Other Public Sector Study

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  • Publication
    Global Trends in AI Governance: Evolving Country Approaches
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-05) World Bank Group
    As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integral to global economies and societies, the need for effective AI governance has never been more urgent. The rapid advancement in AI technologies and their widespread adoption across many sectors, such as healthcare, finance, agriculture, and public administration, presents unprecedented opportunities and significant risks. Ensuring that AI is developed and deployed in a manner that is ethical, transparent, and accountable requires robust governance frameworks that can keep pace with technological evolution. This report explores the emerging landscape of AI governance, providing policymakers with an overview of key considerations, challenges, and global approaches to regulating and governing AI. It examines the foundational elements necessary for thriving local AI ecosystems, such as reliable digital infrastructure, a stable and sufficient power supply, supportive policies for digital development, and investment in local talent. As countries navigate this complex landscape, the report highlights the need to encourage innovation by mitigating risks like bias, privacy violations, and lack of transparency, emphasizing the importance of sustainable growth and responsible AI governance.
  • Publication
    Lessons from Disaster Governance: Port of Beirut Explosion Reform Recovery and Reconstruction Framework
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-07-05) GFDRR; World Bank
    Lebanon’s experience of compounding crises over the past several years points to the nexus of fragility and disaster. The country has recently experienced one of the worst financial and economic crises in human history. The crisis derives from a set of structural causes of fragility: a combination of chronic macroeconomic imbalances and political inaction stemming from political polarization and decision-making paralysis. Lebanon’s economic model has failed to generate economic opportunities, leading to high levels of inequality and poverty. The privatization of services and their patronage-based access, coupled with the capture and mismanagement of public funds intended for infrastructure, have led to a decline in the quality of virtually all public services, including a near collapse in electricity provision. The international community’s response after this humanitarian disaster was an innovative institutional platform, the Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF), aiming to facilitate recovery and reconstruction in the aftermath of the disaster while reactivating reforms to address the drivers of fragility in the country. Organized by the European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank in December 2020, the 3RF not only provided a prioritized comprehensive plan across various sectors to support Beirut’s recovery and reconstruction but also included a second track to advance critical reforms to address governance challenges in Lebanon. The 3RF is a unique governance platform, backed by a fund-pooling facility (the Lebanon Financing Facility, or LFF), which links the unlocking of investments in Lebanon with the reform results so that nonhumanitarian assistance received through national institutions is conditional on the implementation of reform. While the people-centered recovery response concluded in June 2022, the 3RF continues on Track 2, which focuses on inclusive policy dialogue, the implementation of reforms, and the reconstruction of critical services and infrastructure.
  • Publication
    Review of the Tax System in the Kyrgyz Republic
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-07-05) World Bank
    Tax revenues to GDP ratio in the Kyrgyz Republic is higher than most lower middle income countries at above 28 percent of GDP in 2022, but complex tax structure, narrow base and remaining weaknesses in tax administration pose risks to sustainability and create unequal tax burden across taxpayers. Revenue performance in 2021-23 improved significantly due to improvements in tax administration, but significant share of the improved tax collection is contributed by VAT on imports which is likely attributed to trade diversion after imposition of trade sanctions on Russia. The transit trade driven by the sanctions has increased substantially during 2022-2023 period. If the relative share of imports would have stayed at the actual 2021 level (64.5 percent), we estimate that the transit trade contributed to increase in VAT revenues of KGS 25.2 billion (equivalent of 2.6 percent of GDP) in 2022, and an estimated KGS 37.9 billion in additional VAT revenues (3.3 percent of estimated GDP) in 2023. These one-off exceptional revenues should be isolated and treated separately when making medium-to-longer run tax revenue forecasts and when considering tax policies. This report looks into three major issues, tax gap and how it could be reasonably reduced over the medium term; needed tax policy changes; and how administration provisions in tax legislation can support the same level of tax revenues, with more equitable distribution of tax burden promoting growth and lowering compliance costs. The report touches briefly on tax administration key issues, as ongoing tax administration reform agenda supported by the World Bank funded project is currently underway.
  • Publication
    Slovakia - Understanding the Productivity of Slovakia’s Local Governments: Key findings from an empirical study
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-05-07) World Bank
    This report employs a diverse range of data sources to examine district-level variations in public sector productivity in Slovakia. It leverages administrative data to measure productivity from the Fabasoft and Cezir data systems that provide detailed insights into case management and business licensing processes. Employment data, sourced from the government's job portal, sheds light on competition for public sector jobs. Additionally, a survey of district office public officials captures their management practices and attitudes. By incorporating these varied data sources, the report offers a comprehensive understanding of productivity factors and management dynamics within district offices, enabling a complex and informed assessment of the determinants of public sector productivity.
  • Publication
    The World Bank's Support for Subnational Governance in Large Federal Countries: Lessons Learned from Argentina, Brazil and Nigeria
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2022) Stoykov, Petar Georgiev; Yilmaz, Serdar
    Limited local tax revenue and low public sector efficiency are two critical problems of public sector management and key constraints for the economic and social development of many subnational governments in large federal countries. To create fiscal space without compromising macroeconomic stability and fiscal sustainability, there is a need for reforms that lead to better use of public resources and improved expenditure efficiency through reforms in budgeting, procurement, and tax administration. This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s subnational governance projects in three large federal countries - Argentina, Brazil and Nigeria - between 2008-2017. These lessons learned can be useful in shaping the design of future subnational governance projects in other federal countries, particularly those projects seeking to improve service delivery, public expenditure systems and core governance institutions.
  • Publication
    Using New Data to Support Tax Treaty Negotiation
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-07-12) World Bank
    This paper introduces the new Tax Treaties Explorer dataset, developed with support from the World Bank and the G-24, and illustrates its use for research by tax treaty negotiators, policy makers, and researchers. The new dataset provides a rich source of data to reexamine existing tax treaty policy, inform negotiation positions, and assess treaty networks. For the first time, it provides a tool to analyze trends in the content of tax treaties, across individual agreements, over time, and between countries. To illustrate the value of such an approach, we replicate a study by Barthel, Busse, and Neumayer (2009), which found a positive association between the presence of a tax treaty and the bilateral stock of FDI. We show that this effect is mainly driven by the withholding tax rates in the treaty rather than by other provisions affecting taxing rights such as permanent establishment. If the outcomes of this proof-of-concept replication are borne out in future research, this would suggest that negotiators can seek the maximum protection of source taxing rights in other parts of the treaty, knowing that this is unlikely to dilute investment-promoting impacts.
  • Publication
    Ghana: Enhancing Revenue Mobilization Through Improved Tax Compliance and Administrative Systems
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-11-13) World Bank
    Ghana’s tax collection is low compared with other lower middle-income countries. Non-compliance of tax payments is an urgent issue in Ghana, as the government has been suffering from a widening fiscal deficit and a rising debt burden. Learning from experiences in other countries, this report proposes potential interventions that could improve tax compliance.
  • Publication
    Citizen Engagement in Operations: A Stock-Take of Citizen Engagement in Development Policy Financing
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-06) Kumagai, Saki
    Guided by the 2014 Strategic Framework for Mainstreaming Citizen Engagement in World Bank Group Operations, the World Bank supports policies, programs, projects, and advisory services and analytics where citizen engagement (CE) can improve development results. While the corporate commitment to mainstream CE targets investment operations, the World Bank teams continue to explore CE in other instruments. Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results, a report by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), assessed the Bank Group’s efforts to mainstream CE. It recommends the World Bank “encourage and support efforts of its regional, country, and Global Practices teams to establish, where appropriate, thick CE that is regular and continuous, uses multiple tools, and is embedded in country systems.” It also suggests this objective could be achieved by more systematically using existing channels of dialogue and stakeholder engagement, including that of Development Policy Financing (DPF), and applying tools at the various levels. Given this context, this Governance Note aims to take stock of existing CE practice in DPF by shedding light on the prior action usage.
  • Publication
    Chatbots for Third-Party Monitoring: CivicTech Pilot in Madagascar
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-06) Rakotomalala, Olivia; Peixoto, Tiago; Kumagai, Saki
    Growing evidence confirms that citizen engagement is key to improving the delivery and quality of public services, management of public finances, and to promoting social inclusion, resulting in tangible improvements in people’s lives. The advent and availability of new technologies provide new opportunities to reach citizens, aggregate their ‘voice’ and demand, help governments respond, and partner with citizens to find and implement solutions collectively. With the right approach, CivicTech enables citizens to overcome income, social, and geographical barriers to interact with governments and participate at the local or national level. The CivicTech pilot in Madagascar supported the development of a Facebook ChatBot (bot) to enable third-party monitoring of service delivery operations for the Madagascar Public Sector Performance Project (PAPSP, P150116). A similar approach could be replicated for Community Driven Development (CDD) projects and local government and decentralized service delivery projects to achieve a multi-channel structure for third-party monitoring (offline, mobile, and web). The note documents the CivicTech pilot experience in Madagascar and lessons learned.
  • Publication
    Mainstreaming Citizen Engagement through the World Bank Group’s Country Engagement Model
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-12-01) Masud, Harika; Kumagai, Saki; Grandvoinnet, Helene
    Efforts to mainstream citizen engagement into the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) cycle have the potential to contribute toward achieving country development goals and the World Bank Group’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity by maximizing the impact of citizen-centric initiatives. Informed by the findings of a desk review of the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) and corresponding CPF from FY14 to FY19, this technical note is intended to serve as a resource for World Bank task teams to elaborate on options and entry points for systematic mainstreaming of citizen engagement in the CPF cycle, specifically in preparing the SCDs, CPFs, Performance and Learning Reviews, and Completion and Learning Reviews.