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Gridlines share emerging knowledge on public-private partnership and give an overview of a wide selection of projects from various regions of the world. Gridlines are a publication of PPIAF (Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility), a multi-donor technical assistance facility. Through technical assistance and knowledge dissemination PPIAF supports the efforts of policy makers, nongovernmental organizations, research institutions, and others in designing and implementing strategies to tap the full potential of private involvement in infrastructure.

Items in this collection

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    The Role of Developing Country Firms in Infrastructure : New Data Confirm the Emergence of a New Class of Investors
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008-06) Schur, Michael; Klaudy, Stephan von; Pushak, Nataliya; Sanghi, Apurva; Dellacha, Georgina
    Developing country investors have emerged as a major source of investment finance for infrastructure projects with private participation. This update of the article in 2006, shows that, indeed, during 1998-2006 these investors accounted for more of this finance in South Asia and East Asia and Pacific, and for more in transport across developing regions than did investors from developed countries. Even though the policy implications are not yet fully clear for policy makers, this development suggests a need to rethink the criteria used in selecting investors in schemes for private participation, which have been biased toward large international operators.
  • Publication
    Private Participation in Infrastructure in Europe and Central Asia : A Look at Recent Trends
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2007-08) Vagliasindi, Maria; Izaguirre, Ada Karina
    This note asserts that Eastern Europe and Central Asia is attracting more investment to infrastructure projects with private participation than any other developing region except Latin America. Members of the European Union (EU) and countries seeking membership account for most of the investment. The Russian Federation is emerging as a leader both in attracting private activity and in sponsoring projects in neighboring countries. Telecommunications and energy are the leading sectors. But new regulatory challenges are emerging as a result of exclusivity periods in telecommunications and greater market concentration and vertical reintegration in energy.