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Publication The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part III. Disclosure and Transparency(Washington, DC, 2004-09-17) International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of CommerceThe Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issues, such as a company's board structure, information disclosure practices, and shareholder rights. Part five focuses on corporate governance issues of particular importance in the Russian context, namely corporate governance concerns during a company's reorganization, within holding structures, and relating to enforcement. Part six, finally, offers practical tools in the form of model documents, for example company codes, by-laws, and contracts. All issues are closely examined through Russian law and regulations; the Federal Commission for the Securities Market's Code of Corporate Conduct (FCSM Code) Code and, when applicable, internationally recognized best practices. This manual also provides government officials, lawyers, judges, investors, and others with a framework for assessing the level of corporate governance practices in Russian companies. Finally, it serves as a reference tool for the educational institutions that will train the next generation of Russian managers, investors, and policy makers on good corporate governance practices.Publication The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part VI. Annexes, Model Corporate Governance Documents(Washington, DC, 2004-09-17) International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of CommerceThe Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issues, such as a company's board structure, information disclosure practices, and shareholder rights. Part five focuses on corporate governance issues of particular importance in the Russian context, namely corporate governance concerns during a company's reorganization, within holding structures, and relating to enforcement. Part six, finally, offers practical tools in the form of model documents, for example company codes, by-laws, and contracts. All issues are closely examined through Russian law and regulations; the Federal Commission for the Securities Market's Code of Corporate Conduct (FCSM Code) Code and, when applicable, internationally recognized best practices. This manual also provides government officials, lawyers, judges, investors, and others with a framework for assessing the level of corporate governance practices in Russian companies. Finally, it serves as a reference tool for the educational institutions that will train the next generation of Russian managers, investors, and policy makers on good corporate governance practices.Publication The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part II. Good Board Practices(Washington, DC, 2004-09-17) International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of CommerceThe Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issues, such as a company's board structure, information disclosure practices, and shareholder rights. Part five focuses on corporate governance issues of particular importance in the Russian context, namely corporate governance concerns during a company's reorganization, within holding structures, and relating to enforcement. Part six, finally, offers practical tools in the form of model documents, for example company codes, by-laws, and contracts. All issues are closely examined through Russian law and regulations; the Federal Commission for the Securities Market's Code of Corporate Conduct (FCSM Code) Code and, when applicable, internationally recognized best practices. This manual also provides government officials, lawyers, judges, investors, and others with a framework for assessing the level of corporate governance practices in Russian companies. Finally, it serves as a reference tool for the educational institutions that will train the next generation of Russian managers, investors, and policy makers on good corporate governance practices.Publication The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part V. Special Focus Section(Washington, DC, 2004-09-17) International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of CommerceThe Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issues, such as a company's board structure, information disclosure practices, and shareholder rights. Part five focuses on corporate governance issues of particular importance in the Russian context, namely corporate governance concerns during a company's reorganization, within holding structures, and relating to enforcement. Part six, finally, offers practical tools in the form of model documents, for example company codes, by-laws, and contracts. All issues are closely examined through Russian law and regulations; the Federal Commission for the Securities Market's Code of Corporate Conduct (FCSM Code) Code and, when applicable, internationally recognized best practices. This manual also provides government officials, lawyers, judges, investors, and others with a framework for assessing the level of corporate governance practices in Russian companies. Finally, it serves as a reference tool for the educational institutions that will train the next generation of Russian managers, investors, and policy makers on good corporate governance practices.Publication The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part IV. Information Disclosure and Transparency(Washington, DC, 2004-09-17) International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of CommerceThe Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issues, such as a company's board structure, information disclosure practices, and shareholder rights. Part five focuses on corporate governance issues of particular importance in the Russian context, namely corporate governance concerns during a company's reorganization, within holding structures, and relating to enforcement. Part six, finally, offers practical tools in the form of model documents, for example company codes, by-laws, and contracts. All issues are closely examined through Russian law and regulations; the Federal Commission for the Securities Market's Code of Corporate Conduct (FCSM Code) Code and, when applicable, internationally recognized best practices. This manual also provides government officials, lawyers, judges, investors, and others with a framework for assessing the level of corporate governance practices in Russian companies. Finally, it serves as a reference tool for the educational institutions that will train the next generation of Russian managers, investors, and policy makers on good corporate governance practices.Publication Labor Issues in Infrastructure Reform : A Toolkit, Module 1(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2004) Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory FacilityA universal concern in infrastructure reforms is the effect such reforms have on labor. State-owned infrastructure firms often employ more people than required for efficiency, and often under favorable terms and conditions of service, leading to lower labor productivity and higher labor costs than private employers would bear. Some reform, in particular those involving private participation in infrastructure (PPI), may thus prompt surplus labor and changes in working conditions as governments adjust the work force to prepare for PPI, or as new owners or operators introduce efficiency improvements and expose enterprises to greater management discipline, new technologies, and increasing competition. The primary objective of this Toolkit is to provide practical tools and information to help policymakers handle labor issues in private participation in infrastructure (PPI). The Toolkit consists of seven modules: 1) Framework and overview of the entire toolkit; 2) Labor impacts of PPI; 3) Assessing the size and scope of labor restructuring; 4) Strategies and options; 5) Key elements of a labor program; 6) Engaging with stakeholders; 7) Monitoring and evaluation of labor programs. The Toolkit also contains a web-based CD-ROM with searchable documents, spreadsheets, sample terms of reference for obtaining the needed expertise to carry out various labor-related tasks, case studies, and other relevant data.Publication Developing Government Bond Markets : A Handbook(Washington, DC, 2001-07) World Bank; International Monetory FundThis handbook is designed as a reference source for two distinct user groups involved in the development of government bonds markets: 1) senior government officials responsible for developing the government bond market; and 2) individuals responsible for guiding the market development process at the operational level, and who have a substantial need to understand the policy issues involved. The handbook is structured as follows: Chapter 1 provides an overview of certain policy considerations relevant to developing a government bond market. This overview considers key issues, but at a level of generality appropriate for senior govenrment offcials responsible for making key strategic decisions. The remaining eleven chapters present more detailed discussions of key policy issues, including substantive considerations relating to implementation. The handbook's primary emphasis, however, focuses on the policy dimension of developing medium-and long-term bond markets. It is not intended as a technical manual for use by individuals engaged in day-to-day implementation or operations. The handbook also provides bibliographic and website references for those interested in pursuing further issues covered. A comprehensive glossary of terms related to securities markets appears at the end of the handbook.