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Moving Forward from Singapore

2006-09-20, Wolfowitz, Paul

Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, discussed giving the poor people of the world a chance to escape poverty. He spoke about the actions to promote good governance that are crucial to successful economic development, poverty reduction and helping member countries achieve the Millennium Development Goals. He mentioned issues of global import, particularly the prospects for the Doha Round and the issue of clean, efficient, and affordable energy. He concluded by saying that the Bank Group will continue to remain active in a variety of international efforts to provide global public goods.

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Path to Prosperity

2006-09-19, Wolfowitz,Paul

Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, discussed Singapore's remarkable progress along the road from poverty to prosperity which has also been discovered by many other countries in East Asia and around the world. He spoke of how each country must find its own path for people to pursue the same dreams of the chance to go to school, the security of a good job, and the ability to provide a better future for their children. Throughout the world, and importantly in the developing world, there is a growing recognition that the path to prosperity must be built on a solid foundation of good governance. Rich countries that have a vital responsibility in the fight against corruption and the need to take action against bribe givers who often come from their countries and to help the developing country partners recover stolen assets. He concluded by saying that the Bank’s mission is to help pave the way for the poor by giving them opportunity to work, so that they can take control of their own destiny.