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Publication Utility of the Future: Taking Water and Sanitation Utilities Beyond the Next Level(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-03-23) Lombana Cordoba, Camilo; Saltiel, Gustavo; Sadik, Norhan; Perez Penalosa, FedericoThe sustainable development goal for water and sanitation to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all is a lofty goal. Worldwide, 2.4 billion people remain without access to improved sanitation and nearly 0.7 billion remain without access to improved drinking water sources. Those who have access to water supply and sanitation (WSS) services often must cope with intermittent water supply, sewerage system overflows, and poor customer service. Poor service frequently stems from a vicious cycle of dysfunctional political environments and inefficient practices. Global forces - including climate change, water scarcity, population growth, and rapid urbanization - exacerbate these challenges in providing high-quality, sustainable WSS service delivery. Therefore, WSS utilities require a new approach to planning and sequencing reforms to provide WSS services in a sustainable manner. The utility of the future (UoF) program provides this new approach and was designed in a way that builds on the extensive body of knowledge on utility performance improvement. Chapter one gives introduction. Chapter two defines the UoF concept, the determinants of success, and the analytical basis of the program. Chapter three presents the methodology developed specifically to conduct the diagnostic assessment and determine the utility’s desired maturity level. Chapter four presents a 15-step approach to translating the results of the diagnostic assessment into a prioritized and sequenced action plan.