Africa Region Findings & Good Practice Infobriefs

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These briefs report on ongoing operational, economic, and sector work carried out by the World Bank and its member governments in the Africa Region.

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Guinea - The Livestock Rehabilitation Project

1998-08, World Bank

The Livestock Sector Rehabilitation Project, operational from 1986 through 1995, was seen as essential in facilitating the new government's implementation of its economic strategy when it came to office in 1984. Previous government policy had required that 10 percent of all herds be sold at a fixed price through the State Cattle Marketing Agency, encobe. This caused many herders to emigrate and hide their animals in forests or outside the country. In addition, poor animal health represented a severe constraint to agricultural productivity and growth on which approximately 30 percent of the country's rural population (160,000 families) depended. All the livestock sector reforms took place within the context of a major overhaul of the National Livestock Directorate.

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Guinea - Moving Towards Food Security

1998-05, World Bank

The Guinea National Agricultural Services Project's overall development objective is to improve nationwide agricultural productivity and production, incomes of farmers and food security. Initiated in 1996, the food security component of this project was undertaken in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organization's Special Program for Food Security (SPFS). SPFS, approved by the FAO Board in June 1994, had the objective of helping countries with low revenues and a food deficit to rapidly increase their food production in order to contribute to food security. The SPFS strategy is based on pilot projects to identify existing technical assistance packages and the intensification of their application while eliminating the institutional obstacles to their adoption. The pilot phase will be followed by an extension of five years during which technical solutions, policies and investment programs will be implemented to strengthen the national capacity necessary for increased food security.