Other ESW Reports

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This includes miscellaneous ESW types and pre-2003 ESW type reports that are subsequently completed and released.

Items in this collection

Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
  • Publication
    Global Gas Flaring Tracker Report
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-09) World Bank
    The Tracker report for 2024 comes as a global sense of urgency is taking hold. At the end of last year, the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) again underscored the importance of transitioning away from unabated oil and gas. At the same time, oil and gas will continue to play a material role in the global energy system until at least 2050. This places the burden of responsibility on operators to ensure that oil and gas are produced as cleanly as possible during the energy transition. It is clear that routine gas flaring also continues to represent a lost opportunity to provide communities around the world with much-needed energy security and a cleaner source of power. This business-as-usual practice of pursuing oil production with little consideration for the potential use of associated gas is not just polluting, it is immensely wasteful. To support countries with the least resources and capacity to address greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas sector, the World Bank has launched the Global Flaring and Methane Reduction (GFMR) Partnership. GFMR builds on the legacy of the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership and broadens the scope to include providing support for gas flaring and methane emissions reduction along the entire oil and gas value chain.
  • Publication
    Global Regulations, Institutional Development, and Market Authorities Perspective Toolkit (GRIDMAP) - Consumer Protection Module
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-04) World Bank
    The GRIDMAP, Global Regulations, Institutional Development and Market Authorities Perspective Consumer Protection Module, aims to develop consumer trust in markets by providing a toolkit to build fair, secure, and contestable markets that enable all consumers to make informed choices.
  • Publication
    Green Competitiveness in Ethiopia: An Overview of How Environmental and Climate Factors Increasingly Shape Ethiopia's Economic Outlook in Selected Value Chains
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-11-12) World Bank
    Environmental and climate factors play an increasing role in shaping Ethiopia’s economic competitiveness, and this report aims to provide an overview of these shifts. This novel report is a high-level assessment of how certain factors could affect Ethiopia’s economic competitiveness: (i) supply side impacts of climate change and environmental degradation, and (ii) demand-side changes caused by a growing number of sustainability requirements in key export markets, notably sustainability regulations and decisions by international buyers. Concentrating on four sectors that are both critical to Ethiopia’s economy and exposed to environmental and climate factors - coffee, textiles and garments, cut flowers, and aviation - illustrates these shifts. The objective is to identify cross-cutting trends of how sustainability factors affect Ethiopia’s economic competitiveness, but the sector-specific angle helps identify pressing challenges that policy makers in Ethiopia need to address. Note that the selected sectors are used to illustrate the trends described in this report and do not imply a recommended prioritization. Many other sectors essential to Ethiopia’s green transformation are not discussed. Moreover, although the report acknowledges that social and environmental aspects are deeply intertwined, it does not cover topics such as occupational health and safety, inclusion, living wages, and gender rights. The assessment applies a mixed methods approach by drawing on insights from interviews with experts conducted online and in person in Ethiopia (conducted mainly between November 2023 and April 2024), analysis of trade and economic data, and an extensive literature review. This report underlines the macro criticality of green competitiveness for Ethiopia, embedded in the wider economic and political context.
  • Publication
    Balancing Act: Political Economy and the Pursuit of Ambitious Carbon Pricing in Developing Countries
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-09-09) World Bank
    This report provides practical insights into the political economy challenges and opportunities for advancing carbon pricing, drawing on the experiences of select countries, including those in the World Bank’s Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI). Such countries often face different socioeconomic, political, and institutional environments than high-income economies. The review combines findings from academic literature in economics and political science, interviews with stakeholders, and an original survey of carbon pricing experts and policymakers in developing countries, to extract meaningful insights into how policymakers navigate political economy challenges to promote carbon pricing in developing countries. The report does not deal with the adoption of the broader set of climate policies that may also support mitigation. The premise of this report is that carbon pricing can be an effective and cost-effective instrument, one that has increasingly attracted government interest as a key part of the climate policy toolkit. The target audience for this report is national and subnational policymakers and other interested stakeholders seeking practical insights on realworld approaches that have worked or failed when advancing carbon pricing. The report does not prescribe best practices or cover every possible circumstance. Instead, by examining current practices at each stage of carbon pricing development, it aims to inform and assist in efforts to implement carbon pricing.
  • Publication
    Defueling Conflict Environment and Natural Resource Management as a Pathway to Peace: Executive Summary
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-08-20) World Bank
    Fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS), environmental degradation, and natural disasters are on the rise and threaten to reverse development gains. In the past decade, violent civil conflicts have tripled and the number of people living in proximity to conflict has nearly doubled, with forced displacement at a record high. The World Bank Group (WBG) Strategy for Fragility, Conflict and Violence (FCV) 2020–2025 marks a shift in the World Bank’s work in fragile and conflict situations, as it adopts a more holistic approach to prevention. The Strategy seeks to enhance the World Bank Group’s effectiveness in supporting countries’ efforts to address the drivers and impacts of FCV and strengthen their resilience, especially for their most vulnerable and marginalized populations. The FCV Strategy explicitly recognizes the importance of climate change as a driver of FCV and as a threat multiplier, as well as the need to address the environmental impacts and drivers of FCV. Delivering on this shift toward preventing conflict underscores the importance of understanding the role the environment and natural resources can have. This report seeks to build a strong narrative on the need for the World Bank Group to engage and invest in environment, natural resource management, and climate change resilience in FCV-affected situations. It further aims at facilitating the integration of a conflict-sensitive lens into World Bank operations and programs addressing natural resource degradation and climate change. The report is divided in six sections: Section 1 sets the Background, Context, and Approach; Section 2 describes the risks associated with the interplay between natural resources, climate change, fragility, and conflict across the conflict cycle; Section 3 connects those causal chains to the delivery of the FCV Strategy across its four pillars; Section 4 showcases a suite of options to improve conflict-sensitive project design and implementation; and Section 5 presents an annotated questionnaire that serves as a complementary tool to the report.
  • Publication
    Bioeconomy Paraguay: Innovation and Economic Diversification
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-08-12) World Bank
    This report aims to inform the Government of Paraguay about the economic potential of an innovative bioeconomy to diversify exports and create better jobs. There are a number of innovative, biobased sectors with significant growth potential globally and in Paraguay, that could contribute to Paraguay’s economic diversification. However, to build on this potential, Paraguay would need to expand its innovation capabilities to enter sectors such as bioplastics, biopharmaceuticals, forestry and wood, ecotourism and other ecosystem services, such as carbon markets for export. A wide range of products can be produced from wood, and wood pulp can serve as an alternative input material for textiles. Besides wood itself, the forests or plantations in which it grows can also provide non-wood forestry products such as cosmetics, biopharmaceuticals, or food additives. Paraguay can also expand its bioplastics production to take advantage of a global market that is expected to grow between 35–45% through 2027. In part, this is because large buyers, such as car manufacturers, have committed to purchase bioplastics. Further market opportunities are also evident in ecotourism and carbon financing, both fast-growing service industries with potential to contribute to conservation of natural capital assets.
  • Publication
    Early Warning Systems in Fragility, Conflict, and Violence-affected Settings: Shielding Communities from Natural Hazards Amid Compounded Crises - World Bank White Paper for EWS Implementation in FCV Settings, 2024
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-07-26) World Bank; GFDRR
    This study, led by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) teams working on the Disaster-FCV Nexus thematic area and the Hydromet Services and Early Warning Systems thematic area, aims to contribute to GFDRR’s overarching objective: to help low- and middle income countries understand and reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change. More specifically, the purpose of this report is to provide valuable insights into the nuances of early warning systems (EWS) implementation within fragile, conflict, and violence (FCV)-affected contexts against growing natural hazards, offering practical recommendations and identifying entry points for enhancing stakeholder coordination, optimizing resource allocation, and fostering community resilience. It is aimed at development practitioners, especially World Bank staff, who work with communities and governments to enhance the scaling-up of EWS coverage to populations living in contexts affected by FCV.
  • Publication
    Livelihoods Lost - Findings from two rounds of the Somalia Displacement Phone Survey (2022)
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-07-19) World Bank
    Displacement features prominently in Somalia and is characterized by complex and interconnected conflict, economic, and climatic factors. Millions of people have been displaced internally within the country over the past years. Somalia also hosts 38,463 refugees or asylum-seekers from a variety of countries of origin, while some 8,993 former refugees have returned between 2020 and 2004 with assistance from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (UNHCR, 2024). Among internally displaced people (IDPs), more than half were displaced from 2016 onwards following five consecutive failed rainy seasons in much of the country (UNHCR, 2023). They often live alongside refugee returnees, particularly those from Kenya, as well as refugees and asylum seekers, the majority from Yemen and Ethiopia. These populations endure precarious livelihood and food security conditions, overcrowded environments with limited access to essential services and face an increased risk of gender-based violence, loss of productive assets and strained relations with host communities.
  • Publication
    Strengthening International Trade and Logistics through Private Sector Participation in Mongolia and Pre-feasibility Study for a Dry Port in Zamiin Uud
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-07-19) World Bank
    This report, funded by the World Bank, is aimed at strengthening Mongolia’s international trade and logistics. It summarizes the material presented in the previous reports – which covered transport demand, railway operations, border management, and private sector participation. The report focuses on the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor (CMREC), as the main corridor for non-mining international trade. It addresses logistics services, government policies, and institutional capacity to establish a robust foundation for corridor development, including trade expansion, supply chain development, economic diversification, and environmental well-being.
  • Publication
    Gender-Responsive Procurement in the Caribbean: A Path to Inclusivity and Resilience with a Spotlight on Emergency Procurement Considerations
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-05-14) World Bank
    This policy paper aims to harness the power of public procurement to promote gender equality in nine countries of the Caribbean region: Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname. The paper sheds light on how gender- responsive procurement can help fill existing gender gaps and how it can support more inclusive national rehabilitation programs. Targeted procurement actions are devised for tackling gender disparities in these countries. It is expected that the paper will serve as a primary reference for capacity-building activities.