real labor incomes. Moreover, a series of adverse shocks between 2019 and 2022, including the COVID-19 pandemic, high inflation, and a sequence of droughts that affected the agricultural sector, further eroded some of the progress made. Despite these challenges, Paraguay has begun to show signs of recovery. In 2023, the country witnessed a 2.8 percentage point reduction in moderate poverty and a decrease of 1.2 percentage points in extreme poverty. This report identifies four main structural barriers hindering poverty reduction in Paraguay and proposes priority policy options that can be implemented to address the country’s pressing socioeconomic challenges and disparities. This Paraguay Poverty Assessment, in conjunction with the Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) and the Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR), provides a comprehensive analysis of Paraguay’s development challenges. By offering insights and policy recommendations based on this analysis, these reports collectively aim to promote inclusive and sustainable growth in Paraguay.