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Publication Food Safety in Africa: Past Endeavors and Future Directions(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2022-04-27) World BankCurrent donor investment in food safety in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) largely reflects the concerns of previous decades and as a result is substantially focused on access to regional and overseas export markets, with emphasis on national control systems. Relatively little is being done to reduce foodborne illness among consumers in SSA. More investment in food safety (by African governments, donors, and the private sector) is needed to help ensure that Africans have safe food. New understanding of foodborne disease burden and management, along with rapid and broad change within societies and agri-food systems in SSA, has led to food safety emerging as an important public health and development issue. There is need to reconsider donor and national government investment strategies and the role of the private sector. This report is a call for action on food safety. It provides up-to-date information on key food safety actors, presents the first-ever analysis of food safety investments in SSA, captures insights from a wide-ranging expert consultation and makes suggestions for attaining food safety, based on evidence but also consensus principles, successful elsewhere but not yet applied widely in mass domestic markets in SSA.Publication COVID-19 Impact Monitoring: Nigeria, Round 7-8(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-12-21) National Bureau of Statistics; World BankThe COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis and protect the welfare of Nigerian society. To monitor how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the economy and people of Nigeria and to inform policy interventions and responses, the National Bureau of Statistics with technical support from the World Bank implemented the Nigeria COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey (COVID-19 NLPS). This brief presents findings from the seventh and eighth rounds of this survey which was conducted between November 7-23, 2020 and December 5-21, 2020 respectively.Publication COVID-19 Impact Monitoring at the Household Level: Burkina Faso, Bulletin No. 3(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-11) World BankPublication COVID-19 Impact Monitoring: Nigeria Round 6(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-10-24) National Bureau of Statistics; World BankThe COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis and protect the welfare of Nigerian society. To monitor how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the economy and people of Nigeria and to inform policy interventions and responses, the National Bureau of Statistics with technical support from the World Bank implemented the Nigeria COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey (COVID-19 NLPS). This brief presents findings from the sixth round of this survey which was conducted between October 9 and 24, 2020.Publication COVID-19 Impact Monitoring the the Household Level: Burkina Faso, Bulletin No. 2(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-10) World BankThis note presents the results of the second round of a nationally representative telephone survey (HFPS). Data collection took place between July 20 and August 14, 2020. The 1,968 households that were successfully interviewed during the first round were called and 1,860 (94.5 percent of the 1,968) were interviewed with success in the second round. In addition, 242 additional household were sampled in the rural strata during the second round, in order to increase representativeness in this area. Of the 242 households in the sample, 177 households (73.14 percent of 242 attempts) were contacted and interviewed successfully. The entire sample of the second round includes 2,037 households. For this second round, the questionnaire includes two key modules that were already administered in the first pass, namely, access to food and basic services (health, education, etc.), and employment and income. Four new modules are added, covering the following themes : food security, shocks, fragility, conflict and violence.Publication COVID-19 Impact Monitoring: Nigeria, Round 5(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-09-21) National Bureau of Statistics; World BankThe COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis and protect the welfare of Nigerian society. To monitor how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the economy and people of Nigeria and to inform policy interventions and responses, the National Bureau of Statistics with technical support from the World Bank implemented the Nigeria COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey (COVID-19 NLPS). This brief presents findings from the fifth round of this survey which was conducted between September 7 and 21, 2020.