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  • Publication
    The Integrated Family Record System (SIFF), a Key Tool for Monitoring the Social Determinants of Health in Costa Rica
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2023-10-24) Rosado Valenzuela, Ana Lucia; Sheffel, Ashley; Mussini, Micaela; Lara Salinas, Ana Maria; Di Giorgio, Laura
    Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to choose the World Bank Program for Results (PforR) financing instrument to support the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Strengthening Health Insurance by the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), for its name in Spanish, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social). The PforR’s unique features include using a country’s own institutions and processes and linking disbursement of funds directly to the achievement of specific program results, which helps building capacity within the country, enhances effectiveness and efficiency and leads to achievement of tangible, sustainable program results. The CCSS is the primary provider of health care in the country. The PforR “Strengthening Universal Health Insurance in Costa Rica" was approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors in 2016, with the aim of improving the availability and quality of the universal health insurance system while boosting the institutional efficiency of the CCSS. Through the PforR, the CCSS successfully undertook strategic and complex health sector reforms that have had significant impact on quality of care, equity, and efficiency in Costa Rica’s health sector. This series of knowledge reports, developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the CCSS, aims to document the drivers of success, how challenges were faced, and crucial lessons learned during the design and implementation of the PforR and its associated transformative reforms. The overarching objective is to provide a practical guide for other countries interested in implementing similar programs.
  • Publication
    Lessons Learned through the Health Program for Results in Costa Rica
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2023-10-24) Mussini, Micaela; Lara, Ana Maria; Rosado Valenzuela, Ana Lucia; Sheffel, Ashley; Di Giorgio, Laura
    Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to choose the World Bank Program for Results (PforR) financing instrument to support the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Strengthening Health Insurance by the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), for its name in Spanish, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social). The PforR’s unique features include using a country’s own institutions and processes and linking disbursement of funds directly to the achievement of specific program results, which helps building capacity within the country, enhances effectiveness and efficiency and leads to achievement of tangible, sustainable program results. The CCSS is the primary provider of health care in the country. The PforR “Strengthening Universal Health Insurance in Costa Rica" was approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors in 2016, with the aim of improving the availability and quality of the universal health insurance system while boosting the institutional efficiency of the CCSS. Through the PforR, the CCSS successfully undertook strategic and complex health sector reforms that have had significant impact on quality of care, equity, and efficiency in Costa Rica’s health sector. This series of knowledge reports, developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the CCSS, aims to document the drivers of success, how challenges were faced, and crucial lessons learned during the design and implementation of the PforR and its associated transformative reforms. The overarching objective is to provide a practical guide for other countries interested in implementing similar programs.
  • Publication
    Expansion of the Coverage of the Single Digital Health Record (EDUS) in the PHC System in Costa Rica
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2023-10-24) Rosado Valenzuela, Ana Lucia; Sheffel, Ashley; Lara, Ana Maria; Mussini, Micaela; Di Giorgio, Laura
    Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to choose the World Bank Program for Results (PforR) financing instrument to support the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Strengthening Health Insurance by the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), for its name in Spanish, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social). The PforR’s unique features include using a country’s own institutions and processes and linking disbursement of funds directly to the achievement of specific program results, which helps building capacity within the country, enhances effectiveness and efficiency and leads to achievement of tangible, sustainable program results. The CCSS is the primary provider of health care in the country. The PforR “Strengthening Universal Health Insurance in Costa Rica" was approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors in 2016, with the aim of improving the availability and quality of the universal health insurance system while boosting the institutional efficiency of the CCSS. Through the PforR, the CCSS successfully undertook strategic and complex health sector reforms that have had significant impact on quality of care, equity, and efficiency in Costa Rica’s health sector. This series of knowledge reports, developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the CCSS, aims to document the drivers of success, how challenges were faced, and crucial lessons learned during the design and implementation of the PforR and its associated transformative reforms. The overarching objective is to provide a practical guide for other countries interested in implementing similar programs.
  • Publication
    Increasing the Number of Major Outpatient Surgeries to Reduce the Waiting List in Costa Rica
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2023-10-23) Rosado Valenzuela, Ana Lucia; Sheffel, Ashley; Mussini, Micaela; Lara Salinas, Ana Maria; Di Giorgio, Laura
    Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to choose the World Bank Program for Results (PforR) financing instrument to support the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Strengthening Health Insurance by the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), for its name in Spanish, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social). The PforR’s unique features include using a country’s own institutions and processes and linking disbursement of funds directly to the achievement of specific program results, which helps building capacity within the country, enhances effectiveness and efficiency and leads to achievement of tangible, sustainable program results. The CCSS is the primary provider of health care in the country. The PforR “Strengthening Universal Health Insurance in Costa Rica" was approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors in 2016, with the aim of improving the availability and quality of the universal health insurance system while boosting the institutional efficiency of the CCSS. Through the PforR, the CCSS successfully undertook strategic and complex health sector reforms that have had significant impact on quality of care, equity, and efficiency in Costa Rica’s health sector. This series of knowledge reports, developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the CCSS, aims to document the drivers of success, how challenges were faced, and crucial lessons learned during the design and implementation of the PforR and its associated transformative reforms. The overarching objective is to provide a practical guide for other countries interested in implementing similar programs.
  • Publication
    The Use of Satisfaction Surveys to Improve the Delivery of Health Services to the Population in Costa Rica
    (World Bank, Washington DC, 2023-10-23) Rosado Valenzuela, Ana Lucia; Sheffel, Ashley; Mussini, Micaela; Lara Salinas, Ana Maria; Di Giorgio, Laura
    Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to choose the World Bank Program for Results (PforR) financing instrument to support the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Strengthening Health Insurance by the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), for its name in Spanish, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social). The PforR’s unique features include using a country’s own institutions and processes and linking disbursement of funds directly to the achievement of specific program results, which helps building capacity within the country, enhances effectiveness and efficiency and leads to achievement of tangible, sustainable program results. The CCSS is the primary provider of health care in the country. The PforR “Strengthening Universal Health Insurance in Costa Rica" was approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors in 2016, with the aim of improving the availability and quality of the universal health insurance system while boosting the institutional efficiency of the CCSS. Through the PforR, the CCSS successfully undertook strategic and complex health sector reforms that have had significant impact on quality of care, equity, and efficiency in Costa Rica’s health sector. This series of knowledge reports, developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the CCSS, aims to document the drivers of success, how challenges were faced, and crucial lessons learned during the design and implementation of the PforR and its associated transformative reforms. The overarching objective is to provide a practical guide for other countries interested in implementing similar programs.
  • Publication
    Opportunities for Reducing Poverty and Inequality in Costa Rica: World Bank Poverty and Inequality Assessment
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2022-09-01) World Bank
    The purpose of this poverty assessment is to shine a new light on poverty, inequality, and its drivers in Costa Rica. The report provides a descriptive overview of poverty trends in the country and examines why the poorest do not reap the benefits of economic growth. It provides high-level policy directions, i.e., areas that merit a high level of attention according to the results of the analysis and broad implications of the findings for policy makers. The report should be interpreted as a contribution to the debate within Costa Rica on how to improve the country’s model of growth for the benefit of all. It is important to mention at the outset that the analysis presented in this report was completed at the time the conflict in Ukraine started. The conflict is expected to have substantial repercussions in Costa Rica and the rest of the Latin America region. The conflict is expected to hit the poorest hardest, as food and fuel – the prices of which are expected to increase due to the conflict – make up a large part of their consumption. However, these possible implications of the conflict are not reflected in the report.
  • Publication
    Toward More Efficient and Effective Public Social Spending in Central America
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017-05-18) Acosta, Pablo A.; Almeida, Rita; Gindling, Thomas; Lao Pena, Christine
    Central America has come a long way both in terms of economic and political stability. Increasingly the region is focusing on implementing productivity-enhancing reforms as well as supporting reductions in poverty and inequality. This report analyzes recent trends in public social spending in Central America from 2007 to 2014, conducts international benchmarking, examines measures of the effectiveness and efficiency of social spending, and discusses the quality of selected institutions influencing this spending. We examine total social spending, as well as detailing its four components: public spending on the education, health, and social protection and labor (SPL) sectors. In analyzing public social spending, the report addresses three crucial policy issues: (a) how to improve the coverage and redistributional incidence of public social spending; (b) how to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of public social spending; and (c) how to strengthen the institutions governing public spending in the social sector. While based heavily on a series of recent analytical social spending studies in six countries in the subregion—Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama—this report also takes a broader regional perspective and includes some comparisons to countries in other regions.