Other Public Sector Study

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  • Publication
    ID4D Country Diagnostic: Central African Republic
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-10-19) World Bank
    This diagnostic has been conducted with the sole purpose of serving the ongoing development of social protection policy in the country. It is the Bank’s hope that the report will be useful for social protection policy development as intended. The Bank has not agreed with the government to invest in the civil registration and identification sector. The government may consider the use of this report for the activities it will undertake to seek support from the international donor community for such an investment. The report is organized into the following sections: section one gives introduction. Section two examines the identity ecosystem in Central African Republic (CAR) and presents the stakeholders on the supply and demand sides, the identity schemes, the legal framework, and the specific post-crisis identity context; and section three presents the analysis conducted by the World Bank Group and details the main recommendations to build on so social protection actors can promote an efficient and reliable identity ecosystem that can serve the entire Central African population, starting from the most vulnerable.
  • Publication
    People's Perspectives on ID and Civil Registration in Rwanda
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-01-29) World Bank
    Rwanda's electronic national population register (NPR) and ID project was first launched in 2008 and has since achieved impressive coverage. Today, the NPR captures the information of approximately 98 percent of the population. It is commonly considered to be one of the strongest foundational national identification (ID) systems in Africa due to the robust back end and information management systems that underpin it. The National Identification Agency (NIDA) ), has made concerted efforts over the years in the areas of policy, business process, communications, and support to ensure that all people in Rwanda are able to access IDs and register births and receive birth certificates. This has included initiatives like "CRVS week" in 2017 to encourage people to register the births of their children. It also includes nationwide communications campaigns to ensure equal access to IDs and the ability to use these to access services, with specific targeting for vulnerable groups like refugees. In order to improve current processes, close the remaining two percent gap in ID coverage, and inform the roll out of the new digital birth registration, NIDA requested the World Bank to support qualitative research to understand experiences, attitudes, and behavior of Rwandans towards accessing and using the current national ID cards and birth certificates.
  • Publication
    South Africa ID Case Study
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-05-01) World Bank
    South Africa’s approach to identification offers valuable lessons for countries looking to increase the coverage, robustness, and use of their ID systems. Since the end of apartheid, South Africa’s national identification system has been transformed from a tool of oppression to one for inclusion and the delivery of social services. The ID system is now closely integrated with civil registration, boasts high coverage among all segments of the population, and has been instrumental for effective service delivery and a cost effective electoral process.
  • Publication
    South Africa ID Case Study
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2019-05) World Bank Group
    South Africa’s approach to identification offers valuable lessons for countries looking to increase the coverage, robustness, and use of their ID systems. Since the end of apartheid, South Africa’s national identification system has been transformed from a tool of oppression to one for inclusion and the delivery of social services. The ID system is now closely integrated with civil registration, boasts high coverage among all segments of the population, and has been instrumental for effective service delivery and a cost effective electoral process.
  • Publication
    Identification for Development Country Diagnostic: Uganda
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018-11-01) World Bank
    In today’s digital age, robust, inclusive, and responsible civil registration and identification systems play an important role in providing citizens with a legal identity and generating vital and demographic statistics. Universal coverage of these systems improves the accessibility, integrity, effectiveness, and efficiency of public and private services. Experience in Estonia, India, Peru, South Africa, Thailand, and other countries has shown that an effective national identification system can accelerate progress in addressing key development and governance challenges, such as financial inclusion, universal healthcare coverage, and digitizing and integrating services in the public and private sectors. The ID4D diagnostic was undertaken between November 2017 and June 2018 at the request from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Government of Uganda under the umbrella of the World Bank’s Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative.This work was done with excellent collaboration from NIRA’s management and personnel. Its objective was to analyze the identification ecosystem in Uganda, highlight strengths and achievements, suggest areas of improvement, and build consensus around recommendations and next steps. This was done through in-person interviews with over40 government and private stakeholders, a field visit, and a literature review. Draft findings and recommendations were presented at a consultation workshop in August 2018, attended by over 50 experts representing 30 MDAs and private sector organizations. Feedback from the workshop is reflected in the report.
  • Publication
    The State of Identification Systems in Africa: A Synthesis of Country Assessments
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017-04) World Bank Group
    The ability to prove one's identity is a cornerstone of participation in modern life, yet over 1.5 billion people lack proof of legal identity. As a first step in assisting its client countries to close this identity gap, the World Bank Group's ID4D initiative conducts Identity Management Systems Analyses (IMSAs) to evaluate countries' identity ecosystems and facilitate collaboration with governments for future work. To date, analyses have been conducted in 17 African countries, including Botswana, Chad, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Guinea, Lenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Zambia.
  • Publication
    Identification for Development Country Diagnostic: Rwanda
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2016-12) World Bank
    Over the last decade Rwanda has developed an exemplary identification ecosystem and has accumulated practical knowledge and experience that deserve to be shared with other African nations who may find it useful and inspiring as they attempt to build their own identification schemes. While the report is based on in-country research and interviews with identity stakeholders, conducted by the author in support of an official development program in early 2015, it is an independent outcome. It is issued by ID4Africa in the spirit of documenting and promoting knowledge transfer of good practices among African nations. It did not seek official approval or endorsement from any government or development agency. The author remains responsible for the opinions expressed herein, and for any inaccuracies or omissions that may have slipped through, for which apologies are presented in advance. This report is organized as follows: Section 1 gives the essential guide to identity ecosystems and what matters in identity. Section 2 provides a holistic overview of what exists in Rwanda and how the elements relate to one another. Sections 3, 4, and 5 provide a detailed description of the foundational identity registers and schemes, such as the civil register and the National population register, the National identity (NID) card, and the Ubudehe social register. Section 6 provides lessons learned for consideration aimed at other African identity authorities desirous of building or reinforcing their legal identity ecosystems. Finally, the Annex gives, for reference, a summary of the legal framework governing the identity ecosystem in Rwanda.
  • Publication
    Identification for Development: Botswana
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2015-09) World Bank Group
    This report analyzes the Identity Management System of the Republic of Botswana with respect to 1) accessibility, 2) robustness, 3) integration and regulated access to data, and 4) legal frameworks and data protection, and documents the extent to which the legal and institutional framework and the human and physical infrastructures have facilitated the establishment, operationalization and management of identity management as a comprehensive system. Botswana has a single foundational Identity Management System which is a primary tool for public administration and governance as well as facilitation of service delivery to the public. It creates one identity per person pursuant to the current legal framework which is used several times by the person at various institutions to facilitate the individual’s access to services including social safety net programs, claiming of rights and entitlements. The national identity card is used as a breeder document for obtaining other documents such as passports, driver’s licenses and voter registration cards. The Botswana National Identity System is facilitated by legal reforms and reviews, risk management, rigorous re-engineering and re-design of business processes, an effective ID management cycle, continuous monitoring and evaluation, and data security and integrity management. It is envisaged that the ID-management system will in the future be linked to the immigration and citizenship system under the department of immigration and citizenship to progress it to a fully-fledged population register or people hub.
  • Publication
    Integration of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics and Identity Management Systems: Botswana Success Story
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2015-09) Republic of Botswana; World Bank
    The initiative of a case study on Botswana’s successful integration of civil and identification registers comes against a backdrop of major continental and global efforts to accelerate improvement in the area of civil registration. The national identification system (NIS) is linked with other government systems such as the elections system, the social benefits registration system (SOBERS), the government payroll, the transport system, and others to facilitate service delivery because a person’s identity serves as a gateway for accessing services. In addition, through this link the NIS is updated in real-time when a death occurs and the status of the registered citizen is automatically changed from live to deceased, and this update is imported to all other interfaced government systems in real-time. Civil registration is a credible source from which vital statistics in Botswana can be generated and was used previously to generate population reports. The creation of one department to provide civil and national registration headed by a single Registrar for both civil and national registration brought about benefits of synchronization of processes and immediate decision-making. Furthermore, having an institutional framework in place facilitates the smooth implementation of civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) and identity management (ID-M) through a network of offices strategically placed across the country to ensure that services are brought closer to the people.
  • Publication
    Identity Management Systems Analysis: Botswana Country Report
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2015-09) Republic of Botswana; World Bank
    This report analyses the identity management system (IMS) of the Republic of Botswana with respect to: (1) accessibility, (2) robustness, (3) integration and regulated access to data, and (4) legal frameworks and data protection, and documents the extent to which the legal and institutional framework and the human and physical infrastructures have facilitated the establishment, operationalization, and management of identity management as a comprehensive system. Botswana has a single foundational IMS is a primary tool for public administration and governance as well as facilitation of service delivery to the public. It creates one identity per person pursuant to the current legal framework which is used several times by the person at various institutions to facilitate the individual’s access to services including social safety net programs, claiming of rights, and entitlements. The national identity card is used as a breeder document for obtaining other documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, and voter registration cards. The national identity number used at age 16 is the same unique identification number (UID) issued upon registration of birth. This strategy ensures an identity life cycle from identity establishment to end of identity. The national identity management system is linked with other systems, such as the electoral system, the social benefit registration system (SOBERS), government payroll, and the transport system. Similarly, through this link, the national IMS is updated in real time when a death occurs. It is envisaged that the identity management (ID-M) system will in the future be linked to the immigration and citizenship system under the department of immigration and citizenship to progress it to a fully-fledged population register or people hub.