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World Bank Group Publications Editorial Style Guide 2020

2020-03-04, World Bank Group

The World Bank Group Publications Editorial Style Guide is an essential reference for manuscript editors (substantive and mechanical editors), proofreaders, and production editors. It is a supplement to other editorial references, in particular, The Chicago Manual of Style (annual subscription available online), 17th edition, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition. It focuses on issues specific to the World Bank/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or for which Chicago provides multiple options. The professional recommendations made in the guide are designed to meet the following objectives: • To ensure that every publication achieves a standard of professionalism appropriate for the World Bank and on par with the publications of similar organizations, • To ensure stylistic consistency, primarily within individual publications and secondarily across all World Bank publications, • To increase efficiency by eliminating the need to repeatedly address the same stylistic details for every publication.

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ICT in Agriculture (Updated Edition): Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions

2017-06-27, World Bank

Information and communication technology (ICT) has always mattered in agriculture. Ever since people have grown crops, raised livestock, and caught fish, they have sought information from one another. Today, ICT represents a tremendous opportunity for rural populations to improve productivity, to enhance food and nutrition security, to access markets, and to find employment opportunities in a revitalized sector. ICT has unleashed incredible potential to improve agriculture, and it has found a foothold even in poor smallholder farms. ICT in Agriculture, Updated Edition is the revised version of the popular ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook, first launched in 2011 and designed to support practitioners, decision makers, and development partners who work at the intersection of ICT and agriculture. Our hope is that this updated Sourcebook will be a practical guide to understanding current trends, implementing appropriate interventions, and evaluating the impact of ICT interventions in agricultural programs.

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World Bank Editorial Style Guide 2016

2016, World Bank Group

This guide is an essential reference for manuscript editors (substantive and mechanical editors), proofreaders, and production editors. It is a supplement to other editorial references, in particular, The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition. It focuses on issues specific to the World Bank for which the Chicago manual provides multiple choices. The professional recommendations made in this guide are designed to ensure that every publication achieves an appropriate standard of professionalism, to ensure stylistic consistency across all World Bank publications, and to increase efficiency in the production process.

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The Art of Knowledge Exchange : A Results-Focused Planning Guide for Development Practitioners

2012, Kumar, Shobha, Leonard, Aaron

Knowledge exchange, or peer-to-peer learning, is a powerful way to share, replicate, and scale up what works in development. Development practitioners want to learn from the practical experience of others who have gone through, or are going through, similar problems. This guide emphasizes empowering local agents through experiential learning with peers from their own and other countries, by following a strategic, results-oriented approach to learning based on the World Bank institute's capacity development and results framework. Knowledge exchange can be used as part of a change process to powerful effect. But like any good capacity building approach, it should be anchored in the broader development context and your clients' needs should drive the agenda. The development goal focuses on the major objective your clients hope to achieve. It derives from a long-term regional, national, or local development strategy. The knowledge exchange initiative should bring your clients closer to realizing this goal, by targeting the institutional constraints preventing its achievement. The development goal therefore guides the design of your knowledge exchange. An effective development goal is locally owned and provides clear economic and social value to targeted beneficiaries. It's important to recognize that a knowledge exchange initiative will not result in the development goal, but should contribute to it. In some instances, knowledge exchange can be used to build group consensus on a development goal itself.

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Combatting Cybercrime: Tools and Capacity Building for Emerging Economies

2017-08, World Bank, United Nations

Advances in technologies over the last 20 years have affected virtually every aspect of the waywe live and conduct our daily lives. While these technologies have been a source of good and enabled social and economic progress around the world, hardly a day goes by without news of yet another cyberattack, or the use of technology in the commission of crime. Here, at the World Bank, we know that in order for technologies, including the internet, to continue to be used as a force for economic growth and development, measures must be taken to ensure the security of the internet and the data and communications that flow over it. This Toolkit, Combating Cybercrime: Tools and Capacity Building for Emerging Economies, aims at building capacity to combat cybercrime among policy-makers, legislators, public prosecutors and investigators, as well as among individuals and in civil society at large in developing countries by providing a synthesis of good practices in the policy, legal and criminal-justice aspects of the enabling environment necessary to combat cybercrime.

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The Art of Designing and Implementing Study Tours: A Guide Based on the Art of Knowledge Exchange Methodology

2017, Kumar, Shobha, Watkins, Ryan

Designing and implementing study tours that get results can be a big undertaking. This guide, the art of designing and implementing study tours, aims to take out the guesswork by breaking down the process into simple steps. The study tour guide is written specifically for those who broker or coordinate or facilitate Study Tours between knowledge seekers and knowledge providers. A study tour is a learning journey for both the knowledge providers and seekers as it truly taps into the power and potential of peer-to-peer learning. When designing a study tour, it is useful to consider the different needs and characteristics of these two groups separately. Based on the World Bank Group’s flagship publication, the art of knowledge exchange: a results-focused planning guide for development practitioners, this study tour guide benefits greatly from the tried and tested roadmap and results-focused methodology of the art of knowledge exchange. It is an effort to delve deeper into one of the knowledge exchange instruments from the Art of Knowledge Exchange Toolbox, and provide detailed guidance on how to design and implement study tours for higher development impact. Based on the World Bank Group’s flagship publication. This study tour guide benefits greatly from the tried and tested roadmap and results-focused methodology of the art of knowledge exchange. It is an effort to delve deeper into one of the knowledge exchange instruments from the art of knowledge exchange toolbox, and provide detailed guidance on how to design and implement study tours for higher development impact. This guide uses a primary case study, study tour in Action, to illustrate the five steps in the art of knowledge exchange methodology. These five steps, anchor, define, design, implement, and evaluate, provide the roadmap for effective Study Tours that get results. The guide also highlights four additional examples to illustrate how study tours have supported development outcomes when systematically designed and integrated as a part of a larger change process.

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Designing a Multi-Stakeholder Results Framework : A Toolkit to Guide Participatory Diagnostics and Planning for Stronger Results and Effectiveness

2013-11, World Bank Institute

This toolkit provides guidance to strengthen the results and effectiveness of multi-stakeholder development planning, including practical tools and processes. The toolkit guides collaborative steps, such as setting goals, diagnosing institutional problems and monitoring outcomes, all to produce a multi-stakeholder, outcome-based results framework to prepare a development strategy or plan and to implement with a strong result focus. It also includes guidance to use the results framework to highlight potentially high-impact areas for strengthening multi-stakeholder activities and to integrate monitoring and budget planning to a common set of outcomes. The toolkit gives special attention to the fragile context for development practitioners working in this area. The toolkit modules provide customizable resources to create a multi-stakeholder, outcome-based results framework. The modules can be used together as a complete resource or separately, focusing on modules that are of immediate interest. Although WBI originally developed the modules to support strategy design at the national level, they can also guide multi-stakeholder planning for results in other settings or key sectors where actors have diverse perspectives, with appropriate adjustments.

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Capturing Solutions for Learning and Scaling Up: Documenting Operational Experiences for Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing

2017-07-19, Janus, Steffen Soulejman

Is your organization missing important lessons from its operational experiences? This step-by-step guide shows you how to systematically capture such knowledge and use it to inform decision making, support professional learning, and scale up successes. The captured lessons--knowledge assets, the central element needed for learning--are consistently formatted documents that use operational experience to answer a specific question or challenge. The guide describes how to create and use knowledge assets in five steps: (1) identify important lessons learned by participants, (2) capture those lessons with text or multimedia documents, (3) confirm their validity, (4) prepare them for dissemination, and (5) use them for sharing, replication, and scaling up. Included tools, templates, and checklists help you accomplish each step.

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Becoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization: A Handbook for Scaling Up Solutions through Knowledge Capturing and Sharing

2016-11-02, Janus, Steffen Soulejman

This volume offers a simple, systematic guide to creating a knowledge sharing practice in your organization. It shows how to build the enabling environment and develop the skills needed to capture and share knowledge gained from operational experiences to improve performance and scale-up successes. Its recommendations are grounded on the insights gained from the past seven years of collaboration between the World Bank and its clients around the world—ministries and national agencies operating in various sectors—who are working to strengthen their operations through robust knowledge sharing. While informed by the academic literature on knowledge management and organizational learning, this handbook’s operational background and many real-world examples and tips provide a missing, practical foundation for public sector officials in developing countries and for development practitioners. However, though written with a public sector audience in mind, the overall concepts and approaches will also hold true for most organizations in the private sector and the developed world.

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Disclosure of Project and Contract Information in Public-Private Partnerships

2013-01, World Bank Institute

This report presents a review of current practices on the disclosure of information on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects and contracts from 11 jurisdictions at the national and sub-national level representing 8 countries. It is part of a broader program of work being undertaken by the World Bank Institute (WBI) on increasing the transparency of public-private contracting. The objective of this review is to present emerging practices on the disclosure of information on PPP projects and contracts and to distill from these suggestions to government agencies on how they can provide more information to their public on their PPP projects. There are no grounds to believe that PPPs require greater transparency than similar projects executed through traditional public procurement. However as with publicly-executed projects PPPs can benefit from greater transparency. In addition PPPs may require considerations and approaches to disclosure not present in publicly-executed projects. The remainder of this report is structured as follows: section one presents a synthesis of observed practices and then a recommended approach in terms of essential information to be disclosed and the key instruments through which this is done; section two presents country case studies in a standardized format reflecting the recommendations in section one; annexures one and two list relevant websites, legislation and policy.