Other manuals

52 items available

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  • Publication
    Applying the Degree of Urbanisation: A Methodological Manual to Define Cities, Towns and Rural Areas for International Comparisons
    (European Union/FAO/UN-Habitat/OECD/The World Bank, 2025-01-31) European Union; FAO; UN-Habitat; OECD; World Bank
    This manual develops a harmonised methodology to facilitate international statistical comparisons and to classify the entire territory of a country along an urban-rural continuum. The degree of urbanisation classification defines cities, towns and semi-dense areas, and rural areas. This first level of the classification may be complemented by a range of more detailed concepts, such as: metropolitan areas, commuting zones, dense towns, semi-dense towns, suburban or peri-urban areas, villages, dispersed rural areas and mostly uninhabited areas. The manual is intended to complement and not replace the definitions used by national statistical offices (NSOs) and ministries. It has been designed principally as a guide for data producers, suppliers and statisticians so that they have the necessary information to implement the methodology and ensure coherency within their data collections. It may also be of interest to users of subnational statistics so they may better understand, interpret and use official subnational statistics for taking informed decisions and policymaking. This report has been produced in close collaboration by six organisations, the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and The World Bank.
  • Publication
    Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: A Practical Guide for Bank Supervisors
    (Washington, DC : World Bank, 2022) Chatain, Pierre-Laurent; Van der Does de Willebois, Emile; Bökkerink, Maud
    The COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis was a reminder, if any were needed, that criminal creativity thrives in times of chaos, exploiting people’s fears. Unsafe face masks, counterfeit drugs, and suspect medical equipment flooded the market, touted as miracle cures against the coronavirus by unscrupulous actors wanting to turn a quick profit. Companies with no record in health won big government contracts and, as people’s situation deteriorated, organized crime stepped in to lend a “helping hand” to those suffering financial distress. Where most people saw a global public health and economic crisis, criminals saw an opportunity. What this criminal behavior, indeed almost all financial economic crime, has in common is that the funds involved move through the formal financial system. The service providers that execute those transactions are in a good position to gather firsthand intelligence on what is happening. For this reason, banks and other financial institutions have anti-money-laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) obligations to find out who is paying whom and why and, if necessary, to alert the authorities. Financial institutions are the first line of defense against this criminal behavior; they are the gatekeepers to the international financial system.
  • Publication
    Development Research in Practice: The DIME Analytics Data Handbook
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021-06-16) Bjarkefur, Kristoffer; Cardoso de Andrade, Luiza; Daniels, Benjamin; Jones, Maria Ruth
    Development Research in Practice leads the reader through a complete empirical research project, providing links to continuously updated resources on the DIME Wiki as well as illustrative examples from the Demand for Safe Spaces study. The handbook is intended to train users of development data how to handle data effectively, efficiently, and ethically.
  • Publication
    Guidance Note for Developing Government Local Currency Bond Markets
    (International Monetary Fund and The World Bank, 2021) Hashimoto, Hideo; Mooi, Yen; Pedras, Guilherme; Roy, Arindam; Chung, Kay; Galeza, Tadeusz; Papaioannou, Michael G.; Katz, Peter; Bango, Zsolt; Gragnani, Jose Antonio; Gurhy, Bryan; Paladines, Cindy
    This guidance note was prepared by International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group staff under a project undertaken with the support of grants from the Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative, (FIRST). The aim of the project was to deliver a report that provides emerging market and developing economies with guidance and a roadmap in developing their local currency bond markets (LCBMs). This note will also inform technical assistance missions in advising authorities on the formulation of policies to deepen LCBMs. The guidance note discusses commonly faced challenges and bottlenecks in the journey to efficient and deep LCBMs. In particular, the guidance note explores how to overcome difficulties in implementing some existing best practices. Experience points to the interdependent nature of the required development actions and the need for supportive actions outside the narrow field of LCBM agents. The challenges discussed and accompanying policy guidance draw from the IMF and World Bank’s extensive technical assistance (TA) provision in this area, cross-country experience in LCBM development, and results from a recent survey of country authorities. The guidance note intends to be a resource for a wide range of stakeholders interested in government bond market development. Country authorities and TA providers can use the diagnostic on the level of LCBM development to design a proper sequence of policy actions to further improve the functioning of the domestic government debt market. Country authorities and IMF and World Bank country teams can use the guidance note to identify key macroeconomic and financial issues linked to LCBM development and integrate it into their policy analysis and advice. The diagnostic findings regarding weaknesses in LCBMs also can be used to help identify financial vulnerabilities and their remedies, in the authorities’ ongoing financial sector surveillance and in the context of Financial Sector Assessment Programs and Financial Sector Stability Reviews.
  • Publication
    Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2020-07-08) Mattoo, Aaditya; Rocha, Nadia; Ruta, Michele; Mattoo, Aaditya; Mattoo, Aaditya; Rocha, Nadia; Ruta, Michele
    Deep trade agreements (DTAs) cover not just trade but additional policy areas, such as the international flows of investment and labor, and the protection of intellectual property rights and the environment. Their goal is integration beyond trade, or deep integration. DTA rules influence how countries transact, invest, work, and, ultimately, develop. The rules and commitments in DTAs should be informed by evidence and shaped by development priorities rather than international power or domestic politics. An impediment to this goal is that data and analysis on trade agreements have not captured the new dimensions of integration. Little effort has been made to identify the content and consequences of DTAs. This Handbook takes a step towards filling this gap in our understanding of international economic law and policy. It presents detailed data and analysis on the content of the policy areas most frequently covered in DTAs, focusing on the stated objectives, substantive commitments, and other aspects such as transparency, procedures, and enforcement. Each chapter, authored by lead experts in their respective fields, explains in detail the methodology used to collect the information and provides a first look at the evidence by policy area.
  • Publication
    Food Safety Handbook: A Practical Guide for Building a Robust Food Safety Management System
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2020-04-08) International Finance Corporation
    The Food Safety Handbook: A Practical Guide for Building a Robust Food Safety Management System, contains detailed information on food safety systems and what large and small food industry companies can do to establish, maintain, and enhance food safety in their operations. This new edition updates the guidelines and regulations since the previous 2016 edition, drawing on best practices and the knowledge IFC has gained in supporting food business operators around the world. The Food Safety Handbook is indispensable for all food business operators -- anywhere along the food production and processing value chain -- who want to develop a new food safety system or strengthen an existing one.
  • Publication
    World Bank Group Publications Editorial Style Guide 2020
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-03-04) World Bank Group
    The World Bank Group Publications Editorial Style Guide is an essential reference for manuscript editors (substantive and mechanical editors), proofreaders, and production editors. It is a supplement to other editorial references, in particular, The Chicago Manual of Style (annual subscription available online), 17th edition, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition. It focuses on issues specific to the World Bank/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or for which Chicago provides multiple options. The professional recommendations made in the guide are designed to meet the following objectives: • To ensure that every publication achieves a standard of professionalism appropriate for the World Bank and on par with the publications of similar organizations, • To ensure stylistic consistency, primarily within individual publications and secondarily across all World Bank publications, • To increase efficiency by eliminating the need to repeatedly address the same stylistic details for every publication.
  • Publication
    Better Cities, Better World: A Handbook on Local Governments Self-Assessments
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2019-07-30) Farvacque-Vitkovic, Catherine; Kopanyi, Mihaly
    The planet is becoming increasingly urban. In many ways, the urbanization wave and the unprecedented urban growth of the past 20 years have created a sense of urgency and an impetus for change. Some 54 percent of the world population—3.9 billion people—lives in urban areas today; thus, it has become clear that “business as usual” is no longer possible. This new configuration places great expectations on local governments. While central governments are subject to instability and political changes, local governments are seen as more inclined to stay the course. Because they are closer to the people, the voice of the people is more clearly heard for a truly democratic debate over the choice of neighborhood investments and city-wide policies and programs, as well as the decision process on the use of public funds and taxpayers’ money. In a context of skewed financial resources and complex urban challenges—which range from the provision of basic traditional municipal services to the “newer” agenda of social inclusion, economic development, city branding, emergency response, smart technologies, and green investment—more cities are searching for more effective and innovative ways to deal with new and old problems. Better Cities, Better World: A Handbook on Local Governments Self-Assessments is at the heart of this debate. It recognizes the complex past, current, and future challenges that cities face and outlines a bottom-line, no-nonsense framework for data-based policy dialogue and action; a common language that, for the first time, helps connect the dots between public investments programming (Urban Audit/Self-Assessment) and financing (Municipal Finances Self-Assessment). It helps address two key questions, too often bypassed when it comes to municipal infrastructure and services financing: Are we doing the right things? Are we doing things right? Better Cities, Better World: A Handbook on Local Governments Self-Assessments offers a bit of everything for everyone. • Central governments will be attracted by the purposefulness and clarity of these tools, their impact on local government capacity and performance building, and how they improve the implementation of transformative actions for policy change. • City leaders and policy makers will find the sections on objectives and content instructive and informative, with each issue placed in its context, and strong connections between data and municipal action. • Municipal staff in charge of day-to-day management will find that the sections on tasks and the detailed step-by-step walk through the process give them the pragmatic knowhow that they need. • Cities’ partners—such as bilateral and multilateral agencies, banks and funds, utility companies, civil society, and private operators—will find the foundations for more effective collaborative partnerships.
  • Publication
    The Art of Knowledge Exchange: A Results-Focused Planning Guide for Climate Change Practitioners
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-03-26) World Bank Group
    Knowledge exchange - or peer-to-peer learning is a powerful way to share, replicate, and scale up what works in development. The direct results from knowledge exchange can also influence results at the institutional and even systemic levels. Participants of successful knowledge exchanges are empowered and motivated to make things happen. They seek to change the environment in which they operate, affect policies and norms that influence the way people behave, and strengthen the institutions where they work. Working toward achieving the goal of sustainable energy for all (SEforAll) that calls for universal energy access by 2030, the climate investment funds (CIF) and the energy sector management assistance program (ESMAP) of the World Bank Group are actively supporting mini-grids (a cost-effective, small-scale, and reliable electricity solution) implementation in low-income countries. To address the challenge, the CIF and ESMAP joined forces to offer action learning events to support operational upscaling of mini-grids and enable scaling up renewable energy program (SREP) countries to share successes and lessons learned.
  • Publication
    Working with Smallholders: A Handbook for Firms Building Sustainable Supply Chains
    (Washington, DC, 2019) International Finance Corporation
    The purpose of Working with Smallholders handbook is to enable the development of more sustainable, resilient and productive supply chains for agribusinesses and to illustrate the substantial development impact. Smallholder farmers are both an opportunity and a challenge for food and agribusiness companies. The predominance of smallholders in many frontier and emerging markets makes them an integral part of agribusiness supply chains. Many firms source from smallholders or are actively seeking to source from them. Calls for fairer, more inclusive supply chains will hasten this trend. Yet the development and strengthening of smallholder supply chains remains a key challenge for many IFC agribusiness clients. Working with Smallholders handbook compiles innovative solutions and cutting-edge ideas for these challenges. The handbook incorporates a diverse collection of hands-on case studies from across the world regions covering wide variety of agribusiness sectors. The 1st edition of IFC’s Handbook Working with Smallholders (2014) has become one of IFC Agribusiness Advisory Services flagship publications and received positive feedback primarily because it strikes a good balance between serious technical content and an accessible presentation style. In the three years since the original publication there have been numerous changes in approaches and methodologies. We also have a larger compilation of lessons learnt from project implementation. Because of these changes we have prepared the 2nd edition that highlights leading trends and technologies relevant to the work with the smallholders.