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Publication Regional Poverty and Inequality Update Latin America and the Caribbean: October 2024(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-20) World BankThis brief summarizes the main trends related to poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) using the latest round of harmonized household surveys from the Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC) created by the World Bank and the Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Social (CEDLAS). This brief was produced by the Poverty and Equity Global Practice in the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank.Publication Business Ready 2024(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-10-03) World BankBusiness Ready (B-READY) is a new World Bank Group corporate flagship report that evaluates the business and investment climate worldwide. It replaces and improves upon the Doing Business project. B-READY provides a comprehensive data set and description of the factors that strengthen the private sector, not only by advancing the interests of individual firms but also by elevating the interests of workers, consumers, potential new enterprises, and the natural environment. This 2024 report introduces a new analytical framework that benchmarks economies based on three pillars: Regulatory Framework, Public Services, and Operational Efficiency. The analysis centers on 10 topics essential for private sector development that correspond to various stages of the life cycle of a firm. The report also offers insights into three cross-cutting themes that are relevant for modern economies: digital adoption, environmental sustainability, and gender. B-READY draws on a robust data collection process that includes specially tailored expert questionnaires and firm-level surveys. The 2024 report, which covers 50 economies, serves as the first in a series that will expand in geographical coverage and refine its methodology over time, supporting reform advocacy, policy guidance, and further analysis and research.Publication Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities 2024(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-09-10) World BankBy assessing discrimination in laws, regulations, and policies, the Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities (EQOSOGI) initiative examines institutionalized challenges encountered by sexual and gender minorities. This second edition of the EQOSOGI report expands its coverage from 16 to 64 countries representing different geographic areas, income levels, legal traditions, and inclusiveness of sexual and gender minorities, ensuring a diverse and holistic representation of the issues. EQOSOGI presents indicators to identify differences in the legal and policy environment for sexual and gender minorities in six areas: Decriminalization, Access to Education, Access to Labor Markets, Access to Services and Social Protection, Civil and Political Inclusion, and Protection from Hate Crimes. The indicators are also disaggregated into the three dimensions of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics. Building a global knowledge base on laws and policies affecting sexual and gender minorities is at the foundation of advocacy and policy change, especially because sexual and gender minorities are largely excluded from development efforts. By collecting and sharing data on national frameworks, the EQOSOGI study aims to promote a dialogue on equality of opportunity and to encourage law and policy reforms that enable sexual and gender minorities to fully participate in the economy and share in the benefits of development. It also aims to promote a deeper understanding of the legal hurdles hindering inclusive job creation and private sector development and, ultimately, to encourage reforms that are conducive to poverty reduction and shared prosperity on a liveable planet. The report also offers a deep dive into discriminatory legal practices in these areas and how they relate to socioeconomic outcomes for sexual and gender minorities. It provides areas of policy engagement to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics, and to promote increased social and economic inclusion.Publication Research for Innovation in Health Systems - Improving the Management of Health Care Services for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions in Three Latin American Countries: Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay - Key Messages(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-06-24) World BankThe accelerated aging of the Brazilian population, alongside the gradual increase in the concomitant occurrence of multiple chronic diseases in the same individual, brings important challenges to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). n Colombia, during 2012 - 2016, multimorbidity had a prevalence of 19.5 percent for all ages, according to data from the study carried out by the World Bank and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The investigation also showed an increase in the use and cost of health services associated with older age and the complexity of multimorbidity, in an aging population that shifts its epidemiological profile towards chronic diseases. The expenditure with patients with multimorbidity in Uruguay is high. Persons with five or more of diseases (Cardiovascular Disease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Degenerative Neurological Disease) represent 8.44 percent of the total patient population, but their care accounts for 42.07 percent of the total expenditure, and 50.48 percent of the expenditure on medications.Publication Proposal to Optimize the Care Model for People with Chronic Diseases and Multimorbidity in Uruguay(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-06-20) World BankThe importance of Chronic Disease (CD) in Uruguay has been widely analyzed for many years and in multiple studies and reports 1, 2, 3. Its impact on mortality and its high cost of care was decisive in creating various health promotion and primary and secondary prevention strategies, whose impact has begun to be perceived in the change in trends in some specific areas, such as cardiovascular diseases. However, beyond measures to include specific programs and benefits for CD care and general organization guidelines for health services to satisfy the spontaneous demand generated by CD, there have not been many review initiatives of the care models for CD, especially about the multimorbidity problem, except for the development by the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) of the “Guide to Frailty in Older Adults: Practical Criteria and Research Instruments in The First Level of Care”, an aspect of great clinical relevance about both CD and multimorbidity for human resources and providers of the National Integrated Health System (NIHS). This document presents the work carried out in Uruguay, which culminates with the proposal of the Comprehensive Model of Care for Multimorbidity and includes the study’s results. As such, the authors present the general and specific objectives, the methodology for each of the proposed phases, the results and main contributions to the country and the region, and finally, future projections or possibilities.Publication The Nerds, the Cool and the Central: Peer Education and Teen Pregnancy in Brazil(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-06-11) World BankTeenage pregnancy rates in Brazil are among the highest in Latin America. The current rate of 68.4 per 1,000 adolescents lies well above the world average of 46 per 1,000 and is higher than the Latin American average of 65.5 per 1,000Publication Equatorial Guinea Digital Economy Diagnostic(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-05-22) World BankThis report provides an assessment of Equatorial Guinea’s digital economy, as part of the World Bank’s Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A) initiative. Prepared to support the implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa, approved by the African Union in February 2020, the World Bank’s DE4A Initiative aims to help drive Africa’s digital transformation and sets out a bold vision to ensure that every African individual, business and government is digitally enabled by 2030. The initiative leverages an integrated and foundation-based diagnostic framework to examine the development of the digital economy across Africa. Based on this framework, this assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the five DE4A foundational elements in Equatorial Guinea: digital infrastructure, digital public platforms, digital financial services, digital businesses and digital skills.Publication Towards a More Competitive, Inclusive, and Resilient Agrifood Sector in Argentina(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-04-05) World BankArgentina’s agrifood sector drives both prosperity and crisis. While agrifood generates essential foreign currency earnings, tax revenue and employment, the sector’s vulnerability to external shocks can wreak havoc on the larger economy. This agriculture sector review addresses the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of Argentina’s agrifood sector. The economic dimension is vital, due to the influence of agrifood productivity and its growth on Argentina’s macroeconomy. The social, or inclusion, dimension highlights the potential to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor as well as access to affordable food for the urban poor. Finally, the environmental dimension examines the urgent need to increase the resilience of agricultural production systems and support their adaptation to climate change, as well as the agrifood sector’s potential to mitigate climate change and other externalities. This summary report is based on a series of more detailed sectoral background papers and is aimed at public sector policymakers and other key stakeholders, with the goal of identifying potential reforms in public policies and programs and contributing to the development of a new shared vision for the Argentine agrifood sector.Publication Challenges and Opportunities of the Economic Integration of the Venezuelan Population in the Peruvian Labor Market(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-03-08) World BankThis study demonstrates that although Venezuelans are more educated relative to Peruvians and most of them have successfully entered the Peruvian labor market, they are mostly employed in low-quality jobs and with a degree of skills mismatch. Most of them are overqualified and have transitioned to more elementary occupations. Furthermore, four out of five Venezuelan workers are employed informally and their returns to higher education are lower than those perceived by Peruvians despite working more hours per week. In addition, we find that they have a significant participation in the digital economy, mainly in delivery platforms, and that two-thirds of Venezuelan workers send remittances abroad. Finally, the report concludes that whether refugees and migrants have the right to work at the level of his or her qualifications and capabilities depends on: (i) the regulatory process to validate their educational degrees, (ii) the migration policy and status, and (iii) the local attitudes towards Venezuelan migration.Publication Women, Business and the Law 2024(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-03-04) World BankWomen, Business and the Law 2024 is the 10th in a series of annual studies measuring the enabling conditions that affect women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies. To present a more complete picture of the global environment that enables women’s socioeconomic participation, this year Women, Business and the Law introduces two new indicators—Safety and Childcare—and presents findings on the implementation gap between laws (de jure) and how they function in practice (de facto). This study presents three indexes: (1) legal frameworks, (2) supportive frameworks (policies, institutions, services, data, budget, and access to justice), and (3) expert opinions on women’s rights in practice in the areas measured. The study’s 10 indicators—Safety, Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Childcare, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension—are structured around the different stages of a woman’s working life. Findings from this new research can inform policy discussions to ensure women’s full and equal participation in the economy. The indicators build evidence of the critical relationship between legal gender equality and women’s employment and entrepreneurship. Data in Women, Business and the Law 2024 are current as of October 1, 2023.