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Gridlines share emerging knowledge on public-private partnership and give an overview of a wide selection of projects from various regions of the world. Gridlines are a publication of PPIAF (Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility), a multi-donor technical assistance facility. Through technical assistance and knowledge dissemination PPIAF supports the efforts of policy makers, nongovernmental organizations, research institutions, and others in designing and implementing strategies to tap the full potential of private involvement in infrastructure.

Items in this collection

Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
    PPI in Poor Countries : How to Increase Private Participation in Infrastructure Management and Investment
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2010-02) Leigland, James
    To overcome huge shortfalls in access to infrastructure services, poor countries need much higher investment levels and more expertise to build, operate, and maintain infrastructure facilities. The private sector is one source for such resources, and projects involving private participation in infrastructure (PPI) have increasingly been used in developing countries. But PPI investment has been much lower in poor countries than in better-off developing countries-and has been more affected by the global financial crisis. How can PPI projects play a larger role in improving infrastructure service provision in these countries?
  • Publication
    China's Emerging Role in Africa : Part of the Changing Landscape of Infrastructure Finance
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008-10) Butterfield, William; Foster, Vivien; Chen, Chuan; Pushak, Nataliya
    In 2006, which China named the "Year of Africa," it quadrupled its investment commitments to infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa, to more than $7 billion. In 2007 China committed another $4.5 billion. Such funds could make a significant contribution toward meeting Africa's infrastructure investment needs. In the power sector, where Africa faces some of its largest gaps, China is investing $5.3 billion, including $3.3 billion in projects that, if completed, will increase the region's hydro generation capacity by 30 percent. China's growing role in Africa has generated much discussion. A new study seeks to add concrete numbers and solid analysis.
  • Publication
    The Role of Developing Country Firms in Infrastructure : New Data Confirm the Emergence of a New Class of Investors
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008-06) Schur, Michael; Klaudy, Stephan von; Pushak, Nataliya; Sanghi, Apurva; Dellacha, Georgina
    Developing country investors have emerged as a major source of investment finance for infrastructure projects with private participation. This update of the article in 2006, shows that, indeed, during 1998-2006 these investors accounted for more of this finance in South Asia and East Asia and Pacific, and for more in transport across developing regions than did investors from developed countries. Even though the policy implications are not yet fully clear for policy makers, this development suggests a need to rethink the criteria used in selecting investors in schemes for private participation, which have been biased toward large international operators.
  • Publication
    Are Brownfield Concessions Poised for a Comeback? New Signs of Life After a Decade in Decline
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008-05) Leigland, James
    Once expected to be the signature contract of private participation in infrastructure and for a time its fastest growing form, the brown field concession was hit hard by the Asian crisis and has never recovered. Because these contracts involve existing, usually dilapidated government assets, brown field concessions tackled the toughest infrastructure problems in the developing world. But the Asian crisis exposed the fragility of this mechanism, and its sudden unpopularity almost single-handedly crashed the developing world market for private participation in infrastructure.
  • Publication
    Recent Trends in Private Activity in Infrastructure : What the Shift Away from Risk Means for Policy
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008-05) Mästle, Clemencia Torres de; Izaguirre, Ada Karina
    In 2006, private participation in infrastructure continued its recovery for the third consecutive year from the steep downturn of the late 1990s. Activity was more evenly spread across all developing regions. However, it became more concentrated in less risky sub sectors, reflecting a lower appetite for risk among private investors. Greater selectivity has facilitated private sector's renewed interest, but it also raises questions about how governments can best tap private operators' abilities in high-need, high-risk areas such as water and electricity distribution. Recent projects in these areas indicate that the public sector together with the international financial institutions remains the main source of investment funding. As governments create arrangements to attract private participation, they also need to ensure an equitable distribution of benefits among investors, taxpayers, and service users.
  • Publication
    India Leads Developing Nations in Private Sector Investment : But the Region Needs More Investment to Meet Demands
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008-03) Harris, Clive
    India has had the most success attracting more private investment in infrastructure in 2006 than any other developing country. Long-standing policies in most other South Asian countries are beginning to bear fruit as well. Nevertheless, delivering the infrastructure services needed to sustain and accelerate growth in South Asia remains a major challenge. Estimates suggest that closing the gap in service provision and meeting future needs will require infrastructure investment in the range of 7 to 8 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) a year. The private sector can do more to help close the region's infrastructure service deficit. But first the region's governments will need to close the infrastructure policy deficit, manifested in many sectors in distorted pricing, poor governance and accountability, and weak financial and operational performance.
  • Publication
    Revival of Private Participation in Developing Country Infrastructure
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2007-01) Kerf, Michel; Izaguirre, Ada Karina
    Investment in private participation in infrastructure projects in developing countries in 2004 and 2005 increased sharply. Meanwhile, the distribution of investment across sectors and regions, and the allocation of risks between public and private parties, were shifting. Private sponsors started putting more emphasis on risk mitigation strategies. To take advantage of private sponsors' renewed interest in infrastructure projects, governments need to create risk sharing arrangements that attract private operators while also benefiting governments, taxpayers, and users.
  • Publication
    The Growing and Evolving Business of Private Participation in Airports : New Trends, New Actors Emerging
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2006-09) Andrew, Doug; Dochia, Silviu
    Private sector management and financing of airports has continued to expand in developing countries. Long-term concessions for airports are the predominant model today, with governments often taking a minority shareholding in the venture. Careful attention to policy design, regulatory issues, and management of concessions will continue to be important in ensuring that private participation delivers efficient and effective airport infrastructure services.
  • Publication
    Reform, Private Capital Needed to Develop Infrastructure in Africa : Problems and Prospects for Private Participation
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2006-05) Leigland, James; Butterfield, William
    In Sub-Saharan Africa, the overwhelming need for infrastructure has motivated regional economic organizations to push for an ambitious agenda of private participation. But to begin solving Africa's infrastructure investment problems will also require broad institutional reform along with greater financial commitments by governments and donors. The private sector appears capable of supplying only a fraction of the estimated US$5-12 billion a year in additional infrastructure finance that Africa needs to meet its Millennium Development Goals for infrastructure. Meeting Africa's infrastructure development challenges will require substantial increases in government budgetary allocations and official development assistance.
  • Publication
    Lifting Constraints to Public-Private Partnerships in South Asia
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2006-05) Bhatia, Bhavna; Gupta, Neeraj
    Today policymakers increasingly recognize that public-private partnerships (PPPs) in infrastructure offer the most promise for developing infrastructure and improving services. Countries in South Asia face a dual challenge in infrastructure: many households and businesses lack access to services, and those that do have access suffer from unreliable and poor-quality service. This paper recommends minimizing restraints by: building consensus for PPPs, moving toward cost recovery, improving transparency, enhancing government capacity, fostering effective regulation, and easing financial constraints.