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  • Publication
    Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Review, October 2024: Taxing Wealth for Equity and Growth
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-10-09) Maloney, William; Zambrano, Jorge Andres; Vuletin, Guillermo; Beylis, Guillermo; Garriga, Pablo
    The report highlights the progress made on inflation and, despite some resistance in the last mile, the resulting fall in interest rates that will ease pressures on debt service and investment. However, growth is projected to remain low, debt remains high, private and public investment is depressed, and the region appears to be missing the boat on nearshoring FDI. The need to generate more fiscal space, reduce the high corporate tax burden, and mitigate persistent inequality have moved wealth taxes to center stage. But traditional wealth taxes on financial assets face challenges due to the ease of moving and hiding assets which will be difficult to control without elusive global coordination. A viable alternative is a tax on real estate which is less mobile, easier to track, and less of a distortionary burden on economic activity, given the low initial rates. Property taxes also have the potential to reduce the excessive dependence of subnational governments on federal transfers. For property taxes to play a greater role, there must be improvements in property valuation which can be engineered through the use of digital platforms and centralized land registries.
  • Publication
    Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Review, October 2023 - Wired: Digital Connectivity for Inclusion and Growth
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2023-10-04) Zambrano Riveros, Jorge Andres; Beylis, Guillermo; Maloney, William; Vuletin, Guillermo
    Latin America and the Caribbean continues to face adverse global headwinds: high interest rates, modest G-7 growth, soft commodity prices and uncertain prospects in China will all depress growth. Well-grounded policy responses have led to largely recovering employment and income losses from the pandemic and falling rates of inflation. However, the region faces the mutually reinforcing triple challenges of low growth, limited fiscal space, and citizen dissatisfaction. Expanding digital connectivity offers a possibility to make progress on all three fronts. To maximize the social benefits of connectivity as well as to ensure that it does not exacerbate spatial, educational, gender or racial inequalities, three challenges are important to address: first, expanding coverage to the remaining unconnected areas as well as improving the quality of service; second, increasing the productive use of existing infrastructure, and; third, as with any other infrastructure "hardware," investments in "software" - such as digital and traditional skills, managerial capabilities, supportive regulatory frameworks, and deeper financial markets are critical.