Journal articles published externally

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These are journal articles by World Bank authors published externally.

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  • Publication
    Migration and Economic Mobility in Tanzania : Evidence from a Tracking Survey
    (MIT Press, 2011-08) Beegle, Kathleen; Dercon, Stefan
    This study explores to what extent migration has contributed to improved living standards of individuals in Tanzania. Using a thirteen-year panel survey, we find that migration between 1991 and 2004 added 36 percentage points to consumption growth. Although moving out of agriculture resulted in much higher growth than staying in agriculture, growth was always greater in any sector if the individual physically moved. As to why more people do not move given the high returns to geographical mobility, analysis finds evidence consistent with models in which exit barriers set by home communities prevent the migration of some categories of people.
  • Publication
    Aggregate Income Shocks and Infant Mortality in the Developing World
    (MIT Press, 2011-08) Baird, Sarah; Friedman, Jed; Schady, Norbert
    Health and income are strongly correlated both within and across countries, yet the extent to which improvements in income have a causal effect on health status remains controversial. We investigate whether short-term fluctuations in aggregate income affect infant mortality using an unusually large data set of 1.7 million births in 59 developing countries. We show a large, negative association between per capita GDP and infant mortality. Female infant mortality is more sensitive than male infant mortality to negative economic shocks, suggesting that policies that protect the health status of female infants may be especially important during economic downturns.
  • Publication
    Purchasing Power Parity Exchange Rates for the Global Poor
    (2011-04) Deaton, Angus; Dupriez, Olivier
    The global poverty count uses a common global poverty line, often referred to as the dollar-a-day line, currently $1.25 at 2005 international prices, whose construction and application depends on purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates for consumption. The price indexes that underlie the PPPs used for this purpose are constructed for purposes of national income accounting, using weights that represent patterns of aggregate consumption, not the consumption patterns of the global poor. We use household surveys from 62 developing countries to calculate global poverty-weighted PPPs and to calculate global poverty lines and new global poverty counts.