Debt Management Performance Assessment

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  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Sierra Leone
    (Washington, DC, 2009-12) World Bank
    The results of this assessment show that seven (7) indicators warranted an overall score of C or better, demonstrating compliance with the minimum requirement; these referred to the debt management strategy; evaluation of debt management operation; coordination with fiscal policy; domestic borrowing; external borrowing; debt records and debt reporting, and debt administration and data security. A total of eight (8) indicators did not meet the minimum requirement at the time of the mission. These correspond to legal framework; managerial structure; audit, coordination with monetary policy; loan guarantees and on-lending; cash-flow forecasting and balance management; segregation of duties, staff capacity and business continuity and debt reporting. The mission notes that Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, or MOFED is currently implementing reforms in the areas of public debt management and domestic debt market development, including i) designing a new comprehensive public debt law; ii) implementing the reorganization of the debt management unit in MOFED; iii) formulating and implementing a procedures manual for debt management functions in MOFED; iv) implementing connectivity between two major data bases, namely CSDRMS and the integrated financial management system of the government. As a consequence, the mission expects several of these indicators to improve with reform implementation.
  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Maldives
    (Washington, DC, 2009-10) World Bank
    From October 19 to 27, 2009, a World Bank team in collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat undertook a debt management performance assessment of the Government of the Republic of Maldives (GRM). The objective was to undertake a comprehensive assessment of debt management functions using the Debt Management Performance Assessment tool (DeMPA), version of November 2008. As part of the assessment, the team met relevant officials dealing with public debt management in Maldives from the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MOFT), the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA), the Attorney General, the Auditor General's office, the National Disaster Management Centre, Capital Markets Development Authority, the State Bank of India and the Bank of Maldives. The assessment for Maldives was timely. The current situation shows moderately high government debt levels (around 55 percent of GDP) with sustainability indicators reflecting vulnerabilities (at current trajectory of primary deficit, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) article four report estimated debt levels would reach 75 percent of GDP by 2013). The recently concluded Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) findings highlighted areas for improvement relating to budget execution and credibility, audit and legislative oversight, cash management and the Treasury Single Account (TSA), and monitoring and managing fiscal risks.
  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Solomon Islands
    (Washington, DC, 2009-09) World Bank
    From February 19 to 28, 2009, a World Bank team undertook a debt management performance assessment (DeMPA) mission to Honiara, Solomon Islands. The objective was to undertake a comprehensive assessment of debt management functions applying the DeMPA tool. The assessment reveals that the Solomon Islands meets the minimum requirements for effective debt management performance as specified by the DeMPA tool on the legal framework, coordination with monetary policy, and debt reporting. While taking note of substantial efforts to improve performance in a number of areas, the assessment also found that the Solomon Islands does not meet the minimum requirements for the indicators assessing the debt management strategy, managerial structure, coordination with fiscal policy, domestic borrowing, cash flow forecasting and cash balance management, debt records, and debt recording. The mission also identified the following areas that require improvement and could be considered priorities for capacity building and reform: evaluation of debt management operations; auditing; external borrowing; loan guarantees, on-lending and debt-related transactions; debt administration and data security, and; segregation of duties, staff capacity and business continuity.
  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Togo
    (Washington, DC, 2008-06) World Bank
    During November 12 through November 24, 2007 a World Bank team traveled to Lome, Togo, to undertake an assessment of the government's debt management operations using the Debt Management Performance Measurement Assessment Tool (DeMPA). The DeMPA is a methodology for assessing debt management performance through a set of 15 indicators covering the full range of debt management functions. This assessment report highlights that the current strengths of debt management operations in Togo lie in the areas of coordination with monetary policy and the staff in the debt office, who have the skills needed for the basic debt management operations they are required to do at the moment. Among the areas for improvement identified, the priority should be given to: (i) the institutional framework, which is currently overly complex and does not ensure appropriate coordination among all entities that participate in the debt management process; (ii) the debt recording systems, which are not accurate and complete, in part as a consequence of the institutional framework; and (iii) putting in place a debt management strategy, which at this stage would focus on arrears clearance and the terms of re-engagement with the international financial community.
  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Mongolia
    (Washington, DC, 2008-06) World Bank
    A World Bank mission visited Ulaanbaatar April 3-11, 2008. The team consisted of Lars Jessen and Eriko Togo, World Bank Treasury. The objective was to undertake a comprehensive assessment of debt management operations using the Debt Management Performance Assessment tool (DeMPA) that was developed with a focus on Low Income Countries (LICs). A main reason for applying the tool in Mongolia was the opportunity to take stock of the progress in the debt management area achieved under the debt management sub-component of the World Bank Governance Assistance Program (GAP). The mission met with government officials from various departments in the Ministry of Finance, including the Debt Management Division, Bank of Mongolia, Mongolia National Audit Office, the State Audit and Inspection Committee, and a private bank. Mongolia scores relatively high on indicators related to governance and strategy development, coordination with macroeconomic policies, strategy implementation, and recording and reporting. Weaknesses reside in the areas of cash flow forecasting and cash management, and operational risk management. The latter include debt administration and data security, and segregation of duties, staff capacity, and business continuity.
  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Burkina Faso
    (Washington, 2008-05) World Bank
    The Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) is a methodology for assessing government Debt Management (DeM) performance through a comprehensive set of indicators spanning the full range of DeM functions. The assessment reveals that Burkina Faso's DeM institutions' performance meets minimum requirements in six out of the fifteen debt performance indicators. All external loans that are contracted by the government respect a 35 percent minimum concessionality condition and are analyzed and approved by a debt committee; formal evaluation reports are produced for each project considered. Finally, Burkina has a fairly well-managed front office that concentrates relations with all donors and is thus better able to maximize the volume of concessional financing and avoid non-concessional borrowing. Nevertheless, Burkina Faso does not meet the minimum requirements in a total of fourteen dimensions across nine Debt Performance Indicator's (DPIs), and it only exceeds the minimum requirements in four indicators, underlining the critical importance of maintaining and strengthening the reform momentum. Finally, a long-term objective should be to separate the policy and technical aspects of debt management. At present, National Public Debt Committee (CNDP) is involved in both: on the policy side, it approves the debt policy and debt strategy; on the technical side, it discusses each loan, verifying that projects are well designed and the underlying financing arrangement is appropriate.
  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Republic of Moldova
    (Washington, DC, 2008-04) World Bank
    The Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) comprises a set of fifteen debt performance indicators (DPIs), which aim to encompass the complete spectrum of government debt management (DeM) operations as well as the overall environment in which these operations are conducted. While the DeMPA does not specify recommendations on reforms and/or capacity and institution building needs, the performance indicators do stipulate a minimum level that should be met under all conditions. Consequently, if the assessment shows that the minimum requirements are not met, this will clearly indicate an area requiring attention or priority reform. The scope of the DeMPA is central government debt management activities and closely related functions such as issuance of loan guarantees, on-lending, and cash flow forecasting and cash balance management. Thus, the DeMPA does not assess the ability to manage the wider public debt, including implicit contingent liabilities (such as liabilities of the pension system, losses of state-owned enterprises (SOE), etc.), as well as debt of SOE, if these are not guaranteed by the central government.
  • Publication
    Debt Management Performance Assessment : Mozambique
    (Washington, DC, 2008-03) World Bank
    The Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) is a methodology for assessing government debt management (DeM) performance through a comprehensive set of indicators spanning the full range of DeM functions. The assessment reveals that Mozambique has points of strength in most areas evaluated by the DeMPA, but that it meets the minimum requirements only in the fields of the legal framework and managerial structure. Mozambique does not meet the minimum requirements with respect to the other indicators, although in many cases work is underway that would lead to meeting the requirements (e.g., debt strategy, debt reporting) or only small improvements would be required in order to meet those requirements (e.g., the annual report, coordination with fiscal policy). The concluding section of this paper outlines areas in which the minimum requirement could be met over the short run with minimal adjustments, and areas where progress would require stronger efforts. Mozambique benefited from debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) initiative in 2001 and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) in 2006. The government has remained committed to seeking new financing with at least 35 percent concessionality, which has been made possible by the strong involvement of the international donor community. Due in large part to Mozambique's success in implementing public financial management reforms, a substantial proportion of external assistance takes the form of direct budget support. The scope of the DeMPA includes central government debt management activities and closely related functions, such as the issuance of loan guarantees, on-lending, cash-flow forecasting, and cash balance management. Thus, the DeMPA does not assess the ability to manage the wider public debt, including implicit contingent liabilities, as well as the debt of state-owned enterprises if these are not guaranteed by the central government.