Other Financial Accountability Study

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  • Publication
    Government Financial Reporting in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-10-31) World Bank
    The economic shock of the coronavirus outbreak has an unprecedented impact on public finances. Governments are implementing massive fiscal packages including both budgetary and nonbudgetary measures to fight the pandemic while receipts are sharply down. Communicating the financial consequences of Coronavirus (COVID-19) to all stakeholders in a timely manner is important to create enduring broad support. Audited financial statements play a key role in building citizen trust in government. This policy note provides reflections on how governments could make use of existing systems of financial reporting during the pandemic as well as opportunities for improved financial reporting systems for the post-crisis environment. It also seeks to share insights into the impact of the pandemic on government financial performance, position, and cash flows.
  • Publication
    Public Private Partnerships on Public Financial Management Reforms in Asia: Opportunities and Lessons
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017-05) World Bank Group
    The growing investment needs in the South Asia Region (SAR) and East Asia and Pacific Region(EAP) necessitate high quality public financial management in order to sustain the growth momentumand achieve the desired development objectives. As these regions operate within limited fiscalspace for development, efficient public financial management is essential to achieve the best results for every dollar spent. However, challenges persist in implementing timely reforms in Public Financial Management (PFM), building ownership to drive reforms and strengthening capacity to implement, embed and sustain such reforms.This PFM retrospective study uses a two-pronged approach. It illustrates examples of good practices of partnerships in financial management reforms between the public and the private sector and draws lessons learned from effective financial management reforms in the private sector in SAR and EAP. The study cites country specific examples through case studies from the following countries (listed in alphabeticalorder) India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, where collaboration between the public sector and private sector have contributed to successful public financial management reforms. While exploring these various forms of public-private collaboration, it also looks at additional types of partnerships such as with peer institutions in other countries, development partners and regional groups. The study identifies the enabling environment conducive to collaboration. Three significant factors pertinent to the cases are covered in detail, namely: (1) windows of opportunity; (2) leadership and change agents; and (3) the institutional environment. The development strategies of the governments covered in the cases, such as the New Economic Model of Malaysia, are considered as windows of opportunity for private sector involvement as they led to scaling up of PFM reforms and created the need to collaborate with the private sector to implement reforms. In particular, the following organizations and individuals stand out in the case studies as leaders and change agents that connect the public and private sectors to move the PFM reform agenda forward: Director, Department of Municipal Administration—state of Karnataka; a combination of high and working level champions of reforms from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance (MoF);the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) and its public sector wing staff and council members; the Secretary General of the Treasury and the Accountant General in Malaysia; and the past and current Auditors General in Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
  • Publication
    Government of Karnataka Public Financial Management Reform Action Plan, 2014, Volume 2. Appendix
    (Washington, DC, 2014-05-24) World Bank
    The main report comprises the following chapters: executive summary provides the overall view of the reform action plan. Chapter one outlines the background, scope and methodology for the study; chapter two outlines the overview of the state finances; chapter three describe the accomplishments made against the 2004 agreed PFMA action plan; chapter four provides an overview of the analysis, gaps and recommendations made in the study; chapter five describes the way forward for implementation of the action plan; annex one: PFM reform action plan - 2014 contains a thematic-wise plan outlining the actions to be taken, the responsible department for the actions, and the expected timeframe for completing the actions. The detailed analysis of the issues and the logic for the action plan are provided in the respective sections of the appendix; annex two: 2004 PFMA action plan, outlines the current status of action taken on 2004 PFMA action plan: this contains the action plan as proposed in the 2004 report, updated with the current status of actions in the identified areas. In case where the actions have been taken and completed by the Government of Karnataka, the impact has been documented. The appendix comprises the following sections: section one: theme one: strengthening PFM legal and institutional framework; section two: theme two: enhancing comprehensiveness and credibility of the budget; section three: theme three: strengthening accounting, reporting, controls, and transparency; section four: theme four: improving fiscal assets and liability management system; section five: theme five: strengthening audit and legislative oversight; section six: theme six: improving PFM in local self-governments; section seven: theme six: improving PFM in public sector undertakings (state owned); each section describes the various areas of public financial management in the Government of Karnataka grouped into thematic reform areas. Each reform area has a discussion of the background, the reform actions proposed in the 2004 PFMA action plan, the progress of reforms over the last decade, the issues presently identified, and the rationale for the reform actions proposed; and section eight: 2014 action plan: this section describes the action plan with next steps to be followed under each activity of the action plan.
  • Publication
    Government of Karnataka Public Financial Management Reform Action Plan, 2014, Volume 1. Main Report
    (Washington, DC, 2014-05-01) World Bank
    The main report comprises the following chapters: executive summary provides the overall view of the reform action plan. Chapter one outlines the background, scope and methodology for the study; chapter two outlines the overview of the state finances; chapter three describe the accomplishments made against the 2004 agreed PFMA action plan; chapter four provides an overview of the analysis, gaps and recommendations made in the study; chapter five describes the way forward for implementation of the action plan; annex one: PFM reform action plan - 2014 contains a thematic-wise plan outlining the actions to be taken, the responsible department for the actions, and the expected timeframe for completing the actions. The detailed analysis of the issues and the logic for the action plan are provided in the respective sections of the appendix; annex two: 2004 PFMA action plan, outlines the current status of action taken on 2004 PFMA action plan: this contains the action plan as proposed in the 2004 report, updated with the current status of actions in the identified areas. In case where the actions have been taken and completed by the Government of Karnataka, the impact has been documented. The appendix comprises the following sections: section one: theme one: strengthening PFM legal and institutional framework; section two: theme two: enhancing comprehensiveness and credibility of the budget; section three: theme three: strengthening accounting, reporting, controls, and transparency; section four: theme four: improving fiscal assets and liability management system; section five: theme five: strengthening audit and legislative oversight; section six: theme six: improving PFM in local self-governments; section seven: theme six: improving PFM in public sector undertakings (state owned); each section describes the various areas of public financial management in the Government of Karnataka grouped into thematic reform areas. Each reform area has a discussion of the background, the reform actions proposed in the 2004 PFMA action plan, the progress of reforms over the last decade, the issues presently identified, and the rationale for the reform actions proposed; and section eight: 2014 action plan: this section describes the action plan with next steps to be followed under each activity of the action plan.
  • Publication
    Fiduciary Systems Assessment : Maharashtra Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program
    (Washington, DC, 2014-02) World Bank
    A fiduciary systems assessment (FSA) was carried out to evaluate the arrangements relevant to the program and to determine whether they provide reasonable assurance that the program funds will be used for their intended purpose. Taking into account the improvements required and the agreement on the actions required to strengthen the systems (which are reflected in the program action plan (PAP), the overall fiduciary framework is considered adequate to support program management and to achieve desired results. Government of Maharashtra (GoM) has a well-developed budgetary framework that ensures allocation of adequate resources to all departments and programs. There is sufficient predictability in the availability of resources; however, to maintain transparency in GoM's financing, an exclusive budget line has been allocated to this program as is usually done by GoM for externally aided projects. Fiduciary arrangements in the sector are guided by several rules and legislations, including the state financial rules, public works department (PWD) manual, store purchase rules, Maharashtra jeevan pradhikaran (MJP) act, Zila Parishad (ZP) account code and the Bombay panchayat rules. The existing governance and accountability arrangements in water supply and sanitation department (WSSD) include the anti-corruption bureau, which enforces the prevention of corruption act, 1988; audits by the comptroller and auditor general (C and AG) of India, the country's premier auditor; right to information (RTI) act 2005; and WSSD's vigilance function and its grievance redress system (E-Pani).
  • Publication
    India : Synthesis Study of Public Financial Management and Accountability in Urban Local Bodies
    (Washington, DC, 2007) World Bank
    This study assesses the current state of Public Financial Management and Accountability (PFMA) systems in Indian urban local bodies. It identifies, analyzes, and documents good practices, focusing on their existing context, success factors, and replicability. It is important to mention that urban governance in India is a state subject and there are vast differences in the levels of reform that have achieved in different states. For the purpose of comparison, this study has developed good practice benchmarks in each PFMA area and used those to compare practices across Urban Local body (ULB)s. The study analyzes linkages between the legislative, budgeting, implementation, reporting, and oversight process in urban local bodies. Benchmarks and indicators have been developed for each strategic area. Analysis of policy, practice, and progress in each strategic area has also been conducted. This study synthesizes existing literature on PFMA in urban local bodies, identifies key PFMA areas where focused attention was required, and suggests ways forward. The main objectives are: 1) To describe the current PFMA environment in urban local bodies in India and identify replicable good practices; 2) To use the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) benchmarks in developing good practice in each PFMA activity and to develop indicators for assessing PFMA in Indian urban local bodies; 3) To identify challenges and suggest priorities for improving the PFMA environment in Indian urban local bodies so as to feed into Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). This study does not focus on the financial performance or on quality of expenditure in terms of specific aspects of efficiency or effectiveness of spending by urban local bodies. It does not cover intergovernmental relations either in any level of detail except to the extent that such relations impact PFMA performance. It is important to mention that this study does not attempt to develop a scoring system for indicators and therefore does not rate relative performance among urban local bodies. It does however suggest as a key recommendation that states could adopt a scoring system or a "PFMA Report Card" for the urban local bodies as a means of comparison of PFMA performance to build a demand for better governed ULBs.