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Publication Note de Politique sur le Developpement du Credit Agricole au Niger(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-12-20) World BankMoins de 1,1% de la population adulte nigérienne a eu accès un crédit agricole pour améliorer sa production ou investir dans la transformation de produits agricoles en 2017. Ce secteur embauche cependant plus de 80% de la population adulte du pays. Les institutions financières qui interviennent dans le secteur agricole, notamment trois parmi les principales institutions de microfinance du pays et environ trois banques commerciales et la BAGRI (banque publique agricole) sont pour la plupart elles-mêmes vulnérables. La majeure partie de ces institutions préfèrent se focaliser sur le crédit pour la commercialisation de produits agricoles et le financement des fonds de roulement (qui sont généralement des crédits à court terme à échéances fréquentes). Ces types de crédit ne conviennent cependant pas toujours aux activités agricoles saisonnières ou pour la transformation qui nécessite des investissements à moyen et long terme. Malgré les efforts récents, l’activité de crédit-bail reste négligeable, le crédit warrantage limité, le crédit digital encore inexistant.Publication Remarks at the Western and Central Africa Regional Media Roundtable(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-05-20) Malpass, DavidWorld Bank Group President David Malpass spoke about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has taken a toll on African lives, economies, and livelihoods. The World Bank intends to invest and mobilize about $150 billion over the next five years in Africa to support the continent’s recovery from the pandemic and its long-term development. He urged countries that expect to have excess vaccine supplies to release their excess as soon as possible to developing countries that have delivery programs in place. He emphasized the need for greater transparency in contracts between governments, pharmaceutical companies, and organizations that are involved in vaccine production and delivery so that financing can be directed effectively, and countries can plan for receipt and deployment. The World Bank yesterday launched a comprehensive online portal that provides easy access to information about their projects, including individual country-financing operations. He spoke about comprehensive debt solutions which will involve at least four elements: debt suspension, debt reduction, debt resolution, and debt transparency. He stated that without private creditors fully onboard, the Common Framework will not deliver a sustainable solution for Chad, Ethiopia, or Zambia. As countries work to recover, tackling climate change will be key for the region. The Bank is also working to address fragility, conflict, and violence. He concluded that while we know that the road to recovery will be long, countries in the region have applied lessons from previous crisis such as the West Africa Ebola outbreak in 2014, and many countries have strengthened their social safety nets to help protect the poor that have been most affected by the crisis, and to move faster on key reforms and investments that will be crucial for long-term development.Publication Remarks at the Virtual Meeting on the Africa COVID-19 Vaccine Financing and Deployment Strategy(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-01-27) Malpass, DavidWorld Bank Group President David Malpass provided an update on the World Bank Group’s vaccination efforts. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a heavy toll on the people of Africa in terms of lives lost and the severe economic impact that is hitting the most vulnerable the hardest. The Group is preparing emergency vaccine financing projects in twenty-one countries in Africa. He highlighted IFC work to mobilize financing for vaccine production and therapeutics focused on developing countries. In implementing the vaccines programs, the World Bank Group is working directly with governments, including finance for their purchases from vaccine manufacturers and via COVAX, and for deployment efforts working with partners such as WHO and UNICEF. He urged the leaders of African countries to move quickly to secure vaccinations for their populations, and to avail themselves of the financing available from the World Bank Group and other partners to help with this.Publication CPIA Africa, August 2020: Safeguarding Human Capital during and beyond COVID-19(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-08-12) World BankThe 2020 Africa Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) report covers the period from January to December 2019. The addition of Somalia brought the number of the region’s International Development Association (IDA)–eligible countries to 39. The overall CPIA score for the region’s 39 IDA-eligible countries came in at 3.1, the same as in the previous three years, in a context of moderating per capita growth. The average scores for most of the CPIA clusters trended down in 2019. While the average score for the economic management cluster was unchanged from last year’s assessment, the average scores for the other three clusters—structural policies, social inclusion, and public management and institutions—declined, indicating that the quality of policies and institutions in the region’s IDA countries weakened in 2019. The weakening of structural policies was reflected in the decline in the quality of trade policy, uneven improvements in the regulations affecting factor and product markets, and further deterioration of the financial sector performance. In the area of social inclusion, many countries experienced a decrease in the quality of service delivery that affects access to and quality of health and education services. In the broader area of governance, limited progress was made in strengthening property rights, and transparency and accountability. In addition, the quality of public administration declined, and financial management systems and revenue mobilization capacity weakened in many countries.Publication Youth Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa(Washington, DC: World Bank and Agence Française de Développement, 2014-01-27) Filmer, Deon; Fox, Louise; Brooks, Karen; Goyal, Aparajita; Mengistae, Taye; Premand, Patrick; Ringold, Dena; Sharma, Siddharth; Zorya, SergiySub-Saharan Africa has just experienced one of the best decades of growth since the 1960s. Between 2000 and 2012, gross domestic product (GDP) grew more than 4.5 percent a year on average, compared to around 2 percent in the prior 20 years (World Bank various years). In 2012, the region's GDP growth was estimated at 4.7 percent- 5.8 percent if South Africa is excluded (World Bank 2013). About one-quarter of countries in the region grew at 7 percent or better, and several African countries are among the fastest growing in the world. Medium-term growth prospects remain strong and should be supported by a rebounding global economy. The challenge of youth employment in Africa may appear daunting, yet Africa's vibrant youth represent an enormous opportunity, particularly now, when populations in much of the world are aging rapidly. Youth not only need jobs, but also create them. Africa's growing labor force can be an asset in the global marketplace. Realizing this brighter vision for Africa's future, however, will require a clearer understanding of how to benefit from this asset. Meeting the youth employment challenge in all its dimensions, demographic, economic, and social, and understanding the forces that created the challenge, can open potential pathways toward a better life for young people and better prospects for the countries where they live. The report examines obstacles faced by households and firms in meeting the youth employment challenge. It focuses primarily on productivity, in agriculture, in nonfarm household enterprises (HEs), and in the modern wage sector, because productivity is the key to higher earnings as well as to more stable, less vulnerable, livelihoods. To respond to the policy makers' dilemma, the report identifies specific areas where government intervention can reduce those obstacles to productivity for households and firms, leading to brighter employment prospects for youth, their parents, and their own children.Publication Light Manufacturing in Africa : Targeted Policies to Enhance Private Investment and Create Jobs(World Bank, 2012-02-21) Dinh, Hinh T.; Palmade, VincentThe World Bank's strategy for Africa's future recognizes the central importance of industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the consequent creation of productive jobs for Africans, which have long been a preoccupation of African leaders and policy makers. This book represents an attempt to address these issues. The book stresses that, while the recent turnaround in Africa's economic growth is encouraging, this growth must be accompanied by structural transformation to be sustainable and to create productive employment for its people. For many African countries, this transformation involves lifting workers from low-productivity agriculture and informal sectors into higher productivity activities. Light manufacturing can offer a viable solution for Sub-Saharan Africa, given its potential competitiveness that is based on low wage costs and abundance of natural resources that supply raw materials needed for industries. This study has five features that distinguish it from previous studies. First, the detailed studies on light manufacturing at the subsector and product levels in five countries provide in-depth cost comparisons between Asia and Africa. Second, building on a growing body of work, the report uses a wide array of quantitative and qualitative techniques, including quantitative surveys and value chain analysis, to identify key constraints to enterprises and to evaluate differences in firm performance across countries. Third, the findings that firm constraints vary by country, sector, and firm size led us to adopt a targeted approach to identifying constraints and combining market-based measures and selected government interventions to remove them. Fourth, the solution to light manufacturing problems cuts across many sectors and does not lie only in manufacturing alone. Solving the problem of manufacturing inputs requires solving specific issues in agriculture, education, and infrastructure. Fifth, the report draws on experiences and solutions from other developing countries to inform its recommendations. The report's goal is to find practical ways to increase employment and spur job creation in Sub-Saharan Africa.Publication Global Economic Prospects, June 2011: Maintaining Progress Amid Turmoil(2011-06) World BankThe global financial crisis is no longer the major force dictating the pace of economic activity in developing countries. The majorities of developing countries has, or are close to having regained full-capacity activity levels. As a result, country-specific productivity and sartorial factors are now the dominant factors underpinning growth. Macroeconomic policy in developing countries needs to turn toward medium-term productivity enhancements, managing inflationary pressures re-establishing the fiscal and monetary cushions that allowed most developing countries to come through the crisis so well. In contrast, activity in high income and some developing European countries continues to struggle with crisis-related problems, including banking-sector, fiscal and household restructuring. The remainder of this report is organized as follows. The next section discusses recent developments in global production, trade, inflation, and financial markets, and presents updates of the World Bank's forecast for the global economy and developing countries. This is followed by a more detailed discussion of some of the risks and tensions in the current environment, and a short section of concluding remarks. Several annexes address regional and sartorial issues in much greater detail.Publication Africa's Infrastructure : A Time for Transformation: A Time for Transformation(World Bank, 2010) Briceno-Garmendia, Cecilia; Foster, Vivien; Foster, Vivien; Briceno-Garmendia, CeciliaThis study is part of the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD), a project designed to expand the world's knowledge of physical infrastructure in Africa. The AICD will provide a baseline against which future improvements in infrastructure services can be measured, making it possible to monitor the results achieved from donor support. It should also provide a more solid empirical foundation for prioritizing investments and designing policy reforms in the infrastructure sectors in Africa. The AICD is based on an unprecedented effort to collect detailed economic and technical data on the infrastructure sectors in Africa. The project has produced a series of original reports on public expenditure, spending needs, and sector performance in each of the main infrastructure sectors, including energy, information and communication technologies, irrigation, transport, and water and sanitation. The first phase of the AICD focused on 24 countries that together account for 85 percent of the gross domestic product, population, and infrastructure aid flows of Sub-Saharan Africa. Under a second phase of the project, coverage is expanding to include as many of the additional African countries as possible.Publication Africa's Moment(1998-01-27) Wolfensohn, James D.This is a speech given by Mr. Wolfensohn to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, on January 27, 1998 at Addis Ababa. He presented a development agenda in Africa which covers: human resource development, capacity building, rural development and rural transformation, private sector development, infrastructure, conflict prevention and resolution, public sector reform and good governance, and gender and environment. To achieve all these, it is important to establish partnerships with the governments of the developing countries, donor community, private sector, and nongovernmental organizations and civil society. He also addressed the importance of relieving African debt.