Spanish PDFs Available

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Items in this collection

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  • Publication
    ‛Creating Markets’ to Leverage the Private Sector for Sustainable Development and Growth: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Experience Through 16 Case Studies
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-04-26) Independent Evaluation Group
    The international development community acknowledges that the SDGs will not be achieved without greater participation from the private sector. Estimates for investment needs in developing countries alone range from $3.3 trillion to $4.5 trillion per year. Up to 70 percent of the investment gap could come from the private sector, according to international estimates. Engaging the private sector as a financier, operator, service provider, or innovator in the pursuit of the SDGs requires efficiently functioning and competitive markets and effective governments. Such markets only emerge when there is a sufficiently conducive enabling environment that not only addresses market failures through policy reform but also improving underperforming markets through demonstration effects, enhancing competition, innovation, integration and enhancing skills through investments and advisory services. This evaluation was designed to shed light on several key aspects of the IFC’s creating markets agenda and experience on the ground. Those key aspects include the following: (i) Identification of market creating opportunities; (ii) Channels through which IFC contributes to market creation; (iii) Results from IFC’s market creating interventions; and (iv) Success factors driving the Bank Group’s market creation results.
  • Publication
    Carbon Markets for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in a Warming World: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support to Carbon Finance
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018-06-29) Independent Evaluation Group
    Climate change is a threat to global development and to the core Mission of the World Bank Group. With the recognition that human activity drives global warming, the World Bank Group has pursued a long-term commitment to curb global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for more than 20 years. The purposes of this evaluation are to assess the role and contributions of the Bank Group in CF in relation to the needs and priorities of its client countries and its potential comparative advantages, and to draw lessons to inform the World Bank Group’s future strategic direction in CF. The evaluation aims to answer thefollowing overarching question: What has been the strategic objective, nature of engagement, and contribution of the Bank Group in supporting CF? What lessons can be drawn from this to inform the Bank Group’s strategic direction in supporting the next generation of marketbased carbon mitigation activities, given its potential comparative advantages?
  • Publication
    Mexico Country Program Evaluation: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support to Mexico (2008–17)
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018-06-27) Independent Evaluation Group
    This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the Bank Group’s country program in Mexico between 2008 and 2017 to inform the next CPF (FY19). The country program evaluation (CPE) will deepen knowledge on what has and has not worked and provide timely feedback on upcoming operational choices. The report will inform not only the Bank Group’s Mexico Country Management Unit and Mexican government but also a wider Bank Group audience, focused on middle-income countries (MICs) and other development practitioners. The evaluation examines the relevance and effectiveness of the Bank Group program in Mexico in its core areas, and also, as a methodological innovation, examines four overarching areas: (i) the extent to which the Bank Group contributed to identifying Mexico’s binding development constraints and to promoting sound policy choices; (ii) Bank Group contributions to Mexico’s results in reducing poverty and promoting shared prosperity; (iii) the effectiveness of Bank Group use of lending, knowledge, and convening power services in shaping its role; and (iv) the extent to which Bank Group support to Mexico’s development innovations was beneficial to the Bank Group’s knowledge base and to other Bank Group member countries. Overall results reflect both program results in core areas and the answers to the overarching questions. The overview of this report is also available in Spanish.
  • Publication
    Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results: An Independent Evaluation
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018-05-15) Independent Evaluation Group
    In recent years, the world has seen formidable manifestations of citizens’ engagement. By taking to the streets to condemn corruption scandals, by rallying on social media to address growing inequalities, or by participating in global consultations to develop the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ordinary citizens are increasingly eager and able to make their voices heard. At the same time, after several decades of progress, the space for citizens’ voices is shrinking globally as several governments raise legal barriers to constrain actions by civil society organizations (CSOs) and to muzzle the media. In this context, the World Bank Group’s commitment to citizen engagement can catalyze change. This is even more important because achieving the SDGs and the twin goals rests on the active involvement of citizens and local governments.