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Publication Combatting Cybercrime: Tools and Capacity Building for Emerging Economies(Washington, DC: World Bank and United Nations, 2017-08) World Bank; United NationsAdvances in technologies over the last 20 years have affected virtually every aspect of the waywe live and conduct our daily lives. While these technologies have been a source of good and enabled social and economic progress around the world, hardly a day goes by without news of yet another cyberattack, or the use of technology in the commission of crime. Here, at the World Bank, we know that in order for technologies, including the internet, to continue to be used as a force for economic growth and development, measures must be taken to ensure the security of the internet and the data and communications that flow over it. This Toolkit, Combating Cybercrime: Tools and Capacity Building for Emerging Economies, aims at building capacity to combat cybercrime among policy-makers, legislators, public prosecutors and investigators, as well as among individuals and in civil society at large in developing countries by providing a synthesis of good practices in the policy, legal and criminal-justice aspects of the enabling environment necessary to combat cybercrime.Publication Disclosure of Project and Contract Information in Public-Private Partnerships(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2013-01) World Bank InstituteThis report presents a review of current practices on the disclosure of information on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects and contracts from 11 jurisdictions at the national and sub-national level representing 8 countries. It is part of a broader program of work being undertaken by the World Bank Institute (WBI) on increasing the transparency of public-private contracting. The objective of this review is to present emerging practices on the disclosure of information on PPP projects and contracts and to distill from these suggestions to government agencies on how they can provide more information to their public on their PPP projects. There are no grounds to believe that PPPs require greater transparency than similar projects executed through traditional public procurement. However as with publicly-executed projects PPPs can benefit from greater transparency. In addition PPPs may require considerations and approaches to disclosure not present in publicly-executed projects. The remainder of this report is structured as follows: section one presents a synthesis of observed practices and then a recommended approach in terms of essential information to be disclosed and the key instruments through which this is done; section two presents country case studies in a standardized format reflecting the recommendations in section one; annexures one and two list relevant websites, legislation and policy.