Other manuals

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  • Publication
    Working with Smallholders: A Handbook for Firms Building Sustainable Supply Chains
    (Washington, DC, 2019) International Finance Corporation
    The purpose of Working with Smallholders handbook is to enable the development of more sustainable, resilient and productive supply chains for agribusinesses and to illustrate the substantial development impact. Smallholder farmers are both an opportunity and a challenge for food and agribusiness companies. The predominance of smallholders in many frontier and emerging markets makes them an integral part of agribusiness supply chains. Many firms source from smallholders or are actively seeking to source from them. Calls for fairer, more inclusive supply chains will hasten this trend. Yet the development and strengthening of smallholder supply chains remains a key challenge for many IFC agribusiness clients. Working with Smallholders handbook compiles innovative solutions and cutting-edge ideas for these challenges. The handbook incorporates a diverse collection of hands-on case studies from across the world regions covering wide variety of agribusiness sectors. The 1st edition of IFC’s Handbook Working with Smallholders (2014) has become one of IFC Agribusiness Advisory Services flagship publications and received positive feedback primarily because it strikes a good balance between serious technical content and an accessible presentation style. In the three years since the original publication there have been numerous changes in approaches and methodologies. We also have a larger compilation of lessons learnt from project implementation. Because of these changes we have prepared the 2nd edition that highlights leading trends and technologies relevant to the work with the smallholders.
  • Publication
    Capturing Solutions for Learning and Scaling Up: Documenting Operational Experiences for Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing
    (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2017-07-19) Janus, Steffen Soulejman
    Is your organization missing important lessons from its operational experiences? This step-by-step guide shows you how to systematically capture such knowledge and use it to inform decision making, support professional learning, and scale up successes. The captured lessons--knowledge assets, the central element needed for learning--are consistently formatted documents that use operational experience to answer a specific question or challenge. The guide describes how to create and use knowledge assets in five steps: (1) identify important lessons learned by participants, (2) capture those lessons with text or multimedia documents, (3) confirm their validity, (4) prepare them for dissemination, and (5) use them for sharing, replication, and scaling up. Included tools, templates, and checklists help you accomplish each step.
  • Publication
    Your Money, Your Future : A Practical Money Management Guide for Students and Their Families
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014) International Finance Corporation
    This guide has been created to assist potential student borrowers and their families in making decisions regarding money management. It is intended for students who are considering attending or are already enrolled in a tertiary education institution, and covers topics such as student loans, goal-setting, and repaying debt. The guide aims to educate students in order to make them better money managers and more responsible borrowers throughout their university careers and beyond. This document is divided into seven chapters: 1) basic financial issues; 2) creating and managing a budget; 3) student loans; 4) establishing credit; 5) managing debt; 6) repaying debt; and 7) saving and its benefits.
  • Publication
    Designing a Multi-Stakeholder Results Framework : A Toolkit to Guide Participatory Diagnostics and Planning for Stronger Results and Effectiveness
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2013-11) World Bank Institute
    This toolkit provides guidance to strengthen the results and effectiveness of multi-stakeholder development planning, including practical tools and processes. The toolkit guides collaborative steps, such as setting goals, diagnosing institutional problems and monitoring outcomes, all to produce a multi-stakeholder, outcome-based results framework to prepare a development strategy or plan and to implement with a strong result focus. It also includes guidance to use the results framework to highlight potentially high-impact areas for strengthening multi-stakeholder activities and to integrate monitoring and budget planning to a common set of outcomes. The toolkit gives special attention to the fragile context for development practitioners working in this area. The toolkit modules provide customizable resources to create a multi-stakeholder, outcome-based results framework. The modules can be used together as a complete resource or separately, focusing on modules that are of immediate interest. Although WBI originally developed the modules to support strategy design at the national level, they can also guide multi-stakeholder planning for results in other settings or key sectors where actors have diverse perspectives, with appropriate adjustments.
  • Publication
    The New Microfinance Handbook : A Financial Market System Perspective
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2013-02) Ledgerwood, Joanna; Ledgerwood, Joanna
    The new microfinance handbook provides a primer on financial services for the poor. It is written for a wide audience, including practitioners, facilitators, policy makers, regulators, investors, and donors working to improve the financial system, but who are relatively new to the sector. It will also be useful for telecommunication companies and other support service providers, students and academics, and consultants and trainers. Although this book is in part an update of the original handbook, the growth of the sector and the complexity of the financial market system have led to a perspective much broader than the previous 'financial and institutional perspective.' As a result, additional chapters have been added to address issues more relevant than when the original handbook was written. To reflect this complexity, the author invited a number of experts to write many of the new chapters. In addition, given that this book does not go into as much detail as the previous book did, a list of key resources at the end of each chapter provides readers additional information on specific topics. Finally, although the title still uses the term microfinance, the book very much addresses the wider financial ecosystem, moving beyond the traditional meaning of microfinance to inclusive financial systems.
  • Publication
    Disclosure of Project and Contract Information in Public-Private Partnerships
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2013-01) World Bank Institute
    This report presents a review of current practices on the disclosure of information on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects and contracts from 11 jurisdictions at the national and sub-national level representing 8 countries. It is part of a broader program of work being undertaken by the World Bank Institute (WBI) on increasing the transparency of public-private contracting. The objective of this review is to present emerging practices on the disclosure of information on PPP projects and contracts and to distill from these suggestions to government agencies on how they can provide more information to their public on their PPP projects. There are no grounds to believe that PPPs require greater transparency than similar projects executed through traditional public procurement. However as with publicly-executed projects PPPs can benefit from greater transparency. In addition PPPs may require considerations and approaches to disclosure not present in publicly-executed projects. The remainder of this report is structured as follows: section one presents a synthesis of observed practices and then a recommended approach in terms of essential information to be disclosed and the key instruments through which this is done; section two presents country case studies in a standardized format reflecting the recommendations in section one; annexures one and two list relevant websites, legislation and policy.
  • Publication
    Fraud and Corruption Awareness Handbook : A Handbook for Civil Servants Involved in Public Procurement
    (Warsaw, 2013) World Bank
    This handbook is intended for government employees involved in public procurement. It provides some insights into how fraud and corruption schemes work in public investments. The handbook identifies a range of fraud and corruption indicators, or red flags, and relevant schemes that may become apparent during the life of an investment, from design to implementation. The primary focus of this handbook is fraud and corruption in procurement, with some coverage of general governance issues. It is based on the experience of Poland s Central Anti-Corruption Bureau and the World Bank s Integrity Vice Presidency, and it presents examples referring both to public investments implemented under Polish public procurement law and international competitive bidding. This handbook aims to provide support to the managers of procuring entities in conducting public procurement by identifying frequently occurring irregularities and suggesting methods of preventing them.
  • Publication
    Telecommunications Regulation Handbook : Tenth Anniversary Edition
    (World Bank and the International Telecommunication Union, Washington, DC, 2011) Blackman, Colin; Srivastava, Lara; Blackman, Colin; Srivastava, Lara
    Communications are an essential means for reaching the, bottom of the Pyramid, and enabling individuals to reduce poverty and improve the quality of their lives. We currently live in a world in which more Africans have access to a mobile phone than to any other utility or infrastructure service. This widespread technological dissemination creates new opportunities across all segments of society, but also presents new challenges requiring adaptable strategies. Today's communications landscape is vastly different from the environment in which we developed the first telecommunications regulation handbook ten years ago. Competitive and open communications markets have created opportunities in countries that previously lagged behind. Competitively priced and technologically varied service offerings have allowed businesses to compete and thrive globally. However, there are still serious market gaps (such as providing widespread high speed broadband services at affordable prices and connectivity to remote areas), that, when coupled with evolving and converging technologies, pose challenges to policymakers and regulators. This new edition of the telecommunications regulation handbook captures the new market and regulatory strategies to optimize investment in broadband networks and Information and Communication Technology, or ICT services. As the following chapters show, many of the evolutionary and revolutionary changes in regulation that made possible the mobile miracle of connecting 5 billion users worldwide with access to ICTs, as well as over a billion fixed and mobile broadband subscribers, are still valid today. But for markets to truly flourish, regulators also need new, inspired regulatory approaches that are as innovative as the technologies they regulate.
  • Publication
    The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part I. Corporate Governance Introduced
    (Washington, DC, 2004-09-22) International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of Commerce
    The Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issues, such as a company's board structure, information disclosure practices, and shareholder rights. Part five focuses on corporate governance issues of particular importance in the Russian context, namely corporate governance concerns during a company's reorganization, within holding structures, and relating to enforcement. Part six, finally, offers practical tools in the form of model documents, for example company codes, by-laws, and contracts. All issues are closely examined through Russian law and regulations; the Federal Commission for the Securities Market's Code of Corporate Conduct (FCSM Code) Code and, when applicable, internationally recognized best practices. This manual also provides government officials, lawyers, judges, investors, and others with a framework for assessing the level of corporate governance practices in Russian companies. Finally, it serves as a reference tool for the educational institutions that will train the next generation of Russian managers, investors, and policy makers on good corporate governance practices.
  • Publication
    The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part III. Disclosure and Transparency
    (Washington, DC, 2004-09-17) International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of Commerce
    The Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issues, such as a company's board structure, information disclosure practices, and shareholder rights. Part five focuses on corporate governance issues of particular importance in the Russian context, namely corporate governance concerns during a company's reorganization, within holding structures, and relating to enforcement. Part six, finally, offers practical tools in the form of model documents, for example company codes, by-laws, and contracts. All issues are closely examined through Russian law and regulations; the Federal Commission for the Securities Market's Code of Corporate Conduct (FCSM Code) Code and, when applicable, internationally recognized best practices. This manual also provides government officials, lawyers, judges, investors, and others with a framework for assessing the level of corporate governance practices in Russian companies. Finally, it serves as a reference tool for the educational institutions that will train the next generation of Russian managers, investors, and policy makers on good corporate governance practices.