Institutional and Governance Review
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Publication Tanzania Education Sector Institutional and Governance Assessment(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-06-30) World BankThe Tanzania Education Sector Institutional and Governance Assessment (hereafter referred to as the report) identifies the drivers of efficient and effective basic education service delivery in Tanzania by exploring the sector’s institutional and governance context. The assessment has four main components: i) the policy and institutional setting; ii) the public financial management (PFM) context; iii) decentralization and its impact on basic education; and iv) school autonomy and accountability in the delivery of education services. Viewing these through a ‘service delivery lens’, the report presents the key findings and recommendations for medium-term as well as immediate future programming aimed at improved learning outcomes in Tanzania. The report takes an overall systems approach where each component is viewed as part of the whole, to create a picture where interconnected systemic constraints underpin an uncertain accountability chain. This is presented as a synthesis of learnings across all four components. The picture that emerges informs the recommendations of the Report, enabling the identification of synergistic critical pathways and entry-points for effective, efficient, and accountable education service delivery and, in the longer term, improved learning outcomes.Publication Indonesia's PNPM Generasi Program : Final Impact Evaluation Report(World Bank, Jakarta, 2011-06) World BankIndonesia has made remarkable strides in key human development indicators over the past few decades. Primary school enrollment is close to universal for both boys and girls, and the child mortality rate has declined rapidly. Furthermore, achievements in these indicators reveal large geographical disparities, with poorer outcomes in rural and remote provinces and districts. Improving access to basic quality health and education services is a key component of an overall poverty reduction strategy for Indonesia. The project builds on the Indonesian government's existing community-driven development program, known as the National Community Empowerment Program in rural areas (PNPM) or formerly, the Kecamatan Development Program (KDP). This document describes the findings from the three-wave evaluation series carried out from 2007 to 2010. The baseline survey took place from June 2007 to August 2007. The second wave was conducted from October 2008 to January 2009, after 15 to 18 months of Generasi implementation. The third and final evaluation survey was implemented from October 2009 to January 2010 after 27 to 30 months of project implementation.Publication Chile: Toward a Cohesive and Well Governed National Innovation System(Washington, DC, 2008) World BankChile is increasingly looking to innovation as a pillar of its competitiveness and an engine of growth to close the income gap with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) economies. The country has doubled its per capita income since the 1990s. The growth slowdown in the late 1990s and early 2000s, however, raised concerns about that the old sources of growth. While the rate of growth has picked up again, spurred by a favorable external environment, there is an increased awareness of the importance of innovation to growth and a desire to move toward a more diversified and knowledge-based economy, following the example of other successful resource-rich economies such as Australia and Finland. Higher government commitments to innovation have raised new challenges. The remaining of the report is structured as follows. Chapter two discusses the importance of innovation to Chile's economy and highlights the need to define innovation policy within a comprehensive framework that encompasses the entire production system. Chapter three organizes thinking around some basic governance principles for innovation systems drawing form the public governance literature, the broader innovation literature, and international experiences. Chapter four applies those principles to Chile's public institutions and agents that will be responsible for defining and implementing innovation policies. Chapter five examines the rationale and guiding principles of regional innovation policies and offers recommendations for Chile's regional innovation systems and their governance framework. Chapter six summarizes the main conclusions.Publication Mongolia : Building the Skills for the New Economy(Washington, DC, 2007-06) World BankThis report examines the challenges in the labor market in Mongolia as the economy has undergone a transformation into a market economy. It identifies three major interrelated challenges-joblessness, informality and skills mismatch. The inability to find productive employment has important poverty implications, as labor is the main asset of the poor. But along with the skills mismatch, they also affect efficiency, and thus economic growth, by preventing the economy from using the available human capital to its fullest potential.