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  • Publication
    Opportunities for Financing: Farming and Processing in the Cassava, Maize and Plantain Value Chains in Côte d’Ivoire
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-03-25) International Finance Corporation (IFC)
    The main objective of the report is to develop business models on farming and/or processing of cassava, maize and plantain in Côte d’Ivoire that would help financial institutions to gain better knowledge of the value chains, to design appropriate financing products and to streamline the loan decision process for women-led cooperatives. This report has been produced hand in hand with a financial evaluation tool, to assess the profitability of lending to various cooperatives engaged these select value chains. In addition, detailed financial models have been prepared to assess the cash flow projections of the cooperatives, which could be used in the loan decision process. A marketing strategy plan has also been prepared, which aims at guiding financial institutions in their lending initiatives to cooperatives operating in the various value chains. It is vital for financial institutions to have the right marketing approach, so that cooperatives with a suitable profile can enter their pipeline as potential clients for lending.
  • Publication
    Côte d’Ivoire Country Climate and Development Report
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2023-11-02) World Bank Group
    Côte d'Ivoire is at a crossroads. Despite good progress over the last decade, recent global economic and health shocks have aggravated existing problems including lack of fiscal space, limited access to concessional and cheap financing, and a fragile political neighborhood. But Côte d'Ivoire now has an opportunity to put its growth on a more sustainable path, both realizing the aspirations of a growing population and better adapting to the growing impacts of climate change. Climate change impacts are already affecting Côte d'Ivoire, as temperatures increase, rainfall and other weather events become more extreme and less predictable, and sea levels rise. This World Bank Group Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) shows negative impacts from climate change will reduce economic performance and over proportionally impact the poor. The report examines specific opportunities in energy, agriculture, and land use as well as urban development and interconnectivity that could render the country’s development more sustainable and inclusive, raising standards of living while increasing resilience in face of climate change. Dealing with a changing climate is a national imperative, where choices need to be made for the structural transformation of the economy, transitioning from outdoor low‑earning sectors such as agriculture to more value‑added industrial and service activities.
  • Publication
    République de Côte d’Ivoire 2021-2030 - Sustaining High, Inclusive, and Resilient Growth Post COVID-19: A World Bank Group Input to the 2030 Development Strategy
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-09-23) World Bank
    This report, initiated at the request of His Excellency President Alassane Ouattara to Hafez M. H. Ghanem, the World Bank Group Regional Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa, is the first country application of the new regional strategy, Supporting Africa’s Transformation. Albert Zeufack, the Chief Economist of the World Bank Group Africa Region, led a team to synthesize knowledge and experience from Côte d’Ivoire and across the world. The report incorporates the perspective of the new International Development Association agenda, Jobs and Economic Transformation, and addresses three operational objectives for Côte d’Ivoire: create sustainable and inclusive growth by maintaining macroeconomic stability, fighting corruption, advancing digital transformation, and maximizing private finance; strengthen human capital by empowering women, reducing child mortality and stunting, and improving education, health, and social protection; build resilience against fragility and climate change. The National Development Plan 2016-20 consolidated promarket reforms and reaffirmed the ambition to reach upper-middle-income status. Côte d’Ivoire is embarking on a strategy to sustain strong gross domestic product (GDP) growth through 2030 while rapidly reducing poverty. Côte d’Ivoire’s aspiration of becoming an emerging market economy with low levels of poverty requires a long period of strong and inclusive growth. The report analyzes growth trajectories and identifies the investments needed to achieve and sustain desired levels of growth, along with the corresponding financing needs. It discusses the opportunities presented by the country’s surplus labor, young population, and huge diversification potential.
  • Publication
    Economic Update for Cote d'Ivoire: Cacaoland - How to Transform Cote d'Ivoire
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-07-11) World Bank Group
    Cocoa is essential to Cote d’Ivoire. This sector mobilizes close to one million producers who provide income to five million persons (one-fifth of the country’s population) in order to meet 40 percent of global supply. Cocoa is also the country’s leading foreign exchange earner and is among the sectors making the biggest contribution to government revenue. In short, cocoa plays a central role in Ivorian society and in the lives of many families. However, despite its importance to the Ivorian economy and society, the cocoa sector is not fully playing its role as the engine of economic development. Some even go so far as to cite the curse of “brown gold,” for at least three reasons. First, more than half of producers live below the poverty line—on less than CFAF 757 (roughly 1.2 US Dollar) a day. Second, the price paid for the expansion of cultivated areas in recent decades has been the destruction of virtually all the country’s forests. Third, Côte d’Ivoire has not yet managed to increase its share (between 5 and 7 percent) of the profit made along the cocoa-chocolate global chain. Given this situation, it is not surprising that cocoa is at the center of a host of economic policy discussions in Côte d’Ivoire and that the Government has sped up its deliberations aimed at improving the performance of the sector, in particular through the Abidjan Declaration signed jointly in 2018 by the Presidents of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, which seeks to harmonize their policies and thus maximize their profit (these two countries account for approximately 65 percent of global production). After analyzing the most recent trends in the Ivorian economy, this ninth economic update for Côte d’Ivoire therefore focuses on how the cocoa sector could support the structural transformation of the country and, in so doing, promote greater economic and social inclusion.
  • Publication
    Cote d’Ivoire Climate-Smart Agriculture Investment Plan
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-01) World Bank Group
    Climate change threatens to bring substantial impacts to Côte d’Ivoire’s agriculture sector, which is central to the country’s economic productivity and food security. Climate change, of course, poses challenges not only for Côte d’Ivoire but also for countries across Africa. Côte d’Ivoire is a signatory to the United National Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris agreement and has submitted its nationally determined contributions (NDC), committing to take action both on adaptation to climate change and on reducing greenhouse emissions. Côte d’Ivoire is by far a minor emitter of greenhouse gases. This document provides an investment plan for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in Côte d’Ivoire, developed with support of the AAA Initiative and the World Bank, and technical assistance of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). This plan includes a set of twelve key CSA investments for Côte d’Ivoire that were developed with strong stakeholder engagement, expert input and scientific evidence. Because it is a member of the AAA Initiative and is also committed to delivering on its NDC commitments, Côte d’Ivoire now has an investment plan that includes a set of specific climate-smart projects that improve productivity, build resilience to climate change and, as appropriate, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector.
  • Publication
    Cote d'Ivoire Jobs Diagnostic: Employment, Productivity, and Inclusion for Poverty Reduction
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017) Christiaensen, Luc; Premand, Patrick; Christiaensen, Luc; Premand, Patrick
    After a decade of crisis and stellar economic growth over the past five years, Côte d’Ivoire has now set its sight on becoming an emerging economy. Improving prospects for productive employment will be essential for socially sustainable growth and poverty reduction. The "Cote d'Ivoire Jobs Diagnostic: Employment, Productivity, and Inclusion for Poverty Reduction" report provides a comprehensive and multi-sectoral empirical analysis of employment challenges and opportunities to inform strategies and policy actions in Côte d’Ivoire. The report aims to expand policy discussions on employment from a focus on the number of jobs and unemployment to a broader attention on the quality, productivity and inclusiveness of jobs. It makes the case for a jobs strategy with a sharper poverty lens that would focus on raising labor productivity in agriculture and informal off-farm employment to foster structural transformation, while, in parallel, pursuing longer-term goals of expanding the thin formal sector.
  • Publication
    HIV Investment in Côte d’Ivoire: Optimized Allocation of HIV Resources for a Sustainable and Efficient HIV Response
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2016-11) World Bank; Mziray, Elizabeth; Shubber, Zara
    This report summarizes the findings of an allocative efficiency analysis to support Côte d'Ivoire’s national HIV response. The study was conducted at the request of the Government of Côte d'Ivoire by the World Bank, the University of Bern, the Burnet Institute and the University of New South Wales in collaboration with UNAIDS. The analysis was conducted using Optima, a mathematical model of HIV transmission and disease progression that is population-based and flexible. Optima provides a formal method of optimization that quantitatively and objectively determines optimal allocations of HIV resources across numerous prevention and treatment programs to address multiple policy objectives. The model also estimates intervention impact, cost-effectiveness and return-on-investment, and provides analysis on the longer-term financial consequences of HIV infections and HIV investments.
  • Publication
    Cote d'Ivoire - Country Environmental Analysis : Executive Summary
    (World Bank, 2010-06-01) World Bank
    The purpose of this country environmental analysis (CEA) is to assist the Government of Cote d'Ivoire, development partners and civil society to integrate environmental issues into policy dialogues and country programming through: a) assessing environmental priorities in Cote d'Ivoire, b) identifying environmental implications of key policies, c) evaluating the country's institutional capacity to address their priorities; and d) identifying practical environmental governance, financial, institutional and policy solutions to promote environmentally and socially sustainable natural resources management coupled with sustainable growth. This CEA is also expected to contribute toward the inclusion or mainstreaming of environmental considerations into macro-economic and sector policies and programs, in addition to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), which are a prerequisite to sustainable development. This CEA study further complements ongoing efforts by the Bank in the mining, petroleum, cocoa, and agricultural sectors. In sum, the purpose of this CEA is to improve the analytic basis for environmental decision making to help ensure that the efforts to support poverty reduction, broad-based reforms and environmental management are mutually reinforcing. This CEA aims to promote in particular the Government's efforts toward realizing millennium development goal (MDG): ensure environmental sustainability. In addition, by reducing the disease burden of environmental risk factors, environmental sustainability underpins the achievement of most MDGs, given that many MDGs have an environmental health component.