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Publication Applying the Degree of Urbanisation: A Methodological Manual to Define Cities, Towns and Rural Areas for International Comparisons(European Union/FAO/UN-Habitat/OECD/The World Bank, 2025-01-31) European Union; FAO; UN-Habitat; OECD; World BankThis manual develops a harmonised methodology to facilitate international statistical comparisons and to classify the entire territory of a country along an urban-rural continuum. The degree of urbanisation classification defines cities, towns and semi-dense areas, and rural areas. This first level of the classification may be complemented by a range of more detailed concepts, such as: metropolitan areas, commuting zones, dense towns, semi-dense towns, suburban or peri-urban areas, villages, dispersed rural areas and mostly uninhabited areas. The manual is intended to complement and not replace the definitions used by national statistical offices (NSOs) and ministries. It has been designed principally as a guide for data producers, suppliers and statisticians so that they have the necessary information to implement the methodology and ensure coherency within their data collections. It may also be of interest to users of subnational statistics so they may better understand, interpret and use official subnational statistics for taking informed decisions and policymaking. This report has been produced in close collaboration by six organisations, the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and The World Bank.Publication Combatting Cybercrime: Tools and Capacity Building for Emerging Economies(Washington, DC: World Bank and United Nations, 2017-08) World Bank; United NationsAdvances in technologies over the last 20 years have affected virtually every aspect of the waywe live and conduct our daily lives. While these technologies have been a source of good and enabled social and economic progress around the world, hardly a day goes by without news of yet another cyberattack, or the use of technology in the commission of crime. Here, at the World Bank, we know that in order for technologies, including the internet, to continue to be used as a force for economic growth and development, measures must be taken to ensure the security of the internet and the data and communications that flow over it. This Toolkit, Combating Cybercrime: Tools and Capacity Building for Emerging Economies, aims at building capacity to combat cybercrime among policy-makers, legislators, public prosecutors and investigators, as well as among individuals and in civil society at large in developing countries by providing a synthesis of good practices in the policy, legal and criminal-justice aspects of the enabling environment necessary to combat cybercrime.Publication ICT in Agriculture (Updated Edition): Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2017-06-27) World BankInformation and communication technology (ICT) has always mattered in agriculture. Ever since people have grown crops, raised livestock, and caught fish, they have sought information from one another. Today, ICT represents a tremendous opportunity for rural populations to improve productivity, to enhance food and nutrition security, to access markets, and to find employment opportunities in a revitalized sector. ICT has unleashed incredible potential to improve agriculture, and it has found a foothold even in poor smallholder farms. ICT in Agriculture, Updated Edition is the revised version of the popular ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook, first launched in 2011 and designed to support practitioners, decision makers, and development partners who work at the intersection of ICT and agriculture. Our hope is that this updated Sourcebook will be a practical guide to understanding current trends, implementing appropriate interventions, and evaluating the impact of ICT interventions in agricultural programs.Publication The Art of Knowledge Exchange : A Results-Focused Planning Guide for Development Practitioners, Second Edition Updated(Washington, DC, 2015) World BankKnowledge exchange, or peer-to-peer learning, is a powerful way to share, replicate, and scale up what works in development. Development practitioners want to learn from the practical experience of others who have gone through, or are going through, similar challenges. They want to be connected to each other and have ready access to practical knowledge and solutions. When done right, knowledge exchange can build the capacity, confidence, and conviction of individuals and groups to act. Examples of these direct results or intermediate outcomes from a knowledge exchange include: i) technical water specialists in several sub-districts of Bangladesh learn new skills to replicate good practices (shared by their peers) for building and maintaining a safe water supply; ii) dairy sector and ministry of agriculture officials in Tanzania reach agreement on a blueprint of potential dairy sector reforms because of a new shared understanding and improved collaboration; and iii) farmers in Kenya adopt an innovative rice growing methodology, System of Rice Intensification (SRI), to increase the yield from their land after learning from the experience of countries that pioneered this methodology. This edition contains a full revision of the original art of knowledge exchange as well as new chapters on implementation and results. It draws lessons from over 100 exchanges financed by the World Bank South-South Facility, analytical work conducted by the World Bank Institute and the Task Team for South-South Cooperation, and reflects the experiences of dozens of World Bank Group staff, learning professionals, government officials, and other international development practitioners who have brokered and participated in South-South knowledge exchange activities.Publication The Art of Knowledge Exchange : A Primer for Government Officials and Development Practitioners(Washington, DC, 2013-01) World BankIn 2009, in the midst of the financial crisis, analysts were concerned that banks in Nepal were dangerously overexposed to inflated real estate and equity markets. Nepal's Central Bank (NRB) decided to evaluate its commercial banks, but needed outside expertise and assistance for stress-testing its banks and assessing the damages that could result from economic shocks. Standard International Monetary Fund (IMF) models for evaluating banks in developed economies, however, proved too complex and were unsuitable for the circumstances of a small developing country. Meanwhile, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) had been carrying out quarterly stress-testing of banks in Pakistan. Upon hearing about SBP's capabilities from the World Bank, NRB leadership was eager to learn how to apply Pakistan's regulatory analysis in Nepal. The World Bank facilitated and funded a knowledge exchange between the two central banks so that NRB staff could learn to use a simplified stress-testing, scenario-based model to evaluate the financial stability of Nepal's banks, develop regulations to maintain the stability of banking institutions, and establish contingency plans in the case of failure of a Nepalese bank. This story demonstrates the power of doing development differently. Nepal is very motivated to solve a pressing problem. It actively shops for a solution: the standard model is not suitable, but the Pakistani model is. Pakistan is eager to share its model with Nepal. Nepal adopts and adapts it, and it works.Publication Fraud and Corruption Awareness Handbook : A Handbook for Civil Servants Involved in Public Procurement(Warsaw, 2013) World BankThis handbook is intended for government employees involved in public procurement. It provides some insights into how fraud and corruption schemes work in public investments. The handbook identifies a range of fraud and corruption indicators, or red flags, and relevant schemes that may become apparent during the life of an investment, from design to implementation. The primary focus of this handbook is fraud and corruption in procurement, with some coverage of general governance issues. It is based on the experience of Poland s Central Anti-Corruption Bureau and the World Bank s Integrity Vice Presidency, and it presents examples referring both to public investments implemented under Polish public procurement law and international competitive bidding. This handbook aims to provide support to the managers of procuring entities in conducting public procurement by identifying frequently occurring irregularities and suggesting methods of preventing them.