East Asia and Pacific Clean Stove Initiative
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Mongolia National Low Emission Stove Strategy: Completing the Transition to a Sustainable Market for Cleaner Stoves
2015-08-06, World Bank Group
Building on six years of technical assistance, policy dialogue and recent stove switching program experience in Ulaanbaatar, this report sets out a proposed national low-emission stove strategy for Mongolia. The objective of the strategy is to establish a sustainable market for low emission stoves in Mongolia. The report focuses on clean heating and cooking stoves as well as small water heating boilers used in peri-urban ger areas of Ulaanbaatar and other Aimags and Soum centers.
China : Accelerating Household Access to Clean Cooking and Heating
2013-09, World Bank
The China Clean Stove Initiative (CSI), a collaborative effort of the Chinese government and the World Bank, aims to scale up access to clean cooking and heating stoves for poor, primarily rural households, who are likely to continue using solid fuels beyond 2030. More than half of China's population still relies on solid fuels (coal and biomass) for cooking and heating; many of these households, located mainly in rural areas, are likely to continue using solid fuels in the near future. Switching to modern energy alternatives would be the most effective way to achieve clean cooking and heating solutions and should be encouraged; yet such fuels are more expensive than solid fuels, requiring more costly stoves and delivery infrastructure. Effective strategies to scale up the dissemination of clean burning, fuel-efficient stoves for household cooking and heating can mitigate the health hazards associated with the burning of solid fuels. It is estimated that Household Air Pollution (HAP) from solid fuel use results in more than a million premature deaths each year in China. Scaled-up access to clean and efficient stoves is consistent with China's strategy to promote energy conservation, reduced carbon emissions, and green energy in villages. The China CSI comprises four phases: 1) initial stocktaking and development of the implementation strategy; 2) institutional strengthening, capacity building, and piloting of the strategy; 3) scaled-up program implementation; and 4) evaluation and dissemination of lessons learned. This report will serve as a knowledge base and roadmap to encourage and engage all interested parties in working together on this important agenda. The initial CSI stocktaking exercise calls for a comprehensive strategy comprising institutional strengthening and building of an enabling policy and regulatory environment, market and business development, and stimulation of household demand, supported by an innovative, results based financing approach.
Mongolia National Low Eemission Stove Strategy Report: Completing the Transition to a Sustainable Market for Cleaner Stoves in Mongolia
2014-11-01, World Bank
Reducing emissions from heating and cooking are part of the Mongolian Government and Ulaanbaatar Municipality’s multi-year, multi-sector strategy to improve air quality in Ulaanbaatar. The achievements and investments are at risk for a number of factors discussed in this report. The risks are sufficiently serious that they could even reverse hard-won air quality improvements.
Clean Stove Initiative Forum Proceedings, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 18, 2013
2013-09, World Bank
The East Asia and Pacific (EAP) clean stove initiative (CSI) forum is part of the World Bank's EAP CSI regional program, which focuses on achieving access to modern cooking and heating solutions in the EAP region, particularly through the scaled-up access to advanced cooking and heating stoves for poor, primarily rural households, who are likely to continue using solid fuels to meet their cooking and heating needs beyond 2030. The objectives of the EAP CSI forum are twofold. The first is to share results from implementing the first phase of the CSI, including reports on initial stocktaking activities in the four participating countries and the intervention strategies. The second is to promote collaboration, learning, and knowledge-sharing as the country initiatives move into their second phase. Market forces and mechanisms are powerful tools for ensuring a sustainable supply of clean cooking stoves and should be harnessed in a way that helps the private sector develop, market, and deliver modern cooking solutions. Thus, the CSI intervention strategy in each country needs to strike the right balance between market-based solutions, including innovative financing mechanisms (for example, results-based financing (RBF), with appropriately targeted subsidies. Government policies are needed to: (i) establish and maintain adequate levels of subsidies; and (ii) design and implement effective subsidy allocation mechanisms to mobilize and sustain private-sector participation in scaling up access to clean stoves. This paper is organized as follows: chapter one is Indonesia: toward universal access to clean cooking, key findings from the CSI; chapter two is Indonesia CSI program: government perspective; chapter three gives CSI implementation activity in Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR); chapter four is China: toward universal access to clean cooking and heating, key findings from the CSI (phase one); chapter five presents development of clean stoves in China; and chapter six is millennium challenge account: Mongolia energy and environment project (2010 to 2013).
Clean Stove Initiative Forum Proceedings : Beijing, China, April 26-29, 2014
2014-11, World Bank
The objectives of the second EAP CSI Regional Forum are twofold. The first is to share the progress, findings, and challenges of implementing the initiative s second phase. The second is to promote South-South collaboration, learning, and knowledge-sharing, with a focus on China s experiences. The forum is being held in Beijing on April 28, 2014, as part of a four-day event (April 26 29, 2014). A two-day, pre-forum event held April 26 27 focuses on participation in the 8th China Clean Stoves Expo in Langfang, Hebei province. Post-forum, South-South knowledge-exchange activities, scheduled for April 29, feature a meeting with officials of China s Rural Energy and Environment Agency (REEA) on South- South collaboration, tour of the stove-testing center at China Agriculture University in Beijing, and field visits with local stove manufacturers in Gaobeidian, Hebei province. The forum is co-organized by the China Alliance for Clean Stoves (CACS) and the REEA, Ministry of Agriculture, with funding support provided by the Australian government s DFAT, through the World Bank s EAAIG, and ASTAE.