Other Poverty Study

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  • Publication
    COVID-19 Impact Monitoring at the Household Level: Burkina Faso, Bulletin No. 3
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-11) World Bank
  • Publication
    COVID-19 Impact Monitoring the the Household Level: Burkina Faso, Bulletin No. 2
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-10) World Bank
    This note presents the results of the second round of a nationally representative telephone survey (HFPS). Data collection took place between July 20 and August 14, 2020. The 1,968 households that were successfully interviewed during the first round were called and 1,860 (94.5 percent of the 1,968) were interviewed with success in the second round. In addition, 242 additional household were sampled in the rural strata during the second round, in order to increase representativeness in this area. Of the 242 households in the sample, 177 households (73.14 percent of 242 attempts) were contacted and interviewed successfully. The entire sample of the second round includes 2,037 households. For this second round, the questionnaire includes two key modules that were already administered in the first pass, namely, access to food and basic services (health, education, etc.), and employment and income. Four new modules are added, covering the following themes : food security, shocks, fragility, conflict and violence.
  • Publication
    The Geography of Welfare in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Togo
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017-08) Nguyen, Nga Thi Viet; Dizon, Felipe F.
    This report aims to assess the spatial disparities in economic development along four important dimensions: (i) It provides stylized facts of the underlying forces behind within-country inequality, namely natural endowment, agglomeration economies, and market access. These are the three building blocks of the economic geography literature; (ii) It examines spatial disparities in welfare and poverty. As the agricultural sector is a cornerstone of the economy in this sub-region, the report explores geographical differences in agricultural activity; (iii) It quantifies the roles of natural endowment, agglomeration economies, and market access in determining the spatial distribution of welfare and agricultural productivity; (iv) It suggests a number of policy guidelines that may help improve shared prosperity across space.