Armenian PDFs Available

25 items available

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Items in this collection

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  • Publication
    Country Partnership Framework for the Republic of Armenia for the Period FY19-FY23
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-02-28) World Bank Group
    The country partnership framework (CPF) for FY19-FY23 outlines a program of support to the Government of Armenia’s vision for a just, inclusive, and citizen-centric Armenia. The World Bank Group (WBG) strategy will capitalize on the new momentum for deeper reforms and commitment to good governance brought about by recent political changes in Armenia to support a rebalancing of the economy toward a new growth model. The CPF presents to focus on: (i) boosting export enablers and firm competitiveness; (ii) enhancing human capital and equity; and (iii) sustainably managing environmental and natural resources. The CPF will seek opportunities under each focus area to incorporate key elements of good governance and inclusion: public accountability and transparency, citizen engagement, gender equity, spatial equity, and digital connectivity. The CPF focus areas were informed by extensive stakeholder consultations with the government, development partners, the private sector, and civil society; by the development challenges and opportunities highlighted in the government program and the WBG’s systematic country diagnostic (SCD) for Armenia.
  • Publication
    How the Crisis Changed the Pace of Poverty Reduction and Shared Prosperity: Armenia Poverty Assessment
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2015-06) World Bank Group
    This report examines Armenia’s experience in reducing poverty and raising the welfare of the least well-off in the country in the years since 2009. What households spend on consumption is an indicator of their welfare. As the economy recovered from crisis, the least well-off enjoyed some growth in consumption spending, but not as much as in the years up to 2009. Moreover, growth has become less pro-poor in relative terms because the less well-off enjoyed lower growth in consumption than the better-off. As a result, although consumption did translate into a reduction in poverty, inequality is now higher than before 2009. In 2013, 32 percent of Armenia’s population lived below the national poverty line, a poverty rate higher than in pre-crisis years but down from the high of 35.8 percent in 2010. In fact, between 2012 and 2013, poverty reduction seems to have stalled. This report looks at the micro and macro aspects of Armenia’s poverty reduction experience to: (a) describe the key features of post-crisis poverty, inequality, and consumption growth; (b) examine the drivers of poverty reduction in this period; and (c) explore reasons why future growth might not be as pro-poor as in the past.