Other Public Sector Study
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Publication Ethics and Corruption in the Federal Public Service: Civil Servants' Perspectives(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-12-09) World BankThis Survey on Ethics and Corruption in the Federal Public Service was held online from April 28 to May 28, 2021, in partnership with the Office of the Federal Comptroller General (CGU), the Ministry of the Economy, and the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). All civil servants were represented in the sample, totaling 22,130 respondents. The sample covered all federative units and ministries. Most civil servants report having witnessed some sort of unethical practice during their time in the public sector. Of all respondents, 58.7 percent stated that they witnessed some unethical practice during their career in public service. The most frequent practices were using one's position to help friends or family and bending the rules under pressure from one’s superiors. Over the past three years, around one third of all civil servants (33.4 percent) witnessed some unethical practice, according to their reports. Corruption in the public service is multifaceted, thus requiring granular information about its nature, prevalence, and vulnerable actors. In view of its scope, thematic scope, and representativeness, the data generated by the study could become a valuable source for the development of knowledge about corruption in the federal public service. We hope that this Survey on Ethics and Corruption in the Federal Public Service becomes a tool to complement current and future efforts to fight corruption.Publication Lei das Agências: An Analysis of Draft Law on Regulatory Agencies(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017) World Bank GroupSince 2013, a new legislation was being drafted by the Senate of Brazil, in response to the perception that the Agencies often lack financial, administrative and decision making autonomy, are subject to capture by both overt and tacit political interference, with appointees lacking the necessary skills and independence. In infrastructure, regulatory uncertainty and the resort to the court of law in matters that should normally be decided by the agencies and accepted by affected parties is particularly harmful when government faces excess (and growing) demand for infrastructure services. After being discussed and approved in two key Senate commissions, the draft law (DL) was approved unanimously by the Senate Special Commission on National Development with no need to go to the floor. The DL provides the agencies with considerable formal autonomy, being no coincidence that this is made explicit at the outset of the legislation (Article 3). While the DL provides substantial autonomy to the agencies, it also defines the mechanisms for external control and accountability in its second chapter. The fundamental reason for the support of the DL is the high degree of autonomy conferred on the agencies, guaranteeing independence of political interests, technical excellence, and greater transparency and accountability. Finally, the DL strongly encourages inter-agency cooperation, partly in response to a recurrent criticism regarding barriers facing firms when dealing with different government agencies both national and subnational.Publication Technical Assessment of the Oaxaca Water and Sanitation Sector Modernization Program(Washington, DC, 2014-03) World BankIn 2012 the Government of Oaxaca (GoO) prepared a Strategic Plan (Plan Estrategico Sectorial) for the Water Supply and Sanitation sector as part of its State Development Plan (Plan Estatal de Desarrollo) covering the period 2011-2016 corresponding to the six years of its administration. The objectives of the Strategic Plan for the WSS sector can be grouped under four pillars, expanding access to WSS services urban areas, improving water service quality and financial sustainability of water utilities, increasing wastewater treatment coverage, and expanding access to WSS services rural areas.Publication FONDEN: Mexico's Natural Disaster Fund--A Review(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2012-05) World BankFONDEN (Natural Disasters Fund), Mexico's fund for natural disasters, was established in the late 1990s as a mechanism to support the rapid rehabilitation of federal and state infrastructure affected by adverse natural events. FONDEN was first created as a budget line in the Federal expenditure budget of 1996, and became operational in 1999. Funds from FONDEN could be used for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of: 1) public infrastructure at the three levels of government (federal, state, and municipal); 2) low-income housing; and 3) certain components of the natural environment. FONDEN consists of two complementary budget accounts, the FONDEN program for reconstruction and FOPREDEN program for prevention, and their respective financial accounts. The FONDEN program for reconstruction is FONDEN's primary budget account. It channels resources from the federal expenditure budget to specific reconstruction programs. The FOPREDEN program for prevention supports disaster prevention by funding activities related to risk assessment, risk reduction, and capacity building on disaster prevention. The FONDEN system is continuously evolving to integrate lessons learned over the course of years of experience.Publication Colombia - Programmatic Strategic Engagement on Public Sector Management and Governance : Concept Note(Washington, DC, 2011-03-14) World BankThis concept note presents the strategic engagement of the World Bank in the areas of public sector management and governance in Colombia. It describes the short and medium term approach through which the Bank will provide support to the country on those areas of reform, as well as their links and synergies with other sectors activities. It also provides a summary of the Bank's public sector management and governance recent activities and their links with the program proposed by this strategy. This concept note lays out the strategy and program of financial support, knowledge and convening services to continue supporting the Government's public sector reform agenda in a demand-driven and flexible manner. The program aims to contribute to improve sustained and inclusive growth and competitiveness through strengthened government's management and improved service delivery. Its objectives are aligned with the National Development Plan (NDP) pillars and cross-cutting themes of good governance and regional development and integration, as well the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) outcomes. The remainder of this note is structured as follows: (i) section two summarizes the trend public sector reforms have been following in Colombia; (ii) section three provides an overview of the trajectory the reform key National Government Management Institutions (NGMI) has followed in Colombia, summarizing the current status of Government's efforts in this area and outlining the pending policy reform agenda; (iii) section four presents a review of past Bank engagement in NGMI' s reforms and a description of the strategy to respond to the Government's priorities and pending reform agenda, including key expected outputs; (iv) section five provides an overview of the trajectory decentralization reform has followed in Colombia, summarizing the current status of Government's efforts in this area and outlining the pending policy reform agenda; (v) section six presents a review of past Bank engagement in decentralization reforms and a description of the strategy to respond to the Government's priorities and pending reform agenda, including key expected outputs; and, (vi) section seven contains a resource section, describing the timeline of proposed activities, budget, team composition, and processes for quality review, monitoring and evaluation.Publication Base Line Study : Transparency in the Public Construction Sector in Guatemala(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2010-11) Multi-Stakeholder GroupThis study examined the level of transparency in the public construction sector in Guatemala to create a benchmark for the implementation of the CoST (Construction Sector Transparency) Initiative in the country. It was based on an analysis of the disclosure of 31 indicators of Material Project Information (MPI), as defined by the CoST Initiative. The study showed that disclosure of Material Project Information in Guatemala is supported significantly by the national legal framework. The law mandates online disclosure of almost 87 percent of the MPI required by the CoST Initiative. This is the highest percentage among countries participating in the CoST Initiative to-date. Yet, an analysis of 16 projects selected randomly in seven Procurement Entities (PEs) - four at the central level and three at the local level - revealed that actual information disclosure only amounts, on average, to 38 percent of the MPI required by law. This represents 34 percent of the MPI required by the CoST Initiative. Procurement Entities (PEs) at the central government level disclose on average 40 percent of the MPI required by the law online in the GUATECOMPRAS (Contracting System of the State of Guatemala) system; PEs at the local level disclose 35 percent. In the project cycle, the stages registering the lowest levels of information disclosure were: design (6.29 percent of the MPI required by the law), execution (5.50 percent), supervision (4.13 percent) and post-contract (19.25 percent). Road infrastructure projects under analysis underwent, on average, 17 variation orders, with additional times and price amounting to 123 percent and 103 percent, respectively. Based on the results of the study, the Guatemalan CoST Initiative will collaborate in its pilot phase with selected PEs to facilitate the analysis and disclosure of MPI throughout the project cycle.Publication El Salvador : Policy Dialogue and Consensus Building Non-Lending Technical Assistance(Washington, DC, 2009-01) World BankThe Non-lending Technical Assistance (NLTA) to support policy dialogue and consensus building in El Salvador was a just-in-time response to support the Bank s re-engagement in the country in the context of a transition period characterized by: a) the political transition process in the country including the presidential and Congress pre-election and election periods and the change of administration; b) the impact of the global economic crisis hitting a highly vulnerable local economy; and c) the preparation of the Bank s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) aiming at re-engaging and reactivating a program in a country with minimum activity in the past four years. A country characterized with a highly polarized political system was going through a historic transition period with a new government coming from the opposition party for the first time in 20 years. The transition that took place in mid 2009 was also marked with the strong hit of the global economic crisis that impacted on the overall country s macroeconomic performance and seriously limited the capacity of the government to respond to urgent needs. Within this context the proposed NLTA was conceived to provide support to the country policy dialogue by facilitating the discussion of critical aspects in the context of the adverse economic and social situation.Publication Anti-Corruption Diagnostic for Argentina : An Overview of Three Reports and General Recommendations, Volume 1. Main Report(Washington, DC, 2000-07-30) World BankIn mid-1999, the World Bank initiated diagnostic studies of three topics relevant to improving public sector transparency in Argentina. The topics proposed for study--procurement, the detection and investigation of corrupt acts, and the role of public information--were seen to be critical to any Argentine Government program to combat corruption. The three resulting papers (to be attached as Annexes) are synthesized in the present overview which provides a number of specific recommendations for imprvements and a suggested course of action for the future. The research focused almost exclusively on the federal government, but holds lessons for the other levels (provincial and municipal) as well. The report describes the situation prior to the assumption of office by President Fernando de la Rua (December 10, 1999). President De la Rua has begun an anti-corruption program, which is addressing many of the problems identified here. This report does not and cannot assess these new efforts. The attached consultants' reports should be read with that understanding.